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The magnetostratigraphy of sediments drilled at two sites (998 and 1001) in the Caribbean Sea during the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 165 is established directly from downhole measurements. For the first time in the ODP, the magnetostratigraphy of sediments is determined from both logging magnetic data and paleomagnetic analysis of core material for an age interval of about 16 m.y. across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. The total magnetic induction and the susceptibility of the surrounding sediment were recorded in situ and continuously by the GHMT (Geological High-sensitivity Magnetic Tool). The aim of processing these data is to determine the magnetic polarity. At Site 998 (Cayman Rise), no paleomagnetic results are available from the recovered cores given a hard secondary overprint. Nonetheless, a magnetostratigraphic sequence from early Miocene to late Oligocene is proposed from the analysis of the GHMT data. The comparison with biostratigraphic results shows the accuracy of the resulting magnetic polarity. At Site 1001 (Hess escarpment), cores were recovered in two holes thus allowing the comparison of the magnetostratigraphic results obtained from the GHMT data and from paleomagnetic analysis of core samples over a length of 200 m representing about 16 m.y. from early Eocene to late Cretaceous times. The sedimentation rates computed from the determined magnetochrons are very similar and correspond to the ones obtained from shipboard biostratigraphic results. One of the most striking result obtained from the magnetostratigraphic results, especially the GHMT data, at Site 1001, is the abrupt decrease in the sedimentation rate across the K/T boundary. This suppressed sedimentation lasted at least 4 Ma after the K/T event.  相似文献   

Soupy and mousse-like fabrics are disturbance sedimentary features that result from the dissociation of gas hydrate, a process that releases water. During the core retrieval process, soupy and mousse-like fabrics are produced in the gas hydrate-bearing sediments due to changes in pressure and temperature conditions. Therefore, the identification of soupy and mousse-like fabrics can be used as a proxy for the presence of gas hydrate in addition to other evidence, such as pore water freshening or anomalously cool temperature. We present here grain-size results, mineralogical composition and magnetic susceptibility data of soupy and mousse-like samples from the southern Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia accretionary complex) acquired during Leg 204 of the Ocean Drilling Program. In order to study the relationship between sedimentary texture and the presence of gas hydrates, we have compared these results with the main textural and compositional data available from the same area. Most of the disturbed analyzed samples from the summit and the western flank of southern Hydrate Ridge show a mean grain size coarser than the average mean grain size of the hemipelagic samples from the same area. The depositional features of the sediments are not recognised due to disturbance. However, their granulometric statistical parameters and distribution curves, and magnetic susceptibility logs indicate that they correspond to a turbidite facies. These results suggest that gas hydrates in the southern Hydrate Ridge could form preferentially in coarser grain-size layers that could act as conduits feeding gas from below the BSR. Two samples from the uppermost metres near the seafloor at the summit of the southern Hydrate Ridge show a finer mean grain-size value than the average of hemipelagic samples. They were located where the highest amount of gas hydrates was detected, suggesting that in this area the availability of methane gas was high enough to generate gas hydrates, even within low-permeability layers. The mineralogical composition of the soupy and mousse-like sediments does not show any specific characteristic with respect to the other samples from the southern Hydrate Ridge.  相似文献   

A synthesis of high-resolution (Chirp, 2–7 kHz) subbottom profiles in the Ulleung Basin reveals patchy distribution of shallow (<90 m subbottom depth) gassy sediments in the eastern basin plain below 1,800-m water depth. The shallow gases in the sediments are associated with acoustic turbidities, columnar acoustic blankings, enhanced reflectors, dome structures, and pockmarks. Analyses of gas samples collected from a piston core in an earlier study suggest that the shallow gases are thermogenic in origin. Also, published data showing high amounts of organic matter in thick sections of marine shale (middle Miocene to lower Pliocene sequence) and high heat flow in the basin plain sediments are consistent with the formation of deep, thermogenic gas. In multi-channel deep seismic profiles, numerous acoustic chimneys and faults reflect that the deep, thermogenic gas would have migrated upwards from the deeper subsurface to the near-seafloor. The upward-migrating gases may have accumulated in porous debrites and turbidites (upper Pliocene sequence) overlain by impermeable hemipelagites (Quaternary sequence), resulting in the patchy distribution of shallow gases on the eastern basin plain.  相似文献   

