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关于A型花岗岩命名问题的讨论   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
针对目前国内A型花岗岩命名中出现的一些问题,建议以“碱性花岗岩类”一词代替A型花岗岩。碱性花岗岩类包括碱性和过碱性花岗岩及与之伴生的英碱正长岩、石英正长岩,以及与之伴生并且成分相近的碱长花岗岩和富碱的偏铝质花岗岩。这些岩石有相近的岩石化学成分、矿物成分和成岩构造环境。采用“碱性花岗岩类”一词易为国人接受,特别是有利于初学者和野外地质填图工作者进行岩石定名。  相似文献   

Base on the tracing study on the Japanese undersea feature naming activity, this study shows that, Japan has named Bando Basin, removed Hangetsu Trough, Shingetsu Hole and Oki-Daito Trough, and altered some features names near Ogasawara Plateau and Oki-Daito Ridge, before and after the submission for Delimitation in outer limits of continental shelves. Contrary to the general undersea feature naming rule, these actions aim to extend its continental shelf boundaries. It is suggested that the study of relationships between naming undersea feature and marine right and interest should be enhanced.  相似文献   

较系统评述了现有的各种命名与判定宝石颜色的方法,如命名法中的二名法、类似法、色度法和三要素法;判定法中的目测法、仪器测量法和对比法。指出它们均存在有不同程度的缺点,但相对比较起来,用色谱图系的对比法是目前较好的方法。  相似文献   

巴伦西亚水法庭是欧洲最古老的机构之一,其形式和内容一直延续至今,并对国际水法产生重要影响。针对我国越来越多的农村水事矛盾、水事纠纷事件,巴伦西亚水法庭处理水事纠纷的特点具有重要借鉴价值。研究表明:可以通过借鉴巴伦西亚水法庭重视农村水事纠纷特点的基础上处理好相邻关系;充分发挥民间调解在水事纠纷调处机制中的重要作用;增强用水自律意识;及时解决农村水事纠纷等措施,为充分发挥我国民间社团组织在处理农村水事纠纷的积极作用提供有益参考。  相似文献   

加拿大原型产地的矿物种数计208种,其中118个是具有人名或地名意义的矿物种名。这些矿物的现中文译名多数采用化学成分名称,未能体现原作者的意愿,与IMA-CNMNC关于新矿物的命名原则和译名规则不相符合。本文根据英文的人名与地名,采用音译方法,列举这些矿物的英文名称、原命名依据和现中文译名,并列出新的建议中文译名。  相似文献   

截至2008年,日本原型产地的矿物种数共计118种,其中87个是具有人名或地名意义的矿物种名,而这些矿物的现中文译名则多采用化学成分名称命名,未能体现原作者的定名原则,与IMA-CNMNC关于新矿物的命名规则也不相符合.本文根据日文的人名与地名,依据日文汉字翻译的习惯译法,列举了这87种矿物的英文名称、日文名称、原命名依据和现中文译名,并列出了新的推荐使用的中文译名.  相似文献   

目前翡翠市场上出现了越来越多含共生矿物的翡翠品种,给翡翠定名带来了一定的困难。针对这一问题,选取了具有代表性的原石样品进行了研究。研究方法包括实测样品的相对密度,X嘣线粉末衍射(XRD)物相量化分析,以及利用红外光谱观察共生矿物出现的机率。根据所含的共生矿物种类,翡翠可分为两类,一类为含钠长石的样品,另一类为含霞石和角闪石的样品。在反射光下,钠长石为透明玻璃状,而霞石呈磨砂玻璃状。基于上述鉴别特征,即可区分出钠长石和霞石。两类样品的相对密度都随共生矿物含量的增加逐渐降低,而理论密度值与实际测试密度值略有不同。结合上述研究结果以及岩石学命名规则,笔者探讨并提出了一套关于含共生矿物翡翠的命名规则。  相似文献   

为依法、公正、及时地做好土地权属争议的调查处理工作,以大量土地权属争议案例为基础,结合现行有关法律法规进行分析、总结,探索建立了以"重在调解、重心下移、部门联动、健全网络"为内容的土地权属争议调处新机制。达到了提高调处效率、降低社会成本的目的。  相似文献   

张守信 《第四纪研究》2002,22(4):306-311
本文通过对地层命名法的基本精神和原则--以发表(或出版)为基础的优先权法则的学习心得叙述,回顾尹赞勋院士当年在制定中国地层命名法时,坚持一个新名建立必须在公开发行的出版物上发表这一符合全世界生物地学界共识的地层命名法的哲学精神方面所做的重要贡献和意义。作者对比全国地层委员会今天对优先权采用双重标准,从而干扰地层命名法的基本精神执行,显示尹公制定地层命名法所持的基本精神明智,正确和意义重大。文章通过“龙马页岩”改为“龙马溪页岩”这一正确订正,解决了其与“龙马石灰岩”的同名关系事例,感受到尹公治学的高尚道德风范。  相似文献   

Two rules for identifying and naming minerals of mixed composition are compared. Olivine, monoclinic pyroxene, tourmaline, and mica are given as examples.  相似文献   

Two rules for identifying and naming minerals of mixed composition are compared. Olivine, monoclinic pyroxene, tourmaline, and mica are given as examples.  相似文献   

