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Three-dimensional (3D) co-seismic surface deformations are of great importance to interpret the characteristics of coseismic deformations and to understand the geometries and dynamics of seismogenic faults. In this paper, we propose a method for mapping 3D co-seismic deformations based on InSAR observations and crustal strain characteristics. In addition, the search strategy of correlation points is optimized by adaptive correlation distance, which greatly improves the applicability of the proposed method in restoring deformations in decorrelation areas. Results of the simulation experiment reveal that the proposed method is superior to conventional methods in both the accuracy and completeness. The proposed method is then applied to map the 3D co-seismic surface deformations associated with the 2015 MW7.2 Murghab earthquake using ascending and descending ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 images. The results show that the seismogenic fault is the Sarez-Karakul fault (SKF), which is dominated by NE-SW strike slips with an almost vertical dip angle. The north section and the south segment near the epicentre have obvious subsidence along with a southwestward motion in the northwest wall, and the southeast wall has northeast movement and surface uplift trend along the fault zone. The strain field of the earthquake is also obtained by the proposed method. It is found that the crustal block of the seismic area is obviously affected by dilatation and shear forces, which is in good agreement with the movement character of the sinistral slip.  相似文献   

利用合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)影像提取与地质活动相关的三维地表形变场,对深入理解地质灾害的形成机制及其潜在灾害风险评估非常重要.目前,利用SAR影像的同震三维形变场提取主要利用单个像素点的多次观测构建观测方程,然后基于加权最小二乘(Weighted Least Squares,WLS)方法分解从而获得同震三维形变场,因此该方法缺乏对相邻像素点空间相关性的约束.考虑相邻同震位移点的应力连续性,研究学者提出了顾及大地测量应变张量和卫星形变观测的SAR同震三维形变场方法(Extended Simultaneous and Integrated Strain Tensor Estimation from geodetic and satellite deformation Measurements,ESISTEM).本文以2016年MW7.0熊本地震为例,收集了覆盖此次地震的ALOS-2卫星升降轨影像,利用传统差分InSAR(DInSAR)方法和子孔径雷达干涉测量(Multiple Aperture InSAR,MAI)方法分别对升降轨SAR影像对进行处理,得到视线向(LOS)形变和方位向形变,最后利用ESISTEM方法获取此次地震的三维同震形变场.此外,利用GPS和野外考察观测对本文的三维形变场结果进行结果精度分析.研究结果表明,与传统WLS方法相比,ESISTEM方法不仅能有效抑制奇异像素点对形变结果的干扰,同时对近断层的失相干信号能进行较好的恢复,更有助于解释地表破裂区的地震形变特征和掌握地震发生机制.本文确定的三维同震形变场结果显示主形变区发生在Futagawa断层中部和Hinagu断层最北端,最大水平位移为2m,抬升为0.55m.断层破裂以NE-SW走向的右旋走滑为主兼有部分正断成分.应变张量分析表明发震断层处受到了明显的收缩力和剪切力的作用.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2003,35(1-2):235-246
This paper presents methods and results of recent geodetic investigations in the Saxon part of the NW Bohemia/Vogtland earthquake area. The technique of precise GPS measurements and the intercomparison of successive observation epochs are described in detail. Horizontal surface deformations of the earth's crust were determined with an accuracy level of 1 mm over a range of some 104 m. The results of five GPS campaigns carried out from 1994 to 2001 reveal significant relative displacements of up to 5 mm between successive observation epochs. Furthermore, there are clear indications that the deformation process is not linear with time but correlated with the seismic activity.  相似文献   

Introduction Since the 1990s, GPS technique has been widely used in the crustal deformation measurement in China, which has promoted the development in geodynamic study. More and more attentions have been paid to GPS data in the study on crustal movement by the vast geoscientists and many significant results have been achieved (HUANG, et al, 1996; LI, et al, 1998; GUO, 2000). The North China is one of the areas to establish GPS monitoring networks earlier in China. After the establis…  相似文献   

