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以江苏省快速制图服务系统为例,利用其中的多尺度地图数据库级联更新子系统,结合基础测绘增量包、辅助决策地图联动更新共享成果以及其他数据资料,研究了多尺度地图数据库更新机制,探索了一种定期更新和动态更新相结合的工作模式,有效地提高了地图数据库的现势性和准确性,为政府保障、应急救援和社会化服务提供更加优质的地图服务.  相似文献   

几种新型地图简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴忠性  张世涛 《地图》1993,(2):45-45
一、数字地图 1.常用数字地图。在一定坐标系统内,将地面物体和现象的离散数据,在电子计算机可识别的存储介质上概括的有序的集合,称之为数字地图。这种地图在计算机内可以识别对象;可量算与分析地图内容;可以与模拟地图进行转化,即将数字地图转变为图形地图;可借助现代通讯工具进行远距离或近距离的传输;可用于巡航导弹低空飞行避免雷达的干扰而摧毁对方的目标;在地图更新时比模拟地图简便;制作人口地图、统计地图亦较简便。是当前用得较多的一个新图种。  相似文献   

历史地图既能表示制图区域的空间地理信息,又能反映历史时空对比信息,展现制图区域历史上各朝代的疆域范围及社会发展状态.运用地图语言,直观描述历史变迁,日渐成熟的计算机制图技术能提高编制历史地图的准确性,历史专题内容表现方式也更加丰富多彩.本文通过对编制吉林省地图集中历史沿革图幅的总结归纳,对应用计算机技术编制历史地图的相关问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

几种地图新概念的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的地图生产是以手工方式完成的,这种生产方式不仅技术落后、费时费力,而且地图产品比较单一,难以满足广大地图用户的多方面需要.随着计算机技术在地图制图领域的广泛应用,地图生产的技术、方法以及生产手段发生了革命性的变化,出现了自动化程度很高的数字地图制图.  相似文献   

面对新近出现的更加强调数据深加工、更加侧重解决地学问题的一系列新地图概念和产品,基于行为地理学和地图学基本原理,提出人工智能时代的知识地图是面向地理行为决策的,并从空间认知、信息传输和地图可视化3个维度对知识地图进行了考察分析。在此基础上,总结了知识地图在人工智能时代的特点。与传统地图相比,知识地图更加强调知识传输和知识发现,更加强调视觉思维。  相似文献   

杨浪 《中国测绘》2009,(1):76-77
关注中国地图的出版就不能不关注<申报>地图,因为它实在是中国地图史上一个重要的里程碑式的版本.  相似文献   

金宜  翟永聪 《地理空间信息》2022,(8):151-154+157
以广东省为例,介绍了测绘产品质量监督检验管理系统的设计与实现,借助空间感知爬虫技术,基于人工智能的目标检测技术,基于Web的监控任务管理,审图知识的数据库构建与云计算技术相结合将各项地图审查业务集中纳入系统平台管理。阐述了系统建设的需求背景、总体设计、系统功能、工作流程和应用成效,探索了信息化手段辅助地图审查与互联网地图监管业务的新方式。通过测绘产品质量监督检验管理系统的设计与实现,支撑了省级互联网地理信息安全监管职能,构建了地图内容信息化审查框架,提升了地图审查效率和监管能力。  相似文献   

针对我国标准地图服务中存在的不足,从服务公众和繁荣发展地图市场的角度出发,突破已有服务模式,调整扩充地图种类,变换地图表现形式,提出了公益性标准地图服务的设计思路,其将为广大用户提供更加现势化、人性化、专业化的服务,为我国下一步标准地图服务升级提供参考。  相似文献   

张宝军 《测绘通报》2014,(6):108-111
介绍儿童历史地图的特殊性和重要性,提出编制儿童历史地图所需要注意的表达方式--文字、地图和插画三者的高效结合,并就编制地图的总体思路和主要内容进行了介绍,论述了儿童历史地图编制的过程和细节,指出儿童历史地图的编制成果有着帮助提高儿童学习能力和增强创新素质的重要作用,同时对今后儿童历史地图的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种基于微机的数字修测系统。利用现势性较好的像片和已有的地图,通过扫描仪扫描后,借助计算机实现矢量、栅格数据的叠置,进行地图的修测或地图数据库的更新。  相似文献   

