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v--vWe present a preliminary study of T waves from Polynesian nuclear tests at Mururoa, recorded on digital stations of the Hawaii Volcano Observatory network, following their conversion to seismic waves at the southern shore of the Island of Hawaii, and subsequent propagation to the recording stations. We show that seismograms are composed of several packets, which can be interpreted as resulting from TMP and TMS conversions, and which feature distinct spectral characteristics. As the distance from the shoreline to the station increases, the relative importance of the several wave packets changes; a prominent shadow for TMP is found at 8-12 km from the shore. This pattern is affected by the local crustal structure; in a favorable case, propagation in deep, low-attenuation layers resulted in a clear record as far as 76 km from the shoreline. While these results are generally robust, they can be moderately affected by a change of location of the source inside Mururoa Atoll.  相似文献   

基于量纲分析理论,提出地震作用下环行吊车缩尺模型动力响应的相似准则,确定核环吊原型和实验模型之间动力响应的相似关系。根据抗震规范要求和相似准则,采用El Centro 1979地震波作为实验台地震输入,对振动台震动输入进行调幅处理,水平地震输入幅值为0.3g,竖向地震输入幅值为0.2g,地震输入的时间缩尺为4。核环吊抗震实验结果表明,与实验台地震输入峰值相对比,吊车大梁跨中水平加速度峰值增加了56.0%,跨中竖向的加速度峰值增加了119.0%;环轨水平加速度峰值增加了66.7%,环轨竖向的加速度峰值增加了43.5%。研究表明,当水平地震波的输入方向与吊车大梁轴线相垂直时,吊车大梁跨中水平加速度峰值最大;当水平地震波的输入方向与吊车大梁轴线相平行时,环轨的水平加速度峰值最大;环轨的垂直加速度峰值受水平地震波的输入方向影响不显著。在地震荷载作用下,核环吊没有发生跳轨现象。  相似文献   

v—vIn compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty (CTBT) the International Monitoring System (IMS) was designed for detection and location of the clandestine Nuclear Tests (NT). Two auxiliary IMS seismic stations MRNI and EIL, deployed recently, were subjected to detectability, travel-time calibration and discrimination analysis. The study is based on the three recent 1998 underground nuclear explosions: one of India and two of Pakistan, which provided a ground-truth test of the existing IMS. These events, attaining magnitudes of 5.2, 4.8 and 4.6 correspondingly, were registered by many IMS and other seismic stations.¶The MRNI and EIL broadband (BB) stations are located in Israel at teleseismic distances (from the explosions) of 3600, 2800 and 2700ukm, respectively, where the signals from the tests are already weak. The Indian and the second Pakistan NT were not detected by the short-period Israel Seismic Network (ISN), using standard STA/LTA triggering. Therefore, for the chosen IMS stations we compare the STA/LTA response to the results of the more sensitive Murdock-Hutt (MH) and the Adaptive Statistically Optimal Detector (OD) that showed triggering for these three events. The second Pakistan NT signal arrived at the ISN and the IMS stations in the coda of a strong Afghanistan earthquake and was further disturbed by a preceding signal from a local earthquake. However, the NT signal was successfully extracted at EIL and MRNI stations using MH and OD procedures. For comparison we provide the signal analysis of the cooperating BB station JER, with considerably worse noise conditions than EIL and MRNI, and show that OD can detect events when the other algorithms fail. Using the most quiet EIL station, the most sensitive OD and different bandpass filters we tried in addition to detect the small Kazakh chemical 100-ton calibration explosion of 1998, with magnitude 3.7 at a distance approaching 4000ukm. The detector response curve showed uprising in the expected signal time interval, but yet was low for a reliable decision.¶After an NT is detected it should be recognized. Spectra were calculated in a 15-sec window including P and P-coda waves. The spectra for the first Pakistan NT showed a pronounced spectral null at 1.7uHz for all three components of the EIL station. The effect was confirmed by observation of the same spectral null at the vertical component of the ISN stations. For this ground-truth explosion with a reported shallow source depth, the phenomenon can be explained in terms of the interference of P and pP phases. However, the spectral null feature, considered separately, cannot serve as a reliable identification characteristic of nuclear explosions, because not all the tests provide the nulls, whereas some earthquakes show this feature. Therefore, the multi-channel spectral discrimination analysis, based on a spectral ratio of low-to-high frequency energy (in the 0.6–1uHz and 1–3uHz bands), and a semblance of spectral curves (in the 0.6–2uHz band), was conducted. Both statistics were calculated for the vertical component of the ISN stations as well for the three components of the EIL station. The statistics provided a reliable discrimination between the recent NT and several nearby earthquakes, and showed compliance with the former analysis of Soviet and Chinese NT, where nuclear tests demonstrated lower values of energy ratio and spectral semblance than earthquakes. ¶Accurate location of NT requires calibration of travel time for IMS stations. Using known source locations, IASPEI91 travel-time tables and NEIC origin times we calculated expected arrival time for the P waves to the EIL and MRNI stations and showed that the measured arrival time has a delay of about 4 sec. Similar results were obtained for the nearby Pakistan earthquakes. The analysis was complimented by the P travel-time measurements for the set of Semipalatinsk NT, which showed delays of about 3.7usec to the short-period MBH station which is a surrogate station for EIL. Similar delays at different stations evidence a path- rather than site-effect. The results can be used for calibration of the IMS stations EIL and MRNI regarding Asian seismic events.  相似文献   

