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Along the north bank of the Xuxi River, the sand-intercalated-muddy gravel layer from -3.7 - -5.8 m in the borehole 7508 at the East Dam and the middle, coarse and fine sand layer with a thickness of 4.5 m at the lower part of the borehole 8179 between the East Dam and the West Dam indicate that a large natural river was here before the Kingdom of Wu excavated the Xuxi Canal. The existence of Neolithic sites such as Xuecheng, Chaoduntou and Xiajiadang along the Xuxi River and the silt layer with dozens of meters archived under the earth's surface within a range of 1 km along both banks are the even more important evidences for the existence of the ancient Zhongjiang River. The floodgate of the East Dam nowadays makes against the communication between the Shuiyangjiang River and the Taihu Lake. The authors suggest the canal between Wuhu and Taihu Lake should be excavated as soon as possible, namely, the navigation channel from Wuhu through Guchenghu Lake, Xuxi River, East Dam, Liyang, Yixing to Taihu Lake should be further widen and the deposits composed of slope wash on the watershed between Shuiyangjiang River and Taihu Lake should be dredged away. Then, the channel journey can be shortened, the boats in ship transportation on the Yangtze River can be shunted to ensure the security of shipping, the resources of sand and gravel in the old river channel can be exploited and the dike of the Yangtze River can be reinforced. So, the problems of irrigation, flood diversion, pollution abatement and drainage of flooded fields in the lower Yangtze River will be resolved. Then, the above methods can impel the sustainable development of the Xuxi River and Taihu Lake area.  相似文献   

CaCl2卤水是一种特殊类型的卤水,其Ca含量较高,几乎不含CO 3和HCO 3,SO 4含量极少,伴生多种高值资源元素。主要分布于各大沉积盆地,洋中脊热液和大陆构造活动带。CaCl2卤水的形成是一个复杂的水文地球化学过程,成因机制可能包括热液、成岩作用(白云岩化、钠长石化、硫酸盐还原、碳酸盐溶解等)、古海水继承、混合掺杂等。CaCl2卤水对于盆地成盐成钾过程有着重要的意义,使盐沉积序列(石膏—石盐—钾石盐—光卤石)简单,并伴随标型矿物(溢晶石、南极石、硼酸盐等)的出现,K元素在卤水中的富集。CaCl2卤水成因较复杂,借助于新手段及室内模拟实验与计算,应进一步开展其水源、溶质源及形成机制的研究。此外,CaCl2卤水作为一种重要的矿产资源,对某一具体盆地该资源禀赋特征、赋存条件及迁移成藏机制仍需进一步理清。  相似文献   

Along the north bank of the Xuxi River, the sand-intercalated-muddy gravel layer from -3.7~-5.8 m in the borehole 7508 at the East Dam and the middle, coarse and fine sand layer with a thickness of 4.5 m at the lower part of the borehole 8179 between the East Dam and the West Dam indicate that a large natural river was here before the Kingdom of Wu excavated the Xuxi Canal. The existence of Neolithic sites such as Xuecheng, Chaoduntou and Xiajiadang along the Xuxi River and the silt layer with dozens of meters archived under the earth's surface within a range of 1 km along both banks are the even more important evidences for the existence of the ancient Zhongjiang River. The floodgate of the East Dam nowadays makes against the communication between the Shuiyangjiang River and the Taihu Lake. The authors suggest the canal between Wuhu and Taihu Lake should be excavated as soon as possible, namely, the navigation channel from Wuhu through Guchenghu Lake, Xuxi River, East Dam, Liyang, Yixing to Taihu Lake should be further widen and the deposits composed of slope wash on the watershed between Shuiyangjiang River and Taihu Lake should be dredged away. Then, the channel journey can be shortened, the boats in ship transportation on the Yangtze River can be shunted to ensure the security of shipping, the resources of sand and gravel in the old river channel can be exploited and the dike of the Yangtze River can be reinforced. So, the problems of irrigation, flood diversion, pollution abatement and drainage of flooded fields in the lower Yangtze River will be resolved. Then, the above methods can impel the sustainable development of the Xuxi River and Taihu Lake area.  相似文献   

长江中下游岸线资源的特征及其开发利用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
王传胜  王开章 《地理学报》2002,57(6):693-700
运用大比例尺水下地形图,在岸线资源总量勘查的基础上,评价了长江中下游干流岸线的水深条件、岸线稳定性条件和建港自然条件,分析了本区域岸线资源的基本特征,提出了长江岸线资源开发的基本原则和中下游干流岸线利用建议。  相似文献   

