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流体包裹体研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本世纪前十年(2001年-2010年),国内流体包裹体的研究和应用都有了很大的进展。本文就流体包裹体研究的几个主要方面——包裹体流体体系PVTX性质的模拟、人工合成流体包裹体、成矿流体和成矿机制研究以及油气包裹体和成藏过程研究等——进行了总结。国内包裹体流体体系PVTX性质的模拟研究已经达到国际水平,各种天然流体体系的状态方程被应用于包裹体研究中。结合国际上流行的流体包裹体合成技术,国内学者利用人工流体包裹体,已经开展了流体包裹体形成机理、包裹体中流体体系相平衡和流体包裹体分析设备标定的研究工作。成矿流体和成矿机制研究仍然是流体包裹体的主要应用领域,一些国际前沿的新技术和新方法,如金属矿物中流体包裹体的红外显微测温技术,单个流体包裹体成矿元素的LA-ICP-MS测定方法,以及流体包裹体组合(FIA)研究方法等,被国内学者在研究中采用。油气包裹体研究越来越受到石油地质学家的重视,其在油气成藏机理尤其是油气充注以及成分演化史研究中发挥着日益重要的作用。除了上述主要研究领域,利用熔体包裹体研究地幔流体,通过超高压变质岩中流体包裹体研究变质流体,应用表生环境下蒸发岩(石盐)中的流体包裹体研究古气候,这些方面也都取得了很好的研究成果。本世纪的前十年,国内流体包裹体研究与国际研究紧密结合,中国学者创立的ACROFI系列会议目前也已经成为国际流体包裹体界的重要系列会议之一。  相似文献   

流体包裹体在成岩作用研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
高福红  于均民 《世界地质》2000,19(4):320-323
流体包裹体的研究已经被引入到沉积学和和石油地质学领域中,常用的研究方法主要有包裹体测温和包裹体成分分析。利用流体包裹体测温的数据。可以分析,判断沉积成岩和成藏作用发生时的流体特征和古地温梯度,恢复成岩环境。利用流体包裹体的成分特征可以判断成藏和成岩作用发生的时间,从而得出沉积盆地构造运动演化、成岩作用和油气运移的时序。  相似文献   

流体包裹体的喇曼光谱分析进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
激光显微喇曼光谱已经成为流体包裹体非破坏性分析的重要手段。它可以快速方便地对单个包裹体进行定性、半定量乃至定量分析,且样品制备简单。通过对入射光进行聚焦,可以分析样品中微米级的包裹体。激光显微喇曼光谱对纯气相包裹体、盐水溶液包裹体、含挥发分的水溶液包裹体,以及有机包裹体的分析已经显示出了很大的潜力。此外,对流体包裹体中同位素比值的分析和作为高温高压下流体的分子之间作用的研究也具有很大应用前景。  相似文献   

流体包裹体成分分析研究   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
王莉娟 《地质论评》1998,44(5):496-501
笔者在日本研修期间学习和了解了先进的流体包裹体成分分的方法,其中包括分析群体包裹体液相成分的ICP-MS和PIXE分析方法;分析单个包裹体液相成分的LA-ICP-MS方法,LRM,FT-IR单个包裹体气相成分分析方法等。这些方法极大地提高了包裹体成分分析的水平,促进了包裹体研究的发展,本文简要介绍这几种流体包裹体成分分析方法和其它包裹体研究方法及笔者的一些研究成果,以供国内同行借鉴和共同探讨。  相似文献   

流体包裹体成分研究中某些尖端技术的应用进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流体包裹体成分研究中某些尖端技术的应用进展徐九华谢玉玲邹一民(北京科技大学资源工程学院,北京100083)关键词流体包裹体尖端技术应用进展90年代流体包裹体研究尖端测试技术的应用,使包裹体成分和同位素组成测定取得了突破性进展,某些成果简述如下:电子显...  相似文献   

