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The O2 3?-Y3+ center in fluorite-type structures (CaF2 and SrF2) has been investigated at the density functional theory (DFT) level using the CRYSTAL06 code. Our calculations were performed by means of the hybrid B3PW method in which the Hartree–Fock exchange is mixed with the DFT exchange functional, using Becke’s three parameter method, combined with the non-local correlation functionals by Perdew and Wang. Our calculations confirm the stability and the molecular character of the O2 3?-Y3+ center. The unpaired electron is shown to be almost exclusively localized on and equally distributed between the two oxygen atoms that are separated by a bond distance of 2.47 Å in CaF2 and 2.57 Å in SrF2. The calculated 17O and 19F hyperfine constants for of the O2 3?-Y3+ center are in good agreement with their corresponding experimental values reported by previous electron paramagnetic resonance and electron nuclear double resonance studies, while discrepancies are notable for the 89Y hyperfine constants.  相似文献   

According to the compositions of the underground brine resources in the west of Sichuan Basin, solubilities of the ternary systems NaBr–Na2SO4–H2O and KBr–K2SO4–H2O were investigated by isothermal method at 348 K. The equilibrium solid phases, solubilities of salts, and densities of the solutions were determined. On the basis of the experimental data, the phase diagrams and the density-composition diagrams were plotted. In the two ternary systems, the phase diagrams consist of two univariant curves, one invariant point and two crystallization fields. Neither solid solution nor double salts were found. The equilibrium solid phases in the ternary system NaBr–Na2SO4–H2O are NaBr and Na2SO4, and those in the ternary system KBr–K2SO4–H2O are KBr and K2SO4. Using the solubilities data of the two ternary subsystems at 348 K, mixing ion-interaction parameters of Pitzer’s equation θxxx, Ψxxx and Ψxxx were fitted by multiple linear regression method. Based on the chemical model of Pitzer’s electrolyte solution theory, the solubilities of phase equilibria in the two ternary systems NaBr–Na2SO4–H2O and KBr–K2SO4–H2O were calculated with corresponding parameters. The calculation diagrams were plotted. The results showed that the calculated values have a good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

Groundwater is of utmost significance to socio-economic development and ecological recovery for the Loess Plateau. However, studies regarding the mechanism governing groundwater recharge over this area appear to be inadequate. This study is to examine the spatio-temporal variations of δ2H and δ18O in precipitation and shallow groundwater. On the basis of this, the mechanisms governing shallow groundwater recharge were explored. Precipitation and groundwater were sampled monthly from May to October during the period 2004–2006 at 13 sites in the Chabagou Catchment (187 km2). In the Caopingxigou Experimental Watershed (0.1 km2), meteorological variables were observed and rainfall larger than 5 mm was sampled immediately after each rain event. Across the area, 90% of the precipitation occurred from May to September primarily in the form of heavy rains or rainstorms with great spatial variability. There were about 30 localized rains in each year. It was indicated that there existed notable seasonality and pronounced spatial variability in precipitation isotopic compositions. Contributing factors and indications of isotopic compositions, as well as their climatic indications such as monsoon intensities and mixing processes of water vapor, were investigated. The δ2H–δ18O relation of groundwater was found to be δ2H = 3.22 × δ18O − 38.1, deviating from the local meteoric water line δ2H = 7.57 × δ18O + 3.9. The range of δ values in groundwater is shrunken to be 15–21% of that in individual precipitations, and groundwater in the middle reaches shows a wider range of δ values. Isotopic results showed that groundwater originates from precipitation with hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions being −69 and −9.7‰, respectively, and most groundwater experiences serious evaporation and adequate mixing with old water during infiltration or percolation in the aerated zone. It was also founded that obvious fluctuations of isotopic compositions in groundwater mainly appear in the middle reaches especially at sites that are close to valleys, suggesting varying sources of groundwater from precipitation, precipitation runoff, isotopically enriched surface water and/or lateral recharge of adjacent groundwater.  相似文献   

