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On 20 April 2013, a destructive earthquake, the Lushan MS7.0 earthquake, occurred in the southern segment of the Longmenshan Fault zone, the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau in Sichuan, China. This earthquake did not produce surface rupture zone, and its seismogenic structure is not clear. Due to the lack of Quaternary sediment in the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone and the fact that fault outcrops are not obvious, there is a shortage of data concerning the tectonic activity of this region. This paper takes the upper reaches of the Qingyijiang River as the research target, which runs through the Yanjing-Wulong Fault, Dachuan-Shuangshi Fault and Lushan Basin, with an attempt to improve the understanding of the tectonic activity of the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone and explore the seismogenic structure of Lushan earthquake. In the paper, the important morphological features and tectonic evolution of this area were reviewed. Then, field sites were selected to provide profiles of different parts of the Qingyijiang River terraces, and the longitudinal profile of the terraces of the Qingyijiang River in the south segment of the Longmenshan fault zone was reconstructed based on geological interpretation of high-resolution remote sensing images, continuous differential GPS surveying along the terrace surfaces, geomorphic field evidence, and correlation of the fluvial terraces. The deformed longitudinal profile reveals that the most active tectonics during the late Quaternary in the south segment of the Longmenshan Fault zone are the Yanjing-Wulong Fault and the Longmenshan range front anticline. The vertical thrust rate of the Yanjing-Wulong Fault is nearly 0.6~1.2mm/a in the late Quaternary. The tectonic activity of the Longmenshan range front anticline may be higher than the Yanjing-Wulong Fault. Combined with the relocations of aftershocks and other geophysical data about the Lushan earthquake, we found that the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake is the range front blind thrust and the back thrust fault, and the pop-up structure between the two faults controls the surface deformation of the range front anticline.  相似文献   

Anqiu-Juxian Fault is an important fault in the Tanlu fault zone, with the largest seismic risk, the most recent activity date and the most obvious surface traces. It is also the seismogenic fault of the Tancheng M8 1/2 earthquake in 1668. There are many different views about the southern termination location of surface rupture of the Tancheng earthquake and the Holocene activity in Jiangsu segment of this fault. Research on the latest activity time of the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault, particularly the termination location of surface rupture of the Tancheng earthquake, is of great significance to the assessment of its earthquake potential and seismic risk. Based on trench excavation on the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault, we discuss the time and characteristics of its latest activity. Multiple geological sections from southern Maling Mountain to Chonggang Mountain indicate that there was an ancient seismic event occurring in Holocene on the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault. We suggest the time of the latest seismic event is about(4.853±0.012)~(2.92±0.3)ka BP by dating results. The latest activity is characterized by thrust strike-slip faulting, with the maximum displacement of 1m. Combined with the fault rupture characteristics of each section, it is inferred that only one large-scale paleo-earthquake event occurred on the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault since the Holocene. The upper parts of the fault are covered by horizontal sand layers, not only on the trench in the west of Chonggang mountain but also on the trench in Hehuan Road in Suqian city, which indicates that the main part of the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault was probably not the surface rupture zone of the 1668 Tancheng M8 1/2 earthquake. In short, the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault has experienced many paleo-earthquake events since the late Pleistocene, with obvious activity during the Holocene. The seismic activities of the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault have the characteristics of large magnitude and low frequency. The Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault has the deep tectonic and seismic-geological backgrounds of big earthquakes generation and should be highly valued by scientists.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带北段第四纪活动的地质地貌证据   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:19  
以龙门山断裂带北段中的青川断裂、茶坝-林庵寺断裂沿线的地质地貌为研究对象,在青川断裂沿线的土关铺、大安,茶坝-林庵寺断裂上的薛家沟、胡家坝等地,对断裂附近的河流地貌进行了详细的构造地貌制图。龙门山断裂带北段所在地区的河流一般发育5级阶地,T1阶地拔河高度3~5m,为全新世堆积阶地。T2阶地拔河高度10m左右,为晚更新世基座阶地。T3阶地拔河高度一般为30~35m,为晚更新世早期形成的基座阶地。T4阶地拔河高度60~70m,残留的阶地砾石层中花岗岩、砂岩砾石已经被强风化,只保留砾石的形态。T5阶地拔河高度为90m左右,阶地堆积物被剥蚀殆尽。青川断裂、茶坝-林庵寺断裂在河流的T4和T5阶地上形成宽30~180m的断层槽地,深度达8~20m,T4阶地砾石层底面落差达10~15m。T3阶地上不发育断层槽地,或断层两盘的T3阶地拔河高度一致,一些地段断层被T3阶地砾石层覆盖。因此认为,这两条断裂在T3阶地形成之前,T4阶地形成之后有过强烈的活动  相似文献   

