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《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(18-19):2007-2035
Dust raising and transport are common and important processes in Australia today. The aridity of the Australian continent and high climatic variability result in widespread dust raising in the arid and semi-arid areas and transport to the humid margins and surrounding oceans. The supply of erodible particles appears to be the greatest limitation on total flux of transported dust. Dust raising is greatest in the Lake Eyre Basin, including the Simpson Desert, and Murray-Darling Basin where internal drainage renews supplies of fine particles to the arid zone. In the west and northwest dust entrainment is low, despite considerable aridity. The marine record of dust flux shows at least a threefold increase in dust flux, compared with the Holocene, in the last glacial maximum in both tropical and temperate Australia, driven by weakened Australian monsoon rains and drier westerly circulation, respectively. Despite the widespread confirmation of aeolian dust deposits in southeastern and southwestern Australia, dated or quantified records are extremely rare. The dominant model of Australian dust deposits, the clay-rich ‘parna’, is shown to be poorly substantiated while modern and ancient dust deposits examined in detail are shown to bear a strong similarity to conventional definitions of loess.  相似文献   

Intensive agricultural development in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia, has been achieved at a high cost to the natural environment. This paper assess the hydrological, water quality and ecological changes which have occurred as a result of agricultural land use and particularly, cotton production, in major tributaries of the upper Darling River, using the Namoi Valley, the cradle of the Australian cotton industry, as a case study. Three aspects of cotton production have had detrimental effects in these catchments — extensive vegetation clearing on floodplains and in the riparian zone, water abstraction from regulated and unregulated river flows and intensive chemical use for pest control. The paper outlines the new initiatives in progress to improve the condition of these rivers, including management of pesticide runoff from cotton farms, nutrient reductions in surface waters and restoration of natural patterns of river flow. Constraints on water use off-stream and restrained regional development appear to be inevitable if river health is to be improved.  相似文献   

数字黑河的思考与实践1:为流域科学服务的数字流域   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
多学科数据的收集和积累、多学科模型的集成以及现代化的观测系统是发展流域科学的必要前提。"数字黑河"是为黑河流域科学研究和流域集成管理而搭建的集数据、模型和观测系统于一体的信息化平台,是"数字地球"在流域尺度上的一次实践性尝试。数字黑河由数据平台、模型平台和数字化观测系统组成,其核心是观测、数据和模型平台中的信息基础设施建设,但同时也外延而扩展为以流域综合模型为骨架的各种应用。"数字黑河"已阶段性地完成了数据集成,在线数据量超过1 000 GB,并实现了完全共享,有力地支持了黑河流域的各项研究工作;在模型集成方面已初步建成了流域综合模型和空间决策支持系统。"数字黑河"的进一步构想是在e-Science的框架下将数据系统、观测系统、模型系统、信息发布系统、高性能计算及科学计算可视化集成为一个整体。  相似文献   

西北旱区湿地周边农田易盐渍化,合理实时控制和降低地下水水位是实现湿地保护及其周边农田盐渍化防控“双赢”的有效途径。选取西北石羊河流域邓马营湖湿地与农田之间过渡带为示范研究区,通过分析地下水埋深变化特征及其与表层土壤盐分的协同关系,确定生态水位阈值,并基于该阈值研发了由虹吸辐射井群为支撑的地下水“水位-水量”智能双控技术,其关键点是:采用一井虹吸联通多个辐射井,用于增大弱透水层区单井涌水量,实现水位面状控制;利用电系统、信号系统和控制器集成智能控制子系统,实现地下水水位和水量的实时控制。该技术示范应用结果表明:随地下水埋深增大,农田盐渍化风险和湿地植被芦苇覆盖率均降低,农田盐渍化防控和湿地保护的地下水埋深阈值为1.9~3.0 m;每年7—8月的潜水蒸发阶段是表层土壤主要积盐时段,期间智能双控系统可将地下水埋深调控在水位阈限范围;该双控作用不仅能够控降灌溉引起的表层土壤电导率的增大幅度,而且还能有效降低表层土壤的积盐速率;相对微咸水,淡水灌溉条件下智能双控技术的淋盐和控盐效果更明显。因此,这项技术能够实现地下水水位精准调控,对旱区湿地保护及其周边农田盐渍化防控具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

