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城市富营养化湖泊生态恢复--南京莫愁湖物理生态工程试验   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
在分析了太湖及其流域所面临的水环境质量问题及其原因基础上,回顾总结了“十五”太湖水环境治理经验,认为源头控制需要长期不懈的努力,太湖流域的湖泊治理要针对太湖平原河网与湖荡水系特色,要重视太湖东部草型湖区生态环境恶化的严重性,必须加强生态修复单项技术间的效应优化和有效集成.根据太湖流域的社会经济发展规划,提出了太湖流域水污染控制技术与水体生态修复工程示范的总体思路是:从污染源头到湖泊出口,依次通过污染源控制、河道截污、湖荡调节、河口净化、湖泊生态修复、出湖疏导等多道防线,有效促使太湖水环境向良性方向转化.在此基础上提出了具体实施建议:全流域污染源削减和太湖水源地典型水域生态修复技术集成与工程示范,同时进行全流域水环境治理强化管理政策与决策支持技术的研究与示范.  相似文献   

湖泊生态水位计算新方法与应用   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
淦峰  唐琳  郭怀成  高伟 《湖泊科学》2015,27(5):783-790
水位是湖泊水文情势的主要特征指标,对湖泊的水量、水质和生物的栖息地等有直接或间接的影响,被认为是湖泊生态系统健康的关键影响因素.如何确定合理的湖泊水位以保证生态系统健康成为湖泊科学研究的重要科学问题.根据湖泊天然水位情势,从天然水文变化中识别多项反映完整水位过程的指标,构建了湖泊生态水位的计算方法.从湖泊天然水位情势中提取出高、低水位的历时、发生时间和变化率等水位指数来表征其生态水位.该方法弥补了传统湖泊生态水位计算方法仅给出最小生态水位的不足,体现了湖泊生态系统健康对水位过程的要求.基于提出的生态水位计算方法和鄱阳湖都昌水位站1952-2000年共49年的日均监测数据,计算了鄱阳湖的生态水位目标值区间,以期为鄱阳湖水利工程生态调度提供决策依据.  相似文献   

根据太湖五里湖湾生态重建大型围隔示范工程的现场观测结果,分析了湖泊生态重建措施对浮游植物的影响,结果显示:(1)在生态重建的第一年,尽管生态重建区内种植了大量水生植物,水体氮磷含量也有较大幅度的下降,水体透明度也被提高了近一倍,但是藻类却大量生长,并暴发了蓝藻水华;第二年,生态重建区的环境条件逐渐对藻类(包括蓝藻和其中的微囊藻)产生了抑制作用,开始出现藻类生物量下降趋势;表明生态重建措施(以水生植被重建为中心的生态系统重建组合措施)可以在较短时间内(当年)建立起一定规模的水生植物群落,有效降低水体氮磷营养盐,提高水体透明度,但要在较短时间内(2年内)完善一个较大的水生态系统结构、有效降低藻类生物量(特别是夏季)有一定困难.(2)尽管氮磷营养盐对水体藻类总量增加有较大影响,但并不是蓝藻大量暴发的决定因素,上行作用力对蓝藻的控制(bottom-up effort)表现弱于下行作用力(top-down effort).(3)较低的TN/TP比值(15.9-35.6,平均30.5)既是蓝藻水华暴发的原因,也是其作用的结果,其可能有利于蓝藻的大量暴发.(4)生态重建措施较大幅度地改善了水环境,但并没有显著提高藻类多样性指数(Shannon index),因此,单凭藻类多样性指数并不能完全反映水环境改善状况,在评价水环境质量方面需要结合其它多种指标进行综合评估.  相似文献   

