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An analysis of IZNIRAN magnetic observatory data indicated that geomagnetic storms with sudden and gradual commencements form two independent populations with respect to the disturbance occurrence time and character because the solar sources of these disturbances are different. Storms with sudden and gradual commencements are caused by coronal mass ejections and high-speed solar wind streams from coronal holes, respectively.  相似文献   

The correlation between geomagnetic activity and the sunspot number in the 11-year solar cycle exhibits long-term variations due to the varying time lag between the sunspot-related and non-sunspot related geomagnetic activity, and the varying relative amplitude of the respective geomagnetic activity peaks. As the sunspot-related and non-sunspot related geomagnetic activity peaks are caused by different solar agents, related to the solar toroidal and poloidal fields, respectively, we use their variations to derive the parameters of the solar dynamo transforming the poloidal field into toroidal field and back. We find that in the last 12 cycles the solar surface meridional circulation varied between 5 and 20 m/s (averaged over latitude and over the sunspot cycle), the deep circulation varied between 2.5 and 5.5 m/s, and the diffusivity in the whole of the convection zone was ~108 m2/s. In the last 12 cycles solar dynamo has been operating in moderately diffusion dominated regime in the bulk of the convection zone. This means that a part of the poloidal field generated at the surface is advected by the meridional circulation all the way to the poles, down to the tachocline and equatorward to sunspot latitudes, while another part is diffused directly to the tachocline at midlatitudes, “short-circuiting” the meridional circulation. The sunspot maximum is the superposition of the two surges of toroidal field generated by these two parts of the poloidal field, which is the explanation of the double peaks and the Gnevyshev gap in sunspot maximum. Near the tachocline, dynamo has been operating in diffusion dominated regime in which diffusion is more important than advection, so with increasing speed of the deep circulation the time for diffusive decay of the poloidal field decreases, and more toroidal field is generated leading to a higher sunspot maximum. During the Maunder minimum the dynamo was operating in advection dominated regime near the tachocline, with the transition from diffusion dominated to advection dominated regime caused by a sharp drop in the surface meridional circulation which is in general the most important factor modulating the amplitude of the sunspot cycle.  相似文献   

This paper studies the ionospheric and geomagnetic response to an X6.2 solar flare recorded at 14:30 UT on December 13, 2001, in quiet geomagnetic conditions which allow the variations in the geomagnetic field and ionosphere measurements to be easily related to the solar flare radiation.By using measurements from the global positioning system (GPS) and geomagnetic observatories, the temporal evolution of ionospheric total electron content variation, vTECV, and geomagnetic field variations, δB, as well as their rates of variation, were obtained around the subsolar point at different solar zenith angles. The enhancement of both parameters was recorded one to three minutes later than the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) programme recording; such delay tends to depend on the latitude, longitude, and solar zenith angle of the observatory's observations.The vTECV is related to the local time and the δB to the intensity and position of the ionospheric currents.The vTECV′s maximum value is always recorded later than the maximum values reached by δB and the X-ray intensity. The maximum δB is larger in the local morning than in the afternoon.The rates of vTECV and δB have two maximum values at the same time as the maximum values recorded by Hα (for each ribbon).This work shows the quantitative and qualitative relations between a solar flare and the ionospheric and geomagnetic variations that it produces.  相似文献   

Synoptic maps for 1976–2003 obtained at the Kitt Peak National Solar Observatory are used to analyze the longitudinal distribution of the solar photospheric magnetic field. The superposition of synoptic maps gives different pictures for the rise-maximum phase and the decline-minimum phase. Two characteristic periods correspond to different situations in the 22-year solar magnetic cycle in the course of which both the global magnetic field and the magnetic field of the leading sunspot in a group change their sign.  相似文献   

