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Using primary data collected from 5 villages in the Bist Doab, this study analyzes migration patterns of the scheduled caste population in rural areas of this region of Punjab. During 1971-1981, the rural scheduled caste population recorded a growth rate of 28.37% as compared to the corresponding growth rate of 13.32% among the rural nonscheduled castes. The proportion of the scheduled caste population showed striking intervillage variations from 52.85% in Khark Balhra to 87.45% in Bhoyapur. It was found that the rate of in-migration of the general population was quite low; the scheduled castes were no exception. Male in-migration has been primarily due to economic reasons; female in-migration was due largely to the change of marital status. It is only in Bhoyapur that about 44% of male in-migrants came as a result of rehabilitation programs undertaken by the state government after 1947. In all the villages, the scheduled caste males have out-migrated at a far slower pace than their nonscheduled caste counterparts. Economic reasons for males and marriage for females are almost the only 2 determinants of out-migration. Scheduled caste males and females differ from each other not only in terms of their motives for migration, but also with respect to the distance of the move; compared to the short distance migration among females, males experience relatively long range migration. Scheduled caste and nonscheduled caste difference is widest in terms of gross emigration; emigration among the scheduled castes is small in volume and more recent in origin. This is directly related to their meager incomes, low literacy rates, and lack of awareness of opportunities.  相似文献   

Using 1971 census data, this paper looks at variations in the level of female participation in the urban labor force in four states of India: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh. Contrary to a general notion, women belonging to both high and low strata of the caste hierarchy are subject to the same region-specific set of societal attitudes regarding their participation in the labor force. In the South there is greater acceptance of female participation in the public domain than in the North. Cultural and historical processes appear to account in subtle ways for this regional variation.  相似文献   

The author analyzes the spatial distribution and the rapid growth rate of India's scheduled caste population since 1971 and finds that "there are wide regional disparities in their rates of population growth. Areas with relatively high growth rates are associated with (i) accelerated process of urbanisation and industrialisation, (ii) expansion in mining activity, and (iii) intensification and commercialisation of agricultural development based on irrigation. By contrast, areas experiencing low rates of growth are associated with (i) continuing high mortality rate, and (ii) net out-migration arising from scarcity of resources, acute poverty and subjection to deprivations...."  相似文献   

"The paper attempts to highlight the significance of female literacy in Rajasthan [India] as an instrument of socio-economic change, [especially] among its scheduled tribe and scheduled caste components."  相似文献   

Except for the decade 1941-1951, in which Punjab's population declined because of a huge exchange of population between India and Pakistan and a large loss of life, the decade 1971-1981 was the 1st decade since 1911 to experience a deceleration in the growth rate of the rural population of Punjab, India. The deceleration was due to out-migration to urban areas. The scheduled caste population increased 28.37% between 1971 and 1981, while the nonscheduled caste population increased by only 13.32%, which was considerably below the rate of natural increase. Nonscheduled castes had experienced substantial out-migration because of 1) improved transport and communication facilities which enabled them to move to urban centers; 2) mechanization of main farming operations and easy availability of migrant laborers which lessened the need for family labor; 3) the rise of a relatively mobile younger generation with a high literacy rate; 4) rapidly decreasing land holdings which strengthened the push factor in the countryside; and 5) rising aspirations, especially among the younger generation. In 1981, Sikhs constituted 71.3% of the rural population in Punjab, followed by Hindus (26.51%), Christians (1.25%), and Muslims (.89%). From 1971-1981, Muslims experienced the greatest increase (49.29%). Sikhs grew by 20.74% and Hindus by 9.02%. The Sikhs high growth rate was due to 1) a new technique for counting religious affiliation in which all members of a household are considered the same religion as the head of household and 2) conversion of Hindus to Sikhism. Hindus had a low growth rate because 1) the new method of counting religious affiliation and 2) rural-urban migration. The area with the lowest population increase resulted from industrialists and other nonagriculturists buying farmland, causing the agriculturists to move away to less desirable land. Conclusions are 1) the sharp rural-urban division along religious lines should be lessened, 2) Sikhs' lag in urbanization and upward mobility should be decreased, and 3) nonagriculturalists should be prevented from buying farm land from peasants along main roads and around urban centers.  相似文献   

