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Mohapatra  P. K.  Singh  R. D. 《Natural Hazards》2003,28(1):131-143
In this paper, flood problems in India, regional variabilityof the problem, present status of the ongoing management measures, their effectiveness and futureneeds in flood management are covered. Flood problems in India are presented by four zonesof flooding, viz. (a) Brahmaputra River Basin, (b) Ganga River Basin, (c) North-WestRivers Basin, and (d) Central India and Deccan Rivers Basin. Some special problems,related to floods like dam break flow, and water logging in Tal areas, are also mentioned.Progress of various flood management measures, both structural and non-structural, arediscussed. In addition, future needs to achieve efficient and successful flood managementmeasures in India are also pointed out.  相似文献   

Because of its location close to a region of tropical cyclone formation, the city ofCairns is regularly affected by tropical cyclones. Most cyclones occur in the monthsJanuary–March, although some have affected Cairns in December and April. There is a strong year-to-year variation in tropical cyclone numbers in the Cairns region, with twice as many impacts occurring during La Niña conditions than during El Niño. Several case studies are presented of cyclone impacts on Cairns. Rapidly developing cyclones are a particularly difficult forecast problem, as they can strike the city with less than 24 hours warning. Serious inundation from storm surge often occurs some time after landfall at Cairns.  相似文献   

邹全  王国亚  贺斌  沈永平 《冰川冻土》2013,35(3):733-740
利用玛纳斯河流域肯斯瓦特站1957-2010年的气温、 降水和洪水径流等资料, 分析了该流域自1957年以来的气候变化以及夏季洪水径流过程对极端气候的响应. 结果表明: 玛纳斯河流域自1957年以来平均气温呈明显的上升趋势, 1979年是年均温由下降趋势转为上升的转折点, 并且1978年之后极端高温天气增多, 主要出现在7月份.玛纳斯河年降水量总的变化趋势是波动减少的, 1986年以后降水有所增加, 但只是恢复到多年平均降水量水平的上下波动.降水主要集中在4-8月, 约占年降水量的70%.气温高的月份与降水量多的月份并不完全对应, 如5月份气温较低, 但降水较大; 7月气温最高, 但6月降水量最大; 8月气温较高, 但降水量较少.玛纳斯河年径流主要集中在6-9月, 4个月的总径流量约占全年总径流量的80%, 7月份径流量最大, 约占全年总径流量的28.8%.历年最大洪峰流量呈显著增加趋势, 1993年是最大洪峰流量由下降变为增多的转折点, 而1994-2010年最大洪峰流量基本保持在高位上下波动.最大15日洪量占年径流量的比例较大, 说明洪水过程持续时间较长, 汛期水量较为集中.最大洪峰流量出现时间基本都在7月和8月上旬.玛纳斯河夏季月径流与夏季月气温和降水的关系并不密切, 低度相关, 说明玛纳斯河流域自1993年以来夏季洪水频繁发生, 尤其超标准洪水次数增多、 量级增大主要是由于夏季极端高温和极端降水天气增多引起的.  相似文献   

A flood risk model was developed for the Czech Republic to calculate the probability of insured losses from flood events. The model was GIS based, making use of a 100 m horizontal resolution DTM and a network of the major rivers in the country. A review of historical flooding was undertaken to define the worst and most widespread flood events. Synthetic flood events were generated based on a study of the spatial variation in magnitude of river flows from selected historical flood events going back to 1935. A total of 30 synthetic events were generated each providing peak flows at 25 gauging stations throughout the country. The flows were converted into flood levels using rating equations based on information provided by the Czech Hydrological and Meteorological Institute. The extent of and depth of flooding was mapped on a cell by cell basis by applying an automated procedure developed using the grid option within the Arc/Info GIS. The flood depths were combined with maps of the postal codes to define an average flood depth per post code. The model was calibrated using maps of the observed flood extents from 1997 and 2002.  相似文献   

Quantifying Storm Tide Risk in Cairns   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
The United Nations International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR)gave rise to an increasing level of attention to the risks posed by a range of naturalhazards and the development of strategies by which to reduce those risks. It waswidely recognised that in order to evaluate risk treatment strategies it was necessaryto `measure' the level of risk that already existed and the level of risk that would beencountered with the treatment strategy(s) in place.This paper outlines the methodology developed under the AGSO (now GeoscienceAustralia) Cities Project to quantify the risk associated with storm tide inundation. It includes the methodology for `measuring' the level of community exposure to storm tide hazards and the methodology for `measuring' community vulnerability. The Far North Queensland city of Cairns is used as the case study to demonstrate the application of these methods.  相似文献   

