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Summary Most existing models of blasting are stress-based and involve many fundamental parameters difficult or impossible to measure in practice. Even a single prediction with such models takes large quantities of computer time, so that calibration becomes a major impediment to their practical use.The model in this paper is based on a simple kinematic approach to modelling muckpile formation. This has the advantage of relative simplicity, while still reflecting the essence of the blasting displacement process. Because of the simple implementation, the model can be calibrated against field data in a straightforward manner and then used for predictions at the same site. The inputs to the model are simply the blast design parameters. The output of the model is a muckpile cross-section, within which contours of diggability or distribution of materials can also be calculated. Case studies have shown that, provided the model is calibrated to the site condition, it will give accurate predictions for altered blast designs.  相似文献   

空气间隔装药爆破机理研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
朱红兵  卢文波  吴亮 《岩土力学》2007,28(5):986-990
利用爆轰波理论分析了空气间隔装药炮孔内一维不定常激波的相互作用及其在炮孔堵头、孔底的反射过程,同时分析了孔内各点的压力随时间的变化过程,介绍了空气间隔装药爆破的机理及设计参数。基于此,认为应充分利用空气间隔爆破结构的优势,并在梯段爆破中满足以下两个条件:(1)在设计过程中要尽量使稀疏波及从孔底反射的稀疏波传播过程能在整个孔内每一断面都作用到,即稀疏波到达孔底的时间要比从堵头反射的压力波到达孔底要早;(2)反射压力波应该到达空气与爆生气体接触面的时间比从孔底反射的稀疏波到达空气与爆生气体接触面的时间要早。由此通过计算得到了在梯段爆破工程中合理的空气层长度比例值约为30 %~42 %。计算结论与已有实测成果基本一致。  相似文献   

露天矿高台阶爆破的数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周楠  王德胜  王华  常建平 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z1):516-522
高台阶爆破可行性研究属于多因素影响、复杂的系统工程。针对高台阶爆破的研究现状,提出了从爆破机制角度证实高台阶爆破可行性的方法,基于数值模拟方法对台阶爆破过程进行分析。通过对比现行普通台阶爆破与高台阶爆破过程中台阶难爆部位(台阶底部与顶部)应力场变化趋势,发现采用高台阶爆破可以得到与普通台阶爆破相当或更好的爆破效果。从爆破机制角度证实,高台阶爆破技术在巴润铁矿具有可行性。数值分析结果表明,高台阶爆破时采用的最佳起爆方式为全药柱同时起爆方式,其次为中间起爆和两端起爆方式,不适宜采用孔底起爆方式。  相似文献   

台阶压碴爆破效果遗传神经网络预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用遗传神经网络模型对台阶压碴爆破效果进行了预测,增强了预测结果的可靠性。遗传神经网络是人脑的模型,从爆破实例中获取经验知识,并应用专家知识对爆破效果进行预测,取得了符合实际的预测结果,从而,为选择爆破控制参数和取得良好的爆破效果提供了依据。  相似文献   

Ground vibrations arising from excavation with blasting is one of the fundamental problems in the mining industry. Therefore, the prediction of ground vibration components plays an important role in the minimization of environmental complaints. In this study, 582 events were recorded during limestone production at a quarry (Akyol Quarry) during a period of time. The blasting parameters of these shots were also carefully recorded. During the statistical analysis of the collected data, three predictor equations proposed by the United States Bureau of Mines (USBM), Ambraseys–Hendron and Langefors–Kihlstrom were used to establish a relationship between peak particle velocity and scaled distance described by these prediction equations. As a result of this analysis, the most powerful relationship was determined and proposed to be used in this site. And also, this equation was used in the derivation of the practical blasting charts specific to this site as a practical way of predicting the peak particle velocity and maximum charge amount per delay for future blasting.  相似文献   