地幔岩中流体包裹体研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
卢焕章 《岩石学报》2008,24(9):1954-1960
地幔岩石中的流体包裹体代表地幔流体的样品。地幔流体包裹体可以存在从地幔来的金刚石,地幔捕虏体和岩浆碳酸岩中。研究这些岩石和矿物中的流体包裹体可以得出其所代表的地幔流体的温度、压力、成分和同位素。我们目前见到的这三类地幔岩石的包裹体主要可在橄榄石、辉石、金刚石、方解石和磷灰石中见到。这些包裹体可以粗略地分为CO2包襄体和硅酸盐熔融体包裹体。又可细分为四类包裹体:(1)富碳酸盐的硅酸盐熔融包裹体。这种包裹体在金刚石、地幔岩捕虏体和岩浆碳酸盐岩中见到,它又可分为结晶质熔融包裹体和玻璃包裹体。(2)CO2包裹体。这种包裹体大多见于地幔捕虏体中,在金刚石和岩浆碳酸岩中也可见到。(3)含硫化物的包裹体。这种包裹体见于地幔捕虏体中,与纯CO2包裹体和含CO2的熔融包裹体共存。(4)高密度的流体包裹体。这种包裹体见于金刚石中,是一种高盐度、高密度的含K、Cl和H2O的流体包裹体,又可分为高卤水包裹体和含卤水的富硅的碳酸盐岩浆包裹体。从对金刚石、地幔捕虏体和岩浆碳酸盐岩中流体包裹体的研究表明,地幔流体存在不均匀性和不混溶性。  相似文献   

流体包裹体研究的进展和方向   总被引:42,自引:3,他引:42  
卢焕章  郭迪江 《地质论评》2000,46(4):385-392
国外近十年来,在流体包裹体研究方面取得很大进展,除了在地质年会上有许多成果报道之外,专业会议更是每年召开一次(指北美流体包裹体会议和欧州体包裹体会议),报道了大量最新的有关包裹体的研究成果。本文将从4个方面评述国外近年来流体包裹体的研究进展:即人工流体包裹体及P-T-V-X属性;流体包裹体的成分分析和年代学;流体包裹体在金矿及其他矿床研究中的应用和利用流体包裹体寻找石油。  相似文献   

流体熔融包裹体   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22  
卢焕章 《地球化学》1990,(3):225-229,T001
流体熔融包裹体是一种新类型,它代表岩浆分异热液的过程。 按室温时的相态和成分可分四种:1.气相+液相+熔体相的流体熔融包裹体;2.熔融包裹体与流体包裹体共存;3.熔融包裹体周围有细小的流体包裹体群;4.含易溶盐子矿物+气相+熔融体的流体熔融包裹体。  相似文献   

金属矿床的成矿流体成分和流体包裹体   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
卢焕章  单强 《岩石学报》2015,31(4):1108-1116
自然界中的成矿流体按其主要成分,可分为:(1)岩浆,即形成岩浆矿床的岩浆;(2)以H2O为主的流体(含Na Cl);(3)以CO2为主的流体。地壳中的流体类型很多,只有含一定金属元素含量的,并且达到一定浓度时才称为金属矿床的成矿流体。基于对矿床中流体包裹体和天然成矿流体中金属种类和含量的测定,这些金属矿床的成矿流体按金属元素含量可以分为五组,成矿流体可以来自岩浆、岩浆热液、大气降水、盆地卤水和变质流体等地质环境。  相似文献   

Speleothems from Hoti Cave in northern Oman provide a record of continental pluvial periods over the last 330,000 yr. Periods of rapid speleothem deposition occurred from 6000 to 10,500, 78,000 to 82,000, 120,000 to 135,000, 180,000 to 200,000, and 300,000 to 330,000 yr ago, with little or no growth during the intervening periods. During each of these five pluvial periods, δD values of water extracted from speleothem fluid inclusions (δDFI) are between −60 and −20‰ (VSMOW) and δ18O values of speleothem calcite (δ18OC) are between −12 and −4‰ to (VPDB). These values are much more negative than modern rainfall (for δD) or modern stalagmites (for δ18O). Previous work on the isotopic composition of rainfall in Oman has shown that northern and southern moisture sources are isotopically distinct. Combined measurements of the δD values of fluid-inclusion water with calculated δ18O values from peak interglacial speleothems indicate that groundwater was predominantly recharged by the southern (Indian Ocean) moisture source, when the monsoon rainfall belt moved northward and reached Northern Oman during each of these periods.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions were investigated in successive generations of quartz-calcite boudins and veins in the vicinity of, and within, the low-angle detachment fault (of Early Miocene age) exposed on Tinos Island (Cyclades, Greece). Abundant boudins, veins, tension gashes and mineral segregations were formed during various stages of ductile and brittle shear along the detachment indicating fluid flow at various crustal levels, assisted motion and slip along the detachment. Three generations of fluid inclusions were identified: (1) syn-deformation aqueous inclusions; (2) local- late-deformation H2O-CO2 inclusions; (3) post-slip deformation, partly decrepitated aqueous and H2O-CO2 inclusions. The conditions of inclusion trapping correspond to the greenschist facies, at temperatures between 300 and 450°C and pressures in the range of 1.5–4.0 kb. A gradient of pressure of about 0.5 kb from the fault zone to the rocks of upper and lower plates is suggested. The results indicate that the syn-deformation fluid was NaCl-KCl-sulfate-dominated with a salinity of about 5 wt% NaCl equiv. Downward infiltration of meteoric water is a suitable source for this fluid. During the late stage of fault activity, in the brittle field, fluid was of H2O-CO2 composition. Very rapid exhumation of the entire section (unrelated to motion on the investigated fault) is marked by numerous decrepitation clusters of the fluid inclusions.  相似文献   

