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Carleton University and Sander Geophysics are developing an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) for aeromagnetic surveying. As an early indication of the expected performance of the unmanned aircraft system, a simulated unmanned aircraft system (sUAS) was built. The simulated unmanned aircraft system is a T‐shaped structure configured as a horizontal gradiometer with two cesium magnetometers spaced 4.67 m apart, which is the same sensor geometry as planned for the unmanned aircraft system. The simulated unmanned aircraft system is flown suspended beneath a helicopter. An 8.5 km2 area in the Central Metasedimentary Belt of the Grenville Province, near Plevna, Ontario, Canada, was surveyed with the simulated unmanned aircraft system suspended 50 m above ground. The survey site was chosen on the basis of its complex geological structure. The total magnetic intensity (TMI) data recorded were compared to that obtained during a conventional fixed‐wing survey and a ground survey. Transverse magneto‐gradiometric data were also recorded by the simulated unmanned aircraft system. The simulated unmanned aircraft system total magnetic intensity data have a higher resolution than the conventional fixed‐wing data and were found to have a similar resolution to that of the ground survey data. The advantages of surveying with the simulated unmanned aircraft system were: (1) the acquisition of a detailed data set free of gaps in coverage at a low altitude above the terrain and (2) substantial saving of time and effort. In the survey site, the 4.67 m simulated unmanned aircraft system gradiometer measured the transverse magnetic gradient reliably up to an altitude of 150 m above ground.  相似文献   

The National Airborne Field Experiment 2006 (NAFE’06) was conducted during a three week period of November 2006 in the Murrumbidgee River catchment, located in southeastern Australia. One objective of NAFE’06 was to explore the suitability of the area for SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) calibration/validation and develop downscaling and assimilation techniques for when SMOS does come on line. Airborne L-band brightness temperature was mapped at 1 km resolution 11 times (every 1–3 days) over a 40 by 55 km area in the Yanco region and 3 times over a 40 by 50 km area that includes Kyeamba Creek catchment. Moreover, multi-resolution, multi-angle and multi-spectral airborne data including surface temperature, surface reflectance (green, read and near infrared), lidar data and aerial photos were acquired over selected areas to develop downscaling algorithms and test multi-angle and multi-spectral retrieval approaches. The near-surface soil moisture was measured extensively on the ground in eight sampling areas concurrently with aircraft flights, and the soil moisture profile was continuously monitored at 41 sites. Preliminary analyses indicate that (i) the uncertainty of a single ground measurement was typically less than 5% vol. (ii) the spatial variability of ground measurements at 1 km resolution was up to 10% vol. and (iii) the validation of 1 km resolution L-band data is facilitated by selecting pixels with a spatial soil moisture variability lower than the point-scale uncertainty. The sensitivity of passive microwave and thermal data is also compared at 1 km resolution to illustrate the multi-spectral synergy for soil moisture monitoring at improved accuracy and resolution. The data described in this paper are available at www.nafe.unimelb.edu.au.  相似文献   

There is a certain degree of ambiguity associated with remote sensing as a means of performing earth observations.Using interval-valued data to describe clustering prototype features may be more suitable for handling the fuzzy nature of remote sensing data,which is caused by the uncertainty and heterogeneity in the surface spectral reflectance of ground objects.After constructing a multi-spectral interval-valued model of source data and defining a distance measure to achieve the maximum dissimilarity between intervals,an interval-valued fuzzy c-means(FCM)clustering algorithm that considers both the functional characteristics of fuzzy clustering algorithms and the interregional features of ground object spectral reflectance was applied in this study.Such a process can significantly improve the clustering effect;specifically,the process can reduce the synonym spectrum phenomenon and the misclassification caused by the overlap of spectral features between classes of clustering results.Clustering analysis experiments aimed at land cover classification using remote sensing imagery from the SPOT-5 satellite sensor for the Pearl River Delta region,China,and the TM sensor for Yushu,Qinghai,China,were conducted,as well as experiments involving the conventional FCM algorithm,the results of which were used for comparative analysis.Next,a supervised classification method was used to validate the clustering results.The final results indicate that the proposed interval-valued FCM clustering is more effective than the conventional FCM clustering method for land cover classification using multi-spectral remote sensing imagery.  相似文献   