吉林西部向海湿地环境退化及驱动机制研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
向海湿地位于半干旱的吉林西部平原区,特殊的地理位置和水文条件决定了湿地处于动态变化之中.在自然和人为驱动影响下,系统结构和功能发生明显的退化趋势,湿地面积缩小、调节功能削弱,区域荒漠化发展迅速.通过对湿地发育的环境背景条件分析,剖析了湿地退化的现状及驱动机制,水陆界面的脆弱性是湿地退化的环境背景条件,而气候干旱化、上游水的大量截流、水利工程设施及土地资源的不合理开发利用等自然、人为因素的耦合作用,加速了湿地的退化过程.基于湿地退化的现状和驱动机制,河流湿地退化的恢复必须从湿地的水文功能出发,考虑水资源的循环和转化,制定水资源综合利用方案及生态技术和生态工程措施.  相似文献   

海岸带是位于海陆结合部的复杂环境系统,是人类活动最集中的地区。中国大陆海岸线约18000km,涉及沿海11个省,由于经济社会高速发展,海岸带地区的人口、资源、环境矛盾日益突出,面临海岸带资源无序开发、水土污染、滨海湿地退化、海岸侵蚀、地面沉降等一系列生态环境与灾害地质问题,已成为影响生态文明建设的主要问题之一。因此中国持续加大海岸带生态环境保护力度,并提出实施重要生态系统保护和修复重大工程、强化湿地保护和修复等政策措施。美国国家海洋和大气管理局主导的海岸带损害评估及修复计划已实施了近30年,并取得了显著效果,其完善的法律制度体系、规范的损害评估和修复程序、数据集成管理和共享应用等成功经验值得学习借鉴。建议加快完善中国海岸带生态环境损害评估与修复的技术方法体系和制度体系、有序开展海岸带自然资源和生态环境调查、加强海岸带及滨海湿地等重要生态系统的演化和修复技术研究与示范,并构建统一的海岸带基础调查数据库、建立海岸带监测预警体系。  相似文献   

遥感技术已被广泛应用于生态环境调查与研究。为获取西昌市近30 a生态环境演化趋势,利用1989年、2000年、2010年的专题绘图仪(Thematic Mapper,TM)遥感影像和2018年的陆地成像仪(Operational Land Imager,OLI)遥感影像,通过图像处理、目视解译和野外验证等方法,获得了西昌市1989—2018年的土地利用/覆盖数据,并对林地、草地和湿地的动态变化特征进行了研究。结果表明: 1989—2018年,西昌市林地、湿地和草地面积持续增加,生态环境持续向好; 林地主要分布于安宁河谷和邛海盆地四周山地,在牦牛山、螺髻山一带形成主要林区; 草地主要呈星岛状分布于牦牛山、螺髻山一带林地之间; 湿地以河流湿地与湖泊湿地为主,主要沿安宁河及邛海分布。但仍存在一些问题: 森林存在针叶化现象较普遍、树种单一等问题,需要重点加强林区火灾防范; 草地多数呈零星片状分布,不具有完整的系统结构和良好的功能,多数草地承载力和生产力较低,不宜大规模开发利用,应通过封山育林促使其向森林转化; 湿地分布也比较局限,需要着力予以保护。研究成果可为西昌市生态保护修复措施的制定及经济社会可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

数字黑河的思考与实践3:模型集成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了"数字黑河"模型集成研究的进展.①流域科学研究中的模型集成由发展流域集成模型和建模环境这2个主题所构成,前者可概括为"水-土-气-生-人"集成模型,后者是支持集成模型的高效开发的软件工具,注重于应用先进的信息技术为建模提供支撑.②将模型集成分为知识途径和技术途径,讨论了建模环境在模型集成中的作用,以及科学模型和流域管理模型的关系.③回顾了黑河流域模型集成的总体目标是发展两种类型的集成模型,其中第一种回应科学目标,是地球系统模型在流域尺度上的具体体现,以建成能够综合反映流域水文-生态-经济相互作用的模型为标志;第二种集成模型回应管理目标,以建成空间显式的流域水资源决策支持系统为目标.④对黑河流域已有的水文、地下水、水资源、陆面过程、土地利用、生态、社会经济与生态经济建模工作做了系统的综述.⑤分析了黑河流域集成模型研究中存在的问题和所面临的挑战.  相似文献   