Silicate-melt inclusions in magmatic rocks: applications to petrology   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Maria-Luce Frezzotti   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):273-299
Silicate-melt inclusions in igneous rocks provide important information on the composition and evolution of magmatic systems. Such inclusions represent accidentally trapped silicate melt (±immiscible H2O and/or CO2 fluids) that allow one to follow the evolution of magmas through snapshots, corresponding to specific evolution steps. This information is available on condition that they remained isolated from the enclosing magma after their entrapment. The following steps of investigation are discussed: (a) detailed petrographic studies to characterise silicate-melt inclusion primary characters and posttrapping evolution, including melt crystallisation; (b) high temperature studies to rehomogenise the inclusion content and select chemically representative inclusions: chemical compositions should be compared to relevant phase diagrams.

Silicate-melt inclusion studies allow us to concentrate on specific topics; inclusion studies in early crystallising phases allow the characterisation of primary magmas, while in more differentiated rocks, they unravel the subsequent chemical evolution. The distribution of volatile species (i.e., H2O, CO2, S, Cl) in inclusion glass can provide information on the degassing processes and on recycling of subducted material. In intrusive rocks, silicate melt inclusions may preserve direct evidence of magmatic stage evolution (e.g., immiscibility phenomena). Melt inclusions in mantle xenoliths indicate that high-silica melts can coexist with mantle peridotites and give information on the presence of carbonate melt within the upper mantle. Thus, combining silicate-melt inclusion data with conventional petrological and geochemical information and experimental petrology can increase our ability to model magmatic processes.  相似文献   

钨矿床的时空分布及研究现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文在查阅国内外钨矿资料的基础上,总结了钨矿床的时空分布、矿床类型、成因以及白钨矿在同位素测年方面的应用,阐述了钨矿床的成因研究现状及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

流体包裹体研究对成矿流体动力学模式的制约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
池国祥 《岩石学报》2015,31(4):907-917
热液矿床的形成既包括地球化学过程也包括流体动力学过程,后者主要研究成矿流体的驱动力、流动方向、速度及持续时间。流体及金属的来源,金属在热液中的溶解度及溶解机制,以及矿石的沉淀机制等可以通过多种地球化学手段来研究,而流体动力学过程的确定相对比较困难。流体包裹体分析不仅可以为成矿地球化学过程,而且可为流体动力学过程提供制约,因为流体包裹体研究所得到的流体P-V-T-X性质与流体流动、热传导及质量迁移等控制方程直接相关。本文阐述流体包裹体与流体动力学研究的理论关系,流体包裹体研究对已有成矿流体动力学模式的贡献,以及未来的研究方向。从流体包裹体研究得出的流体压力状态为岩浆热液及造山型成矿系统的超压驱动模式提供了关键的证据。流体包裹体均一温度及其分布为沉积盆地成矿流体动力学模式提供了重要的制约。流体包裹体研究在揭示流体混合及流体相分离等重要成矿过程方面提到了至关重要的作用,但它们在研究流体混合及多相流体流动的物理过程方面的潜力有待进一步开发。精心设计的流体包裹体研究有可能应用于古流体流动数值模型的调试。  相似文献   

沉积有机相的研究现状及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
沉积有机相是近年来国内外广泛运用于油气勘探的一种有效的研究方法。本文介绍了沉积有机相的概念、划分方案,及其在油气勘探、盆地分析和层序地层学中的应用,指出了沉积有机相与层序地层分析相结合对油气资源评价和预测烃源岩有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

