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Arctic aquatic systems are considered to be especially sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance, which can have cascading effects on biological communities as aquatic food-web structure is altered. Bio-indicators that respond to major limnological changes can be used to detect and infer major environmental change, such as climate warming, with the use of paleolimnological techniques. A multi-proxy approach was used to quantify recent environmental changes at Baker Lake, Nunavut, Arctic Canada. Analyses of fossilized remains of chironomids and diatoms were conducted on a sediment core of 20 cm in length sampled at 0.5-cm intervals. A new surface sediment training set of subfossil chironomid assemblages from 65 lakes across the eastern Canadian Arctic generated a robust (r jack2 = 0.79) surface water paleotemperature transfer function. The transfer function was applied to stratigraphic intervals from the Baker Lake sediment core to generate a paleotemperature reconstruction of sub-decadal resolution. The surface water temperature reconstruction inferred a 2°C increase in mid-summer surface water temperature for Baker Lake over the last 60 years, which was corroborated by the local instrumental record spanning the period of 1950–2007 AD. The chironomid record shows a recent decline of several cold-water taxa and appearance of warm-water indicators. This shift in community structure began circa 1906 AD, and intensified after 1940 AD. The corresponding fossil diatom record showed an increase in small planktonic Cyclotella taxa over the past 60 years, intensifying in the last 5 years, which also suggests a warmer climate and longer ice-free periods. The shifts in the diatom assemblages began later than the shifts in the chironomid assemblages, and were of lower magnitude, reflecting differences in the mechanisms in which these two indicators respond to environmental change.  相似文献   

Diatom responses to 20th century climate-related environmental change were assessed from three high-elevation lakes in the northern Canadian Cordillera. Dominance of small benthic Fragilaria diatoms reflect the generally cold conditions with long periods of ice cover that have characterized these mountain lakes over at least the last ~300 years until the period of recent warming. At the turn of the 20th century, salient shifts in the diatom assemblages reveal individualistic limnological responses with the onset of climate warming trends in northwest Canada. At YK3 Lake, an oligotrophic, chemically dilute, alpine lake, increased representation of the planktonic Cyclotella pseudostelligera may reflect longer ice-free conditions and/or more stable thermal stratification. By contrast, in the more productive, alkaline lakes (BC2 and Deadspruce lakes), changes to more diverse assemblages of periphytic diatoms suggest greater benthic habitat availability, most likely associated with the enhanced growth of aquatic plants with lengthening of the growing seasons. In addition, diatom assemblages from these lakes suggest less alkaline conditions following the onset of 20th century climate warming. Continued alkalinity reduction throughout the 20th century is qualitatively inferred at the lower elevation, treeline lake (Deadspruce Lake), while greater representation of alkaliphilous Fragilaria diatoms after ~1950 suggested increased alkalinity at the alpine BC2 Lake. Our results confirm the sensitivity of diatoms from high-elevation mountain lakes to regional climate change in northwest Canada. Individualistic limnological responses to 20th century warming are potentially attributed to differences in their physical setting (e.g., bedrock geology, elevation, catchment vegetation) in this complex mountain environment.  相似文献   

