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We present a detailed survey of the dynamical structure of the phase space around the new moons of the Pluto–Charon system. The spatial elliptic restricted three-body problem was used as model and stability maps were created by chaos indicators. The orbital elements of the moons are in the stable domain on the semimajor axis, eccentricity and inclination spaces. The structures related to the 4:1 and 6:1 mean motion resonances are clearly visible on the maps. They do not contain the positions of the moons, confirming previous studies. We showed the possibility that Nix might be in the 4:1 resonance if its argument of pericentre or longitude of node falls in a certain range. The results strongly suggest that Hydra is not in the 6:1 resonance for arbitrary values of the argument of pericentre or longitude of node.  相似文献   

A mapping model is constructed to describe asteroid motion near the 3 : 1 mean motion resonance with Jupiter, in the plane. The topology of the phase space of this mapping coincides with that of the real system, which is considered to be the elliptic restricted three body problem with the Sun and Jupiter as primaries. This model is valid for all values of the eccentricity. This is achieved by the introduction of a correcting term to the averaged Hamiltonian which is valid for small values of the ecentricity.We start with a two dimensional mapping which represents the circular restricted three body problem. This provides the basic framework for the complete model, but cannot explain the generation of a gap in the distribution of the asteroids at this resonance. The next approximation is a four dimensional mapping, corresponding to the elliptic restricted problem. It is found that chaotic regions exist near the 3 : 1 resonance, due to the interaction between the two degrees of freedom, for initial conditions close to a critical curve of the circular model. As a consequence of the chaotic motion, the eccentricity of the asteroid jumps to high values and close encounters with Mars and even Earth may occur, thus generating a gap. It is found that the generation of chaos depends also on the phase (i.e. the angles andv) and as a consequence, there exist islands of ordered motion inside the sea of chaotic motion near the 3 : 1 resonance. Thus, the model of the elliptic restricted three body problem cannot explain completely the generation of a gap, although the density in the distribution of the asteroids will be much less than far from the resonance. Finally, we take into account the effect of the gravitational attraction of Saturn on Jupiter's orbit, and in particular the variation of the eccentricity and the argument of perihelion. This generates a mixing of the phases and as a consequence the whole phase space near the 3 : 1 resonance becomes chaotic. This chaotic zone is in good agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

Charged particle motion in reconnecting current sheets (CS) can be both regular and chaotic, depending on the values of transverse (perpendicular to the CS plane) and longitudinal (parallel to the electric field inside the CS) components of the magnetic field. The non-zero transverse field gives rise to chaos, whereas a sufficiently large longitudinal field tends to stabilize the motion. The longitudinal field change in time may be the cause of different regimes of electron acceleration in solar flares and magnetospheric substorms.  相似文献   

As a result of resonance overlap, planetary systems can exhibit chaotic motion. Planetary chaos has been studied extensively in the Hamiltonian framework, however, the presence of chaotic motion in systems where dissipative effects are important, has not been thoroughly investigated. Here, we study the onset of stochastic motion in presence of dissipation, in the context of classical perturbation theory, and show that planetary systems approach chaos via a period-doubling route as dissipation is gradually reduced. Furthermore, we demonstrate that chaotic strange attractors can exist in mildly damped systems. The results presented here are of interest for understanding the early dynamical evolution of chaotic planetary systems, as they may have transitioned to chaos from a quasi-periodic state, dominated by dissipative interactions with the birth nebula.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of an extrasolar planetary system with two planets, for planar motion, starting from an exact resonant periodic motion and increasing the deviation from the equilibrium solution. We keep the semimajor axes and the eccentricities of the two planets fixed and we change the initial conditions by rotating the orbit of the outer planet by Δω. In this way the resonance is preserved, but we deviate from the exact periodicity and there is a transition from order to chaos as the deviation increases. There are three different routes to chaos, as far as the evolution of (ω 2 ? ω 1) is concerned: (a) Libration → rotation → chaos, with intermittent transition from libration to rotation in between, (b) libration → chaos and (c) libration → intermittent interchange between libration and rotation → chaos. This indicates that resonant planetary systems where the angle (ω 2 ? ω 1) librates or rotates are not different, but are closely connected to the exact periodic motion.  相似文献   

