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20世纪末"生产网络范式"取代了"现代企业范式"成为世界生产组织方式的主流,随之生产网络成为了西方经济地理学的研究热点之一。本文综述了西方学者从不同视角对生产网络的理解,概括了生产网络所具有的几个重要特征,对生产网络在不同尺度的应用进行了评述。总体上看,生产网络对解释各尺度经济现象都具有重要的作用,但相比国际、区域和全球等大尺度生产网络的广泛研究,国家和地方中小尺度的生产网络明显受到忽视。事实上,在大尺度生产网络的研究基础和背景下,国家生产网络在构建国家创新系统上、地方生产网络在分析地方经济上将会发挥更加重要的作用。  相似文献   

一、教材分析1.文本范围:"形式多样的国界"由领土、国界、国界的多样形式构成。这部分内容既是对之前所学的"景观?地图篇"中相关知识进行渗透,又为后面学习各个国家的地理知识打下基础。2.文本广度:国家领土由领陆、领水(内水、领海)、领空、底土构成,是一个立体的空间,  相似文献   

“21世纪海上丝绸之路”航运服务业网络格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王列辉  张楠翌  朱艳 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1663-1670
在“一带一路”倡议下,发展航运服务业对于巩固与提升中国在全球航运网络中的地位具有重要意义。构建103家跨国公司在“21世纪海上丝绸之路(海丝之路)”沿线1 054个城市的分布数据库,分析7种航运服务业在“海丝之路”沿线的网络特征。研究表明:① “海丝之路”沿线航运服务业网络的层级分布特征明显,处于第一层级的均为亚洲城市,说明亚洲航运服务业在航运服务业网络中地位重要。② 在“海丝之路”这一层面,伦敦、香港、新加坡等城市和地区构成大的联系三角,在中国层面,上海、香港、北京构成小的联系三角。③ 高端航运服务业主要分布在欧洲城市,亚洲城市在中端航运服务业方面占据重要地位,在低端航运服务业方面,非洲城市在仓储服务业表现突出,亚洲和欧洲城市则在船舶修造业实力雄厚。④ 高端航运服务业往往受城市的历史、文化、语言、法律、制度影响较大,对地方的根植性较强,倾向于首都等内陆城市,而中低端航运服务业主要依托于货物运输,受自然条件和区位条件等因素的影响较大,往往随货物运输转移而转移,倾向于分布在港口城市。  相似文献   

西方“地方生产网络”相关研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生产网络是西方经济地理学的研究热点之一。其对全球经济的透彻解析所形成的全球生产网络概念已受到普遍关注,而作为地方经济分析工具的地方生产网络概念却明显受到忽视。本文参阅西方地方生产网络相关研究成果,对地方生产网络概念进行了梳理和界定,从构成与形态、内部关系、影响因素、外部连接、学习与创新、升级和演化等方面进行了评述,认为地方生产网络将会在分析地方经济内部结构、外部关系和创新能力等方面发挥更加重要的作用。  相似文献   

将"云教育"引入到课堂教学中是教育创新与变革的一大举措。结合武汉市第十六中学建设的地理"云教室""地理学科基地"网络学习平台和"热力环流"一节优质课,对地理"云课堂"的构建作进一步分析,探讨"云课堂"带来的教学意义。  相似文献   

"长江各河段的自然特征"是湘教版八年级上册第二章第三节"中国的河流"中框题"滚滚长江"的重点,在同题异构教研活动中,我们以此作为教学课题进行教学比较研究,以下谈谈对两位老师教学过程设计及教学实施过程的几点思考。  相似文献   