Literacy by geographic region in India's scheduled caste population is examined, with a focus on urban-rural and sex differentials. Education, migration, religion, and economic development are considered as factors affecting literacy rates. Data are from official Indian sources for 1981.  相似文献   


Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISE) offer supported work environments for people experiencing disadvantage, including people with disability. This paper reflects on a research project that is mapping the ways in which social enterprises in regional Australian cities produce wellbeing for their employees. Through supported employment programs, these organisations are transforming individual lives, helping to build a sense of self-worth and purpose, and increase individuals’ social skills and capacities. Many of the perceived benefits are associated with a belief in the innate good of paid work. Based upon interviews with employees in the social enterprises, it is apparent that the hopes attached to providing ‘meaningful work’ are considerable. At the same time social enterprises are taking on social responsibilities that were once provided by the state, while also selling their services as employers of disabled and disadvantaged members of society and maintaining commercial viability of the enterprise. Using feminist political economy alongside discussion of the distributive economy, this paper explores how contemporary policy conditions, productivist biases and normative discourses about the value of wage work inflect the forms of wellbeing that can be experienced by WISE workers.  相似文献   

This paper indexes rural male out-migration and explains changing intensity patterns in Uttar Pradesh, India, since 1961. The sex ratio among non-migrants serves as an indicator of regional variations in rural out-migration. The paper highlights 2 population divergence zones in the underdeveloped Northern hilly and Eastern plain regions. The process of infrastructural development combined with cultural factors and inadequate employment opportunities seem to stimulate rural outmigration. Regional imbalance in economic development seems to be working as a suction economic system. The developed regions in India are utilizing the labor force of backward areas. The number of districts of high and moderately high rural male outmigration has increased, reflecting a wider gap between individual income and regional inequality. Unless the process is reversed in favor of rural areas, strategies for development will only work in capitalistic frameworks which serve the interests of developed regions.  相似文献   

以产业转移和劳动力回流为主要特征的“双转移”是当前中国经济进入中速增长背景下一个新的发展趋势,是市场机制下产业和劳动力的理性选择。在此背景下,以河南周口市为案例地,通过实地调研和问卷访谈,分析了传统农区外出劳动力空间流向和回流意愿,重点对外出劳动力的回流动力、行为选择进行了调查分析,并从政府和制度层面提出回流地的规划响应。结果表明:①周口市外出劳动力回流意愿强烈,且有近期返乡的打算;②外出劳动力的回流动力呈现多元化,县城是除本村外回流劳动力居住和生活的重要空间选择;③就业机会、教育和医疗水平是外出劳动力回流最为关注的城镇吸引要素。最后,从地方政府和制度层面提出放权强县、促进“双转移”良性循环互动、公共服务设施均等化配置和推进土地户籍制度改革的规划响应措施。  相似文献   

The field of population geography was first introduced during the 1960s in India and advanced under the direction of Gosal at the Punjab University. Teaching and research in population geography were introduced by Chandigarh at Punjab University, which today is the main center of research activity. Population geography in India has followed the main tenets of geography in general and is based on spatial perspectives. Deficits are apparent in the paucity of research on socioeconomic implications of spatial distributions, but there is infrastructural feedback to support theory development. Theoretical advances moving from theory to fact or from empirical fact to theory are limited. Comprehensive training in methodology and quantitative techniques is needed for further development of population theory: multivariate analysis, factor analysis, principal component analysis, model building, hypothesis testing, and theory formulation. Methodological sophistication will also help in understanding and interpreting the diverse and complex Indian demographic situation. The analysis of population geography in the Indian spatial, cultural, political, and historical context may be applied to other less developed countries of similar sociocultural background. The Indian Census has contributed over the 100 years of its existence reliable and efficiently produced data on a wide variety of measures at assorted scales down to the village level. Field work among geographers has not achieved a level of development commensurate with population censuses. Recent doctoral research has focused on qualitative studies of local situations. Research topics range from the distribution and structure of population, mortality, fertility, and migration to peripheral issues of social segregation. Popular topics include urbanization, labor force, sex composition, literacy, and population growth. Distribution of population and density studies have amounted to only 2 in 30 years. Population texts are in abundance. The Punjab University is the headquarters of the Association of Population Geographers, which publishes the journal "Population Geography." Many advances are still needed in a timely fashion.  相似文献   