岩石时效损伤模型及其在工程爆破中应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王志亮  郑田中  李永池 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1615-1620
为了实现爆破智能化,降低爆破带来的负面影响,通过数值模拟预估出岩体中爆破诱发损伤的大小以及分布范围在工程上具有重要意义,其中科学合理的爆破损伤模型是关键。基于岩石介质是连续的、各向同性的、且存在初始裂纹的假设,把考虑时效的岩石拉裂损伤演化方程和双线形弹塑性本构结合起来,通过用户自定义简明地嵌入到大型LS-DYNA软件中,并引入了该软件中的侵蚀算法,对半无限岩体中临空面附近爆破漏斗问题进行了重点数值模拟,计算结果比较接近实际。本文方法在工程中将具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of ground vibration measurements carried out in Hisarcik Boron open pit mine located on the west side of central Anatolia near Kütahya province in Turkey. Within the scope of this study to predict peak particle velocity (PPV) level for this site, ground vibration components were measured for 304 shots during bench blasting. In blasting operations, ANFO (blasting agent), gelatin dynamite (priming), and delay electric detonators (firing) were used as explosives. Parameters of scaled distance (charge quantity per delay and the distance between the source and the station) were recorded carefully and the ground vibration components were measured for all blast events using two different types of vibration monitors (one White Mini-Seis and one Instantel Minimate Plus Model). The absolute distances between shot points and monitor stations were determined using GPS. The equation of square root scaled distance extensively used in the literature was taken into consideration for the prediction of PPV. Then, the data pairs of scaled distance and particle velocity obtained from the 565 event records were analyzed statistically. At the end of statistical evaluation of the data pairs, an empirical relation which gives 50% prediction line with a reasonable correlation coefficient was established between PPV and scaled distance.  相似文献   

突水是地下工程常遇到的主要和危害严重的工程地质现象。工程实例分析表明,地下工程中大的涌水和突水大多与地质结构面,特别是断裂有关。文中分析了断裂控制地下水赋存和运移的规律,以及可能导致突水的富水优势断裂的特征。由于断裂突水的复杂性和众多的影响因素,将地质机制分析、经验判断和定量指标与评价模型相结合是重要的,也是可行的。文中介绍了一种富水优势断裂的量化分级方法,讨论了相应的预测与防治工程对策。  相似文献   

上海磁悬浮列车工程基岩水准标设计与施工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磁悬浮列车是当今世界上最为现代化的陆上交通工具,其对工程沿线地面沉降控制要求严格,每一跨径差异沉降须小于3mm,对沉降监测的测量基准点的稳定性也有严格要求。工程所在的上海浦东地区第四系厚300余m,土层固结变形明显,同时受抽汲地下水及工程建设影响,易诱发和加剧地面沉降。因此在第四纪覆盖层之下的稳定基岩体内设置测量基准,较之常规的地面水准点具有更高的精度要求。上海磁悬浮列车工程专门设计施工了两座基岩水准标,作为沉降监测的测量基准。 该基岩标较以往监测标志有重大改进,标体结构包括保护装置、引测装置、导正装置、标底装置及地面装置5大部分。保护装置采用较大口径的优质无缝钢管作保护管;引测装置采用管径与壁厚较大的钻杆,并以上细下粗的宝塔型异径丝扣组合方式连接;导正装置采用刚性扶正器,本体为合金铸钢、滚轮为不锈钢,配备轴承构件,扶正器安设位置与间距依材料力学纵弯曲理论计算的半波长确定;标底装置外焊加强筋,并配托盘管靴,灌注定量水泥,使其与基岩体固结成一体;地面装置设测点,并附设GPS测墩,兼有高程控制与平面位置控制的作用。该基岩标结构的优化改进,进一步提高了标体运行的稳定、可靠与长效性,并获国家技术专利。 基岩标的现场施工,是体现标体设计理念、保证设标目的与作用得以实现的至关重要的环节。基岩标对钻孔弯曲度有很高要求,每100m孔斜应小于0.5°,终孔孔斜小于1°。故在钻进过程中每25m须测斜1次,并采取各种有效措施预防孔斜或及时纠偏。在上海地区以粘性土及砂性土为主的第四系地层中钻进,使用优质低固相泥浆是确保钻孔安全的关键。标体安置是最后的重要工序,须按要求进行以确保工程质量。 上海磁悬浮列车工程两座基岩标,总进尺667.83m,孔深分别为366.43与301.40m,深入完整的侏罗系火山岩13.53m与12.56m,最大孔斜均仅为0.8°。两座基岩标于2001年4月竣工,已在磁悬浮列车工程的建设中发挥不可替代的作用,它将为工程正常营运提供沉降监测基准。 文章介绍了上海磁悬浮列车工程基岩标的设计原理、结构特点、施工技术与工艺流程。  相似文献   