The Ulleung Basin (Tsushima Basin) in the southwestern East Sea (Japan Sea) is floored by a crust whose affinity is not known whether oceanic or thinned continental. This ambiguity resulted in unconstrained mechanisms of basin evolution. The present work attempts to define the nature of the crust of the Ulleung Basin and its tectonic evolution using seismic wide-angle reflection and refraction data recorded on ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs). Although the thickness of (10 km) of the crust is greater than typical oceanic crust, tau-p analysis of OBS data and forward modeling by 2-D ray tracing suggest that it is oceanic in character: (1) the crust consists of laterally consistent upper and lower layers that are typical of oceanic layers 2 and 3 in seismic velocity and gradient distribution and (2) layer 2C, the transition between layer 2 and layer 3 in oceanic crust, is manifested by a continuous velocity increase from 5.7 to 6.3 km/s over the thickness interval of about 1 km between the upper and lower layers. Therefore it is not likely that the Ulleung Basin was formed by the crustal extension of the southwestern Japan Arc where crustal structure is typically continental. Instead, the thickness of the crust and its velocity structure suggest that the Ulleung Basin was formed by seafloor spreading in a region of hotter than normal mantle surrounding a distant mantle plume, not directly above the core of the plume. It seems that the mantle plume was located in northeast China. This suggestion is consistent with geochemical data that indicate the influence of a mantle plume on the production of volcanic rocks in and around the Ulleung Basin. Thus we propose that the opening models of the southwestern East Sea should incorporate seafloor spreading and the influence of a mantle plume rather than the extension of the crust of the Japan Arc.  相似文献   

In July 2007, new marine heat flow data were collected at ten sites (HF01–10) in the central and southwestern sectors of the Ulleung Basin (East Sea or Sea of Japan) as part of regional gas hydrate research. In addition, cores were collected at five of these sites for laboratory analysis. The results show that the geothermal gradient ranged from 103–137 mK/m, and the in-situ thermal conductivity from 0.82–0.95 W/m·K. Laboratory measurements of thermal conductivity were found to deviate by as much as 40% from the in-situ measurements, despite the precautions taken to preserve the cores. Based on the in-situ conductivity, the heat flow was found to increase with water depth toward the center of the basin, ranging from 84–130 mW/m2. Using a simple model, we estimated the heat flow from the depths of the BSR, and compared this with the observed heat flow. In our study area, the two sets of values were quite consistent, the observed heat flows being slightly higher than the BSR-derived ones. The evaluation of regional pre-1994 data revealed that the heat flow varied widely from 51–157 mW/m2 in and around the basin. Due to a large scatter in these older data, a clear relationship between heat flow and water depth was not evident, in contrast to what would be expected for a rifted sedimentary basin. This raises the question as to whether the pre-1994 data represent the true background heat flow from the underlying basin crust since the basin opening, and/or whether they contain large measurement errors. In fact, evidence in support of the latter explanation exists. BSRs are generally found in the deep parts of the basin, and vary by only ±15 m in depth below the seafloor. From the average BSR depth, we inferred the background heat flow using a simple model, which in the case of the Ulleung Basin is approximately 120 and 80 mW/m2 for 2.5 and 1 km below sea level, respectively.  相似文献   