The solar polar magnetic field has attracted the attention of researchers since the polar magnetic field reversal was revealed in the middle of the last century (Babcock and Livingston, 1958). The polar magnetic field has regularly reversed because the magnetic flux is transported from the sunspot formation zone owing to differential rotation, meridional circulation, and turbulent diffusion. However, modeling of these processes leads to ambiguous conclusions, as a result of which it is sometimes unclear whether a transport model is actual. Thus, according to the last Hinode data, the problem of a standard transport model (Shiota et al., 2012) consists in that a decrease in the polar magnetic flux in the Southern Hemisphere lags behind such a decrease in the flux in the Northern Hemisphere (from 2008 to June 2012). On the other hand, Svalgaard and Kamide (2012) consider that the asymmetry in the sign reversal simply results from the asymmetry in the emerging flux in the sunspot formation region. A detailed study of the polar magnetic flux evolution according to the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) data for May 2010–December 2012 is illustrated in the present work. Helioseismic & Magnetic Imager (HMI) magnetic data in the form of a magnetic field component along the line of sight (the time resolution is 720 s) are used here. The magnetic fluxes in sunspot formation regions and at high latitudes have been compared.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐地磁台地磁场变化特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据乌鲁木齐地磁台有史以来的地磁观测资料,对该地区地磁场的长期变,短期变及其磁暴活动规律进行了总结分析,这对进一步认识乌鲁木齐地磁台地磁场各要素的变化规律及征,为地震震预报提供有实用价值的第一手资料都是十分有意义的。  相似文献   

We ascribe the solar magnetic activity to the interplay between the plasma flow and the magnetic field. Observations by SOHO, Hinode and upcoming SDO are discussed. We then discuss the understanding and modeling of solar magnetic activity based on mathematical topological concepts. We present predictions using neural networks. Further we describe the outcome of the cycle 24 prediction panel. Finally, recommendations are given for making improved predictions.  相似文献   

In the present study, the deterministic chaotic behaviour of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) under various geomagnetic conditions of low and high solar active periods was analyzed, using the time series of IMF |B| and Bz, by employing chaotic quantifiers like, Lyapunov exponent, Tsallis entropy, correlation dimension, and non-linear prediction error. We have investigated whether the chaotic behaviour of interplanetary magnetic field would modify, when it produces major geomagnetic storms, and how it depends on the phase of solar activity. The yearly average values of Lyapunov exponent for the time series of IMF |B| and Bz, show solar flux dependence, whereas those values of entropy, correlation dimension and non-linear prediction error had no significant solar flux dependence. The yearly average values of entropy for quiet periods are higher compared to those values for major storm periods belonging to low/high solar active conditions, for both the time series |B| and Bz.  相似文献   

The possibility that conditions on the Sun and in the Earth’s magnetosphere can affect human health at the Earth’s surface has been debated for many decades. This work reviews the research undertaken in the field of heliobiology, focusing on the effect of variations of geomagnetic activity on human cardiovascular health. Data from previous research are analysed for their statistical significance, resulting in support for some studies and the undermining of others. Three conclusions are that geomagnetic effects are more pronounced at higher magnetic latitudes, that extremely high as well as extremely low values of geomagnetic activity seem to have adverse health effects and that a subset of the population (10–15%) is predisposed to adverse health due to geomagnetic variations. The reported health effects of anthropogenic sources of electric and magnetic fields are also briefly discussed, as research performed in this area could help to explain the results from studies into natural electric and magnetic field interactions with the human body.Possible mechanisms by which variations in solar and geophysical parameters could affect human health are discussed and the most likely candidates investigated further. Direct effects of natural ELF electric and magnetic fields appear implausible; a mechanism involving some form of resonant absorption is more likely. The idea that the Schumann resonance signals could be the global environmental signal absorbed by the human body, thereby linking geomagnetic activity and human health is investigated. Suppression of melatonin secreted by the pineal gland, possibly via desynchronised biological rhythms, appears to be a promising contender linking geomagnetic activity and human health. There are indications that calcium ions in cells could play a role in one or more mechanisms. It is found to be unlikely that a single mechanism can explain all of the reported phenomena.  相似文献   

为了"佐证"地磁场的铁磁体"假说",通过对铁磁体试件加热退磁,在外加磁场作用下冷却、重新磁化实验,成功实现永磁铁磁极性倒转,结合铁磁体居里点可随压强增大而提高的推理,认为地磁场的形成应由内地核铁镍物质的铁磁性引起,并主要通过(下)地幔和液态外地核圈层对的对流变动对内地核温压条件的改变,实现地磁场从具磁性→退磁→恢复磁性进程的地磁场倒转,通过进一步的高温高压模拟实验,可望揭开地磁场的形成及倒转之谜。  相似文献   