This paper presents the recent history of a large prealpine lake (Lake Bourget) using chironomids, diatoms and organic matter analysis, and deals with the ability of paleolimnological approach to define an ecological reference state for the lake in the sense of the European Framework Directive. The study at low resolution of subfossil chironomids in a 4-m-long core shows the remarkable stability over the last 2.5 kyrs of the profundal community dominated by a Micropsectra-association until the beginning of the twentieth century, when oxyphilous taxa disappeared. Focusing on this key recent period, a high resolution and multiproxy study of two short cores reveals a progressive evolution of the lake’s ecological state. Until AD 1880, Lake Bourget showed low organic matter content in the deep sediments (TOC less than 1%) and a well-oxygenated hypolimnion that allowed the development of a profundal oxyphilous chironomid fauna (Micropsectra-association). Diatom communities were characteristic of oligotrophic conditions. Around AD 1880, a slight increase in the TOC was the first sign of changes in lake conditions. This was followed by a first limited decline in oligotrophic diatom taxa and the disappearance of two oxyphilous chironomid taxa at the beginning of the twentieth century. The 1940s were a major turning point in recent lake history. Diatom assemblages and accumulation of well preserved planktonic organic matter in the sediment provide evidence of strong eutrophication. The absence of profundal chironomid communities reveals permanent hypolimnetic anoxia. From AD 1995 to 2006, the diatom assemblages suggest a reduction in nutrients, and a return to mesotrophic conditions, a result of improved wastewater management. However, no change in hypolimnion benthic conditions has been shown by either the organic matter or the subfossil chironomid profundal community. Our results emphasize the relevance of the paleolimnological approach for the assessment of reference conditions for modern lakes. Before AD 1900, the profundal Micropsectra-association and the Cyclotella dominated diatom community can be considered as the Lake Bourget reference community, which reflects the reference ecological state of the lake.  相似文献   

Inferences of past climate from the fossil record in lakes rely on the accurate quantification of a relationship of fossilizing organisms to their environment. Whereas the relationship of diatoms to water chemistry parameters has been modeled in many systems, few studies adequately address the relationship of diatoms to physical properties, such as water depth or hydrology, that may be more directly tied to climate. We examined the composition of modern diatoms in surface sediments of 75 isolated ponds (mostly Carolina bays) of the Atlantic Coastal Plain to: (1) assess the influence of physical and chemical variables on the distribution of diatoms among ponds of the region, and (2) develop a model that predicts hydroperiod (a measure of pond permanence) from diatom assemblages. We constructed two hydroperiod calibration models: the first infers hydroperiod from the weighted-average optima and tolerances of taxa along the hydroperiod gradient, the second bases inferences on the hydroperiod estimates of compositionally similar samples. Both approaches incorporate a-priori and post-hoc tests of assumptions often inherent in the construction of transfer functions. Diatom assemblage composition had strong, approximately linear relationships to hydroperiod, water depth, and calcium concentration in non-metric multidimensional ordination space; effects of other variables, including pH, were non-linear or ambiguous. Overall, the assemblages reflected the dilute, acidic chemical characteristics of bays. The assemblages contained differing abundances of euterrestrial, benthic and planktonic taxa, depending on a pond's susceptibility to drying. A weighted-averaging regression model based on taxon-specific hydroperiod optima generated adequate, unbiased hydroperiod inferences from diatom species composition (r2 = 0.81). This model may be used to infer past drought episodes from fossil diatom assemblages at appropriate sites on the Atlantic Coastal Plain.  相似文献   

Banks Island (N.W.T.) has become a focal point for climate change studies in the Canadian Arctic. However, long-term climatic and environmental data are very sparse from this large island, as they are for the entire southwestern region of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. In this paleolimnological study, diatom species assemblage shifts documented in cores collected from a pond and a lake on Banks Island were interpreted to represent a response to climate warming commencing in the nineteenth century. We found that, although the timing and overall nature of the species changes in the two cores were consistent, the signal was muted in the deeper site likely as a result of differences in ice cover extent and duration between lakes and ponds. A high-resolution study was also conducted from a second pond, at sub-decadal resolution, that only spanned the last ∼60 years. In the deeper lake site, Fragilaria construens and F. pinnata dominated the assemblages, similar to those noted in other high Arctic regions where lakes are characterized by extended ice cover. In contrast, Denticula kuetzingii dominated the shallower ponds and, in the case of the pond core representing the longer time period, this taxon increased in the post-1850 sediments, likely coincident with climate warming. In all cores, diatom assemblages became more diverse and Achnanthes species (particularly A. minutissima) increased from ∼1850 to the present, similar to changes documented in other Arctic regions. Beta diversity values calculated for the diatom species changes indicated that assemblage shifts in the Banks Island cores were of similar magnitude to those recorded in other Arctic regions with high species turnover, such as Ellesmere Island. A diatom-based Total Nitrogen (TN) transfer function previously developed for Banks Island was applied to the three 210Pb dated cores as an exploratory tool for inferring past changes in nitrogen concentrations. In both the lake and pond cores, diatom-inferred TN concentrations tended to increase in the more recent sediments, as may be expected with warming; however these trends were not very distinct.  相似文献   