The radiation sensitivity, time stability and optical sensitivity of [Si45−] paramagnetic centers in natural zircon crystals, particularly those from the Late Neopleistocenic tuff of the Elbrus Volcano, have been studied. Optical bleaching was shown to result in the recombination of [Si45−] centers, while the concentration of centers increases in the absence of light due to the internal radiation background. The data obtained show the infeasibility of using [Si45−] centers in zircons as paleodosimeters in conventional dating methods using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. New specific techniques need to be developed for EPR dating of zircons.  相似文献   

Single-crystal study of the structure (R = 0.0268) was performed for garyansellite from Rapid Creek, Yukon, Canada. The mineral is orthorhombic, Pbna, a = 9.44738(18), b = 9.85976(19), c = 8.14154(18) Å, V = 758.38(3) Å3, Z = 4. An idealized formula of garyansellite is Mg2Fe3+(PO4)2(OH) · 2H2O. Structurally the mineral is close to other members of the phosphoferrite–reddingite group. The structure contains layers of chains of M(2)O4(OH)(H2O) octahedra which share edges to form dimers and connected by common edges with isolated from each other M(1)O4(H2O)2 octahedra. The neighboring chains are connected to the layer through the common vertices of M(2) octahedra and octaahedral layers are linked through PO4 tetrahedra.  相似文献   

The solubility of Gd2Ti2O7 ceramic in acidic solutions (HCl and HClO4) was studied at 250°C and saturation vapor pressure within pH 2.5–5.2. The dissolution process occurs mainly via two reactions: 0.5 Gd2Ti2O7(cr) + 3H+ = Gd3+ + TiO2(cr) + 1.5 H2O at pH < 3 and 0.5Gd2Ti2O7(cr) + H+ + 0.5H2O = Gd(OH) 2 + TiO2(cr) at pH 3–5. The thermodynamic equilibrium constants were calculated at the 0.95 confidence level as log K (1) o = 4.12 ± 0.47; = ?0.97 ± 0.16 at 250°C. It was shown that Gd3+ undergoes hydrolysis in solutions with pH > 3, and the species Gd(OH) 2 + dominates up to at least pH 5. At pH < 3, Gd occurs in solutions as Gd3+. The second constant of Gd3+ hydrolysis was determined at 250°C as K o = ?5.09 ± 0.5, and the thermodynamic characteristics of the initial Gd2Ti2O7 solid phase were determined: S 298.15 o = 251.4 J/(mol K) and ΔfG 298.15 o = ?3630 ± 10 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

Tuite forms by the breakdown of apatite at high pressure and is thus expected to play a role in extending the phosphorus cycle beyond the stability field of apatite and into the lower mantle. With its large, high-coordination cation sites, tuite is thought to be able to dissolve large quantities of incompatible elements such as rare earth elements, Sr, Th, and U, and is potentially an important mantle reservoir for these elements. In this paper, ab initio calculations of the structure and elasticity of tuite to lower mantle pressure are presented and used to probe trace element incorporation. The calculated zero-pressure volumes of the M1 and M2 cation sites were 50.23 and 36.61 Å3, while the corresponding bulk moduli K 0 are 116.1 and 94.2 GPa, significantly lower than the 234.1 GPa calculated for the M site of CaSiO3 perovskite (cpv), another likely host for incompatible elements in the mantle. The partitioning of impurities between tuite and cpv is investigated using a lattice strain model, parameterized by the ab initio calculations, to calculate isovalent substitution energies across a range of pressures and impurity sizes. Additionally, energies of strontium and barium defects in tuite are compared with those of equivalent defects in cpv, and it is found that both elements will partition strongly from cpv into tuite.  相似文献   

