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地震动影响场反映了地震动参数的空间变化情况。本文以ArcEngine技术在Visual Basic开发环境下编程实现地震动影响场的勾画为示例,根据设定地震参数,探讨如何在城市震害预测,地震应急和地震灾害损失快速评估系统中的地震动影响场估计提供更直观、便捷的技术手段。  相似文献   

设计并实现了基于B/S架构的地震影响场分析系统,采用可扩展的struts2、spring2、hibernate3和百度地图技术,提供了震源信息输入、快速定位和影响场(烈度,峰值加速度)分析,并结合百度地图直观呈现,实现了对地震信息的综合分析和电子信息化。  相似文献   

基于ArcGIS和3DS Max的砖平房震害三维可视化方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨泽  李志强 《地震地质》2007,29(3):680-686
震害预测系统可为防震减灾提供良好的技术支持,并随着GIS技术和震害预测理论的不断完善日趋成熟。但传统的震害预测软件的结果大都以表格、曲线、直方图等二维形式进行显示,很难直观地反映建筑物震害的实体特征。因此,文中针对如何使用主流的3D建模软件建立房屋震害模型进行了研究,有效地将房屋纹理与震害信息进行合成,并结合主流的GIS软件——ArcGIS9.0,以砖平房震害为例实现了房屋震害的三维可视化,进一步促进了三维可视化技术在防震减灾方面的应用,为房屋震害可视化提供了一条新的思路,也为基于GIS的3D震害预测软件的建立提供了一条新的思路,具有一定的现实意义  相似文献   

地磁场时空差异对磁测精度影响的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在辽南、辽西综合测网范围内,依赖于世界时变化的变化磁场比依赖于地方时变化的变化磁场对通化精度的影响更大一些。通化距离、经度方向距离、纬度方向距离对通化精度的影响不显著。磁情指数K在通化距离较大时对通化精度影响显著,但如果按世界时进行日变改正则可以消除磁情指数K的影响。  相似文献   

使用高灵敏度的G856,DTZ-2型核子旋进式磁力仪,对乌鲁木齐地磁台199个测点的磁场梯度进行了复测,经过严格的数据校正处理,重新作出了ΔF等磁力线图,并分析讨论了台站院内环境磁场的变化特征,测量结果表明;乌鲁木齐地磁台仍处于磁场正常区,工作环境符合《地磁台站观测规范》要求。  相似文献   

龙滩库区水库地震震源机制及应力场特征   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
文中使用龙滩水库地震监测台网记录的波形数据,采用P波初动、SH波和P渡位移振幅比数据计算震源机制解的FOCMEC方法,获取了龙滩库区2006年9月蓄水至2008年底发生的73次M_L2.0以上地震的震源机制解,并在此基础上反演了库区应力场。龙滩库区2006年10月蓄水以来发生的2级以上地震以逆断层型为主,由震源机制解获得的2个地震丛集区应力场的主压应力都近于水平,取向都为NWW-SEE。反映出蓄水后库区仍为以水平NWW-SEE向压应力为主的应力场结构,且最大主压应力倾角更为水平。而最大主张应力及中等应力轴的分布则不一致,显示出在近水平的主压应力背景下,龙滩库区局部应力场的非一致性。通过对龙滩水库地震机制解特征及应力场的认识和讨论,初步提出了龙滩水库诱发地震的发震机理,认为载荷作用所引起的剪应力增大不是龙滩水库蓄水诱发地震的主要因素,而蓄水所产生的孔隙压力作用和库水渗透的润滑弱化作用的耦合作用可能是主要的成因  相似文献   

