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非绝热加热对热带气旋非对称结构影响的数值试验   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
利用含非绝热加热强迫的正压涡度方程。将非绝热加热作适当的参数化处理。对初始对称 热带气旋作了一系列数值试验,结果表明:不仅β项、平流项在热带气旋非对称结构的形成中有重要作用,而且非绝热加热对热带气旋的非对称结构亦有重要影响,从而验证了非绝热加热是热带气旋非对称结构形成的一种可能机制的结论。  相似文献   

非对称环流的细致结构与台风路径的摆动   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
应用准地转三层斜压模式数值模拟热带气旋的移动,详细分析热带气旋非对称环流的三度空间结构及其与热带气旋移动的关系。结果表明:非线性涡度平流与线性β项相结合不但可以产生大尺度β涡旋对,而且还可产生小尺度涡旋对;这两种不同尺度的非对称涡旋不断相互作用,导致热带旋移速的振荡和移向的摆动。  相似文献   

本文数值模拟研究揭示了台风外区热力不稳定非对称结构对其异常路径的影响问题,提出了台风运动非对称结构的影响,不仅表现在台风涡旋动力结构特征上,而且反映在台风外区三维非对称热力结构特点方面,即包括温、湿不稳定层结分布特征及其强弱程度因素。台风外区不同热力非对称分布特征将导致台风移动轨迹的显著差异,且构成各类“旋转”、“打转”、“转向”等复杂异常路径。  相似文献   

应用非对称结构理论制作台风路径预报   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
阐述应用非对称结构理论制作台风路径预报的技术原理。应用该理论较好地预报出9012号台风(Yancy)西行、9414号台风(Doug)转向和9417号台风(Fred)登陆。  相似文献   

热带气旋眼墙非对称结构的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带气旋的眼墙非对称结构与其发展过程密切相关。在热带气旋移动过程中,非对称风场伴随着边界层内非对称摩擦而引起的辐合,影响着热带气旋眼墙内的对流分布。此外,风垂直切变作为影响热带气旋强度的重要因子,将上层暖心吹离表层环流,引起眼墙垂直运动的非对称,导致云、降水在方位角方向的非均匀分布。当存在平均涡度的径向梯度时,罗斯贝类型的波动可以存在于涡旋内核区域,影响眼墙非对称结构。海洋为热带气旋提供潜热和感热形式的能量,是热带气旋发展的重要能量来源,关于海洋如何影响热带气旋眼墙非对称结构的相关研究较少。文中着重回顾了热带气旋与海洋相互作用的研究成果,并提出海洋影响热带气旋眼墙非对称结构的机制。海洋对热带气旋最显著的响应特征是冷尾效应,该效应通过降低海表温度,减少海洋向大气输送的潜热和感热,从而影响热带气旋眼墙非对称结构。此外,海浪改变海表粗糙度,通过边界层影响移动热带气旋的眼墙结构。  相似文献   

热带气旋温湿非对称结构的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP的CFSR 0.5 °再分析资料和日本东京台风中心的最佳路径集,对西北太平洋和南海海域1979—2010年间的热带气旋温湿水平非对称和垂直非均匀结构等进行了合成和对比分析。(1) 热带气旋流场的非对称随着气旋增强逐渐趋于轴对称化,而外包区及外围区比湿场的非对称性逐渐增强。(2) 热带气旋普遍具有“双暖心”的垂直非均匀分布结构特征;弱热带气旋的低层暖心相对较强而TY及以上强度的热带气旋高层暖心相对较强。(3) “暖心”的水平范围和形态随气旋的增强而扩大并更趋于轴对称,200 hPa高度场上较弱的热带气旋暖心附近为弱高压中心、较强热带气旋暖心附近为一低压中心。(4) 热带气旋的“湿心”主要位于700~850 hPa的低层,湿心强度随着气旋强度等级增加而增强,0.8 g/kg的比湿距平范围随TC强度增强而不断向高层延伸。(5) 气旋不同区域的各个层次假相当位温随气旋增强而增加,且各个强度级别的气旋不同区域增温速率均为内核区最大、外包区次之和外围区最小。   相似文献   

耿慧  沈树勤 《气象》1996,22(5):30-34
热带气旋属于热带天气系统,由于其生成地及生命史的大部分时间基本都在洋面或海面上,所以就其自身来说,有着充分的水汽资源,但在它的移动路径中,随着环境场的不断变化,其影响地区也并不是都有很强的降水产生,针对这一问题,引入了干湿热带气旋概念,并选取了3个较为典型的个例,对它们的天气形势及物理量场作了对比分析,得到了些有有益的结果。  相似文献   