实景地图的空间认知研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍实景地图的概念,讨论实景地图的空间认知过程和空间认知效果。实景地图遵循地图空间认知的一般过程,但其"亲历式"的感知过程符合人类视觉和记忆习惯。实景地图对位置认知效果较差,对方向认知效果一般,对距离、对象认知效果较好。与二维电子地图和虚拟地理环境相比,实景地图在真实性、信息量、感知度方面存在优势,而在视角和空间感方面劣势明显。  相似文献   


On the occasion of the Empire Survey Conference in 1931 we had the privilege of arranging at the Science Museum an Exhibition of Cadastral Maps and Land Records which had been somewhat hurriedly collected from the United Kingdom, the Dominions, India, eleven Colonies and Protectorates, three Mandated Territories and six foreign countries. As there is some vagueness in the application in English of the French word cadastre, it may be advisable before proceeding to say that while in Europe this word, with its German and Italian equivalents, originally applied to a record of landed property (biens fonds) compiled for fiscal purposes and is commonly still so defined in standard dictionaries, we have throughout used it in the wider sense it has gradually been assuming generally of any analogous record concerned with subdivisions of land occasioned by human use, whether the purpose to be primarily served is fiscal, juridical, economic or otherwise. Cadastral survey is the process by which the parcels of land dealt with are defined, and can be located again at need. The noun, which is rarely mentioned in English, was from the earliest days applied to the whole conspectus of the record: registers, maps, supporting documents, etc. We use the term land record loosely, and somewhat unsatisfactorily, in this comprehensive sense because the more convenient and exact one-cadastral record-has not so far found a place in British practice with its associates: cadastral maps and cadastral survey.  相似文献   

晕渲图的设计与制作一直是地学工作者研究的热点问题,使用晕渲图展示地形直观、形象、立体感强.目前有多种思路被提出用于改善晕渲图的显示效果,但是在制作小比例尺晕渲图时,仍然存在一些问题,如地形破碎导致难以把握地形宏观骨架,缺少海洋地形或海洋地形过于具体干扰到陆地要素表达,传统的DEM与山影数据叠加的模式使得美观与地形清晰无法兼得,这就需要重新对这些问题进行思考.本文以晕渲图的基本理论为出发点,采用地貌晕渲与分层设色相结合的方法,讨论全球范围的晕渲图制作过程中,不同显示比例尺下DEM分辨率配置技巧、海洋地形展示方法与地形可视化新思路.实验证明,该方法可以保证晕渲图在每级显示比例尺下都能展示出良好的地形效果,为中小比例尺晕渲图增强表现力提供了参考.  相似文献   

We report on how visual realism might influence map-based route learning performance in a controlled laboratory experiment with 104 male participants in a competitive context. Using animations of a dot moving through routes of interest, we find that participants recall the routes more accurately with abstract road maps than with more realistic satellite maps. We also find that, irrespective of visual realism, participants with higher spatial abilities (high-spatial participants) are more accurate in memorizing map-based routes than participants with lower spatial abilities (low-spatial participants). On the other hand, added visual realism limits high-spatial participants in their route recall speed, while it seems not to influence the recall speed of low-spatial participants. Competition affects participants’ overall confidence positively, but does not affect their route recall performance neither in terms of accuracy nor speed. With this study, we provide further empirical evidence demonstrating that it is important to choose the appropriate map type considering task characteristics and spatial abilities. While satellite maps might be perceived as more fun to use, or visually more attractive than road maps, they also require more cognitive resources for many map-based tasks, which is true even for high-spatial users.  相似文献   

电子地图符号设计中的美学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着电子地图的广泛应用和人们审美情趣的提高,电子地图不仅是科学技术的集中展示,更应该是美和艺术的精彩呈现。符号是地图的语言,本文分析了电子地图符号设计中的美学因素,提出了改善电子地图美感的主要方向,最后从地图符号设计技术与色彩素材采集方面,针对电子地图符号设计中的美学运用谈几点体会。  相似文献   

