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极低级变质作用的研究现状   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
毕先梅  索书田 《地学前缘》1998,5(4):302-306
只有10余年研究历史的极低级变质作用研究对低温矿产的形成、环境保护、许多地质构造学关键问题的解决均具有重要意义。当前国外主要运用先进的分析仪器,对微细矿物的结构、成分进行分析,获得矿物组合、粘土矿物的结晶度、多型、混层比、b0值等以及有机质参数、流体包裹体等信息作为判断极低级变质作用的依据。中国对极低级变质研究刚刚起步,文中介绍了一些学者对内蒙、右江、新疆、北京、台湾等地区所作的一些研究工作。  相似文献   

极低级变质作用和极低级变质带综述   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
极低级变质作用是指变质作用最低级的部分,包括成岩作用和浅层变质作用,其变质温度范围大体介于150-370℃之间。本文简要地对极低级变质作用和极低级变质带的特征和研究领域进行综述,可以看出,通过极低级变质作用和极低级变质带的研究,能够提供造山带、沉积盆地演化及板劈理发育等有关地球动力学过程和流变状态信息;强调指出进一步研究极低级变质作用和极低级变质带的必要性。  相似文献   

极低级变质作用及其研究方法   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
近年来国际上极低级变质作用的研究进展包括综合运用了伊利石结晶度等各项指标 ,将极低级变质带划分为成岩带、近变质带和浅变质带 ,成岩带和近变质带又可进一步划分为低级成岩带、高级成岩带、低级近变质带和高级近变质带 ;研究了伸展背景、阿尔卑斯碰撞背景和增生背景下的极低级变质作用 ;进一步理解了矿物的转变过程 ,建立了变质泥质岩石的矿物反应系列。即变质泥质岩石的二八面体矿物反应系列 ,为蒙皂石—伊 /蒙混层 (I/S)—伊利石—白云母 ;对应变质镁铁质岩石的三八面体矿物反应系列 ,为蒙皂石—绿泥石 /蒙皂石混层 (C/S)—绿泥石。岩石微构造也发生同步变化 ;明确了广泛应用的伊利石结晶度的本质是雏晶大小的一种量度 ,也与晶格应变有关 ,主要受反应动力的控制 ;建立了系统的研究技术方法 ,包括野外采样方法、室内X光衍射法 (XRD)、透射电镜法 (TEM )、地质温度计、地质压力计、岩石学方法、同位素地质学方法等  相似文献   

有机质热演化与极低级变质作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
岩石中有机质热演化特征可以灵敏于反映岩石的成岩作用到变质作用之间(即极低级变质作用)的温度、压力变化情况。笔者对有机质热变指标在极低级变质作用界线、变质带划分和变质作用温度、压力和时间演化等方面的应用进行了综述和探讨。  相似文献   


川西北壤塘地区三叠纪西康群极低级变质作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过区域地质调查和伊利石的结晶度指数、晶格参数(bo)的测定,揭示川西北壤塘地区三叠纪西康群遭受了区域极低级变质作用,进一步讨论区域极低级变质作用与构造变形的关系,并指出区域极低级变质作用是成岩-埋藏变质作用(造山前)和同造山变质作用的综合结果。  相似文献   

由伊利石结晶度研究桂西右江地区区域极低级变质作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运用伊利石结晶度Kübler指数将桂西右江地区下三叠统罗楼群和中三叠统百逢组下段划归为浅层变质带(K.I△2θ°为0.22~0.25);将中三叠统百逢组上段和河口组划归为近变质带,中三叠统百逢组上段为高级近变质带(K.I△2θ°为0.26~0.33);中三叠统上部河口组为低级近变质带(K.I△2θ°为0.38~0.40),不排除局部为成岩带的可能.地层柱自下向上,伊利石结晶度Kübler指数由小变大,变质程度由高变低,而且,变质作用级别与岩层在地层柱中位置协调以及变质带边界与地层界线趋于一致,证明为区域埋藏极低级变质作用.凌云明山金矿区剖面矿体和百逢组各层段伊利石结晶度Kübler指数为0.42~0.50,属成岩带,且没有明显时空变化规律.  相似文献   

