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A problem of static plane symmetric metric in the perfect fluid, the mesonic massive scalar field and in their coupling is studied in Rosen’s (1973) bimetric theory of relativity. It was found that the matter field like either perfect fluid or mesonic massive scalar field or their coupling does not survive in bimetric theory of gravitation when the space–time is governed by n-dimensional static plane symmetric metric.  相似文献   

The scalar field theory on the background of cosmological models with n(n ≥ 1) spaces of constant curvature is considered. We take the integrable case of Ricci flat internal spaces. The coupling between the scalar and the gravitational fields includes the minimal coupling as well as the conformal case. In the ground state of the scalar field we find the conditions for vacuum instability realized for most of the possible solutions to Einstein's equations if the coupling parameter takes appropriate values. For the excited states of the scalar field we show the induction of massive modes and discuss their properties.  相似文献   

A viscous fluid cosmological model in presence of magnetic field and zero-mass scalar fields is developed. The non-negativity condition of viscous fluid pressure prescribes a certain minimum value oft vis-a-vis of the scale factorQ(t) and at this epoch the model is found to be singularity free.  相似文献   

Based on Das and Banerjee (Phys. Rev D 78:043512, 2008), we assume there is a non-minimal coupling between scalar field and matter in the Brans-Dicke model. We analyzes the motion of different matter such as, massless scalar field, photon, massless perfect fluid (dust), massive perfect fluid and point particle matter in this study. We show that the motion of massless scalar field and photon can satisfy null geodesic motion only in high frequency limit. Also we find that the motion of the dust and massive perfect fluid is geodesic for L m =?P and it is non-geodesic for L m =ρ. Finally, we study the motion of point particle and show that the motion of this kind of matter is like massive perfect fluid.  相似文献   

We look for cosmologies with a scalar field (dark energy without cosmological constant), which mimic the standard ΛCDM cosmological model yielding exactly the same large-scale geometry described by the evolution of the Hubble parameter (i.e. photometric distance and angular diameter distance as functions on z). Asymptotic behavior of the field solutions is studied in the case of spatially flat Universe with pressureless matter and separable scalar field Lagrangians; the cases of power-law kinetic term and power-law potential are considered. Exact analytic solutions are found in some special cases. A number of models have the field solutions with infinite behavior in the past or even singular behavior at finite redshifts. We point out that introduction of the cosmological scalar field involves some degeneracy leading to lower precision in determination of Ω m . To remove this degeneracy additional information is needed besides the data on large-scale geometry. The article is published in the original.  相似文献   

We investigate five-dimensional Brans–Dicke cosmology with spacetime described by the homogeneous, anisotropic and flat spacetime with the topology M 1×R 3×S 1 where S 1 is taken in the form of a circle. We conjecture throughout this letter that the extra-dimension compactifies as the visible dimensions expand like b(t)≈a −1(t) and that the non-minimal coupling between the scalar field and the matter is of the form f(φ) φ 2. The model gives rise to a transition from a decelerated epoch to an accelerated epoch for large values of the Brans–Dicke parameter ω. The model predicts crossing of the phantom divided barrier unless the universe is governed by a growing matter field.  相似文献   

Using the third-order WKB approximation, we evaluate the quasinormal frequencies of massive scalar field perturbation around a black hole with quintessence-like matter and a deficit solid angle. The mass u of the scalar field plays an important role in studying the quasinormal frequencies. We find that as the scalar field mass increases when the other parameters are fixed, so do the real parts and the magnitudes of the imaginary parts of the quasinormal frequencies decrease. The imaginary parts are almost linearly related to the real parts.  相似文献   

The evolution of scalar perturbations is studied for 2-component (non-relativistic matter and dark energy) cosmological models at the linear and non-linear stages. The dark energy is assumed to be the scalar field with either classical or tachyonic Lagrangian and constant equation-of-state parameter w. The fields and potentials were reconstructed for the set of cosmological parameters derived from observations. The comparison of the calculated within these models and observational large-scale structure characteristics is made. It is shown that for w = const such analysis can’t remove the existing degeneracy of the dark energy models. The article is published in the original.  相似文献   

The curvature-free (k=0) FRW expanding cosmological model is developed corresponding to interacting viscous fluids and zero-mass scalar fields. In the absence of non-static scalar fields the model exhibits the existence of the initial singularity (Q=0). However, with non-negative coefficient of shear viscosity, in the presence of non-static scalar fields we find thatQ has a minimum value (0). If this epoch is treated as the initial one, it may be said that the presence of scalar fields avoids the initial singularity. Other physical behaviour that the model exhibit has been discussed.  相似文献   

Certain new analytic solutions for rotating perfect-fluid spheres in the Robertson-Walker universe are found out to substantiate the possibility of the existence of rotating cosmological objects coupled with zero-mass scalar field. Exact solutions for the metric rotation (r, t) and the matter rotation (r, t) under different conditions are obtained and their nature and role are investigated. Except for perfect dragging the scalar field is found to have a damping effect on the rotation of matter. In some solutions we find out the restrictions on the radii of the models for realistic astrophysical situations. Rotating models which can also be expanding are also obtained, in which case the rotational velocities are found to decay with the time; and these models may be taken as examples of real astrophysical objects in the Universe.  相似文献   

