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The species and characteristics of Radiolaria in the surface sediments were systematcally investigated in the sea east of Taiwan Island. One hundred and seventy-eight species of Radiolaria (including 21 unidentified species) have been identified in the surface sediments, and they belong to 2 orders, 34 families and 101 genera. Among them there are 19 families, 70 genera, 134 species of Spumellaria and 15 families, 31 genera, 44 species of NasseUaria. Of the 178 species of Radiolaria, the individual number of Spumellaria amounts to 88.1% of the total individual number, and that of Nassellaria amounts to 11.9% of the total individual number. It is shown that most of the dominant species belong to the tropical and subtropical dominant species and are brought into the area mainly by the Kuroshio, and some affecting factors including the submarine topography, submarine sediments, upwelling current east of Taiwan Island and carbonate dissolution play a secondary role in forming the Radiolaria distributions.  相似文献   

通过对台湾岛以东(角点坐标为22°N,122°E;22°N,124°30′E;24°N,125°25′E;24°N,122°E)海域67个表层沉积物样品的微体生物化石的研究,鉴定放射虫2目34科101属,178种(含21个未定种),其中泡沫虫目19科70属134种,罩笼虫目15科31属44种。对样品中保存的有孔虫化石亦进行了分析,并初步认为:影响该区微体生物化石分布的主要因素是温度、盐度、海水深度、海底沉积物、海底地形以及海流、水团等。对上述诸因素与微体生物间的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The Taiwan shoal sediments are well sorted, rounded, medium-coarse sands containing a large amount of shell and beach rock fragments and basalt gravels of deltaic, coastal, and aeolian origin. Underwater sand waves are formed by the combined tidal currents and remolded by storm waves.  相似文献   

The Taiwan shoal sediments are well sorted, rounded, medium-coarse sands containing a large amount of shell and beach rock fragments and basalt gravels of deltaic, coastal, and aeolian origin. Underwater sand waves are formed by the combined tidal currents and remolded by storm waves.  相似文献   

崇明东滩沉积环境探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为探讨崇明东滩的沉积环境,了解崇明东滩的植被、水动力等对沉积的影响,对崇明进行了为期一年的实地观测和采样实验分析研究,研究结果表明:①沉积物中含有细砂、粉砂、黏土,其中粉砂是主要组分。塑造滩地的动力以潮汐作用为主,波浪作用居于次要地位;②沉积物的平均粒径自北线断面向南线断面、自高潮向低潮滩有逐渐变粗、分选变差的趋势,且平均粒径具有明显的季节变化;③潮滩季节性冲淤变化主要是与不同季节水文条件的差异性、潮滩植被季节变化及风暴天气等有关。  相似文献   

numerical calculationsI~IOXAInong the numerical studies Of the circulation east of Taiwan Island, there were some studies, such as Yuan et al. (1998a, b), Wang et al. (1998). In their work, the Kuroshio east ofTaiwan Island and the currents southeast of Rgukyu-guntO were computed by using three-dimensional diagnOStic, semidiagnostic and prognostic model, respectively, based on the wind and hydrographic data obtained from two cruises, i. e., one cruise during October 1995, and the otherin…  相似文献   

台湾岛东部海区表层沉积物中放射虫的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国近海海区沉积物中放射虫的调查,如黄海、渤海、东海、南海等海区,已先后进行过多次[1~12],惟独在我国台湾岛东部海域尚属首次.该调查区向西与台湾本岛及绿岛、大兰屿、小兰屿相邻,南边是巴士海峡,东邻太平洋,北侧与日本琉球群岛相接.在调查区内,北面隶属琉球岛弧的八重山列岛(可进一步划分出南澳盆地和八重山海脊);中部是北东、南西走向的琉球海沟;西南部有一条称作加瓜海脊的海脊,海脊的西侧是花东盆地,东侧隶属菲律宾海盆.由于岛屿、海沟、海盆与海脊的出现,使得调查区的地形崎岖不平,水深变化大(见图1a).研究区所设的67个站位(见图1b)大部分在深水区域,深度多在2000~6000m.  相似文献   

台湾以东副热带环流区大中型浮游桡足类的生态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林景宏 《海洋学报》2007,29(1):92-97
根据1995~1997年期间在台湾岛以东副热带环流区进行4个季度月的综合调查资料,分析了该海域浮游桡足类的数量分布及其群落的生态特征,探讨其与环境因素的相关性.结果表明,本区大中型浮游桡足类呈低丰度(4个季度平均为6.75个/m3)、低优势度(Y<0.131)以及季节变化幅度小等特点.所记录的206种浮游桡足类中,5种生态类群共存.不同性质水系在测区间的动态制约着不同生态类群的配比,但丝毫左右不了热带大洋广布类群的主导地位.  相似文献   

Circulations east of Taiwan and in East China Sea and east of Ryukyu Islands during early summer 1985YuanYaochu;Cho-tengLiu;P...  相似文献   

黑潮热输运对我国沿海区域气候变化及海洋生态环境具有重要影响。基于JCOPE2(Japan Coastal OceanPredictabilityExperiment2)模式1993—2016年的高分辨率数值模拟结果,计算了通过台湾岛以东24°N KET(Kuroshio East of Taiwan Island)断面的黑潮热输运,分析了其季节及年际变化特征,结合ONI指数(Oceanic Nino Index)探讨了其与ENSO(厄尔尼诺-南方涛动)事件的关系。研究结果表明, KET断面黑潮热输运具有显著的季节变化,春夏季较大,秋冬季偏小;年均值为1.98 PW(1 PW=1015 W),标准差为0.18 PW,热输运强年为1996—1997年和2015年,热输运弱年为2000年, 2002年和2013年。超强ENSO过程对黑潮热输运有显著影响。受超强厄尔尼诺事件影响,台湾岛以东黑潮热输运明显增加,热输运极大值超前ONI指数极大值约5~10个月。利用方差分析得到流速方差项对KET断面黑潮热输运总时域方差贡献最大,解释了热输运总方差最大值的77%,其次是温度与流速...  相似文献   

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