We investigate the issues and methods for estimating nearshore bathymetry based on wave celerity measurements obtained using time series imagery from small unmanned aircraft systems (SUAS). In contrast to time series imagery from fixed cameras or from larger aircraft, SUAS data are usually short, gappy in time, and unsteady in aim in high frequency ways that are not reflected by the filtered navigation metadata. These issues were first investigated using fixed camera proxy data that have been intentionally degraded to mimic these problems. It has been found that records as short as 50 s or less can yield good bathymetry results. Gaps in records associated with inadvertent look-away during unsteady flight would normally prevent use of the required standard Fast Fourier Transform methods. However, we found that a full Fourier Transform could be implemented on the remaining valid record segments and was effective if at least 50% of total record length remained intact. Errors in image geo-navigation were stabilized based on fixed ground fiducials within a required land portion of the image. The elements of a future method that could remove this requirement were then outlined. Two test SUAS data runs were analyzed and compared to survey ground truth data. A 54-s data run at Eglin Air Force Base on the Gulf of Mexico yielded a good bathymetry product that compared well with survey data (standard deviation of 0.51 m in depths ranging from 0 to 4 m). A shorter (30.5 s) record from Silver Strand Beach (near Coronado) on the US west coast provided a good approximation of the surveyed bathymetry but was excessively deep offshore and had larger errors (1.19 m for true depths ranging from 0 to 6 m), consistent with the short record length. Seventy-three percent of the bathymetry estimates lay within 1 m of the truth for most of the nearshore.  相似文献   

We utilized nuclear explosions from the Degelen Mountain sub-region of the Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS), Kazakhstan, to assess seismic location capability directly. Excellent ground truth information for these events was either known or was estimated from maps of the Degelen Mountain adit complex. Origin times were refined for events for which absolute origin time information was unknown using catalog arrival times, our ground truth location estimates, and a time baseline provided by fixing known origin times during a joint hypocenter determination (JHD). Precise arrival time picks were determined using a waveform cross-correlation process applied to the available digital data. These data were used in a JHD analysis. We found that very accurate locations were possible when high precision, waveform cross-correlation arrival times were combined with JHD. Relocation with our full digital data set resulted in a mean mislocation of 2 km and a mean 95% confidence ellipse (CE) area of 6.6 km2 (90% CE: 5.1 km2), however, only 5 of the 18 computed error ellipses actually covered the associated ground truth location estimate. To test a more realistic nuclear test monitoring scenario, we applied our JHD analysis to a set of seven events (one fixed) using data only from seismic stations within 40° epicentral distance. Relocation with these data resulted in a mean mislocation of 7.4 km, with four of the 95% error ellipses covering less than 570 km2 (90% CE: 438 km2), and the other two covering 1730 and 8869 km2 (90% CE: 1331 and 6822 km2). Location uncertainties calculated using JHD often underestimated the true error, but a circular region with a radius equal to the mislocation covered less than 1000 km2 for all events having more than three observations.  相似文献   

离散型湖泊水体提取方法精度对比分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
基于卫星遥感的陆地水体提取方法多种多样,并且应用广泛.对于水体分布支离破碎的枯水期湖泊,准确的水体提取方法尚不明晰,直接影响湖泊水域面积的提取精度.以鄱阳湖湖区为研究对象,利用ALOS遥感影像,以2.5 m高分辨率全色波段融合影像非监督分类(ISODATA)得到的水体面积为参考值,分别使用归一化水体指数(NDWI)法、NDWIISODATA法和基于近红外(NIR)的ISODATA法提取了10 m分辨率的水体分布,分析了不同方法提取结果之间的差异性及产生原因.结果表明:3种方法均可以较好地提取出水体,但利用ISODATA法提取的水体细部信息更为明显,面积值较NDWI法更大;相对于近红外单波段而言,基于NDWI图像的ISODATA法提取水体的精度更高.纵观3种方法,基于NDWI图像的ISODATA法提取的水体精度最高,基于近红外波段的ISODATA法提取结果次之,NDWI阈值法的提取效果最差.研究结果对于离散型湖泊水体提取方法及数据源的选择等具有重要的借鉴和参考意义.  相似文献   

