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Coherent Doppler lidar measurements of wind statistics in the boundary layer are presented. The effects of the spatial averaging by the lidar pulse are removed using theoretical corrections and computer simulations. This permits unbiased estimates of velocity variance, spatial velocity structure functions, energy dissipation rate, and other point statistics of the velocity field.  相似文献   

Occurrences of intermittent turbulence in very stable conditions during theCASES-99 field study near Leon, Kansas were detected at several sites separatedby horizontal distances from 1 km to 25 km using sonic anemometers, minisodarsand a laser scintillometer. Periods with significant turbulent heat fluxes wereseparated by extended quiescent periods with little or no flux, and most of theflux during a night was realized in relatively small fractions (<20%) of thetotal time. There appeared to be no relationship between this intermittencyfraction and the median z/L (z being height and L the Obukhov length)value for the night, although overall sensible heat flux values on very stablenights were significantly less than those on less stable nights. The intermittencyfraction at 7 m was found to increase with mean wind speed at 20 m and, to alesser extent, with wind shear between 20 m and 30 m. While correspondenceof turbulent episodes at two sites separated by 1 km was common, it was less common at separations on the order of 20 km. There were time periods, however, during which enhanced turbulence levels were seen nearly simultaneously at large separation distances. Turbulence episodes were found to propagate upward or downward at different times with no readily defined large-scale controlling mechanism.  相似文献   

本文对太原机场2007年-2009年5次冷锋型低空风切变天气过程进行了统计分析,总结出本场发生冷锋型低空风切变时各气象因素的变化规律,从而提高预报员利用常规探测资料判别预报冷锋型低空风切变的能力。  相似文献   

渤海湾大风的特征及其预报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1988—2011年渤海湾两个站的大风资料,对渤海湾多年大于17m/s强风特点进行分析,发现冬季以西北风为主,春、夏、秋季以东北风为主,偶尔会出现偏南风。渤海湾海面大于10级的强风主要出现在10月、11月和12月。强风年分布特征呈两峰两谷型,最多月份是11月,最少月份是8月。根据天气学原理和因子统计筛选,发现强风的极大风速与当日最大风速有较好的相关性;对不同下垫面(海面、陆面)分别建立了极大风速与当日最大风速的预报方程。预报方程通过了α=0.01的显著性检验。方程回代拟合率达到75%~94%。将WRF数值预报计算出当日的最大风速值进行订正、代入预报方程、快速计算出强阵风,为灾害性大风预报提供了客观、有效的预报手段。  相似文献   

In this work, some wavelet methods are introduced to study the atmospheric boundary layer under stable conditions, where intermittent events and non-stationary turbulence take place. Such behavior makes classical methods, based on Fourier transform, difficult to use or even of no application.The wavelet transform is used to detect and characterize some structures in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. First, a wave-like event with a 16 min period is detected and analyzed in a wind record. The sum of some Morlet wavelets is proposed as a model for the oscillations. Afterwards, the wavelet transform is introduced to the study of non-stationary small scale turbulence. It provides the time evolution of the energy and a good location in time of the spots of turbulence. Finally, some wavelet tools are used to characterize a traveling structure, provided that it is simultaneously detected at different locations. The phase differences in the wavelet transform give the wavelength and the phase speed of the oscillations, whereas a double transform method is introduced to estimate the group velocity of the structure.  相似文献   

Measurements of concentration fluctuation intensity, intermittency factor, and integral time scale were made in a water channel for a plume dispersing in a well-developed, rough surface, neutrally stable, boundary layer, and in grid-generated turbulence with no mean velocity shear. The water-channel simulations apply to full-scale atmospheric plumes with very short averaging times, on the order of 1–4 min, because plume meandering was suppressed by the water-channel side walls. High spatial and temporal resolution vertical and crosswind profiles of fluctuations in the plume were obtained using a linescan camera laser-induced dye tracer fluorescence technique. A semi-empirical algebraic mean velocity shear history model was developed to predict these concentration statistics. This shear history concentration fluctuation model requires only a minimal set of parameters to be known: atmospheric stability, surface roughness, vertical velocity profile, and vertical and crosswind plume spreads. The universal shear history parameter used was the mean velocity shear normalized by surface friction velocity, plume travel time, and local mean wind speed. The reference height at which this non-dimensional shear history was calculated was important, because both the source and the receptor positions influence the history of particles passing through the receptor position.  相似文献   

