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Mussel populations (Mytilus edulis) in the Dutch Wadden Sea (intertidal mussel beds, subtidal beds and culture plots), the culture methods, the extent of mussel culture, and the ecology of the mussel are described. Mussels filter suspended matter from the water column and deposit it as feces and pseudofeces. Mussel beds consume large amounts of phytoplankton and speed up the cycle of production and breakdown of organic matter. There are indications that the consumption of phytoplankton can lead to food shortage for several animal groups. Mussels serve as an important food source for a wide range of organisms (e.g., starfish, eider ducks, and oystercatchers). Because mussel culture increased the mussel biomass in the Dutch Wadden Sea, the impact also increased. The most obvious impact of the culture is the dredging of seed mussels. Overexploitation of intertidal mussel and cockle beds and bad spatfall of both mussels and cockles since 1988 had a negative impact on bird populations. The extent of positive and negative aspects of mussel culture depends on natural and human influences. The negative aspects may (partly) be overcome by appropriate measures. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY069 00007  相似文献   

The water column concentration and bioaccumulation of the polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congener CB052 was modeled in New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, using site-specific hydrodynamics and loading information. Equilibrium partitioning theory was used to estimate interstitial water CB052 concentrations from sediment concentrations in New Bedford Harbor and Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. The rate of CB052 vertical flux from the interstitial water to the overlying water column was calculated by multiplying the vertical concentration gradient at the sedimentwater interface by a flux coefficient. The vertical flux coefficient and the flux rate from model-generated water-column concentrations were calculated using an interative procedure. Movement of CB052 within New Bedford Harbor was simulated using calibrated two-dimensional, vertically-integrated, finite element hydrodynamic and transport models. Quasi-steady-state water column concentrations and a field-derived bioconcentration factor were used to predict the expected concentration of CB052 in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) at two stations in New Bedford Harbor. The model was used to predict the effects of two remedial scenarios (i.e., reducing average sediment total PCB concentrations to 50 ppm or 10 ppm) on concentrations of CB052 in water and blue mussel tissue. Based on the model results, the CB052 concentration in blue mussels would be reduced by 33–53% for the 50 ppm option and by 67–84% for the 10 ppm option.  相似文献   

The subfossil occurrence of Mytilus edulis in central East Greenland has been C14-dated to roughly between 8000 B.P. and 5500 B.P.; compared with other areas this is a short period. Its immigration coincides with the final deglaciation of the innermost fjords, and its disappearance is contemporaneous with an increase in cold-climate plants, as shown by pollen spectra. It is suggested that it immigrated from the Svalbard area rather than from southeast Greenland, and that the central East Greenland fjord zone forms an isolated oasis, where more southerly species like Mytilus and Chlamys islandica can or could live, even if this was not possible along the surrounding and more hostile outer coasts. The reason for the absence of Mytilus edalis from the region today is probably not the local climate.  相似文献   

In the Thames Estuary at the eastern end of Long Island Sound, most mussels achieve maximal gonadal development during the summer and larval settlement occurs primarily during the fall. The timing of reproductive events is several months later than has been reported for other populations of mussels in Long Island Sound but corresponds to that of mussels inhabiting the south shore of Long Island. The data support the growing body of evidence which indicates that temperature is not a major factor determining the reproductive period of this bivalve.  相似文献   

