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The São Luís Craton, northern Brazil, is composed of a few granitoid suites and a metavolcano-sedimentary succession. New single zircon Pb evaporation ages and Nd isotope data, combined with other available information, show that the metavolcano-sedimentary succession developed from 2240 Ma to approximately 2200-2180 Ma from juvenile protoliths. The subduction-related calc-alkaline suites of granitoids, spatially associated with the metavolcano-sedimentary sequence, formed in an oceanic island arc setting between 2168-2147 Ma. Most of these granitoids are tonalitic and formed from juvenile, mantle- or oceanic plate-derived protoliths, whereas minor true granites are the product of the reworking of the juvenile island arc material. These arc-related successions represent an accretionary event around 2.20±0.05 Ga, which is coincident with one of the main periods of crustal growth in the South American Platform. This accretionary orogen has subsequently been involved in a collision episode, at ca. 2100-2080 Ma, which is mainly recorded in the nearby Gurupi Belt. The rock associations, inferred geological settings, and the crustal evolution detected in the São Luís Craton are similar to what is described in Paleoproterozoic domains of major geotectonic units of the South American Platform, such as part of the São Francisco Craton, southeastern Guyana Shield, and of the West African Craton.  相似文献   

The Tromaí Intrusive Suite is the predominant exposed unit of the São Luís cratonic fragment in northern Brazil. The suite forms batholiths and stocks of granitoids that were emplaced between 2168 ± 4 Ma and 2149 ± 4 Ma and intruded a 2240 ± 5 Ma old metavolcano-sedimentary sequence. The batholiths are composed of a variety of petrographic types that have been grouped in three sub-units, based on the predominant petrographic type, and named Cavala Tonalite, Bom Jesus Granodiorite, and Areal Granite, from the more primitive to the more evolved phases, in addition to subordinate shallow felsic intrusions. The Tromaí Suite is an expanded magmatic association comprising minor mafic rocks to predominantly intermediate and felsic, low- to high-K, and metaluminous to weakly peraluminous granitoids that follow a Na-enriched calc-alkaline trend. Combined rock association, geochronology, Nd isotopes, and geochemical signature indicate that the Tromaí Suite formed from magmas derived from juvenile protoliths modified by fractional crystallization. The juvenile protoliths included ocean plate, mantle wedge, and minor sediments. The data also indicate an intra-oceanic arc setting that possibly transitioned to a continental margin and that the Tromaí Intrusive Suite records the main accretionary stage of the Rhyacian orogen (ca. 2.24–2.15 Ma) that culminated with a collision stage at about 2.1 Ga and gave rise to the present day São Luís cratonic fragment. This time interval is coincident with the main period of crustal growth in the South American Platform and in the Paleoproterozoic terranes of the West African Craton. The beginning of this period is also coincident with the end of a period in which only minor amounts of juvenile crust is found worldwide.The Negra Velha Granite is a distinct unit that forms a few stocks that intruded the granitoids of the Tromaí Suite between 2076 and 2056 Ma ago. Negra Velha is an association of monzogranite and subordinate quartz–monzonite and syenogranite with an alkaline signature that shows high Rb–Sr–Ba enrichments, resembling shoshonitic associations. This granite represents the post-orogenic phase of the Rhyacian orogenesis.  相似文献   

The Proterozoic sediment-hosted Zn–(Pb) sulfide and non-sulfide deposits of the São Francisco Craton, Brazil, are partially syn-diagenetic and epigenetic and were probably formed during extensional events. The majority of the deposits occur within shallow water dolomites. The Pb isotopic data of sulfides are relatively homogeneous for individual deposits and plot above the upper crust evolution curve of the Plumbotectonic model. Some of the deposits are characterized by highly radiogenic lead (206Pb/204Pb ≥ 21) originating from the highly radioactive crust of the São Francisco Craton. Pb and S isotopic data suggest the sources of metal and sulfur for the deposits to be the basement rocks and seawater sulfates in the sediments, respectively. The relatively high temperatures of formation (100 to 250 °C) and moderate salinity (3% to 20% NaCl equiv.) of the primary fluid inclusions in the sphalerite crystals suggest the participation of basinal mineralizing fluids in ore formation. The steep paleo-geothermal gradient generated by the radioactively enriched basement rocks probably assisted in heating up the circulating mineralizing fluids.  相似文献   