安丘-莒县断裂是沂沭断裂带最主要的活动断裂,对强震的发生具有明显的控制作用。该断裂的安丘—朱里段由南流段、双官—眉村段和朱里段3条右阶斜列的次级断裂所组成,以右旋走滑活动为主,兼有正断或逆冲活动分量;其最新活动时代推断为晚更新世—全新世早期。根据断裂活动性的最新研究成果,认为在莒县至昌邑之间安丘-莒县断裂仍是占主导地位的活动断裂,与公元前70年安丘7级地震的发生具有密切关系  相似文献   

The Tan-Lu Fault Zone(TLFZ), a well-known lithosphere fault zone in eastern China, is a boundary tectonic belt of the secondary block within the North China plate, and its seismic risk has always been a focus problem. Previous studies were primarily conducted on the eastern graben faults of the Yishu segment where there are historical earthquake records, but the faults in western graben have seldom been involved. So, there has been no agreement about the activity of the western graben fault from the previous studies. This paper focuses on the activity of the two buried faults in the western graben along the southern segment of Yishu through combination of shallow seismic reflection profile and composite drilling section exploration. Shallow seismic reflection profile reveals that the Tangwu-Gegou Fault(F4)only affects the top surface of Suqian Formation, therefore, the fault may be an early Quaternary fault. The Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)has displaced the upper Pleistocene series in the shallow seismic reflection profile, suggesting that the fault may be a late Pleistocene active fault. Drilling was implemented in Caiji Town and Lingcheng Town along the Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)respectively, and the result shows that the latest activity time of Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)is between(91.2±4.4)ka and(97.0±4.8)ka, therefore, the fault belongs to late Pleistocene active fault. Combined with the latest research on the activity of other faults along TLFZ, both faults in eastern and western graben were active during the late Pleistocene in the southern segment of the Yishu fault zone, however, only the fault in eastern graben was active in the Holocene. This phenomenon is the tectonic response to the subduction of the Pacific and Philippine Sea Plate and collision between India and Asian Plate. The two late Quaternary active faults in the Yishu segment of TLFZ are deep faults and present different forms on the surface and in near surface according to studies of deep seismic reflection profile, seismic wave function and seismic relocation. Considering the tectonic structure of the southern segment of Yishu fault zone, the relationship between deep and shallow structures, and the impact of 1668 Tancheng earthquake(M=8(1/2)), the seismogenic ability of moderate-strong earthquake along the Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)can't be ignored.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带西南端地壳电性结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在龙门山断裂带中段于2008年5月12日发生了汶川MS 8.0地震,5a之后于2013年4月20日在其西南侧即龙门山断裂带SW段发生了芦山MS 7.0地震。而在汶川地震前,沿龙门山断裂带主体部分存在7a间未发生4.0级以上地震的相对平静期。因此,汶川地震后人们研究了龙门山断裂带的地壳结构及其与汶川地震的成因关系,仅仅相隔5a时间,就在龙门山断裂带的SW段发生了芦山地震,其深部结构和孕震环境以及与汶川地震的关系又成为人们关注的热点科学问题。为了研究龙门山断裂带西南端附近的地壳结构,布置了一条穿越龙门山断裂带西南端附近的大地电磁探测剖面LS6,该剖面位于芦山地震破裂带的西南端。通过采用先进技术对大地电磁数据的分析和二维反演,发现LS6剖面与其东北侧的穿过芦山地震区汶川地震后完成的LMS4剖面的地壳电性结构既有相似性,但也存在明显的差别,其电性结构更复杂。研究表明,尽管2008年发生了汶川地震,但是龙门山断裂带受到的西北侧松潘-甘孜地块向SE的运动和对龙门山断裂带的推挤作用,以及东南侧四川盆地的阻挡作用仍然存在,同时龙门山断裂带西南端及其附近地区的地壳结构更复杂,而且还受到其西南侧川滇地块和鲜水河断裂等变形作用的影响,因此推测芦山地震与汶川地震既是相互独立的2次地震,但也有一定关联。  相似文献   