In late Pleistocene time Lake Dieri (ancestral ‘Greater Lake Eyre') was permanently filled during a wet climatic phase. Towards the close of Pleistocene time the watertable fell, Lake Dieri dried up, and its sediments deflated. Later the watertable rose, establishing ephemeral Lake Eyre in the deflated area, and Holocene sedimentation commenced. At about this time Lake Eyre tilted to the south and three sedimentary environments developed: (1) a saline playa environment without saltcrusts in the northern end of the lake, where water drains away before wholly evaporating; (2) a terminal salina environment in the south end, where evaporation of brines leaves saltcrusts overlying gypseous sediments; and (3) a saline flocculation environment between the playa and salina environments, where sediments are deposited by flocculation when muddy floodwater from the north meets highly saline water of the southern salina.

In the northern playa environment, sedimentation is limited to the top of the capillary fringe above the watertable, below which sediments remain moist and protected from aeolian erosion, but above which they dry and blow out of the lake. In the southern salina environment sedimentation has not kept pace with the Holocene rise in watertable. If and when it does reach such a level, downward leaching of salt and deflation of exposed sediments is likely to occur. In the flocculation environment new deposits of clay are added but kept permanently wet by rising groundwater. When flocculated sediment builds too high, its excess is transferrred by surface water into the salina deposits to the south.  相似文献   

In Yuqia Basin, the climate is arid and the ecologic environment is fragile, and shortage of water resources has seriously restricted the sustainable development of local economy. In order to meet the needs of industrial and domestic water in the Yuqia Basin, numerical simulation was used to evaluate the groundwater resources and potential for exploitation. The results showed that the mathematical model and calculation parameters used were mainly in accordance with practical situation. The calculated value of the underground water level is consistent with measured value during the period of identification and validation. The total recharge of groundwater resources was 22.02×10~4 m~3/d, and the total drainage was 21.95×10~4 m~3/d at present. The Yuqia River leakage is the main supply source of groundwater. There is no significant effect on area of wetland when water source place exploited by 2.5×10~4 m~3/d at alluvial-diluvial fan of Yuqia River. After long-term exploitation, the spring flow reduces from 1.42×10~4 m~3/d to 1.01×10~4 m~3/d and wetland area reduces by 32.7% of original area. The calculation of water balance shows that it is safe to the Yuqia Basin, Da Qiadam Lake, the Mahai Basin at downstream of Yuqia River and wetland under the condition of water source place exploited by 2.5×10~4 m~3/d.  相似文献   

西北地区水资源匮乏,生态环境脆弱,如何科学处理生产用水与生态用水的关系一直是西北干旱区水资源开发利用中关注和研究的热点难点课题之一。关于流域中上游生态输水与尾闾湖水域面积(或湿地面积)关系的定量化研究较少。以我国西北干旱区河西走廊石羊河流域的尾闾湖—青土湖为例,利用GSFLOW建立了区域地表水-地下水耦合模型,其中采用...  相似文献   

徐燕 《地下水》2008,30(1):115-118
介绍了用水质评价方法对博斯腾湖低水位运行中水质问题进行分析评价,得出博斯腾湖低水位运行时水质超标,但是在政府和相关部门的配合治理下,水质状况在1996年得到了改善。有限的博斯腾湖水资源必须在保护水质的原则下进行,在政府职能部门的统一管理、统筹兼顾下合理利用,真正做到在保护中利用,在利用中保护。  相似文献   

This article describes a unique flood hazard, produced by the dramatic expansion of wetlands in Nelson County, located within the North American Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA. There has been an unprecedented increase in the number, average size, and permanence of prairie wetlands, and a significant increase in the size of a closed lake (Stump Lake) due to a decade-long wet spell that began in 1993 following a prolonged drying trend. Base-line land cover information from the 1992 USGS National Land Cover Characterization dataset, and a Landsat TM scene acquired 9 July 2001 are used to assess the growth of the closed lake and wetland pond surface areas, and to analyze the type and area of various land cover classes inundated between 1992 and 2001. The open water profile in Nelson County changed from one marked by relatively comparable coverage of closed lake and wetland pond areas in 1992, to one in which wetland open water accounted for the vast majority of total open water in 2001. The bulk of the wetland pond area expansion occurred by displacing existing wetland vegetation and agricultural cropland. Producers responded to the flood hazard by filing Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) claims and enrolling cropland in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), a federal land retirement program. Land taken out of agricultural production has had an enormous impact upon the agricultural sector that forms the economic base of the rural economy. In 2001 the land taken out of production due to CRP enrollment and preventive planting claims represented nearly 42% of Nelson County’s 205.2 K ha base agricultural land. The patterns obtained from this detailed study of Nelson County are likely to be the representative of the more publicized flood disaster occurring within the Devils Lake Basin of North Dakota.  相似文献   