华南早新元古代俯冲相关岩浆作用记录为揭示罗迪尼亚超大陆边缘陆块的聚合及增生过程提供了重要制约。本文聚焦华南扬子陆块西北缘出露的早新元古代岩浆作用记录,总结梳理了其年代学框架、地球化学特征以及同位素特征,查明了其源区性质和岩石学成因、并探讨了不同阶段岩浆记录所对应的构造环境。结果表明,扬子陆块西北缘约1.0~0.9 Ga岩石具有与新生岛弧岩浆类似的微量元素特征,强不相容元素的含量略低于大陆弧,并且具有亏损的Sr-Nd-Hf同位素组成和略低于地幔值的锆石δ18O值,这些特征指示约1.0~0.9 Ga岩浆岩最有可能形成于洋内弧环境。相比之下,约0.9~0.83 Ga岩浆岩具有与平均上地壳类似的微量元素特征,富集强不相容元素和轻稀土元素,亏损高场强元素,并且具有富集的Sr-Nd-Hf同位素组成,锆石δ18O值与地幔值相当或略高,指示其可能形成于大陆弧环境。此外,镁铁质岩石全岩Nd和锆石Hf同位素随年龄的长期变化趋势揭示了地幔源区性质周期性地富集和亏损,这可能是由于俯冲带间歇性地前进和后撤引起的挤压–伸展构造体制的不断交替所致。本文结果为扬子陆块西北缘新元古代早期的构造演化历史和俯冲增生动力学机制提供了制约。  相似文献   

Metamorphic conditions are described for three major tectonic entities on the basis of geothermobarometry in a huge Neoproterozoic nappe complex that verges toward the southern border of the São Francisco craton. The uppermost Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe, represented by its granulite facies basal portion, yields a maximum temperature and pressure of 890 °C and 11 kbar. Its metamorphic evolution is consistent with heating at the base of the crust as a result of an abnormally high geothermal gradient, probably due to underplating by the lithospheric mantle. The underlying Três Pontas-Varginha Nappe yields two somewhat distinct PT paths, both characterized by peak assemblages in the kyanite stability field. The basal kyanite-bearing granulites show higher peak pressure values (15 kbar at 840 °C) and a trajectory that continues in the kyanite stability field, whereas the upper sillimanite granulites show higher temperatures (880 °C at 13 kbar) and a steeper path toward the sillimanite stability field. Data for the Carmo da Cachoeira nappe reveal a steep trajectory, in which the elevated maximum pressure (18.5 kbar at 820 °C) was obtained from a garnet amphibolite that lies along its basal contact. The inverted metamorphic pattern previously observed across these sequences is confirmed by our thermobarometric data, which reveal that the highest temperatures were attained toward the top of the pile.  相似文献   

Ultramafic xenoliths were found in recent alkali basalts from São Tomé Island. These include spinel peridotites (lherzolites, harzburgites and dunites) and pyroxenites (orthopyroxenites and clinopyroxenites). Textures and mineral compositions indicate that pyroxenites originated from crystal/liquid separation processes operating on magmas similar to those giving rise to their present host rocks whereas spinel peridotite xenoliths had an accidental origin; Fo (>89) and Ni (>0.36 wt.%) contents in olivines, Mg# (91–95) of orthopyroxenes and low Ti in clinopyroxene (primary crystals: TiO2<0.06 wt.%) and in spinel (TiO2<0.1 wt.%) are within the range reported for abyssal peridotites, indicating São Tomé spinel peridotites represent refractory residues of melting. Nevertheless, the lack of correlation between mineral chemistry and modal composition suggests that spinel peridotite xenoliths are not simple residues and were affected by infiltration of fluid/melts within the mantle. The wide temperature range obtained for spinel peridotites (700 to >1150 °C) is compatible with a long period of pre-entrainment cooling supporting Fitton's [Tectonophysics 94 (1983) 473] hypothesis that proposes oceanic lithosphere uprising in the Cameroon Volcanic Line prior to the initiation of the current thermal regime, related to São Tomé magmatism. The association of upper mantle (peridotite) xenoliths with igneous cumulates (pyroxenites) suggests that the spinel peridotite suite originated in the uppermost mantle above the São Tomé magma storage zone(s), probably in a region of high strain rate, near the boundary between the mantle and the overlying oceanic crust.  相似文献   