Characterization of the sediment composition of tidal flats and monitoring of their spatiotemporal changes has become an important part of the sustainable management of coastal environments. To accurately classify sediments through remote sensing, a comprehensive understanding of sediment reflectance spectra is indispensable. The present laboratory-based study explores the performance of the high spatial resolution (10?×?10 m) Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) launched in 2006. Relationships between reflectance spectra (bands 1 to 4) and four typical mass physical properties were investigated under wet and dry experimental conditions for intertidal sediments sampled near the Ba Lat Estuary in northern Vietnam. Reflectance in the near-infrared region corresponding to ALOS band 4 (0.76–0.89 μm) was found (1) to have a strong negative correlation with sand content (dry wt%) under both wet and dry conditions (linear correlation coefficient r?=?–0.7859 and –0.8094, respectively), (2) to increase with decreasing relative water content (%) in a given sediment type (r?=?–0.7748 to –0.9367 for mud, sandy mud, muddy sand, and sand), (3) to have a positive correlation with organic matter content (r?=?0.7610 and 0.6460 under wet and dry conditions for contents >0.20 dry wt%), and (4) to be insignificantly correlated with mineral composition assessed in terms of contents (wt%) of quartz, clay minerals, and mica group minerals. Positive relationships between reflectance and water content for the pooled data of all sediment types (r?=?0.6395) or organic matter content contrast with previous findings, and can be attributed to close interrelationships between these properties and the predominance of sand content as controlling factor of reflectance. This study clarifies that ALOS band 4 provides the most useful imagery for intertidal monitoring because its reflectance, as simulated using the laboratory data, shows the strongest correlation with sand content. In a next step, these experimental findings should be verified by identifying the reflectance relationships at satellite image scales, and also considering the effects of other tidal flat features on reflectance, such as microtopography and biological surface characteristics.  相似文献   

Late Holocene back-barrier sediments have been studied in a former lagoon reclaimed during the last century. Several shallow boreholes were cored, from which nine organic-rich samples were selected for radiocarbon dating, and others for palynological and palaeontological analysis. This enabled the reconstruction of the evolution of a back-barrier coastal basin during the late Holocene coastline progradation. Since late Roman times, the rate of relative sea-level rise (RSLR) has increased from 1.1 mm/yr to over 2 mm/yr, even after removal of the main human impacts during of the last century. This change is ascribed to sediment compaction related to changes in the hydrological regime, and possibly to an isostatic subsidence wave accompanying the northward shift of the Po Delta during the last 2000 years.  相似文献   

The Golo Margin in eastern Corsica is dissected by four canyons and two gullies which fed turbidite systems. Study of the dispersal of surficial sediments and flow dynamic in the Golo system is based on Kullenberg and interface cores interpreted in relation to a previously published seismic dataset. Cores were described in detail and interpreted within a sedimentary and stratigraphic framework. During the last 42,000 years, gravity processes which occurred in the large systems with a canyon source were mainly slide-induced, differentiated turbulent surges and hyperpycnal flows. Processes occurring in the small system with a gully source are mainly hyperconcentrated and concentrated flows. Deposits from the Corsican Margin can intercalate with products of processes triggered on the Pianosa Ridge located in the eastern part of the basin. During relative sea-level lowstands or during periods of rapid or high-amplitude sea-level fall, only large canyons (South and North Golo) are supplied by carbonate-rich hyperconcentrated and concentrated flows which are channelled in incised valleys on the shelf. During periods of slow or low-amplitude sea-level fall and during sea-level rise, sediments are trapped on a shelf delta and intensely winnowed by shelf hydrodynamic processes. Sand-rich hyperconcentrated and concentrated flows occur. All the systems fed by a canyon are active simultaneously. Gullies form and are active only during periods of sea-level rise. During relative highstands of sea level (Holocene), all the system is draped by hemipelagic sediments. Relative sea-level changes and canyon location relative to river mouths have a strong influence on the nature of sediment input, and the initiation and type of gravity flows which, in turn, control morphology and geometry.  相似文献   