Diatom species counts were conducted on 171 sediment samples from the 13-m-long core PG1351 from Lake El’gygytgyn, northeast Siberia. The planktonic Cyclotella ocellata-complex dominates the diatom assemblage through most of the core record, persisting through a variety of climate conditions. Periphytic diatoms, although less abundant, have greater diversity and greater down-core assemblage variation. During warm climate modes, longer summer ice-free conditions may have allowed more complex diatom communities to develop in shallow-water habitats, and enhanced circulation may have increased transport of these diatoms to deeper parts of the lake. Zones of low overall diatom abundance further support inferred intervals of low lake productivity during times of extended lake ice and snow cover. More data on the modern spatial and temporal distribution of diatom species in the Lake El’gygytgyn system will improve inferences from core records. This is the last in a series of eleven papers published in this␣special issue dedicated to initial studies of El'gygytgyn Crater Lake and its catchment in NE Russia. Julie Brigham-Grette, Martin Melles, Pavel Minyuk were guest editors of this special issue.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages recovered from a Colorado River delta core in northern Patagonia, Argentina were analyzed in order to assess past environmental conditions. A total of 35 samples were selected from a 172-cm core extracted 37 km from the mouth (39°36′19.6″S; 62°29′26.1″W). One-hundred and thirty-eight taxa were recognized and grouped according to life forms. Two diatom zones were identified by cluster analysis. At the base of the sequence, the Diatom Zone I (DZI; 4132 ± 35 ??2919?±?27 14C yr BP), consisted of clays, and was characterized by assemblages dominated by aerophilous and benthic taxa and chrysophyte stomatocysts, which led to inferences of a sedimentary environment corresponding to a pond experiencing dry periods. The upper section (DZII) was dominated by fine sands and silts encompassing the last ~?150 yr with abundant planktonic and tychoplanktonic diatoms. Benthic diatoms were abruptly replaced by planktonic forms in this zone indicating a shift to deeper waters. These results characterize the meandering dynamics of a deltaic system. During the Mid-Holocene, more arid periods would have favored the deactivation of meanders and the formation of riverine and oxbow wetlands. In Late-Holocene and historical times, more humid conditions and the hydrological system across the floodplain reactivated the paleochannel. Today, the dominant diatom species are brackish/freshwater fragilaroids. A non-multidimensional scaling analysis showed a lack of analogy between fossil and modern samples. The change in diatom floras in recent historical times was attributed to anthropogenic disturbances, a consequence of the regulation of the river flow. This regulation is evidenced by less discharge, morphological modifications in the floodplain and increased salinity in the last decade.  相似文献   

Fossil diatoms from lake sediments have been used to infer both past trophic state and climate conditions. In Europe, climate reconstructions focused on northern and alpine regions because these areas are climatically sensitive and anthropogenic impact was low. In contrast, anthropogenic impact was often high in the central European lowlands, such as northern Germany, beginning in the Neolithic Age, ~3700 BC. Since that time, trophic state change was the main factor that affected diatom assemblages in central European lowland lakes. Therefore, it was considered difficult or impossible to identify climate changes in the region using sedimented diatoms. We used diatom assemblage changes, diatom-inferred total phosphorus concentrations and the relative abundance of planktonic diatoms from sediments of three lakes that differ in their location, size, morphology, catchment area and current trophic state to test whether we could distinguish between trophic state and climate signals over the past 5,000 years in northern Germany. In this study, changes in trophic state and climate were well differentiated. In the study lakes, relative abundance of planktonic diatoms seems to be linked to the length of lake mixing phases. Planktonic diatom abundance decreased during years with shorter mixing duration, and these shorter mixing times probably reflect colder winters. The diatom-inferred periods of short mixing phases from 1000 BC to AD 500 and from AD 1300 to 1800 coincide well with two known cooling phases in Europe and the North Atlantic region.  相似文献   

