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Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore deposits   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
J. J. Wilkinson   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):229-272
The principal aim of this paper is to consider some of the special problems involved in the study of fluid inclusions in ore deposits and review the methodologies and tools developed to address these issues. The general properties of fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore-forming systems are considered and the interpretation of these data in terms of fluid evolution processes is discussed. A summary of fluid inclusion data from a variety of hydrothermal deposit types is presented to illustrate some of the methodologies described and to emphasise the important role which fluid inclusion investigations can play, both with respect to understanding deposit genesis and in mineral exploration. The paper concludes with a look to the future and addresses the question of where fluid inclusion studies of hydrothermal ore deposits may be heading in the new millenium.  相似文献   

通过单偏光观察和显微冷热台测温观察等方法,对鄂尔多斯盆地庆阳地区山西组内流体包裹体进行系统分析研究,归纳流体包裹体岩相学、均一温度和冰点温度等特征,结合盆地埋藏史分析推测储层内烃类充注史。研究发现:鄂尔多斯盆地庆阳地区山西组内盐水包裹体均一温度范围为100℃~170℃,综合分析结果显示其内天然气运移成藏是一个漫长且连续的过程,并以早白垩世为天然气的主要充注期。  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Fluid inclusions in olivine and pyroxene in mantle-derived ultramafic xenoliths in volcanic rocks contain abundant CO2-rich fluid inclusions, as well as inclusions of silicate glass, solidified metal sulphide melt and carbonates. Such inclusions represent accidentally trapped samples of fluid- and melt phases present in the upper mantle, and are as such of unique importance for the understanding of mineral–fluid–melt interaction processes in the mantle. Minor volatile species in CO2-rich fluid inclusions include N2, CO, SO2, H2O and noble gases. In some xenoliths sampled from hydrated mantle-wedges above active subduction zones, water may actually be a dominant fluid species. The distribution of minor volatile species in inclusion fluids can provide information on the oxidation state of the upper mantle, on mantle degassing processes and on recycling of subducted material to the mantle. Melt inclusions in ultramafic xenoliths give information on silicate–sulphide–carbonatite immiscibility relationships within the upper mantle. Recent melt-inclusion studies have indicated that highly silicic melts can coexist with mantle peridotite mineral assemblages. Although trapping-pressures up to 1.4 GPa can be derived from fluid inclusion data, few CO2-rich fluid inclusions preserve a density representing their initial trapping in the upper mantle, because of leakage or stretching during transport to the surface. However, the distribution of fluid density in populations of modified inclusions may preserve information on volcanic plumbing systems not easily available from their host minerals. As fluid and melt inclusions are integral parts of the phase assemblages of their host xenoliths, and thus of the upper mantle itself, the authors of this review strongly recommend that their study is included in any research project relating to mantle xenoliths.  相似文献   

Trapped ancient microorganisms in halite fluid inclusions are of special interest to the understanding of biology and ecology in salt lake systems.With the integration of petrologic,microthermometric,and Raman spectroscopic analyses,this study utilizes fluid inclusions from Chaka Salt Lake,eastern Qaidam Basin,NW China,to assess the possibility of microorganism-trapping by fluid inclusions.Here,we report that the solid phase of some primary fluid inclusions contains carotenoids,which is interpreted as evidence of Dunaliella algae,and that the coexisting liquid phase comprises SO_4~(2-).The homogenization temperatures of single-phase primary fluid inclusions indicate that the precipitation temperature of the Holocene halite in Chaka Salt Lake ranges from 13.5°C to 36.4°C.This suggests that fluid inclusions in halite are a good medium for trapping and preserving ancient microorganisms and organic matter in salt lakes,and that Raman spectroscopy has good potential to identify halophilic archaea.  相似文献   