《Marine and Petroleum Geology》2012,29(10):1953-1966
The presence of gas hydrate in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Japan Sea), inferred by various seismic indicators, including the widespread bottom-simulating reflector (BSR), has been confirmed by coring and drilling. We applied the standard AVO technique to the BSRs in turbidite/hemipelagic sediments crosscutting the dipping beds and those in debris-flow deposits to qualitatively assess the gas hydrate and gas concentrations. These BSRs are not likely to be affected by thin-bed tuning which can significantly alter the AVO response of the BSR. The BSRs crosscutting the dipping beds in turbidite/hemipelagic sediments are of low-seismic amplitude and characterized by a small positive gradient, indicating a decrease in Poisson’s ratio in the gas-hydrate stability zone (GHSZ), which, in turn, suggests the presence of gas hydrate. The BSRs in debris-flow deposits are characterized by a negative gradient, indicating decreased Poisson’s ratio below the GHSZ, which is likely due to a few percent or greater gas saturations. The increase in the steepness of the AVO gradient and the magnitude of the intercept of the BSRs in debris-flow deposits with increasing seismic amplitude of the BSRs is probably due to an increase in gas saturations, as predicted by AVO model studies based on rock physics. The reflection strength of the BSRs in debris-flow deposits, therefore, can be a qualitative measure of gas saturations below the GHSZ.  相似文献   

The presence of gas hydrate in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Japan Sea), inferred by various seismic indicators, including the widespread bottom-simulating reflector (BSR), has been confirmed by coring and drilling. We applied the standard AVO technique to the BSRs in turbidite/hemipelagic sediments crosscutting the dipping beds and those in debris-flow deposits to qualitatively assess the gas hydrate and gas concentrations. These BSRs are not likely to be affected by thin-bed tuning which can significantly alter the AVO response of the BSR. The BSRs crosscutting the dipping beds in turbidite/hemipelagic sediments are of low-seismic amplitude and characterized by a small positive gradient, indicating a decrease in Poisson’s ratio in the gas-hydrate stability zone (GHSZ), which, in turn, suggests the presence of gas hydrate. The BSRs in debris-flow deposits are characterized by a negative gradient, indicating decreased Poisson’s ratio below the GHSZ, which is likely due to a few percent or greater gas saturations. The increase in the steepness of the AVO gradient and the magnitude of the intercept of the BSRs in debris-flow deposits with increasing seismic amplitude of the BSRs is probably due to an increase in gas saturations, as predicted by AVO model studies based on rock physics. The reflection strength of the BSRs in debris-flow deposits, therefore, can be a qualitative measure of gas saturations below the GHSZ.  相似文献   

The levels of 19 kinds of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the aqueous phase, suspended particulate matter (SPM), pore water and sediments from Daliao River estuary of Liaodong Bay (Bohai Sea) in northeast China were investigated to evaluate their potential pollution risks. The total OCPs concentrations in the aqueous phase, SPM, pore water and sediments were 3.7–30.1 ng l−1, 4.6–52.6 ng l−1, 157–830 ng l−1 and 2.1–21.3 ng g−1 dry weight, respectively. The concentrations of OCPs, in the Daliao River estuary, are in the mid-range, as compared to those reported in other estuaries worldwide. The distribution of HCHs and DDTs were different indicating different contamination sources. Lindane is the main type of HCH and continuing use in northeast China of ‘pure’ HCH (lindane) rather than technical HCH accounts for the source. The ratios of (DDE + DDD)/DDT in the samples indicate no recent inputs of these chemicals to the estuary.  相似文献   

The raphidophyte Chattonella and the bacillariophyte Skeletonema are representative bloom-causing organisms in the Ariake Sea, Japan. Changes in their abundance were monitored to clarify the role of river discharge in the red tides caused by these organisms in the innermost area of the sea. In late June 2010, heavy rain occurred and subsequently river discharge increased. A Chattonella bloom occurred after heavy rain on July 5, although Chattonella abundance was very low (<1?cell?ml?1) before the heavy rain (June 29). Maximum cell density reached 4.2?×?103?cells?ml?1 at the surface. Thus, the bloom developed as the river plume extended in the estuary. During the course of extension of the river plume, the Chattonella population rapidly developed using the nutrients supplied by the river. Just after the Chattonella bloom, heavy rain occurred again and a very large quantity of river water flowed into the estuary. Consequently, the salinity of the surface decreased to 5 in the study area on July 16. Chattonella did not migrate to the surface probably because of the overlying low-salinity water; Chattonella formed a thin layer (20–50?cm in thickness) at the depth where salinity was 10. However, a Skeletonema population developed at the surface. On July 20, Skeletonema density at the surface exceeded 105?cells?ml?1. With the decline of the Skeletonema abundance due to the nutrient limitation, Chattonella again formed bloom probably using deep-nutrient pool by their vertical migration behavior. The present study clearly demonstrates that the Chattonella can form dense bloom after the heavy rain. The seed population awaiting the river discharge is probably essential to the rapid development of Chattonella in the estuary.  相似文献   

