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New evidences based on a combination of field and laboratory investigations reinforce the hypotheses that the circulation of warm fluids has remarkably contributed to the origin and development of the Devonian Kess Kess mounds of the Hamar Laghdad Ridge (eastern Anti‐Atlas, Morocco). The limestones of the Hamar Laghdad Ridge were deposited above a structural high generated by calc‐alkaline volcanic activity that has probably fuelled the circulation of warm fluids throughout the overlying carbonate units. The geological and palaeontological attributes described throughout the succession of the Hamar Laghdad Ridge (from the Lochkovian to Frasnian intervals) are interpreted as the result of hydrothermal processes related to a volcanic system. In particular, these attributes seem consistent with a chemo‐physical environment fuelled by the circulation of warm and late magmatic fluids. These attributes include a very low oxygen stable isotope signature (δ18O ~ −10‰) for carbonates. Evidences for a late magmatic fluid circulation consist of volcanic glass and pyroclasts replacement with hydrothermal minerals such as quartz, anatase and clinochlore. Fluids circulating through veins and pores into sediments, and venting to the seafloor, probably induced the formation of cavities where monospecific trilobite communities were detected. The partially silicified trilobite remains are associated with traces of goethite. This iron‐bearing oxide mineral is also present in the upper part of the Hamar Laghdad Ridge. All these attributes are here interpreted as possible evidences for a low‐temperature hydrothermal venting system active during the Lochkovian–Frasnian time span. This study combines an updated revision with new petrographic, geological and geochemical results aimed at providing an overall framework on the origin and early diagenesis of the Devonian succession of Hamar Laghdad. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Middle Devonian Winnipegosis carbonate unit in south‐central Saskatchewan is partially to completely dolomitized. Two major types of replacive dolomite are distinguished. Microcrystalline to finely crystalline dolomite (type 1) displays nonplanar‐a to planar‐s textures, mimetically replaces the precursor limestone, accounts for about four‐fifths of dolomite phases volumetrically, and mainly occurs in the Winnipegosis mounds and the Lower Winnipegosis Member directly underlying the mounds. Medium crystalline dolomite (type 2) shows planar‐s to planar‐e textures, commonly occurs in the Lower Winnipegosis and Brightholme members, and decreases upward in abundance. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of type 1 dolomite (0·70795 to 0·70807) fall within the estimated Sr‐isotopic range for Middle Devonian marine carbonates. Stratigraphic, petrographic and geochemical data constrain the formation of type 1 dolomite to hypersaline sea water in a near‐surface environment, after marine cementation and sub‐aerial diagenesis and prior to precipitation of the Middle Devonian Leofnard salts. Movement of dolomitizing fluids could be driven by density differences and elevation head. The shift to lower δ18O values of type 1 dolomite [?7·4 to ?5·1‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB)] is interpreted as the result of recrystallization at elevated temperatures during burial. Type 2 dolomite has higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0·70809–0·70928), suggesting that the dolomite probably formed from basinal fluids with an increased richness in the radiogenic Sr isotope. In type 2 dolomite, Sr2+ concentrations are lower, and Fe2+ and Mn2+ concentrations are higher, compared with the associated limestone and type 1 dolomite. Type 2 dolomite is interpreted as having been formed from upward‐migrating basinal fluids during latest Devonian and Carboniferous period.  相似文献   

<正> 云南曲靖早泥盆世翠峰山组自下而上依次被分为四段:西山村段、西屯段、桂家屯段和徐家冲段,各段连续沉积。西山村段和西屯段的脊椎动物化石最丰富,不仅种类多,数量大,而且保存也相当好,与翠峰山组另外两段相比,研究程度较高;两段被认为相当于欧  相似文献   