柏美祥 《内陆地震》2003,17(1):11-19
富蕴地震断裂带南段主体走滑段多为正走滑断层,呈右行右阶或左阶排列。末端破裂段多不连续,呈弧形或左阶排列,部分沿支断层展布。  相似文献   

冯希杰  董星宏  刘春  李晋 《地震地质》2005,27(1):155-163
1879年甘肃武都南 8级地震发震断裂的确认是一个未决的问题。文中通过卫星影像解译、史料记载分析,认为沿文县东北水坑山北麓NEE向的范家坝 -临江断裂可能分布有该次地震的地表破裂带,因而,这一条断裂可能是该次地震的发震断裂。由此,可在发震断裂的产状变化、活动方式、地表破裂带长度、水平位错量大小及沿断裂的分布、断裂的区域归属、宏观震中位置、可能震级大小、震害分布等诸多方面取得一致  相似文献   

The NE-trending Xinyi-Lianjiang fault zone is a tectonic belt, located in the interior of the Yunkai uplift in the west of Guangdong Province, clamping the Lianjiang synclinorium and consisting of the eastern branch and the western branch. The southwestern segment of the eastern branch of Xinyi-Lianjiang fault zone, about 34km long, extends from the north of Guanqiao, through Lianjiang, to the north of Hengshan. However, it is still unclear about whether the segment extends to Jiuzhoujiang alluvial plain or not, which is in the southwest of Hengshan. If it does, what is about its fault activity? According to ‘Catalogue of the Modern Earthquakes of China’, two moderately strong earthquakes with magnitude 6.0 and 6.5 struck the Lianjiang region in 1605 AD. So it is necessary to acquire the knowledge about the activity of the segment fault, which is probably the corresponding seismogenic structure of the two destructive earthquakes. And the study on the fault activity of the segment can boost the research on seismotectonics of moderately strong earthquakes in Southeast China. In order to obtain the understanding of the existence of the buried fault of the southwestern segment, shallow seismic exploration profiles and composite borehole sections have been conducted. The results indicate its existence. Two shallow seismic exploration profiles show that buried depth of the upper breakpoints and vertical throw of the buried fault are 60m and 4~7m(L5-1 and L5-2 segment, the Hengshan section), 85m and 5~8m(L5-3 segment), 73m and 3~5m(Tiantouzai section), respectively and all of them suggest the buried fault has offset the base of the Quaternary strata. Two composite borehole sections reveal that the depth of the upper breakpoints and vertical throws of the buried segment are about 66m and 7.5m(Hengshan section) and 75m and 5m(Tiantouzai section), respectively. The drilling geological section in Hengshan reveals that the width of the fault could be up to 27m. Chronology data of Quaternary strata in the two drilling sections, obtained by means of electron spin resonance(ESR), suggest that the latest activity age of the buried fault of the southwestern segment is from late of early Pleistocene(Tiantouzai section) to early stage of middle Pleistocene(Hengshan section). Slip rates, obtained by Hengshan section and Tiantouzai section, are 0.1mm/a and 0.013mm/a, respectively. As shown by the fault profile located in a bedrock exposed region in Shajing, there are at least two stages of fault gouge and near-horizontal striation on the fault surface, indicating that the latest activity of the southwestern segment is characterized by strike-slip movement. Chronology data suggest that the age of the gouge formed in the later stage is(348±49) ka.  相似文献   

讨论了阿尔金断裂带1900年以来的5级以上地震活动,结果显示空间上地震活动具有分段性,其中在青海段出现5级地震填空性空段,并形成5级地震的平静区,时间上具有平静和活跃交替的特征。进一步分析阿尔金断裂带青海段(茫崖北—肃北)现代小震活动,结果显示:茫崖以西震源深度约40 km以内,青海段(茫崖北—肃北)震源深度约10 km范围内,超过10 km较少,肃北—黑崖子以东约100 km处震源深度由浅逐渐变深,从10 km左右逐渐变化到40 km左右。与此同时,依据上述资料探讨了阿尔金断裂带青海段的强震危险性。  相似文献   

