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工业化和城市化是中国未来的两大发展趋势.以往对中国未来能源消费及碳排放的预测大都是从工业化层面出发,忽略了城市化过程导致的生活能源消费的巨大增量.推动城市化进程是提升生活质量、满足人的基本权利的重要手段;立足城市化进程,保障人均能源消费及碳排放空间是确保人人享有基本的生存权和发展权的重要基础.从对中国城市化进程的发展态...  相似文献   

As the two large developing and populous countries, China and India face the dual challenges of economic development and climate change. Both of them are active in carbon emissions reduction, while India also bears the pressure of being “benchmarked” against China. With taking China and India as the sample of a comparative analysis, and the statistical value of a long sequence as the basic analysis data, based on the detailed analysis and comparison of carbon emissions history, the carbon emissions situation of the two countries from various dimensions including economic development, energy reserves and consumption, etc. were comparatively analyzed. The carbon intensity and energy structure after achieving the objectives were measured and compared by focusing on the carbon emissions reduction targets in China and India. The comparative results show that: China’s total carbon emissions are greater than India’s, but the growth rate of emissions, per capita emissions are significantly lower than India’s, while the carbon intensity decreases significantly faster than that of India. China has taken more efforts to make commitments to carbon reduction than India. With India’s energy structure adjustment, the situation will be gradually better than that in China.  相似文献   

能源合作是“一带一路”战略的重要内容,我国作为世界最大的能源消费国,每年要从世界各地进口大量能源资源特别是油气资源,并且对外依存度逐年攀升,油气安全问题令人担忧。实施“一带一路”战略,加强与沿途国家的能源合作,能为我国能源安全提供保障。天然气作为清洁、高效能源,对缓解能源短缺和环境污染具有重要作用,在世界能源消费结构中占据重要地位。通过对“一带一路”主要能源国家天然气产量、消费量、进/出口贸易量数据的搜集与分析,明确了主要国家天然气供需及贸易特点,并且提出了一些在“一带一路”合作框架下更有力地发展我国天然气行业的建议。  相似文献   

Stress of urban energy consumption on air environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With rapid urbanization and heavy industrialization as well as the rapid increase of cars in China, the effect of energy consumption on urban air environment is increasingly becoming serious, and has become a hot topic for both scholars and decision-makers. This paper explores the effect mechanism and regulation of urban energy consumption on the air environment, and summarizes the framework of the stress effect relationship and the evolutionary process. In accordance with the effect relationship of the internal factors between the two, analytic approaches studying the stress effect of urban energy consumption on air environment are proposed, including the analysis of air environment effects caused by urban energy consumption structure change, and the analysis of air environment effects caused by urban energy economic efficiency change, as well as a decomposition analysis of air pollutant emission caused by urban energy consumption. Applying the above-mentioned approaches into a case study on Beijing City, this paper analyzes the effect relationship among urban energy consumption structure improvement, energy economic efficiency increase and air quality change since the period when Beijing City officially proposed to bid for the 2008 Olympic Games in 1998. In addition, it further analyzes the effect and contribution of urban industrial activity level, industrial economic structure, industrial energy intensity, and industrial energy structure as well as emission coefficients on the change in industrial SO2 emission, which can provide valuable information to the government for making comprehensive environmental policies, with the use of the logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) method. It is shown that under the precondition that the industrial economy maintain a continuous and rapid increase, improvements in energy intensity and a decline in emission coefficients are the main means for reducing Beijing’s industrial SO2 emissions.  相似文献   

本项目的意义在于通过超低能耗绿色建筑的技术集成研究,因地制宜地为气候寒冷地区探索出超低能耗绿色建筑设计体系、基准建筑能耗指标体系、绿色建筑节能技术体系、超低能耗建筑运行管理体系等,实施示范项目达到建筑现场年度能耗为零,并分别申报国内外四项绿色建筑评价标识的最高奖项,为本地区绿色建筑开发建设提供技术参考,进而为城市建设的可持续发展提供积极的探讨和典型示范,为城市的开发建设提供技术、管理、政策等方面的参考。  相似文献   