太湖湖滨带类型划分及生态修复模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太湖湖滨带岸线总长405 km,73%以上被防洪大堤所包围,其余部分临近山体,属于典型的大堤型湖滨带.按照湖滨带地形地貌分为大堤型、山坡型、河口型三类,根据水文条件和露滩情况,又将大堤型分为长期露滩、间歇露滩、无滩地型,山坡型分为有滩地型、无滩地型,形成6种类型的湖滨带.根据以上太湖湖滨带划分类型,结合湖滨带生境、气候、水文条件以及植被分布现状等因素,分别采取生态保育、生态修复、生态重建的对策,设计了不同类型的太湖湖滨带生态修复模式,并分别提供了形象的修复模式示意图,以期为太湖及其类似湖滨带的生态修复提供一定的借鉴.  相似文献   

Delayed Geochemical Hazard (DGH briefly) presents the whole process of a kind of serious ecological and environmental hazard caused by sudden reactivation and sharp release of long-term accumulated pollutant from stable species to active ones in soil or sediment system due to the change of physical-chemical conditions (such as temperature, pH, Eh, moisture, the concentrations of organic matters, etc.) or the decrease of environment capacity. The characteristics of DGH are discussed. The process of a typical DGH can be expressed as a nonlinear polynomial. The points where the derivative functions of the first and second orders of the polynomial reach zero, minimum and maximum are keys for risk assessment and harzard pridication.The process and mechanism of the hazard is due to the transform of pollutant among different species principally. The concepts of "total releasable content of pollutant", TRCP, and "total concentration of active specie", TCAS, are necessarily defined to describe the mechanism of DGH. The possibility of the temporal and spatial propagation is discussed. Case study shows that there exists a transform mechanism of "gradual release" and "chain reaction" among the species of the exchangeable and the bounds to carbonate, iron and manganese oxides and organic matter, thus causing the delayed geochemical hazard.  相似文献   

滇池新运粮河水质季节变化及河岸带生态修复的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
新运粮河作为一条重要的滇池入湖河流,其水质直接影响滇池的生态健康与环境安全.运用单因子水质标识指数法探讨新运粮河下游水质季节变化规律及影响因子,并分析河岸带修复方式(护岸改造)对河流水质的影响.结果表明:铵氮,总氮,总磷,化学需氧量随时间变化明显.在5-10月的雨季,各指标浓度呈下降趋势,11月至次年4月的旱季,降水量少,各指标浓度呈上升趋势,且显著高于雨季时浓度,监测河段全年水质为劣Ⅴ类.木桩护岸河段营养盐去除率明显高于直立混凝土堤岸河段的去除率,同一护岸类型河段夏季去除率显著高于冬季.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new stochastic downscaling method: provided a numerical prediction of wind at large scale, we aim to improve the approximation at small scales thanks to a local stochastic model. We first recall the framework of a Lagrangian stochastic model borrowed from Pope. Then, we adapt it to our meteorological framework, both from the theoretical and numerical viewpoints. Finally, we present some promising numerical results corresponding to the simulation of wind over the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Peatlands are an important store of soil carbon, and play a vital role in global carbon cycling, and when located in close proximity to urban and industrial areas, can also act as sinks of atmospherically deposited heavy metals. Large areas of the UK's blanket peat are significantly degraded and actively eroding which negatively impacts carbon and pollutant storage. The restoration of eroding UK peatlands is a major conservation concern, and over the last decade measures have been taken to try to control erosion and restore large areas of degraded peat. This study utilizes a sediment source fingerprinting approach to assess the effect of restoration practices on sediment production, and carbon and pollutant export in the Peak District National Park, southern Pennines (UK). Suspended sediment was collected using time integrated mass flux samplers (TIMS), deployed across three field areas which represent the surface conditions exhibited through an erosion–restoration cycle: (i) intact; (ii) actively eroding; and (iii) recently re‐vegetated. Anthropogenic pollutants stored near the peat's surface have allowed material mobilized by sheet erosion to be distinguished from sediment eroded from gully walls. Re‐vegetation of eroding gully systems is most effective at stabilizing interfluve surfaces, switching the locus of sediment production from contaminated surface peat to relatively ‘clean’ gully walls. The stabilization of eroding surfaces reduces particulate organic carbon (POC) and lead (Pb) fluxes by two orders of magnitude, to levels comparable with those of an intact peatland, thus maintaining this important carbon and pollutant store. The re‐vegetation of gully floors also plays a key role in decoupling eroding surfaces from the fluvial system, and further reducing the flux of material. These findings indicate that the restoration practices have been effective over a relatively short timescale, and will help target and refine future restoration initiatives. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