爆破工程地质灾害及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因爆破作用而产生的诸如岩体失稳、爆破怍用方向改变、爆破飞石、爆破地震波等爆破工程地质灾害,对工程建设和环境产生了不同程度的影响,并日益受到人们的关注。基于爆破工程地质学理论研究及生产实践,作者提出爆破工程地质灾害的基本概念,系统分析爆破工程地质灾害的形成原因、机制、条件以及爆破工程地质灾害类型。在此基础上,提出了避免或减轻产生爆破工程地质灾害的具体措施。即必须重视和加强爆破工程地质勘测研究工作,正确运用爆破岩体工程地质力学原理,分析、评价爆破工程地质条件,预测爆破效果、质量及可能发生的爆破工程地质灾害,有效控制炸药能量与爆破岩体介质之间的相互作用和效果,最大限度地避免爆破工程地质灾害的产生。  相似文献   

一维非线性地面沉降模型参数敏感性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以孔隙水压力和位移为基本变量的一维非线性地面沉降模型考虑了土体变形的非线性和渗透系数随土体变形的变化,它包含有km、m、k0、e0、n、kur和m′等7个参数。分析计算结果表明,计算的位移和孔隙水压力对参数km、k0和kur的变化非常敏感,而且当土层不均匀时,靠近孔隙水压力变化边界处的土层的渗透性对整个土层中孔隙水压力消散影响显著,而土层的压缩性对其自身的孔隙水压力消散影响显著。结合模型参数的获取方法,建议在有现场孔隙水压力、沉降等实测资料时,可以将km、k0和kur作为反分析参数。  相似文献   

For one-dimensional soil freezing process, a separate-ice frost heave model is established, and the coupled process of heat transfer, fluid flow and stress development is considered in the model. First, a coupled heat–fluid–stress model describing the growth of a single ice lens is developed by extending the coupled heat–fluid model presented by Zhou and Zhou (Can Geotech J 49(6):686–693, 2012). Second, the mechanism for the formation of a new ice lens in the frozen fringe is studied, and we indicate that if the total vertical disjoining pressure at certain place exceeds the sum of the external pressure and the critical pressure, a new ice lens will emerge. By combining the growth model of a single ice lens and the criterion for the formation of a new ice lens, the separate-ice frost heave model is then established. The difference between the separate-ice model and the rigid-ice model is explained, and the relations for different mathematical models which describe the soil freezing process are also discussed. Numerical analysis of the separate-ice model is conducted using the finite volume method. The freezing tests for Devon silt under no external pressure and Xuzhou silty clay under a constant external pressure are applied to verify the computational results. The consistence between the calculation and the observation validates the separate-ice frost heave model.  相似文献   