The study of fluid inclusions can help constrain the conditions at which diagenetic minerals precipitated, leading to a better understanding of the geologic controls and relative timing of changes in porosity and/or mineralising events. Many of the diagenetic minerals are easily deformed and it is important to check for any post-entrapment changes to the inclusions. Possible post-entrapment changes include reaction with the host crystal, necking down, nucleation metastability and thermal re-equilibration. The recommended method of detecting these problems is to examine individual fluid inclusion assemblages (FIAs) and report data for each individual FIA. These studies have been enhanced by the development of new micro-analytical techniques such as micro-fluorescence spectroscopy, micro-infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, various mass spectrometry techniques and the analysis of individual fluid inclusions using laser ablation/decrepitation methods. Special techniques have been developed for hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions such as the Grains containing Oil Inclusions (GOI), Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy (FIS), and the Molecular Composition of Inclusions (MCI) techniques. The fluid inclusions that form in some minerals during diagenesis provide the only direct means of examining the fluids present in these systems. They provide useful temperature, pressure, and fluid composition data that cannot be obtained by other means.  相似文献   

梨园金矿床位于山西省灵丘县,矿床大地构造位置处于华北板块的燕山断块,在区域上位于呈NNE向展布的太行山—岩浆—多金属成矿带上。矿区出露的地层较为简单,主要新太古界阜平群的黑云斜长片麻岩和斜长角闪岩。矿区构造发育,特别是断裂构造最为明显,主要为NNE向、近EW向、NW向及NE向,其中NNE向断裂是主要的控矿构造,梨园金矿产于NNE向断裂F3及其派生断裂带和角砾岩带中。矿区内出露的岩浆岩有伟晶状钾长花岗岩、石英斑岩、闪长岩和辉绿岩。  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in sedimentary and diagenetic systems   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Robert H. Goldstein   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):159-193
Some of the major problems in sedimentary geology can be solved by using fluid inclusions in sedimentary and diagenetic minerals. Important fluids in the sedimentary realm include atmospheric gases, fresh water of meteoric origin, lake water, seawater, mixed water, evaporated water, formation waters deep in basins, oil, and natural gas. Preserving a record of the distribution and composition of these fluids from the past should contribute significantly to studies of paleoclimate and global-change research, is essential for improving understanding of diagenetic systems, and provides useful information in petroleum geology. Applications of fluid inclusions to sedimentary systems are not without their complexities. Some fluid inclusions exposed to natural conditions of increasing temperature may be altered by thermal reequilibration, which results in stretching, or leakage and refilling, of some fluid inclusions. Similarly, overheating in the laboratory can also cause reequilibration of fluid inclusions, so fluid inclusions from the sedimentary realm must be handled carefully and protected from overheating. Natural overheating of fluid inclusions must be evaluated through analysis of the most finely discriminated events of fluid inclusion entrapment, fluid inclusion assemblages (FIA). Consistency in homogenization temperatures within a fluid inclusion assemblage, consisting of variably sized and shaped inclusions, is the hallmark of a data set that has not been altered through thermal reequilibration. In contrast, fluid inclusion assemblages yielding variable data may have been altered through thermal reequilibration. If a fluid inclusion assemblage has not been altered by thermal reequilibration, its fluid inclusions may be useful as geothermometers for low- and high-temperature systems, or useful as geobarometers applicable throughout the sedimentary realm. If a fluid inclusion assemblage has been altered partially by thermal reequilibration, techniques for distinguishing between altered and unaltered fluid inclusions may be applied.

In studies of global change, fluid inclusions can be used as sensitive indicators of paleotemperature of surface environments. Fluid inclusions also preserve microsamples of ancient seawater and atmosphere, the analysis of which could figure prominently into discussions of past changes in chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans. In petroleum geology, fluid inclusions have proven to be useful indicators of migration pathways of hydrocarbons; they can delineate the evolution of the chemistry of hydrocarbons; and they remain important in understanding the thermal history of basins and relating fluid migration events to evolution of reservoir systems. In studies of diagenesis, fluid inclusions can be the most definitive record. Most diagenetic systems are closely linked to temperature and salinity of the fluid. Thus, fluid inclusions are sensitive indicators of diagenetic environments.  相似文献   