As a result of early Variscan tectonic movements and of differential subsidence, a platform and basin topography was created along the northern margin of the Sahara Craton during the late Devonian. In the Moroccan Anti-Atlas Mountains, the Tafilalt Platform is an approximately N-S running ridge which developed since the late Middle Devonian. It separated a slowly subsiding shallow basin in the east (Tafilalt Basin) from a rapidly subsiding furrow in the west (Mader Basin). Platform deposits are characterized by highly reduced thicknesses, shallow subtidal to supratidal deposits in the late Frasnian and by unconformities at the Lower/Upper Frasnian and the Frasnian/Famennian boundaries. After a local transgression over emergent areas in the north, water depth probably never reached more than several tens to about 100 m in the lower Famennian. Cephalopod limestones of this age, deposited on the platform, represent a very diverse facies pattern comprising quartz-rich brachiopod coquinas, crinoidal limestones, thick-bedded cephalopod limestones and nodular limestones. Sedimentation rates ranged from 1 to 5 mm/ 1000 yr. In the late Famennian more uniform marl and nodular limestone facies suggest slightly deeper environments. Platform margins are characterized by higher rates of subsidence, debris flow deposits and slump structures. In the relatively shallow Tafilalt Basin, marls with intercalated nodular limestones were deposited. In the Mader Basin, sandy and calcareous turbidites suggest deeper water conditions in the late Devonian. During the Strunian/Tournaisian the whole area was overwhelmed by a thick deltaic sequence. The general facies distribution is in agreement with depositional models of other Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous cephalopod limestones in the European Variscan orogenic belts. In all these cases, condensed cephalopod limestones occupy a distinct palaeogeographic position in predictable facies sequences that reflect pre-orogenic phases in the Variscan geodynamic cycle. Moreover, close parallels exist with condensed sequences in the Triassic and Jurassic that occur in a very similar position within the Alpine orogenic cycle.  相似文献   

Abstract In mid‐Middle Cambrian time, shallow‐water sedimentation along the Cordilleran passive margin was abruptly interrupted by the development of the deep‐water House Range embayment across Nevada and Utah. The Marjum Formation (330 m) in the central House Range represents deposition in the deepest part of the embayment and is composed of five deep‐water facies: limestone–argillaceous limestone rhythmites; shale; thin carbonate mud mounds; bioturbated limestone; and cross‐bedded limestone. These facies are cyclically arranged into 1·5 to 30 m thick parasequences that include rhythmite–mound, rhythmite–shale, rhythmite–bioturbated limestone and rhythmite–cross‐bedded limestone parasequences. Using biostratigraphically constrained sediment accumulation rates, the parasequences range in duration from ≈14 to 270 kyr. The mud mounds are thin (<2 m), closely spaced, laterally linked, symmetrical domes composed of massive, fenestral, peloidal to clotted microspar with sparse unoriented, poorly sorted skeletal material, calcitized bacterial(?) filaments/tubes and abundant fenestrae and stroma‐ tactoid structures. These petrographic and sedimentological features suggest that the microspar, peloids/clots and syndepositional micritic cement were precipitated in situ from the activity of benthic microbial communities. Concentrated growth of the microbial communities occurred during periods of decreased input of fine detrital carbonate transported offshore from the adjacent shallow‐water carbonate platform. In the neighbouring Wah Wah Range and throughout the southern Great Basin, coeval mid‐Middle Cambrian shallow‐water carbonates are composed of abundant metre‐scale, upward‐shallowing parasequences that record high‐frequency (104?105 years) eustatic sea‐level changes. Given this regional stratigraphic relationship, the Marjum Formation parasequences probably formed in response to high‐frequency sea‐level fluctuations that controlled the amount of detrital carbonate input into the deeper water embayment. During high‐frequency sea‐level rise and early highstand, detrital carbonate input into the embayment decreased as a result of carbonate factory retrogradation, resulting in the deposition of shale (base of rhythmite–shale parasequences) or thin nodular rhythmites, followed by in situ precipitated mud mounds (lower portion of rhythmite–mound parasequences). During the ensuing high‐frequency sea‐level fall/lowstand, detrital carbonate influx into the embayment increased on account of carbonate factory pro‐ gradation towards the embayment, resulting in deposition of rhythmites (upper part of rhythmite–mound parasequences), reworking of rhythmites by a lowered storm wave base (cross‐bedded limestone deposition) or bioturbation of rhythmites by a weakened/lowered O2‐minimum zone (bioturbated lime‐ stone deposition). This interpreted sea‐level control on offshore carbonate sedimentation patterns is unique to Palaeozoic and earliest Mesozoic deep‐water sediments. After the evolution of calcareous plankton in the Jurassic, the presence or absence of deeper water carbonates was influenced by a variety of chemical and physical oceanographic factors, rather than just physical transport of carbonate muds.  相似文献   

