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Summary The structural changes occurring in the clinopyroxenes with composition Di100, Di90En10 and Di80En20, due to the Ca-Mg substitution in the M2 site, have been studied. Evidence is given that with increasing Mg content a small percentage of the atoms converts from the M2 position to a new M2 position which is solely occupied by Mg. The maximum conversion of M2 to M2 found in this study is 7%. The closest parallel to the M2 geometry is found in the ZnSiO3 pyroxene (C2/c). The presence of this new site causes significant changes in the tetrahedral configuration, because the M2 atoms are not bonded to 03. The intermediate compositions, Di90En10 and Di80En20, may be thought of as the coexistence of two structural models: diopside and ZnSiO3 pyroxene (C2/c).
Kristallstrukturen Ca-reicher Klinopyroxene der CaMgSi2O6-Mg2Si2O6-Reihe
Zusammenfassung Es wurden die strukturellen Änderungen von Klinopyroxenen der Zusammensetzungen Di100, Di90En10 und Di80En20, die durch den Mg-Ersatz für Ca verursacht werden, untersucht. Es zeigt sich, daß mit steigendem Mg-Gehalt ein kleiner Teil der Atome der M2-Position zu einer neuen M2-Position wechselt; diese wird ausschließlich durch Mg besetzt. Der größte in dieser Arbeit gefundene Übergang von M2 nach M2 beträgt ca. 7%. Die stärksten Parallelen zur Geometrie um M2 werden im Pyroxen ZnSiO3 (C2/c) gefunden. Die Besetzung dieser neuen Position verursacht bedeutende Änderungen im Tetraederverband, da die M2-Atome nicht an O3 gebunden sind. Die Pyroxenstrukturen mit den intermediären Zusammensetzungen Di90En10 und Di80En20 können als Überlagerung zweier Modelle betrachtet werden: Diopsid und ZnSiO3-Pyroxen (C2/c).

Abbreviations En Enstatite - Di Diopside - Hd Hedenbergite - Fs Ferrosilite - ClEn Clinoenstatite - Di100 pure diopside - Di90 Di90En10 (mol.-%) - Di80 Di80En20 - brg bridging With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Summary In order to define the limits of expansion of the M2 polyhedron in theC2/c clinopyroxenes of formulaX M2MgM1 [Si2O6] as the mean ionic radius in the M2 site increases, the join CaMgSi2O6–SrMgSi2O6 (Di–SrPx) has been investigated atP=1 atm and between 1090°C and 1350°C. The extent of the clinopyroxene solid solutions is limited to the compositional range Di100–Di70SrPx30. Within this range the unit-cell parameters of the clinopyroxenes show a linear variation with the increase of Sr content. The comparison of the variations caused in the unit-cell dimensions by the increase of the mean ionic radius in the M2 site (Di–SrPx series) with those caused by the decrease of the mean ionic radius in M2 (Di–En series) displays a different trend ofb in the two series. This different trend ofb suggests a different mechanism of the structure deformation in the two solid solution series. The narrow extent of the Di–SrPx solid solutions atT=1200°C shows that the increase of the mean ionic radius in the M2 site is restricted to the range 1.12–1.16 Å.
La substitution Ca–Sr dans les clinopyroxènes le long du joint CaMgSi2O6–SrMgSi2O6
Résumé Le joint CaMgSi2O6–SrMgSi2O6 (Di–SrPx) a été étudié entre 1090°C et 1350°C à 1 atm dans le but d'établir quelles sont les limites de l'expansibilité du polyhèdre M2 dans les clinopyroxènesX M2MgM1 [Si2O6] (group spatialC2/c) avec l'augmentation du rayon jonique moyen dans le site M2. La solution solide est limitée à l'intervalle de composition Di100–Di70 SrPx30. Dans ce domaine les paramètres de la maille varient d'une façon linéaire avec la teneur croissante de Sr. Si on compare les variations de la maille, déterminées par le rayon jonique moyen croissant dans le site M2 (série Di–SrPx), avec celles causées par la diminution du rayon jonique moyen dans le site M2 (série Di–En), on observe une tendance différente du paramètreb dans les deux séries. Ceci indique un mécanisme différent de la déformation structuralle dans les deux séries de solutions solides. Puisque àT=1200°C le domaine des solutions solides Di–SrPx est étroit, l'augmentation du rayon ionique moyen dans le site M2 est bornée à l'intervalle 1.12–1.16 Å.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

