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中国沙漠化形成问题的分析研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文通过对中国沙漠化形成问题的分析和研究,认为人为因素是我国沙漠化形成的主导因素,其主要表现在土地资源和植物资源的利用问题下,单纯追求经济效益而导致生态效益的低下,从而引起生态环境的恶化,致使土地的生产力退化并发生沙漠化。因此,在干旱半干旱地区控制人为过度经济活动是保护地表植被,防治沙漠化的基本途径。  相似文献   

过度放牧对生态环境的影响与控制对策   总被引:16,自引:12,他引:16  
李瑜琴  赵景波 《中国沙漠》2005,25(3):404-408
通过调查和分析过度放牧对草原植物群落类型、盖度、生物量及土壤特性等的影响,可以得出过度放牧造成了非常严重的生态环境问题,反过来,也给牧业带来了不利的影响。过度放牧引起了草原植被的退化和土壤质量的退化,特别是春季的过度放牧对草原植被和土壤质量造成了更为严重的不利影响。草原生态系统易变性和易退化特点决定了放牧容易引起一系列生态环境问题,甚至引起土壤盐碱化、荒漠化和深部土层干化等严重的生态环境问题发生。笔者提出,对草原土层盐碱含量、植被盖度和深部土层含水量、地面大气湿度与含尘量进行监测,并依此为依据制定科学合理的牧业发展计划和管理措施,这对于牧业的长期发展和生态环境的改善是非常必要的。  相似文献   

Improper farming practices, overgrazing, the conversion of rangelands to croplands in marginal areas and uncontrolled expansion of urban and rural settlement at the cost of cultivable land are among the major causes of land degradation in north-western Jordan. The purpose of this study was to discuss the major causes of land degradation in the area.Six sites receiving different amounts of annual precipitation and with different vegetation types were selected to represent the major agricultural areas in north-western Jordan. The major soil properties that can be linked to land degradation were studied.Desertification in north-western Jordan is taking place through loss of soil fertility and productivity, overgrazing and water and wind erosion. Erosion by wind and water is considered the major cause of land degradation in the area. The soils contain little organic matter and their alkaline reactions reduce the availability of phosphorous and macronutrients and consequently lead to very low crop yields.  相似文献   

I.LandDegradationDistributionandItsCharacteristicsThefarmingpastoraltransitionalregioninsemiaridlandofnorthernChinaisthemosttypicalregionoflanddegradation,andalsotheregionwithextensivelydevelopingsandydesertification.TheextentisfromHorqinSandyLandinth…  相似文献   

干旱半干旱区草原灌丛化的原因及影响-争议与进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高琼  刘婷 《干旱区地理》2015,38(6):1202-1212
灌丛化作为全球干旱半干旱区草原普遍发生的现象,其定义为草原生态系统中灌木/木本的生物量、密度、盖度的增加以及草本的生物量、密度、盖度的减少。草原灌丛化是气候变化和人类活动多种因素综合作用的结果。过度放牧被认为是引发草原灌丛化的主要原因之一。最新的研究结果表明过度放牧并不能导致草原灌丛化,但过度放牧后实施休牧却改变了草本与灌木的种间作用,有可能导致灌木的扩张。灌木入侵草原长期以来被认为是草原的退化,结论来源于干旱区土壤沙化的情形,在沙化的灌木林中,土壤碳库被局限于灌木株丛及其周边,使草原的碳截留和储存降低。但最近的全球性集成研究表明草原中灌木覆盖率盖度增加对生态系统可以产生积极作用,灌木可以增加土壤水分的下渗,有利于生态系统的水分储存和和养分的转化(如加强氮的矿化过程)。草原灌丛化对生态系统结构和功能影响存在景观尺度和斑块尺度上的差异。进一步研究适应灌丛化过程的管理机制,综合不断变化的气候条件因素和地域因素,采取合理的草原管理策略,对于全球草原区生产具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