9414号热带气旋(DOUG)非对称结构和对降水影响的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
DOUG热带气旋在靠近华东沿海大陆北上过程中,气旋西侧的降水强度显著减弱,主要是DOUG气旋的完全非对称结构造成的。本文从大尺度天气系统配置、卫星云图和中尺度数值模式计算结果分析了DOUG气旋内区和外区非对称结构的成因和演变。外区的非对称结构主要由环境场的大尺度天气系统的东高西低气压场配置造成的。气旋近中心中-β尺度的辐散下沉系统的发展是造成内区非对称结构的主要原因。二者的形成是相互独立的。但内区非对称结构的发展会促使外区非对称结构的加强。前者向后者逼近并结合造成了DOUG的完全非对称结构  相似文献   

两个造成大风影响的热带气旋特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
何洁琳 《广西气象》2006,27(1):10-13,16
应用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对造成玉林市持续长时间大风的0307号和8517号热带气旋(TC)的特点和大尺度环境特征进行对比分析,结果表明:0307号TC自身强度强,移速快;而8517号TC则移速缓慢,登陆后转向,TC中心在玉林市逗留时间长。两个TC登陆前后的大尺度环境特征不同造成其强度和运动特点的不同。  相似文献   

本研究将气象学家Eliassen关于经向环流和穿越锋区的次级环流的驱动理论推广应用于研究热带和温带气旋的经向环流的驱动过程。  相似文献   

Based on NCEP/CFSR 0.5° reanalysis data and the best track data from the Japan Tokyo Typhoon Center,composite and comparative analyses demonstrate the asymmetrical structures of the temperature and humidity in tropical cyclones over the Western North Pacific and the South China Sea from 1979 to 2010.The results are shown as follows.(1) With intensifying tropical cyclones,the flow field tends to become gradually more axisymmetric;however,the asymmetry of the specific humidity in the outer regions is more obvious.(2) In general,tropical cyclones have a non-uniform,vertical, "double warm-core" structure.The "warm-cores" in the lower level of weak tropical cyclones and in the higher level of strong tropical cyclones are the stronger of the two.(3) The distribution area of a "warm-core" is enhanced with cyclone intensification and tends to become more axisymmetric.At 200 hPa,the "warm-core" of a weak cyclone has a weak anticyclone in the center,whereas that of a strong cyclone has a weak cyclone in the center.(4)The "wet-core" of a tropical cyclone is primarily located in the lower level(700-850 hPa).With the cyclone's intensification,the intensity of the "wet-core" increases and the scope of the 0.8 g kg~(-1) specific humidity anomaly tends to expand to higher levels.(5) With the cyclone's deepening,the pseudo-equivalent potential temperature at different levels in different regions increases.In addition,the largest warming rates at each intensity level in the different regions occur in the core area,followed in turn by the envelope and outer areas.  相似文献   

影响广西的热带气旋年频数的BP神经网络预测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对影响广西的热带气旋(TC)年频数与大气环流的关系进行分析表明,TC年频数与全球范围大气环流异常有密切关系,特别是春季南半球中高纬度环流异常和低纬越赤道气流异常.利用相关分析从春季全球大气环流场中选择初选预报因子,然后对初选预报因子作EOF展开构造综合预报因子,运用BP神经网络方法建立TC年频数预报模型,并对所建立的模型进行独立样本试验.结果表明,该预报模型对历史样本拟合精度高,试报效果优于传统的逐步回归模型,可在汛期预测业务中应用.  相似文献   

不同海域影响热带气旋强度变化的环境动力因素对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1982-2007年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、月平均海平面温度(SST)资料和西北太平洋、北大西洋以及北印度洋热带气旋(TC)资料,对比分析了环境动力因素对不同海域TC强度在不同时间尺度变化的影响.结果表明,在各时间尺度上,TC强度变化与垂直风切变变化有密切的联系.在西北太平洋,使TC过程强度增强或减弱的风切变...  相似文献   

本文着重对夏季风盛行时期,7—9月份的孟加拉湾热带气旋与南海热带气旋活动规律、以及某些结构特征作比较,以期加深对这两个地区气旋系统的认识。   相似文献   

Based on the Tropical Cyclone(TC) Yearbooks data and JRA-25 reanalysis data from the Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA) during 1979-2008, dynamic composite analysis and computation of kinetic energy budget are used to study the intensifying and weakening TCs during Extratropical Transition over China. The TCI shows strong upper-level divergence, strengthened low-level convergence and significantly enhanced upward motion under the influence of strong upper-level troughs and high-level jets. The TCI is correspondingly intensified after Extratropical Transition(ET); TCW exhibits strong upper-level divergence, subdued low-level convergence and slightly enhanced upward motion under the influence of weak upper-level troughs and high-level jets. It then weakens after ET. The increase(decrease) of the generation of kinetic energy by divergence wind in TCI(TCW) at low level is one of the major reasons for TCI’s intensification(TCW’s weakening) after transformation. The generation of kinetic energy by divergence wind is closely related to the development of a low-level baroclinic frontal zone. The growth of the generation of kinetic energy by rotational wind in TCI at upper level is favorable for TCI’s maintenance, which is affected by strong upper-level troughs. The dissipation of the generation of kinetic energy by rotational wind in TCW at upper level is unfavorable for TCW’s maintenance, which is affected by weak upper-level troughs.  相似文献   