新疆富蕴地震断裂带中南段结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柏美祥 《内陆地震》2002,16(2):126-135
新疆富蕴地震断裂带中南段受北北西走向可可托海—二台活动断裂和东侧北西走向玛因鄂博等活动断裂所控制 ,形成“爪”形 ,左阶帚状 ,右阶弧形 ,反 S形半透镜状和肘状构造。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带池河段的新活动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
姚大全  刘加灿 《地震学报》2004,26(6):616-622
对郯庐断裂带池河段进行了遥感影像判读,地震地质实地调查,钻孔探测资料分析,样品采集测试,以及结合地震活动特征分析和微观构造解析. 结果表明,郯庐断裂带池河段晚第四纪期间仍具有粘蠕滑交替的变形活动,最新活动方式以蠕滑活动为主.  相似文献   

Nine earthquakes with M≥6 have stricken the northern segment of the Red River fault zone since the historical records, including the 1652 Midu M7 earthquake and the 1925 Dali M7 earthquake. However, there have been no earthquake records of M≥6 on the middle and southern segments of the Red River Fault, since 886 AD. Is the Red River fault zone, as a boundary fault, a fault zone where there will be not big earthquake in the future or a seismogenic structure for large earthquake with long recurrence intervals?This problem puzzles the geologists for a long time. Through indoor careful interpretation of high resolution remote sensing images, and in combination with detailed field geological and geomorphic survey, we found a series of fault troughs along the section of Gasha-Yaojie on the southern segment of the Red River fault zone, the length of the Gasha-Yaojie section is over ten kilometers. At the same time, paleoseismic information and radiocarbon dating result analysis on the multiple trenches show that there exists geological evidence of seismic activity during the Holocene in the southern segment of the Red River fault zone.  相似文献   

The Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone, one of the most important geological interfaces in the Yarlung Tsangbo suture zone which is a huge geotectonic boundary with nearly east-west-trending in southern Tibet Plateau, has undergone a long-term tectonic evolution. Studying this fault zone can help us understand the development and evolution history of the suture zone and the tectonic mechanism of subduction-collision about the Tibet Plateau, so it has always been a hot topic in the field of geology. Most of existing data suggest that the current tectonic activity in southern Tibet is given priority to the rift system with nearly north-south-trending, and the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone with nearly east-west-trending has relatively weaker activity since late Quaternary. There are only some evidences of Holocene activity found in the Lulang town section near eastern Himalayan syntaxis, and there are few reports about the reliable geological evidences of late Quaternary activity of the section on the west of Milin County of the fault zone. Based on image interpretation, field investigation and chronological method, we found several fault profiles along the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone near the Angren Lake in this study. These profiles reveal that loose fault gouge has been developed on the fault plane which nearly extends to the surface and offsets the loess sediments and its overlying alluvial-proluvial gravels. The loess is characterized by coarser grains, higher content of fine sand and tiny small gravels. The results of the two OSL dating samples collected in the loess are(94.68±6.51)ka and(103.84±5.14)ka respectively, showing that the loess revealed at the Angren site should be the middle-late Pleistocene sand loess distributed on the high-terraces along the Yarlung Tsangpo River. Consequently, the Angren segment of the Yarlung Tsangpo fault zone is active since the late Quaternary. In addition, synchronous left-lateral offsets of a series of small gullies and beheaded gullies can be seen near the profiles along the fault, which are the supporting evidence for the late Quaternary activity of the fault. However, the segment with obvious geomorphology remains is relatively short, and no evidence of late Quaternary activity have been found in other sections on the west of Milin County of the Yarlung Tsangpo fault zone. Existing data show that, in the southern Tibet, a series of near NS-trending rift systems are strongly active since the late Quaternary, cutting almost all of the near east-west-trending tectonic belts including the Yarlung Tsangpo fault zone. In addition, majority of the earthquakes occurring in southern Tibet are related to the NS-trending rift systems. Tectonic images show that the Angren segment locates between the Shenzha-Dingjie rift and the Dangreyong Lake-Gu Lake rift. These two adjacent rifts are special in the rift system in southern Tibet:Firstly, the two rifts are located in the conversion position of the trend of the whole rift system; Secondly, the size of the two rifts varies significantly between the north side and the south side of the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone. Thirdly, the Shenzha-Dingjie rift seems to be of right-lateral bending, while the Dangreyong Lake-Gu Lake rift shows left-lateral bending. These characteristics may lead to the fact that the amount of absorption and accommodation of the rift activities in the north side of the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone is larger than that in the south side during the migration of the plateau materials, leading to the differential movement of the block between the two sides of the fault zone. Therefore, the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone possesses the accommodating tectonic activity, of course, the intensity of this accommodating activity is limited and relatively weaker, which may be the reason why it is difficult to find large-scale tectonic remains characterizing the late Quaternary activity along the fault zone. The scale of the rift system in southern Tibet is systematically different between the two sides of the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone, so it cannot be ruled out that there are also weak activities similar to the Angren segment in other sections of the fault zone.  相似文献   