Filtration rates and oxygen consumption rates were measured in mussels (Mytilus edulis) with and without pea crabs (Pinnotheres maculatus). Noninfested mussels had a significantly higher rate of oxygen consumption per hour (0.578 ml±0.012) than did infested mussels (0.352 ml±0.012). There was no significant effect of pea crab size on mussel respiration. Filtration rates of infested mussels were significantly lower than those of uninfested mussels. Assimilation efficiency was not significantly affected by pea crab infestation. The relationship between body size and oxygen consumption inP. maculatus is given by the following equation: {ie264-1} W0.626, where {ie264-2} is oxygen uptake (ml h?1), and W is dry weight (g). There was no difference between the sexes. It is concluded that the decreased oxygen consumption observed in infested mussels is not due to limitation of oxygen availability, but rather reflects a real metabolic response to the presence of the symbiont and the concomittant deprivation of food to the host. The effect is probably reversible, that is, damage can be compensated for after the symbiont has vacated the mussel, depending upon the period of infestation. Our results indicate that the mussels infested by pea crabs may be at an energetic disadvantage relative to mussels without pea crabs.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) is a highly toxic heavy metal and its presence in soil is of great concern due to the danger of its entry into the food chain. Among many others, proper plant nutrition is an economic and practicable strategy for minimizing the damage to plants from Cd and to decrease Cd accumulation in edible plant parts. The study was carried out to compare the effectiveness of soil and foliar applications of zinc (Zn) to minimize Cd accumulation in wheat grains. The results revealed that the exposure of plants to Cd decreased plant growth and increased Cd concentration in the shoots and grains of wheat, when compared with unexposed plants. Foliar application of 0.3 % zinc sulfate solution effectively decreased Cd concentration in wheat grains. Foliar application of Zn at a suitable concentration can effectively ameliorate the adverse effects of Cd exposure and decrease the grain Cd concentration of wheat grown in Cd-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Data from 92 postglacial pollen sequences are used to map the spread and increase of alder (Alnus glutinosa) across the British Isles between 9000 and 5000 years ago. The spread is found to be patchy and erratic in space and time. Consideration of the habitat requirements and reproductive ecology of alder suggest that it spread within Britain and Ireland after about 10 000 yr BP, when suitable habitat for it was scarce. Alder spread across most of Britain and Ireland early in the postglacial but only increased in abundance as (i) suitable habitat became available through changing sea levels, hydroseral successions, and floodplain development, and as (ii) rare weather events produced the necessary conditions for reproduction. Alder is unique among British and Irish trees in its requirement for a suitable habitat isolated among expanses of unsuitable habitats. Because of this, maps of its postglacial population spread and increase do not show the spatial coherence of maps for other forest tree taxa.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of the Acacia tortilis in several sites in Qatar was investigated using the Greig-Smith-Kershaw method of pattern analysis. Neither random nor regular dispersion were detected and the distribution of the species was of the contagious type in almost every site. Pattern analyses showed two consistent scales: a smaller scale pattern attributed to an intrinsic factor of restricted dispersal of seeds and a larger scale pattern related to past and present biotic interference.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored the extent to which secondary production in a well-mixed estuary reflects local differences in biotic and physical characteristics of habitats, or larger-scale, estuary-wide characteristics governed by a freshwater-marine gradient. We addressed the following questions: To what extent do organic components of seston within habitats in an estuary reflect distributions of local autotrophs and to what extent do estuarine consumers such as sessile filter-feeders, respond to small-scale, local differences in habitat characteristics in a wellmixed estuary? We contrasted habitat quality and consumer growth at four sites within Padilla Bay estuary, Washington, representing the major autotrophic sources of organic carbon in Pacific Northwest estuaries (i.e., phytoplankton, eelgrass (Zostera marina), epibenthic and macro-algal species, and marsh macrophytes.) The natural abundances of stable carbon isotopes {ie898-1} were used to resolve origins of organic carbon in diets of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis), a representative suspension feeder. To assess consumer responses to habitat, quality, we combined measures of sestonic food quantity and quality and physical parameters with in situ determination of mussel growth. We used measures of food quality {ie898-2} and consumer response (growth of transplanted mussels) to integrate the effects of high variability in estuarine physical and biological characteristics on primary and secondary production. Using ANOVA, we detected significant differences in the concentrations of sestonic food, seston composition as indicated by {ie898-3}, and mussel {ie898-4} values and growth rates among the four representative habitats. That significant differences in {ie898-5} values of mussel tissue corresponded to the significant differences in {ie898-6} values of local autotrophs and seston among habitats suggests that mussels in Padilla Bay rely primarily on local sources of carbon for food. Mussel growth throughout, the estuary was significantly correlated with both sestonic {ie898-7} and salinity. We conclude that differences in local seston composition and mussel growth rates reflect in part the heterogeneous, distribution of benthic primary producer habitats in Padilla Bay, despite its well-mixed nature. In addition, local differences in salinity levels, as opposed to the bay-wide freshwater-marine, gradient, explained a significant proportion of the variance in mussel growth within the bay. Our results counter the prediction that seston quality and consumer production are comparable throughout well-mixed estuaries, and suggest that the paradigm of physically and chemically determined gradients in estuarine secondary production needs to be broadened to include local biotic factors as well.  相似文献   