The Tocantins Province in Central Brazil is composed of a series of SSW–NNE trending terranes of mainly Proterozoic ages, which stabilized in the Neoproterozoic in the final collision between the Amazon and São Francisco cratons. No previous information on crustal seismic properties was available for this region. Several broadband stations were used to study the regional patterns of crustal and upper mantle structure, extending the results of a recent E–W seismic refraction profile. Receiver functions and surface wave dispersion showed a thin crust (33–37 km) in the Neoproterozoic Magmatic Arc terrane. High average crustal Vp/Vs ratios (1.74–1.76) were consistently observed in this unit. The foreland domain of the Brasília foldbelt, on the other hand, is characterized by thicker crust (42–43 km). Low Vp/Vs ratios (1.70–1.72) were observed in the low-grade foreland fold and thrust zone of the Brasília belt adjacent to the São Francisco craton. Teleseismic P-wave tomography shows that the lithospheric upper mantle has lower velocities beneath the Magmatic Arc and Goiás Massif compared with the foreland zone of the belt and São Francisco craton. The variations in crustal thickness and upper mantle velocities observed with the broadband stations correlate well with the measurements along the seismic refraction profile. The integration of all seismic observations and gravity data indicates a strong lithospheric contrast between the Goiás Massif and the foreland domain of the Brasília belt, whereas little variation was found across the foldbelt/craton surface boundary. These results support the hypothesis that the Brasília foreland domain and the São Francisco craton were part of a larger São Francisco-Congo continental plate in the final collision with the Amazon plate.  相似文献   

In this work we report 207Pb/206Pb LA-ICPMS ages of 152 detrital zircons from lower greenschist facies quartzites from Proterozoic basin successions of the southern border of the São Francisco Craton, southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. These are the intracratonic São João del Rei basin, the intraplate continental margin Andrelândia basin, and the Serra do Ouro Grosso sequence, developed on a crystalline basement older than 1.8 Ga, and deformed and metamorphosed during the Brasiliano Orogeny, ca. 0.59–0.50 Ga. The data constrain both the ages of the sources and the interval of sedimentation. The detrital zircons of the Serra do Ouro Grosso sequence were derived predominantly from the erosion of a Neoarchean crust, 2.5–2.8 Ga old, with only one grain showing a Paleoproterozoic age (2, 245±83 Ma) older than the Transamazonian event. Zircons extracted from a shelf quartzite of the lowermost sequence of the São João del Rei basin indicate derivation from the 1.8–2.2 Ga Transamazonian crust, with subordinate contribution from the 2.5–2.9 Ga Archean crust. The 1, 809±41 Ma age is interpreted as the maximum limit for sedimentation in this basin. The results confirm the regional correlation with the Espinhaço Rift successions. The zircons extracted from an autochthonous quartzite of the Andrelândia sequence yielded ages in the 1.0–2.2 Ga range, with a modal class at 1.2–1.3 Ga. Only two of the forty analyzed zircons yield Archean ages. The youngest zircon yields 1, 086±85 Ma. The zircons from the allochthonous quartzite yield ages between 1.0–2.7 Ga, with a modal class at 2.1–2.2 Ga. Only five of 45 analyzed grains yield Archean ages. The youngest zircon has an age of 1, 047±77 Ma. The results indicate that the detrital sediments deposited during the second marine flooding event of the Andrelândia sedimentation were mainly derived from the erosion of Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozic rocks. The 1, 047±77 Ma age is interpreted as the maximum depositional age for the described association.  相似文献   

The southernmost Guyana Shield-Uatumã subdomain, northeastern Amazonas State, Brazil is dominantly formed by granitoid and volcanic rocks from the Água Branca Suite (ABS), undivided Granite Stocks (GS) and São Gabriel volcano–plutonic system (SGS). The ABS is characterized by a granite series that exhibits comparatively low Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio, low (Nb/Zr)N, high Sr values and high Rb/Zr ratio. Its rocks display metaluminous to weakly peraluminous (A/CNK 0.94–1.06), high-K calc-alkaline, I normal-type character and have moderately to strongly fractionated rare earth elements (REE) pattern. The SG granites and SGS effusive–ignimbrite–granite association is metaluminous to weakly peraluminous (A/CNK 0.84–1.18), high-K calc-alkaline, has moderately to weakly fractionated REE trend, higher Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio, lower Sr content and lower Rb/Zr ratio. The ABS geochemical signature is consistent with formation from volcanic arc rocks and small participation of collisional setting rocks, whereas the SG and SGS have post-collisional tectonic rocks-related geochemical signature. This model is in harmony with a post-collisional extensional regime, started with the 1.90–1.89 Ga Água Branca magmatism, and culminated with the 1.89–1.88 Ga São Gabriel system at an early stage of intracratonic reactivation, which included intrusion of mafic dikes. The Uatumã subdomain was related to mantle underplating with continental uplift and its origin involved contributions of 2.3–2.44 Ga Archean-contaminated Trans-Amazonian, 2.13–2.21 Ga Trans-Amazonian, 1.93–1.94/2.0 Ga Tapajós-Parima. Foliation styles point out that part of the Água Branca granitoids recorded later deformational effects, likely related to the Rio Negro Province formation.  相似文献   