通过InSAR与GPS数据融合获取汶川地震同震三维形变场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对In SAR与GPS两类独立的观测数据,利用广义测量平差理论中方差分量估计法,合理分配权重,有效地融合了这两类观测数据,从而估算出了地表在三维方向上的形变场。以四川汶川地震为例,利用In SAR干涉测量结果和一定数量的GPS观测值,通过该方法获取了地震断层两侧高相干区域上三维形变场,清晰地显示了汶川地震的逆冲和右旋走滑分量的位置分布整体特征。结果表明,在EW、SN和UD方向上地表形变量与GPS结果能够很好地吻合,融合结果在三维方向上的均方根误差均不超过5cm,证明了该方法能够得到精度较高的地震同震三维形变场,也揭示了利用方差分量估计法对相互独立数据之间有效融合的可行性。  相似文献   

对2012年3月9日新疆洛浦Ms6.0地震前陆态网络GPS连续跟踪站数据与喀什—伽师2010年7月~2012年3月期间重力复测数据进行计算分析.结果表明:(1)断层两端运动速率不同,为应力积累创造了条件;(2)地震发生前监测区出现区域性的重力异常变化高值区,区域重力场等值线与发震断裂走向平行;震前区域重力场出现增强—减弱—增强过程.  相似文献   

发震断层的形变是断层活动的重要参数之一,对认识断层性质、震源机理有重要作用。文中以逆冲性质为主的汶川地震为例,采用符合地表水平形变特征的Biharmonic样条插值对GPS水平形变矢量插值,然后再分解为EW和SN向分量。利用可靠的GPS观测值对InSAR参考点进行校正,统一两者的坐标系。通过对汶川地震视线向形变场剖面与GPS对比分析发现,断层上盘GPS与InSAR观测参考点相差9.93cm,而下盘则为-11.49cm。在此研究基础上,通过GPS水平形变场与InSAR视线向形变场联合解算,获取了汶川地震垂直连续形变场。结果表明,断层两侧垂直形变衰减较快,横跨断裂带形变量30cm的宽度不超过50km;沿发震断层附近垂直形变高值区分布不均匀,主要集中分布在发震断裂的汶川县城至都江堰段、茶坪—北川—南坝段和青川段。这3段各有特色,南段断层两侧垂直形变极不对称,主要以上盘剧烈抬升为主,最大抬升区域在映秀镇至连山坪一带,抬升量达到5.5m。中段表现为较强的反对称性,断层一侧抬升另一侧沉降。该段上盘最大抬升区域在茶坪东侧,抬升量为255cm,下盘最大沉降量在永庆,沉降量为-215cm。北端垂直形变相对较小,主要分布在青川北侧,呈对称分布,在发震断层最北端,最大抬升量为120cm。  相似文献   

There are thermal infrared anomalies(TIA)before earthquake, and TIA has become one of the important parameters for assessing regional earthquake risk. However, not all of the surface infrared anomalies are related to tectonic activities or earthquakes. How to eliminate the influence of non-structural factors and extract the weak signals from strong disturbances is the key and difficult point for tectonic activities studies based on the thermal infrared remote sensing techniques. Land surface temperature(LST)background field is the basis for thermal infrared anomalies extraction. However, the established background fields in previous researches cannot eliminate the influence of climate changes, so the accuracy of thermal anomaly extraction is limited. Now an improved method is proposed. Combined with the periodic character of LST time series, harmonic analysis is lead into the process of LST background field establishment. Specifically, the yearly trend of LST is fitted based on Fourier Approximation method. As a new background field, the yearly trend is dynamic, includes the local and the yearly information. Then, based on the rule of "kσ", the earthquake anomalies, calculated by RST with the yearly trend of LST, can be extracted. At last, the effectiveness of the algorithm can be tested by the quantitative analysis of anomalies with anomaly area statistics, anomaly intensity statistics and distance index statistics. The Wenchuan earthquake was discussed again based on the proposed algorithm with MODIS land temperature products in 2008. The results show that, there were obvious pre-earthquake thermal anomalies along the Longmen Mountains faults with a longer time; but there were no anomalies when the earthquake happened; and the post-earthquake thermal anomalies occurred with much smaller amplitudes and scopes. Compared with the results derived from the traditional RST which is based on the spatial average of LST values, the TIA extracted by the new RST, which is based on the yearly trend of LST, is more fit with the active faults, and the process of the anomalies occurring and removing can be described in more detail. Therefore, as the background field to extract earthquake anomalies, the yearly trend of LST is more reliable.  相似文献   