李志伟  田敏  钱祥贵 《云南地质》2001,20(4):369-375
昆阳群地层岩石极低级变质作用的主要特点:碎屑状绿泥石-白云母(绢云母)堆垛集合体发育,且多平行层理定向排列;个别堆垛集合体见有明显的弯曲可膝折现象,表明经受平行层理的压缩作用。根据堆垛集合体,层理及早世代水力破裂-充填石英微细脉体间关系,认为极低级变质作用是区域变形构造-热事件之前的产物:变质温度在155-350℃之间,变质级,地层时代及岩层在地层柱中的位置渐趋一致,与区域变形强度缺乏谐调关系。上述特点所反映的构造环境属于地壳伸展背景下裂谷环境内的埋藏型变质作用。  相似文献   

极低级变质作用对年轻造山带构造演化和油气勘探有重要意义,近年来成为地质学家探讨的热点领域。文章以中国东北地区南缘石炭—二叠系为研究对象,探讨了其极低级变质作用的特征。通过对兴蒙造山带东段林西—乌兰浩特地区二叠纪地层的伊利石结晶度、b0值和多型等参数进行测试分析发现,伊利石结晶度Kübler指数在0.175~0.47之间,大多数集中于0.25~0.35,平均值为0.30;样品b0值主要在9.0155~9.0316 ?之间,平均值为9.0249 ?;伊利石多型主要为2M1。以上结果表明研究区二叠系林西组和哲斯组主要经历了葡萄石-绿纤石相的极低级变质作用,变质温度200~370 ℃,压力为中压,同时表明其具有较高的生烃潜力。结合二叠系生烃期研究和区内广泛发育的白垩纪侵入体推测,二叠系极低级变质作用可能发生在早白垩世,且与岩体侵入导致的地温梯度升高有关。   相似文献   

在开展“青海省河南县托叶玛地区I47E007023、I47E008023、I47E009023、1I47E009024四幅1:5万区域地质矿产调查”时,为验证该地区三叠系变质情况,针对三叠系中泥岩(页岩)的伊利石结晶度做了分析测试。30件样品的实验结果表明: 北部宗务隆—泽库地层分区三叠系泥岩(页岩)伊利石Kübler结晶度指数为0.312~0.537,晶胞参数b0为0.898 0~0.903 2 nm,判断其变质温度小于350 ℃,具葡萄石-绿纤石和沸石相; 南部西倾山地层分区三叠系泥岩(页岩)的伊利石Kübler结晶度指数为0.21~0.318,b0为0.898 1~0.901 4 nm,变质温度主要分布在200~350 ℃,局部>350 ℃,具葡萄石-绿纤石和绿片岩相。研究认为青海省河南县地区区域变质程度较低,为极低级变质作用或者未发生区域变质作用,且南部西倾山地层分区的变质程度略高于北部宗务隆—泽库地层分区变质程度。这一变质相带研究结论与前人认为的“区域低温动力变质作用及低绿片岩相变质带”不一致,变质程度相对更低。该研究证实了在青海省河南县地区三叠系地层中不存在大面积区域变质作用,仅存在极低级区域变质作用。  相似文献   

Detailed textural and chemical data for mineral assemblages on a regional scale are presented for the metaandesitic Eocene-Oligocene Taveyanne greywacke of the Glarus Alps, Eastern Switzerland. Presented data indicate an increase of metamorphic grade from zeolite facies to prehnite-pumpellyite and pumpellyite-actinolite facies. Low-grade outcrops contain laumontite, minor corrensite and pumpellyite (assemblage type 1), whereas outcrops of higher metamorphic grade contain prehnite and two populations of pumpellyite (type 2), prehnite—pumpellyite-(Al)—white mica (type 3), a single outcrop shows pumpellyite-actinolite facies (type 4). From the zeolite to prehnite-pumpellyite/pumpellyite-actinolite facies there are indications for an increase of the chemical equilibrium domain size for the critical paragenesis from a single detrital grain ≤1 mm) in type 1, to a few millimetres in type 2, and to a whole thin section in type 3. Metamorphic P - T conditions were determined by a combination of chlorite thermometry, fluid inclusion and vitrinite reflectance data. Peak temperatures range from 170-190 C for zeolite facies to 270-310 C for prehnite-pumpellyite and pumpellyite-actinolite facies. For the higher temperature range, pressures of 2-3 kbar are derived indicating a geothermal gradient of 24-32 C km-1. The well-constrained temperature estimations derived for the assemblages provide a useful test of the different empirical calibrations of chlorite thermometers recently proposed. The best correspondence to the temperatures determined here is for the Cathelineau calibration. In addition, in the lower grade samples differences in textures and calculated temperatures provide a mean to distinguish between detrital and newly formed chlorites.  相似文献   