Based on the horizontal crustal strain derived from GPS data and the rate accumulation intensity calculated from across-fault vertical deformation, the strain characteristics in the periods of 1992–1995, 1995–1996 and 1996–1999 in Baotou-Datong area is studied in the paper. From the comparison between the crustal strains before and after the M=6.4 Baotou earthquake occurred on May 3, 1996, it is considered that the high-magnitude area with predominant compressive strain might be the seismogenic zone for a coming strong earthquake. The area with the simultaneous higher surface strain, principal compressive strain, shear strain and tendency accumulation might be the place with higher risk of strong earthquakes. Generally, the area with low strain and predominant tensile strain might have a small possibility for strong earthquake development, which belongs to a stable area. The evolution of horizontal strain obtained from GPS measurements carried out in Baotou-Datong area in the period of 1992–1999 reflects the total developing and ending processes of the seismic episode from 1996 to 1998. The area with high and predominant compressive strain and the strain gradient zone can be considered as one of the indicators for determining the strong earthquake risk area in the future. Foundation item: State Key Basic Research Development and Programming Project (G19998040700) and State Natural Science Foundation of China (40174029).  相似文献   

汶川Ms8.0地震前InSAR垂直形变场变化特征研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用D-InSAR技术,选用汶川地震前日本ALOS/PALSAR数据,提取了汶川地震前4个条带的形变场,形变场覆盖了映秀镇、茂县、北川县、平武和青川县.结果显示,汶川地震前形变场沿断层呈“凸”状对称形变分布特征,沿发震断层附近出现隆起形变,而远离发震断层两盘均出现下沉,且随着远离断层距离的增加,沉降幅度逐步增加.在断层两侧附近的平武、北川、安县、江油一带出现了大面积形变隆起,幅度为5~10 cm,且断层西侧抬升范围大于东侧.在映秀镇和汶川地震震中附近,沿断层两侧呈现出小范围斑块状隆起,范围在10~15 cm.该隆起区域与汶川震中位置和破裂最强烈段落基本一致.在远离断层的两盘区域出现沉降,绵阳至成都一带沉降范围在0~ -10 cm之间,松潘至文县一带沉降范围在-5~ -10 cm之间.研究表明对于处于闭锁阶段的逆冲断层,震前的垂直变形可能是其主要变形特征.虽然获得的震前形变变化可能存在5 cm的DEM和对流层大气延迟造成的误差,但这种震前垂直形变场变化趋势仍然存在,可能为地震监测预报提供科学依据.  相似文献   

基于BFGS法融合InSAR和GPS技术监测地表三维形变   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
虽然InSAR技术具有高精度、大范围和高空间分辨率等优点,但只能监测雷达视线方向上的一维地表形变;而GPS技术虽可以监测地表的三维形变,但其空间分辨率很低.本文针对融合InSAR和GPS技术监测地表高空间分辨率三维形变展开研究.首先证明了简单的局部最优化迭代算法就能求得综合InSAR和GPS监测地表形变速率的能量函数模型的全局最优估值.随后提出了利用BFGS局部最优算法反演最优的地表三维形变速率.该方法既能避免全局最优化算法计算复杂且难以收敛的问题,又能克服传统的解析法中数值计算不稳定的缺点.最后,通过模拟实验和美国南加州真实数据实验表明,该方法能够得到高精度的地表三维形变速率场.而且当观测或插值误差导致解析法误差较大时,BFGS方法仍能得到高精度、稳定的全局最优解.  相似文献   

2016年日本熊本地震破裂时空过程联合反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了深入认识2016年4月15日日本熊本地震破裂的复杂性,利用远场体波资料和同震InSAR资料联合反演了此次地震的震源破裂时空过程. 联合反演结果表明:熊本地震的震源破裂持续时间约为25 s,整个破裂过程释放的总标量矩为6.03×1019 N·m,对应于矩震级MW7.1;同震滑动主要集中分布于浅部,破裂以右旋走滑为主,但在沿倾向0—5 km范围内,破裂呈较强的正断特征;此次地震破裂的最大同震滑动量约为4.9 m,且最大同震位错区位于背离断层走向上、距离起始破裂点约5—10 km的区域;破裂前期(0—7 s),在倾向上向浅表发生破裂,在走向上向东北和西南两侧扩展;大约7 s后,破裂背离断层走向主要向东北方向扩展. 根据有限断层联合反演结果推测,此次熊本地震破裂可能出露至地表.   相似文献   