Magnetic measurements were performed on apparently undeformed limestones and carbonate shales from 44 sites in nearly horizontal stratigraphic layers mainly from the basal units of the Neoproterozoic Bambui Group in the southern part of the São Francisco Basin. Rock magnetism, cathodoluminescence, transmitted and reflected light microscopy analyses reveal that there is a mix of ferromagnetic minerals, mainly magnetite and pyrrhotite, in most sites. In some sites, however, the ferromagnetic minerals are magnetite and hematite. Fine-grained pyrrhotite and pyrite accompany rare fine-grained graphite and probably amorphous carbon in some of stylolites, while pyrrhotite is also present as larger interstitial masses in coarse-grained domains outside, but close to the stylolites. Magnetic fabrics were determined applying both anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anisotropy of anhysteretic remanence magnetization (AAR). The AAR tensor was less well defined than the AMS fabric due to the low ferromagnetic mineral content. The analysis at the individual-site scale defines three AMS fabric types. The first type (two sites) shows Kmin perpendicular to the bedding plane, while Kmax and Kint are scattered within bedding plane itself. This fabric is usually interpreted as primary (sedimentary-compactional), typical of totally undeformed sediments. The second type shows the three well-clustered AMS axes with Kmin still perpendicular to the bedding plane. This fabric is the most important since it was found in the majority of the sites. The third type (two sites) is characterized by well-clustered Kmax in the bedding plane, while Kmin and Kint are distributed along a girdle. The second and third fabric types are interpreted as combinations of sedimentary-compactional and tectonic contributions at the earliest, and at a slightly later stage of deformation, respectively. AMS represents the contribution of all the rock-forming minerals, while AAR isolates the contribution of remanence-bearing minerals from the matrix minerals. However, rock magnetism shown that anhysteretic remanence only reaches grains with coercivity < 100 mT because the maximum AF in the majority of the available instruments is 100 mT. Therefore, hematite and pyrrhotite probably do not contribute to AAR, which is due to the shape-preferred orientation of magnetite grains. For some sites, the AMS and AAR fabric orientations are different, mainly with respect to the lineation orientations (Kmax and Amax, respectively). In general, Kmax is well developed and follows the trend of the main regional thrusts, fold axes and faults generated in the first deformational phase, while Amax follows both this trend and that of structural lineaments formed during the second deformational phase. These deformation phases arose from the compression, which occurred during the evolution of the Brasília fold belt during the last stages of the Brasiliano event. The magnetic fabrics of the apparently undeformed Bambui limestones are typical of very weakly deformed sediments, in which the depositional-compaction fabric has been partly overprinted by a tectonic one, with minimum susceptibility direction remaining perpendicular to bedding. This result is in agreement with the textures given by the petrographic observations.  相似文献   

The sialic crust of the southern São Francisco craton along the Jeceaba-Bom Sucesso lineament, central-southern part of Minas Gerais (Brazil), encompasses, among other rock types, Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic granitoids. These granitoids, according to their petrographic, lithogeochemical and geochronologic characteristics, were grouped into two Neoarchean suites (Samambaia-Bom Sucesso and Salto Paraopeba-Babilônia) and three Paleoproterozoic suites (Cassiterita-Tabuões, Ritápolis and São Tiago). Varied processes and tectonic environments were involved in the genesis of these suites. In particular, the lithogeochemistry of the (Archean and Paleoproterozoic) TTG-type granitoids indicates an origin by partial melting of hydrated basaltic crust in a subduction environment. In the Neoarchean, between 2780 and 2703 Ma, a dominant TTG granitoid genesis related to an active continental margin was followed by another granite genesis related to crustal anatexis processes at 2612–2550 Ma. In the Paleoproterozoic, the generation of TTG and granites s.s. occurred at three distinct times: 2162, 2127 and 1887 Ma. This fact, plus the rock-type diversity produced by this granite genesis, indicates that the continental margin of the southern portion of the São Francisco craton was affected by more than one consumption episode of oceanic crust, involving different island arc segments, and the late Neoarchean consolidate continent. A Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution in three stages is proposed in this work.  相似文献   