郭卫东  钟业喜  冯兴华 《地理研究》2022,41(5):1371-1387
基于中国高铁城市间列车流动数据构建高铁城市网络,利用脆弱性视角对中国高铁城市网络韧性进行研究,并探讨了新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情背景下武汉和湖北封城状态的网络韧性及城市响应,主要结论为:① 中国高铁城市网络发育程度有待提高,城市网络发展水平区域差异性和层级性特征明显。② 城市网络核心节点地位突出,控制能力强,关联效应显著,城市网络具有较强的适应和恢复能力,但网络韧性受关键节点影响显著。③ 蓄意攻击相比随机攻击能显著降低城市网络韧性,但在核心网络未遭受严重打击状态下,整体网络仍能保持较高的运转效率。④ 中国高铁城市核心网络保留了城市网络的主要运行特征,东高西低的网络发育特征明显,京广和京沪高铁是核心网络中交往最为频繁的通道。⑤ 武汉和湖北封城对中国高铁城市网络韧性总体影响较小,但对城市节点影响明显,总体上受到城市行政等级、交通运输干线和地理空间距离等因素影响,区域封锁状态下随着核心-边缘结构的调整,城市将提升自我核心度以弥补封锁区域核心地位的缺位。  相似文献   

基于企业视角的中国集装箱运输组织网络   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶士琳  曹有挥  王佳韡  吴威 《地理学报》2017,72(8):1520-1530
货物运输集装箱化在全球资源要素配置和区域经济发展中的作用愈发突出,集装箱运输组织网络研究已成为交通地理学的重要课题。本文基于微观企业视角,选取112家企业和119座城市作为研究样本,借鉴城市网络研究方法和复杂网络理论,探讨了中国集装箱运输组织网络的等级体系、空间格局、网络联系和复杂性特征。研究结果表明:网络节点城市的集装箱运输组织能力差距明显,已形成由全国性、区域性、次区域性和地方性枢纽城市四个层级所构成的金字塔型等级结构;集装箱运输组织能力在空间分布上表现出显著的非均衡性特征,形成由6个核心区和7个集聚区所构成的“6+7”空间格局;网络联系以全国性和区域性枢纽城市为主要空间指向,联系网络总体呈现从东部沿海向中西部地区、从全国性枢纽城市向地方性枢纽城市逐渐拓展趋势;同时,整体网络结构表现出较强的集聚性、连通性和空间组织效率,且复杂网络特征与节点城市集装箱运输组织能力具有显著相关性。  相似文献   

一、课程标准与分析 1.课程标准:运用地图分析地理环境的地域分异规律。 2.课标分析:①本条标准旨在要求学生通过读图的方法认识地理环境的差异性特征,归纳地理环境的分异规律,分析地域分异规律的形成原因;②"运用地图"的方法体现了课标重视对学生读图能力的培养、学习方法的优化;③"分析"地理环境的地域分异规律,说明需要通过学生主动探究和感悟,将"地域分异规律"内化为学生的心理行为。  相似文献   

王武林  龚姣  林珍 《热带地理》2021,41(6):1199-1208
“冰上丝绸之路”倡议为沿线国家贸易发展提供了机遇,可加速经济要素跨国流动,促进全球贸易的可持续发展。基于2019年37个“冰上丝绸之路”沿线国家贸易数据,运用复杂网络分析方法,研究37个“冰上丝绸之路”沿线国家贸易网络的拓扑结构特征、贸易社团及节点中心性的地理空间分布特征。结果表明:1)贸易网络具有良好的互通性和扩散性,且具有小世界特征和无标度性质,两极分化较为显著;2)贸易网络呈现出明显的“核心—边缘”圈层结构特征,德国、中国、美国、荷兰处于核心圈层,是贸易网络的枢纽;3)贸易网络可划分为1个北美社团、1个以东亚国家为主的社团和3个以欧洲国家为主的社团,其空间分布表现出连续性特征,各社团内部贸易联系密切,中国是所属社团的核心;4)贸易网络呈现出枢纽辐射式和全连通式共存的结构,强度中心性呈嵌入式的单元格局,接近中心性呈集中连片区块状分布特征,中介中心性的极化现象较为明显。  相似文献   