地震科普教育基地是目前深入持久开展防震减灾科普教育的最佳场所,已成为当今防震减灾科普宣教的主阵地。本文将以烟台地震科普教育基地为例,结合工作实践,通过管理模式、科普展品开发、创新性科普活动的开展等方面,详细介绍该基地是如何有效发挥防震减灾宣传教育主阵地作用的,并对基地未来发展提出建议,从而促进基地的可持续发展。  相似文献   

改进野外流动地磁测点定位标记的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野外流动地磁测量的实践及国内外大量的研究成果表明,地磁有可能成为地震预报的重要手段之一。然而,地磁资料的连续性、完整性、准确性和可靠性还存在着一定的问题,为此,我们对目前流磁测点的定位标记现状进行了全面的剖析和研究。结果表明:流磁如果没有严格的定位标记,则给测量资料带来严重的不良后果。为了保持野外流动地磁测点的准确性,改进目前测点的定位标记方法已势在必行。本文提出了具体实施方案,包括:自设定位标记;建立石碑;增设副桩(副点)C;选好辅助定位标记等改进措施。  相似文献   

为进一步了解普通民众对汶川MS8.0地震灾害的认知与响应程度,并为政府防震减灾战略的制定和实施提供科学依据,根据地震灾害认知与响应结构体系设计了普通民众地震灾害认知与响应调查问卷,主要指标体系包括地震灾害知识、防震减灾技能、自救互救和震后信息传播等4个方面。基于权重和赋分,构建了指标体系各部分评价模型和地震灾害认知与响应总体评价模型,以此来计算普通民众地震灾害认知与响应的综合得分。测评结果表明:1)勉县灾区民众认知与响应地震灾害的综合水平与能力均处于不及格水平;2)在认知与响应地震灾害方面,民众的防震减灾技能最差,对地震灾害知识的了解水平次之,而震时及震后自救互救与震后信息传播2个层面稍好一些;3)普通民众对地震知识和观点的理解还停留在表面现象上,对复杂、抽象的地震知识的理解和掌握,特别是对地震知识掌握的准确性和深层次理解还有待于进一步提高;4)从震后民众获取地震灾害信息的主渠道来看,加大政府关于地震灾害知识和防灾技能的宣传力度以及使地震信息公开透明化是降低地震灾害风险的有效途径之一  相似文献   

2008年5月12日四川汶川发生MS8.0地震,发震断裂在地表形成以逆断为主的破裂变形带。同震地表变形带的定量分析对理解地震的构造行为具有重要意义。文中以汶川地震典型调查点为例探讨了逆断型同震地表破裂变形带测量分析中值得重视并容易误解的几个问题,分析了地貌面标志和线性标志等测量数据与构造变形参数的几何关系,给出了变形参数的求解方法和相互关系。同时,就多观测点的定量数据在区域断裂几何结构变化和运动学分析中的运用进行了讨论  相似文献   

地震前油井动态变化特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
分析了1975年海城7.3级、1976年唐山7.8级以及1989年大同6.1级等地震前后胜利油田油井的动态变化特征。研究了油井动态异常变化与地城三要素的关系,地震前油气比的异常幅度比产油量的异常幅度大;异常幅度与震级的大小呈相关,与震中距呈负相关;对于震中距较远的地震,异常多表现为突跳变化;城吉距较近的地震前异常出现早,且形态复杂,基本可分为早期趋势变化、中期震荡变化和震前突跳3个过程,最后对异常  相似文献   