This paper reviews labor planning and population policies in Noril'sk, a mining and metallurgical settlement in northern Siberia. When the settlement was established in 1935, planners were lacking in ideas about how to recruit workers to staff the mines and smelters and how to retain the labor force once it was in place. From 1935-79, planners followed a forced labor policy dependent upon the labor of prisoners. However, this solution was not adequate for meeting the manpower needs of an economy undergoing rapid technological sophistication. Northern wage increments were introduced after 1945 to recruit skilled workers from other regions. These increments built up over a 4-year period to a maximum of 80% of base pay. A special cost of living bonus was also awarded. Although these inducements facilitated labor recruitment, labor retention remained a major problem. Surveys indicated that workers would prefer improvements in housing and social services to further wage increases. Thus, policy was directed at the housing shortages, poor medical care, and inadequate child care facilities in Noril'sk. Such improvements facilitated labor retention but also contributed to overpopulation. The population doubled between 1956-80, exceeding 180,000 in the latter year. In the early 1980s, selective measures toward population control were implemented to ensure maintenance of living standards (e.g., encouragement of older workers to leave the area upon retirement, more careful screening of recruits). The goal is to stabilize city size at around 250,000. The Noril'sk case illustrates that quality of life investments can alleviate labor retention problems even in the harshest physical environments. Recent policies have advocated productivity-enriching technologies that do not require increments in the labor force.  相似文献   

中印城镇化区域差异及城镇体系空间演化比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国和印度作为两个正在崛起的大国,发展历程较为相似,但发展路径和模式差异较大。两个国家政治制度、经济体系、发展环境等的显著差异已经吸引了学者的广泛关注,本文将从地理学视角出发,重点关注两国城镇化及城镇体系的区域差异和空间演化过程。以人口普查和联合国城市人口数据为基础,采用空间分析、参数估计、非参数估计等多种方法,对中印两国城镇化和城镇体系的空间特征进行系统的比较分析,结果表明:① 20世纪90年代以来,中国城镇化的区域差异由南北差异转变为沿海—内部差异,而印度南北差异的格局则基本稳定;② 从省(邦)级空间尺度来看,中国和印度的人口密度和城镇化率都呈现正相关关系,当城镇化率超过50%后,两者的相关性更为显著,但是近年来中国人口密度与城镇化率的相关性不断增强,而印度则呈现降低的趋势;③ 现阶段中印两国以大中城市为主的城镇体系符合位序—规模分布的特征,但是经济改革对于两个国家城镇体系空间演化的影响差异明显,改革使得中国城镇发展的主要驱动力由地理历史因素向经济系统空间结构转变,而印度城镇发展的驱动力始终是地理历史因素,经济改革甚至降低了经济系统空间结构对城镇发展的影响。  相似文献   

基于新疆701份维吾尔族农村劳动力调查样本数据,从民族特质、风险意识、就业环境3个层面对托达罗模型(Todaro model)中的其他因素进行拓展,引入个人特征为控制变量,对影响维吾尔族农村劳动力外出务工意愿的社会因素进行系统分析。结果表明:(1)汉语沟通能力、清真饮食等民族特质因素为负向影响,赞成女性外出务工呈正向影响;(2)风险意识因素(风险整体预期、是否担心被歧视、是否想到维权)削弱了外出务工意愿;(3)对城镇就业环境的总体认知、政策安全环境、就业条件的认识提升了外出务工意愿;(4)个人特征中年龄呈负向影响,男性的外出务工意愿强于女性,未婚的维吾尔族农村劳动力外出务工意愿更强。  相似文献   