中国人口迁移,流动人口与城市化——现实,理论与对策   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
沈建法 《地理研究》2019,38(1):33-44
中国改革前的城乡不平等关系已演变成城市中拥有本地户口的居民与没有本地户口的流动人口的不平等关系。目前的城市化可以说是不完全和排斥性的城市化。要达到完全的城市化,必须关注三个重要方面,包括常规的城乡迁移、城市对流动人口的融合与包容以及城市边缘区的城乡一体化。流动人口地位低下的情况,政府和企业对此负有部分责任。讨论在户口制度背景下城市化的基本理论和城市流动人口融合的理论,认为应使用系统方法去研究城市化和城乡一体化的课题,该方法可应用于不同尺度的人与自然共生系统的规划、发展、建设和扩展,同时以香港的马鞍山新市镇作为例子来展示如何规划和发展一个可持续社区,以满足现代城市居民的期望。  相似文献   

Migration helps to minimize regional, socioeconomic, and cultural disparities, and is considered to be an integral component of the development process. Migration helps to diffuse development, technology, and innovations from more developed areas or cities to rural or less developed areas. Little attention, however, has been paid to migration policy in India. Most studies on migration in India either describe the patterns of migration or analyze reasons for the moves. This paper discusses why migration takes place, what are the consequences of migration, whether India has a migration policy, whether India needs a migration policy, and what type of policy is required. The development and entrenchment of urban slums in India is related to the country's lack of migration policy. A two-pronged policy on migration is thus proposed which would ensure employment opportunities and an improved standard of living in rural areas, while taking into account the planning of cities and city surroundings. Rural areas and small towns need to be provided with more employment opportunities, financial and technological support to process raw materials, infrastructure for agricultural service centers, better education and other facilities to improve local living standards, and the diffusion of industries from big cities to district headquarters and medium-size towns. Commensurate efforts should be made in urban centers to prevent the future development of slums.  相似文献   

南通县农村产业结构变化、劳动力转移和城镇化发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以南通县为典型,研究了近年桌我国经济较发达地区农村产业结构变化趋势、农村产业结构类型的形成、劳动力的产业转移和空间转移以及县域城镇化发展,分析了当前存在的问题并提出相应的看法。  相似文献   

Studies of UK rural industrialization have traditionally sought to explain the success of rural SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) in terms of their capacity for innovative or enterprising behaviour. In turn, this has led researchers to focus their attention on the material aspects of competitive behaviour, particularly those connected to technology and technological exploitation, at the expense of more intangible aspects such as the advantages gained from novel working practices and marketing strategies. In particular, the notion of 'quality' as a determinant of competitive behaviour, an idea gaining increased emphasis within literature concerning rural SMEs in the food, farming and craft sectors, has been neglected in wider studies of rural industrialization. However, this paper contends that both 'formal' and 'informal' constructions of quality are significant factors in the success of manufacturers outside these specific sectors.  相似文献   

The negative image created by a preoccupation with population losses in some rural areas and the decline in some economic and service functions in many small country towns has masked the considerable improvements which have occurred there. Insufficient attention has been given to the raised level of living in many rural locations which has increased the attraction of a rural lifestyle. Local shire councils have played an important role in enhancing the quality of local life through investment in new town facilities, and residents record a high level of community satisfaction. Although past social and economic roles are changing in rural locations, new functions are emerging in four settlements in New England, NSW, and this is facilitating their adaptation to a changing rural environment.  相似文献   

One of the most recognizable and important changes occurring in the West is rapid population growth. This article intends to address questions associated with whether patterns of population growth and income migration are associated with “new” and “old” West economies. Rural restructuring in the U.S. has created a group of counties with service-based economies. In the Mountain West, a number of counties with service-based economies are located in areas with high levels of environmental or natural amenities, creating what has been termed the “New West.” Migration to the rural parts of the Mountain West, and the income transfers associated with migration, are increasingly concentrated within these New West counties. Rapid population growth, the changing characteristics of in-migrants, and their spatial concentration in New West counties provide a basis for conflicts over what the rural West is becoming.  相似文献   