A laser altimeter, making 4000 measurements per second, was used to measure channel and gully morphology. The laser measurements provide quick, accurate and readily obtained data on the cross-section and morphology of channels and gullies in relation to the adjacent landscape. Although ground based techniques can be used to make these measurements, using a laser altimeter mounted in an aircraft allows data to be collected faster, with greater density and detail, and in areas with limited access for ground surveys. The laser altimeter data are valuable for measuring channel and gully cross-sections and roughness in relation to the surrounding landscape, for assessing soil loss from gullies and channels, and for providing input to the understanding of gully and channel dynamics in the landscape.  相似文献   

In the process of removing the primary field from fixed‐wing time‐domain airborne EM data, the response is decomposed into two parts, which are referred to here as the time‐domain ‘in‐phase’ and ‘quadrature’ components. The time‐domain in‐phase component is dominated by the primary field, which varies significantly as the transmitter–receiver separation changes. The time‐domain quadrature component comes solely from the secondary response associated with currents induced in the ground and this is the component that has traditionally been used in the interpretation of data from fixed‐wing towed‐bird time‐domain EM systems. In the off‐time, the quadrature response is very similar to the total secondary response. However, there are large differences in the on‐time and even some small differences in the off‐time.One consequence of these differences is that when airborne EM data are to be interpreted using a synthetic mathematical model, the synthetic data calculated should also be the quadrature component. A second consequence relates to the time‐domain in‐phase component which is sometimes used to estimate the receiver‐sensor (bird) position. The bird‐position estimation process assumes there is no secondary field in the in‐phase component. If the ground is resistive, the secondary contained in the in‐phase component is small, so the bird‐position estimate is accurate to about 30 cm, but in highly conductive areas the secondary contribution can be large and the position estimate can be out by as much as 5 m. A third consequence arises for highly conductive bodies, the response of which is predominantly in‐phase. This means that any response from these types of body is lost in the component that has been removed in the primary‐field extraction procedure. However, if the bird position is measured very accurately, the actual free‐space primary field can be estimated. If this is then subtracted from the estimated primary (actually free‐space primary plus secondary in‐phase response), then the residual is the secondary in‐phase response of the ground. Using this methodology, very conductive ore bodies could be detected. However, a sensitivity analysis shows that detection of a large vertically dipping very conductive body at 150 m depth would require that the bird position be measured to an accuracy of about 1.4 cm and the aircraft attitude to within about 0.01°. Such tolerances are very stringent and not easily attainable with current technology.  相似文献   

Because conventional observations over the oceans are not available, especially during tropical cyclones, multi-spectral atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs) estimated from geostationary satellites are routinely assimilated in the numerical weather prediction models at different operational centres across the globe. The derived AMVs are generally validated with radiosonde observations available over land at synoptic hours; however, over the ocean there is a limited scope to assess the quality of AMVs. Over ocean, AMVs can be validated with radiosonde data available from opportunistic ships or using dropsonde data available from aircrafts. In this study, the accuracy of the AMVs derived from the geostationary satellites Kalpana-1 and Meteosat-7 is evaluated over the oceanic region. Radiosonde data available from a ship cruise held in the Bay of Bengal during the period 09 July–08 August 2012 and from the Cal/Val site situated at Kavaratti Island (72.62°E, 10.57°N) in the southern Indian Ocean are used to assess the AMV accuracy. In this study, 83 radiosonde profiles are used to validate the Kalpana-1 AMVs, to allow a better understanding of AMV errors over the Indian Ocean. The RMSVD of Kalpana-1 AMVs for the high-, mid- and low-levels are found to be 7.9, 9.4 and 5.3 m s?1, respectively, while the corresponding RMSVD for Meteosat-7 AMVs are 9.1, 5.5 and 3.7 m s?1. A similar accuracy is observed when the AMVs are validated against the NCEP analyses collocated with the nearest radiosonde locations. The high RMSVD and bias for Kalpana-1 AMVs at the mid-level and Meteosat-7 AMVs at the high-level are associated with the limitation of satellite winds to resolve the upper-level easterly jet in conjunction with errors in the height assignment. This study could help the numerical modellers to assign appropriate observation error over this region during the assimilation of AMVs into the NWP models.  相似文献   

