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"The present paper aims to analyse district-wise decadal growth of population in Uttar Pradesh [India] since 1872. It also attempts to identify population growth regions based on a suitable statistical technique. The spatio-temporal differentials are explained by the three interacting processes of birth, death and migration."  相似文献   

"Patterns of and trends in demographic development in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh have been analysed in this paper. Indices of urbanisation, literacy and occupational structure were used for this purpose. Their aggregate index represented the level of demographic development." The data are for 242 subdivisions of Uttar Pradesh for the census years 1971 and 1981. Particular attention is given to regional differentials in demographic indicators. The relationships among economic development and the measurements of literacy, urbanization, and occupational status are explored  相似文献   

Using a broadened concept of migration, which includes circulatory migration and commuting, this paper maintains that the patterns of outmigration vary a great deal when the level of development of a rural area is treated as an independent variable. This study uses a stratified conditional sample of 192 households selected from 3 areas: 53 households from a low developed (LDL) area, 56 from a medium (MDL), and 83 from a high (HDL). Data were collected by personal observation, interview, and genealogical methods at both the household and individual level. The households are divided into 3 main categories: 1) non-migrating, 2) commuting only, and 3) migrating (which is further divided into migrating within and migrating outside the boundaries of the district). Results show that 1) 37.51% of household members neither commute nor have migrated outside the village; 2) using the narrow definition of migration, only 10% of males over age 15 migrate, while including commuting in the definition increases the percentage to 40; 3) proportions of non-migrating households decrease from 58.4% for the LDL, to 35.7% for the MDL, to 25.3% for the HDL area; 4) the proportion of commuting only households increases from 26.4% for the LDL, to 35.7% to the MDL, and 55.4% for the HDL area; 5) 15.2% of households in the LDL, 28.6% in the MDL, and 19.3% in the HDL area experience a permanent change in residence; 6) as development accelerates, the overall volume of outmigration increases; 7) the flow of migration from rural to rural areas is mostly limited to the MDL area, while cityward migration increasingly occurs on both LDL and HDL areas; 8) the median age of commuters increases with rising levels of development; and 9) almost all migrants from the LDL area are employed in low prestige occupations, most from the HDL area have higher prestige jobs, and those from the MDL area have both high and low prestige jobs.  相似文献   

"The purpose of this paper is to analyse age-patterns of fertility in Madhya Pradesh [in India] based on district level estimates of aggregate measures of fertility data collected in 1981.... Four clusters of districts have emerged which reveal a clear zonal pattern in age-specific fertility rates in the state. These groups bring out high fertility rates in the north and north-western parts of the state, gradually declining toward the south-eastern zone. The author suggests that separate policies and programmes be evolved for each of the clusters of districts for the purpose of bringing about reduction in fertility and promoting family welfare in the state of Madhya Pradesh."  相似文献   

苏思信  王永生  刘彦随 《地理研究》2022,41(8):2171-2183
乡村地域系统分类识别和演化过程研究是现代人文地理学的重要主题,对指导乡村振兴与乡村地区可持续发展具有重要意义。本文通过多维度的乡村发展指标矩阵和耦合协调度模型,探究2001—2018年京津冀地区乡村发展类型、空间格局和演变规律,提出不同类型乡村发展的路径对策。研究表明:① 平原-山区分异塑造了京津冀地区乡村类型分异的基本格局——山区分布着生态优先型乡村,发展过程中其乡村类型并未改变;华北平原分布着农业限制型、平均型和综合型乡村,其乡村发展过程遵循“点-轴”系统的演化规律。② 高原山区的乡村综合发展度保持恒定,平原地区乡村综合发展度变化较大。“以城带乡”发展模式是华北平原乡村综合发展度变化的主要原因,城市规模和城乡距离是华北平原乡村分异的重要影响因素。③ 乡村发展路径和战略制定应当分类分区、因地制宜。大城市周边综合型乡村有能力探索更高水平的发展模式,多数生态优先型乡村在生态化发展过程中会经受转型阵痛,邯郸、石家庄等地的乡村有较大的发展空间。京津冀地区乡村振兴进程中应重点关注冀东南、冀东北部分欠发达地区的乡村衰败问题。  相似文献   