The influence on the structure of Fe2+ Mg substitution was studied in synthetic single crystals belonging to the MgCr2O4–FeCr2O4 series produced by flux growth at 900–1200 °C in controlled atmosphere. Samples were analyzed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, electron microprobe analyses, optical absorption-, infrared- and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The Mössbauer data show that iron occurs almost exclusively as IVFe2+. Only minor Fe3+ (<0.005 apfu) was observed in samples with very low total Fe. Optical absorption spectra show that chromium with few exceptions is present as a trivalent cation at the octahedral site. Additional absorption bands attributable to Cr2+ and Cr3+ at the tetrahedral site are evident in spectra of end-member magnesiochromite and solid-solution crystals with low ferrous contents. Structural parameters a0, u and T–O increase with chromite content, while the M–O bond distance remains nearly constant, with an average value equal to 1.995(1) Å corresponding to the Cr3+ octahedral bond distance. The ideal trend between cell parameter, T–O bond length and Fe2+ content (apfu) is described by the following linear relations: a0=8.3325(5) + 0.0443(8)Fe2+ (Å) and T–O=1.9645(6) + 0.033(1)Fe2+ (Å) Consequently, Fe2+ and Mg tetrahedral bond lengths are equal to 1.998(1) Å and 1.965(1) Å, respectively.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity of monocrystalline triphylite, Li(Fe2+,Mn2+)PO4, with the orthorhombic olivine-type structure was measured parallel (∥) to the [010] direction and ∥ [001] (space group Pnma), between ~400 and ~700 K. Electrical measurements on triphylite are of technological interest because LiFePO4 is a promising electrode material for rechargeable Li batteries. Triphylite was examined by electron microprobe, ICP atomic emission spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy and microscopic analysis. The DC conductivity σDC was determined from AC impedance data (20 Hz–1 MHz) extrapolating to zero frequency. Triphylite shows σDC with activated behavior measured ∥ [010] between ~500 and ~700 K during the first heating up, with activation energy of E A = 1.52 eV; on cooling E A = 0.61 eV was found down to ~400 K and extrapolated σDC (295 K) ~10?9 Ω?1cm?1; ∥ [001] E A = 0.65 eV and extrapolated σDC(295 K) ~10?9 to 10?10 Ω?1cm?1, measured during the second heating cycle. The enhanced AC conductivity relative to σDC at lower temperatures indicates a hopping-type charge transport between localized levels. Conduction during the first heating up is ascribed to ionic Li+ hopping. DC polarization experiments showed conduction after the first heating up to be electronic related to lowered activation energy. Electronic conduction appears to be coupled with the presence of Li+ vacancies and Fe3+, formed by triphylite alteration. For comparison, σDC was measured on the synthetic compound LiMgPO4 with olivine-type structure, where also an activated behavior of σDC with E A ~1.45 eV was observed during heating and cooling due to ionic Li+ conduction; here no oxidation can occur associated with formation of trivalent cations.  相似文献   

Kopaida plain is a cultivated region of Eastern Greece, with specific characteristic related with the paleogeographic evolution and the changes in land use. The present article examines the contamination that derives from nitrates, in terms of contaminant levels, definition of sources and spatial distribution of contaminant plume. For this purpose, 50 water samples were collected from the karstic aquifer and analyzed for 15 parameters including major ions, trace elements, physicochemical parameters, and stable isotopes. The assessment of the above parameter values along with the notes derived by the statistical process revealed the existence of nitrate contamination which has been spatial defined with the aid of spatial interpolation techniques. The correlation of NO3 concentrations with the stable isotope values, defined the infiltration conditions and showed contaminant transport. Nitrate values revealed the potential environmental threat for local people, as 10% of the samples exceeded the parametric value of 50 ppm and 54% of them are above 25 ppm, indicating no optimal quality conditions. The origin of nitrate contamination seems to derive exclusively from the application of N-fertilizers, since the rest of potential sources were not verified by analytical data and field works.  相似文献   