Abstract The Mesozoic Murihiku and Waipapa terranes are two accretionary wedges of linked forearc and trench sediments, respectively, that were juxtaposed in the early Cretaceous.
Late Triassic to late Jurassic Murihiku terrane volcaniclastic sediments are folded into a regional syncline and have been diagenetically altered. There is a general relationship between zeolite occurrence, clay mineralogy, vitrinite reflectance and stratigraphic position. Youngest Jurassic sediments contain heulandite, analcime and stilbite, whereas late Triassic to mid-Jurassic sediments have laumontite and heulandite (in detail the zeolite distribution is complicated). Tuffaceous horizons on the eastern limb of the syncline are calcitized rather than zeolitized. Post-diagenetic fractures associated with uplift are laumontite-filled. The inferred geothermal gradient is c. 15° C km−1.
The Waipapa terrane is an accretionary complex dominated by imbricated terrigenous sediments of Triassic and Jurassic age with enclosed Permian to Jurassic pelagic sediments and basalts. Late Jurassic sediments are massive volaniclastic sandstones. The sediments are non-foliated, and metamorphic minerals in the massive sandstones have crystallized in specific domains. The observed metamorphic succession of prehnite-pumpellyite and pumpellyite-actinolite facies assemblages was overprinted in the imbricated rocks during a thermal event that was late in the deformation sequence and broadly coincident with hydraulic fracturing and veining.
The metamorphic successions in the two terranes and their relationships to structural features are in excellent accord with accretionary complex models.  相似文献   

李娟  郑常青  金巍  崔芳华  施璐  王虎 《地学前缘》2011,18(2):223-230
内蒙古中部晚古生代地层由于中生代岩浆的侵入,部分发生接触变质,变质程度多处于沸石相或葡萄石绿纤石相。通过对典型剖面的泥质岩石中的粘土矿物、伊利石结晶度以及镜质体反射率的分析,得出以下结论:(1)粘土矿物以伊利石和绿泥石为主,只在极少数样品中有伊蒙混层和蒙脱石,多数缺乏伊绿混层;(2)伊利石结晶度为022~040;(3)镜质体反射率Ro值为15~40。其结果表明:在岩浆侵入地区有小规模的接触变质,为极低级变质带,并未发生大规模的低绿片岩相的区域变质,而且这种变质只影响到晚二叠世以前沉积的地层和油气,分布范围有限。  相似文献   

New geochemical and sulphur isotopic data are presented for a number of pyrite deposits from the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Cameros Basin, Spain. The deposits were formed at, or close to, the peak of metamorphism and are always related to sandstone units in the mainly metapelite sequence. Iron remained immobile and conservative, pyrite iron being derived by sulphidation of chlorite in the host metapelites. Reduced sulphur, however, was supplied from two external sources: thermochemical reduction of sulphate and release of S during metamorphism of sedimentary sulphides. These sources provided isotopically heavy and light S, respectively, with variation in pyrite isotopic composition between different deposits resulting from differences in their relative importance at each site. During metamorphism, the sandstone units acted as aquifers, carrying the sulphidic pore waters to locations where permeability provided by syn-depositional fractures on a scale of 0.5–5  m allowed its interaction with the metapelites. Transport distances for sulphide during metamorphism were of the order of hundreds of metres.  相似文献   

In central Shikoku, SW Japan, the Mikabu belt is bounded to the north by the Sanbagawa belt, and to the south by the northern (N) Chichibu belt. The N-Chichibu belt can be further subdivided into northern and southern parts. There is no apparent difference in the overall geology, structure, or fossil and radiometric ages between the Mikabu belt and the northern part of the N-Chichibu belt. Greenstones from the Mikabu belt and the northern part of the N-Chichibu belt show evidence for similar low-grade metamorphism, and include the following mineral assemblages with albite+chlorite in excess: metamorphic aragonite, sodic pyroxene+quartz, epidote+actinolite+pumpellyite, glaucophane+ pumpellyite+quartz, and lawsonite (not with actinolite or glaucophane). These similarities suggest that the Mikabu belt and the northern part of the N-Chichibu belt belong to the same geological unit (the MB-NNC complex). The mineral assemblages also indicate that the MB-NNC complex belongs to a different metamorphic facies from the low-grade part of the Sanbagawa belt, that is, the former represents lower temperature/higher pressure conditions than the latter. Structural and petrological continuity between the MB-NNC complex and Sanbagawa belt has not yet been confirmed, but both have similar radiometric ages. It is therefore most likely that the MB-NNC complex and Sanbagawa belt belong to the same subduction complex, and were metamorphosed under similar but distinct conditions. These two units were juxtaposed during exhumation. In contrast, the southern part of the N-Chichibu belt is distinct in lithology and structure, and includes no mineral assemblages diagnostic of the MB-NNC complex and the Sanbagawa belt. Thus, the southern part of the N-Chichibu belt may represent a different geological unit from the MB-NNC complex and Sanbagawa belt.  相似文献   