中国南方泥盆纪板内盆地层序地层与控矿   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
中国南方泥盆纪是加里东构造旋回后沉积在前陆盆地基底(华南统一陆块)上的盖层。为一套向上交深的倒置的楔形体,堆积在两侧受挟持的南北向空间内。泥盆系露头层序地层有三个突出的特点:具河流回春的低水位碎屑扇形体做为盆地内早期充填物,代表盆地基底与上覆层之间存在构造变动和海平面相对下降的信息;标志海平面上升到最高点的低速沉积物,以瘤状泥岩、瘤状灰岩和生物层叠加超覆在浅水台地上;高水位沉积体系和海平面相对下降时,台地转为陆上暴露环境,形成南北展市约200km的碳酸盐喀斯特,古溶蚀空间成为有用元素最有利的运移通道和卸截场所。  相似文献   

This paper reports first isotope–geochemical data on the Early Devonian magmatic rocks of the Chanchar potassic mafic volcanoplutonic complex of the Sakmara zone of the South Urals. The incompatible element distribution and ratios indicate that the rocks of the volcanic, subvolcanic, and intrusive facies are comagmatic and were derived from a common source. The low HFSE concentrations relative to MORB and relatively low 87Sr/86Sr and high 143Nd/144Nd ratios suggest that primary melts were generated from a moderately depleted mantle. The LILE enrichment of the rocks indicates a flux of mantle fluid in the primary magma during its evolution.  相似文献   

Pervasive dolomites occur preferentially in the stromatoporoid biostromal (or reefal) facies in the basal Devonian (Givetian) carbonate rocks in the Guilin area, South China. The amount of dolomites, however, decreases sharply in the overlying Frasnian carbonate rocks. Dolostones are dominated by replacement dolomites with minor dolomite cements. Replacement dolomites include: (1) fine to medium, planar‐e floating dolomite rhombs (Rd1); (2) medium to coarse, planar‐s patchy/mosaic dolomites (Rd2); and (3) medium to very coarse non‐planar anhedral mosaic dolomites (Rd3). They post‐date early submarine cements and overlap with stylolites. Two types of dolomite cements were identified: planar coarse euhedral dolomite cements (Cd1) and non‐planar (saddle) dolomite cements (Cd2); they post‐date replacement dolomites and predate late‐stage calcite cements that line mouldic vugs and fractures. The replacement dolomites have δ18O values from ?13·7 to ?9·7‰ VPDB, δ13C values from ?2·7 to + 1·5‰ VPDB and 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0·7082 to 0·7114. Fluid inclusion data of Rd3 dolomites yield homogenization temperatures (Th) of 136–149 °C and salinities of 7·2–11·2 wt% NaCl equivalent. These data suggest that the replacive dolomitization could have occurred from slightly modified sea water and/or saline basinal fluids at relatively high temperatures, probably related to hydrothermal activities during the latest Givetian–middle Fammenian and Early Carboniferous times. Compared with replacement dolomites, Cd2 cements yield lower δ18O values (?14·2 to ?9·3‰ VPDB), lower δ13C values (?3·0 to ?0·7‰ VPDB), higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios (≈ 0·7100) and higher Th values (171–209 °C), which correspond to trapping temperatures (Tr) between 260 and 300 °C after pressure corrections. These data suggest that the dolomite cements precipitated from higher temperature hydrothermal fluids, derived from underlying siliciclastic deposits, and were associated with more intense hydrothermal events during Permian–Early Triassic time, when the host dolostones were deeply buried. The petrographic similarities between some replacement dolomites and Cd2 dolomite cements and the partial overlap in 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O values suggest neomorphism of early formed replacement dolomites that were exposed to later dolomitizing fluids. However, the dolomitization was finally stopped through invasion of meteoric water as a result of basin uplift induced by the Indosinian Orogeny from the early Middle Triassic, as indicated by the decrease in salinities in the dolomite cements in veins (5·1–0·4 wt% NaCl equivalent). Calcite cements generally yield the lowest δ18O values (?18·5 to ?14·3‰ VPDB), variable δ13C values (?11·3 to ?1·2‰ VPDB) and high Th values (145–170 °C) and low salinities (0–0·2 wt% NaCl equivalent), indicating an origin of high‐temperature, dilute fluids recharged by meteoric water in the course of basin uplift during the Indosinian Orogeny. Faults were probably important conduits that channelled dolomitizing fluids from the deeply buried siliciclastic sediments into the basal carbonates, leading to intense dolomitization (i.e. Rd3, Cd1 and Cd2).  相似文献   