Whale carcasses (whale falls) deposited on the deep seafloor are associated with a distinctive biotic community. A fossil whale bone recovered from São Paulo Ridge, South Atlantic Ocean, during cruise YK13–04 Leg 1 of R/V Yokosuka was covered by a ferromanganese (Fe–Mn) crust approximately 9 mm thick. Here, we report an age constraint for this fossil bone on the basis of Os isotopic stratigraphy (187Os/188Os ratio) of the Fe–Mn crust. Major‐ and trace‐element compositions of the crust are similar to those of Fe–Mn crusts of predominantly hydrogenous origin. Rare earth element concentrations in samples of the crust, normalized with respect to Post‐Archean average Australian Shale, exhibit flat patterns with positive Ce and negative Y anomalies. These results indicate that the Fe–Mn crust consists predominantly of hydrogenous components and that it preserves the Os isotope composition of seawater at the time of its deposition. 187Os/188Os ratios of three Fe–Mn crust samples increased from 0.904 to 1.068 in ascending stratigraphic order. The value of 1.068 from the surface slice (0–3 mm depth in the crust) was identical to that of present‐day seawater within error (~1.06). The value of 0.904 from the basal slice (6–9 mm) equaled seawater values from ca. 4–5 Ma. Because it is unknown how long the bone lay on the seafloor before the Fe–Mn crust was deposited, the Os stratigraphic age of ca. 5 Ma is a minimum age of the fossil. This is the first application, to our knowledge, of marine Os isotope stratigraphy for determining the age of a fossil whale bone. Such data may offer valuable insights into the evolution of the whale‐fall biotic community.  相似文献   

臼齿构造碳酸盐岩是全球各大陆中、新元古代时期普遍发育的、具有特殊成因意义的碳酸盐岩类型,到目前为止,已在全球20多个地区近50多个中、新元古代地层剖面中被发现。百余年来,有关MT的研究越来越深入,进展显著。从前期和前人较少关注的有关MT与宿主岩石的关系,尤其是从MT与宿主岩石地球化学特征的关系及其所揭示的地质意义出发,通过薄片、电子探针、背散射、阴极发光等测试手段及C、O、Sr同位素的系统测试,对辽东地区新元古代南关岭组、营城子组及兴民村组MT及其宿主岩石的成分、结构、微观组构等特征进行了深入研究。研究证明,MT是原生或早期成岩的产物,由原生海水埋藏成岩和海水直接成岩形成;MT与宿主岩石具有相似的地球化学特征,具有同生或准同生的特点,形成于温暖的正常海水环境,并于Sturtian冰期前终止发育。锶、碳同位素同全球中、新元古代碳锶同位素理论曲线类比表明,大连新元古代南关岭组和营城子组的形成时限为760~950 Ma,兴民村组形成时限为720~800 Ma,与胶辽徐淮地区新古代地层具有良好可对比性。  相似文献   