钟以章  张正曙 《中国地震》1993,9(4):364-372
本文在综合地质、地貌、地形变、地震、物探和年代测定等资料的基础上,对东岗断裂的活动性进行了全面分析。所得结果表明,东岗断裂性在中更新世时期有过两期活动,但自晚更新世(10万年)以来没有活动,故可鉴定为非能动性断裂。  相似文献   

三维隔震对保护核电厂结构和内部设备设施安全具有重要意义。首先,设计了一种三维隔震控制系统,该系统包括水平隔震层和竖向隔震层,在竖向隔震层中设置抗摇摆装置以达到控制结构摇摆反应。其次,对三维隔震模型进行了振动台试验验证,振动台试验结果表明,该系统能有效减小上部结构地震响应。最后,对核岛厂房采用三维隔震技术进行了讨论,分析了强震作用下核岛厂房三维隔震结构反应特征。  相似文献   

宽级配砾质土应力路径试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对某土石坝工程的宽级配砾质土进行了三轴等应力比应力路径试验,试验分别模拟了土石坝施工填筑期及蓄水期可能的应力路径,研究了宽级配砾质土在复杂应力状态下的应力应变特性。研究表明,砾质土心墙料在等主应力比和等主应力增量比应力路径作用下,应力应变表现出较好的线性关系;在竣工期,其平均主应力p(或剪应力q)与体应变ε_v及剪应变ε_s的曲线关系都为幂函数形式,ε_v—ε_1、ε_3—ε_1关系均可用线性函数来表示,而在蓄水期,各应力与应变之间的曲线关系则基本上都可以用线性关系来表示。本文研究明确了复杂应力路径下宽级配砾质土的应力应变关系,为建立宽级配砾质土的应力应变本构模型提供了一个重要线索。  相似文献   

概述CTBTO监测系统及发展过程中对朝鲜6次核试验的爆炸记录、分析、判断、声明和应对措施。地震台阵/站是CTBTO监测系统的重要组成部分,随着核证地震台阵/站的不断增加,国际监测系统IMS对朝鲜核试验的定位误差椭圆面积逐渐缩小,从2006年的880 km2降低到2017年的110 km2。通过对朝鲜核爆炸事件的记录、分析和判断,证明了该系统的可靠性、技术能力及其设计价值,即接收和审查特定事件数据,并向禁核试签署国提供高质量数据信息,使其能够做出正确判断。  相似文献   