Low-grade schists from the Slavonian Mountains (Tisia Mega-Unit, Mt Papuk, Croatia), previously assigned to Precambrian to Lower Palaeozoic metamorphism, have been subjected to geochemical investigations, P-T modelling, and in situ age dating of monazite. The studied fine-grained metasediments consist of chlorite (5–15 vol.%), K white-mica (40–55 vol.%), quartz (20–35 vol.%), feldspar (albite 15–20 vol.%), opaques (<2 vol.%), and accessory minerals. According to their whole-rock geochemistry, the detritus of the former sediments came from upper crustal felsic rocks as they occur, for instance, at Mt Papuk. The schists show a complex microtectonic fabric, including well-developed schistosity systems. P-T pseudosections in the system MnNCKFMASHTO, constructed for typical schists of the study area, resulted in peak P-T conditions of 445–465 °C and 4.6–6.0 kbar for a sample from Kutjevo (eastern part of the study area) and 450–460 °C and 5.2–6.0 for a Vranovo sample (western part). Electron microprobe (EMP) dating of monazite in the schists gave a weighted average age of 109.0 ± 13.1 Ma (2σ) eventually with three subgroups of ages at 225 ± 63 (two analyses), 114 ± 24 and 83 ± 22 Ma. We conclude that the metamorphism of the studied schists at depths of c. 20 km is due to an Alpine collisional event.  相似文献   

Abstract Regional metamorphism in the external Variscides of southwest England varied from diagenetic level to greenschist facies. There is a fundamental difference in the metamorphic character between the northern and southern regions of the area. In the north, M1 metamorphism is of a sedimentary burial character associated with high heat flow, whilst to the south it is related to tectonic burial during thrust thickening processes, with lower geothermal gradients. This pattern appears to be related to the character of basin development and its subsequent tectonic evolution. The northern region has features that accord with a diastathermal (extensional) origin for the very low-grade metamorphism whilst in the southern region the very low-grade metamorphism is linked to thrusting as a consequence of Variscan compression. The Tintagel High-Strain Zone presents an anomaly in this regional pattern where an M2 metamorphic phase is attributed to localized D2 thrust stacking along the southern margin of the Culm Basin.
There is no extensive overprint of the regional metamorphic pattern by the contact aureoles surrounding the granite plutons of the region. However, there is a noticeable coincidence between the areas of regional epizone grade and the extent of the geophysically defined subsurface limit of the granite batholith (excluding the North Devon area). This link is attributed largely to the late-stage structural up-doming of the higher grade areas over the roof of the batholith.  相似文献   

东南沿海早白垩世火山岩的极低级变质作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国东南沿海广泛分布的白垩纪火山岩中,发育一套具特殊岩相学特征的火山岩地层,以浙江高坞组和福建南园组为代表,其主体为熔结凝灰岩,以深灰色厚层致密块状、含大量长石和石英晶屑、大面积出露但假流动构造模糊为突出特征,而明显区别于其它白垩纪地层组的熔结凝灰岩,表明其具有独特的成岩过程。伊利石结晶度研究表明,高坞组和南园组火山岩特殊的岩相学特征与其成岩后受到极低级变质作用,从而发生一定程度重结晶有关,这一过程使其岩石结构构造趋于均一化。通过对上下火山岩系火山岩的伊利石结晶度、b0值及多型特征对比分析表明,东南沿海这一大范围的火山岩极低级变质作用,可能是早白垩世晚期"闽浙运动"后岩石圈发生强烈伸展,导致区域大规模热隆作用的反映,并与上下火山岩系之间区域性不整合面的形成、长乐-南澳构造带强烈的变质变形事件及东南沿海大规模金铜矿、非金属等成矿作用密切相关,具有重要的研究意义。  相似文献   

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