底栖动物作为湖泊生态修复中常用的淡水生物类群,对维持和稳定湖泊生态系统结构与功能具有重要作用,探明底栖动物群落演变特征对湖泊生态修复实践具有重要的指导意义.本研究于2007—2017年对太湖五里湖底栖动物群落结构开展了11年的长期调查,结合底栖动物历史数据以及水体、沉积物和浮游植物等相关资料的分析,探讨了五里湖底栖动物群落结构演变特征及潜在的影响因素.在综合分析底栖动物及环境因子变化特征的基础上,结合五里湖开发与修复工程的特点和发生时间,发现五里湖底栖动物群落演变过程总体可划分为自然演变、快速退化、生境修复和缓慢恢复4个阶段.在自然演变阶段,生境特征为底栖动物群落演变的直接影响因素,如水深、溶解氧和底质类型等;在快速退化阶段,人类活动干扰(如围湖造田)剧烈成为此阶段底栖动物群落演变的主要影响因素;在生境修复阶段,五里湖内开展的综合整治(包括生态清淤、污水截流、退渔还湖、动力换水、生态修复、湖岸整治和环湖林带建设等工程)等各项生态修复工程成为群落演变的主要影响因素,但在此阶段底栖动物优势种仍为耐污种;自2014年以来进入缓慢恢复期,软体动物投放成为底栖动物群落演变的一个重要影响因素,铜锈...  相似文献   

在地形高度变化较大的复杂地形区由于探测立本角难于近似满足2π条件,造成航空伽玛能谱测量数据高度改正结果失真,在山谷区立体角大于2π条件,改正结果偏高,在山峰区立体角小于2π条件,改正结果偏低,即地形的变化影响了高度改正的效果.本文对现有两类四种航空伽玛能谱测量数据地形改正方法进行理论分析和效果对比研究,优选出适用于航空...  相似文献   

碳纤维布改善高强混凝土柱延性的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
本文进行了8根高强混凝土柱在低周反复荷载作用下的试验,研究了使用碳纤维布横向包裹的高强混凝土柱来提高其延性这种加固方法的有效性。本文研究了碳纤维布横向包裹高强混凝土柱的受力特性,分析了加荷角度,碳纤维布拉伸强度以及碳纤维布的包裹层数等因素对构件抗震加效果的影响,并对碳纤维布加固高强混凝土柱使其延性提高的机理进行了探讨,试验结果表明,横向缠裹碳纤维布可显著提高高强混凝土柱的延性。  相似文献   

