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基于Android平台的地震灾害信息采集系统应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为快速获取地震现场信息,本文提出了一种基于Android平台的灾害信息采集系统。文中结合Android开源平台及云计算技术特点,探讨了基于Android平台地震现场灾害信息采集系统的开发设计思路,并详细介绍了该系统的总体框架与设计方法,重点分析了主要模块的实现方法、数据存储与上传方式、现场信息获取等三个方面的技术难点。通过初步应用的情况来看,该系统的特点及优势较为明显。  相似文献   

基于互联网信息快速估计汶川地震有感范围   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过搜索和分析互联网上有关汶川地震的信息得出,汶川地震后3h为有感信息密集发布时段,信息总量为4 515条。分析信息的发布时间、地域和有感强度分布特征,对信息按照无感、有感和强有感进行分类,提取分布于199个地区的2 289条有感信息作为数据源进行有感范围的空间插值拟合处理。空间插值选用反距离权插值、径向基函数插值和克里格插值3种方法,通过对不同插值结果的比较分析发现,克里格插值方法在一定的插值模型和参数下对有感范围的拟合效果与汶川地震实际影响范围基本吻合,尤其是强有感范围基本反映了地震灾区范围。该项研究为震后快速获取地震有感范围提供了有效途径,同时也为地震灾害速判提供了动态修正依据,为地震应急提供第一时间的灾情信息。  相似文献   

After an earthquake, earthquake emergency response and rescue are important ways to mitigate earthquake-induced losses. Various earthquake emergency maps can provide effective references and guidance to those actions. Currently, related studies include the investigation on symbols of emergency maps, remote sensing emergency mapping and GIS-based mapping methods. However, the existing studies overlook the characteristics of rapidity, dynamicity and variety of presentation methods in making earthquake emergency maps. In this paper, a map template matching method is used to quickly make earthquake emergency maps considering their characteristics. We take investigations on the service objects(users)of the earthquake emergency maps to understand the needs of making earthquake emergency maps. The audience theory in mass media field and map information transmission theory are adopted to classify the users of the earthquake emergency maps into four categories: earthquake emergency commanders, technical staffs for decision-making, earthquake emergency rescuers, and the public. The components of different types of users are described and then their diverse demands in earthquake emergency maps are analyzed, such as the needs of on-field disaster information maps, earthquake information maps, physical geography and social economic maps. Following those needs, we introduce the representation methods of the earthquake emergency maps according to their formats(vector or raster)and contents, such as point symbolization method, kilometer grid method, line symbolization method and range method. Then, we study the rapid plotting method of earthquake emergency map based on map template matching method. The core steps of the method include: 1)before earthquake, the templates of different earthquake emergency maps are designed, prepared and connect the earthquake emergency features with their related spatial database. The map layout and map elements are stored in the templates. 2)After earthquake, the earthquake emergency features will be generated from seismic models(such as attenuation model of earthquake magnitude and seismic intensity)or the information obtained from field investigation. 3)Corresponding earthquake emergency map template is selected in accordance with the generated seismic features. And the features are used to update related features inside the selected template. 4)Minor adjustments are made such as to the map scale and some map annotations to finally generate the formal earthquake emergency map. Architecture of template system of the earthquake emergency maps is designed, including map user level, map template level, template layer level and map element level. Regrading to the architecture, the general map template of earthquake emergency is presented which includes four main regions: title region, main picture region, auxiliary region and annotation region. The main picture region is the essential, which lays geographic background maps and earthquake emergency features. Finally, an earthquake emergency mapping system is developed. Based on the system, a case study is presented, which demonstrates making a simulated seismic intensity influence map. From three aspects, the case presents the application of the template-matching method including: generating earthquake emergency features, substituting the features inside the template with the generated features, and revising map annotations. Therefore, the map template matching method is verified so that it can be used to quickly generate various earthquake emergency maps.  相似文献   

新疆地震应急基础数据管理信息系统的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘军  兰陵  周文  谭明  王伟  李金香 《内陆地震》2013,27(2):169-174
介绍新疆地震应急基础数据管理信息系统的研究意义与设计思路,以及系统的各模块的主要功能,并对系统的技术特点进行了总结,最后将该信息系统应用在新疆应急基础数据更新工作中。  相似文献   

王景来 《地震研究》1995,18(3):301-305
本文研究了地震灾害的四大指标-频率、死亡、受灾人数、直接经济损失,分析了地震灾害在自然灾害中的比重,中国地震灾害的严重性,地震灾害与国民收入的关系。估计了未来地震灾害的发展趋势。  相似文献   