We present a symplectic mapping model to study the evolution of a small body at the 3/4 exterior resonance with Neptune, for planar and for three dimensional motion. The mapping is based on the averaged Hamiltonian close to this resonance and is constructed in such a way that the topology of its phase space is similar to that of the Poincaré map of the elliptic restricted three-body problem. Using this model we study the evolution of a small object near the 3/4 resonance. Both chaotic and regular motions are found, and it is shown that the initial phase of the object plays an important role on the appearance of chaos. In the planar case, objects that are phase-protected from close encounters with Neptune have regular orbits even at eccentricities up to 0.44. On the other hand objects that are not phase protected show chaotic behaviour even at low eccentricities. The introduction of the inclination to our model affects the stable areas around the 3/4 mean motion resonance, which now become thinner and thinner and finally at is=10° the whole resonant region becomes chaotic. This may justify the absence of a large population of objects at this resonance.  相似文献   

The study of mean motion resonance dynamics was motivated by the search for an explanation for the puzzling problem of the Kirkwood gaps. The most important contributions in this field within the last 32 years are reviewed here. At the beginning of that period, which coincides with the first long-term numerical investigations of resonant motion, different hypotheses (collisional, gravitational, statistical and cosmological) to explain the origin of the gaps were still competing with each other. At present, a general theory, based on gravitational mechanisms only, is capable of explaining in a uniform way all the Kirkwood gaps except the 2/1 one. Indeed, in the 4/1, 3/1, 5/2 and 7/3 mean motion commensurabilities, the overlap of secular resonances leads to almost overall chaos where asteroids undergo large and wild variations in their orbital elements. Such asteroids, if not thrown directly into the Sun, are sooner or later subject to strong close encounters with the largest inner planets, the typical time scale of the whole process being of the order of a few million years. Unfortunately, this mechanism is not capable of explaining the 2/1 gap where the strong chaos produced by the overlapping secular resonances does not attain orbits with moderate eccentricity, of low inclination and with low to moderate amplitude of libration. In the light of the most recent studies, it appears that the 2/1 gap is the global consequence of slow diffusive processes. At present, the origin of these processes remains under study.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the chaotic orbits of Prometheus and Pandora are due to interactions associated with the 121:118 mean motion resonance. Differential precession splits this resonance into a quartet of components equally spaced in frequency. Libration widths of the individual components exceed the splitting, resulting in resonance overlap which causes the chaos. Mean motions of Prometheus and Pandora wander chaotically in zones of width 1.8 and 3.1 deg yr−1, respectively. A model with 1.5 degrees of freedom captures the essential features of the chaotic dynamics. We use it to show that the Lyapunov exponent of 0.3 yr−1 arises because the critical argument of the dominant member of the resonant quartet makes approximately two separatrix crossings every 6.2 year precessional cycle.  相似文献   

The phase-space volume of regions of regular or trapped motion, for bounded or scattering systems with two degrees of freedom respectively, displays universal properties. In particular, sudden reductions in the phase-space volume or gaps are observed at specific values of the parameter which tunes the dynamics; these locations are approximated by the stability resonances. The latter are defined by a resonant condition on the stability exponents of a central linearly stable periodic orbit. We show that, for more than two degrees of freedom, these resonances can be excited opening up gaps, which effectively separate and reduce the regions of trapped motion in phase space. Using the scattering approach to narrow rings and a billiard system as example, we demonstrate that this mechanism yields rings with two or more components. Arcs are also obtained, specifically when an additional (mean-motion) resonance condition is met. We obtain a complete representation of the phase-space volume occupied by the regions of trapped motion.  相似文献   