Halite-impregnated carbonates in the Dawson Bay Formation of Saskatchewan lie between beds of halite and are buried to a depth of 1 km. They exhibit two different diagenetic styles – some resisted compaction and had high pre-salt porosities; others contain compaction-broken fossils and pressure-solution seams. The uncompacted rocks, together with the difficulty of explaining how halite cement could enter the Dawson Bay after overlying bedded halites were deposited, suggest that halite cementation occurred early with only a few tens of metres of overburden. Early diagenetic compaction is suggested by the presence of unbroken, displacive skeletal halite crystals, which cross-cut compaction structures, and by the difficulty of explaining how (1) later compaction could occur in halite-cemented rocks and (2) how pore-fluids could be expelled after surrounding rocks lost their permeability. The organic-rich nature of many carbonates may explain why compaction was both early and extensive, but this explanation fails to explain how similar compaction developed in horizons with lower organic contents. Chemical compaction may also have been enhanced by aragonite dissolution during seawater evaporation or brine dilution. Early chemical compaction in Dawson Bay carbonates indicates that compaction in other carbonates need not signify deep burial diagenesis; neither can compaction be used indiscriminately to identify other diagenetic events as being of deep burial origin. Early halite cementation, as in the Dawson Bay Formation, preserves carbonates at early diagenetic stages and may thus preserve geochemical information unmodified by later diagenesis.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(3-4):90-98
New field and micropalaeontological investigations have been conducted in four of the Pliocene rias of the internal zone of the Rif in Morocco, on the southern margin of the Alboran Sea. We found that marine sediments outcropping in these rias were deposited mainly during the Early Zanclean, between 5.04 and 3.8 Ma. After a transgressive episode that led to the deposition of terrestrial to marine conglomerates, dark clays deposited first at shallow palaeo-depths and then at bathyal palaeo-depths. The rias were then infilled with a shallowing upward succession comprising marine clays and sandstone and, locally, terrestrial sediments that indicate their final emersion. No Gilbert-deltas were observed in these rias. The presence of transgressive deposits at the bottom of the rias, also identified in other basins of the external zone of the Rif, and the absence of Gilbert deltas question a catastrophic reflooding after the Messinian Salinity Crisis in this area.  相似文献   