Kamarizaite, a new mineral species, has been identified in the dump of the Kamariza Mine, Lavrion mining district, Attica Region, Greece, in association with goethite, scorodite, and jarosite. It was named after type locality. Kamarizaite occurs as fine-grained monomineralic aggregates (up to 3 cm across) composed of platy crystals up to 1 μm in size and submicron kidney-shaped segregations. The new mineral is yellow to beige, with light yellow streak. The Mohs hardness is about 3. No cleavage is observed. The density measured by hydrostatic weighing is 3.16(1) g/cm3, and the calculated density is 3.12 g/cm3. The wavenumbers of absorption bands in the IR spectrum of kamarizaite are (cm?1; s is strong band, w is weak band): 3552, 3315s, 3115, 1650w, 1620w, 1089, 911s, 888s, 870, 835s, 808s, 614w, 540, 500, 478, 429. According to TG and IR data, complete dehydration and dehydroxylation in vacuum (with a weight loss of 15.3(1)%) occurs in the temperature range 110–420°C. Mössbauer data indicate that all iron in kamarizaite is octahedrally coordinated Fe3+. Kamarizaite is optically biaxial, positive: n min = 1.825, n max = 1.835, n mean = 1.83(1) (for a fine-grained aggregate). The chemical composition of kamarizaite (electron microprobe, average of four point analyses) is as follows, wt %: 0.35 CaO, 41.78 Fe2O3, 39.89 As2O5, 1.49 SO3, 15.3 H2O (from TG data); the total is 98.81. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of (AsO4,SO4)2 is Ca0.03Fe 2.86 3+ (AsO4)1.90(SO4)0.10(OH)2.74 · 3.27H2O. The idealized formula is Fe 3 3+ (AsO4)2(OH)3 · 3H2O. Kamarizaite is an arsenate analogue of orthorhombic tinticite, space group Pccm, Pcc2, Pcmm, Pcm21, or Pc2m; a = 21.32(1), b = 13.666(6), c =15.80(1) Å, V= 4603.29(5) Å3, Z= 16. The strongest reflections of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [\(\bar d\), Å (I, %) (hkl)] are: 6.61 (37) (112, 120), 5.85 (52) (311), 3.947 (100) (004, 032, 511), 3.396 (37) (133, 431), 3.332 (60) (314), 3.085 (58) (621, 414, 324). The type material of kamarizaite is deposited in the Mineralogical Collection of Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, inventory number 82199.  相似文献   

Deep-seated landslides are complex systems. In many cases, multidisciplinary studies are necessary to unravel the key hydrological features that can influence their evolution in space and time. The deep-seated Berceto landslide, in the northern Apennines of Italy, has been investigated in order to define the origin and geochemical evolution of groundwater (GW), to identify the slope system hydrological boundary, and to highlight the GW flow paths, transit time and transfer modalities inside the landslide body. This research is based on a multidisciplinary approach that involves monitoring GW levels, obtaining analyses of water chemistry and stable and unstable isotopes (δ18O-δ2H, 3H, 87Sr/86Sr), performing soil leaching tests, geochemical modelling (PHREEQC), and principal component analysis (PCA). The results of δ18O-δ2H and 87Sr/86Sr analyses show that the source of GW recharge in the Berceto landslide is local rainwater, and external contributions from a local stream can be excluded. In the landslide body, two GW hydrotypes (Ca-HCO3 and Na-HCO3) are identified, and the results of PHREEQC and PCA confirm that the chemical features of the GW depend on water–rock interaction processes occurring inside the landslide. The 3H content suggests a recent origin for GW and appears to highlight mixing between shallow and deep GW aliquots. The 3H content and GW levels data confirm that shallow GW is mainly controlled by a mass transfer mechanism. The 3H analyses with GW levels also indicate that only deep GW is controlled by a pressure transfer mechanism, and this mechanism is likely the main influence on the landslide kinematics.  相似文献   

DC and AC electrical conductivities were measured on samples of two different crystals of the mineral aegirine (NaFeSi2O6) parallel () and perpendicular () to the [001] direction of the clinopyroxene structure between 200 and 600 K. Impedance spectroscopy was applied (20 Hz–1 MHz) and the bulk DC conductivity DC was determined by extrapolating AC data to zero frequency. In both directions, the log DC – 1/T curves bend slightly. In the high- and low-temperature limits, differential activation energies were derived for measurements [001] of EA 0.45 and 0.35 eV, respectively, and the numbers [001] are very similar. The value of DC [001] with DC(300 K) 2.0 × 10–6 –1cm–1 is by a factor of 2–10 above that measured [001], depending on temperature, which means anisotropic charge transport. Below 350 K, the AC conductivity () (/2=frequency) is enhanced relative to DC for both directions with an increasing difference for rising frequencies on lowering the temperature. An approximate power law for () is noted at higher frequencies and low temperatures with () s, which is frequently observed on amorphous and disordered semiconductors. Scaling of () data is possible with reference to DC, which results in a quasi-universal curve for different temperatures. An attempt was made to discuss DC and AC results in the light of theoretical models of hopping charge transport and of a possible Fe2+ Fe3+ electron hopping mechanism. The thermopower (Seebeck effect) in the temperature range 360 K < T <770 K is negative in both directions. There is a linear – 1/T relationship above 400 K with activation energy E 0.030 eV [001] and 0.070 eV [001]. 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy was applied to detect Fe2+ in addition to the dominating concentration of Fe3+.  相似文献   