Beginning in 1966, research by the Geological Heritage Subcommittee of the South Australian Division of the Geological Society of Australia has identified over 450 geologically significant areas in the State, including those important or teaching and research. This work was partly funded from the National Estate Grants Program. In March 2008, Geological Monuments in South Australia, Parts 1–9 was published as a DVD in a joint project of the Geological Heritage Subcommittee and Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (now Department of State Development). Selection of sites for designation as places with geological heritage status was initially focussed on the settled areas of the State where threats from residential and other development were greatest. An objective assessment system was devised for Part 9 of this record to identify sites which best illustrated the geological features displayed in the remote and vast area of the South Australian portion of the Lake Eyre Drainage Basin. An initial review identified 96 sites with heritage potential. These were then assessed in terms of the presence or otherwise of seven criteria considered to be essential attributes for heritage status. Each of these potential sites was then ranked on a merit scale of the quality of each of the attributes present. A score of the percentage of the maximum points available at each site was calculated. Of the 96 potential sites assessed, 24 recorded a score of 67% or more, and the remainder scored well below this figure.  相似文献   

新疆艾比湖流域水文特征分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李艳红  楚新正  金海龙 《水文》2006,26(5):68-71
本文根据艾比湖流域各水文站历年水文统计资料及近几年来的实际水文调查,通过流域概况、气温、蒸发、降水、冰川、径流年内和年际变化、泥沙、冰情、水质等方面的分析,研究艾比湖流域的水文特征变化规律。  相似文献   

Webb, S. 2009: Palaeotrophic reconstruction and climatic forcing of mega‐Lake Eyre in late Quaternary Central Australia: a review. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00120.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Extreme Quaternary climatic variation in Australia brought radical environmental changes to various parts of the continent. In this article, I discuss these changes in terms of mega‐lake development in Central Australia, and in particular the southern Lake Eyre Basin (SLEB). The formation of these features, together with the fossil record of the region, throws light on the palaeoclimatic and palaeobiological relationships of megafauna and other animal groups, and the trophic development required to support them. Australian continental drying during the late Quaternary has been noted by many workers, but this process was punctuated by strong pluvial episodes of decreasing strength from MIS 5e. Mega‐lake development during MIS 5 resulted from unusual monsoonal and evaporative patterns at that time. However, the climatic forcing behind mega‐lake formation and the rate of lake growth is not well understood, although species composition in SLEB aquatic fossil fauna assemblages attests to the size and development of these lakes and indicates their long‐term persistence. The degree of trophic development and the maintenance of broad, well‐bedded aquatic and terrestrial ecological frameworks and biotic variety support that conclusion. The fossil record contributes to our understanding of mega‐lake and palaeoriverine trophic complexity, the speed and duration of lake‐fill and the intensity and persistence of the supporting intracontinental moisture balance. Although other more remote mega‐lakes formed in Central Australia, they were not populated by complex trophic systems or megafauna populations. This discrepancy between the various geographic areas sheds light on the biogeography and population distribution of megafauna, thus helping form a better picture of the reasons behind the final extinction of relict populations of this group in MIS 4.  相似文献   

GIS网络分析技术在河流水污染追踪中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
在分析河流水环境系统特征的基础上,探讨了GIS网络分析技术在河流水污染追踪中的应用方法。主要内容包括数字化河系网络模型的建立、河流水环境数据库的建立与集成、河流水污染追踪应用的方法与步骤,并以汉江流域河系为例,进行了原型研究。  相似文献   