"Based on the census data, the present paper focuses on patterns of rural population growth in the Patiala district [India] during 1951-81. The striking spatial variations in growth rate were associated largely with migration differentials in the study area. Similarly, there were wide differentials in the population growth rates between scheduled castes and non-scheduled castes and among different religious communities. The proportion of different castes and communities to the total population changed due to their uneven growth rates."  相似文献   

多尺度视角下的印度地缘环境解析及对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国和印度共同崛起的背景下,随着中国“向西开放”和“一带一路”倡议的推进,中国与印度的地缘竞争日益激烈。加强对印度地缘环境解构有助于中国更好地识别地缘风险和制定有效的地缘策略。本文从地理环境、国家的地缘政治想象、地缘关系环境三个方面,从全球、区域和国家内部三个尺度来解构印度的地缘环境,并论证了印度如何在其地缘环境的基础上制定并实施本国的地缘战略:(1)在全球尺度上,凭借印度洋的地缘优势,印度建构了以印度洋为基础的全球地缘战略,追求“有声有色”的大国地位;(2)在区域尺度上,印度凭借地理结构、体量、权力和影响力的优势,构建了邻国优先和防止域外大国干涉的区域战略,谋求南亚领导地位;(3)在国家内部尺度上,印度的国家实力被内部的多样性(包括种姓制度、宗教矛盾、地方主义、党派斗争等)所肢解,如何加强统一的国家认同是印度面临的极大挑战。根据印度地缘环境的特点和中印的权力对比情况,从中国国家利益的角度出发,在南亚和印度洋地区,中国作为权力弱势方,应该加强与印度的利益共同体建构、加强区域内合作、区域互联互通和一体化建设、增强区域内的话语权和合法性;在中印边境区,中国作为权力的强势方,应该加强边境管理、防止域外势力干涉。  相似文献   

能动性视角下中国新工人空间生产的研究框架与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
新马克思主义空间政治理论对劳动力地理的研究经历了从阶级斗争地理到劳工地理的转变。阶级斗争地理强调资本主导的空间生产发源于资本主义阶级斗争,劳工地理研究则将劳动力视为与资本一样具有“时空修复”能力的行为主体,工人能动性开始受到广泛关注。中国正在崛起的新兴产业工人——农民工群体,随着社会进步和代际变迁,其在权益焦点、表达方式及实践效能等方面都在不断发生变化,并不断以其特有的“时空修复”改变既有的劳动关系和塑造自身的经济地理景观。论文将研究视角接续到新马克思主义空间生产理论中,尝试构建能动性视角下的中国新工人空间生产研究框架。能动性视角是一种批判性视角,在日常空间实践过程中,抗争的生产与再生产政治、融入的生活政治和创造的身份政治构成新工人空间生产的能动机制,并在全球化、在地等外部机制推动下,三元机制互动形成新工人感知空间、构想空间、生活空间等3类空间生产的基本过程,以及这一过程中社会关系格局和地方劳动力市场管制体制的重构。最后,论文展望了未来的研究方向:新工人空间生产的机制及其经济地理重构的关系研究、新工人能动性的区域差异研究、新工人能动性与地方劳动力市场管制体制的互动研究、乡村回流劳动力的能动性研究。  相似文献   