崔荣国 《地质与勘探》2018,54(6):1135-1140
随着全球经济的发展,能源消费不断增长。在全球的能源消费中,可再生能源占比不断提高,2017年占比为10.4%,成为能源消费的重要组成部分。全球可再生能源的利用中,水电处于主导地位,占6成以上;其次为风能,占比超过1成;太阳能和地热发展较晚,占比均不足1成。各国可再生能源利用水平不均,挪威、加拿大和巴西等国家的可再生资源已成为本国能源消费的主要来源之一。中国同样重视可再生能源的开发利用,2017年中国能源消费中可再生能源占比为11.8%,已超过天然气成为第三大能源消费来源。总之,随着可再生能源开发利用水平的不断提高,可再生能源在全球能源消费中的比重将进一步增加,将成为化石能源的重要替代资源。  相似文献   

中国与美国同为世界煤炭生产、消费大国。作为发达国家,美国煤炭生产、消费等许多方面都有值得中国借鉴之处。本文从美国近几年煤炭生产、消费等方面的发展状况,结合中国煤炭生产、消费等形势,提出使中国煤炭持续发展所值得思考的问题。   相似文献   

全球清洁能源发展现状与趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一次能源尤其是化石能源的大规模开发利用,导致环境破坏越来越严重,对人类生活造成了极大的负面影响,因此,清洁能源的开发利用引起全球的广泛重视,美国、日本、欧盟、中国、印度等国家或地区从20世纪开始开展清洁能源的开发利用工作.本文在前人的研究基础上,首先明确了清洁能源的概念和能源种类.其次,从投资、装机容量和消费变化等方面...  相似文献   

中国重要矿产资源的需求预测   总被引:18,自引:22,他引:18  
王高尚  韩梅 《地球学报》2002,23(6):483-490
以往对矿产资源的中长期需求预测,大都基于纯数学模型或情景分析对已有数据的经验外推。由于缺乏对工业化过程矿产资源消费需求基本规律的把握,预测结果几乎无一例外地存在巨大偏差。笔者在深入分析工业化经济增长与矿产资源消费需求的相关关系、基本规律和模式的基础上,探讨了工业化过程中矿产资源消费从怎样的初始值通过什么样的方式到达多高的峰值,进而提取经济增长与矿产资源消费需求的模式参数,预测了中国未来30a能源、钢、铜、铝、锌的消费需求。  相似文献   

吴盼  赵信文  顾涛  江拓  王旭升  冯雨晴 《中国地质》2021,48(5):1357-1367
粤港澳大湾区(以下简称大湾区)水资源现状及其演化规律关系到该区社会经济的高质量发展。本文对大湾区"9市+2区"近10年的社会经济与水资源现状及其协同演化规律进行分析研究。结果显示:目前大湾区供水主要依赖地表水,水资源的分布与区域经济发展不协调,作为区域发展核心引擎的香港、澳门、深圳(极度缺水)以及广州(重度缺水)人均水资源量过低。广州、佛山、中山、东莞(>80%)以及深圳(>40%)水资源开发利用程度高,水资源供需压力大。通过归因分析得到大湾区的水资源利用现状与社会经济的协同规律:产业结构影响用水结构以及水资源开发利用程度,控制用水效率。区域内产业结构与发展趋势,及其与世界湾区的对比分析验证了产业结构理论中的"配第-克拉克定理"。随着大湾区经济持续的发展与产业结构优化,大湾区用水效率将提高,人均用水量会逐步降低。同时城市公共用水、生活用水需求量将持续上升,需确保大湾区供水设施,供水量及供水安全满足未来社会经济发展需求。  相似文献   

Household consumption represents an important proportion of all energy consumption,and it is an important source of CO2 emission. But household consumption and carbon emissions are often overlooked in climate change policies and measures. Through literature review, the research status of household consumption and carbon emissions were reviewed. On this basis, the main aspects and directions of the research are summarized and the main research of household carbon emissions should focus on three aspects in the future: ①The impact of income, consumption levels and other factors on household carbon emission; ②The relationship between direct and indirect carbon emissions of household carbon emission; ③The structure and source of household carbon emission. In future research, there are four issues which need in-depth study: ①Index and models study of household carbon emissions;②Impact of demographic change on household carbon emissions; ③The path of how to achieve sustainable and green urban lifestyle;④The relevant policy research of household carbon emissions.  相似文献   