Conflicts over territory have resulted in innumerable wars and other violent incidents, but the reasons that some territory is more highly valued or volatile than other areas may not be obvious. This paper demonstrates a taxonomy for analyzing international territorial disputes that seeks to capture their tangible and symbolic dimensions and to weigh them as the international community might. Twenty-six territorial disputes, including offshore areas and separatist issues, were examined and scored according to 15 criteria for objective prominence and 7 criteria related to how a country might view the dispute in terms of its national interest. The taxonomy used Saaty’s Analytic Hierarchy Process to identify tangible and intangible properties, measure their interrelations, and produce intermediate and overall ranks. Each dispute was evaluated for prominence by examining intensifying (symbolic) factors, measures of magnitude, and characteristics that retard resolution. The magnitude of a dispute was judged to contribute the most to overall prominence, having twice the weight of the other two factors. The top five disputes in terms of prominence were the Kurdish issue, Kashmir, Tibet, Nagorno-Karabakh, and Xinjiang. The second hierarchy evaluated the disputes from the perspective of an international actor, in this case the United States. When judged by U.S. national interest, the most important factors were the deployment of U.S. forces in the claimant countries and if one of the claimants were a U.S. ally. Finally, the results from the two hierarchies were compared.  相似文献   

海底地形地貌分类是海洋地质学研究的重要内容之一,分类方法需要结合多学科知识完成。海底地形地貌中典型地理实体类型的界定也是海底地名命名研究的重要内容之一,直接关系到海底地名的准确性。国际海底地名命名分委会(SCUFN)在此领域已进行了多年的研究和探索,总结出了包含54类海底地理实体类型的海底地名通名列表。但由于命名方法的限制,目前SCUFN有关地名通名的界定原则多局限于对地理实体外表形态的判别,较少考虑其地质成因和构造性质,这也造成了许多地名提案出现了审议—通过—推翻—重新审议的情况。在分析海底地形地貌类型的基础上,总结现有的海底地理实体分类方法,并针对海底地名命名出现的地理实体类型界定争议,说明SCUFN分类方法存在的缺陷,力求寻找更加科学准确的海底地理实体界定方法。  相似文献   

烟台市国土资源局开发区分局以开展"高效优质服务年"活动为契机,结合自身工作实际和特点,转变思路、创新理念,全面推进国土资源信访工作的发展。在区管委、市局的正确领导下,在相关部门的大力帮助支持下,在信访维稳方面做了一定的工作,及时妥善处理和化解了一些矛盾纠纷,维护了群众的合法权益,取得了一定的成效。同时,在处理一系列纠纷的过程中,不断进行探索和总结,积累了一些有益的经验,推动了信访案件处理工作的程序化、规范化和制度化。  相似文献   

徐兴旺  蔡新平 《现代地质》1998,12(4):537-540
根据新疆觉罗塔格碎屑质韧性动力变质岩的形变相变方式、构造、结构组成和粒度结构,将碎屑质韧性动力变质岩划分为6大类:片岩类、板状变粒岩类、糜棱岩类、压扁拉长岩类和布丁岩类,讨论了碎屑质韧性动力变质岩的组合与命名。  相似文献   

P. J. Stickler 《GeoJournal》1990,22(3):329-333
Many large Black settlements are downgraded or made invisible on maps of South Africa. This form of subjective generalisation gives a false prominence to small White towns. A more realistic map of the major settlements in South Africa is presented. The problems associated with mapping of Black settlements are discussed. These include the lack of census data, absence of official recognition of places, difficulties of place naming and the lack of functional imcomparability with other places.  相似文献   

根据最新的地质调查成果,按岩石地层单位的命名原则,对江西信丰大塘盆地上白垩统进行了重新划分,建立了盆地相应的岩石地层单位。本文阐述该地层序列中段长岗群及其横坑里组、窑前组、新仓下组的建群、建组理由,描述其正层型剖面及含义特征,并对其时代进行讨论。  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The paleohydrological settings in the Rostov lowland (Yaroslavl oblast) have been the subject of long-standing of disputes. The concepts for the Holocene fluctuations in...  相似文献   

N. J. Demerath 《GeoJournal》1994,33(4):486-488


Old and new disputes within German geography: A review essay  相似文献   

Land disputes are among the primary issues that Land Administration Systems attempt to accommodate. They derive from a variety of purposes including law, history, culture, traditions, administration and local geographical characteristics. There is no uniform approach in addressing land disputes and each country implements different resolution techniques. Ecclesiastical and monastic institutions throughout the world are owners of immense real estate property to such an extent that can indeed affect land administration policies. Greece is in the limelight of international attention due to its economical crisis and actually under pressure to modernise its dysfunctional land policy framework and create a stable investment environment. Within this framework, this paper investigates issues hindering proper land administration in Greece through the examination of a the resolving process regarding a case study in the island of Crete; a complex legal land dispute between the Greek State, two ecclesiastical institutions, a monastery and a church, and squatters took place, lasting for nearly 40 years. In order to evaluate this procedure and its impact on the development of the disputed area, a variety of data sources were accumulated and processed through time-based analysis. In this direction, cadastral survey’s contribution was examined along with land use change analysis, indicating how uncertainties in securing property rights on land, result in illegalities and trespassing posing significant barriers in land administration and management in the course of time. Although old and ambiguous in describing land boundaries the monasterial documentation might be, it proved sufficient to prevail over other litigants claims; the monastery was even adjudicated more than twice the size of the area that was claiming. By this investigation process, the distinct role of ecclesiastical institutions in Greece regarding land acquisition and the defects and malfunctions within Greek Land Administration System are presented. The paper concludes with the authors’ suggestions for addressing similar real estate property situations concerning land disputes.  相似文献   

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