The 1.27 Ga old Ivigtut (Ivittuut) intrusion in South Greenland is world-famous for its hydrothermal cryolite deposit [Na3AlF6] situated within a strongly metasomatised A-type granite stock. This detailed fluid inclusion study characterises the fluid present during the formation of the cryolite deposit and thermodynamic modelling allows to constrain its formation conditions.Microthermometry revealed three different types of inclusions: (1) pure CO2, (2) aqueous-carbonic and (3) saline-aqueous inclusions. Melting temperatures range between − 23 and − 15 °C for type 2 and from − 15 to − 10 °C for type 3 inclusions. Most inclusions homogenise between 110 and 150 °C into the liquid.Stable isotope compositions of CO2 and H2O were measured from crushed inclusions in quartz, cryolite, fluorite and siderite. The δ13C values of about − 5‰ PDB are typical of mantle-derived magmas. The differences between δ18O of CO2 (+ 21 to + 42‰ VSMOW) and δ18O of H2O (− 1 to − 21.7‰ VSMOW) suggest low-temperature isotope exchange. δD (H2O) ranges from − 19 to − 144‰ VSMOW. The isotopic composition of inclusion water closely follows the meteoric water line and is comparable to Canadian Shield brines. Ion chromatography revealed the fluid's predominance in Na, Cl and F. Cl/Br ratios range between 56 and 110 and may imply intensive fluid–rock interaction with the host granite.Isochores deduced from microthermometry in conjunction with estimates for the solidification of the Ivigtut granite suggest a formation pressure of approximately 1–1.5 kbar for the fluid inclusions. Formation temperatures of different types of fluid inclusions vary between 100 and 400 °C. Thermodynamic modelling of phase assemblages and the extraordinary high concentration in F (and Na) may indicate that the cryolite body and its associated fluid inclusions could have formed during the continuous transition from a volatile-rich melt to a solute-rich fluid.  相似文献   

Carbonatites of the Jacupiranga alkaline–carbonatite complex in São Paulo State, Brazil, were used to investigate mineral–fluid interaction in a carbonatite magma chamber because apatite showed a marked discontinuity between primary fluid inclusion-rich cores and fluid inclusion-poor rims. Sylvite and burbankite, apatite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and ilmenite are the common phases occurring as trapped solids within primary fluid inclusions and reflect the general assemblage of the carbonatite. The apatite cores had higher Sr and REE concentrations than apatite rims, due to the presence of fluid inclusions into which these elements partitioned. A positive cerium anomaly was observed in both the core and rim of apatite crystals because oxidised Ce4+ partitioned into the magma. The combined evidence from apatite chemistry, fluid inclusion distribution and fluid composition was used to test the hypotheses that the limit of fluid inclusion occurrence within apatite crystals arises from: (1) generation of a separate fluid phase; (2) utilization of all available fluid during the first stage of crystallization; (3) removal of crystals from fluid-rich magma to fluid-poor magma; (4) an increase in the growth rate of apatite; or (5) escape of the fluids from the rim of the apatite after crystallization. The findings are consistent with fractionation and crystal settling of a carbonatite assemblage in a fluid-stratified magma chamber. Secondary fluid inclusions were trapped during a hydrothermal event that precipitated an assemblage of anhedral crystals: strontianite, carbocernaite, barytocalcite, barite and norsethite, pyrophanite, magnesian siderite and baddeleyite, ancylite-(Ce), monazite-(Ce) and allanite. The Sr- and REE-rich nature of the secondary assemblage, and lack of a positive cerium anomaly indicate that hydrothermal fluids have a similar source to the primary magma and are related to a later carbonatite intrusion.  相似文献   

Idiomorphic quartz crystals in topaz-bearing granite from the Salmi batholith contain primary inclusions of silicate melt and abundant mostly secondary aqueous fluid inclusions. Microthermometric measurements on melt inclusions give estimates for the granite solidus and liquidus of 640–680°C and 770–830°C, respectively. Using published solubility models for H2O in granitic melts and the obtained solidus/liquidus temperatures from melt inclusions, the initial water concentration of the magma is deduced to have been approximately 3 wt.% and the minimum pressure about 2 kbar. At this initial stage, volatile-undersaturation conditions of magma were assumed. These results indicate that the idiomorphic quartz crystals are magmatic in origin and thus real phenocrysts. During subsolidus cooling and fracturing of the granite, several generations of aqueous fluid inclusions were trapped into the quartz phenocrysts. The H2O inclusions have salinities and densities of 1–41 wt.% NaCl eq. and 0.53–1.18 g/cm3, respectively.  相似文献   