Desertification in the Arab Region: analysis of current status and trends   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The total area of the Arab Region is about 14·2 million km2, 90% of it lies within arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas. The area is characterized by harsh environment, fragile ecosystems and limited water resources and arable lands. Throughout its long history these lands were the main source of grain and animal production.By the end of this century and in spite of the national, regional and international efforts to combat desertification and mitigate the effect of drought and desiccation, desertification is still one of the major environmental problems in the Arab Region. The rapid increase in population by some 3% annually, considered among the highest worldwide, along with the changing of consumption patterns and life styles, resulting in increasing food demand, have hastened land degradation in this arid environment.Land degradation in the Arab Region due to misuse is widespread and is proceeding at accelerating rates. Failures of resource management policies are aggravated by overgrazing, overexploitation of water and land resources, overcultivation of marginal lands, deforestation, and the use of inappropriate technologies.This paper attempts to provide:
• A synthesis and analysis of the status of desertification in the Arab Region.
• Identification of the major causes and trends of land degradation.
• Highlighting the limitations and constraints on combating desertification in the Arab Region.
Keywords: desertification; matrix of desertification; population growth and urbanization; water demand; cost; future outlook  相似文献   

Inappropriate anthropogenic activities such as overcultivation and overgrazing of steppe and excessive collection of fuelwood are largely responsible for current desertification in China. However, quantitative information concerning the impacts of human disturbance on soil erosion remains sparse. This study investigated aeolian sandy soil erodibility under human disturbance by wind tunnel simulation. The fixed aeolian sandy soils were taken from an artificial vegetation protective system on mobile dunes at the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert. The results indicate that: (1) human disturbance such as cultivation can accelerate the erodibility of the fixed aeolian sandy soil. The ratio between total soil loss from the undisturbed soil and the cultivated soil is about 0.004; (2) surface vegetation and microbiotic crust are the main factors responsible for the natural wind erodibility of the fixed sandy soil. Wind erosion rate increases with decreasing percent of the vegetation and crust cover; (3) the grain size distribution shows a higher percentage of particles in the range >1.0 mm and a lower percentage in the range <0.05 mm for the cultivated sandy soil than for the undisturbed fixed sandy soil.  相似文献   

Maqu County is located in the northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, and it is the main watershed for the Yellow River. The ecosystem there is extremely vulnerable and sensitive to climate change and human activities, which have caused significant deterioration of the eco-environment in this region. In order to restore the ecological environment, a government project to restore the grazing areas to grassland was implemented in Maqu County in early 2004. This study evaluates the effects of that restoration project on land use and land cover change (LUCC), and explores the driving forces of LUCC in Maqu County. In the study we used Landsat images obtained in 1989, 2004, 2009, and 2014 to establish databases of land use and land cover. Then we derived LUCC information by overlaying these layers using GIS software. Finally, we analyzed the main forces responsible for LUCC. The results showed that forests, high-coverage grasslands, and marshes experienced the most significant decreases during 1989-2004, by 882.8 ha, 35,250.4 ha, and 2,753.4 ha, respectively. However, moderate- and low-coverage grasslands and sand lands showed the opposite trend, increasing by 12,529.7 ha, 25,491.0 ha, and 577.5 ha, respectively. LUCC in 2004-2009 showed that ecological degradation slowed compared with 1989-2004. During 2009-2014, high- and moderate-coverage grasslands increased obviously, but low-coverage grasslands, marshes, unused lands, sand lands, and water areas showed the opposite trend. These results suggested that the degradation of the eco-environment was obvious before 2009, showing a decrease in the forests, grasslands, and water areas, and an increase in unused lands. The ecological degradation was reversed after 2009, as was mainly evidenced by increases in high- and moderate-coverage grasslands, and the shrinkage rate of marshes decreased obviously. These results showed that the project of restoring grazing lands to grassland had a positive effect on the LUCC. Other major factors that influence the LUCC include increasing temperature, variation in the seasonal frozen soil environment, seasonal overgrazing, and pest and rodent damage.  相似文献   