环渤海地区城镇化与农村协调发展的时空特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
城镇化是区域发展的必然趋势,探究城镇化过程中农村发展响应对于理解城乡关系、区域城镇化以及农村发展具有重要的指导意义。本文着力构建城镇化与农村发展评价指标体系以揭示环渤海地区城镇化与农村发展时空格局,并探究二者的协调特征。结果表明:1环渤海地区城镇化与农村发展均存在明显的空间差异,二者高低值空间分布不完全吻合,农村发展差距整体上小于城镇化差距;2城镇化能在一定程度上推动农村发展,但随着城镇化水平提升,二者协调程度下降,农村发展分异加大;3协调分析需要紧密结合城镇化与农村发展状态,三者空间分布存在多种耦合情形。认为新型城镇化背景下,统筹城乡发展需要着力打破城乡二元管理体制,创新城镇化与农村发展协调机制;应着力凸显地域主体功能,加强不同功能区间的协同;宜依托区域自身禀赋特征,探索契合当地特色的城镇化道路。  相似文献   

Aborigines, because of their population numbers and increasing control over land and resources, are crucial to the sustainable development of rural Australia. However, appropriate Aboriginal development requires the replacement of the ‘top‐down’ approaches generally adopted by government agencies by ‘bottom‐up’ approaches reflecting the needs and aspirations of rural Aboriginal people. Past experience demonstrates that Aborigines have faced many frustrations in reconciling these concepts. But some approaches now being adopted in the use and management of Australia's rangelands provide interesting alternatives which may be more generally applicable in enhancing rangeland sustainability. Examples include land‐use practices conducted by Aborigines living in remote homeland centres on their own freehold land, and the diversity of land uses introduced on pastoral stations now under Aboriginal ownership. Broader recognition of the value of these approaches will depend on widespread acknowledgment of the overall worth of Aboriginal land management knowledge in rural restructuring  相似文献   

乡村发展与重构格局特征及振兴路径——以广西为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
乡村重构是实施推进乡村振兴战略的重要手段,系统开展典型地区乡村发展与重构的格局特征及问题识别研究,是新阶段面向乡村振兴战略需求科学施策的基础。以广西为案例地,基于熵值法支持下的TOPSIS模型,分时段综合评价全区乡村发展水平和乡村重构强度的格局特征,识别乡村发展与重构的问题区域,探讨实现乡村振兴的调控路径。结果表明:研究期内广西乡村发展水平快速提升,乡村地域正在由相对均质走向异质发展态势;各研究时段经济、社会、空间重构强度均值逐渐增大,经济重构愈发加快,空间重构后来居上但仍相对滞后;经济—社会—空间重构耦合度和协调度均值逐渐提升,但当前协调水平仍然不高。基于上述研究,识别出乡村发展与重构存在若干问题的7类计37个县域,问题区域的形成折射着地理环境影响的痕迹,是社会经济要素变化背景下地形地貌、区位条件、资源条件、经济基础、行为主体、区域政策多种因素综合作用的结果。乡村地域的健康发展有赖于经济—社会—空间的协调耦合,乡村振兴的实现既需要从宏观层面统筹谋划乡村重构的区域路径,还需要针对问题区域及其关键领域研制促进乡村社会经济发展和空间优化的调控措施。  相似文献   

中国乡村发展进程与乡村振兴路径   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
郭远智  刘彦随 《地理学报》2021,76(6):1408-1421
乡村发展是乡村地域系统循环累积与动态演化的结果,全面梳理乡村发展历史脉络与地域分异格局,对于科学推动新时代乡村振兴战略落实具有重要意义.基于人地关系地域系统理论和人地系统科学认知,本文解析了1978-2050年中国乡村发展演化进程,探讨了乡村转型发展与乡村振兴的内在逻辑,揭示了中国县域乡村振兴水平的空间格局,进而提出了...  相似文献   