大同两次Ms5.8地震序列的震源区应力场对比分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刁桂苓  于利民 《地震》1995,(4):345-352
收集了大同1989年10月Ms5.8地震序列及1991年3月Ms5.8地震序列各15天的地震资料。经计算分别和到135个和149个小震震源机制解。通过系统聚类分析发现,两序列震源机制的类型随分布存在一定的差异。分析认为是由第一序列为震群型,第二序列为孤立型的区别所至。详细对比了序列起始2小时和5天的情况,供序列发展趋势的早期判别借鉴。  相似文献   

2011年3月11日日本东海发生MW9.0地震,造成日本岛整体东移、下沉并伴随巨大的质量重新分布。对于海底地震的震中区域,空间观测的GRACE卫星重力数据很好地弥补了GPS、InSAR等形变资料的缺失。利用GRACE卫星月重力场数据计算了地面0.5°×0.5°网格点上的重力变化时间序列,采用最小二乘拟合、经验正交函数(EOF)2种方法,提取了同震重力变化,结果显示震中两侧区域的重力变化呈两极分布,其中弧后区域重力下降,最大降幅约6μgal,海沟区域重力增加,最大增幅约3μgal。EOF方法避免了最小二乘拟合方法所需的地震发生时刻等先验信息,但卫星重力信号是由多种地球物理过程引起的重力变化的叠加,EOF结果的可靠性及其反映的真实物理来源往往随着事件的规模、观测时间的长短等而改变。文中第2,3,4主成分主要反映了非构造因素的影响,通过第1主成分空间一致性提取的同震重力变化与位错理论模型计算结果较为接近,因此较真实地反映了地震引起的重力变化特征。  相似文献   

包头地区重力场变化与阴山带中强地震关系的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对包头地区的重力复测资料及重力变化、地震活动特征进行了分析,讨论了重力观测对阴山带地震监测的意义。  相似文献   

Fault-related tectonic geomorphologic features are integrated expressions of multiple strong seismological events and long-term surface processes, including crucial information about strong earthquake behavior of a fault. It's of great significance to identify the strong seismic activity information from faulted landscapes, which include the date and sequence of the seismic activities, displacements, active fault features, for studying the seismic rupture process, predicting the future seismic recurrence behavior and evaluating the seismic hazard of the fault. However, due to the restriction of measuring techniques and the subsequent poor quality of the acquired data, it has been difficult to accurately extract such information from complex tectonic landforms to study active faults for a long time. Recently, "small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(sUAV)" photogrammetric technique based on "Structure from Motion(SfM)" provides a cost-efficient and convenient access to high-resolution and high-accuracy "digital elevation models(DEMs)" of tectonic landforms. This paper selects the Tangjiapo area at the Haiyuan Fault to conduct data collection, in which the structural and geomorphic features are well preserved. Using a small quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle(Inpire 2), we collect 1598 aerial photographs with a coverage area of 0.72km2. For calibrating the accuracy of the aerial data, we set 10 ground control points and use differential-GPS to obtain the spatial coordinates of these control points. We use model software Agisoft PhotoScan to process these digital pictures, obtaining high-resolution and high-accuracy DEM data with the geographic information, in which data resolution is 2.6cm/pix and the average density of point cloud is 89.3 point/m2. The data with these accuracy and resolution can fully show the real geomorphic features of the landform and meet the requirements for extracting specific structural geomorphic information on the surface. Through the detailed interpretation of the tectonic landforms, we identify a series of structures associated with the strike-slip fault and divide the alluvial fan into four stages, named s1, s2, s3, and s4, respectively.Wherein, the s1 is the latest phase of the alluvial fan, which is in the extension direction of the Haiyuan Fault and there isn't any surface fracture, indicating that the s1 was formed after the M8.5 Haiyuan earthquake in 1920. The rupture zone on the s2 fan is composed of varied kinds of faulting geomorphologic landforms, such as a series of en echelon tension-shear fractures trending 270°~285°, fault scarps and seismic ridges caused by the left-lateral motion of the seismic fault. In addition, a number of field ridges on the s2 fan were faulted by the 1920 Haiyuan M8.5 earthquake, recording the co-seismic displacements of the latest earthquake event. Relatively speaking, the surface rupture structure of the s3 fan is simple, mainly manifested as linear fault scarp with a trend of 270°~285°, which may indicate that multiple earthquakes have connected the different secondary fractures. And a small part of s4 fan is distributed in the southwest of the study area without fault crossing. Furthermore, we measured the horizontal displacements of river channels and vertical offsets of fault scarps. The faulted ridge on the s2 fan and faulted gully on the s3 fan provide good linear markers for obtaining the fault left-lateral dislocation. We used the graphical dislocation measurement software LaDiCaoz developed based on Matlab to restore the gully position before the earthquake by comparing the gully morphology on both sides of the fault, and then determined the horizontal offset of s2, which is(4.3±0.4)m and that of s3 is(8.6±0.6)m. In addition, based on the DEM data, we extracted the fault scarp densely along the fault strike, and obtained the vertical offset of s2, which is(4.3±0.4)m and that of s3 is(1.79±0.16)m. Moreover, we detect slope breaks in the fault scarp morphology. For compound fault scarps generated by multiple surface rupture earthquakes, there are multiple inflection points on the slope of the topographic section, and each inflection point represents a surface rupture event. Therefore, the slope break point on the scarp becomes an important symbol of multiple rupture of the fault. The statistical result shows that the slope breaks number of s2 is 1 and that of s3 is 2. Based on the analysis of horizontal displacements of river channels and vertical offsets of fault scarps as well as its slope breaks, two surface rupturing events can be confirmed along the Tangjiapo area of the Haiyuan Fault. Among them, the horizontal and vertical displacements of the older event are(4.3±0.95)m and(0.85±0.22)m, respectively, while that of the latest event are(4.3±0.4)m and(0.95±0.14)m, which are the coseismic horizontal and vertical offsets of the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake. These recognitions have improved our cognitive level of the fine structure of seismic surface rupture and ability to recognize paleoearthquake events. Therefore, the high-resolution topographic data obtained from the SfM photogrammetry method can be used for interpretation of fine structure and quantitative analysis of microgeomorphology. With the development of research on tectonic geomorphology and active tectonics toward refinement and quantification, this method will be of higher use value and practical significance.  相似文献   