From the events of catastrophic natural disasters that have occurred in recent years, it can be found that social media platforms are increasingly becoming the most important and most convenient way for the general public to timely release and obtain information on disasters. The information obtained from such platforms contains a large amount of information in the form of texts, pictures, etc. that record the current situation of the disaster. And it also has characteristics of high efficiency and high spatial distribution to serve the rapid emergency after the earthquake. In this paper, we firstly make a statistical analysis of 32 689 pieces of historical disaster data acquired from 5 earthquakes with obvious characteristics, such as post-earthquake disaster events, user's expression habits and so on, and adopts cross-validation method. Then information classification system which includes seven first-level categories and more than 50 second-level categories is constructed. The information classification system and evaluation system of crisis degree for post-earthquake emergency response are constructed both using cross-validation method. The former is referred to the thought of existing classification basis and the experience knowledge of several emergency experts. Based on the five indicators of subject word, action word, degree word, time and position measurement, an evaluation system of critically with four levels of severity, moderate intensity, mildness and others was constructed. Considering the sparse features of self-media information and the large difference in the number of training sets, a naive Bayes model for information classification is trained based on the classification system and evaluation system. Its accuracy rate is 73.6%. At the same time, the classification method of feature fusion of machine learning model and semantic calculation model is used to evaluate the criticality of the disaster information. The accuracy rate of the evaluation model is 89.2%, higher than 85.2% of the semantic computing model and 77% of the naive Bayesian model. The evaluation model has combined the advantages of semantic computing method which can evaluate all index features with machine learning method which has high classification efficiency and accuracy. The thresholds for classification between mild and moderate intensity, moderate intensity and severe intensity were 15.2 and 27.39. The model realized in this paper can crawl, classify and evaluate the disaster information in the media in real time after an earthquake, and realizes mining of a small amount of critical and important information from the massive self-media information, thus, to assist in earthquake intensity rapid reporting and accurate rescue. Finally, taking the Jiuzhaigou earthquake on August 8, 2017 as an example, 17 432 pieces of data were crawled in real time within 48 hours after the earthquake. At the same time, based on ArcGIS, the mining information is visualized in time and space, and the availability of the data is evaluated from two perspectives of earthquake intensity quick reporting and accurate rescue after the earthquake. The disaster information of Jiuzhaigou County in the earthquake area is obviously more than that of the non-earthquake area in terms of quantity and emergency degree. The results show that the self-media information with high spatial distribution can effectively find the severer disaster grade area after the earthquake, shorten the time of earthquake intensity prediction, effectively classify and extract information, provide real-time information for precise rescue, and improve the efficiency of emergency response after the earthquake.  相似文献   

帅向华  侯建盛  刘钦 《地震地质》2009,31(2):321-333
文中重点研究了基于地震现场能够获取的离散的地震灾情点信息进行灾情的总体分析和模拟。依靠灾情速报人员或相关人员上报的地震现场灾情点信息,运用泰森多边形和GIS空间分析方法对离散点进行面插值分析和边界修正处理,形成适合计算离散灾情采样点的模型和算法,并借助GIS技术和WebService技术实现该模型和算法,建立相应的试验系统。该模型和系统能够随着灾情收集点的变化进行动态的分析模拟,从而能够在一定程度上及时快速地反映并确定地震灾情的基本分布情况,为地震救灾指挥提供相对确切的灾情分布信息。文中以汶川地震部分数据为例进行分析,结果基本与实际灾情吻合。选取的数据为73条有效短信,这些短信是从截至5月12日24:00收到的600余条灾情上报数据短信中分析提取出来的  相似文献   

搜集1999年集集M7.6级地震、2008年汶川M8.0级地震震中高烈度区各乡镇生命损失和当年人口等基础数据,得到不同地震烈度下各乡镇死亡率数据。以评估地震减灾能力的宏观模型为基础,对各乡镇的减灾能力进行评估并划分等级,得到不同等级地震减灾能力与相对应的平均死亡率的统计关系。将此对应关系应用到2010年玉树M7.1级地震中,所得到的生命损失结果与官方公布的结果相近。表明宏观地震减灾能力评估体系可应用于单次地震损失快速评估工作中。  相似文献   

对南北地震带基础数据调查反映出的问题总结归类,并通过分析,找出基础数据的影响因素,以便今后在收集和更新基础数据时,找到更有效的方法和途径。在努力提高基础数据可靠性的同时优化数据库,更加方便、及时地进行基础数据库更新维护。  相似文献   