基于土壤粒度分析的草原风蚀特征探讨   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
对放牧、开垦和围封下内蒙古典型草原地表覆盖状况、土壤粒度与有机碳含量进行测定,分析人类活动对草原风蚀的影响。结果表明,与围封草地相比,过度放牧草地的群落盖度及高度分别降低了44.23%和80.71%,根系生物量下降了37.83%。由于植被覆盖及根系密度的降低,过度放牧草地土壤表现出明显的风蚀特征,表层土壤粗粒化明显,表层土壤平均粒径比围封草地增加了约1倍。而开垦造成的风蚀程度则更为严重,开垦使表层土壤颗粒平均粒径增加2.5倍。因此,过牧与开垦下的典型草原已形成为一个重要的沙尘源。土壤颗粒粗化直接引起土壤有机碳含量的下降,土壤中小于0.1 mm颗粒组分每被吹蚀1%,其有机碳含量将减少0.2546 g·kg-1。  相似文献   

元谋干热河谷区土地荒漠化研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
干热河谷是我国西南地区特殊的生态类型,通过分析云南元谋干热河谷区土地荒漠的面积(海拔1350m以下,荒漠化土地面积1006.02km^2,占该区总面积的70.15%),表现特征(地形破碎,劣地广布,以肉质常绿灌丛为代表的类似荒漠植被,地表水分条件恶化,土壤贫瘠)及形成原因(自然原因:地质基础稳定性差,地貌类型多样,气候炎热干燥;人为原因:人口激增增加环境压力,垦荒,乱滥伐,过度放牧),提出了土地荒  相似文献   

Soil erosion has become a serious environmental problem worldwide, and slope land is the main source of soil erosion. As a primary cover of slope land, crops have an important influence on the occurrence and development of runoff and soil erosion on slope land. This paper reviews the current understanding of runoff and soil erosion on slope cropland. Crops mainly impact splash detachment, slope runoff, and sediment yield. In this review paper, the effects of crop growth and rainfall on the splash detachment rate and the spatial distribution of splash detachment are summarized. Crop growth has a significant impact on runoff and sediment yield. Rainfall intensity and slope gradient can influence the level of erosive energy that causes soil erosion. Furthermore, other factors such as antecedent soil water content, soil properties, soil surface physical crust, and soil surface roughness can affect soil anti-erodibility. The varying effects of different crops and with different influence mechanisms on runoff and soil erosion, as well as changes in their ability to influence erosion under different external conditions should all remain focal points of future research. The effect of crop vegetation on runoff and soil erosion on slope land is a very important factor in understanding large-scale soil erosion systems, and in-depth study of this topic is highly significant for both theory and practice.  相似文献   

诌议我国土地荒漠化的制约机制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
土地荒漠化已经成为制约我国社会经济持续发展的严重障碍,它不但吞噬着中华民族的生存和发展空间、导致土地生产力的衰退和国民经济的严重损失,同时也加剧了整个生态环境的恶化。人类不合理经济活动,如滥垦、滥牧、滥采、滥伐、滥用等触发并加速了土地荒漠化的进程,但作者认为这只是制约土地荒漠化的外在机制。在人类近乎疯狂的破坏行为背后,一定存在着更深层次、更具决定性作用的荒漠化制约机制。土地所有权错位是我国现代荒漠化最本质性的制约机制。正是因为土地产权错位才导致农牧民不合理经济活动的发生,只有把土地所有权归还给农民,让农民成为土地的真正主人,才是防治荒漠化的最根本途径。  相似文献   

干旱和半干旱地区草地生态系统木本植物入侵及其导致的草原灌丛化已经成为全球范 围普遍发生的现象, 是草地沙化和荒漠化的一个重要标志。干旱生态系统中, 此种类型的植被变 化将对区域和全球生物地球化学循环产生显著影响。过度放牧、区域气候干旱化和自然火过程是 导致灌丛入侵和发展的主要控制因子。草原灌丛化过程中, 草地生态系统分布较为均匀的土壤养 分及相关元素在水平和垂直方向发生分异, 关键生命元素C、N、P 、S 生物地球化学循环的变化 将对全球气候变化产生显著作用。全球气候变化与草原灌丛荒漠化之间存在潜在的反馈机制, 人 类扰动的影响将使这种反馈作用变得更加迅速和灵敏。  相似文献   

中国东部亚热带丘陵山地土地退化评价指标体系研究*   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
卢金发 《地理研究》1998,17(4):346-351
中国东部亚热带地区流水侵蚀所引起土地退化的形成,是由其生态环境自身的脆弱性决定的。土地退化不仅表现为土壤退化,还表现为植被退化和土地状况恶化,其发展过程是植被退化-土壤退化-地表状况恶化过程多重循环的结果。据此,提出了中国东部亚热带丘陵山地土地退化评价指标。  相似文献   