The dynamics of circumbinary planetary systems (the systems in which the planets orbit a central binary) with a small binary mass ratio discovered to date is considered. The domains of chaotic motion have been revealed in the “pericentric distance–eccentricity” plane of initial conditions for the planetary orbits through numerical experiments. Based on an analytical criterion for the chaoticity of planetary orbits in binary star systems, we have constructed theoretical curves that describe the global boundary of the chaotic zone around the central binary for each of the systems. In addition, based on Mardling’s theory describing the separate resonance “teeth” (corresponding to integer resonances between the orbital periods of a planet and the binary), we have constructed the local boundaries of chaos. Both theoretical models are shown to describe adequately the boundaries of chaos on the numerically constructed stability diagrams, suggesting that these theories are efficient in providing analytical criteria for the chaoticity of planetary orbits.  相似文献   

Jiang & Yeh proposed gas-drag-induced resonant capture as a mechanism able to explain the dominant 3:2 resonance observed in the trans-Neptunian belt. Using a model of a disc–star–planet system they concluded that gaseous drag in a protoplanetary disc can trap trans-Neptunian object (TNO) embryos into the 3:2 resonance rather easily although it could not trap objects into the 2:1 resonance. Here we further investigate this scenario using numerical simulations within the context of the planar restricted four-body problem by including both present-day Uranus and Neptune. Our results show that mean motion and corotation resonances are possible and trapping into both the 3:2 and 2:1 resonances as well as other resonances is observed. The associated corotation centres may easily form larger planetesimals from smaller ones. Corotation resonances evolve into pure Lindblad resonances in a time-scale of 0.5 Myr. The non-linear corotation and mean motion resonances produced are very size selective. The 3:2 resonance is dominant for submetric particles but for larger particles the 2:1 resonance is stronger. In summary, our calculations show that confined chaotic motion around the resonances not only increases trapping efficiency but also the orbital eccentricities of the trapped material, modifying the relative abundance of trapped particles in different resonances. If we assume a more compact planetary system, instead of using the present-day values of the orbital elements of Uranus and Neptune, our results remain largely unchanged.  相似文献   

A Riemann ellipsoid is a self-gravitating fluid whose velocity field is a linear function of the position coordinates. Though the theory of the equilibrium and stability is thoroughly developed, scarse attention has been paid to the dynamical behaviour.In this paper we present a numerical exploration of the phase-space structure for the Self-Adjoint S-Type Riemann ellipsoids via Poincaré surfaces of section, which reveal a rich and complex dynamical behaviour.Both the occurrence of chaos for certain values of the parameters of the system as well as the existence of periodic orbits are observed.We also considered ellipsoids embedded in rigid, homogeneous, spherical halos, obtaining evidence of the stabilizing effect of halos even in the case of finite-amplitude oscillations.Moreover, we show that the approximated equations of motion derived by Rosensteel and Tran (1991) fail to describe properly the phase-space structure of the problem.  相似文献   

We investigate the stability of the periodic motion of a satellite, a rigid body, relative to the center of mass in a central Newtonian gravitational field in an elliptical orbit. The orbital eccentricity is assumed to be low. In a circular orbit, this periodic motion transforms into the well-known motion called hyperboloidal precession (the symmetry axis of the satellite occupies a fixed position in the plane perpendicular to the radius vector of the center of mass relative to the attractive center and describes a hyperboloidal surface in absolute space, with the satellite rotating around the symmetry axis at a constant angular velocity). We consider the case where the parameters of the problem are close to their values at which a multiple parametric resonance takes place (the frequencies of the small oscillations of the satellite’s symmetry axis are related by several second-order resonance relations). We have found the instability and stability regions in the first (linear) approximation at low eccentricities.  相似文献   