金戈  邓娅敏  杜尧  陶艳秋  范红晨 《地球科学》2022,47(11):4161-4175
高砷地下水不仅直接危害供水安全,还可通过与湿地之间的交互作用,影响湿地水质进而威胁湿地生态安全.长江中游河湖平原已被报道广泛分布有高砷地下水,而位于长江中游故道区域的天鹅洲湿地地下水中砷的空间分布特征尚不明确,湿地与地下水的交互作用对地下水中砷季节性动态的控制机理尚不明确.本研究在天鹅洲湿地采集2个水文地质钻孔的35件沉积物样品、12个分层监测井不同季节的共72组地下水样和18组地表水样,通过水位-水化学监测、沉积物地球化学组成分析和砷、铁形态表征探究天鹅洲湿地地下水中砷的时空分布规律及控制机理.研究发现天鹅洲湿地地下水砷含量为1.08~147 μg/L,牛轭湖外侧浅井(10 m)地下水砷含量普遍高于深井(25 m)和牛轭湖内侧浅井(10 m)、深井(25 m)地下水,枯水期和平水期的砷含量高于丰水期.牛轭湖外侧浅层地下水系统具有更厚的粘土、亚粘土沉积,沉积物中总砷、强吸附态砷和易还原的铁氧化物的含量更多,吸附砷的水铁矿等无定形铁氧化物还原性溶解导致砷释放进入地下水中.枯水期天鹅洲湿地底部向牛轭湖外侧浅层含水层输送不稳定的有机质,使天鹅洲湿地地下水-地表水界面成为砷释放的热点区域.丰水期时牛轭湖外侧含水层受长江补给的影响,还原环境发生改变使地下水中的砷和铁被氧化固定从而不利于砷向地下水释放.   相似文献   

The Werner deconvolution technique for automatic analysis of magnetic data is a powerful tool for the interpretation of magnetic profiles. In particular, the technique is a valuable aid to the interpretation of deep crustal structures beneath the continental margin which frequently lie below the penetration of all but the most high-powered seismic reflection tools. Inverse modelling of selected simple geological structures (buried scarp, graben, half-graben) confirms that the interface model is valuable in delineating the tops of magnetic bodies, while the thin sheet model gives an indication of the depth extent of the bodies. In the case of horizontal sheets in contact (simulating oceanic spreading anomalies), the thin sheet model delineates the boundary, while the interface model gives estimates which are too shallow.

As an illustration of the value of the Werner deconvolution method in regional marine studies, the magnetic basement in the Great Australian Bight (GAB) has been mapped using a set of magnetic profiles; seismic data in the GAB is of limited use in this mapping. Interpretation of the profiles confirms earlier assessments that there is a minimum of 10 km of sediment beneath the Ceduna Terrace (Great Australian Bight Basin), 3 km beneath the Eyre Terrace (Eyre Sub-basin), 6 km in the Duntroon Embayment, 3 km in the Polda Trough, and 4 km beneath the continental rise. The most prominent basement structure in the GAB is the east-west-trending scarp which delineates the northern flank of the Eyre Sub-basin, GAB Basin, and Polda Trough. The gross linearity of this escarpment for 1000 km and the fact that it appears to mark a northern boundary to the extensional basins of the margin suggests that continental extension in the pre-Middle Jurassic took place preferentially south of an old (Precambrian) lineament in the Gawler Block. Polda Trough sediments are probably included in fault-blocks underlying the northern part of the GAB Basin. The interpretation supports the concept of northwest-southeast extension prior to Late Cretaceous breakup.  相似文献   

变化环境下缺水流域水资源演变与科学调控是国际上关注和研究的热点问题,也是中国水资源安全保障面临的重大难题。针对剧烈环境变化下黄河流域水资源显著减少、供需矛盾日益尖锐的问题,以提升流域水资源安全的调控能力为目标,识别了流域水资源供需演变认知—适应性评价—高效输沙—分水方案优化—协同调度的5大关键科学问题,从水资源供需演变机制分析、流域水量分配方案适应性综合评价、河库联动高效输沙水动力条件塑造技术、流域水资源动态均衡配置理论、复杂梯级水库群水-沙-电-生态多维协同调度等方面,提出了"黄河流域水量分配方案优化及综合调度"研究的总体架构和理论方法,构建了黄河流域水资源优化配置与协同调度技术体系,为提升缺水流域水资源管理能力与调度水平提供方法借鉴。  相似文献   

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