Detonation gases released by an underground nuclear test include trace amounts of 133Xe and 37Ar. In the context of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, On Site Inspection Protocol, such gases released from or sampled at the soil surface could be used to indicate the occurrence of an explosion in violation of the treaty. To better estimate the levels of detectability from an underground nuclear test (UNE), we developed mathematical models to evaluate the processes of 133Xe and 37Ar transport in fractured rock. Two models are developed respectively for representing thermal and isothermal transport. When the thermal process becomes minor under the condition of low temperature and low liquid saturation, the subsurface system is described using an isothermal and single-gas-phase transport model and barometric pumping becomes the major driving force to deliver 133Xe and 37Ar to the ground surface. A thermal test is simulated using a nonisothermal and two-phase transport model. In the model, steam production and bubble expansion are the major processes driving noble gas components to ground surface. After the temperature in the chimney drops below boiling, barometric pumping takes over the role as the major transport process.  相似文献   

Activity concentration data from ambient radioxenon measurements in ground level air, which were carried out in Europe in the framework of the International Noble Gas Experiment (INGE) in support of the development and build-up of a radioxenon monitoring network for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty verification regime are presented and discussed. Six measurement stations provided data from 5 years of measurements performed between 2003 and 2008: Longyearbyen (Spitsbergen, Norway), Stockholm (Sweden), Dubna (Russian Federation), Schauinsland Mountain (Germany), Bruyères-le-Châtel and Marseille (both France). The noble gas systems used within the INGE are designed to continuously measure low concentrations of the four radioxenon isotopes which are most relevant for detection of nuclear explosions: 131mXe, 133mXe, 133Xe and 135Xe with a time resolution less than or equal to 24 h and a minimum detectable concentration of 133Xe less than 1 mBq/m3. This European cluster of six stations is particularly interesting because it is highly influenced by a high density of nuclear power reactors and some radiopharmaceutical production facilities. The activity concentrations at the European INGE stations are studied to characterise the influence of civilian releases, to be able to distinguish them from possible nuclear explosions. It was found that the mean activity concentration of the most frequently detected isotope, 133Xe, was 5–20 mBq/m3 within Central Europe where most nuclear installations are situated (Bruyères-le-Châtel and Schauinsland), 1.4–2.4 mBq/m3 just outside that region (Stockholm, Dubna and Marseille) and 0.2 mBq/m3 in the remote polar station of Spitsbergen. No seasonal trends could be observed from the data. Two interesting events have been examined and their source regions have been identified using atmospheric backtracking methods that deploy Lagrangian particle dispersion modelling and inversion techniques. The results are consistent with known releases of a radiopharmaceutical facility.  相似文献   

Strong-motion data from large (M ≥ 7.2) shallow crustal earthquakes invariably make up a small proportion of the records used to develop empirical ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs). Consequently GMPEs are more poorly constrained for large earthquakes than for small events. In this article peak ground accelerations (PGAs) observed in 38 earthquakes worldwide with M ≥ 7.2 are compared with those predicted by eight recent GMPEs. Well over half of the 38 earthquakes were not considered when deriving these GMPEs but the data were identified by a thorough literature review of strong-motion reports from the past 60 years. These data are provided in an electronic supplement for future investigations on ground motions from large earthquakes. The addition of these data provides better constraint of the between-event ground-motion variability in large earthquakes. It is found that the eight models generally provide good predictions for PGAs from these earthquakes, although there is evidence for slight under- or over-prediction of motions by some models (particularly for M > 7.6). The between-event variabilities predicted by most models match the observed variability, if data from two events (2001 Bhuj and 2005 Crescent City) that are likely atypical of earthquakes in active regions are excluded. For some GMPEs there is evidence that they are over-predicting PGAs in the near-source region of large earthquakes as well as over-predicting motions on hard rock. Overall, however, all the considered models, despite having been derived using limited data, provide reliable predictions of PGAs in the largest crustal earthquakes.  相似文献   