Single borehole dilution tests (SBDTs) are an inexpensive but effective technique for hydrogeological characterization of hard-rock aquifers. We present a freely available, easy-to-use, open-source Python package, DISOLV, for plotting, analyzing, and modeling SBDT data. DISOLV can significantly reduce the time spent interpreting field data by helping to identify flowing fractures intersecting the borehole and estimate the corresponding flow rates. DISOLV is successfully benchmarked against two analytical solutions. We also present an example application to real data collected in a borehole in a crystalline basement aquifer in southern India.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种基于康谱顿背散射扫描(CBS)的新型的公路核子检测仪的主要特点,软件流程框图和数据处理的基本算法。  相似文献   

Aquifer hydraulic parameters are commonly inferred from constant-rate pumping tests, while variable pumping rates are frequently encountered in actual field conditions. In this study, we propose a generally applicable dimensionless form of the analytical solution for variable-rate pumping tests in confined aquifers. In particular, we adopt a piecewise-linear fitting of variable pumping rates and propose a new type-curve method for estimating the hydraulic conductivity (K ) and specific storage (Ss ) of the investigated confined aquifer. For each test, a series of type curves, which depend on the variable pumping rates, the location of observation wells and the introduced first dimensionless inflection time, need to be provided for matching the observed drawdown data on a log-log graph. We first demonstrate the applicability and robustness of this method through a synthetic pumping test. Subsequently, we apply this method to analyze drawdown data from four pumping tests conducted within a multilayered aquifer/aquitard system in Wuxi city, Jiangsu Province, China. The parameter estimates are then compared with those reported by PEST. The K and Ss values estimated by the new type-curve method are found to be quite close to PEST-based estimates. Parameter estimation results demonstrate the difference in K and Ss values between observation wells. The difference could be attributed to the spatial heterogeneity in K and Ss . A future research topic may focus on the characterization of K and Ss heterogeneity with the currently available drawdown data from variable-rate pumping tests.  相似文献   

A Method of Performing Response Tests on Highly Permeable Aquifers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

核电厂址隐伏断裂探测中的地震勘探方法研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
总结了近年来在多个核电厂址地震安全性评价中陆域覆盖区和海域浅层地震勘探的工作经验,通过对不同的典型工程实例分析,讨论了在不同地质和地球物理条件下,用浅层地震反射法探测隐伏断裂时应注意的关键性技术问题.提出了在不同地质条件下实施隐伏断裂探测时的地震仪器设备选择、方案设计、参数选取、断层识别的基本方法.本文的研究成果可为类似地区开展核电厂址能动断层探查工作提供实用性的技术资料.  相似文献   

由于仪器水平的限制,关于土体的动力特性的研究目前多采用单向激振方式替代双向激振方式。而这两种激振方式在试验原理方面存在明显不同。很多研究表明,应力路径对土的响应有着不可忽视的影响,这两种方式相替代的合理性尚待证明。本文利用DSC2000多功能动三轴试验系统,选取尾矿砂分别在单向及双向振动条件下进行一系列饱和土的动力特性试验,对比两种激振方式作用下土体的滞回曲线以及骨干曲线的差异,分析土体在这两种振动方式下产生差异的原因,并应用双曲线模型对骨干曲线进行拟合,最后给出在进行土体变形特性试验时以单向激振方式替代双向激振方式的适用条件。  相似文献   

A Program for Analyzing Transient and Steady-State Soil Gas Pump Tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Forced gradient tracer tests between two boreholes can be used to study contaminant transport processes at the small field scale or investigate the transport properties of an aquifer. Full depth tests, in which tracer samples are collected just from the discharge of the abstraction borehole, often give rise to breakthrough curves with multiple peaks that are usually attributed to different flow paths through the aquifer that can rarely be identified from the test results alone. Tests in selected levels of the aquifer, such as those between packer‐isolated sections of the boreholes, are time consuming, expensive; and the identification of major transport pathways is not guaranteed. We present a method for simultaneously conducting multiple tracer tests covering the full depth of the boreholes, in which tracer sampling and monitoring is carried out by a novel multilevel sampling system allowing high frequency and cumulative sampling options. The method is applied to a tracer test using fluorescein conducted in the multilayered sandstone aquifer beneath the city of Birmingham, UK, producing six well‐defined tracer breakthrough curves.  相似文献   

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