张岚  李琦  唐河  孙文科 《地球物理学报》2022,65(3):1044-1056
2021年5月22日,中国青海玛多县发生了MW7.5地震.针对此次地震,国内外多家机构发布的震源机制解和有限断层滑动模型结果大都是基于半无限空间地球模型的位错理论反演得到的,未考虑地球曲率和层状效应的影响.该影响的量级以及其是否可以忽略目前仍是一个未知问题,值得研究.为此,本文利用美国地质调查局(USGS)、中国科学院青藏高原研究所以及中国地震局地球物理研究所提供的三个断层模型,基于弹性半无限空间、均质球、PREM三种地球模型的位错理论,分别计算了地表同震位移场和应变场,并对比分析了这些结果的差异.我们发现基于PREM位错理论的同震位移场与半无限空间模型的对应值差异约为3~28 cm,占PREM位错理论值的10%~30%,应变场差异更大,表明地球曲率和层状效应的影响不可忽略.此外,理论同震形变结果与GNSS和InSAR形变观测数据对比发现,基于PREM模型的理论位移场最接近于观测值.利用InSAR数据和三种地球模型反演得到的有限断层滑动模型存在差异,说明了地球模型的选择对断层模型的反演具有一定影响.本文的结果为今后对此次地震的观测数据物理解释和断层滑动反演提供了理论参考.  相似文献   

北京时间2021年5月22日02时04分,在青海省果洛藏族自治州玛多县发生Mw7.3地震.本文利用震中及邻区2009-2021年GNSS观测资料,研究了此次地震的区域孕震环境、同震和震后初期的变形特征.首先,给出了较高空间分辨率的GNSS速度场,表明震中及其邻区的构造活动以左旋剪切为主,巴颜喀拉块体南北两侧的相对运动是...  相似文献   

对2015年尼泊尔MS8.1地震的地壳均衡背景及其引起的地表形变特征进行了研究,结果表明:(1)尼泊尔MS8.1地震震中以南的印度板块岩石圈有效弹性厚度大约为9km,加载主要来自地幔;地震以北的拉萨地块岩石圈有效弹性厚度大约为2km,加载主要来自地表.(2)尼泊尔MS8.1地震震中以南地区的地壳均衡异常大约为-100mGal(10-5 m·s-2),但其北部的地壳均衡异常则为300~400mGal,尼泊尔MS8.1地震发生在地壳均衡负异常向正异常过渡的高梯度带上.(3)尼泊尔MS8.1地震使震中周围地区的地壳整体向南运动,最大水平位移超过1.5m,分布在震中东南.震中以北的同震垂向位移总体为负值,最大下降幅度超过0.5m,同震重力变化总体为正值,最大超过60μGal(10-8 m·s-2);震中以南的垂向位移总体为正值,最大升幅超过0.7m,同震重力变化总体为负值,最大降幅超过-120μGal.(4)尼泊尔MS8.1地震使"世界屋脊"喜马拉雅山脉产生沉降,最大同震降幅超过120mm,震后松弛效应将使"世界屋脊"持续缓慢下降.该强震使世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰降低了2~3mm,有可能被GPS、InSAR等现代大地测量工具检测到.  相似文献   

Aiming  Ian Shinichi  Uda 《Island Arc》1996,5(1):1-15
Abstract The earthquake surface ruptures on the northern side of Awaji Island accompanying the 1995 Southern Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake in Japan consist of three earthquake surface rupture zones called the Nojima, Matsuho, and Kusumoto Earthquake Surface Rupture Zones. The Nojima Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone is - 18 km long and was formed from Awaji-cho at the northern end of Awaji Island to Ichinomiya-cho. It occurred along the pre-existing Nojima geological fault in the northern segment and as a new fault in the southern segment. The northern segment of the Nojima Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone is composed of some subparallel shear faults showing a right-step en echelon form and many extensional cracks showing a left-step en echelon form. The southern segment consists of some discontinuous surface ruptures which are concentrated in a narrow zone a few tens of meters in width. This surface rupture zone shows a general trend striking north 30°-60° east, and dipping 75°-85° east. The deformational topographies and striations on the fault plane generated during the co-seismic displacement show that the Nojima Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone is a right-lateral strike-slip fault with some reverse component. Displacements measured at many of the outcrops are generally 100-200 em horizontally and 50-100 em vertically in the northern segment and a few em to 20 em both horizontally and vertically in the southern segment. The largest displacements are 180 em horizontally, 130 em vertically, and 215 em in netslip measured at the Hirabayashi fault scarp. The Matsuho Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone striking north 40°-60° west was also found along the coastline trending northwest-southeast in Awaji-cho for ~1 km at the northern end of Awaji Island. The Kusumoto Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone occurred along the pre-existing Kusumoto geological fault for ~ 1.5 km near the northeastern coastline, generally striking north 35°-60° east, dipping 60°-70° west. From the morphological and geomorphological characteristics, the Nojima Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone can be divided into four segments which form a right-step en echelon formation. The geological and geomorphological evidence and the aftershock epicenter distributions show clearly that the distributions and geometry of these four segments are controlled by the pre-existing geological structures.  相似文献   