A low-angle thrust fault places high-PT granulites (hangingwall) of the Internal Zone of the Neoproterozoic Brasília Belt (Tocantins Province, central Brazil) in contact with a lower-grade footwall (External Zone) comprised of nappes of distal passive margin- and back-arc basin-related supracrustals. The footwall units were emplaced at  750 Ma onto proximal sedimentary rocks (Paranoá Group) of the São Francisco paleo-continent passive margin. The high-PT belt is comprised of 645–630 Ma granulite-facies paragneiss and orthogneiss, and mafic–ultramafic complexes that include three major layered intrusions and metavolcanic rocks granulitized at  750 Ma. These complexes occur within lower-grade metasedimentary rocks in the hangingwall of the Maranhão River Thrust, which forms the Internal Zone–External Zone boundary fault to the north of the Pirineus Zone of High Strain. Detailed lithostructural studies carried out in Maranhão River Thrust hangingwall and footwall metasedimentary rocks between the Niquelândia and Barro Alto complexes, and also to the east of these, indicate the same lithotypes and Sm–Nd isotopic signatures, and the same D1D2 progressive deformation and greenschist-facies metamorphism. Additionally, footwall metasedimentary rocks exclusively display a post-D2 deformation indicating that the Maranhão River Thrust propagated through upper crustal rocks of the Paranoá Group relatively late during the tectonic evolution of the belt. Fault propagation was a consequence of intraplate underthrusting during granulite exhumation. The results allow for a better tectonic understanding of the Brasília Belt and the Tocantins Province, as well as explaining the presence of the Pirineus Zone of High Strain.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope studies were carried out across units of a Neoproterozoic nappe system, south of São Francisco Craton. A temperature decrease toward the base of the system is found, consistent with a previously recognized inverted metamorphic pattern. The tectonic contact of the basal unit and the reworked southern São Francisco craton show a steep temperature gradient, suggesting that low temperature thrusting acted as the dominant tectonic process. The contrasts between the δ18O values of the Três Pontas-Varginha and Carmo da Cachoeira nappes and the differences among the samples and minerals are consistent with the preservation of sedimentary isotopic composition during metamorphism. The small differences in the δ18O values between the undeformed and the deformed calc-silicate samples (1.6‰) suggest that the δ18O value of mylonitization fluids was close to that which equilibrated with the metamorphic assemblage. The distinct δ18O values of metapelitic and calc-silicate samples and the great temperature difference from one type to the other indicate that no large-scale fluid interaction processes occurred during metamorphism. Oxygen isotopic estimations of both Três Pontas-Varginha undeformed rocks and Carmo da Cachoeira unaltered equivalents indicate δ18O values of up to 18‰. Comparison between these values and those from the ‘basement’ orthogneisses (8.3–8.5‰) indicates the latter are not sources for the metapelites.  相似文献   

The Caxias gold deposit, located in the São Luís Craton, is hosted by a steeply dipping strike-slip shear zone crosscutting schists and a fine-grained, hydrothermally altered tonalite (Caxias Microtonalite). Petrography and whole-rock geochemistry have characterized both pelitic and mafic protoliths for the hosting schists. The Caxias Microtonalite shows major and trace element behavior compatible with modern calc-alkaline, metaluminous, subduction-related granitoids. Geochronological studies on the Caxias Microtonalite have defined a minimum crystallization age of 1985±4 Ma, obtained by single-zircon Pb evaporation, and Sm–Nd crustal residence age (TDM) of 2.17 Ga, with Nd(T) +0.74, suggesting a juvenile protolith. The exact origin and role of the Caxias Microtonalite remain uncertain. It may be interpreted as representing either a late manifestation of the regionally dominant Tromaí magmatism, or a juvenile episode unrelated to this major magmatism. Rock, quartz veins, and saprolite geochemistry have shown that As, Sb, Ba, Rb, V, Cr, Co, and Ni, as well as Au, are useful elements that can be used in exploration for similar deposits in the region.  相似文献   

The easternmost domain of the Borborema Province, northeastern Brazil, presents widespread, extensional-related high-temperature metamorphism during the Brasiliano (=Pan-African) orogeny. This event reached the upper amphibolite to granulite facies and provoked generalized migmatization of Proterozoic metapelitic rocks of the Seridó Group and tonalitic to granodioritic orthogneisses of the Archean to Paleoproterozoic basement. We report new geochronological data based on electron microprobe dating of monazite from metapelitic migmatite and leuconorite within the high-T shear zones that make up the eastern continuation of the huge E–W Patos shear belt. These data were also constrained by using the Sm–Nd isotopic systematic on garnet from a syntectonic alkaline granite and two garnet-bearing leucosomes. The results suggest an age of about 578 to 574 Ma for the peak of the widespread high-T metamorphism. This event is best recorded by Sm–Nd garnet-whole rock ages. The U–Th–Pb isotopes on monazite of the metapelitic migmatite show a younger thermal event at 553 ± 10 Ma. When compared to the Sm–Nd garnet-whole rock ages, the U–Th–Pb electron probe monazite ages seem to record an event of slightly lower temperatures after the peak of the high-T metamorphism. This may reflect the difference in the isotopic behavior of the geochronological methods employed. Otherwise, the U–Th–Pb ages on monazites could indicate an event not yet very well defined. In anyway, this paper reveals the partial or even complete re-opening and resetting of the U–Th–Pb isotopic system produced by the action of low-T Ca-rich fluid.  相似文献   