随着互联网信息技术的飞速发展,电子化地图得到了广泛应用,高德地图、百度地图等互联网地图广泛应用于我们日常生活中,地图的美观性和设计感就决定了人们对它的第一印象。专题图作为一种集设计理念、空间信息于一体的地图产品,在很多场合中发挥着越来越大的作用。在制作专题地图中常常使用到的软件工具有ArcMap、CorelDRAW、Adobe Illustrator等,本文基于ArcMap进行专题图地图符号的设计,利用ArcMap专业地理信息的特性和强大的符号管理工具,对地图符号设计进行深入研究探索,发掘ArcMap对专题地图符号设计的潜力。  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(4):304-312

In cooperation between remote sensing experts and cartographers interested in glaciology, new types of maps showing the glacier dynamics have been developed. The maps make use of the original phase gradient approach to glacier rheology modelling based on repeat-pass ERTS SAR interferograms. Careful map design and, in particular, colour assignment allow the visualisation of the glacier dynamics in its locally changing velocity with an estimated accuracy of approximately 2.0 cm per day. Two map derivates – a differential interferogram showing the glacier velocity and another product displaying the glacier strain rate – have been designed. Moreover, maps displaying the glacier marginal changes within the space of four years have been generated. The strain rate maps evidence that spots with high values frequently correspond with crevasse-prone areas which are even detectable under thick layers of snow. In this sense, the latter visualisations can be seen as maps of crevasse danger zones. The Svartisen in Norway and the Hintereis Glacier in Austria served as testbeds for the development of these different types of maps which are at the scales of 1:25 000, 1:50 000 and 1:100 000.  相似文献   


This article presents a quantitative analysis of fictional maps and their relation to historic maps from different periods. Fictional maps are maps of imaginary territories. This type of map is now common in fiction, but they arose relatively late, in the second half of the nineteenth century, and are considered an independent branch of cartography today. They stand out through the way they are published because they are component parts of books and not independent cartographic works, and therefore their creators are not cartographers but rather the authors of these books. Fictional maps are mostly subordinate to the story, but they serve to give a sense of historical authenticity and draw the reader into the story. Without networks of coordinates and with labels such as ‘the end of the world’, they are spatially indeterminate, but they establish a connection between the fictional landscape and its identity. This study deals with 89 fictional maps from recent children’s and young adult literature. First we present a historical overview of these works and fictional maps, and then a cartographic analysis of fictional maps. We examined seventy-seven books with fictional maps and evaluated the maps according to five groups of standard cartographic elements: natural elements, built elements, toponyms, mathematical elements, and explanatory elements. We discuss the differences between cartographic representation of fictional maps and historic maps, and build a cartographic model based on the frequency of cartographic elements to put fictional maps into historic and geographical contexts.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于纸质地形图的单像地形图数字修测方法,它能在不具有矢量地形图的地区,根据新摄取的航摄像片直接对原有的地形图分版图的扫描影像进行修测,然后用绘图输出修测后的像素地图,或用于GIS中相应数据的更新。  相似文献   


That special air maps might be necessary was realised as long ago as 1909 when the use of maps in connection with balloons was being discussed: but there was little progress and Bleriot's flight in the same year imposed a completely new outlook. At first, with the air speeds common in the early days, it was possible for the aviator to use standard topographical maps on scales such as half or one inch to one mile and navigate by the identification of prominent landmarks. It was soon realised however that certain features were more outstanding than others and this observation was incorporated in one of the very first attempts to produce an "aero" map made in 1912. In this the roads, railways and lakes were emphasised by hand colouring on a photoprint of the one inch Ordnance Survey sheet. The practice of using, or hand amending, existing topographical maps continued in the early days of the 1914-18 war but the growth of the R.F.C. and the R.N.A.S. emphasised the need for specific air maps. By the end of the war the R.N.A.S. had special air charts for use over the coastal areas of the British Isles, and a special aviation map of France had been produced for the R.F.C. These maps were probably the first ever made in quantity for use in the air but they did not differ radically from the existing topographical series except in the simplification of certain detail and the showing of additional data of value to the airman -aerodrolnes, landing grounds, dangers etc. Air speeds were still not very high and flying was largely confined to fine weather so that the main form of navigation continued to be by the direct reading of maps.  相似文献   

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