根据统计工作需要,设计和开发了河南省气象部门科技服务与产业统计报表处理系统。该系统集成了报表处理过程中所需要的各种功能,界面友好,操作简单。  相似文献   

对乌鲁木齐机场195-1999年45年大风的资料进行统计,分析出机场大风出现的一些特点,对天气预报、飞行保障和经济建设将会起着积极作用。  相似文献   

Six levels of simultaneously sampled ultrasonic data are used to analyse the turbulence structure within a mixed forest of 13 m height on a steep slope (35°) in an alpine valley. The data set is compared to other studies carried out over forests in more ideal, flat terrain. The analysis is carried out for 30-min mean data, joint probability distributions, length scales and spectral characteristics.Thermally induced upslope winds and cold air drainage lead to a wind speed maximum within the trunk space. Slope winds are superimposed on valley winds and the valley-wind component becomes stronger with increasing height. Slope and valley winds are thus interacting on different spatial and time scales leading to a quite complex pattern in momentum transport that differs significantly from surface-layer characteristics. Directional shear causes lateral momentum transports that are in the same order or even larger than the longitudinal ones. In the canopy, however, a sharp attenuation of turbulence is observed. Skewed distributions of velocity components indicate that intermittent turbulent transport plays an important role in the energy distribution.Even though large-scale pressure fields lead to characteristic features in the turbulent structure that are superimposed on the canopy flow, it is found that many statistical properties typical of both mixing layers and canopy flow are observed in the data set.  相似文献   

上海浦东机场平流雾的统计和监测分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
袁娴  陈志豪 《气象科学》2013,33(1):95-101
利用2000-2009年常规地面观测资料、探空资料和上海浦东机场地面气象例行观测资料,对浦东机场平流雾的气候特征和天气形势背景进行了统计分析.结果发现:浦东机场平流雾发生频次逐年增多、持续时间有增长趋势.从季节分布来看,平流雾多集中在冬春季出现.平流雾天气多发于“入海高压后部”、“副高西北侧”、“低槽气旋”、“台风外围”和“高压前部”等五类特定天气形势背景下.天气系统在空间上的特定配置使暖湿气流得以稳定的流经浦东机场,是浦东机场平流雾形成的根本原因.此外,利用浦东机场2007-2009年自动气象观测系统时间分辨率为1 min的能见度探测资料,对能见度低于200 m的平流浓雾进行分析,结果表明:浓雾爆发不是一次性完成的,稳定的浓雾形成之前会有较长时间的能见度大幅振荡过程,在能见度图谱上形成明显的“象鼻形”先期振荡特征,这一特性也给平流浓雾的监测和预警提供了依据.  相似文献   

强风天气下边界层结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近地层观测的强风运动表明,叠加在平均流动之上的脉动通常有两种,一种是随机的湍流脉动,还有一种具有相干结构的阵风扰动。分析表明,上层强风的剪切运动产生阵风,并向下传递能量,对近地层的通量传输起到重要作用。本文利用北京325 m气象塔、位于海拔1257 m的妙峰山测风塔和位于海拔1688 m的灵山测风塔的资料,分析了强风天气下,边界层上层出现阵风并向下传递的过程,进一步证实无论在近地层还是边界层上层,强风期间,叠加在平均流动上除了高频湍流脉动之外,还有周期为1~10分钟的阵风,即相干结构。阵风峰期有下沉运动,阵风谷期有上升运动。这些相干结构在边界层上层产生,向下运动和传播过程中受到平均气流梯度的切变作用和地面摩擦,破碎为湍流结构。边界层上层的阵风和湍流产生的动量通量向下传递,使得强风期间,边界层中阵风和湍流对通量具有同样的输送能力,对边界层中沙尘、污染物等气溶胶的传输具有重要作用。本研究为模式中进行通量输送参数化方案的修正提供了观测和理论依据。  相似文献   