The atmosphere near the ground contains a mixed population of pollen and spores in the 1 to 90 m diameter range. Continuous sampling at Rothamsted Experimental Station at 2 m above ground level indicated concentrations averaging 12,000 m–3 over 5 summer months, but 1 million m–3 can occur for short periods. Concentrations change rapidly with locality, season, time of day or night and weather. Normally concentration in the troposphere decreases logarithmically with height. The occurrence of long distance transport of pollen and spores by wind is demonstrated by sampling from aircraft, and supported by much circumstantial evidence. Possible effects of this air spora on the atmosphere may be sought in alterations to: opacity, ionization, condensation nuclei, and sinks for minor gases.  相似文献   

An investigation of ground motion, recorded using broad-band, wide dynamic-range digital seismographs, of large mine tremors from two South African mining districts with different geologic settings, reveals some essential differences in both seismic source and ground motion parameters. In the Klerksdorp district where the strata are offset by major throughgoing normal faults, the largest tremors, with magnitudes ranging as high as 5.2, tend to be associated with slip on these pre-existing faults. Moreover, the seismic source and ground motion parameters are quite similar to those of natural crustal earthquakes. In the Carletonville district, by contrast, where substantial faults do not exist, the large-magnitude tremors appear to result from the failure of relatively intact rock and cause seismic stress drops and ground motion parameters higher than normally observed for natural shocks. Additionally, there appears to be an upper magnitude limit of about 4 in the Carletonville district. Detailed analyses of an exceptionally large event recorded locally from each of these districts serve to highlight these contrasts.Presented at the Fred Leighton Memorial Workshop on Mining Induced Seismicity, Montreal, Canada, August 30, 1987.  相似文献   

The free-field accelerograms along Feitsui Canyon are analyzed and modeled by a numerical scheme to study the effect of canyon topography. Since six strong-motion accelerometers (SC1–SC6) were deployed along the Feitsui Canyon in 1991; there are 14 earthquakes (4.9≤ML≤6.6) recorded by these stations until June 1996, but only five triggered all six stations. The maximum PGA value is 68.6 cm s−2 recorded at station SC1. According to the present data, the effect of the dam on the ground motions at canyon stations can be negligible. The amplitude of ground motion on the slopes of the canyon is bigger than that at its trough. The integral equation method is applied to a two dimensional model of Feitsui Canyon to study the effects of the canyon topography. We choose the ground motion of SC3 or SC4 station at the trough of the canyon as the input motion for the model, which is then used to predict the ground motion at the other five stations. Apart from the earthquake close to the damsite, the simple model can reproduce the observed accelerations at all frequencies below 4 Hz. Overall, the numerical method can well predict the ground motion along the canyon, although the high-frequency simulation is underestimated.  相似文献   

Human activities, such as fluid injection as part of the stimulation of an enhanced geothermal system (EGS) for heat and power production, can cause damaging earthquake ground motions. A difficulty in quickly settling or rejecting insurance claims to the policy of the EGS operator is the lack of ground truth on the observed shaking at sites of reported damage. To overcome this problem a local seismic network could be installed prior to injection to constrain the ground-motion field at points of potential damage. Since the installation and maintenance of seismometers are costly there is an incentive to keep the number of instruments to a minimum. In this short communication, ground-motion fields are simulated and receiver operating characteristic analysis is conducted to guide decisions on the number of sensors required to obtain a certain confidence in the rate of false alarms and missed detections. For densities of 10–20 instruments per km2 the ability to estimate potentially damaging ground motions is reasonable but associated with a significant chance of missed detections and false alarms. If an EGS operator or regulatory authority does not want to accept such chances then network densities of 50–100 instruments per km2 are required and even in this case the exceedance/non-exceedance of a certain ground-motion threshold cannot be completely constrained.  相似文献   