Both monitoring and model simulation are useful for understanding and detecting changes in the environment. To understand and simulate leaching in small forested catchments, it is important to have knowledge of soil processes. Here, we describe recent development of the Hydrological Predictions for the Environment (HYPE) model for forested catchments. HYPE includes an organic carbon (OC) variable in addition to previously published nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and water flow models. The aspects addressed in the current study included P concentrations under low‐flow conditions and high concentrations of inorganic N. HYPE was further developed based on nine small forested catchments (0.5–200 ha) in Sweden, which were calibrated separately using local data. The model (excluding the OC variable) was tested on a larger set of forest catchments from the operational HYPE model of Sweden (S‐HYPE). We observed the following: (1) dissolved organic P could make a significant contribution to the total P concentration in a stream during low‐flow periods, (2) the inorganic N concentration simulated in a stream improved when part of the atmospheric N was retained in the soil, (3) the soil flow path formulation was critical for simulating concentration dynamics, and (4) evaluating an additional variable (OC) further elucidated the soil runoff processes in the model. Copyright © 2016 Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. Hydrological Processes published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many invaluable underwater buildings of archaeological interest in Alexandria were discovered in 1996 at different sites in the Eastern Harbour of Alexandria. There is a belief that the best way to protect these invaluable heritages is to transfer them to an underwater park or museum. Obviously, the execution of such a project depends essentially upon the water quality (including water transparency) improving in the future. The harbour is presently polluted by discharge of wastewater effluents from different sources. It has recently been decided to restore this important coastal area through: (1) stopping the direct discharge of wastewater effluents into this semi-enclosed harbour in 1993 and (2) gradually reducing the discharge of the municipal wastewater through marine outfalls at two sites lying at the outer sides of the harbour. Zero discharge is expected to be effective by the end of the year 2001. The present work, therefore, is a follow up of the study of water quality in the harbour after 1993: in 1996 and 1999-2000. The water quality of an open sea reference station was also studied for comparison. The results reveal occurrence of an improvement of the environmental conditions in the harbour. The water has turned from being eutrophic to mesotrophic. The harbour is expected to become meso/oligotrophic as soon as the complete cessation of the discharge from the two outside sources is attained.  相似文献   

基于数字地磁资料的滤波幅相法初步应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据地磁垂直分量日变化畸变异常的周期特征, 应用FHD磁力仪分钟值观测资料, 通过富氏拟合滤出1~3 h的日变化,突出垂直分量日变化中的畸变变化, 直接获取了幅相法异常。 新方法只需单台的垂直分量分钟值观测资料, 克服了原有幅相法需要参考台资料的缺陷, 方便了异常提取, 拓展了数字地磁观测资料的应用范围。  相似文献   

碳纤维布改善钢筋混凝土短柱延性的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过横向包裹碳纤维布的钢筋混凝土短柱在低周反复荷载作用下受力性能的试验研究,验证了碳纤维布对钢筋混凝土短柱延性的改善作用。经碳纤维布包裹的钢筋混凝土短柱,其延性得到了显著改善,但承载能力却变化不大。试验还发现,碳纤维布在使用中存在一个作用效率的问题,碳纤维布包裹层数愈多,其作用效率愈低。  相似文献   

This discussion is based on the paper by Lu et al. (2013) [1]. In this paper, the authors have presented a theoretical study on the PS testing based on the ray path theory and the elastodynamic finite integration technique. This discussion offers some comments on the proposed method for determining the pile length, the ray path of the first P wave arrival for PS testing and analysis results of that paper under discussion.  相似文献   

本文阐述了江西富硒土壤资源应用性生态地球化学评价的基本工作方法,列举了评价标准及依据,介绍了富硒土壤资源综合评价模型、富硒农产品质量综合评价模型和富硒农作物适宜性评估模型,展示了江西高安市灰埠—相城地区的富硒土壤资源的评价效果.结果表明,江西富硒土壤资源生态地球化学评价的工作方法具有可实际操作性,评价结果直观,成果具良好的应用性.  相似文献   

Controlling desertification is an important ecological target for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China, where studies on impacts of vegetation restoration measures on sandy soil improvement are still lacking. The Mugetan Desert in Guinan County, Qinghai Province, northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a repre-sentative ecological restoration area. The impacts of artificial vegetation on the ecological restoration and its properties are studied by using field investigation and sample testing including contents of the surface layer and the vegetation composition of movable, semi-fixed, and fixed sand dunes. Results demonstrate that the moss crust has formed on the surface of a sand dune which has become fixed after 30 years under the impact of artificial vegetation (i.e. Cathay poplar). Meanwhile, the clay minerals, organic matter, and other soil available nutrients have markedly increased. A correlation has been found between these materials, i.e., clay minerals and organic matter content increasing with silt and clay increases with reduction in sand content. In addition, soil nutrient were positively correlated with the increase of plant diversity.Under the current meteorological conditions, the artificial vegetation is helpful for the stabili-zation of sand dune and the ecological restoration in the Mugetan Desert.  相似文献   

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