In recent decades, softwater lakes across Canada have experienced a wide array of anthropogenic influences, with acidification and climate warming of particular concern. Here, we compare modern and pre-industrial sedimentary diatom assemblages from 36 softwater lakes located on the Canadian Shield in south-central Ontario to determine whether lake acidification or reduced calcium availability was the main stressor responsible for recent declines in Ca-sensitive cladoceran taxa. Regional surveys of south-central Ontario water chemistry have identified the pH recovery of many formerly acidified lakes, and our fossil diatom-inferred pH analyses indicate that modern lakewater pH in the 36 study lakes is similar to (or higher than) pre-industrial levels, with diatom assemblages from both time periods dominated by taxa with similar pH preferences. In addition, modern diatom assemblages compared to pre-industrial assemblages contained higher relative abundances of planktonic diatom taxa (e.g. Asterionella formosa and the Discostella stelligera complex) and lower relative abundances of heavily silicified diatoms (e.g. Aulacoseira taxa) and benthic fragilarioid taxa. These taxonomic shifts are consistent with warming-induced changes in lake properties including a longer ice-free period, decreased wind speed and/or increased thermal stability. We conclude that recent changes observed within the cladoceran assemblages of these lakes are not a response to acidification, but are likely a consequence of Ca declines. In addition, our data suggest that regional climate warming is now responsible for the diatom changes observed in this region.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages in surface sediments were sampled along three transects in Lake 239, from the Experimental Lakes Area (NW Ontario), and analyzed in order to explore the relationship between modern species distributions and water depth. Approximately 170 diatom species were identified in surficial sediments at lake depths from 2 to 30 m. The species composition varied with sample depth but remained highly similar across all three transects. The main patterns of variation in the diatom assemblages across transects, derived from a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), showed that assemblages were highly correlated (r = 0.97 to 0.98). At depths > 8 m the pattern of predominantly benthic composition changed to a planktonic assemblage dominated by Cyclotella stelligera. This depth currently corresponds to the depth of 1% light penetration as assessed from extinction coefficient measurements. Diatom species diversity increases with the switch to the near-shore benthic taxa in all three transects. Additionally, there is a large decrease in the ratio of chrysophyte scales to diatoms at depths < 8 m. Light transmission data from wet and dry periods over the last 35 years suggests that during dry periods the extent of the littoral zone should change by over 2 m. We suggest that cores along a transect from 8 to 14 m should provide a highly sensitive location for detailed paleoclimatic study.  相似文献   

A sediment core from the Arctic Revvatnet (Hornsund area, SW Spitsbergen, Svalbard) provided data on environmental changes over the last 3100 years. Diatom analysis showing the domination of planktonic Cyclotella forms suggested good edaphic conditions until the middle of the nineteenth century, even during the Little Ice Age. A thermally stratified and relatively stable water column with good mixing allowed small, less heavily silicified Cyclotella sensu lato to develop during this time. The climate warming at the beginning of the twentieth century induced intensification of erosion processes in the catchment of the lake and caused an increase in the sedimentation rate. These processes have caused a lack of thermal stratification by disturbances in the water column and an increase of nutrients, consequently driving changes in the diatom species composition, which became dominated by benthic forms. In this period, almost all planktonic taxa disappeared or abruptly decreased in frequency. Higher temperatures accelerated the melting of nearby glaciers, which caused an increase in the activity of diatoms typical of running waters. Also a few Cladocera species appeared at the first time in the youngest samples.  相似文献   