阿尔泰南缘克兰盆地的脉状金-铜矿化及其流体演化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阿尔泰山南缘泥盆纪克兰火山-沉积盆地蕴藏有丰富的VMS锌铅铜多金属矿床。自晚泥盆世至早二叠世末, 阿尔泰山南缘为NE-SW向强烈挤压的构造环境, VMS矿石受到变形变质改造,脉状金铜矿化发育。金(铜)石英脉主要有2种产状:(1)白色-灰白色(硫化物)顺层石英脉(QI), 产于韧脆性剪切带发育地段,呈细脉状或透镜状产于绿泥片岩、黑云片岩中;(2)斜切黄铁矿化蚀变岩、层状铅锌矿和变质岩产状的黄铜矿-黄铁矿石英脉(QII),与晚期的脆性构造有关。金(铜)石英脉的流体包裹体发育,按室温下相态特征有3类。第I类为含子矿物的高盐度包裹体(L-V-S型),子晶为NaCl, 有时为KCl,包裹体呈孤立或无序分布,代表变质早期流体特征。一般NaCl子晶先消失(210~357℃),包裹体的最终均一温度369~512℃,其捕获温度与变质相的相平衡计算温度相当,反映了变质早期中高温热液活动的特征。第II类是富CO2 包裹体,包括单相的碳质流体包裹体(L CO2、L CO2-CH4或L CO2-N2)和两相富CO2包裹体(L CO2-L H2O)2个亚类。碳质流体包裹体是常见类型,有时与L CO2-LH2O型伴生,在较晚期的黄铜矿-黄铁矿石英脉中表现为原生特征,而在较早的石英脉中常表现为次生特征。萨热阔布的碳质流体可分为纯CO2包裹体和CO2-CH4体系包裹体,纯CO2包裹体的固体CO2熔化温度(Tm,CO2)为 -60~-56.5℃,CO2部分均一温度(Th,CO2) 变化于-23~+31℃;密度一般为0.85~0.89g·m-3。CO2-CH4包裹体的Tm,CO2<-57℃,可低达-78.1℃,Th,CO2低达-33.7~-17.7℃, 其密度高达1.01~1.07g·m-3。VMS矿床中晚期叠加的黄铜矿石英脉中碳质流体包裹体可分为贫CH4-N2和富CH4-N2的CO2-CH4-N2包裹体,贫CH4-N2的碳质包裹体Tm,CO2=-63.3~-57℃,Th,CO2=-27.5~+29.7℃;富CH4-N2的CO2-CH4-N2包裹体Tm,CO2=-83.4~-65.5℃,Th,CO2=-56.0~+16.9℃。铜金石英脉中与碳质流体共生的LCO2-LH2O型包裹体均一温度Th,total=205~370℃,略低于第I类高盐度包裹体的Th,total=369~512℃。据CO2流体高温高压相图估算包裹体的捕获压力至少为110~300MPa。金(铜)石英脉的主体在相当于445~566℃的高温条件下形成的,而金铜矿化则是在高于205~370℃、110~330MPa的中高温中深条件下发生的。流体包裹体的δ18O为7.54‰~11.84‰ (QI)和3.82‰~7.82‰ (QII), δD为-84.7‰~-98.2‰(QI)和-75.8‰~-108.8‰ (QII)。结合地质特征和流体研究,说明成矿热液来源与区域变质及相关的岩浆活动有关。  相似文献   

西藏尤卡朗铅银矿床流体包裹体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
西藏尤卡朗铅银矿床位于班公湖-怒江结合带以南、雅鲁藏布江结合带以北的冈底斯-念青唐古拉山中生代岩浆弧.矿区的含矿地层为上侏罗统拉贡塘组顶部的石英岩层,矿体受到裂隙构造控制.含矿脉体的石英中发现两类流体包裹体,即Ⅰ型水溶液包裹体和Ⅱ型H2O-CO2包裹体,均-温度为160℃~250℃,推测成矿温度为中温.流体盐度范围为1...  相似文献   

西藏尤卡朗铅银矿床位于班公湖—怒江结合带以南、雅鲁藏布江结合带以北的冈底斯—念青唐古拉山中生代岩浆弧。矿区的含矿地层为上侏罗统拉贡塘组顶部的石英岩层,矿体受到裂隙构造控制。含矿脉体的石英中发现两类流体包裹体,即Ⅰ型水溶液包裹体和Ⅱ型H2O-CO2包裹体,均一温度为160 ℃~250 ℃,推测成矿温度为中温。流体盐度范围为165%~12.29%,峰值在3~5%之间,部分数据具有较高的盐度值,表明高盐度的岩浆热液流体来源,受后期地下水热液的混合。热地下水的不断涌入改变了热液的成分,是成矿作用的重要因素,成矿流体中还含有CO2,对于铅锌硫化物的沉淀起到促进的作用。  相似文献   