The Pering deposit is the prime example of Zn–Pb mineralisation hosted by stromatolitic dolostones of the Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic Transvaal Supergroup. The hydrothermal deposit centers on subvertical breccia pipes that crosscut stromatolitic dolostones of the Reivilo Formation, the lowermost portion of the Campbellrand Subgroup. Four distinct stages of hydrothermal mineralisation are recognised. Early pyritic rock matrix brecciation is followed by collomorphous sphalerite mineralisation with replacive character, which, in turn, is succeeded by coarse grained open-space-infill of sphalerite, galena, sparry dolomite, and quartz. Together, the latter two stages account for ore-grade Zn–Pb mineralisation. The fourth and final paragenetic stage is characterised by open-space-infill by coarse sparry calcite. The present study documents the results of a detailed geochemical study of the Pering deposit, including fluid inclusion microthermometry, fluid chemistry and stable isotope geochemistry of sulphides (δ34S) and carbonate gangue (δ13C and δ18O). Microthermometric fluid inclusion studies carried out on a series of coarsely grained crystalline quartz and sphalerite samples of the latter, open-space-infill stage of the main mineralisation event reveal the presence of three major fluid types: (1) a halite–saturated aqueous fluid H2O–NaCl–CaCl2 (>33 wt% NaCl equivalent) brine, (2) low-salinity meteoric fluid (<7 wt% NaCl) and (3) a carbonic CH4–CO2–HS fluid that may be derived from organic material present within the host dolostone. Mixing of these fluids have given rise to variable mixtures (H2O–CaCl2–NaCl ±(CH4–CO2–HS), 2 to 25 wt% NaCl+CaCl2). Heterogeneous trapping of the aqueous and carbonic fluids occurred under conditions of immiscibility. Fluid temperature and pressure conditions during mineralisation are determined to be 200–210°C and 1.1–1.4 kbar, corresponding to a depth of mineralisation of 4.1–5.2 km. Chemical analyses of the brine inclusions show them to be dominated by Na and Cl with lesser amounts of Ca, K and SO4. Fluid ratios of Cl/Br indicate that they originated as halite saturated seawater brines that mixed with lower salinity fluids. Analyses of individual brine inclusions document high concentrations of Zn and Pb (∼1,500 and ∼200 ppm respectively) and identify the brine as responsible for the introduction of base metals. Stable isotope data were acquired for host rock and hydrothermal carbonates (dolomite, calcite) and sulphides (pyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite). The ore-forming sulphides show a trend to 34S enrichment from pyrite nodules in the pyritic rock matrix breccia (δ34S = −9.9 to +3.7‰) to paragenetically late chalcopyrite of the main mineralisation event (δ34S = +30.0‰). The observed trend is attributed to Rayleigh fractionation during the complete reduction of sulphate in a restricted reservoir by thermochemical sulphate reduction, and incremental precipitation of the generated sulphide. The initial sulphate reservoir is expected to have had an isotopic signature around 0‰, and may well represent magmatic sulphur, oxidised and leached by the metal-bearing brine. The δ18O values of successive generations of dolomite, from host dolostone to paragenetically late saddle dolomite follow a consistent trend that yields convincing evidence for extensive water rock interaction at variable fluid–rock ratios. Values of δ13C remain virtually unchanged and similar to the host dolostone, thus suggesting insignificant influx of CO2 during the early and main stages of mineralisation. On the other hand, δ13C and δ18O of post-ore calcite define two distinct clusters that may be attributed to changes in the relative abundance in CH4 and CO2 during waning stages of hydrothermal fluid flow.  相似文献   

辽宁四道沟热液金矿床中石英的稀土元素的特征及意义   总被引:20,自引:10,他引:20  
范建国  苏文超 《岩石学报》2000,16(4):587-590
本文用ICP-MS测定了辽宁四道沟金矿矿脉中石英及其中流体包裹体中的稀土元素含量,发现石英的稀土元素配分模式类似于其中流体包裹体的稀土元素配分模式,推断石英中的稀土元素主要赋存于注流体包裹体中,流体包裹体中的稀土元素了石英的稀土元素配分模式,原生包裹中的流体是和石英同源的,其稀土元素指示的是石英形成过程中流体的信息。而次生包裹体中的流体是石英形成后的流体活动产物,其稀土元素指示的是后期流体活动的信  相似文献   