We present a paleolimnological record spanning the Holocene from a small lake on Russell Island (Lake PW02), in the central Canadian Arctic Archipelago (74.07° N, 97.77° W, 182 m asl). Fragilarioid diatom types in the genera Pseudostaurosira, Staurosira and Staurosirella constitute >90% of valves in fossil samples. Using modern biogeographic data which specify the temperature optima of the Fragilarioid diatom taxa, we present new inferences about the timing of paleoclimatic changes in the central Arctic islands. The early Holocene was characterized by maximum values for sediment organic matter, and lower ratios of Staurosirella pinnata to Staurosira construens v. venter, suggesting warm summer air temperatures between about 9500−6500 cal year BP. Influxes of biogenic silica and diatom valves decreased following 4000 cal year BP, the sediment accumulation rate slowed and diatom taxa of the littoral zone diversified, suggesting cooler summers and more persistent lake ice. Variations in the species composition of the assemblages indicate paleoclimatic changes that are in broad agreement with other paleoenvironmental records from the Arctic including melt records from the Agassiz Ice Cap. Although autecological data remain incomplete for Fragilarioid taxa, our results indicate differences in these taxa in responses to paleoenvironmental change and underline the potential for the increased use of these taxa in paleoenvironmental reconstructions. The record from Lake PW02, as in other records from Arctic lakes with low algal diversity throughout the Holocene, shows a pronounced increase in diatom diversity since the 1920s, and diatom production since the 1970s far exceeds any recorded during the Holocene.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages of surface sediments in 46 billabongs from four river floodplains in the southeast Murray-Darling Basin, Australia were sampled to investigate drivers of species distribution. The principal purpose of the study was to derive information to aid interpretation of diatom-based palaeoecological studies of these systems and of floodplain lakes more generally. Patterns in billabong diatom assemblages in relation to river reach, hydrology and farming intensity on surrounding land were examined, as were correlations with water quality variables. Seasonal variation in billabong water quality was high relative to spatial variation, and spatial patterns in billabong water quality were weak. In contrast, strong patterns were evident in diatom assemblages. Three main patterns were observed: (1) a distinction between billabongs dominated by planktonic diatoms from those dominated by benthic and attached forms; (2) differences in diatom assemblages in billabongs on different river reaches; and (3) differences in assemblages in billabongs with different hydrology. Of all water quality variables tested, total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN) and pH exerted the strongest independent influence on diatom distribution; however, only TP remained an important variable when species variation due to river reach, hydrology, and aquatic plant cover was taken into account. The weak influence of water quality on diatom distribution is interpreted as reflecting the dichotomy between plankton and non-plankton-dominated billabongs, the influence of hydrology and biogeography, the lack of strong spatial water quality gradients and the high degree of temporal variability in water quality. The findings show that diatom records from billabong sediments can provide evidence of long-term changes in the abundance of aquatic macrophytes and hydrology. They also suggest that merging calibration data sets across regions for the purpose of improving diatom transfer functions for water quality reconstruction is of limited value for floodplain lakes, and that performance is more likely to be gained by boosting site numbers within regions.  相似文献   

The sedimentary diatom records of three shallow lakes in the Altai Mountains, southern Siberia, were examined to assess the nature and timing of Holocene environmental changes. Few paleoenvironmental records, especially reconstructions not based on pollen, have been reported from this region. The lakes differ in elevation, annual precipitation, and catchment vegetation. Diatom assemblages in all lakes were dominated for the entire period of record by small benthic species of Pseudostaurosira Williams & Round, Staurosira Ehrenberg, and Staurosirella Williams & Round. Planktonic taxa only occur in very low abundances (<5%). The most diverse diatom flora was found in Dzhangyskol, which is situated at the lowest elevation within a forested catchment. A lack of detailed information on the ecological preferences of the dominant taxa and the complexity of environmental drivers make direct interpretation of the diatom record difficult. However, other proxies suggest that dramatic shifts in dominance between Staurosira elliptica and Staurosirella pinnata in Grusha Ozero reflect millennial-scale variability in climate. Together, chironomids and diatoms provide evidence of a cooling possibly correlative to the Younger Dryas Stade and subsequent early-Holocene warming consistent with pollen evidence of afforestation, which also is likely linked to increased humidity. By ~6000 cal year BP, the transition to a cooler, more continental climate had begun. The diatom record of Akkol shows significantly less variation in diatom community composition, but biogenic silica accumulation rates, a proxy for diatom productivity, appear to reflect climatic variability driven by insolation trends over the past 8000 years. Long-term variability in Dzhangyskol is not clearly linked to climate.  相似文献   