Sichuan Basin is one of the most important marine–salt forming basins in China. The Simian and Triassic have a large number of evaporites. The Triassic strata have found a large amount of polyhalite and potassium-rich brine. However, no soluble potassium salt deposit were found. In this study, the halite in well Changping 3 which is located at the eastern part of the Sichuan basin was studied using the characteristics, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of the fluid inclusion in halite to reconstruct ...  相似文献   

合肥盆地石炭系—二叠系具有油气勘探潜力,但研究薄弱。根据盆地中部安参1井石炭系—二叠系储层中流体包裹体的岩相学分析及显微测温,主要讨论了油气运移特征。结果表明,储层石英微裂隙及次生加大边中与油气包裹体伴生的盐水包裹体均一温度主要在145.2~150.2℃,155.6~160℃及169.9~177.9℃等三个温度区间。结合储层埋藏史-热史,发现储层主要经历了3期流体充注,时间在162.1~157.2 Ma之间(晚侏罗世)。通过包裹体冰点的测定,得到每一期流体的盐度特征,结合构造演化、烃源岩发育背景,推测油气主要是在石炭系—二叠系地层内部运移,同时也可能有新元古界、下古生界等深部的热液通过深大断裂运移到石炭系—二叠系,参与了油气的运聚,这在研究区今后的油气成藏研究中需要注意。  相似文献   

The Mengyejing potash deposit is located in the southern port of the Simao Basin, Yunnan Province, and is hosted in mid-Cretaceous strata. The chemical compositions of fluid inclusions in halite crystals, collected from the level-610 adit in the deposit, were analysed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The results show that the brine is of the Na-K-Mg-Ca-Cl type and has K concentrations that are distinctly higher than those of Mg and Ca, unlike normal brines associated with Cretaceous halite. The high K concentrations indicate that the degree of evaporation of the ancient Mengyejing saline lake was very high, reaching the sylvite deposition stage but rarely reaching the carnallite deposition stage. The trajectory of the H and O isotopic compositions of the brines in the halite-hosted fluid inclusions corresponds to intense evaporation, indicating that the net evaporation exceeded the net inflow of brines. These brine compositions in halite-hosted fluid inclusions were likely formed by the dissolution of previously deposited K-bearing minerals by fresh continental and/or seawater, forming a type of modified seawater, with deep hydrothermal fluids potentially supplying additional potassium. The basin likely experienced multiple seawater incursion, dissolution and redeposition events in a high-temperature environment with high evaporation rates.  相似文献   

何格  顾雪祥  王新利  周超  刘瑞萍 《岩石学报》2016,32(6):1795-1808
哈勒尕提铁铜矿床位于新疆西天山博罗科努多金属成矿带,矿体呈似层状、透镜状产于晚泥盆世中酸性侵入体与上奥陶统碳酸盐岩接触带上,是一个典型的矽卡岩矿床。本文从流体包裹体和氢氧同位素研究入手,讨论了成矿流体的特征、来源和演化及其与成矿的关系。岩相学观察表明,本矿床热液矿物中流体包裹体存在5种类型:富液相气液两相盐水包裹体(Ⅰ类)、含子矿物多相包裹体(Ⅱ类)、富气相气液两相盐水包裹体(Ⅲ类)、纯液相水包裹体(Ⅳ类)和纯气相水包裹体(Ⅴ类)。其中,Ⅰ类包裹体数量最多,各阶段热液矿物中均有发育;Ⅱ类包裹体数量较少,只见于进化交代蚀变阶段的石榴石和早退化阶段的绿帘石中;Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ类包裹体数量最少,主要发育于晚退化阶段的石英和方解石中。流体包裹体显微测温表明,从进化交代蚀变阶段→早退化阶段→晚退化阶段,成矿流体经历了从高温(404~562℃)、中-高盐度(11.1%~51.6%NaC leqv)、中-低密度(0.47~0.80g/cm~3)到中-高温(207~465℃)、中-低盐度(2.9%~44.1%NaC leqv)、中-低密度(0.64~0.89g/cm~3)再到中-低温(117~337℃)、低盐度(1.6%~4.5%NaC leqv)、中-高密度(0.90~0.97g/cm~3)的演化过程。氢氧同位素研究表明,进化交代蚀变阶段和早退化阶段的成矿流体主要源于岩浆水,晚退化阶段则有大气降水的加入。根据流体包裹体岩相学特征,结合矿床宏观地质特征,认为流体不混溶(沸腾)是导致本矿区金属沉淀成矿的主要机制。  相似文献   