(903) Nealley moves on an orbit of low eccentricity with a mean motion that is slightly larger than the 2/1 value of resonance. This orbit and some related fictious orbits are studied by numerical integrations of the four-body problem Sun-Jupiter-Saturn-asteroid over an interval of 110000 yr. The author's experience on related cases of resonance allows a study of the variation of suitably defined orbital parameters. The long-term evolution of the orbits is compared with earlier predictions. Some of the librating orbits are temporarily captured in a secondary resonance that refers to three-dimensional motion and is demonstrated by a special example.  相似文献   

This is a discussion and personal views on current important topics and methods in solar system dynamics. The topics include dynamical models, orbit resonance, planetary rings, chaos and secular evolution, motion of near-earth asteroids, the Kuiper belt, gravitational theory of the solar system and other related problems.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the stability of the motion in the averaged planar general three-body problem in the case of first-order resonance. The equations of the averaged motion of bodies near the resonance surface is obtained and is analytically integrated by quadratures. The stability of the averaged motion is analytically investigated in relation to the semi-major axes, the eccentricities and the resonance phases. An autonomous second-order equation is obtained for the deviation of semiaxes from the resonance surface. This equation has an energy integral and is analytically integrated by quadratures. The quasi-periodic dependence on time with two-frequency basis of the averaged motion of bodies is found. The basic frequencies are analytically calculated. With the help of the mean functionals calculated along integral curves of the averaged problem the new analytic first integrals are constructed with coefficients periodic in time. The analytic conditions of librations of resonance phases are obtained.  相似文献   

Our aim is to identify and classify mean‐motion resonances (MMRs) for the coplanar circular restricted three‐body problem (CR3BP) for mass ratios between 0.10 and 0.50. Our methods include the maximum Lyapunov exponent, which is used as an indicator for the location of the resonances, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) used for determining what kind of resonances are present, and the inspection of the orbital elements to classify the periodicity. We show that the 2:1 resonance occurs the most frequently. Among other resonances, the 3:1 resonance is the second most common, and furthermore both 3:2 and 5:3 resonances occur more often than the 4:1 resonance. Moreover, the resonances in the coplanar CR3BP are classified based on the behaviour of the orbits. We show that orbital stability is ensured for high values of resonance (i.e., high ratios) where only a single resonance is present. The resonances attained are consistent with the previously established resonances for the solar system, i.e., specifically, in regards to the asteroid belt. Previous work employed digital filtering and Lyapunov characteristic exponents to determine stochasticity of the eccentricity, which is found to be consistent with our usage of Lyapunov exponents as an alternate approach based on varying the mass ratio instead of the eccentricity. Our results are expected to be of principal interest to future studies, including augmentations to observed or proposed resonances, of extra‐solar planets in binary stellar systems (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We study the dynamical chaos and integrable motion in the planar circular restricted three-body problem and determine the fractal dimension of the spiral strange repeller set of non-escaping orbits at different values of mass ratio of binary bodies and of Jacobi integral of motion. We find that the spiral fractal structure of the Poincaré section leads to a spiral density distribution of particles remaining in the system. We also show that the initial exponential drop of survival probability with time is followed by the algebraic decay related to the universal algebraic statistics of Poincaré recurrences in generic symplectic maps.  相似文献   

In the present paper we have studied the resonance problem arising for critical mass values following Birkhoff's method of normalisation. It has been shown that for both the critical values the motion will remain unstable whether the critical terms are left in the Hamiltonian or carried to the coordinates in the process of normalisation.  相似文献   

A comparative study is made between the 2/1 and the 3/2 resonant asteroid motion, with the aim to understand their different behaviour (gap in the 2/1 resonance, group in the 3/2 resonance). A symplectic mapping model is used, for each of these two resonances, assuming the asteroid is moving in the three-dimensional space under the gravitational perturbation of Jupiter. It is found that these resonances differ in several points, and although there is, in general, more chaos in the phase space close to the 3/2 resonance, even in the model of circular orbit of Jupiter, there are regions, close to the secondary resonances, which are less chaotic in the 3/2 resonance compared to the 2/1 resonance, and consequently trapping can take place.  相似文献   

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