周亚东  邓安  鹿群 《岩土力学》2018,39(5):1675-1682
基于分段线性差分法,建立了一种非饱和土一维大变形固结模型。该模型可考虑土性参数非线性变化,可计算与分析大变形问题,并编制了Fortran计算程序。在现有解答和试验数据的基础上,对该模型进行了验证,瞬时加载情况下模型数值解与现有解答基本吻合,考虑加载过程下的数值解与试验数据吻合。进行了大变形算例分析,对比了加荷压密与消散固结阶段土层变形,探讨了孔隙气、水渗透系数比对土层沉降量、饱和度和不同应变情况下固结度的影响规律,分析了非饱和土大、小变形固结理论计算孔隙水(气)压和沉降量的差异。  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been developed to represent the physical phenomena that occur during the desiccation and one-dimensional consolidation of successive layers of hydraulically transported sediments as they are periodically deposited in a containment area. The governing boundary value problem, defined in terms of pore water pressures, consists of two field equations (one for the saturated domain and one for the unsaturated domain), a drainage boundary condition, an evapotranspiration boundary condition and a series of continuity conditions at the interfaces between different layers. A number of simplifying assumptions were made to render the field equations tractable, and a step-by-step numerical procedure was used to solve the linearized boundary value problem; at the end of each step, the errors introduced by the simplifying assumptions were corrected. Based on a thorough study of the convergence and stability conditions associated with the numerical approximation employed, a system of automatic corrections was incorporated into the computer program to reduce the time increment if stability problems originate during the solution. Based on the results of a parameter study, it was found that, although drainage conditions at the bottom of the, layer do exert some influence on the consolidation rate during deposition of the dredgings, the evapotranspiration potential renders this effect almost negligible when desiccation takes place at the surface. In contrast, transpiration plays an important, role on the consolidation rate during the early stages of desiccation, but its effect is reduced considerably as the water table approaches an equilibrium position.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to introduce the development of a dynamic blasthole expansion model, which is coupled to the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) code of Shi (1988). The developed model considers the effects of blast geometry (blasthole shape, angle, and location), the physical properties of the intact rock and existing discontinuities, the distribution and orientation of pre-existing discontinuities, and the blasthole pressure on the processes of burden breakage, fragment throw and muckpile formation. The newly modified DDA code (DDA_BLAST) describes the expansion of the blasthole as a function of blast chamber volume and time. It is assumed in the code that the rock is already fragmented in-situ due to the intersection of pre-existing discontinuities and the passage of stress wave. Hence, the model only considers the gas pressurization phase of the blasting process. Moreover, the proposed model for the blasthole expansion assumes an adiabatic expansion of explosion products and variations in the explosion pressure upon expansion of the blast chamber are calculated from an equation of state. Accordingly, the newly modified DDA_BLAST code was used to simulate typical blasting problems in jointed media and delve into the mechanisms involved (in a macro scale) in the gas pressurization phase of the blasting process, burden breakage, and the effects of the discontinuity properties on the process of rock breakage by blasting.  相似文献   

丁洲祥  朱合华 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):35-39
鉴于Jaumann率型本构关系难以得到应力应变全量之间的严格解析形式,采用有限元法研究了一维大变形过程中Kirchhoff应力和Green应变之间的变化规律。首先,基于虚功原理推导了完全拉格朗日描述的大变形有限元方程,然后提出了模拟大变形本构关系的双曲线模型和割线模量处理方法。算例分析结果表明,双曲线模型能够较好地拟合大变形本构关 系。大变形计算本构关系应当考虑初始孔隙比的影响。  相似文献   

余湘娟  殷宗泽  高磊 《岩土力学》2015,36(2):320-324
软土的次固结对于软土的变形量非常重要。在软土次固结计算中,通常以次固结系数作为计算参数,但该系数不能反映荷载变化的影响,而且只适用于正常固结土。由于工程中所遇到的大都为超固结土,对超固结土的次固结计算还缺少合理的方法。通过室内试验开展了软土次固结沉降相关研究,进行了多组原状软土试样的分级加载次固结试验,试验结果表明,对于软土次固结计算,建议从次固结应变与时间关系的角度,采用双曲线形式进行拟合,并分别对正常固结和超固结状态的次固结应变参数进行分析,建立了一维次固结的经验模型公式,提出了一种考虑压力对次压缩影响的次固结沉降计算方法,并将该方法应用于现场工程项目,验证了该方法可以适用于正常固结土和超固结土,使得软土次固结沉降量的计算能够更好地反映实际工程问题。  相似文献   

柯文汇  陈健  盛谦  栗晓龙  黄珏皓 《岩土力学》2016,37(8):2198-2205
为了描述软黏土一维应力-应变关系的时效特性,基于Bjerrum的等时间线体系,提出等黏塑性应变率线概念,推导了黏塑性应变率与黏塑性应变增量的关系,建立了软黏土的一维弹黏塑性模型;从理论上分析了新建模型与3种典型的一维弹黏塑性时效本构模型的内在联系,表明新建模型与其他3种模型在本质上是等效的,且形式更简洁,物理意义更明确;利用新建模型对软黏土的固结-蠕变耦合效应、应变率效应、应力松弛效应等时效特性进行了理论分析,并得到了相应的解析解;结合宁波软黏土的一维固结试验,阐述了模型参数的确定方法,并用新建模型对宁波软黏土的固结-蠕变试验、温州软黏土的一维多级等应变率试验、香港海相软黏土的一维应力松弛试验进行模拟,验证了新建模型的有效性。研究结果表明,新建模型能很好地模拟软黏土的一维时效特性。  相似文献   

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