The current study aims to examine, the response of contrasted recombinant inbred lines of common bean to the application of phosphorus, to identify the bean recombinant inbred lines which were efficient in phosphorus utilization when dependent on nitrogen fixation as a source of nitrogen. The experiment was conducted at the experimental farm of Agricultural Research Station of the Nubaria district, Behera, Egypt, during the winter seasons of 2008?C2009. Three levels of mineral phosphorus fertilizers were applied (0, 45 and 90?kg?ha?1 phosphorus pentoxide). Nodulation, plant growth parameters, leaf area, soil Olsen phosphorus, pH, and phosphorus and nitrogen of shoots, nodules and seeds were measured. The results have shown that the recombinant inbred lines responded positively to P application levels. The best values were observed in recombinant inbred lines 75, 83 and 34. Vegetative growth parameters were significantly enhanced by increasing levels of phosphorus. The highest level of phosphorus, i.e., 90?kg?ha?1 phosphorus pentoxide gave the optimal values of growth parameters for all common bean recombinant inbred lines while control plants obtained the lowest values. An increase of Olsen-P and a decrease of soil pH were also observed with increases in phosphorus. These results led to the conclusions that phosphorus applied to Nubaria soil: (1) improved the soil fertility; (2) enhanced the ability of root nodules of common bean recombinant inbred lines to fix atmospheric nitrogen; and (3) increased the release of hydrogen by roots, thus decreasing soil pH and reducing the immobilization of phosphorus in the soil solution and transforming it into available form for the plant.  相似文献   

Subfossil finds of the beaver in Finland, both stray finds and bones among refuse at cultural sites, are reviewed. The beaver may have arrived in the Preboreal period together with other elements of the taiga fauna; the earliest finds, however, are from the Late Ancylus or Early Litorina phase of the Baltic. The animal's arrival and occurrence in this country since the end of the last glaciation are tentatively discussed.  相似文献   

The transport mechanisms of As from contaminated soil or irrigation water into roots and subsequently into grain, and the As species distribution—a toxicity determinant, is critical for assessing health risks imposed by As. However, the commonly-employed extraction of plant material with trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) has not proven successful in preserving inorganic As species. Synchrotron-based spectroscopic techniques are useful for discerning elemental distributions and chemical speciation of elements in situ. Here, we both characterize the mineral phases of Fe coatings on rice roots, and quantify plant nutrients and As species in situ on roots and grain samples. Arsenic in rice grains was present in bran layers as oxidized As (69-88% as As(V)i and 12-31% as DMA) and in the germ as a mixture of As(V)i and As(III)i, but was non-detected from the endosperm, which is consistent with previous findings. The extent of Fe coatings on rice roots was variable and, when present, consisted of lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH), goethite (α-FeOOH) and ferrihydrite (Fe(OH)3·nH2O). Arsenic was co-located with root Fe coatings, but our findings indicate that Fe is not a direct interceptor of As uptake, and is rather a bulk scavenger mostly near the air-water interface. On whole root mounts with Fe plaque, arsenic was present as mixed species of As(V)i (44-66%) and As(III)i (34-56%). Within a root cross-section, oxidized As species were dominant in the xylem (86% as As(V)i and 14% as DMA) whereas mostly reduced species (71% as As(III)i, 29% as AsGlu3) resided within a vacuole adjacent to the xylem. This finding contrasts the prevailing view that As(V)i is rapidly reduced in roots and transported to shoots as As(III)i, and points to the importance of interspecies differences in As-uptake dynamics.  相似文献   