Thaumasite, Ca3Si(OH)6(CO3)(SO4)12H2O, occurs as a low-temperature secondary alteration phase in mafic igneous and metamorphic rocks, and is recognized as a product and indicator of sulfate attack in Portland cement. It is also the only mineral known to contain silicon in six-coordination with hydroxyl (OH)? that is stable at ambient PT conditions. Thermal expansion of the various components of this unusual structure has been determined from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of natural thaumasite at 130 and 298 K. No phase transitions were observed over this temperature range. Cell parameters at room temperature are: a= 11.0538(6) Å, c=10.4111(8) Å and V=1101.67(10) Å3, and were measured at intervals of about 50 K between 130 and 298 K, resulting in mean axial and volumetric coefficients of thermal expansion (×10?5K?1); α a =1.7(1), α c =2.1(2), and α V =5.6(2). Although the unit cell and VIIICaO8 polyhedra show significant positive thermal expansion over this temperature range, the silicate octahedron, sulfate tetrahedron, and carbonate group show zero or negative thermal expansion, with α V (VISiO6) = ?0.6 ± 1.1, α V (IVSO4)=?5.8 ± 1.4, and α R (C–O)= 0.0 ± 1.8 (×10?5 K?1). Most of the thermal expansion is accommodated by lengthening of the R(O...O) hydrogen bond distances by on average 5σ, although the hydrogen bonds involving hydroxyl sites on VISi expand twice as much as those on molecular water, causing the [Ca3Si(OH)6(H2O)12]4+ columns to expand in diameter more than they move apart over this temperature range. The average Si–OH bond length of the six-coordinated Si atom 〈R(VISi–OH)〉 in thaumasite is 1.783(1) Å, being about 0.02 Å (?20σ) shorter than VISi–OH in the dense hydrous magnesium silicate, phase D, MgSi2H2O6.  相似文献   

Experiments at high pressures and temperatures were carried out (1) to investigate the crystal-chemical behaviour of Fe4O5–Mg2Fe2O5 solid solutions and (2) to explore the phase relations involving (Mg,Fe)2Fe2O5 (denoted as O5-phase) and Mg–Fe silicates. Multi-anvil experiments were performed at 11–20 GPa and 1100–1600 °C using different starting compositions including two that were Si-bearing. In Si-free experiments the O5-phase coexists with Fe2O3, hp-(Mg,Fe)Fe2O4, (Mg,Fe)3Fe4O9 or an unquenchable phase of different stoichiometry. Si-bearing experiments yielded phase assemblages consisting of the O5-phase together with olivine, wadsleyite or ringwoodite, majoritic garnet or Fe3+-bearing phase B. However, (Mg,Fe)2Fe2O5 does not incorporate Si. Electron microprobe analyses revealed that phase B incorporates significant amounts of Fe2+ and Fe3+ (at least ~?1.0 cations Fe per formula unit). Fe-L2,3-edge energy-loss near-edge structure spectra confirm the presence of ferric iron [Fe3+/Fetot?=?~?0.41(4)] and indicate substitution according to the following charge-balanced exchange: [4]Si4+?+?[6]Mg2+?=?2Fe3+. The ability to accommodate Fe2+ and Fe3+ makes this potential “water-storing” mineral interesting since such substitutions should enlarge its stability field. The thermodynamic properties of Mg2Fe2O5 have been refined, yielding H°1bar,298?=???1981.5 kJ mol??1. Solid solution is complete across the Fe4O5–Mg2Fe2O5 binary. Molar volume decreases essentially linearly with increasing Mg content, consistent with ideal mixing behaviour. The partitioning of Mg and Fe2+ with silicates indicates that (Mg,Fe)2Fe2O5 has a strong preference for Fe2+. Modelling of partitioning with olivine is consistent with the O5-phase exhibiting ideal mixing behaviour. Mg–Fe2+ partitioning between (Mg,Fe)2Fe2O5 and ringwoodite or wadsleyite is influenced by the presence of Fe3+ and OH incorporation in the silicate phases.  相似文献   