Siphonophores were sampled using stratified 1.67-m2-mouth 330-μm mesh nets during both day- and nighttime in Sagami Bay (35°0.50′N, 139°20′E), off south-eastern Japan during a 9-day period in March 2006, when the Kuroshio Current was in an offshore non-large meander phase. The samples were collected at 50-m intervals spanning from 1,000 m depth to the surface. Fifty-eight species and 11 eudoxid forms of unknown parentage were collected, of which 5 represent first-time records from Japanese waters, and Clausophyes laetmata Pugh and Pagès 1993, Eudoxia cf. galathea Moser 1925 and Lensia panikkari Daniel 1970 were recorded for the first time not only from Japan but from the entire Pacific Ocean. The highest abundance and diversity was found below the thermocline during the day, and above it at night. A second peak in abundance, around 400 m depth, associated with a decrease in diversity, could be linked to the increase in abundance of a single species—Dimophyes arctica (Chun 1897). The siphonophore communities could be related to the different water masses in the Bay, with an important influence of lateral transport of both tropical and subarctic species into the Bay by the different water masses.  相似文献   

In a broader application of sequence stratigraphic concept to a tectonically active margin setting, this study presents a sequence model that considers all three controls on sequence development (i.e. eustasy, tectonic movement and sediment supply) as independent variables. The model introduces six sequence types (A to F) including type 1 and type 2 sequences defined in the original Exxon scheme. Each sequence shows a variety in number and stacking pattern of its constituent parasequence sets reflecting combined effects of accommodation change and sediment supply. This model is applied to a seismic sequence analysis of the shelf–slope system (middle to upper Miocene) in the southwestern margin of Ulleung Basin which has experienced significant crustal deformation during the Tertiary back-arc opening and subsequent closing of the East Sea (Sea of Japan). The model application delineates four sequence types whose development is closely associated with the tectonic evolution of the Ulleung Basin margin. During the back-arc opening (early to middle Miocene), type A and B sequences were emplaced as a result of steady creation of accommodation space due to a rapid subsidence combined with a tectonic-controlled high to moderate rate of sediment supply. The sequences associated with the extensional tectonism are characterized by active progradation and aggradation without forced regressive phases. In the initiation stage of back-arc closure (middle to late Miocene), subsidence rates were significantly reduced because of a widespread contractional deformation, while subaerial erosion of the uplifted thrust belt resulted in an increase in sedimentation rate. As a result, steady prograding type-E sequences were formed by alternating normal and forced regressions. During the quiescent phase of back-arc closure in the late Miocene, rise-dominant fluctuating relative sea-level change and moderate to low sediment supply gave rise to type-F sequences (similar to type-1 sequences of the Exxon group) reflecting a major control of eustatic sea-level change.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to investigate the transfer of organic contaminants from an environmentally contaminated marine sediment through a simple marine food chain. The infaunal polychaete, Nereis virens, was exposed to contaminated sediment collected from the Passaic River, NJ, USA, for 70 days. These polychaetes were then fed to the American lobster, Homarus americanus, for up to 112 days. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), 2,4,6,8-tetrachlorodibenzothiophene (TCDT), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and several chlorinated pesticides were accumulated by polychaetes following exposure to the contaminated sediment. Some of these contaminants were also accumulated by lobsters which were exposed to the contaminated sediment and/or fed contaminated polychaetes. Only the lesser chlorinated PCDDs and PCDFs (mostly tetra- and pentachlorinated congeners) and 2,4,6,8-TCDT were detected in the polychaetes and lobster. Significant alterations were noted in the PCB patterns found in both species, particularly the lobster. The non-ortho-substituted PCBs (such as congeners 77 and 126) became enriched in the PCB mixtures of the polychaetes and especially the lobsters relative to the sediment, probably because these congeners were not metabolized. These congeners and the 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin toxicity equivalents of the PCB mixtures were enriched by a factor of about six in the lobsters relative to the sediment. Elimination of PCB congeners containing vicinal hydrogens in the meta-para region is consistent with cytochrome P450IIB-type metabolism. Based on the concentration trends for some PCB congeners and chlorinated pesticide ratios measured in the lobsters during this experiment, it appears that this metabolic system is inducible in the American lobster.  相似文献   