The Ural Volcanics are a early Devonian, submarine, felsic lava-sill complex, exposed in the western central Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales. The Ural Volcanics and underlying Upper Silurian, deepwater, basin-fill sedimentary rocks make up the Rast Group. The Ural Range study area, centrally located in the Cargelligo 1:100 000 map sheet area, was mapped at 1:10 000 scale. Seventeen principal volcanic facies were identified in the study area, dominated by felsic coherent facies (rhyolite and dacite) and associated monomictic breccia and siltstone-matrix monomictic breccia facies. Subordinate volcaniclastic facies include the pumice-rich breccia facies association, rhyolite – dacite – siltstone breccia facies and fiamme – siltstone breccia facies. The sedimentary facies association includes mixed-provenance and non-volcanic sandstone to conglomerate, black mudstone, micaceous quartz sandstone and foliated mudstone. The succession was derived from at least two intrabasinal volcanic centres. One, in the north, was largely effusive and intrusive, building a lava – sill complex. Another, in the south, was effusive, intrusive and explosive, generating lavas and moderate-volume (~3 km3) pyroclastic facies. The presence of turbidites, marine fossils, very thick massive to graded volcaniclastic units and black mudstone, and the lack of large-scale cross-beds and erosional scours, provide evidence for deposition in a submarine environment below storm wave-base. The Ural Volcanics have potential for seafloor or sub-seafloor replacement massive sulfide deposits, although no massive sulfide prospects or related altered zones have yet been defined. Sparse, disseminated sulfides occur in sericite-altered, steeply dipping shear zones.  相似文献   

Mineralogical, textural and geochemical investigations were made to determine the post-depositional evolution of Devonian and Early Carboniferous carbonates from Valle de Tena. The carbonate association is made up of low-Mg calcite, which occurs as micrite, spar cements, neomorphic patches and spar filling veinlets. Non-stoichiometric dolomite and ankerite occur as cements (dolomite also as replacements) in the Middle Devonian, post-dating calcite types. All these phases pre-date tectonic stylolites, indicating compaction after stabilization of the carbonate minerals. Strontium concentrations indicate that Early Devonian and Early Carboniferous micrites initially precipitated as aragonite; Middle and Late Devonian micrites precipitated as high-Mg calcites. Both precursors were diagenetically stabilized to low-Mg calcites through interaction with meteoric waters in phreatic environments. Trace elements in dolomite and ankerite indicate precipitation from Sr-enriched meteoric water. All studied carbonates, except Middle Devonian limestones, precipitated in reducing environments, which favoured incorporation of Fe and Mn. Late calcite generations precipitated from more saline waters than micrites. Light 18O values in micrites suggest alteration mainly in meteoric-phreatic environments. The dolomites and ankerites precipitated from more 18O-depleted fluids than the calcites, suggesting a greater contribution from meteoric waters. Variations in 13C of micrites represent primary secular trends, according to published 13C variations. The 13C oscillations within each succession probably relate to sea-level oscillations. Strontium isotopes also point to a meteoric origin of diagenetic fluids. Model calculations suggest that O and Sr isotopes equilibrated between calcites and fluid at relatively low water/rock ratios, whereas C isotopic signatures are inherited from limestones.  相似文献   

在四川盆地华蓥溪口地区首次发现了发育在二叠纪栖霞期的微生物灰泥丘,该灰泥丘以灰泥作为支撑结构;参与建筑的生物主要是菌类微生物,其次为多门类无脊椎动物,如有孔虫、腕足等,但生物物种分异度较低,丰度较高;岩石类型主要为生屑泥晶灰岩以及凝块石等;灰泥丘可划分为丘基、丘核及丘翼。根据地化分析,华蓥溪口栖霞组剖面野外样品古盐度Z值均122,且δ~(13)C0;δ~(18)O变化在-6.33‰~-4.22‰,向上δ~(18)O总体为正偏移,表明海平面逐渐下降。恢复的古水温在33.60~24.26℃。V/(V+Ni)比值为0.51228,U/Th比值为8.28205;指出华蓥溪口地区处于水体较深,水动力较弱,温度较高的超咸缺氧环境。这种环境有利于微生物丘的发育,并影响了造礁生物的发育和生长,是导致栖霞期没有发育骨架礁的原因之一。  相似文献   