Nickeltalmessite, Ca2Ni(AsO4)2 · 2H2O, a new mineral species of the fairfieldite group, has been found in association with annabergite, nickelaustinite, pecoraite, calcite, and a mineral of the chromite-manganochromite series from the dump of the Aït Ahmane Mine, Bou Azzer ore district, Morocco. The new mineral occurs as spheroidal aggregates consisting of split crystals up to 10 × 10 × 20 μm in size. Nickeltalmessite is apple green, with white streak and vitreous luster. The density measured by the volumetric method is 3.72(3) g/cm3; calculated density is 3.74 g/cm3. The new mineral is colorless under a microscope, biaxial, positive: α = 1.715(3), β = 1.720(5), γ = 1.753(3), 2V meas = 80(10)°, 2V calc = 60.4. Dispersion is not observed. The infrared spectrum is given. As a result of heating of the mineral in vacuum from 24° up to 500°C, weight loss was 8.03 wt %. The chemical composition (electron microprobe, wt %) is as follows: 25.92 CaO, 1.23 MgO, 1.08 CoO, 13.01 NiO, 52.09 As2O5; 7.8 H2O (determined by the Penfield method); the total is 101.13. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of two AsO4 groups is Ca2.04(Ni0.77Mg0.13Co0.06)Σ0.96 (AsO4)2.00 · 1.91H2O. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, Å (I, %) (hkl)] are: 5.05 (27) (001) (100), 3.57 (43) (011), 3.358 (58) (110), 3.202 (100) (020), 3.099 (64) (0\(\bar 2\)1), 2.813 (60), (\(\bar 1\)21), 2.772 (68) (2\(\bar 1\)0), 1.714 (39) (\(\bar 3\)31). The unit-cell dimensions of the triclinic lattice (space group P1 or P) determined from the X-ray powder data are: a = 5.858(7), b = 7.082(12), c = 5.567(6) Å, α = 97.20(4), β = 109.11(5), γ = 109.78(5)°, V = 198.04 Å3, Z = 1. The mineral name emphasizes its chemical composition as a Ni-dominant analogue of talmessite. The type material of nickeltalmessite is deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, registration number 3750/1.  相似文献   

The thermal dehydration process of fibroferrite, FeOH(SO4)·5H2O, a secondary iron-bearing hydrous sulfate, was investigated by in situ high-temperature synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction (HT-XRPD), in situ high-temperature Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (HT-FTIR) and thermal analysis (TGA-DTA) combined with evolved gas mass spectrometry. The data analysis allowed the determination of the stability fields and the reaction paths for this mineral as well as characterization of its high-temperature products. Five main endothermic peaks are observed in the DTA curve collected from room T up to 800 °C. Mass spectrometry of gases evolved during thermogravimetric analysis confirms that the first four mass loss steps are due to water emission, while the fifth is due to a dehydroxylation process; the final step is due to the decomposition of the remaining sulfate ion. The temperature behavior of the different phases occurring during the heating process was analyzed, and the induced structural changes are discussed. In particular, the crystal structure of a new phase, FeOH(SO4)·4H2O, appearing at about 80 °C due to release of one interstitial H2O molecule, was solved by ab initio real-space and reciprocal-space methods. This study contributes to further understanding of the dehydration mechanism and thermal stability of secondary sulfate minerals.  相似文献   