Subsolidus phase relations on the join CaMgSi2O6-CaFe3+ AlSiO6-CaTiAl2O6 were studied by the ordinary quenching method at \(f_{O_2 } = 10^{ - 11} \) atm and 1,100°C. Crystalline phases encountered are clinopyroxeness (ss:solid solution) (Cpxss), melilite (Mel), perovskite (Pv), spinelss (Spss), magnetitess (Mtss) and anorthite (An). There is no Cpxss single phase field, and the following assemblages were found; Cpxss+Mel, Cpxss+Mel+Spss, Cpxss+Mel+Pv, Cpxss+Mel+Spss+Pv, Cpxss+Pv+Spss+An, Spss+Pv+Mel+An+Cpxss, Mel+Mtss+An+Spss+Cpxss+liquid and Mel+Mtss+An+Spss+Cpxss+Pv. Mössbauer spectral study revealed that Cpxss contains both Fe2+ and Fe3+ in the octahedral site, and it was confirmed that the CaFe3+ AlSiO6 content in the Cpxss at low \(f_{O_2 } \) is considerably less than that in the Cpxss crystallized in air, whereas the CaFe2+Si2O6 component increases. The maximum solubility of CaTlAl2O6 component in the Cpxss at low \(f_{O_2 } \) is higher than that in air. The decrease of CaFe3+ AlSiO6 in the Cpxss at low \(f_{O_2 } \) may cause increase of CaTial2O6 in the Cpxss.  相似文献   

High temperature solution calorimetry of glasses in the system CaMgSi2O6 (Di)-CaAl2SiO6 (CaTs) show them to have negative enthalpies of mixing with a regular enthalpy parameter, WH, of -11.4 ± 0.7 kcal. Negative heats of mixing between alumina-rich and alumina-poor glasses seem to be a general phenomenon in aluminosilicates and are not confined only to glassy systems containing anorthite as a component. The thermodynamic behavior of glasses in the system SiO2-Ca0.5;AlO2-CaMgO2 appears to vary in a smooth fashion, with small positive heats of mixing near SiO2 and substantial negative heats of mixing for other compositions. The exothermic behavior with increasing A1(Al + Si) may be related to local charge balance of M2+ and Al3+. The negative heats of mixing in MgCaSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6, MgCaSi2O6-CaAl2Si2O8 and NaAlSi3O8-CaAl2Si2O8 glasses are in contrast to the positive heats of mixing found in MgCaSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6 (pyroxene) and NaAlSi3O8-CaAl2Si2O8 (high plagioclase) crystalline solid solutions.  相似文献   

In situ X-ray viscometry of the silicate melts was carried out at high pressure and at high temperature. The viscosity of the silicate melts in the diopside(Di)–jadeite(Jd) system was determined in the pressure range from 1.88 GPa to 7.9 GPa and in the temperature range from 2,003 K to 2,173 K. The viscosity of the Di 25%–Jd 75% melt decreases continuously to 5.0 GPa, whereas the viscosity of the Di 50%–Jd 50% melt increases over 3.5 GPa. The viscosity of the Di50%–Jd 50% melt reaches a minimum around 3.5 GPa. Since the amounts of silicon in the two melts are the same, the difference in the pressure dependence of the viscosity may be controlled by another network-forming element, i.e., aluminum. The difference in the pressure dependence of the viscosities in the melts with two intermediate compositions in the Di–Jd system is estimated to be due to the difference in the melt structures at high pressures and high temperatures.  相似文献   

Kosmochlor (NaCrSi2O6) was synthesized by the flux method from melts along the join Na2O·2 SiO2-Na2O·Cr2O3·4 SiO2 at 1000° C in air, and isolated by dissolving the glassy matrix with hydrofluoric and perchloric acids. The join CaMgSi2O6-NaCrSi2O6 was studied at 1 atmosphere in air by the quenching technique at temperatures between 900° and 1450° C, using mixtures of kosmochlor and diopside crystals or diopside glass as starting materials. The phases are diopside solid solution, kosmochlor, spinel (Mg-chromite), eskolaite (Cr2O3) and glass. The maximum solubility of kosmochlor in diopside is 24 wt percent at 1140° C, while diopside is not soluble at all in kosmochlor, resulting in the existence of a wide range of immiscibility. Petrologic significance of the results is discussed.  相似文献   