Lowes (1966, 1974) has introduced the function Rn defined by Rn =(n + 1) m=0 [(gmn)2 + (hmn)2] where gnmand hnm are the coefficients of a spherical harmonic expansion of the scalar potential of the geomagnetic field at the Earth's surface. The mean squared value of the magnetic field B = ??V on a sphere of radius r > α is given by B ·〉 =n=1 Rn(a/r)2n=4where a is the Earth's radius. We refer to Rn as the spherical harmonic spatial power spectrum of the geomagnetic field.In this paper it is shown that Rn = RMn = RCn where the components RnM due to the main (or core) field and RnC due to the crustal field are given approximately by RMn = [(n =1)/(n + 2)](1.142 × 109)(0.288n Λ2 RCn = [(n =1){[1 — exp(-n/290)]/(n/290)} 0.52 Λ2where Iγ = 1 nT. The two components are approximately equal for n = 15.Lowes has given equations for the core and crustal field spectra. His equation for the crustal field spectrum is significantly different from the one given here. The equation given in this paper is in better agreement with data obtained on the POGO spacecraft and with data for the crustal field given by Alldredge et al. (1963).The equations for the main and crustal geomagnetic field spectra are consistent with data for the core field given by Peddie and Fabiano (1976) and data for the crustal field given by Alldredge et al. The equations are based on a statistical model that makes use of the principle of equipartition of energy and predicts the shape of both the crustal and core spectra. The model also predicts the core radius accurately. The numerical values given by the equations are not strongly dependent on the model.Equations relating average great circle power spectra of the geomagnetic field components to Rn are derived. The three field components are in the radial direction, along the great circle track, and perpendicular to the first two. These equations can, in principle, be inverted to compute the Rn for celestial bodies from average great circle power spectra of the magnetic field components.  相似文献   

地磁场水平梯度及高空地磁场的计算与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以2000.0年中国地区的实测数据为例,首先利用5阶Taylor多项式方法建立了各分量的地磁模型,接着对模型中各分量的纬度和经度进行微分,计算得到各分量的水平梯度值,并绘制了相应分量沿南北方向和东西方向的水平梯度分布图,最后通过Zmuda多项式方法,基于地面模型值以及水平梯度值计算了高空(100 km)的各分量磁场值,并分析了水平梯度分布规律以及各分量随垂直高度的变化.结果表明:地磁场北向分量X、垂直分量Z、总强度F和磁倾角Ⅰ分量的水平梯度主要随纬度变化,其中X、Z和F分量随纬度减少而梯度降低,东向分量y和磁偏角D分量的水平梯度不仅随纬度变化,而且随经度变化,F分量的南北向梯度值在我国中心地区最大.在垂直方向,X、Z和F分量的强度分别随高度的上升而近似线性减小,在100 km高度处,强度变化平均值分别为-4.629 nT/km、-15.368 nT/ km和-16.226 nT/km,y分量强度随高度上升而呈近似线性增加,其平均变化值为0.166 nT/km,而D和Ⅰ分量基本不发生变化.  相似文献   

本文对磁宁静时的123个动压变化事件(不包含激波事件)进行了统计研究.研究表明,在白天侧(9~15MLT)同步轨道磁场z分量对太阳风动压增大、减小事件具有较强的正响应,而在夜侧(21~3MLT)响应明显减弱,响应幅度具有明显的磁地方时分布.对动压增大事件的平均响应幅度在午前最大,而对动压减小事件的平均响应幅度在午后达到最大.在白天侧,同步轨道磁场z分量响应幅度与太阳风动压上下游均方差有较好的线性正相关,两者比值随磁地方时具有明显的分布变化;对于同样的动压变化白天侧响应明显强于夜侧.地磁指数SYM-H响应幅度对太阳风动压上下游均方差具有明显的依赖关系,统计结果显示磁层压缩较强时,两者相关性较好.在白天侧,地磁指数响应幅度与同步轨道磁场z分量响应幅度具有明显的线性相关,晨昏侧相关性减弱,夜侧无明显相关.  相似文献   

磁线圈对地磁场的物理模拟及对地磁导航研究的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用磁线圈对地球基本磁场开展动态模拟,将地磁场随空间的变化转化为在实验室中随时间的变化,能够为地磁导航系统的匹配试验提供物理仿真的地磁场环境。本项研究依照虚拟仪器技术思路,对磁线圈、恒流电源、磁通门磁力仪(或Overhauser磁力仪)和工控机进行数字化连接,并采用LabVIEW编程进行驱动控制,通过自动调节线圈绕组中的电流大小来实现对磁场的物理模拟并进行实时监测,尝试组建了地磁场动态模拟系统,并分别开展了对地磁场总强度和三分量信号的动态模拟实验。模拟系统可以实现天然地磁场和人工编制两种动态信号的输出模拟,且拟合效果良好。地磁场动态模拟系统的初步建立为今后地磁匹配试验等研究提供了仿真磁场环境。  相似文献   