司家营BIF是冀东地区最大的铁矿床,赋存于一套绿帘-角闪岩相变质的新太古代变质岩中,可划分出5个演化期次,分别为沉积期、绿帘-角闪岩相变质期、褶皱变形期、韧性剪切和热液蚀变期以及抬升氧化期。其中绿帘-角闪岩相变质期形成的条纹状阳起磁铁石英岩以及韧性剪切和热液蚀变期形成的条带状磁铁石英岩、块状磁铁石英岩和黄铁矿石英脉的石英中广泛发育流体包裹体,可分为次生包裹体(Ⅰ类)、假次生包裹体(Ⅱ类)、原生包裹体(Ⅲ类)、含子矿物包裹体(Ⅳ类)和含CO2三相包裹体(Ⅴ类)。分布于条纹状磁铁石英岩石英-1中Ⅱ和Ⅲ类包裹体以及条带状磁铁石英岩石英-1Ⅴ类包裹体的均一温度为352~560℃、流体压力为0.11~0.20GPa、盐度为0.4%~3.3%NaCleqv,流体温压特征可代表绿帘-角闪岩相变质作用的温压条件;分布于条带状磁铁石英岩、块状磁铁石英岩和黄铁矿石英脉石英-2中Ⅱ和Ⅲ类包裹体均一温度集中于153~211.8℃,盐度为0.5%~22.6%NaCleqv,条纹状磁铁石英岩中磁铁矿-1的δ18O值为1.4‰~2.8‰,条带状和块状磁铁石英岩中磁铁矿-2的δ18O值为1.7‰~6.2‰。流体包裹体和氧同位素特征表明低温热液流体是铁矿床发生"去硅富铁"的主要原因;在不同类型矿石的石英中均产出有较多的气液两相和赤铁矿共生的Ⅰ类包裹体,可反映抬升氧化期流体特征,均一温度介于117~223℃,盐度集中分布于0.4%~5.0%NaCleqv,较低的氧化作用是司家营BIF无法形成假象赤铁矿-细板状赤铁矿型富铁矿体的直接原因。  相似文献   

马星华  陈斌  赖勇  窦金龙  邹滔 《岩石学报》2010,26(5):1397-1410
本文报道了大兴安岭南段敖仑花斑岩铜钼矿床中斑状石英的一些新发现。通过对其结构、成因和内部流体包裹体的研究,反演初始成矿流体性质;结合热液期脉系特征,探讨流体从出溶到成矿的演化过程。斑状石英包括"单颗粒石英"和"多晶石英集合体",以普遍发育含子矿物流体包裹体为特征,为岩浆-热液过渡期的特有产物。流体包裹体研究显示敖仑花矿床初始成矿流体具有高温高盐度特征,为H2O、CO2和Na-K-Ca-Fe-Cu-Ti等元素组成的络合物体系,在压力≥115MPa、深度≥4.3km条件下可出溶出温度≥492℃、盐度达到47.6%~58.7%NaCleqv的流体。热液期成矿系统压力突然降低导致流体发生沸腾,同时伴随温度骤减是引发大规模成矿的主要机制。根据矿物在脉系中的发育情况和显微测温数据,将辉钼矿的析出温度限定在335℃以上,即代表以辉钼矿沉淀为峰期成矿标志的主成矿温度下限。斑状石英中流体包裹体研究揭示敖仑花矿床形成到至今抬升高度约≥4.3km,暗示区域最小平均隆升剥蚀速率为32.6m/Ma。斑岩体中斑状石英不仅可以作为流体出溶的标志判断岩体是否具有成矿潜力,指导斑岩型矿床找矿工作,还能够为区域地质演化提供重要约束。  相似文献   

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