An earthquake of Mw6.4 occurred in Pishan County in Xinjiang Province, northwestern Tibetan Plateau, on July 3,2015. The epicenter was located on an active blind thrust system located at the northern margin of the Western Kunlun Mountain Orogenic Belt southwest of the Tarim Basin. We constructed a shovel-shaped fault model based on the layered-crust model with reference to the seismic reflection profile, and obtained the rupture process of the earthquake from the joint inversion of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar(InSAR) measurements, far-field waveform data, and Global Positioning System(GPS) data. The results show that the seismic fault dips southward with a strike of 109°, and the rupture direction was essentially northward. The fault plane rupture distribution is concentrated, with a maximum recorded slip of 73 cm. The main features of the fault are as follows: low inclination angle(25°–10°), thrust slip at a depth of 9–13 km, rupture propagation time of about 12 s, no significant slip in soft or hard sedimentary layers at 0–4 km depth and propagation from the initial rupture point to the surrounding area with no obvious directionality. The InSAR time-series analysis method is used to determine the deformation rate in the source region within 2 years after the earthquake, and the maximum value is ~17 mm yr-1 in the radar line-of-sight direction. Obvious post-earthquake deformation is evident in the hanging wall, with a similar trend to the coseismic displacement field. These results suggest that the Pishan earthquake has not completely released the accumulated energy of the region, given that the multilayer fold structure above the blind fault is still in a process of slow uplift since the earthquake. Post-earthquake adjustment models and aftershock risk analysis require further study using more independent data.  相似文献   

由于InSAR数据处理所用的WGS84参考椭球系统与通用的DEM高程系统(EGM96大地水准参考面)不一致,在InSAR形变监测分析中会引入大地水准面高导致的误差.本文利用覆盖青藏高原北部阿尔金断裂带西段的27景Envisat ASAR宽幅模式数据和44景条带模式数据,研究了大地水准面高与InSAR大范围形变测量不确定性的关系:(1)模拟分析表明对于100 m的垂直基线,8.8 m的DEM测量误差,若研究区域存在20 m的大地水准面高的变化,对宽幅或条带模式InSAR形变测量造成的影响将由3 mm增至10 mm左右;(2)实例验证表明对于不同的研究区域,大地水准面高与该地区地形变化存在较大相关性,对于同一研究区域,垂直基线的大小决定了大地水准面高对InSAR不确定性的影响程度;(3)对于大地水准面高有较大梯度变化的研究区域,组合短基线方法与去除轨道平面的方法难以消除大地水准面高的影响.使用基于WGS84高程系统的DEM,可以为InSAR形变测量分析提供统一的高程基准,有效避免大地水准面高误差的影响.  相似文献   

利用日本ALOS-2和欧空局Sentinel-1A卫星获得的尼泊尔地震同震形变场,结合GPS同震位移数据,联合反演了断层滑动分布特征和空间展布.结果表明:尼泊尔地震的同震形变场主要集中在150km×100km的范围内,且分为南北两个相邻的形变中心,南形变中心的视线向抬升量约为1.2m,北形变中心的视线向沉降量约为0.8m,均位于发震断层上盘.位于形变抬升区的KKN4和NAST两个GPS站,抬升量和南向运动量均达到了m级,而远离震区的其他GPS台水平和垂直观测量均在1cm以内.联合反演得到的断层位错分布主要集中在沿走向150km,沿倾向70km的范围内,最大滑动量为5.59m,平均滑动量为0.94m.断层面倾角在浅部约为7°,随着深度增加,倾角逐渐变大,到垂直深度20km时倾角接近12°;5月12日MW7.2级余震位于主震破裂区的"凹"型滑动缺损区域;主震破裂区的上边界与MBT空间位置十分吻合,主震破裂区主要集中的MBT以北50~60km处,垂直深度为8~9km,倾角为9°,继续向北时主震破裂面以10°~12°的倾角向深延伸,在18~20km可能与MHT交汇.因此,初步判定MBT为此次地震的发震断层.  相似文献   