The Mapocho river, which crosses downtown Santiago, is one of the most important rivers in contact with a population of about six million inhabitants. Anthropogenic activities, industrialization, farming activities, transport, urbanization, animal and human excretions, domestic wastes and copper mining have affected the river, contaminating it and its sediments with heavy metals. Concentration and distribution of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd were studied with the purpose of determining their bioavailability and their relation with the characteristics of the sediments. Freshly deposited seasonal sediments were collected from 0–8 cm depths from 6 locations (S1 to S6) along the 30-km long channel length, in the four seasons of year on the following dates: May 2001 (D1, autumn); August 2001 (D2, winter); October 2001 (D3, spring) and January 2002 (D4, summer). The dried samples were sifted to obtain the < 63-μm sediment fraction, since it has been shown that large amounts of heavy metals are bound in the fine-grained fraction of the sediment. Cu and Zn were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and Pb and Cd by square wave anodic stripping voltammetry. The highest concentrations of Cu (2850 μg g− 1) were found in the northern part of the river (S1, average D1–D4), near the mountains and a copper mine, and then decreased downstream to 209 μg g− 1 (S6). Total Zn showed an irregular variation, with higher values at S1 (1290 μg g− 1) and high values in some winter sampling (1384 μg g− 1 S4, S5–D2). Pb showed different trends, increasing from S1 to S6 (17 to 61 μg g− 1), with the highest values in the summer samples (83 μg g− 1, S4–S6, D4), and total Cd increased slightly from mean values of 0.2 and 0.5 μg g− 1. Partition into five fractions was made using Tessier's analytical sequential extraction technique; the residue was treated with aqua regia for recovery studies, although this step is not part of the Tessier procedure. The results show that Cu, Zn and Pb in the sediments were dependent on the sampling places along the river, and variation in two years was low (D1–D4). The highest values of total organic matter, carbonate and conductivity were found in S6, which has the smallest size particles, while at S1 the sediments were predominantly sand and contain larger amounts of silica. Cu associated with carbonate decreased gradually from 58% (1771 μg g− 1, S1) to 16% (32 μg g− 1, S6); Cu bonded to reducible fraction was almost constant (33% to 37%), and Cu associated with oxidizable fraction increased from 7% (S1) to 34% (S6), but copper content was lower (214 to 68 μg g− 1). Zn had a similar fractionation profile. However, Pb bound to oxidizable fraction did not show significant percent variation along the river (20% to 19%), but the amount bounded was 4 to 12 μg g− 1. The residual fraction increased from 24% to 41% (5 to 25 μg g− 1, S1 to S6). The distribution of Cd in the sediment was almost independent of the sampling stations and was bound to carbonate, reducible and residual fraction in similar proportion. Cu and Zn at S1 were mainly bound to carbonates and reducible phases with 91% and 73% (2779 and 965 μg g− 1, respectively), and with a change in the pH and/or the redox potential of the sediment–water system, these contaminants could easily enter the food chain. In S6 the amount of Cu and Zn in these phases was 50% and 53% (100 to 313 μg g− 1, respectively).  相似文献   

In this study we test if calcite shells of the common mussel, Mytilus edulis, contain barium in proportion to the water in which they grew. Similar to all bivalves analyzed to date, the [Ba/Ca]shell profiles are characterized by a relatively flat background [Ba/Ca]shell, interrupted by sharp [Ba/Ca]shell peaks. Previous studies have focused on these [Ba/Ca]shell peaks, but not on the background [Ba/Ca]shell. We show that in both laboratory and field experiments, there is a direct relationship between the background [Ba/Ca]shell and [Ba/Ca]water in M. edulis shells. The laboratory and field data provided background Ba/Ca partition coefficients (DBa) of 0.10 ± 0.02 and 0.071 ± 0.001, respectively. This range is slightly higher than the DBa previously determined for inorganic calcite, and slightly lower than foraminiferal calcite. These data suggest that M. edulis shells can be used as an indicator of [Ba/Ca]water, and therefore, fossil or archaeological M. edulis shells could be used to extend knowledge of estuarine dissolved Ba throughputs back in time. Moreover, considering the inverse relationship between [Ba/Ca]water and salinity, background [Ba/Ca]shell data could be used as an estuary specific indicator of salinity. The cause of the [Ba/Ca]shell peaks is more confusing, both the laboratory and field experiments indicate that they cannot be used as a direct proxy of [Ba/Ca]water or phytoplankton production, but may possibly be caused by barite ingestion.  相似文献   