中国区域碳排放研究   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13  
通过比较不同机构和学者对中国区域碳排放的测算结果, 指出现有测算结果间存在巨大差异的具体原因, 按照更加科学准确的方法重新测算了中国各省及中部、东部、西部等主要区域的能源和水泥的碳排放量, 以此为基础, 通过对比分析, 对1990至2008年间不同区域碳排放总量、人均排放量、碳排放强度等重要指标的差异进行了系统分析。研究表明: 中国的区域碳排放格局是东部地区排放总量和累计排放量最大, 但西部地区排放总量及占全国的份额有逐步增加的趋势; 着重指出西部地区作为中国下一轮经济发展最重要的增长点, 其目前的人均碳排放量和碳排放强度均高于相同发展阶段的其他地区, 如不尽快转变其发展模式, 则会使未来的节能减排形势异常严峻, 中国的低碳经济之路仍旧任重而道远。  相似文献   

What is the relationship between the direction and form of an energy transition and the political economy within which it is embedded? This paper explores how the nature of (low carbon) energy transitions is strongly influenced by the process of neoliberalisation that shape energy policy in the South. We seek to understand emergent energy transitions and to advance their theorisation through an account of the political economy of energy transition in Kenya. In contrast to the often techno-managerial orientation of literatures on socio-technical transitions, we explore the political terrain upon which competing visions of energy futures and material interests collide and seek to accommodate one another. We develop a political economy account that emphasises the structural and disciplinary power of capital and global institutions to set the terms of transition. This expresses itself in both delimiting the autonomy of state actors and by reconfiguring domestic institutional and social power in ways that shape the distributional politics of transitions.  相似文献   

“双碳目标”已成为我国能源发展基本国策。如何开展这一大背景下的石油地质研究及如何推动能源多元化发展,是石油科技工作者面前的现实问题。本文对2000—2020年我国二氧化碳排放、油气能源消费、油气储量、产量等进行分析研究后认为,在“碳达峰”与“碳中和”应对全球气候变化的大背景之下,21世纪内石油和天然气仍将担任能源家族中的重要角色。我国石油工业要立足于理论和实践的自主创新,实现“万米级的超深层常规油气革命和纳米级超致密储层的非常规页岩油气革命”,实现超常规发展和低碳绿色转型发展。油田注水开发是我国提高采收率的核心技术,今后应大力推广注二氧化碳驱油技术,以达到增油与减排的双重目的,创新二氧化碳捕集与埋存技术以发展石油工业的减碳产业。21世纪为能源发展的多元化时代,水电、风能和太阳能等3类可再生能源开发利用是实现双碳目标的基本保障,地热能、生物质能和海洋能是重要推手;22世纪人类将建成一个由可再生能源和新能源保障的经济社会,氢能源将是未来最具发展潜力的新能源。  相似文献   

随着国民经济水平的提高和消费观念的转变,中国已成为全球珠宝市场的重要消费国家。利用奢侈品消费动机的相关理论,结合中国的传统文化,对中国消费者珠宝消费动机进行了实证分析。通过因子分析,验证了中国珠宝消费者存在社会导向与个人导向的消费动机,提出并验证了其独有的祈福动机。研究结果表明,有宗教信仰的珠宝消费者其祈福动机更明显,男性比女性更喜欢炫耀,更注重身份的体现;通过单因素方差分析发现,随着年龄的增大和收入的增多,消费者在珠宝消费和佩戴时,更注重炫耀性和身份象征,收入越高的消费者越重视自我感受。这些实证研究为我国珠宝企业的营销策略提供了一定的参考数据和资料。  相似文献   

蔡国英  徐中民 《冰川冻土》2013,35(3):770-775
采用投入产出分析方法, 以黑河流域中游的张掖市为例, 将传统的价值型投入产出表和水资源利用的实物型投入产出表相结合, 构建了混合型水资源投入产出表, 并估算了张掖市各行业的直接用水系数、 用水乘数、 直接产出系数、 产出乘数以及综合用水特性. 结果表明: 张掖市种植业、 畜牧业和其他农业的用水效益和用水效率远低于其他行业, 直接耗用水程度均高, 而直接产出一般. 张掖市过度依赖种植业的产业结构特征造成该地区对水资源的过度依赖. 因此, 调整产业结构, 实施高效的节水措施, 适当降低农业尤其是种植业在国民经济中的比重, 是解决张掖市水资源危机的有效途径.  相似文献   