The surface tension between silicate melts and air has been measured for melt compositions lying on the diopside-anorthite (Di-An) join from 1300° C to 1580° C. It ranges from 300 dyne/cm to 400 dyne/cm, and decreases with increasing temperature, except for a pure diopside composition. At relatively high temperatures, the surface tension decreases as the anorthite content increases, whereas at lower temperature it is almost constant. These results suggest that diopside melt has a more discrete structure at higher temperatures, whereas, anorthite-bearing melts do not dissociate in the temperature range studied. They also suggest that the structure of both the surface and interior parts of the melt are almost identical at lower temperatures, but at higher temperatures, the surface part has a more polymerized structure with Al2O3 enrichment. The surface energy, obtained from the relationship between surface tension and temperature, increases from 294 erg/cm2 (Di composition) to 1013 erg/cm2 (Di40An60) with increasing anorthite content.  相似文献   

The melting relationships in the system CaMgSi2O6 (Di)–CO2 have been studied in the 3–8 GPa pressure range to determine if there is an abrupt decrease in the temperature of the solidus accompanying the stabilization of carbonate as a subsolidus phase. Such a decrease has been observed previously in peridotitic and some eclogitic systems. In contrast, the solidus in the Di–CO2 system was found to decrease in a gradual fashion from 3 to 8 GPa. This decrease accompanies an evolution in the composition of the melt at the solidus from silicate-rich with minor CO2 at 3 GPa to carbonatitic at 5.5 GPa, where the carbonation reaction Diopside + CO2 = Dolomite (Dol) + Coesite (Cst) intersects the solidus. The near-solidus melt remains carbonatitic at higher pressure, consistent with carbonate being the dominant contributor to the melt. Based on previous studies in both eclogitic and peridotitic systems, this conclusion can be extended to more complicated systems: once carbonate is a stable subsolidus phase, it plays a major role in controlling both the temperature of melting and the composition of the melt produced.  相似文献   

Density measurements have been carried out on the melt system diopside-anorthite from room temperature to 1600° C at 1 atm, and from 1400° C to 1800° C at pressures up to 20 Kb. The densities were determined based on the dilatometric curve and density at 22° C for lowtemperatures, the double-bob Archimedean method for high-temperatures at 1 atm, and on the sinking and floating spheres method for high-pressure conditions.The results at 1 atm indicate that the thermal expansion coefficient of the glassy state is almost constant, while that of the liquid state decreases with increasing temperature. Density decreased with increasing anorthite content for both glassy and liquid states. Melts in the liquid-state mix ideally with respect to volume, while the glassy state exhibits a maximum excess volume at Di30An70. Density-pressure relations clearly show a density reversion between diopsiderich and anorthite-rich melts; the anorthite-rich melt becomes denser than diopside-rich melt at pressures above 8 kb.The free volumes of both the liquid and glassy states decreased with increasing anorthite content.Isothermal compressibilities and the hard-sphere diameter have been calculated based on the hard-sphere liquid model using thermal expansion coefficients and surface tension data. Calculated compressibilities for diopside-rich melt (Di:>Di60) agreed well with the experimental data, while calculated and observed compressibilities for anorthite-rich melt did not. This evidence indicates that diopside melt may be regarded as a discrete-melt composed of small constituent units (about 10 Å in average diameter) and much interstitial space, while anorthite melt is a three-dimensional network melt with little interstitial space. The critical composition Di60An40 is similar to that of the eutectic and corresponds to breaks between composition and other physical properties. It is proposed that the composition may reflect a kind of critical state in the substitution of the continuous structure of anorthite melt for the discrete structure of diopside melt. The critical state may be interpreted based on the site-percolation theory.  相似文献   