The recession of bomb tritium in river discharge of large basins indicates a contribution of slowly moving water. For an appropriate interpretation it is necessary to consider different runoff components (e.g. direct runoff and ground water components) and varying residence times of tritium in these components. The spatially distributed catchment model (tracer aided catchment model, distributed; TACD) and a tritium balance model (TRIBIL) were combined to model process‐based tritium balances in a large German river basin (Weser 46 240 km2) and seven embedded sub‐basins. The hydrological model (monthly time step, 2 × 2 km2) estimated the three major runoff components: direct runoff, fast‐moving and slow‐moving ground water for the period of 1950 to 1999. The model incorporated topography, land use, geomorphology, geology and hydro‐meteorological data. The results for the different basins indicated a contribution of direct runoff of 30–50% and varying amounts for fast and slow ground water components. Combining these results with the TRIBIL model allowed us to estimate the residence time of the components. Mean residence times of 8 to 14 years were found for the fast ground water component, 21 to 93 years for the slow ground water component and 14 to 50 years for an overall mean residence time within these basins. Balance calculations for the Weser basin indicate an over‐estimation of loss of tritium through evapotranspiration (more than 60%) and decay (10%). About 28% were carried in stream‐flow where direct runoff contributed about 12% and ground water runoff 13% in relation to precipitation input over the studied 50‐year period. Neighbouring basins and nuclear power plants contributed about 1% each over this time period. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data acquired by the airborne Scanning Lidar Imager of Canopies by EchoRecovery (SLICER) laser altimeter provided high-resolution digital topographicdata over Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and several of the Lesser AntillesIslands. The instrument was developed by the NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center.It has the capability of multibeam resolution of ground elevations beneath densecanopy areas. Data, therefore, can be used to generate a more accurate representation of the ground surface by removing the vegetation cover. Although internal precision is high (10 cm to 1 m), absolute accuracy is difficult to evaluate and depends on several factors, including the post-processed kinematic GPS (KGPS) flight path for the aircraft platform and clear identification of ground returns in the SLICER waveform. We compared topographic profiles from USGS 30 m and 1:250K DEMs for Puerto Rico with those generated by SLICER and with spot elevations derived from static and continuous GPS surveys. SLICER and KGPS surveys cross at six points in western Puerto Rico. Agreement between both elevation data sets is excellent and well fit (r = 0.921) by a linear model with a final residual bias of -0.501 m for SLICER ground returns relative to KGPS elevations. The agreement between SLICER and USGS 30 m DEMs is also very good with the largest errors associated with steep slopes and high vegetation cover. Residuals between KGPS and USGS 30 m DEMs are +1 ± 25 m, assuming a fixed uniform offset of +43.23 m between WGS84 and mean sea level.  相似文献   

Real-time N2O measurements have been madein situ at the South Pole, Antarctica, north and south of the equator from on board the Alpha Helix and over the Pacific Ocean on several aircraft flights from the U.S. to New Zealand, Australia and 90°S. In addition, an automated EC-GC has been operated for the past year intermittently monitoring N2O in surface air at a rural site in the wheatlands of eastern Washington state. The data obtained are consistent and in agreement with the data obtained from the analyses of a large number of samples collected both from ground stations and a variety of aircraft flights made in the southern and northern hemisphere. The observed global data show no interhemispheric differences. The present concentration of N2O in the troposphere is measured to be 330±3 ppbv. Its vertical distribution in the troposphere is very uniform. A small decrease (2–3 percent) across the tropopause is characteristically observed in the high altitude Learjet flights.  相似文献   

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