This paper addresses the following questions: 1) What have been the government policies, programs, and perceptions dominating the urban development scenario in India? 2) What has been the outcome of these policies and programs of urban development? 3) What should be the strategy of future urban development with reference to the Indian hill state of Himachal Pradesh? The paper critically evaluates the Indian ethos pertaining to the urbanization process, urban development policies pursued in the Five Year Plans, the current thinking on urbanization, and the main issues in urban development. It has been observed that not only is the urbanization level in Himachal Pradesh quite low, but also that the urban development here suffers from a number of serious problems. Acute shortage of building space, limited capacity to mobilize resources from their own sources, overcrowding, and slum dwelling are some such problems. Unfortunately, urbanization has not been visualized as generative of economic growth and employment opportunities both at the state and national government levels. Therefore, the major thrust of Plan policies has been to arrest rural-urban migration. However, recently there has been a desire to manage urban affairs through a new policy seeking production efficiency and cost effectiveness.  相似文献   

乡村能人是中国乡村治理的重要主体,是推进乡村治理现代化的重要力量,深入研究乡村能人在乡村治理中的角色、作用及问题具有重要的现实意义。论文回顾了典型时期的乡村治理结构变迁,辨析了乡村能人的概念与类型,阐释了乡村能人在乡村发展中的多维角色,梳理了能人治村可能产生的负面效应,探讨了加强能人培育与监管的途径。研究认为:① 乡村能人是指在特定乡村被多数村民认可,具有较强的发展动力、个人能力和社会网络,有志于或正在或已经通过其专长带动乡村发展的人;② 通常,乡村能人是推动进步的“发动机”、集体行动的“火车头”、乡村发展的“铺路者”、对外联系的“架桥师”、乡村振兴的“带头人”;③ 但是,如果监管缺位,能人治村也可能对基层民主、经济发展和法制建设等带来负面影响;④ 为更好地实现国家乡村治理体系和治理能力现代化,需进一步加强能人的产生机制以及培育模式研究,深化能人治村的机理、模式与效应研究,关注驻村干部治村的新情况与新问题,并探索能人研究的新数据、新方法。在决胜全面建成小康社会、着力推进乡村振兴的转型期,加强乡村能人研究,有助于深化各界对乡村发展机制的理解、丰富乡村地理学研究的内容与理论。  相似文献   

"The present paper explains the fertility differentials among socio-cultural groups and regions in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh and examines the role of such factors as general and female literacy, age at marriage and infant mortality in determining the fertility levels. The study indicates that no single factor is of overwhelming importance. These factors in combination, as revealed by multivariate analysis, account for about 29 percent inter-district variation in fertility in the state."  相似文献   

A comparative ethnobotanical study was carried out in two rural communities in northwest Patagonia. The methodology involved semi structured interviews and free listing, through which richness and use patterns of fuel species were registered, as well as socioeconomic factors and alternative fuel sources such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and animal dung. Firewood was found to be a subsistence resource, complemented with the purchase of other firewood resources and the use of alternative fuels. A total of 21 species were registered, of which 18 were native species and 3 exotic; 12 fuel species were used by both communities. The species with highest use consensus were Berberis microphylla (michay), Lycium sp. (montenegro) and Senecio subulatus (romerillo) in the Laguna Blanca community, and Salix sp. (sauce) and S. subulatus in Comallo. Collection is mainly carried out on foot. Whereas the inhabitants of Laguna Blanca cover large distances in order to collect native woods, in Comallo this is made easier by the use of prunings from urban tree planting, obtained closer to dwellings. This is an interesting result since the recycling of biological products to supplement firewood, together with forestation practices, could contribute to the resilience processes of inhabitants of these arid, hostile environments. We propose that the use of multiple fuel resources could be an indicator of ecological–social resilience processes.  相似文献   