岩浆熔体包裹体研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王蝶  卢焕章  单强 《岩石学报》2017,33(2):653-666
近现代对于熔体包裹体的研究已经有50余年,但它们在反映岩浆系统特征方面的价值是直至最近10~15年间才逐渐被火山学家、岩石学家和包裹体学者所意识到。熔体包裹体的研究结果之所以难以被接受主要有以下几个因素:1)缺乏可靠的分析技术;2)熔体包裹体捕获后会发生一系列的变化;3)包裹体中熔体存在不均匀的现象;4)较高的均一温度,很难测定。但随着分析方法的改进和熔体包裹体的系统研究,学者们逐渐确定了熔体包裹体在解开岩浆系统复杂性方面的实用性,可以这么说"熔体包裹体的研究正值当年"。例如:现代的研究提供了岩浆中溶解和出溶的挥发分含量的不可否认的证据,并且从熔体包裹体中得到的气相、盐类卤水和岩浆不混溶信息证明岩浆的相分离远比从结晶相图中推论得到的要复杂得多;包裹体岩相学已详细地描绘了熔体包裹体捕获之后经历的特定变化——结晶,挥发分的扩散,气相出溶,以及泄露等。因此,如果有细致的包裹体岩相学的观察以及精确的测试分析,那么,从熔体包裹体中得到的成分数据是有用且可靠的。  相似文献   

阿尔泰南缘克兰盆地的脉状金-铜矿化及其流体演化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阿尔泰山南缘泥盆纪克兰火山-沉积盆地蕴藏有丰富的VMS锌铅铜多金属矿床。自晚泥盆世至早二叠世末, 阿尔泰山南缘为NE-SW向强烈挤压的构造环境, VMS矿石受到变形变质改造,脉状金铜矿化发育。金(铜)石英脉主要有2种产状:(1)白色-灰白色(硫化物)顺层石英脉(QI), 产于韧脆性剪切带发育地段,呈细脉状或透镜状产于绿泥片岩、黑云片岩中;(2)斜切黄铁矿化蚀变岩、层状铅锌矿和变质岩产状的黄铜矿-黄铁矿石英脉(QII),与晚期的脆性构造有关。金(铜)石英脉的流体包裹体发育,按室温下相态特征有3类。第I类为含子矿物的高盐度包裹体(L-V-S型),子晶为NaCl, 有时为KCl,包裹体呈孤立或无序分布,代表变质早期流体特征。一般NaCl子晶先消失(210~357℃),包裹体的最终均一温度369~512℃,其捕获温度与变质相的相平衡计算温度相当,反映了变质早期中高温热液活动的特征。第II类是富CO2 包裹体,包括单相的碳质流体包裹体(L CO2、L CO2-CH4或L CO2-N2)和两相富CO2包裹体(L CO2-L H2O)2个亚类。碳质流体包裹体是常见类型,有时与L CO2-LH2O型伴生,在较晚期的黄铜矿-黄铁矿石英脉中表现为原生特征,而在较早的石英脉中常表现为次生特征。萨热阔布的碳质流体可分为纯CO2包裹体和CO2-CH4体系包裹体,纯CO2包裹体的固体CO2熔化温度(Tm,CO2)为 -60~-56.5℃,CO2部分均一温度(Th,CO2) 变化于-23~+31℃;密度一般为0.85~0.89g·m-3。CO2-CH4包裹体的Tm,CO2<-57℃,可低达-78.1℃,Th,CO2低达-33.7~-17.7℃, 其密度高达1.01~1.07g·m-3。VMS矿床中晚期叠加的黄铜矿石英脉中碳质流体包裹体可分为贫CH4-N2和富CH4-N2的CO2-CH4-N2包裹体,贫CH4-N2的碳质包裹体Tm,CO2=-63.3~-57℃,Th,CO2=-27.5~+29.7℃;富CH4-N2的CO2-CH4-N2包裹体Tm,CO2=-83.4~-65.5℃,Th,CO2=-56.0~+16.9℃。铜金石英脉中与碳质流体共生的LCO2-LH2O型包裹体均一温度Th,total=205~370℃,略低于第I类高盐度包裹体的Th,total=369~512℃。据CO2流体高温高压相图估算包裹体的捕获压力至少为110~300MPa。金(铜)石英脉的主体在相当于445~566℃的高温条件下形成的,而金铜矿化则是在高于205~370℃、110~330MPa的中高温中深条件下发生的。流体包裹体的δ18O为7.54‰~11.84‰ (QI)和3.82‰~7.82‰ (QII), δD为-84.7‰~-98.2‰(QI)和-75.8‰~-108.8‰ (QII)。结合地质特征和流体研究,说明成矿热液来源与区域变质及相关的岩浆活动有关。  相似文献   

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