Diatoms were analyzed in a laminated sediment sequence from the middle Miocene, lacustrine Shanwang Formation, Shandong Province, eastern China, to reconstruct past conditions in the lake and evaluate relationships between inferred changes in the aquatic and terrestrial environments. Changes in the diatom assemblages over the 22.9-m-long sediment sequence were used to assign 19 lithologic layers to five zones. In Zone 1, Aulacoseira cf. distans and Melosira youngi were dominant in diatomaceous laminations. In Zone 2, only a few Aulacoseira spp. and Cymbella spp. were found in the yellow-green mudstone samples. In Zone 3, benthic pennate taxa, such as Fragilaria, Pinnularia, and Cymbella dominated in parts of the laminites. In Zone 4, Aulacoseira taxa regained dominance, and in Zone 5, benthic diatoms were found in only one sample. Shifts in the diatom assemblages and other sedimentological evidence indicate a change in the water level from a relatively deep system (>8–12 m) to a mudflat, then fluctuating water levels (8–12 m), shallower conditions (4–8 m), and finally a terrestrial environment. Abundant Aulacoseira indicate not only cold water, but also wind-induced turbulence. Water depth fluctuations coincided with the aridity index, reflected by terrestrial plant fossils in the sediments. Water pH, total phosphorus (TP), and total organic carbon (TOC) reconstructions were undertaken using the European Diatom Database (EDDI), and results showed a correlation between fluctuating water levels and volcanic activity in Zone 3.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages in surficial sediments, sediment cores, sediment traps, and inflowing streams of perennially ice-covered Lake Hoare, South Victorialand, Antarctica were examined to determine the distribution of diatom taxa, and to ascertain if diatom species composition has changed over time. Lake Hoare is a closed-basin lake with an area of 1.8 km2, maximum depth of 34 m, and mean depth of 14 m, although lake level has been rising at a rate of 0.09 m yr-1 in recent decades. The lake has an unusual regime of sediment deposition: coarse grained sediments accumulate on the ice surface and are deposited episodically on the lake bottom. Benthic microbial mats are covered in situ by the coarse episodic deposits, and the new surfaces are recolonized. Ice cover prevents wind-induced mixing, creating the unique depositional environment in which sediment cores record the history of a particular site, rather than a lake-wide integration. Shallow-water (<1 m) diatom assemblages (Stauroneis anceps, Navicula molesta, Diadesmis contenta var. parallela, Navicula peraustralis) were distinct from mid-depth (4–16 m) assemblages (Diadesmis contenta, Luticola muticopsis fo. reducta, Stauroneis anceps, Diadesmis contenta var. parallela, Luticola murrayi) and deep-water (26–31 m) assemblages (Luticola murrayi, Luticola muticopsis fo. reducta, Navicula molesta). Analysis of a sediment core (30 cm long, from 11 m water depth) from Lake Hoare revealed two abrupt changes in diatom assemblages. The upper section of the sediment core contained the greatest biomass of benthic microbial mat, as well as the greatest total abundance and diversity of diatoms. Relative abundances of diatoms in this section are similar to the surficial samples from mid-depths. An intermediate zone contained less organic material and lower densities of diatoms. The bottom section of core contained the least amount of microbial mat and organic material, and the lowest density of diatoms. The dominant process influencing species composition and abundance of diatom assemblages in the benthic microbial mats is episodic deposition of coarse sediment from the ice surface.  相似文献   