Bayan Hara Block is one of the most representative active blocks resulting from the lateral extrusion of Tibet Plateau since the Cenozoic. Its southern and northern boundary faults are characterized by typical strike-slip shear deformation. Its eastern boundary is blocked by the Yangze block and its horizontal movement is transformed into the vertical movement of the Longmen Shan tectonic belt, leading to the uplift of the Longmen Shan Mountains and forming a grand geomorphic barrier on the eastern margin of the Tibet Plateau. A series of large earthquakes occurred along the boundary faults of the Bayan Hara Block in the past twenty years, which have attracted attention of many scholars. At present, the related studies of active tectonics on Bayan Hara Block are mainly concentrated on the boundary faults, such as Yushu-Ganzi-Xianshuihe Fault, East Kunlun Fault and Longmen Shan Fault. However, there are also some large faults inside the block, which not only have late Quaternary activity, but also have tectonic conditions to produce strong earthquake. These faults divide the Bayan Hara Block into some secondary blocks, and may play important roles in the kinematics and dynamics mechanism of the Bayan Hara Block, or even the eastern margin of the Tibet Plateau. The Dari Fault is one of the left-lateral strike-slip faults in the Bayan Hara Block. The Dari Fault starts at the eastern pass of the Kunlun Mountains, extends eastward through the south of Yalazela, Yeniugou and Keshoutan, the fault strike turns to NNE direction at Angcanggou, then turns to NE direction again at Moba town, Qinghai Province, and the fault ends near Nanmuda town, Sichuan Province, with a total length of more than 500km. The fault has been considered to be a late Quaternary active fault and the 1947 M73/4 Dari earthquake was produced by its middle segment. But studies on the late Quaternary activity of the Dari Fault are still weak. The previous research mainly focused on the investigation of the surface rupture and damages of the 1947 M73/4 Dari earthquake. However, there were different opinions about the scale of the M73/4 earthquake surface rupture zone. Dai Hua-guang(1983)thought that the surface rupture of the earthquake was about 150km long, but Qinghai Earthquake Agency(1984)believed that the length of surface rupture zone was only 58km. Based on interpretation of high-resolution images and field investigations, in this paper, we studied the late Quaternary activity of the Dari Fault and the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake. Late Quaternary activity in the central segment of the Dari Fault is particularly significant. A series of linear tectonic landforms, such as fault trough valley, fault scarps, fault springs and gully offsets, etc. are developed along the Dari Fault. And the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake is still relatively well preserved. We conducted a follow-up field investigation for the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake and found that the surface rupture related to the Dari earthquake starts at Longgen village in Moba town, and ends near the northwest of the Yilonggounao in Jianshe town, with a length of about 70km. The surface rupture is primarily characterized by scarps, compressional ridges, pull-apart basins, landslides, cleavage, and the coseismic offset is about 2~4m determined by a series of offset gullies. The surface rupture zone extends to the northwest of Yilonggounao and becomes ambiguous. It is mainly characterized by a series of linear fault springs along the surface rupture zone. Therefore, we suggest that the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake ends at the northwest of Yilonggounao. In summary, the central segment of the Dari Fault can be characterized by strong late Quaternary activity, and the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake is about 70km long.  相似文献   