The correlation and composite analysis are carried out in this paper to study major factors affecting the track of tropical cyclones (TCs) after their landfall in the east of China. The mid-tropospheric environmental steering flow is found to dominate the movement of a TC even after landfall, with the inertia and Coriolis force two other subordinates. A key region is discovered covering the east of China and Yellow Sea, in which the environmental flow significantly affects the movement of TCs making landfall in this part of China. When the subtropical high in this region strengthens and extends westward, accompanied by northward shrink of the westerly trough, the TC tends to move westward after landfall and disappear inland. However, when the subtropical high in this region weakens and shrinks eastward, accompanied by southward push of the westerly trough, the TC tends to recurve after landfall and re-enter the sea at a location to the north of the site of landfall. The environment before the landfall of a TC has little impact on its post-landfall track, which is sensitive to the environmental change 12 – 24 hours after landfall. A 6-hour lag is found between the environmental change and the movement of a TC after landfall.  相似文献   

对东海热带气旋登陆后路径趋势的若干探讨   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
应用相关分析与合成分析方法分析了影响东海热带气旋登陆后路径趋势的若干因素,结果表明:登陆后路径趋势随时间和登陆地点的变化分布说明热带气旋登陆后路径仍受基本气流的引导和制约;热带气旋登陆时的惯性和地转力的变化对东海热带气旋登陆后的路径趋势有一定影响;环境场及其变化对东海热带气旋登陆后路径有较大影响,尤其对流层中层流场对登陆后的热带气旋的移动仍有明显的引导作用;中国东部至黄海区域是环境场影响东海热带气旋登陆路径趋势的关键区,当区域内的西北太平洋副热带高压加强西伸,西风槽北撤时,东海热带气旋登陆后在副高南侧东风气流引导下向内陆西行至消亡,当区域内副高减弱东退,西风槽南压时,东海热带气旋登陆后受副高西侧偏南气流与西风槽前西南气流引导转向后入海;东海热带气旋登陆前的环境场对登陆后路径趋势影响相对较小,登陆后12~24小时是登陆后路径趋势受环境场影响的敏感时段,环境场的变化对登陆后路径趋势的影响要比当前环境场的影响超前6小时。  相似文献   

广东防区内热带气旋与ENSO的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨ENSO与广东防区内的热带气旋的关系,利用统计方法对1950~2003年期间进入广东防区的热带气旋的累计气旋能量ACE变量和其它变量与ENSO的关系进行了分析,发现在年的尺度上进入广东防区的热带气旋对ENSO的响应很弱,但在6~8月表现出与Ni(n)o3, 4指数的正相关,在10月份表现出明显的负相关.热带气旋的强度、数量、时间等在10月份都与Ni(n)o3, 4指数表现出明显的负相关,即在拉尼娜出现当年的10月份热带气旋趋向于数量增多,强风暴的生命史增长,影响时间较长,强风暴强度也趋向更强,破坏力增大;而在厄尔尼诺年,热带气旋趋向于数量减少,强风暴的生命史缩短,影响时间较短,强风暴会趋向减弱,破坏力会减低.这里ACE变量很好地反映了广东防区内热带气旋与ENSO的这种关系.  相似文献   

Climatological laws are studied for the annual frequency of tropical cyclone occurrence and the date of the yearly first landfall, which take place in the Guangdong province or pose serious threats on it from 1951 to 1999, using the data in the Yearly Book on Typhoons. A new method that has developed over recent years for the study of temporal sequences, the wavelet analysis, is used, in addition to more common statistical approaches. By analyzing two wavelet functions, MHAT and MORLET, we have compared the results of transformation of the wavelets provided that other conditions remain unchanged. It is discovered that the variance of MORLET wavelet has better indication of primary periods; period-time sequence charts can reflect major affecting periods for individual sections of time; when compared with the original sequence, the chart shows a little shift. On the other hand, such shift is absent in the MHAT wavelet, but its higher frequency part of variance covers up the primary periods to make its variance less predominant as compared to the MORLET wavelet. Besides, the work compares two different assumptions of an amplifying factor a. It is found that primary periods can be shown more clearly in the variance when a takes the exponential of 2 than it takes values continuously. Studying the annual frequency of tropical cyclones and the date of first appearance for periodic patterns, we have found that the primary periods extracted by this approach are similar to those obtained by wavelet transformation.  相似文献   

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