A new mineral, tatarinovite, ideally Са3Аl(SO4)[В(ОН)4](ОН)6 · 12Н2O, has been found in cavities of rhodingites at the Bazhenovskoe chrysotile asbestos deposit, Middle Urals, Russia. It occurs (1) colorless, with vitreous luster, bipyramidal crystals up to 1 mm across in cavities within massive diopside, in association with xonotlite, clinochlore, pectolite and calcite, and (2) as white granular aggregates up to 5 mm in size on grossular with pectolite, diopside, calcite, and xonotlite. The Mohs hardness is 3; perfect cleavage on (100) is observed. D meas = 1.79(1), D calc = 1.777 g/cm3. Tatarinovite is optically uniaxial (+), ω = 1.475(2), ε = 1.496(2). The IR spectrum contains characteristic bands of SO4 2?, CO3 2?, B(OH)4 ?, B(OH)3, Al(OH)6 3-, Si(OH)6 2-, OH, and H2O. The chemical composition of tatarinovite (wt %; ICP-AES; H2O was determined by the Alimarin method; CO2 was determined by selective sorption on askarite) is as follows: 27.40 CaO, 4.06 B2O3, 6.34 A12O3, 0.03 Fe2O3, 2.43 SiO2, 8.48 SO3, 4.2 CO2, 46.1 H2O, total is 99.04. The empirical formula (calculated on the basis of 3Ca apfu) is H31.41Ca3.00(Al0.76Si0.25)Σ1.01 · (B0.72S0.65C0.591.96O24.55. Tatarinovite is hexagonal, space gr. P63, a = 11.1110(4) Å, c = 10.6294(6) Å, V = 1136.44(9) A3, Z = 2. Its crystal chemical formula is Са3(Аl0.70Si0.30) · {[SO4]0.34[В(ОН)4]0.33[СO3]0.24}{[SO4]0.30[В(ОН)4]0.34[СО3]0.30[В(ОН)3]0.06}(ОН5·73О0.27) · 12Н2O. The strongest reflections of the powder X-ray diffraction pattern [d, Å (I, %) (hkl)] are 9.63 (100) (100), 5.556 (30) (110), 4.654 (14) (102), 3.841 (21) (112), 3.441 (12) (211), 2.746 (10) (302), 2.538 (12) (213). Tatarinovite was named in memory of the Russian geologist and petrologist Pavel Mikhailovich Tatarinov (1895–1976), a well-known specialist in chrysotile asbestos deposits. Type specimens have been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

The emission and excitation spectra of yellow luminescence due to S2 in scapolites (#1 from Canada and #2 from an unknown locality) were observed at 300, 80 and 10 K. Emission and excitation bands at 10 K showed vibronic structures with a series of maxima spaced 15–30 and 5–9 nm, respectively. The relative efficiency of yellow luminescence from scapolite #2 was increased up to 117 times by heat treatment at 1,000°C for 2 h in air. The enhancement of yellow luminescence by heat treatment was ascribed to the alteration of SO3 2− and SO4 2− to S2 in scapolite.  相似文献   

Analytical expressions for the variation in D La and D Yb with increasing liquid SiO2 for olivine, plagioclase, augite, hornblende, orthopyroxene, magnetite and ilmenite (Brophy in Contrib Mineral Petrol 2008, online first) have been combined with numerical models of hydrous partial melting, of mid-ocean ridge (MOR) cumulate gabbro melting, and fractional crystallization of slightly hydrous mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) magma to assess a melting versus fractionation origin for oceanic plagiogranite. For felsic magmas (>63 wt.% SiO2) the modeling predicts the following. MOR cumulate gabbro melting should yield constant or decreasing La and constant Yb abundances with increasing liquid SiO2. The overall abundances should be similar to those in associated mafic magmas. MORB fractional crystallization should yield steadily increasing La and Yb abundances with increasing SiO2 with overall abundances significantly higher than those in associated mafic magmas. Application to natural occurrences of oceanic plagiogranite indicate that both MOR cumulate gabbro melting and MORB fractionation are responsible. Application of the model results to Icelandic rhyolites strongly support a fractional crystallization rather than a crustal melting origin.  相似文献   

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