Synthetic diopsides in the join CaMgSi2O6 CaCrAlSiO6 have been studied by means of crystal-field theory. These diopsides are either blue or pale green in colour. The former forms at lower temperatures and the latter at higher temperatures. The optical spectra and colours can be unequivocally explained based on the assumption that Cr3+ions occupy both tetrahedral and octahedral sites in the diopsides. In the blue diopsides Cr3+ions are present in two kinds of spin state, i.e., tetrahedrally coordinated low spin and octahedrally coordinated high spin. On heating the blue diopsides, tetrahedral occupancy of chromium decreases sharply due to spin transformation from tetrahedral low spin to octahedral high spin. Above 1,160° C nearly all chromium ions are present in octahedral sites with high spin state and the diopsides become pale green in colour. Some petrogenetic applications of the resultes are discussed.  相似文献   

Seven clinopyroxenes in the system CaScAlSiO6- CaAl2SiO6 synthesized at 1 atm and under high pressure have been studied by Raman spectroscopy. The T-O-T stretching band of CaScAlSiO6 pyroxene can be deconvoluted into three bands corresponding to Al-O-Al, Al-O-Si, and Si-O-Si stretching vibrations, although that of CaAl2SiO6 can be deconvoluted into the two bands (Al-O-Al+Al-O-Si) and Si-O-Si. The Al-O-Si Raman shifts of CaScAlSiO6 and CaAl2SiO6 pyroxenes are found to fall on the linear plot of the relationship between T-T distance and Raman shifts in ABSi2O6-type pyroxenes, suggesting that the Al-O-Si chains are relatively long. Variation of areal fractions of the Raman bands demonstrates that the partial disordering of Al/Si depends on the ionic radius and electronegativity of the octahedral ion.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic parameters for the reaction: $$\begin{gathered} Mg_2 Si_2 O_6 = Mg_2 Si_2 O_6 \hfill \\ enstatite clinopyroxene \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ in the system CaO-MgO-SiO2 have been deduced from phase equilibrium and enthalpy of solution data. From the regular solution theory, the seventeen currently available reversed experimental compositions of coexisting enstatite and clinopyroxene, presumed to be ordered diopside, lead, by a statistical regression, to the following best fit parameters: ΔH o=6.80 kJ ΔS o=2.75 J/K W H Cpx =24.47 kJ (regular solution enthalpy parameter) W V Cpx =0.105 J/bar (regular solution volume parameter). The derived parameters are not significantly affected by the (necessary) choice of W Opx in the range 20–50 kJ. The above values are in very good agreement with deductions from the solution calorimetry on synthetic CaMgSi2O6-Mg2Si2O6 clinopyroxenes of Newton et al. (1979), which also places bounds on possible departures from the optimal values of these parameters. The calorimetric data may also be interpreted in terms of a Bragg-Williams cooperative-disordering model (Navrotsky and Loucks, 1977), in which diopside-structure clinopyroxene and a ‘relaxed’ low-Ca clinopyroxene (‘Fe-free pigeonite’) approach each other in composition, structural state, and stability with increasing temperature. The ΔH o parameter deduced from the regular solution theory is reinterpreted as the enthalpy change of enstatite to Mg2Si2O6 pigeonite; the ΔH o of the transformation of enstatite to the diopside structure would, in this case, be considerably larger than 6.8 kJ. The curvature of the enthalpy of solution data, explained by the regular solution theory in terms of M2-site energetics (involving W H cpx ), is reinterpreted as due to disordering and ‘relaxation’ in the Navrotsky-Loucks model. Although the regular solution theory with the best-fit parameters accounts for all of the reversed enstatite and diopside compositions to within 18 ° C, and is a convenient representation of the phase equilibria for purposes of geothermometry, the disordering model is, at the present level of knowledge, equally valid and allows for a region of stability of two coexisting clinopyroxenes.  相似文献   

Ternary clinopyroxenes have been synthesized in the plane Di-CaTs-En. The variation of their crystallographic parameters has allowed the development of three determinative grids, which utilize b-, 2 22¯1–2 310 and 2 330 –2 202 respectively. These grids show significant differences in comparison with the previously proposed ones. Present results have been used to review some data on clinopyroxenes equilibria in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS) (Biggar 1969; Bruno and Facchinelli 1978; Herzberg 1978; O'Hara and Schairer 1963; Boyd 1969). In particular the petrogenic grid correlating P, T and CaTs content of clinopyroxenes in spinel-lherzolite assemblage (Herzberg 1978) has been revised, and consequently equilibrium temperatures rise by one hundred degrees.  相似文献   