云南元谋土地荒漠化特征及原因分析   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
元谋地区由于青藏高原隆起而产生的气候变化和人类活动强烈干扰而形成的土壤加速侵蚀,使土地荒漠化加速发展,主要表现在土地资源不断被蚕食和土壤退化而导致的土地质量下降,最终使土地荒废.因此,控制人口增长,调整区域农林牧结构布局,增加地表覆盖度,是控制区域土地荒漠化发展的主要措施。  相似文献   

中国北方典型沙漠化地区沙漠化的对比研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
王涛 《中国沙漠》1989,9(1):113-136
选择了中国北方极端干旱、干旱和半干旱三个地带的沙漠化典型地区, 即, 新疆塔里木河下游阿拉干、内蒙阿拉善盟吉兰泰和河北省丰宁县坝上等地区进行对比研究, 以阐明不同地带沙漠化过程的成因、发展趋势及其防治措施, 并探索建立预测沙漠化发展趋势的数学模式。  相似文献   

地表风蚀物理过程风洞实验的初步研究   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:13  
本文介绍了研究地表风蚀物理过程中风洞实验的方法、内容及结果。实验表明:净风对土表的风蚀作用微弱,即使在遭到大风吹刮时,土表的结壳仍不易受到破坏。但在挟沙气流作用下,却能使土表结壳遭到破坏,风蚀发展异常迅速。自然形成的土表结壳、经风选被粗化的土表和长有草丛的地表均有抑制风蚀的保护作用。本实验在方法上虽属初步尝试,但能说明沙漠化物理过程的一般机制,并为防治按漠化的措施提供依据。  相似文献   

概述了黄土高原的开发与治理现状,分析了目前治理模式和资金投向的利弊,并指出黄土高原的跨世纪长期治理重点应当放在严格控制人口增长,提高人口质量和在黄土高原区内外积极发展二、三产业,促进非农经济增长两方面。  相似文献   

半干旱地区沙漠化发展的内在动因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘恕 《中国沙漠》1988,8(1):1-8
我国半干旱地区(年降水等雨线250-450mm之间的地带)存在着严重的环境退化问题。这里分布着54.0万km2黄土高原的水土流失区和近16.5万km2以风蚀为主的沙漠化土地。本文分析若干典型区为案例, 从人口和资源的关系入手, 认识半干旱地区近年来引起环境退化的内在动因。当前半干旱地区入口、土地、环境之间不协调状况是十分值得注意的。现有土地对人口支持能力已处于临界限度; 现有的经营水平上, 土地资源难以支持现有的人口, 就成为这里土地退化的主要原因。退化后土地供应力的降低导致对土地压力的再度加大, 引起更大的环境退化, 这就构成沙漠化土地在该区加剧发展的内在动因。消除引起沙漠化的内在动因, 摆脱对环境压力的危机状态, 在目前最根本的出路在于有计划控制人口增长速度, 降低农业人口的比重和提高土地潜在生产力。但是只要认真采取对策, 人口、资源、环境协调发展的前景是可以达到的。  相似文献   

干旱半干旱地区草原灌丛荒漠化及其生物地球化学循环   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
干旱和半干旱地区草地生态系统木本植物入侵及其导致的草原灌丛化已经成为全球范 围普遍发生的现象, 是草地沙化和荒漠化的一个重要标志。干旱生态系统中, 此种类型的植被变 化将对区域和全球生物地球化学循环产生显著影响。过度放牧、区域气候干旱化和自然火过程是 导致灌丛入侵和发展的主要控制因子。草原灌丛化过程中, 草地生态系统分布较为均匀的土壤养 分及相关元素在水平和垂直方向发生分异, 关键生命元素C、N、P 、S 生物地球化学循环的变化 将对全球气候变化产生显著作用。全球气候变化与草原灌丛荒漠化之间存在潜在的反馈机制, 人 类扰动的影响将使这种反馈作用变得更加迅速和灵敏。  相似文献   

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