In Permian times the Baoshan Block of western Yunnan, southwest China formed the eastern part of the Cimmerian Continent. Most biogeographical and sedimentological data indicate that the Early Permian Dingjiazhai Formation formed on the block under conditions strongly influenced by the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation. After Early Permian rifting, with post-glaciation climatic amelioration, and as the Baoshan Block drifted northwards to approach South China and Indochina, faunal elements characteristic of Gondwana affinity decreased, while those of Cathaysian affinity increased. Finally, Late Permian faunas are characterized by exclusively Cathaysian elements. This shift of marine provinciality becomes an important indicator in understanding the Permian paleoclimatic evolution of the region. This research investigated the composition of carbonate grain associations and the early diagenetic features of limestones from the upper part of the Dingjiazhai Formation, and from the overlying Yongde and Shazipo formations. A sharp distinction in petrological and diagenetic features is recognized between the Dingjiazhai Formation and the two overlying formations. The Dingjiazhai carbonates are characterized by the bryonoderm (bryozoan-echinoderm)-extended facies of the heterozoan association, with no non-skeletal grains. Because early diagenetic cement was rarely formed, the Dingjiazhai carbonates experienced strong diagenetic compaction. In contrast, the Yongde and Shazipo carbonates show a chloroforam facies of photozoan association, with the common occurrence of non-skeletal grains. These carbonates were well cemented during early diagenetic processes. From comparison with Permian cool-water carbonates from northern Pangea and Tasmania, Australia, the Dingjiazhai carbonates are interpreted as deposits of warm-temperate conditions, while the overlying carbonates are considered to be deposits of subtropical or tropical conditions. This climatic interpretation, based on the petrographic features of the Permian carbonates, agrees well with existing biogeographical data from the region.  相似文献   

黔南地区早、中泥盆世沉积演化的动力机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
泥盆纪时,黔南地区为一相对稳定的台地,早泥盆世晚期,海水开始漫漫其上.初始发育陆源碎屑沉积体系,中泥盆世发育陆源碎屑~碳酸盐混合体系.空间配置有下列几种类型:滨岸障壁~泻湖~河流体系,碳酸盐缓坡~滨岸障壁~泻湖体系,镶边型碳酸盐台地~泻湖三角洲(潮坪)体系,碳酸盐缓坡~三角洲体系。基底断裂限定了台地和台间沟的延限范围和演化进程,这两种不同沉积背景的沉积演化旋回可能主要受海平面变化控制。  相似文献   

滇西南早泥盆世地层研究新进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张元动 Lenz  AC 《地层学杂志》1998,22(3):220-226
滇西南西盟里拉、孟连回库腊垒组发现早泥盆世Monograptushercynicus、M.falcarius等7个笔石种,从下到上识别出M.uniformis带、M.hercynicus带和M.falcarius带3个笔石带,分别属于洛赫科夫期早期、晚期和布拉格期早期,并与国内外其他地区的笔石带进行了对比。对该时期笔石的生物地理分析表明,洛赫科夫期的笔石具有全球性,而布拉格期的笔石则显示出一定程度的地区性。  相似文献   

西藏申扎地区早泥盆世珊瑚类生物地理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张予杰  程立人 《地质学报》2008,82(6):750-759
对西藏申扎地区早泥盆世珊瑚类的研究表明,申扎地区早泥盆世珊瑚群不论是从分异度、丰度还是分布范围上,都获得了极大的发展。通过分析西藏申扎地区早泥盆世珊瑚动物群组合,利用大冢系数的定量计算得出以下结论:申扎地区与我国云南丽江地区、西秦岭地区有着十分密切的联系,早泥盆世这3个地区为老世界大区(Old world realm)中的一个生物地理分区,并且进一步提出申扎地区与澳大利亚东部的关系密切。从混生的动物群角度上,印证了有关申扎地区是处于澳大利亚东部地区与我国华南之间过渡地区的观点。  相似文献   

