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Ocean Dynamics - Third-generation models employ a host of parameterization schemes to consider the input wind forcing and the wave energy dissipation under different physical settings and...  相似文献   

Gas formation mechanism of marine carbonate source rocks in China   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
It has been proven in exploration practice that thecarbonates in China not only can generate hydrocar-bons, but also form commercial reservoirs. The car-bonates are different from clastic rocks in view of theirdeposition environment as well as their sedimentaryand diagenetic processes. Therefore, the evaluationcriteria and hydrocarbon generation mechanism forcarbonates can not be the same as that for clasticrocks, and it is important to establish a special hydro-carbon generation mechanism and…  相似文献   


地层横波波速测量以及各向异性评价是目前随钻声波测井应用及方法研究的难题之一.针对这些问题,本文试图从钻铤上的偏心点声源在各向异性地层中的响应出发,寻求和探讨解决方案.我们基于三维有限差分模拟的随钻测井信号,研究了偏心点声源在水平横向各向同性(HTI)慢速地层井孔中激发声波传播规律,研究结果表明:在HTI地层中偏心点声源能够同时激发出快、慢两种波形,并且此两种波形中主要分别包含快、慢弯曲波,由于与钻铤波的耦合作用,其速度总是分别小于地层快、慢横波波速,所以无法直接用于地层横波波速的测量.但根据进一步的灵敏度分析可知当在3 kHz以上时,它们的相速度分别对地层参数水平和垂直剪切模量(c66c44)最为敏感.基于此特性,本文提出一种基于解析近似解的最小二乘拟合法,能够通过快、慢波频散曲线反演地层横波波速,所测值误差小于3%,并且具有很好的容错率和稳定性;进而由横波速度反演值评价地层各向异性大小.最后,地层快横波偏振方位可以利用垂直于偏心声源方向的偶极采集的信号能量变化曲线来获取.


Distinction between active and legacy sources of nutrients is needed for effective reduction of waterborne nutrient loads and associated eutrophication. This study quantifies main typological differences in nutrient load behaviour versus water discharge for active and legacy sources. This quantitative typology is used for source attribution based on monitoring data for water discharge and concentrations of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP) from 37 catchments draining into the Baltic Sea along the coastline of Sweden over the period 2003–2013. Results indicate dominant legacy source contributions to the monitored loads of TN and TP in most (33 of the total 37) study catchments. Dominant active sources are indicated in 1 catchment for TN, and mixed sources are indicated in 3 catchments for TN, and 4 catchments for TP. The TN and TP concentration contributions are quantified to be overall higher from the legacy than the active sources. Legacy concentrations also correlate well with key indicators of human activity in the catchments, agricultural land share for TN (R2 = 0.65) and population density for TP (R2 = 0.56). Legacy-dominated nutrient concentrations also change more slowly than in catchments with dominant active or mixed sources. Various data-based results and indications converge in indicating legacy source contributions as largely dominant, mainly anthropogenic, and with near-zero average change trends in the present study of catchments draining into the Baltic Sea along the coastline of Sweden, as in other parts of the world. These convergent indications emphasize needs to identify and map the different types of sources in each catchment, and differentiate strategies and measures to target each source type for possible achievement of shorter- and longer-term goals of water quality improvement.  相似文献   

As a new genetic type of natural gas exploration area, the bio-thermocatalytic transitional zone gas (BTTZG) has been highly stressed by geologists both at home and abroad. Systematic study on the generation mechanism of hydrocarbon at the transitional zone is presented. Based on simulating experiments and geochemistry analysis of the source rock with lower evolution, a hydrocarbon-forming model at the transitional zone has been established. The mechanism is proposed that under the condition of low temperature and pressure combining with extremely active structural stress and clay mineral catalysis, BTTZG is formed by de-group of soluble organic matter and polarized compositions through orthocarbon ion as well as by condensation polymerization of aromatic ring-rich insoluble organic matter. This mechanism controls the formation of BTTZG, and furthermore, BTTZG is the product of superimposition and interaction of all the factors mentioned above.  相似文献   

华北科学探测台阵背景噪声特征分析   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
利用华北科学探测台阵180多个宽频带台站2007年的连续记录,得到了台站之间噪声互相关函数.通过对三个分量记录的相关运算,获得了Rayleigh波和Love波的经验格林函数,分析了其信噪比随周期的变化和高信噪比台站对的方位分布.利用经验格林函数的非对称性和聚束方法,研究了华北科学探测台阵地震噪声的方位分布,及其季节变化特征.尽管噪声源的分布随季节有轻微变化,但全年的分析结果表明,10~32 s周期内华北台阵的地震噪声源在各个方向上的分布近于均匀,这为利用噪声成像提供了理论前提.  相似文献   




Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment - The complex process of ozone formation, its precursor compounds (volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)) emissions,...  相似文献   

非对称圆弧片状声源在井旁地层中产生的声场   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种可用于随钻三维反射声波成像测井的圆弧片状声源,推导了该声源声学性质在波数-频率域内的数学描述,并利用实轴积分的方法对该声源在井旁地层中产生的声场进行求解,考察了声源的线度、频率等因素对该声源向地层中辐射的声场的影响.研究结果表明,特定尺寸和特定频率下的圆弧片状声源产生的纵波场的水平和垂直指向性图中仅具有一个明显的主瓣,且主瓣三分贝角宽较窄,方位分辨率较高,指向性良好,适用于随钻三维反射成像测井;SV波场和SH波场的指向性图中存在两个或者多个角瓣,SV波场在垂直于井轴方向上辐射的能量为0,另外在井中发射和接收的反射SH波场和SV波场会相互干扰,所以难以利用SV波场和SH波场进行三维反射声波成像;声源的线度和频率等因素对其辐射声场影响较大,考虑到激励效率和方位分辨率等因素,对于本文描述的井孔模型,选择圆周角在75°和90°之间, 主频为12 kHz左右的声源是合适的.  相似文献   

The diagenetic mechanism and process of carbonate rocks, which is different to that of clastic rocks, decides the existence of different existing state organic matters in carbonate rocks. This has been verified by both the microscopic observation of organic petrology and the analysis of organic geochemistry of many samples. Based on the hydrous pyrolysis simulation experiment of the low-mature carbonate rocks, the contrasting study on the yield and their geochemistry characteristics of different existing state soluble organic matters of a series of various maturity samples shows that the different existing state organic matters make different contributions to hydrocarbon generation during every evolution state. So that, the hydrocarbon generation process of carbonate rocks can be summarized as the following three stages: the first is the direct degradation of biogenic bitumen macromolecules during the immature stage, the second is the thermal degradation of a large amount of kerogen at the mature stage, the last stage is the expulsion or release of inclusion organic matter owing to the increased thermal expansion pressure during the high evolution stage. Part of achievements of the Eighth Five-Year National Science-Technology Key-Task Project “85-102-02-07”.  相似文献   

A comparison is made of the first two years of Nimbus-4 backscattered ultraviolet (BUV) ozone measurements with the predictions of the Ames two-dimensional model. The ozone observations used in this study consist of the mixing ratio on the 1-, 2-, 5-, and 10-mb pressure surfaces. These data are zone and time averaged to obtain seasonal means for 1970 and 1971 and are found to show strong and repeatable meridional and seasonal dependencies. The model used for comparison with the observations extends from 80°N to 80°S latitude and from altitudes of 0 to 60 km with 5° horizontal grid spacing and 2.5-km vertical grid spacing. The chemical reaction and photolysis rate constants used in the model are those recommended in the report of the NASA Panel for Data Evaluation (1979) Chemical reaction and photolysis rates are diurnally averaged, and the photodissociation rates are corrected for the effects of scattering.It is found that the large altitude, latitude, and seasonal changes in the ozone data agree well with the model predictions. Also shown are model predictions of the sensitivity of the comparisons to changes in the assumed mixing ratios of water vapor, odd nitrogen, and odd chlorine, as well as to changes in the ambient temperature and transport parameters.  相似文献   

相控声源与声束的形成   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
用多个声源,按照一定的规律排列,分别用不同的时间激发,使每个声源激发的声波在介质中传播时有一定的相位差,这种产生声波的方法叫相控方法,这多个声源统称为相控声源.用相控声源的主要目的之一是产生一个可以控制其方向的声束.相对于点声源激发的球面波来讲,声束的能量比较集中,在介质中传播的比较远,对小的障碍物散射比较强.这样可以使声波传播的比较远,对那些声衰减比较大的介质进行一些精度比较高的探测.本文讨论相控声源在固体中激发的声束.  相似文献   

以震源机制类型划分汶川、玉树地震构造块体归属   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
2001年11月14日昆仑山口7.8级地震、2008年3月21日于田7.1级和5月12日的汶川7.9级地震,全部发生在青藏高原中部,构成新的地震活动组.昆仑山口和汶川地震分别位于巴颜喀拉活动地块的北部和东部边界,于田地震发生在该地块的西端.GPS的观测资料分析表明该块体整体向东运动.发生在块体不同部位的昆仑山口、于田和汶川3次大地震震源机制类型体现了巴颜喀拉块体活动力学的一致性.汶川主震和强余震发生之前,出现于田序列余震的强度和频度显著增高,进一步证实同一活动地块地震之间的内在联系.2010年4月14日玉树发生6.9 级地震,连同1996年11月19日的喀喇昆仑山口6.9 级地震和1997年11月18日玛尼7.5级地震,都发生在巴颜喀拉活动地块的南部边界上,震源机制表现为一致的左旋走向滑动,证实它们属于羌塘块体向东运动的结果.事实表明活动块体具有整体运动的性质,而整体运动也是两组各自3次大地震成组活动的原因.  相似文献   