Wind Gust and Turbulence Statistics of Typhoons in South China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The wind data of four typhoons were obtained and analyzed. The wind speeds were measured by sonic anemometers at four observation sites in Guangdong and Hainan provinces. Detailed analysis of the wind data was conducted to investigate the turbulence characteristics of the typhoons. Characteristics of the gust factor and the turbulence integral scale of the typhoons were concluded with high confidence. The relationships among the gust factor, gust duration time, mean wind speed, roughness length, and turbulence intensity were described. The turbulence integral scale was found to be closely related to the segment length and turbulence intensity.  相似文献   

Several commonly used turbulence closure schemes forthe atmospheric boundarylayer (ABL) are applied to simulate neutral, nocturnal and diurnal cyclesituations in a one-dimensional ABL. Results obtained with the differentschemes, E-, E- and its modified versions, and twoversions ofthe q 2 Level 2.5, are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

The statistics of turbulent flow across a forest edge have been examined using large-eddy simulation, and results compared with field and wind-tunnel observations. The moorland-to-forest transition is characterized by flow deceleration in the streamwise direction, upward distortion of the mean flow, formation of a high pressure zone immediately in front of the edge, suppression of the standard deviations and covariance of velocity components, and enhancement of velocity skewnesses. For the selected forest density, it is observed that the maximum distortion angle is about 8 degrees from the horizontal. Instead of approaching a downwind equilibrium state in a monotonic manner, turbulence (standard deviations and covariances of velocity components) and mean streamwise velocity undershoot in the transition zone behind the edge. Evolution of flow statistics clearly reveals the growth of an internal boundary layer, and the establishment of an equilibrium layer downwind of the edge. It is evident that lower-order moments generally adjust more quickly over the new rough surface than do higher-order moments. We also show that the streamwise velocity standard deviation at canopy height starts its recovery over the rough surface sooner than does the vertical velocity standard deviation, but completes full adjustment later than the latter. Despite the limited domain size upstream of the edge, large-eddy simulation has successfully reproduced turbulent statistics in good agreement with field and wind-tunnel measurements.  相似文献   

The determination of nocturnal surface fluxes in low wind conditions is a major problem for micrometeorological studies. The eddy correlation technique, extensively used in field measurements, becomes inappropriate if not enough turbulent activity exists. At the same time, the phenomenon of turbulence intermittency is responsible for the existence of localized events of short duration within which a large fraction of the total nighttime scalar exchange occurs. The scalar flux within a certain intermittent event varies considerably depending on the window used for the flux calculation. In many cases, events with very different time durations occur in the same night, and therefore, the proper determination of the surface flux would require averaging within data windows of different sizes for each event. In this work, the surface exchanges of temperature, moisture and carbon dioxide are analysed at a micrometeorological tower at southern Brazil. Intermittent turbulence is a common occurrence at the location. The analysis shows that the fluxes vary with turbulence intensity and the estimation technique. A variable-window size method for flux estimation is suggested and shown to cause an increase in the magnitude of the nocturnal surface fluxes  相似文献   