Certain new analytic solutions for slowly-rotating charged perfect-fluid universes coupled with zero-mass scalar field are found out to substantiate the possibility of the existence of rotating cosmological objects of such nature and their dynamics is investigated. The nature and role of the metric rotation (r, t) as well as that of the matter rotation (r, t) under different conditions are studied. The effects of the charged field and the scalar field on the rotational motion are also discussed. In some solutions we find out the temporal restrictions on the models for real astrophysical situations. Rotating models which are expanding as well are obtained, in which cases the rotational velocities are found to decay with the time, and these models may be taken as good examples of real astrophysical objects in this Universe.  相似文献   

Dark matter is obtained from a scalar field coupled conformally to gravitation, the scalar being a relict of Dirac's gauge function. This conformally coupled dark matter includes a gas of very light (m 2.25 × 10–34 eV) neutral bosons having spin 0, as well as a time-dependent global scalar field, both pervading all of the cosmic space. The time-development of this dark matter in the expanding F-R-W universe is investigated, and an acceptable cosmological behaviour is obtained.  相似文献   

We use the generalized Brans-Dicke theory, in which the Pauli metric is identified to be the physical space-time metric, to study the Universe in different epochs. Exact analytical expressions for dilaton field , cosmological radiusR and density parameter are obtained fork=+1,0,–1 Universe in the radiation-dominated epoch. For matter dominated Epoch, exact analytical expressions for Hubble parameterH, cosmological radius, dilaton field, deceleration factorq, density parameter and the gravitational coupling of the ordinary matter are obtained for the flat Universe. Other important results are: (1) the density parameter is always less than unity for the flat Universe because the dilaton field plays a role as an effective dark matter, and (2) the new Brans-Dicke parameter must be larger than 31.75 in order to consistent with the observed data.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(12):791-799
The nature of the dark matter that binds galaxies remains an open question. It is usually assumed to consist in a gas of massive particles with evanescent interactions; however, such particles—which have never been observed directly—should have a clumpy distribution on scales ≤10−2 kpc, which may be in contradiction with observations. We focus here on an exotic dark matter candidate: a light non-interacting (or only self-interacting) complex scalar field. We investigate the distribution of the field in gravitational interaction with matter, assuming no singularities (like black holes) at the galaxy center. This simplistic model accounts quite well for the rotation curve of low-luminosity spirals. A chi-squared analysis points towards a preferred mass m∼0.4 to 1.6×10−23 eV in absence of self-interaction. A rough calculation shows that allowing for a quartic self-coupling may shift the upper bound to around 1 eV. We conclude that a scalar field is a promising candidate for galactic dark matter. Our comparison should be extended to other rotation curves in order to derive better constraints on the scalar potential. We finally give a hint of the issues that appear when one tries to implement this scenario on cosmological time scales.  相似文献   

The study of Einstein's field equations describing Robertson-Walker cosmological models with massive scalar field and viscous fluid representing the matter has been made. The problem has been investigated with and without the source density in the wave equation. Corresponding exact solutions of the field equations have been obtained under different physical equations of state: namely, (i) dust distribution, (ii) Zeldovich fluid distribution, (iii) disordered distribution of radiation subject to physically realistic conditions. The physical interpretations of the physically realistic solutions has been investigated. It has been found that physically realistic solutions has been obtained for closed cosmological models only.  相似文献   

Dark matter modeled as a classical scalar field that interacts only with gravity and with itself by a potential that is close to quartic at large field values and approaches a quadratic form when the field is small would be gravitationally produced by inflation and, at the present epoch, could act like an ideal fluid with pressure that is a function only of the mass density. This could have observationally interesting effects on the core radii and solid-body rotation of dark matter halos and on the low-mass end of the primeval mass fluctuation power spectrum.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a slowly rotating charged viscous-fluid Universe coupled with a zero-mass scalar field is investigated; and the rotational perturbations of such models are studied in order to substantiate the possibility that the Universe is endowed with slow rotation, in the course of presentation of several new analytic solutions. The effects of charged field and scalar field on the rotational motion are discussed. Except for perfect dragging, the scalar field as well as the charged field is found to have a damping effect on the rotation of matter. Rotating models which are expanding as well are obtained, in which cases the rotational velocities are found to decay with the time, and these models may be taken as good examples of real astrophysical situations. The periods of physical validity of different models are also obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate static cylindrically symmetric solution in metric f(R) gravity by taking matter in the form of dust. The assumption of constant Ricci scalar curvature is taken to find the solution. The energy distribution of this solution is explored by applying Landau-Lifshitz energy-momentum complex. In addition, we explore the stability as well as constant scalar curvature conditions for some viable f(R) models along with their energy distribution. It is interesting to mention here that these models satisfy the above mentioned conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper string cosmology has been developed in the presence of Brans-Dicke scalar field coupled to Einstein gravity. Solutions are obtained for both geometric andp-string models and physical situations are discussed.  相似文献   

The dynamics of slowly rotating magneto-viscous fluid universe coupled with zero-mass scalar field is investigated, and the rotational perturbations of such models are studied in order to substantiate the possibility that the Universe is endowed with slow rotation, in the course of presentation of several new analytic solutions. Four different cases are taken up in which the nature and role of the metric rotation (r, t) as well as that of the matter rotation(r,t) are discussed. Except for the case of perfect drag, the scalar field is found to have a damping effect on the rotational motion. This damping effect is seen to be roughly analogous to the viscosity. The periods of physical validity of some of the models are also found out. Most of the rotating models obtained here come out to be expanding ones as well which may be taken as good examples of real astrophysical situations.  相似文献   

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