The substrate composition is directly associated with the distribution of the Ribbed Mussel Geukensia demissa (=Modiolus demissus) along tidal-creek banks. Mussels were counted within a 2 dm × 5 dm microplot frame, and soil samples were collected at 5 m intervals for 320 m along Big Sheepshead Creek, near Tuckerton, New Jersey. Organic decomposition, percentage organic matter, and percentages of sand, silt, and clay were determined for each soil sample. Mussels were most frequently found in substrates characterized by low organic decomposition (Von Post >5), high organic matter content, (10–20%), and low sand content (0–20%).  相似文献   

The die-back of eel-grass (Zostera marina, L.) is found to have played an important role with regard to near-shore sedimentation and coastal changes.In a natural harbour at Kyholm, Denmark a hiatus is found between silty sediments that date from about 4000 BC and overlying modern sandy sediments. It is suggested that this is a consequence of the die-back of eel-grass in the nineteen-thirties, resulting in mobilisation and disturbance of nearshore sediments and the shoreward movement of mobilised sandy material into the harbour. The coastal morphology of Kyholm was relatively stable from 1802 to 1933, but between 1933 and 1978 there have been two periods of drastic progradation correlated with die-back of eel-grass.  相似文献   

Emys orbicularis is the most northerly-breeding chelonian in the world, present in southern and central Europe, but absent from the British Isles at the present day. Mean July temperatures well in excess of 18C appear necessary for the living species to breed successfully. In England records of E. orbicularis are now available from the Cromerian Hoxnian, Ipswichian and Flandrian temperate stages, suggesting mean July temperatures at least 2C warmer than now. Most of the available material is of Ipswichian (= Eemian) age, spanning most of this temperate stage and indicating generally high summer temperatures even near the end. On the other hand there is only one English E. orbicularis of Flandrian age, dating from the climatic optimum, compared with numerous finds in southern Scandinavia, probably reflecting the prevalence of cooler and damper summers in the more oceanic northwest.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the early migration of the wild reindeer into Finland. Reindeer bones found in dated archaeological contexts suggest that the two subspecies, the mountain reindeer ( Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) and the forest reindeer ( Rangifer tarandus fennicus Lönnb.), were part of our fauna as early as c. 9000 BP and 7000 BP, respectively. The mountain reindeer may be descended from the European Pleistocene reindeer, and may have migrated into northern Finland via the west coast of Norway. The forest reindeer invaded Finland directly from the east, from its glacial refugia in Siberia. During the Holocene, the distribution ranges of these two subspecies fluctuated in accordance with climatic and vegetational changes in northern Finland.  相似文献   

When examining the peat deposit discovered in Vydrinaya bog, South Baikal region, the authors encountered anomalous Zn and Cu concentrations for highmoors being up to 600–500 ppm on a dry matter basis in the Early Holocene beds (360–440 cm) formed 11 000–8500 years ago. It has been demonstrated that Zn and Cu are present inside the plant cells of peat moss in the form of authigenic sulfide minerals of micron size. Apart from Zn and Cu, native Ag particles (5–7 um) have been encountered in the peat of the Vydrinaya bog at a depth of 390–410 cm; these particles formed inside the organic matter of the plasma membrane of peat moss containing Ca, Al, S, and Cu. This study suggests probable patterns of the formation of zinc sulfides, copper sulfides, and native silver in peat moss. The results obtained indicate that biogenic mineral formation plays a significant role in this system, which is a very important argument in the discussion on the ore genesis, in which physicochemical processes are normally favored, while the role of living matter is quite frequently disregarded.  相似文献   

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