Using experimental results at 1·0 GPa for the systemsCaO–SiO2, MgO–SiO2, CaMgSi2O6–SiO2 and CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4,and all the currently available phase equilibria and thermodynamicdata at 1 bar, we have optimized the thermodynamic propertiesof the liquid phase at 1·0 GPa. The new optimized thermodynamicparameters indicate that pressure has little effect on the topologyof the CaO–SiO2, CaMgSi2O6–SiO2, and CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4systems but a pronounced one on the MgO–SiO2 binary. Themost striking change concerns passage of the MgSiO3 phase fromperitectic melting at 1 bar to eutectic melting at 1·0GPa. This transition is estimated to occur at 0·41 GPa.For the CaMgSi2O6–SiO2 and CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4 pseudo-binaries,the size of the field clinopyroxene + liquid increases withincreasing pressure. This change is related to the shift ofthe piercing points clinopyroxene + silica + liquid (from 0·375mol fraction SiO2 at 1 bar to 0·414 at 1·0 GPa)and clinopyroxene + olivine + liquid (from 0·191 molfraction SiO2 at 1 bar to 0·331 at 1·0 GPa) thatbound the clinopyroxene + liquid field in the CaMgSi2O6·SiO2and CaMgSi2O6·Mg2SiO4 pseudo-binaries, respectively. KEY WORDS: CaO–SiO2; CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4; CaMgSi2O6–SiO2; experiments; MgO–SiO2  相似文献   

The behaviour of tetrahedrally coordinated and octahedrally coordinated Cr3+ ions in diopside is discussed from the study on the join CaMg-Si2O6-CaCrCrSiO6. The molecule CaCrCrSiO6 decomposes into uvarovite+eskolaite and its maximum solubility in diopside is 6.7 wt percent at 940 ° C. Crystalline phases are diopside ss (ss is abbreviation of solid solution), uvarovite ss, wollastonite ss, spinel and eskolaite. The diopside ss is blue in colour. Its optical spectra were measured in the wavelenght range of 325–2600 nm, and assigned after tetrahedral configuration Td and octahedral configuration Oh. It is estimated that octahedral Cr3+ ions are in high spin state, while tetrahedral Cr3+ ions may be probably in low spin state. The t and B are 10,300–10,370 cm–1 and 429–432 cm–1. The CFSE for tetrahedral low spin Cr3+ ions is nearly the same as that for octahedral high spin Cr3+ ions. The ionic radii of tetrahedral low spin Cr3+ ions calculated are 0.47–0.53 Å, shrinked from the radius of octahedral high spin Cr3+ ion (0.615 Å) as much as 14–24 percent. Petrologic implications of the result are also discussed.The first half of the D. Sc. dissertation of K. Ikeda presented to Hokkaido University in June, 1976  相似文献   

Mixtures of synthetic crystalline enstatite and diopside were reacted with small water contents in sealed capsules in piston-cylinder apparatus at 30 kb between 1000° C and 1700° C. The compositions of coexisting enstatite and diopside solid solutions were measured with an ARL-EMX electron microprobe between 1000° C and 1500° C. Between 1100° C and 1500° C the pyroxenes coexisted with H2O-undersaturated liquid which quenched to inhomogeneous pyroxene crystals. The presence of liquid facilitated growth of pyroxene crystals suitable for microprobe determinations. The solvus of Davis and Boyd (1966) is generally used in geothermometry; our enstatite solvus limb is a few mol-% richer in Mg2Si2O6 in the temperature range 1000–1400° C; our diopside solvus limb is a few mol-% richer in Mg2Si2O6 below 1100°C, in close agreement between 1100° C and 1200° C, but richer in CaMgSi2O6 between 1200° C and 1500° C. Estimated equilibration temperatures for a diopside with composition 78.7% Di is 1300° C according to our results compared with 1210° C for the Davis and Boyd solvus.  相似文献   