我国防震减灾工作中的地震应急信息系统建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文描述了我国地震应急快速响应信息系统建设的有关内容,包括系统的目标、总体框架、内容和工作流程。该系统以全国地震计算机网络系统为支撑环境,以GIS软件为应用开发平台,可以实现对破坏性地震的短临预测信息跟踪与处理,对大震速报信息进行快速响应,并可进行灾害损失快速评估、震后地震活动趋势判断、防震减灾应急对策信息服务、应急指挥综合信息显示等。该系统作为中国地震局“九五”重点项目正在建设之中。  相似文献   

介绍了以ArcViewGIS平台为开发平台,利用网络划分技术对鞍山市建筑物进行了单元划分,对每个单元进行了建筑物群体震害预测;在ArcViewGIS平台上构建信息管理系统的技术思路与实现步骤:最后给出了反映鞍山市建筑物在不同地震烈度下的破坏结果,以及造成的直接经济损失与人员伤亡情况。  相似文献   

设计并实现了基于B/S架构的地震影响场分析系统,采用可扩展的struts2、spring2、hibernate3和百度地图技术,提供了震源信息输入、快速定位和影响场(烈度,峰值加速度)分析,并结合百度地图直观呈现,实现了对地震信息的综合分析和电子信息化。  相似文献   

上海市防震减灾应急决策信息系统-GPS的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
为了适应上海经济建设高速发展和超大型城市防震减灾工作的需要,建立城市防震减灾应急决策信息系统已成为必然.本文将地理信息系统(GIS)技术应用于上海市防震减灾应急决策信息系统(宝山试点区),介绍了此系统各功能模块的结构和作用.此系统由7个功能模块组成,即地震地质基本信息、地震灾害快速评估子系统、地震应急决策信息子系统、信息查询、系统维护管理、帮助和退出等.其核心部分是地震灾害快速评估子系统和地震应急决策信息子系统.本文还介绍了彩红外航片遥感技术在上海市防震减灾应急决策信息系统中的应用.  相似文献   

以近年来中、强地震震害资料为基础,采用先进的GIS技术,建立了强震震例信息管理系统。通过该系统可以迅速了解地震的基本参数、地震地质背景、烈度分布以及经济损失等资料。  相似文献   

详细总结了海城—岫岩Ms5.4(1999.11.29)和Ms5.1(2000.1.12)两次地震的震害特点有针对性地提出了该地区的防震减灾对策。  相似文献   

新疆地震应急救援物资管理信息系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘军  李锰  兰陵  周文 《高原地震》2011,23(4):56-60
根据地震应急救援工作的要求,介绍了新疆地震应急救援物资管理信息系统的设计背景,分析了系统的设计思想与目标,并对各功能模块进行了详细的描述,阐述了该系统的实现方案。  相似文献   

大庆市东风新村和开发区地震灾害预测与信息管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,地理信息系统(GIS)技术被广泛地应用于城市或区域的防震减灾信息管理系统的建设。本文着重论述了在完成大庆市东风新村和开发区的震害预测工作,依据丰富的现场调查资料和震害预测信息建立了大庆市东风新村和开发区地震灾害预测与信息管理系统,以及建成后的系统所包含的主要内容和所能实现的功能。应用GIS技术建设城市地震灾害预测与信息管理系统不但能在地震应急决策中起到辅助决策作用,而且对于日常城市管理也是十分方便的。该系统的开发对其它城市防灾系统建设有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

地理信息系统与震后快速响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
兰从欣  徐平 《地震》1999,19(3):297-302
为了地震后快速响应的需要,介绍了通过地理信息系统研究北京及周围地区的地震震型分布以及北京地区地震安全图和邻近地震理论烈度分布的方法。为北京市震后早期趋势快速判定及防震减灾服务。同时,以1997年5月张家口MS 4.2和1998年1月10日张北-尚义MS 6.2地震为例说明上述方法、图件在震后应急工作中的重要性。  相似文献   

地震震情是社会公众敏感的问题。1991年1月中旬,江苏盐城、镇江、无锡等地因震情泄露而引起强烈的社会反响。本文以镇江为例,概述了以电话潮、抢购热、防震风、保险热、谣言惑众、异常骤增为表现形式的社会效应;介绍了地方政府发挥领导指挥机能,采取富有成效的应急对策,市县地震办公室发挥政府职能作用,积极配合,迅速平息地震风波,取得显著成效;最后从行为评估、得失评估、预测预报、震情保密、社会宣传诸方面进行反思,总结经验教训,以便进一步发挥政府减灾职能作用,做好地震工作。  相似文献   

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