由实测暴雨推求设计洪水方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹世惠  柏绍光 《水文》2002,22(1):38-40
基于南方湿润地区洪水由暴雨形成的特点,可根据实测暴雨资料分析流域代表性产、汇流参数,将历年最大面暴雨系列转换为对应的洪水系列,并由该洪水系列作为样本来计算洪水统计参数。实例分析结果表明,与实测洪水计算结果相近,该方法不但克服了山区河流雨洪同频率的假定,而且还为研究暴雨形成洪水的产、汇流机制,创造了一定的条件。  相似文献   

金双彦  蒋昕晖  张春岚 《水文》2016,36(4):93-96
2013年7月延河流域气候极端异常,强降雨持续不断,全流域普遍降雨的天数高达20d,甘谷驿水文站出现多场连续性洪水。依靠水文站初步整编资料,划分了洪水场次,计算了次洪径流系数、前期影响雨量,对比了"7·12"和"7·25"两场洪水的产流差异。通过计算分析和实地查勘,认为降雨强度和前期影响雨量是这两场洪水差异的主要和次要影响因素。  相似文献   

Zerger  Andre  Wealands  Stephen 《Natural Hazards》2004,33(2):191-208
Spatially explicit hydrodynamic flood models can play animportant role in natural hazard risk reduction. A key element of these models that make them suitable for riskreduction is the ability to provide time-series inundation information about the onset, duration and passingof a hazard event. Such information can be critical for landuse planning, for mapping evacuation egress routes,and for locating suitable emergency shelters to name only a few risk treatments. This research contends that abarrier to effective risk reduction is providing disaster managers with access to model results in a structured andflexible framework that allows consequences of different hazard scenarios to be assessed and mapped. Toaddress these limitations, a framework has been developed that links a commercial relational databasemanagement system with a GIS-based decision support system. The framework utilises industry standard dataexchange protocols and results in efficient time-series hazard data management. A case study based in Cairns,in far-north coastal Australia is presented to illustrate how the system has been developed. Results show that theframework reduces data volumes significantly, while making pre-run modelled inundation results rapidly accessibleto disaster managers. Of note is the ability of the framework to present results in terms of risk to buildings,roads and other spatial features in urban regions, and to provide answers to relatively complex risk questions.  相似文献   

Current flood protection policies in the Netherlands are based on design water levels. This concept does not allow for a proper evaluation of costs and benefits of flood protection. Hence, research is being carried out on the introduction of a flood risk approach, which looks into both the probability of flooding and the consequences of flooding. This research is being carried out within the framework of a major project called the Floris project (FLOod RISk in the Netherlands). To assess the probability of flooding the Floris project distinguishes different failure modes for dikes and structures within the dike ring. Based on a probabilistic analysis of both loads and resistance the probability of failure is determined for each failure mode. Subsequently the probabilities of failure for different failure modes and dike sections are integrated into an estimate of the probability of flooding of the dike ring as a whole. In addition the Floris project looks into the different consequences of flooding, specifically the economic damages and the number of casualties to be expected in case of flooding of a particular dike ring. The paper describes the approach in the Floris project to assess the flood risk of dike rings in the Netherlands. One of the characteristics of the Floris project is the explicit attention to different types of uncertainties in assessing the probability of flooding. The paper discusses the different starting-points adopted and presents an outline on how the Floris project will deal with uncertainties in the analysis of weak spots in a dike ring as well as in the cost benefit analysis of flood alleviation measures.  相似文献   

西江流域的有机碳侵蚀通量   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
在西江下游的马口水文站对径流进行了4个季节的有机碳采样分析。研究表明,西江径流有机碳的断面构成在各个季节均较为一致;季节性变化表现为,有机碳和悬浮物含量随流量的增加而增加。随着水体悬浮物含量的增加,悬浮物的有机碳含量呈对数趋势降低。西江流域的有机碳侵蚀通量为10.18×106gC/km2·yr.,是全球外流域有机碳侵蚀通量的2~3倍,其中以颗粒有机碳的侵蚀通量为主,达到8.30×106gC/km2·yr.,溶解有机碳的侵蚀通量为1.88×106gC/km2·yr.。反映了流域内较强的机械剥蚀过程,这与西江流域典型的季风气候、较大的地形高差,以及农业耕作历史长久、土地利用强度较大等因素有关。  相似文献   