Lagrangian stochastic models, quadratic in velocity and satisfying the well-mixed condition for two-dimensional Gaussian turbulence, are used to make predictions of scalar dispersion within a model plant canopy. The non-uniqueness associated with satisfaction of the well-mixed condition is shown to be non-trivial (i.e. different models produce different predictions for scalar dispersion). The best agreement between measured and predicted mean concentrations of scalars is shown to be obtained with a small sub-class of optimal models. This sub-class of optimal models includes Thomson's model (J. Fluid Mech. 180, 529–556, 1987), the simplest model that satisfies the well-mixed condition for Gaussian turbulence, but does not include two other models identified recently as being in optimal agreement with the measured spread of tracers in a neutral boundary layer. It is therefore demonstrated that such models are not universal, i.e. applicable to a wide range of flows without readjustment of model parameters. Predictions for scalar dispersion in the model plant canopy are also obtained using the model of Flesch and Wilson (Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 61, 349–374, 1992). It is shown that, when used with a Gaussian velocity distribution or a maximum-missing-information velocity distribution, which accounts for the measured skewness and kurtosis of velocity statistics, the agreement between predictions obtained using the model of Flesch and Wilson and measurements is as good as that obtained using Thomson's model.  相似文献   

Many forest management methods alterstand density uniformly. The effectsof such a change on the wind andturbulence regimes in the forest arecritical to a number of processes governingthe stability of the stand and itsmicroclimate. We measured wind speed andturbulence statistics with a Dantec tri-axialhot-film probe in model forests of variousdensities (31–333 trees m-2), created byremoving whole trees in a regular pattern in awind tunnel, and compared them with similarmeasurements made with propeller anemometers insimilarly thinned plots (156–625 trees ha-1)within a Sitka spruce stand in Scotland. The results agree well, in general, with measurements made inother such studies with diverse canopy types.The systematic variations with density and verticalleaf-area distribution (which differed betweenwind-tunnel and field trees) in our work can explainmuch of the variability shown in scaled profiles ofbasic turbulence statistics reported in theliterature. The wind tunnel and field results are shown to be in good agreement overalldespite the difference in vertical leaf-areadistribution. Within-canopy and isolated-treedrag coefficients in the wind tunnel showthat tree-scale shelter effects increase astree density increases. The measurements indicatethat turbulence in the canopy is dominated bylarge-scale structures with dimensions of the sameorder as the height of the canopy as found inother studies but suggest that inter-tree spacing also modulates the size of these structures. These structures are associated with the sweeps that dominatemomentum exchange in the canopy and it is thisfact that allows the tri-axial probe to operate sowell despite the relatively narrow range of anglesin which the wind vector is correctly measured. Theratio of streamwise periodicity of these structuresto vorticity thickness varies systematically withtree density in the range 2.7–5.1, which spans theexpected range of 3.5–5 found in a laboratorymixing-layer, suggesting that tree spacing imposes another relevant length scale. This test andothers show that the results are in agreement withthe idea that canopy turbulence resembles that of a mixing layer even though they disagree with, and challenge the linear relationship between, streamwise periodicity andshear length scale presented recently in theliterature. The measurements are also in goodoverall agreement with simple drag models presented recently by other researchers.  相似文献   

利用龙海1959~2005年地面10 m in平均年最大风速资料,计算分析了历年地面最大风压的年际分布及同期内的极大风压的垂直分布,结果表明:离地面10 m高处的极大风压为49.0 kg/m2;50 m高处风压可增大到93.3 kg/m2;100 m高处风压可达到123.2 kg/m2,相当于44 m/s强风暴的破坏力。  相似文献   

The effect of the Coriolis forces on the dynamicsof shear and density layers instratified flows is investigated, an effectthat has not been taken into account inmost previous studies of turbulence-meanfield or wave-mean field interactions.For instance, recent studies have shownthat shear and density layers can grow inthe presence of turbulence in a stronglystratified fluid but the effect of planetaryrotation was not taken into account. Toaddress this problem, wave-mean flowinteraction in a stratified fluid is hereinvestigated in the presence of rotation usingdirect numerical simulation. The results showthat the wave-mean flow interactionand the formation of layers is less intensewhen rotation is present because thehorizontal mean motions are deviated by theCoriolis forces, which tends to reducethe distortion of the wave field, and thusthe wave-induced fluxes of buoyancy andmomentum. This effect appears even when therotation rate is weak.  相似文献   

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