长江江苏段末次盛冰期古河槽特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择长江江苏段作为研究河段,根据南京长江三桥、长江大桥、长江四桥、润扬长江大桥、扬中长江大桥、江阴长江大桥、苏通长江大桥7个断面的285个地质勘探钻孔资料及参考文献中的8个钻孔资料,建立了7个长江古河谷地质剖面图。在拟建南京长江四桥附近、扬中长江大桥附近的7个钻孔进行了采样分析,获得了8个14C年代、1个ESR年代数据。通过分析发现,末次盛冰期长江古河槽镇江以上切割到基岩,镇江以下嵌在老河床相沉积层上,河槽在南京下关-栖霞山段形成局部深切;南京段约-63 m以下的河槽为末次盛冰期的古河槽,相对狭窄陡峭,宽深比较小,向下游宽深比逐渐变大,扬中以下形成分叉河道体系;古河槽中自下而上充填了从粗到细的沉积旋回,河床相沉积物向下游逐渐变细。  相似文献   

介绍青海格尔木至诺木洪地区水资源开发利用 ,针对以往水资源开发利用产生的环境问题 ,用水量平衡的方法 ,讨论其未来水资源开发对环境的宏观效应  相似文献   

河南省水资源开发利用评价   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
运用灰色关联分析的方法,选取对河南省水资源开发利用影响较大的指标,并运用模糊综合评价模型对全省的水资源开发利用进行评价,从而为全省水资源合理利用提供决策依据。  相似文献   

流域水资源开发阈值模型及其在黄河流域的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流域水资源开发阈值是流域水资源合理利用的基础和流域生态系统健康的保证。随着水资源短缺引起的 问题日益突出, 人们对水资源开发阈值的认识也在不断加深, 从最初的“水资源总量”、“可利用量”和“可供水量” 等, 到考虑生态需水和水质保护的水资源可利用量。本文在这些理念的基础上, 提出一种新的流域水资源开发阈值 及其计算模型, 即考虑水资源量、不可利用的洪水量、被污染水量、生态需水量及重复计算水量, 综合计算流域水资 源开发阈值。黄河流域作为我国水资源严重短缺地区, 水资源开发面临严峻挑战。以黄河流域为例, 运用该阈值模 型对黄河流域水资源开发阈值进行初步计算, 得到开发阈值多年平均约为238 亿m3, 占黄河天然径流量的40%左 右, 符合国际公认的流域水资源开发标准。  相似文献   

库车河流域是库车县工矿企业的集中地,是阿克苏地区和库车县今后一个时期开发、治理的重点地区。随着库车河流域开发程度的迅速增大,进一步提高该流域水资源及其循环转化关系的研究程度,及时发现水资源开发利用过程中存在的问题迫在眉睫。文章在广泛收集有关水文、水利现状资料和实际调查数据的基础上,论述了库车河流域的水资源特征,并在分析水资源开发利用中存在问题的基础上,对水资源供需平衡进行了评价。  相似文献   

江苏城市化战略构思与政策调整取向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章在总结城市化一般规律和共同本质的基础上,对江苏省的城市化进程予以评析,然后分析了土地资源集约利用、经济发展的区域差异性、区位条件、交通设施、人力资源状况等对江苏城市化战略产生的影响,提出了加快江苏城市化进程的总体思路,并进一步阐明了具体构思以及操作层面迫切需要解决的政策调整问题。  相似文献   

艾比湖流域水土开发的模糊综合评价   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
近年来随着水土开发活动的加剧,艾比湖流域已经成为我国干旱区生态环境严重退化的地区之一。水土资源利用的有效程度是区域水土资源可持续发展的前提与基础.直接关系水土资源的可持续利用。本文运用模糊综合评价模型.对艾比湖流域水土开发的有效性进行了评价。结果显示:艾比湖流域水资源开发利用率较高.平均达到75.99%;但水土资源有效利用率偏低.有效开发利用程度综合评分值只有0.316;水土资源开发处于低级及过渡阶段,工农业及经济属于耗水型.水资源综合管理水平低,但同时也说明水资源开发具有很大潜力。以评价结论为依据,给出了流域可持续发展水土资源保障的对策建议。  相似文献   

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