The catastrophic floods recently occurring in Europe warn of the critical need forhydrologic data on floods over long-time scales. Palaeoflood techniques provideinformation on hydrologic variability and extreme floods over long-time intervals(100 to 10,000 yr) and may be used in combination with historical flood data (last1,000 yr) and the gauge record (last 30–50 yr). In this paper, advantages anduncertainties related to the reconstruction of palaeofloods in different geomorphologicalsettings and historical floods using different documentary sources are described.Systematic and non-systematic data can be combined in the flood frequency analysisusing different methods for the adjustment of distribution functions. Technical toolsintegrating multidisciplinary approaches (geologic, historical, hydraulic and statistical)on extreme flood risk assessment are discussed. A discussion on the potential theoreticalbases for solving the problem of dealing with non-systematic and non-stationary data ispresented. This methodology is being developed using new methodological approachesapplied to European countries as a part of a European Commission funded project (SPHERE).  相似文献   

以年极端洪水超标率来反映区域极端洪水, 分析了新疆区域极端洪水变化; 以年最大洪峰记录分析了天山山区主要河流极端洪水变化规律, 并用14站资料分析了天山山区气候变化特征, 讨论了天山主要河流极端洪水变化对区域气候变化的响应. 结果表明: 受气候变暖影响, 1957-2006年全疆极端洪水呈区域性加重趋势, 尤其南疆区域极端洪水明显加剧, 北疆区域也有加重趋势, 但相对较缓. 全疆及北疆、 南疆在20世纪90年代中期以来都处于洪水高发阶段. 近50 a来, 在新疆区域洪水呈加重趋势的变化背景下, 发源于天山南坡的托什干河和库玛拉克河年最大洪峰流量呈显著增加趋势, 发源于天山北坡的玛纳斯河与乌鲁木齐河年最大洪峰流量虽有增加, 但是变化趋势较缓. 以年最大洪峰流量发生转折年为界, 天山典型流域托什干河、 库玛拉克河、 玛纳斯河和乌鲁木齐河在20世纪90年代(或80年代)以来与前期相比, 呈现出相似的变化特征: 年最大洪峰流量明显增大, 年际间变化更加剧烈, 洪水年更频繁. 以年最大洪峰流量发生转折年份为界, 玛纳斯河、 托什干河和乌鲁木齐河后期的年最大洪峰集中日期较前期推迟2~9 d, 库玛拉克河却提前5 d. 玛纳斯河、 乌鲁木齐河和库玛拉克河后期的集中度较前期增加0.8%~8.3%, 托什干河减小1.1%. 1961-2010年, 新疆天山山区气温明显上升, 升温率为0.34 ℃·(10a)-1, 1997年以后明显增暖; 天山山区降水显著增加, 增加速率15.6 mm·(10a)-1, 同时极端降水强度增大、 频数增多. 近50 a来天山主要河流极端洪水变化与区域增温以及天山山区极端降水事件增多等有密切关系.  相似文献   

It is well known that heavy rainfall occurs in the southwestern sector of the monsoon depressions due to strong convergence in that sector. By examining the rainfall distribution associated with the monsoon disturbances (lows and depressions) in one of the central Indian river basins, ‘Godavari’, the author found that when the disturbance-centre is away from the basin, heavy rainfall may also occur in the basin area close to the confluence line and cause severe floods in the river. The confluence line is the zone of convergence between the northeasterlies to the west of the disturbance centre and the monsoon westerlies. This study further reveals the importance of the position and movement of the confluence line with respect to the basin, on which the intensity and the raising period of the resulting flood depend.  相似文献   

延河流域雨洪特性及洪水预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
延河是黄河的一级支流,流经安塞、延安、延长等陕北南部地区的重要城镇,是引发该地区城镇洪水的主要河流,因此,延河洪水预报对这些城镇的防洪安全具有重要意义。在分析延河流域雨洪特性的基础上,以提高大洪水的预报精度为主、适当兼顾中小洪水的原则,采用具有成因概念的系统模型和相关图法,建立了以延安市为重点、包括安塞及延长县城的延河区段洪水预报方案,可供作业预报试用。  相似文献   

针对雨型随机性所导致山洪灾害预警预报空报、漏报率过高问题,为提升山洪灾害预警精度,依据概率分布传递扩散原理,以雨型特征参数为控制条件,提出了基于参数控制的随机雨型生成法,建立了基于随机雨型的山洪灾害临界雨量计算模型及考虑决策者风险偏好的预警模式。以裴河流域为例,对不同雨型集下的临界雨量进行对比分析,并确定研究区6h临界雨量阈值空间。结果表明:雨峰位置、峰值倍比、前期土壤含水量对临界雨量的影响范围分别为32%~34%、33%~34%、15%~22%;雨型较前期影响雨量对临界雨量影响幅度更大;由雨峰位置系数和峰值倍比(r,bmax)双因子雨型集所确定的6h临界雨量阈值空间为98~185mm;考虑决策者不同风险偏好的临界雨量预警模式合理可靠,对更合理地开展山洪灾害预警工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