One of the most recognizable and important changes occurring in the West is rapid population growth. This article intends to address questions associated with whether patterns of population growth and income migration are associated with “new” and “old” West economies. Rural restructuring in the U.S. has created a group of counties with service‐based economies. In the Mountain West, a number of counties with service‐based economies are located in areas with high levels of environmental or natural amenities, creating what has been termed the “New West.” Migration to the rural parts of the Mountain West, and the income transfers associated with migration, are increasingly concentrated within these New West counties. Rapid population growth, the changing characteristics of in‐migrants, and their spatial concentration in New West counties provide a basis for conflicts over what the rural West is becoming.  相似文献   

乡村旅游社区景观空间演化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乡村旅游社区景观空间是在乡村旅游社区地域范围内,由于人类活动所产生的文化景观的总和。近年来,随着乡村旅游的快速发展,乡村旅游社区景观空间的演化受到人们的高度关注。本文将乡村旅游社区景观空间的演化置于演化经济地理研究框架内,认为其经历形成之前阶段、形成阶段、发展阶段和锁定或创新阶段四个阶段,每个阶段特征和演化机制各不相同。乡村旅游社区景观空间的演化是在遗传机制、变异机制等内因和选择机制、起点状态、关键事件等外因共同作用下,随着产业变迁而发生的具有路径依赖特征的演化过程。  相似文献   

乡村旅游已成为中国旅游的发展热点,但对乡村旅游资源的评价尚未有充分的认识。本文以兰州市为例,通过问卷星和实地发放两种形式收回有效问卷574份,从资源价值、环境因素和接待条件3个维度构建包含文化性等25个评价因子的评价指标体系,采用层次分析法和模糊认知度综合评价法对乡村旅游资源开展了综合评估。结论如下:一是乡村旅游资源评价更加注重接待条件。游客更加注重接待条件设施,接待条件价值占比更多的集中在8–10分,占比61.4%,高于环境要素的分值占比58.87%和资源本身价值(54.26%)。二是游客对乡村旅游资源的关注度主要集中在愉悦性(0.1152)、游线设计(0.1014)、体验性(0.0765)、观赏性(0.0747)等方面。三是游客对乡村旅游资源认知度主要集中在自然性(4508)、环境安全(4469)、愉悦性(4387)、食宿条件(4367)、游线设计(4363)等方面。四是乡村旅游资源的认知基本上以6–9分为主,环境因素的10分分值占比最高,但游客对乡村旅游资源的科普性和教育性的期望较高,导致获得感较低。通过对乡村旅游所在地环境资源的自然性、接待条件的环境安全和外部交通以及资源价值的...  相似文献   

As examinations of the rural–urban interface move beyond a focus on the rural or urban fringe as a location and move toward examining the patterns and processes that both divide and link rural and urban places, a broader (re)conceptualization of the rural–urban interface becomes increasingly important. Thus far the question of boundaries and interfaces between so-called urban and rural locales has mostly revolved around where and when such boundaries occur (including significant coverage of the differences and conflicts between urban vs. rural people), rather than asking what physical or social functions are being served by the rural–urban interface itself. In response, I (re)frame the rural–urban interface not only as a boundary between two distinct spaces but also as a conduit, a place of exchange, and a flux point between them. Using a particular case of contested ecologies in the exurban Sierra Nevada foothills of California, I (re)conceptualize the rural–urban interface as meaning, model, and metaphor (MMM), situating contrasting people and places in an ongoing negotiation of place and environmental meaning along the (ex)urbanizing edge. Although the differences between rural and urban are increasingly unclear, the division continues to be compelling from environmental and sociopolitical standpoints. I argue that (perceived) boundaries are instrumental in understanding physical–material change and for mitigating social conflicts occurring across them. As such, attention to the patterns, processes, and flows that connect or separate rural and urban areas is critical to forging effective and long-lasting solutions to contemporary social, economic, and environmental problems.  相似文献   

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