Synthetic clinopyroxenes of compositions between CaFe3+AlSiO6 and CaFe 0.85 3+ Ti0.15Al1.15Si0.85O6 have been studied by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. The spectra consist of two doublets assigned to Fe3+ in M1 and T sites. From the area ratios of the doublets the site occupancies of Fe3+ and Al were determined. Si decreases from 1.00 to 0.85 and Al+Fe3+ increases from 1.00 to 1.15 per formula unit with increasing CaTiAl2O6 component of the clinopyroxene. The atomic ratio of Fe3+(T)/Fe3+(total) is 0.11–0.16; 4.5–7.5 percent of the T sites are occupied by Fe3+. Thus the presence of Si-O-Fe3+, Al-O-Fe3+, and Fe3+-O-Fe3+ bonds is expected in addition to Si-O-Si, Si-O-Al and Al-O-Al bonds. However, the possibility of the former bonds being present would be small, because the amount of Fe3+(T) is far less than that of Si and Al. The isomer shift of Fe3+(T) is one of the largest in the values found previously for Fe3+(T) in silicates. It increases with increasing CaTiAl2O6 component and seems to be correlated to the ionic character of the cation — anion bonds calculated from electronegativity. The quadrupole splittings of Fe3+(M1) and Fe3+(T) decrease with the substitution of Fe3+?Ti4+ in the M1 and of Si?Al in the T sites.  相似文献   

The clinopyroxenes spodumene (LiAlSi2O6), LiScSi2O6 and ZnSiO3, all with space group C2/c at ambient conditions, were studied under high pressures by single-crystal X-ray diffraction in a diamond-anvil cell. Changes in the evolution of the unit-cell parameters, optical properties and the appearance of h + k odd reflections characteristic of a primitive lattice, indicate that all three pyroxenes undergo phase transitions. The transitions are mostly displacive in character, and are non-quenchable. Transition pressures are 3.19 GPa in spodumene, ∼0.6 GPa in LiScSi2O6 and 1.92 GPa in ZnSiO3. The space group of all three high-pressure phases was determined to be P21/c by structure refinement to single-crystal X-ray intensity data collected in the DAC. In the ZnSiO3 clinopyroxene the intermediate P21/c phase further transforms to a second C2/c phase (HP-C2/c) at 4.9 GPa (confirmed by structure refinement). The volume change at this transition is about 2.6%, three times larger than in the first phase transition, and typical of the P21/c→ HP-C2/c phase transitions found previously in MgSiO3, FeSiO3, etc. These results therefore provide the first direct evidence that the HP-C2/c and the HT-C2/c structures of pyroxenes are distinct polymorphs with the same space group. The phase transition from C2/c to P21/c symmetry in spodumene and LiScSi2O6 therefore occurs because the polymorphs stable at ambient conditions are isotypic to the high-temperature C2/c phases of clinopyroxenes such as pigeonite and clinoenstatite. Received: 22 December 1999 / Accepted: 7 June 2000  相似文献   

A single-crystal of composition CaNiSi2O6 (space group C2/c) was investigated at high pressure up to about 7.8 GPa by X-ray diffraction. The unit-cell parameters were measured at 18 different pressures. The P-V data were fitted by a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state V0=435.21(1) Å3, K 0=117.6(3) GPa and K=6.4(1). The linear axial compressibilities a, b, c and a sin are 2.14(1), 3.00(1), 2.43(1) and 1.63(1) × 10–3 GPa–1. Comparing the compressibility data with other CaM1Si2O6 pyroxenes we suggest that the empirical K × V = constant relationships are followed in C2/c pyroxenes only if the same valence electron character is shared.  相似文献   

In the system CaSiO3-CaMnSi2O6-CaFeSi2O6 extensive miscibility gaps between pyroxenoids and clinopyroxenes are observed. The miscibility gap between Mn-bustamite and Mn-wollastonite has been determined experimentally by a hydrothermal technique between 400° and 1200° C at P f= 2 kbar. Further experiments have been performed at P f=9 kbar, which revealed a shifting of the miscibility gap towards more Ca-rich compositions. The bustamite phase is stabilized by high pressures and the wollastonite structure is the stable phase at high temperatures.Similar phase relations as along the join CaSiO3-CaMnSi2O6 exist along the join CaSiO3-CaFeSi2O6 but with a more extensive two-phase field of bustamite-clinopyroxene.Possible phase relations along the joins CaSiO3-CaMnSi2O6, CaSiO3-CaFeSi2O6 and CaFeSi2O6-CaMnSi2O6 are given in temperature-composition diagrams for low pressures, based on natural and experimental data.  相似文献   

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