2017年洞庭湖特大洪水分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
匡燕鹉  马忠红 《水文》2019,39(3):92-96
2017年6月22日至7月1日,湖南省大部分地区发生了持续性强降雨过程。暴雨在湘水、资江、沅水及洞庭湖区来回摆动,三水(湘、资、沅)及湖区周边洪水接近于同时入湖,造成了洞庭湖历史罕见的特大洪水,入湖洪峰出湖洪峰均为1954年以来最大。  相似文献   

具有行蓄洪区的河道流量演算方法探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
以马斯京根流量演算法为基础提出了具有行蓄洪区时防洪系统流量演算的一般方法,是马斯京根法在具有行蓄洪区的河道洪水演算的推广应用.对行洪区的入流处理进行了讨论并提出了计算分流比的实用方法.最后以淮河中游王家坝到鲁台子河段为例,根据工程布局、水文站和水位站的分布将该河段分成10段,对12场洪水进行模拟预报计算,精度较高  相似文献   

降雨条件下坡面径流和入渗耦合的数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
降雨条件下坡面径流和降雨入渗的模拟互为条件,必须采用耦合分析的方法才能较好地解决这一问题。从坡面径流和降雨入渗控制方程着手,建立了用有限元方法求解该问题的耦合方程,并编制了相应的计算程序。为了加快迭代收敛的速度,还对地表饱和的判断提出了一种近似处理的方法。算例表明,所提出的方法可行,能较好地反映实际现象。该方法可为边(滑)坡稳定、水土流失、山地洪水分析等提供计算依据。  相似文献   

Earth observation from active microwave satellites such as RADARSAT-1 is an excellent tool to monitor and forecast floods. Two complementary approaches are described in this paper: (a) real time or near-real time monitoring of flood extent and (b) mapping of hydrological properties of drainage basins. Since it can penetrate through clouds, which usually occur during precipitation periods, and due to the fact that it can be programmed with different incidence angles, RADARSAT-1 enables frequent coverage over specific areas of interest. It has been used successfully to monitor a major flood of the Red River in Manitoba in 1997, by providing frequent coverage of the flood during its progression and decrease. Resulting data and images have been useful in planning the emergency measures and in assessing flood damage. RADARSAT has also the ability to characterize hydrological properties of watersheds. It has been used in agricultural catchments in Europe for mapping soil surface roughness, which affects runoff coefficients, concentration time and resistance to erosion processes. Used to complement optical data, RADARSAT has provided information on the status of land use and soil protective cover in drainage basins. This information can then be translated into parameters and coefficients that hydrological models can use for runoff and flood forecasting  相似文献   

In September 1998 tropical storm “Earl” swept southern Mexico, producing intense rainfall in the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas. Among the most devastated cities was Motozintla, located in the drainage basin of the Allende, La Mina and Xelajú Grande Rivers. The rainfall from the tropical storm totaled 175 mm on September 8 and 130 mm on September 9, duplicating in two days the average monthly precipitation in the region. Numerous landslides occurred in the vicinity of Motozintla, depositing large volumes of material into the Xelajú Grande stream. Much of this sediment was subsequently remobilized, yielding debris flows, hyperconcentrated flows, and sediment-laden flows that inundated most sections of Motozintla city. The flows covered an approximate area of 3.15 km2 with a minimum volume of 4.4 × 106 m3 of sediment. Communication of Motozintla with the rest of the Chiapas State was interrupted for about a month, as was the supply of potable water, food, electricity, and fuel. The geologic record around Motozintla indicates that the Xelajú Grande River has been a pathway for similar large floods during the last 6000 years. The oldest deposit yielded a radiocarbon age of 5320 ± 100 14C years. B.P. At least two historic floods have occurred during the last 100 years, a time period defined by a stratigraphically distinct tephra of 1902. Frequency analysis of the historical record of daily rainfall in the Motozintla area suggests that events like that of September, 1998, have a recurrence interval of about 25 years. After the catastrophic flows of 1998, the mitigation measures by Municipal Authorities were made without regard to geological and environmental factors, or to taking into consideration the flow magnitude and appropriate hazard-mitigation techniques, with the result that Motozintla remains at serious risk for future floods. Unfortunately, prior to the publication of this study, in early October 2005, Motozintla was seriously damaged again by intense rain provoked by Hurricane Stan.  相似文献   

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