地磁正常场的选取与地磁异常场的计算   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
根据2003年中国地磁观测数据(包括135年地磁测点和35个地磁台)以及我国邻近地区38个IGRF计算点的地磁数据,计算中国地磁异常场的分布。选取两种地磁场模型作为地磁正常场,一是国际参考地磁场的球谐模型,二是中国地磁场泰勒多项式模型。根据各个测点的地磁异常值(观测值减去模型计算值),用球冠谐分析方法计算地磁异常场的球冠谐模型,并绘制2003年中国地磁异常(△D,△I,△F,△X,△Y,△Z)。分析和讨论了中国地磁异常场。  相似文献   

本文利用火星具有电离层而无内禀磁场的特点以及它与太阳风相互作用的性质,通过适当的假设,建立了火星感应磁场模型.此模型建立如下,利用电流连续的特性: Δ·j=0 (j为感应电流)以及对火星磁层中的电流体系分布的合理假设给出电流,并由毕奥—萨伐尔定理得到火星周围的磁场强度的表达式;利用我们自编的磁力线跟踪程序由求得的磁场强度得到火星周围的磁力线分布.我们发现:利用此火星磁场模型得到的火星周围的磁力线分布与卫星观测的结果以及其他方法得到的结果符合的很好.  相似文献   

a 27 nu amu ama m¶rt;au nma aaua ¶rt; nu nma anum¶rt; 27-¶rt; auauu u ÿeau nu¶rt;au 13–14 u 9 ¶rt;. mam an¶rt;u nma anum¶rt; Z u H mau a n nuuuu auauuu uuP 1 (cos ) u P 1 /, mmm. mau mau a um auumu mau auau ¶rt; mmu mu Z/H ¶rt; a¶rt; amuu. au ¶rt; mmuuu u umu a¶rt;au muu ¶rt; ¶rt;am uau mu ¶rt;¶rt;mmu mu u. a aaua au mu Z/H ¶rt;m u uam n u m aa amu.  相似文献   

地球主磁场模型   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
主磁场建模是一项综合性的研究工作,它涉及主磁场理论、磁场测量、数据同化、模型表达、模型解释以及模型运用等多方面的研究.本文综述了近五十年来德国、丹麦和美英各国研究者提出的数十个地球主磁场模型,回顾了主磁场模型研究方面的进展,概述了模型的描述以及建模的理论基础和方法.  相似文献   

由磁暴引起的地下感应电场(geomagnetic induction electric field,GIE)会影响电网的安全稳定运行,GIE的大小取决于磁暴时磁场的变化率和周围地下介质的电性结构.本文利用在地表观测的磁场与电场数据,首先求得频率域实际地下三维大地电磁站间阻抗,再结合磁暴时段的磁场数据,计算GIE的频谱,最后通过傅里叶反变换,得到GIE时间序列.本文以日本地区三个长期观测的电磁电台站为例,讨论了站间阻抗的长期稳定性,并选取一次典型的磁暴事件,对本文方法进行了验证.结果表明,合成的GIE与实测数据基本一致,说明利用大地电磁站间阻抗,结合地磁台站数据,可以高精度合成GIE.本文方法有助于定量评价磁暴发生时产生的GIE对电网可能造成的破坏作用.  相似文献   

The reversed paleomagnetic direction of the Laschamp and Olby flows represents a specific feature of the geomagnetic field. This is supported by paleomagnetic evidence, showing that the same anomalous direction was recorded at several distinct sites, including scoria of the Laschamp volcano. To examine this anomalous geomagnetic fluctuation, we studied the paleointensity of the Laschamp and Olby flows, using the Thellier method. Twenty-five samples were selected for the paleointensity experiments, and from seven we obtained reliable results. Because the paleointensity results of the Olby and Laschamp flows as well as Laschamp scoria are very similar, they can be represented by a single mean paleointensity,F = 7.7 μT. Considering that this low paleointensity is less than 1/6 of the present geomagnetic field and is more characteristic of transitional behavior, our results suggest that the paleomagnetic directions of the Laschamp and Olby flows were not acquired during a stable reversed polarity interval. A more likely explanation is that the Laschamp excursion represents an unsuccessful or aborted reversal.  相似文献   

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