The Camaquã Basin, developed during the last phases of the Brazilian/Pan-African Orogeny and was filled with a thick volcano-sedimentary succesion, in which two volcanic events of alkaline affinity are represented by the Acampamento Velho Alloformation and the Rodeio Velho Member. The Acampamento Velho Alloformation records a bimodal event with a lower association of mafic flows and an upper association of felsic pyroclastic rocks and flows. It was formed during extension, after the subduction of the Adamastor oceanic plate beneath the Rio de La Plata continental plate at the end of the Neoproterozoic III. The second event, the Rodeio Velho Member, represented by mafic flows, intrusions and piroclasts, took place during overall extensional tectonism, probably in the middle Ordovician. Rb, Sr, Sm, and Nd isotopic measurements were carried out on samples from both units. Regardless the event they represent, all the samples display negative values for epsilon Nd, ranging from 2.97 to 10.31 for the Acampamento Velho Alloformation and from 8.39 to 13.92 for the Rodeio Velho Member. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios vary from 0.706 to 0.707 and from 0.704 to 0.707 for the Acampamento Velho Alloformation and Rodeio Velho Member, respectively. Mafic flow deposits in both units show a preferential enrichment in Ba relative to Th. Flow samples from the Rodeio Velho Member also display a distinctive enrichment in the Ba/Th ratio, without a change in the initial Sr, compared to the mafic flow deposits from the Acampamento Velho Alloformation, which show a slight enrichment in those ratios. As for the Acampamento Velho Alloformation, the mafic lavas could be a mixture of depleted mantle-derived basalts plus 20% to 30% of crustal contamination by sediment (probably Neoproterozoic arkosic quartzites). The formation of a magmatic chamber and the separation of the magma into two fractions gave rise initially to the mafic rocks at the base of the Acampamento Velho Alloformation The other magma fraction underwent a significant enrichment in crustal component before the felsic rocks of this Alloformation were formed. The flows from the Rodeio Velho Member originated in a distinct magma chamber, with EM I characteristics that was much more enriched in incompatible elements and depleted in radiogenic Sr.  相似文献   

A Nappe system south to southwest of the São Francisco Craton represents the southern extension of the Brasília belt and describes an inverted metamorphic pile of greenschist facies toward amphibolite facies. The Aiuruoca-Andrelândia nappe is one of the nappes of this system. The hind portion of the Aiuruoca-Andrelândia nappe, south of Caxambu and Aiuruoca (MG), consists of a structural-metamorphic domain transported toward the E-NE. There is a metamorphic transition, from the kyanite zone to kyanite and sillimanite coexistence, until the sillimanite zone. Metapelitic rocks preserve high-pressure parageneses (Rt–Ky–Grt–Ms–Bt–Pl–Qtz) and contain retrograde eclogitic rocks. Sil–Pl–Qtz coronitic intergrowths around garnets are common decompressive textures. Kyanite schists register the Pmax of 11 kbar at 660 °C and define a decompressive path until 6–7.5 kbar at 650 °C. These PT conditions represent the equilibrium in S2 schistosity (amphibolite facies) and the beginning of the cooling path in the Ky–Sil transition. The decompressive path suggests an extrusional process, immediately after burying at about 60 km. Exhumation controlled by convergent events, related to the São Francisco Plate subduction and tectonic erosion, took these units, isothermally, to higher levels (20–33 km). Later, the metamorphic path shifted toward near-isobaric cooling.  相似文献   

It has been generally accepted that the South China Block was formed through amalgamation of the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks during the Proterozoic Sibaoan orogenesis, but the timing and kinematics of the Sibao orogeny are still not well constrained. We report here SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronological and geochemical data for the Taohong and Xiqiu tonalite–granodiorite stocks from northeastern Zhejiang, southeastern margin of the Yangtze Block. Our data demonstrate that these rocks, dated at 913 ± 15 Ma and 905 ± 14 Ma, are typical amphibole-rich calc-alkaline granitoids formed in an active continental margin. Combined with previously reported isotopic dates for the  1.0 Ga ophiolites and  0.97 Ga adakitic rocks from northeastern Jiangxi, the timing of the Sibao orogenesis is thus believed to be between  1.0 and  0.9 Ga in its eastern segment. It is noted that the Sibao orogeny in South China is in general contemporaneous with some other early Neoproterozoic (1.0–0.9 Ga) orogenic belts such as the Eastern Ghats Belt of India and the Rayner Province in East Antarctica, indicating that the assembly of Rodinia was not finally completed until  0.9 Ga.  相似文献   

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