转型视阈下珠三角地区乡村发展过程及地域模式梳理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨忍  陈燕纯  龚建周 《地理研究》2019,38(3):725-740
在乡村振兴战略背景下,系统梳理珠三角地区的乡村发展演变历程及其主要地域模式,对中国乡村发展和振兴的科学路径选择具有重要参考价值。珠三角地区的乡村发展演变历经了4个阶段。① 1978年以前,传统乡村发展阶段。在国际市场需求刺激下出现“弃田筑塘,废稻树桑”,逐渐形成桑基鱼塘的有机循环农业生产模式,呈现出传统农业景观。② 1978—2000年,工业化驱动发展阶段。以乡镇企业嫁接外资形式推动了自下而上的工业化和城镇化,乡村空间逐渐形成了“生活居住+农业生产+工业生产”三位一体的功能结构,空间分化与混杂性特征显著。③ 2000—2008年,城市化与都市化双轨并行阶段。政府主导的城市土地开发和基础设施投资建设,促使珠三角地区逐渐演变为“大集聚,小分散”的城乡发展转型空间格局。④ 2008年至今,都市化驱动乡村急剧转型阶段。珠三角都市圈建设进程加快,城乡体系逐步向一体化和网络化发展,乡村地区的产业发展趋向多元分化,乡村破碎化的非正规空间促使形成全球城市区域下马赛克式分布的空间格局。基于不同区位的外部性和内生性因素的差异性,珠三角地区的乡村发展模式可归纳为城市区域型、近郊型、远郊型等不同地域类型。在乡村发展转型过程中,外部性的环境变化、内部要素分化与重构机制直接影响到乡村振兴的科学路径和模式选择。  相似文献   

On integrated urban and rural development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Cities and the countryside have long been an inseparable organic whole. China’s new model of high-quality urbanization requires integrated urban and rural...  相似文献   

1 IntroductionA country's regional development pattern is inevitably shaped by the regional development policies its government adopts. In planned economies like China's, the government's role in determining spatial differences of regional development is particularly great[1]. Since the inception of the economic reform and open-door policy in the late 1970s China has been undergoing an unprecedented transition from a planned to a market-oriented economy and from an agrarian society to an urba…  相似文献   

中国县域乡村脆弱性空间特征与形成机制及对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
杨忍  潘瑜鑫 《地理学报》2021,76(6):1438-1454
基于乡村脆弱性本质内涵,构建了中国县域乡村脆弱性综合测度的指标体系,对中国县域乡村脆弱性水平进行综合测度;通过遴选具有典型代表性的5条样带,深化分析中国乡村脆弱性的区域差异特征及其形成机制,并提出具有针对性的应对策略.结果 表明:①中国县域乡村脆弱性整体上处于较低脆弱度和中脆弱度阈值区间,并具明显的空间差异性,沿"博台...  相似文献   

英国乡村发展政策演变及启示   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
龙花楼  胡智超  邹健 《地理研究》2010,29(8):1369-1378
诸多成功案例表明,全球化有助于加快经济发展知识与实践的国际转移,将国际知识转移至地区经济发展实践中,为地区发展战略问题提供国际上相关解决方案。英国在其乡村发展历程中也曾经历过与目前中国相类似的发展阶段并遇到相似的发展问题,涉及乡村经济的多样化转型、对新技术和市场扩张的适应和基础设施改善等方面。因此,借鉴英国解决这些问题的经验和教训有助于解决目前中国乡村发展过程中遇到的诸多问题。本文分析了英国乡村发展政策的演变及其阶段性特征,其政策变化的特点主要体现在政策制订由"自上而下"转向"自下而上"、强调政策的综合性、注重乡村发展计划的长远性和可持续性、重视运用法律和市场手段等方面,最后从政策制订、乡村发展计划的实施以及发展项目选择等方面探讨了其对我国乡村发展的政策启示。并指出,考虑到国际乡村发展政策的趋同与差异,任何国际乡村发展政策和模式的采纳均需要根据我国特殊的文化、经济、政治传统和环境予以调整。  相似文献   

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