On August 3, 2014, an MW6.5 earthquake occurred in Ludian County, Yunnan Province, which triggered significant landslides and caused serious ground damages and casualties. Compared with the existing events of earthquake-triggered landslides, the spatial distribution of co-seismic landslides during the Ludian earthquake showed a special pattern. The relationship between the co-seismic landslides and the epicenter or the known faults is not obvious, and the maximum landslide density doesn't appear in the area near the epicenter. Peak ground acceleration (PGA), which usually is used to judge the limit boundary of co-seismic landslide distribution, cannot explain this distribution pattern. Instead of correlating geological and topographic factors with the co-seismic landslide distribution pattern, this study focuses on analyzing the influence of seismic landslide susceptibility on the co-seismic distribution. Seismic landslide susceptibility comes from a calculation of critical acceleration values using a simplified Newmark block model analysis and represents slope stability under seismic loading. Both DEM (SRTM 90m)and geological map (1 ︰ 200000)are used as inputs to calculate critical acceleration values. Results show that the most susceptible slopes with the smallest critical accelerations are generally concentrated along the banks of rivers. The stable slopes, which have the larger critical accelerations and are comparably stable, are in the places adjacent to the epicenter. Comparison of the distribution of slope stability and the real landslides triggered by the 2014 MW6.1 Ludian earthquake shows a good spatial correlation, meaning seismic landslide susceptibility controls the co-seismic landslide distributions to a certain degree. Moreover, our study provides a plausible explanation on the special distribution pattern of Ludian earthquake triggered landslides. Also the paper discusses the advantages of using the seismic landslide susceptibility as a basic map, which will offer an additional tool that can be used to assist in post-disaster response activities as well as seismic landslides hazards zonation.  相似文献   

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