Population growth is heralded as a major problem of India; it will determine to a large extent the living conditions of people for decades to come. This paper analyzes the interrelated issues of population growth stabilization, the magnitude of necessary efforts to provide basic essentials to the growing population, and the impact upon the environment. Estimates of population projections are presented, based on the optimistic but probable assumption that India could reach reproductive level fertility in the period 2000-05. If sustained thereafter, the country's population would stabilize around the year 2100 at 1420 million people. In the mean time, the absolute increase of population in the next 2-3 decades will be greater than at present. The effect of population growth on cities and the living conditions of the city dwellers is reviewed and it is pointed out that it is in developing countries where population growth is the primary force producing large urban centers. Population growth presents problems with respect to employment opportunities. The predicted flood of manpower cannot be totally absorbed by the organized sector; it is argued that the agricultural sector is the only one which can help the country during this period of high population growth. To support this large and rising population, India will need to rapidly increase its average crop yields 2-3 times the present level for a modest improvement process. The expected population growth will also have consequences on environmental deterioration and water supply contamination. Finally, progress on human development lines has been taking place in India, but achievements to date are uneven. It is stressed that a national concerted effort is required to achieve such goals.  相似文献   

多尺度空间单元区域划分方法   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
传统空间单元的区域划分通常仅以属性数据作为划分依据,而对单元之间空间依赖关系考虑不周。在尺度空间理论基础上,提出多尺度空间单元区域划分方法,在考虑空间单元属性信息的同时,增加了空间单元的相互依赖关系,使得在空间尺度在由小变大过程中,具有高度空间相互依赖关系的空间单元相互融合,得到不同空间尺度下的区域划分。以江苏省从1978年到1995年的18年社会经济发展数据为基础,进行了全省社会经济发展水平的区域划分的试验,结果表明与实际发展水平的分布情况相吻合。  相似文献   

As two rising great powers, China and India have undergone similar development processes, but they also exhibit significant differences in development paths and patterns. The significant differences in political systems, economic systems, and developmental environment between the two countries have attracted great attention from scholars. This research focuses on the regional differences and spatial evolution processes in urbanization and urban systems between the two countries from a geographical perspective. Based on the demographic censuses of both countries and the urban population data from the United Nations, this paper systematically compared and analyzed the spatial characteristics of urbanization and urban systems in China and India using various methods including spatial analysis, parameter estimation, and nonparametric estimation. The results indicate that: (1) Since the 1990s, the regional differences in urbanization in China have transformed from south-north differences to coastal-inland differences, whereas the north-south differences in India have been stable. (2) In recent years, the correlation between population density and urbanization rate kept increasing in China, while such correlation has been decreasing in India. (3) The economic reform posed significantly different effects on the spatial evolution of the urban systems in the two countries. The economic reform changed the major driving force for urban development in China from geographical and historical factors to the spatial structure of the economic system. However, in India, the driving forces for urban development have always been geographical and historical factors, and the economic reform even decreased the effect of the spatial structure of the economic system on urban development.  相似文献   

As two rising great powers, China and India have undergone similar development processes, but they also exhibit significant differences in development paths and patterns. The significant differences in political systems, economic systems, and developmental environment between the two countries have attracted great attention from scholars. This research focuses on the regional differences and spatial evolution processes in urbanization and urban systems between the two countries from a geographical perspective. Based on the demographic censuses of both countries and the urban population data from the United Nations, this paper systematically compared and analyzed the spatial characteristics of urbanization and urban systems in China and India using various methods including spatial analysis, parameter estimation, and nonparametric estimation. The results indicate that:(1) Since the 1990 s, the regional differences in urbanization in China have transformed from south-north differences to coastal-inland differences, whereas the north-south differences in India have been stable.(2) In recent years, the correlation between population density and urbanization rate kept increasing in China, while such correlation has been decreasing in India.(3) The economic reform posed significantly different effects on the spatial evolution of the urban systems in the two countries. The economic reform changed the major driving force for urban development in China from geographical and historical factors to the spatial structure of the economic system. However, in India, the driving forces for urban development have always been geographical and historical factors, and the economic reform even decreased the effect of the spatial structure of the economic system on urban development.  相似文献   

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