Themisto japonica was reared at 1, 5, 8, and 12°C in the laboratory to estimate its intermoult period (IP) and increase in body length (BL) at each moulting (BL).IP was found to be a function of temperature andBL of the specimens, longerIPs being associated with lower temperature and larger specimens.BL was not affected by temperature but increased with growth of the specimens. Observations on consecutive moults indicated that one new segment was added to pleopod rami at each moulting.BLs obtained from the measurement of the segment number of pleopod rami andBL of wild specimens were slightly larger than values obtained from laboratory-raised specimens.IP data obtained from laboratory-reared specimens are combined withBL data from wild specimens to establish a growth model forT. japonica from its release from the marsupium (1.31 mmBL) to the maximum size (17 mmBL) as a function of temperature. This growth model predicts that a total of of 18 moultings is needed forT. japonica to reach the maximum size regardless of temperature, although the time needed to reach the maximum size is highly dependent on temperature. The life cycle, from the newly released larvae (1.31 mmBL) to the spent females (10–17 mmBL), was estimated as 333–593 days at 1°C, 195–347 days at 5°C, 118–210 days at 10°C and 82–146 days at 15°C; the last may be the upper temperature limit forT. japonica. Growth rates ofT. japonica expressed on the basis of body mass are comparable to the rates of euphausiids of equivalent size when the effect of temperature is accounted for. Feeding conditions ofT. japonica in the field are also discussed.  相似文献   

Magnetic fabric (anisotropy) measurements have been made on samples of Quaternary sediments from DSDP Hole 380A (Black Sea) and Tertiary and Cretaceous nannofossil oozes, marls and volcanoclastic sandstones from the Southeast flank of the Walvis Ridge at Hole 524, recovered during Legs 42B and 73 of the International Program of Ocean Drilling (IPOD). The fabric was determined by means of both a low field and a high field torque magnetometer.The overall results from the low field measurements are similar to those from the high field measurements. The results from both sets of measurements indicate the existence of a NE-SW lineation at Hole 380A and a NW-SE lineation at Hole 524. For Hole 380A some of the individual parameters show slight differences in values for the low field and high field torque measurements while for Hole 524 these individual parameters compare favourably and indicate an approximately one-to-one correspondence. In general the fabric is better defined at Hole 524 than at Hole 380A. Anisotropy measurements sometimes were found to be greatly affected by the shape of the sample. This apparent shape-effect appears to be more prevalent in the high field than in the low field measurements. In addition, for Holes 380A and 524 some samples show deformational-style fabric characteristics on one instrument and depositional-style characteristics on the other. The reasons for these differences and how the effects on the anisotropy data can be removed or minimised are described in this paper.  相似文献   

The <2 μm fraction of 45 sediment samples from the Elbe and Weser rivers and from the southeastern North Sea (German Bight) was analyzed for its contents of clay minerals and selected chemical elements. This was done to provide new information to the controversial question about the origin and distribution of clays in this near-shore marine region. The proportions of smectite, chlorite, illite and kaolinite were determined from intensities of the (001) basal reflection of the XRD pattern using weighted integrated factors and IR-mineral spectra, which were fitted to the values of the chemical analyses. Illite – the major clay mineral – was characterized by its K/Rb ratios and K-Ar ages. Anthropogenic metal contamination was demonstrated by the Cu, Pb and Zn contents.  相似文献   

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