基于GPS的云南地区活动地块现今运动及应变特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用GAMIT/GLOBK软件,对云南境内以及川滇交界区域2009年、2011年、2013年3期陆态网络区域网联测数据进行处理,得到欧亚框架下的测站运动速度场。将云南地区划分为4个活动地块及7个次级构造单元,以GPS速度场为约束,建立块体的整体旋转与均匀应变模型(REHSM),采用最小二乘法,得到华南、滇东、滇中、川滇菱块南段、印支、保山及腾冲地块的运动速度。对活动块体运动进行分析,认为云南地块运动方向由SSE向逐渐至SSW向变化,具有顺时针旋转特征,运动幅度由西向东、由北向南逐渐减弱,菱形块体外各块体运动速度大幅衰减。从应变率参数结果看,华南地块、滇东块体主要受SE向压应力场控制,到滇中地块转为SE—SSE向,滇西北地区应力场方向为SSE向,滇西南印支地块为NNW向,滇西南腾冲—保山地块主要受NE—NNE向应力场控制。  相似文献   

研究帕米尔高原的构造变形特征对于理解印度板块向北推挤过程中的应变分配方式以及应力转换模式具有重要的意义.本文利用区域GPS应变场、地震应变场与震源应力场分析帕米尔高原的构造形变特征.主要结论为:(1)该区域变形主要以NNW-SSE或近N-S向的挤压为主,在高原内部伴有明显的近ENE-WSW或E-W向拉张,应力方向在帕米尔高原与塔吉克盆地区域呈现逆时针旋转的趋势,而在塔里木盆地则显示几乎与帕米尔高原的一致的应力状态,这可能与两侧盆地块体的强度差异有关.(2)安德森断层参数A∅显示帕米尔高原北缘与西侧区域为逆断层应力状态,在高原内部为正断层应力状态,这与GPS应变的结果显示的应变主要集中在主帕米尔断裂与阿莱谷地附近而在高原内部应变较低是一致的,另外应力在喀喇昆仑断裂北段的方向基本平行于断层走向,以及断层北端较低的滑动速率,这说明了地壳挤压缩短可能是帕米尔高原主要的的构造变形特征,并不支持由于边界走滑断裂导致的应变分异或者块体挤出的模式.(3)综合考虑地震应变方向与SHmax从帕米尔北部NNW-SSE方向到天山北部的近N-S方向的转换,GPS应变方向在帕米尔高原两侧盆地都存在不同程度的旋转,应力场安德森参数A∅显示的应力状态以及SKS的结果显示的近ENE-WSW方向,我们认为印度板块向北推挤与天山造山带碰撞导致帕米尔高原不对称的径向逆冲是帕米尔高原现今构造变形的主要成因与构造模式.  相似文献   

以汶川地震地表形变带的实地测量数据为基础,结合沿实测地震地表变形剖面建筑物破坏情况的调查与测量,分析了不同地震地表变形类型及其建筑物破坏特征,定量化地讨论了地表变形梯度与建筑物破坏程度间的关系.提出无论地震地表变形表现为何种类型的断层陡坎,强变形均局部化在宽10~30 m的地表破裂带内;建筑物受损情况最直接的影响是建筑物所处地点的地表变形梯度,地表变形梯度大于0.1的地段,建筑物均完全被摧毁;地表变形梯度在0.07~0.1间的地段,建筑物遭受严重损坏,产生倾斜及强烈变形等;地表变形梯度在0.03~0.07间的地段,建筑物可能受到中度损坏,产生倾斜及变形等,具有抗震设防能力的建筑物一般不会倒塌;地表变形梯度小于0.03的地段具有抗震设防能力的构建筑物一般只会受到轻度损伤或基本完好.  相似文献   

With co-seismic surface rupture slip displacements provided by the field observation for the 2001 MS8.1 West Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake, this paper estimates the rupture speed on the main faulting segment with a long straight fault trace on the surface based on a simple slip-weakening rupture model, in which the frictional overshoot or undershoot are involved in consideration of energy partition during the earthquake faulting. In contrast to the study of Bouchon and Vallée, in which the rupture propaga...  相似文献   

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