Recent studies of continental carbonates revealed that carbonates with similar fabrics can be formed either by biotic, biologically-induced, biologically-influenced or purely abiotic processes, or a combination of all. The aim of this research is to advance knowledge on the formation of carbonates precipitated (or diagenetically altered) in extreme, continental environments by studying biotic versus abiotic mechanisms of crystallization, and to contribute to the astrobiology debate around terrestrial analogues of Martian extreme environments. Both fossil (upper Pleistocene to Holocene) and active carbonate spring mounds from the Great Artesian Basin (South Australia) have been investigated. These carbonates consist of low-Mg to high-Mg calcite tufa. Four facies have been described: (i) carbonate mudstone/wackestone; (ii) phytohermal framestone/boundstone; (iii) micrite boundstone; and (iv) coarsely crystalline boundstone. The presence of filaments encrusted by micrite, rich in organic compounds, including ultraviolet-protectants, in phytohermal framestone/boundstone and micrite boundstone is clear evidence of the existence of microbial mats at the time of deposition. In contrast, peloidal micrite, despite commonly being considered a microbial precipitate, is not directly associated with filaments in the Great Artesian Basin mounds. It has probably formed from nanocrystal aggregation on colloid particulate. Thus, where biofilms have been documented, it is likely that bacteria catalyzed the development of fabrics. It is less certain that microbes induced calcium carbonate precipitation elsewhere. Trace elements, including rare earth element distribution from laminated facies, highlight strongly evaporative settings (for example, high Li contents). Carbon dioxide degassing and evaporation are two of the main drivers for an increase in fluid alkalinity, resulting in precipitation of carbonates. Hence, although the growth of certain fabrics is fostered by the presence of microbial mats, the formation of carbonate crystals might be independent from it and mainly driven by extrinsic factors. More generally, biological processes may be responsible for fabric and facies development in micritic boundstone whilst micrite nucleation and growth are driven by abiotic factors. Non-classical crystallization pathways (aggregation and fusion of nanoparticles from nucleation clusters) may be more common than previously thought in spring carbonate and this should be carefully considered to avoid misinterpretation of certain fabrics as by-products of life. It is proposed here that the term ‘organic-compound catalyzed mineralization’ should be used for crystal growth in the presence of organic compounds when dealing with astrobiological problems. This term would account for the possibility of multiple crystallization pathways (including non-classical crystallization) that occurred directly from an aqueous solution without the direct influence of microbial mats.  相似文献   

The Early Devonian, Maccullochs Range beds (new) of the Winduck Interval largely comprise non-marine fine-grained sheet-flood-deposited sandstones which lie in the southeast sector of the Darling Basin Conjugate Fault System. Deposition of the >2.5 km-thick sequence occurred on the Wilcannia, Towers and Coolabah Bore alluvial fans, that were sourced largely from lightly indurated sandstone caps overlying a large basement high lying north of the Darling River Lineament, and also from west of Maccullochs Range (Coolabah Bore Fan). Four lithofacies are recognised. Lithofacies 1, massive sandstone, is proximal and was deposited from hyperconcentrated sheet floods. The more distal lithofacies 2 is partly massive, partly laminated and partly affected by soft sediment slumping during its deposition. It contains 1.3 – 3.5 m-thick sheet-flood successions that rarely show cross-bedding. Lithofacies 3 and 4 are minor: lithofacies 3, stream-flood deposited, comprises coarse-grained, pebbly sandstone and lithofacies 4, transient playa lake deposits that are locally intercalated with lithofacies 2. In lithofacies 2, thick massive fine-grained sandstone is commonly overlain by laminated sandstone that was deformed when soft. Incised channel deposits in lithofacies 2 deposits are rare and palaeosols were not discovered. Permanency of the positions of two of the alluvial fans, and by inference their feeder streams, remained unchanged for ~9 million years. The fans overlie probable floodplain deposits observed in a quarry in the easternmost part of the study area. Marine fossils are very minor in the range—the brachiopod Howellella jaqueti at one locality indicates an Early Devonian age for one of the brief marine incursions into what was normally an alluvial-fan environment. Very brief marine incursions elsewhere in the group are deduced from the presence of very rare fossil gastropods.  相似文献   

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