周平  张大权  杨宗喜 《地质通报》2017,36(4):684-689
为应对全球气候变化,以新能源替代化石燃料和核燃料为特征的世界能源转型正快速推进,绿色、低碳、环保成为时代发展的代名词。在这场能源变革中,世界各国由于资源禀赋、能源消费结构、政策法律等方面的差异,应对能源转型的方式、做法也各不相同。英国以页岩气、地热等地下能源资源的利用及其相关基础设施建设和技术开发为重点;美国继续推进页岩气革命,加强天然气水合物预研究,同时强化传统化石能源利用的基础研究;欧盟则主要从整合区内市场、建立能源联盟的角度,增强自身能源安全保障。各国地调机构作为技术支撑力量,多聚焦于非常规能源资源的潜力评价、开发技术研究、关键技术装备研发、水力压裂的环境影响等,支撑服务于各国能源转型。鉴于中国的资源国情,提出以页岩气、天然气水合物、地热资源调查为重点,建世界顶级研发中心,推动非常规油气科技攻关,做好非常规油气开发前期技术储备,同时加强天然气定价机制研究,推动上海建立国际LNG交易中心等建议。  相似文献   

As one of the fastest growing economies and further larger consumer of energy in the world,there has been a paradigm shift in India's energy demand.Here we evaluate the growth of Indian economy its,diversification of agriculture-based economy to industrial production,service and digital-technology based economy and deepening of income sources,although the dependence on foreign sources for energy demands has not markedly improved.This situation has placed India at the crossroads for energy sufficiency,especially under the highly fluid and changing geopolitical,strategic,environmental and economic scenarios of the World order.We attempt to un-derstand the issue from geological perspective and address some of the impediments.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(4):720-746
Climate change is a common problem in human society. The Chinese government promises to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and strives to achieve carbon neutralization by 2060. The proposal of the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization has led China into the era of climate economy and set off a green change with both opportunities and challenges. On the basis of expounding the objectives and specific connotation of China’s carbon peak and carbon neutralization, this paper systematically discusses the main implementation path and the prospect of China’s carbon peak and carbon neutralization. China’s path to realizing carbon neutralization includes four directions: (1) in terms of carbon dioxide emission control: energy transformation path, energy conservation, and emission reduction path; (2) for increasing carbon sink: carbon capture, utilization, and storage path, ecological governance, and land greening path; (3) in key technology development: zero-carbon utilization, coal new energy coupling, carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS), energy storage technology and other key technology paths required to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutralization; (4) from the angle of policy development: Formulate legal guarantees for the government to promote the carbon trading market; Formulate carbon emission standards for enterprises and increase publicity and education for individuals and society. Based on practicing the goal and path of carbon peak and carbon neutralization, China will vigorously develop low carbon and circular economy and promote green and high-quality economic development; speed up to enter the era of fossil resources and promoting energy transformation; accelerate the integrated innovation of green and low-carbon technologies and promote carbon neutrality.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

The impact of trade on the environment and the climate has become a focus of attention. Tending to develop industries with higher added values, developed countries rely on importing high energy consumption goods from developing countries, and however, some CO2 emissions are embodied in the process of import. Currently, the accounting method of the territorial responsibility used to get the international data of greenhouse gas inventories ignores the difference between domestic consumption and export demands. Thus, developing countries bear the responsibility of pollution emissions from the export. The steel industry is an important basic industry of China’s national economy as well as a vital part in the industrial system. With the expansion of trade scale, the impact of the export and import of China’s steel on CO2 emissions is growing. This paper studied the embodied CO2 emissions in the trade of China’s steel from 2005 to 2014, using the input–output model and the trade data of the China’s steel imports and exports. The results indicate that (1) the complete CO2 emissions of China’s steel industry are high. (2) The increase in the export scale makes the embodied CO2 emissions in the trade of China’s steel export increase, and (3) China is a net exporter of CO2 emissions in the steel trade. Especially after 2007, the value of China’s steel exports has been larger than that of China’s steel imports, so China had borne much CO2 emissions responsibility in the trade of China’s steel. Therefore, this paper puts forward that, in the future, the export structure of goods should be optimized into the high-tech products with the high added value, low energy consumption and low carbon emissions, and meanwhile, service industry is promoted to improve technical support to reduce CO2 emissions in the steel industry.  相似文献   

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