Summary It is necessary to know the source mechanism for the determination of the seismic energy of seismic waves from the seismogram recorded at one station. For sparse data (selected events of the 1985/86 Western-Bohemia earthquake swarm) the source mechanisms cannot be determined fromP-wave first motions. Therefore, a new method of determining the source mechanism simultaneously with the energy calculated from observations at two stations has been developed. The method is described and tested. Advantages, disadvantages and the stability of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

李强  徐戈  杨彩霞 《地震》2005,25(3):35-42
利用地震波资料对几个典型震例孕震空区的环境应力特征进行了研究, 并对其机理进行了探讨。 研究结果显示, 逼近地震的环境应力值高于同时期构成空区的一般性(非主震震源区附近)小震, 发生在未来主震震源区及附近小震的环境应力值较高等。 上述结果的机理可用坚固体模型来解释。 研究结果有助于提高孕震空区的预报效能, 进一步提高对地震孕育过程中力学机理的认识。  相似文献   

Gypsum-salt rocks and coccolith calcareous shale are widely deposited in the lower part of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Dongying Sag,Shandong Province.The gypsum-salt rock is believed to be formed during the earlier deposition in salt lake,while the overlying coccolith shale in saline lake with relatively low salinity.By comparing the lake environment and lacustrine microbial communities between ancient and recent lakes,cyanobacteria are regarded as the main representative of productivity during the formation of gypsum-salt strata series,with the annual productivity of 1500-2000 gC m-2 yr-1.Based on the research of ultramicrofossils in the calcareous shale,coccolith is considered as the main contributor to the productivity during the formation of calcareous shale.On the basis of statistic data of sedimentary rates,shale laminations,and coccolith fossils in each lamination,the quantitative value of productivity is calculated,with the annual productivity of 2250-3810gC m-2 yr-1(averagely 3120 gC m-2 yr-1).Statistic data of large amount of pyrite framboids indicate that the lower water column was persistently in sulfidic or anoxic conditions during the deposition of gypsum-salt strata series,but it changed to be dysoxic when the coccolith calcareous shale was deposited.Both of these water conditions are favorable for the preservation of organic matter.It is estimated that the organic carbon burial efficiency of the Lower Paleogene salt lakes and saline lakes of Dongying Depression is about 10%-15%,which is calculated and analyzed using the multi-parameter geobiological model.  相似文献   

An actinometric method to determine the rate constantk 1D of O(1D) formation by ozone photolysis in the troposphere and at higher altitudes is presented. N2O is used as a scavenger gas for O(1D), and the molecular nitrogen product measured after gas chromatographic separation. First results of the method for ground level and for 26 km altitude are reported and compared with theoretical estimates ofk 1D for these levels.  相似文献   

Due to limited in situ data and diagnostic numerical models, the summer circulation structure and formation mechanism in the Beibu Gulf have always been in controversy in the past 50 years. Therefore, a new three-dimensional hindcast model was built within the northwestern South China Sea(SCS), forced with the daily averaged wind, heat flux, lateral flux, as well as tidal harmonic and eight major rivers discharges. And the east boundary was set up far away off the Qiongzhou Strait(QS). Lastly, the model results were consistent with not only the synchronous observation data from the project 908 but also the historical observed data. As a result, the summer circulation structure was revealed that the southern Gulf was occupied by an anticyclonic eddy whereas the northern Gulf was dominated by a cyclonic gyre. Although the circulation major structure was stable, its area and strength had yearly and monthly oscillation. The other three sensitive experiments indicated that the circulations in the southern and northern Gulf were driven by the SCS circulation and monsoon wind, respectively. After the theoretical analysis of the potential vorticity budget, it was further revealed the circulation in the northern Gulf was driven by the positive wind stress curl in summer. Besides, the river discharge was also significant as the vertical circulation had two layer structures outside the mouth of the Red River. Generally, this work calls for the further research on other subjects, such as ocean biogeochemical or marine fisheries.  相似文献   

InsearchofpotentialarthquakesourceregionsintheChinesemainlandinthelightofambient shearstressfieldPei-ShanCHEN;(陈培善)Tong-XiaBA...  相似文献   

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