四川省芦山MS7.0地震发震构造分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
2013年4月20日的芦山“4·20”MS7.0地震发生在龙门山断裂带西南段,震中地区分布多条NE向断裂,构造较为复杂.这次地震震源机制解显示为逆冲型地震,破裂面为NE走向,与龙门山断裂带的运动性质和走向一致.地表调查只在大川-双石断裂(前山断裂)和新开店断裂(大邑断裂南段)发现局部分布的NE向地表裂缝、沿地表裂缝分布的喷砂冒水和砂土液化,不规则的边坡开裂等地表变形,以及断裂沿线较严重的滑坡崩塌和房屋破坏.野外调查没有发现明显的地震地表破裂.GPS测量结果显示,此次地震的发震断裂位于芦山县城附近或其以东,而芦山西侧的断裂也可能参与了部分活动.根据野外地质调查、GPS观测、震源机制解、震源深度、余震分布等结果综合判定,芦山7.0级地震的主要发震构造是芦山之下、大川-双石断裂和新开店断裂之间的龙门山前缘滑脱带.此滑脱带在该段的运动导致了这次地震的发生,并可能带动了它上面的大川-双石和新开店等断裂的活动.  相似文献   

通过对2008年四川省汶川8.0级特大地震时天水台记录到的地震波形进行分析,结果发现:龙门山断裂带在汶川特大地震后,天水台记录到的余震出现了3—4秒的地震波速异常,认为与此次特大地震后龙门山断裂带的破碎有关。  相似文献   

The relationship between the latest activity of active fault and seismic events is of the utmost importance. The Tan-lu fault zone in eastern China is a major fault zone, of which the active characteristics of the segments in Jiangsu, Shandong and Anhui has been the focus of research. This study takes the Dahongshan segment of the Tanlu Fault in Sihong County as the main research area. We carried out a detailed geological survey and excavated two trenches across the steep slope on the southwest side of the Dahongshan. Each trench shows fault clearly. Combining the comparative analysis of previous work, we identified and cataloged the late Quaternary deformation events and prehistoric earthquake relics, and analyzed the activity stages and behavior of this segment. Fault gonge observed in the trench profiles shows that multiple earthquake events occurred in the fault. The faulting dislocated the Neogene sandstone, black gravel layer and gray clay layer. Brown clay layer is not broken. According to the relations of dislocated stratums, corresponding 14C and OSL samples were collected and dated. The result indicates that the Dahongshan segment of the Tanlu Fault has experienced strong earthquakes since the late Quaternary. Thrust fault, normal fault and strike-slip fault are found in the trenches. The microscopic analysis of slices from fault shows that there are many stick-creep events taking place in the area during the late Quaternary. Comprehensive analysis shows that there have been many paleoearthquakes in this region since the late Quaternary, the recent active time is the late Pleistocene, and the most recent earthquake event occurred in(12~2.5ka BP). The neotectonic activity is relatively weak in the Anhui segment(south of the Huaihe River)of Tanlu fault zone. There are difficulties in the study of late Quaternary activity. For example, uneven distribution of the Quaternary, complex geological structure, larger man-made transformation of surface and so on. The progressive research may be able to promote the study on the activity of the Anhui segment of Tanlu fault zone.  相似文献   

从最新地面活断层的不连续性,断层滑动速率以及古地震研究的角度讨论安宁河断裂带北段的地震潜在能力,认为不连续的活断层可能成为各自独立的地震破裂单元,从而决定了地震的潜在能力,其中,野鸡洞破裂段的潜在地震能力最强,可达7级。上次地震至今的平静时间已接近古地震的平均重现间隔,因而具有高度的地震危险性  相似文献   

Tancheng-Lujiang Fault runs through Shandong,Jiangsu,Anhui Provinces of East China,and this segment is called the Shandong-Jiangsu-Anhui segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone in the paper.By comparative analysis on the data of seismogeology,deep seismic exploration,seismic tomography,seismic activity,geomorphology,crustal motion velocity field and deformation observation,etc.,and based on the principles of historical earthquake recurrence and structure analogy,the possibility is discussed of the occurrence of strong earthquake in the Shandong-Jiangsu-Anhui segment.It is found by comparison between the Wangji-Jiashan region of south Sihong County and epicenter area of the 1668 Tancheng M 81/2 earhtquake that there are high similarities between these two regions in terms of deep-seated and shallow geologic structure,neotectonic movement,and seismic activity,etc.According to the studies of historic seismic event recurrence and tectonic comparison,the area along Wangji to Jiashan of Sihong County along the Shandong-Jiangsu-Anhui segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone is likely to generate M7 or above strong earthquake.  相似文献   

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