Diatoms are used widely for paleolimnological studies in lakes, but their use for studying the environmental history of reservoirs has not been tested extensively. Reservoirs have hydrodynamic characteristics intermediate between those of rivers and lakes. This study assessed the utility of diatom assemblages as recorders of long-term changes in hydrodynamics and spatial gradients in Liuxihe Reservoir, an impoundment in southern China. Four sediment cores were collected in the reservoir, from the riverine, transition and lacustrine zones. Each core was sectioned at 2-cm intervals to investigate the stratigraphic distribution of accumulated diatoms. Varve counting was used to develop a chronology for one of the cores. The unique characteristics of Liuxihe Reservoir, including its large size, great depth, long narrow morphology and strong thermal stratification for 10 months of the year, limit secondary sedimentation processes and preserve the varves, enabling development of an accurate chronology. Damming profoundly altered the physical environment of the former river, especially in the lacustrine zone, where the change is clearly illustrated by diatoms in the sediment. Diatom abundance increased as a consequence of nutrient enrichment after construction of the dam in 1958, but later decreased as the new impoundment stabilized. After damming, relative abundance of Cyclotella increased along with a simultaneous decrease of Navicula and Achnanthes in the lacustrine zone, most significantly in 1963, when Cyclotella replaced Navicula as the dominant genus. This switch was indicative of a general shift from a lotic to a lentic habitat. A longitudinal gradient was apparent in the patterns of sedimentation and diatom accumulation at different sites in the reservoir, with diatom abundance highest in the transition zone. In the long term, water discharge from the reservoir showed a weak, but significant negative correlation with diatom abundance in the lacustrine zone (r = −0.320, P = 0.03). In summary, diatom assemblages in the Liuxihe Reservoir sediments recorded past changes in hydrodynamics, suggesting that paleolimnological study of some impoundments is feasible.  相似文献   

Diatom profiles in closed-basin lake sediments are commonly used to reconstruct climate change based on the observed correlations between salinity (ionic concentration) and modern diatom assemblages. Diatom assemblages are strongly correlated not only with salinity but also anion composition, with certain taxa characteristic of carbonate systems and others sulfate-dominated waters. Although strong correlations exist, the actual mechanisms behind these correlations are unknown. Here we briefly review the influence of salinity and ionic composition on nutrient dynamics in saline lakes and suggest that these interactions may drive shifts in diatom species composition along gradients of ionic concentration/composition. We discuss the influence of salinity and anion composition on nutrient availability, as well as on nutrient requirements and uptake by diatoms.  相似文献   

A mean annual temperature increase has been recorded on the Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau of China during the last century. This temperature increase has been significantly greater since the 1950s. Thus, paleolimnological analyses may be utilized to better understand ecological responses to recent changing climate over decadal to centennial timescales, especially in regions with sparse lake monitoring data. Here, we present paleolimnological results from a 210Pb/137Cs-dated sediment core spanning approximately the last ~250 years from a remote, alpine, semi-closed oligotrophic lake (Lugu Lake) on the northwestern Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau. Sediment profiles of diatoms, geochemical variables (LOI550, TOC and C/N) and median grain size were analyzed and compared with the climate data (1951 AD–2010 AD) from the Lijiang weather station. Endogenous productivity of Lugu Lake has increased gradually over the last 30 years. The majority of diatom taxa encountered in the core are typical of alkaline oligotrophic lakes. Diatom assemblages were dominated by Cyclostephanos dubius, Cyclotella taxa, and fragilarioid taxa. Diatom species composition has changed significantly with three assemblage shifts at different scales over the ~250-year period. Diatom species diversity reveals a distinct increase before ~1970 AD, followed by a decline. In addition, a decreasing trend in diatom cell-size was consistent with recent warming trends. Redundancy analysis (RDA) shows that regional air temperature trends (annual, spring, summer, and winter) have played a significant role (p < 0.05) in determining diatom compositional changes over the past six decades. Results of this study suggest that regional warming is the main driving force behind recent changes in diatom composition at Lugu Lake, while nutrients may also have impact on the diatom change in recent 10 years.  相似文献   

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