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The analysis of nitrate in seawater and hypersaline waters should take account of a significant “salt effect”. Procedures developed for fresh water and marine waters must be applied cautiously to highly saline waters. The most widely used standard method for the determination of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) in fresh and marine waters involves the quantitative reduction of nitrate by the Cd column technique followed by colorimetric procedures. In our study, three approaches to estimate NO3-N in highly saline waters were examined. The first involved dilution. This approach overcame the salt effect but dilution limited the detection of low concentrations of nitrate in highly saline waters. The second involved the use of standard nitrate solutions in saline water. This method is not recommended because of nitrate impurities in AR grade salts. The third- and preferred approach-involved the use of standard additions. “Spikes” of a known volume of NO3-N standard solution were added to natural saline waters. Nitrate values estimated by the stadard addition method were used to calculate an equation for salt error correction at different salinities applicable to waters with the same relative ionic composition as seawater. This could then be used to correct nitrate determinations in highly saline waters where standards made in distilled water were used for calibration. Many previously published data for NO3-N in saline water used methods of analysis which do not take account of salt error and are therefore probably in error.  相似文献   

盐湖沉积记录了区域的气候和水文变化,是重要的古气候研究对象。年代学是盐湖古气候研究最重要的一项内容,是后续几乎所有工作的基础。盐湖沉积最常用的定年方法有14C定年、铀系定年、光释光(OSL)定年、古地磁定年。受各种定年方法自身的局限性以及盐湖沉积特有的沉积特征,存在不同方法测出的年龄差异较大的现象。准确测定盐湖沉积的年代还较为困难,一定程度制约了盐湖古气候研究的发展。由于盐湖沉积有机质含量低,易受现代碳的污染,其14C年代老于30 cal ka BP时,测出的年龄可能已饱和,需要谨慎对待。未来需要加强铀系定年和光释光定年等方法在盐湖沉积中的基础研究,并开发新的更好的测年方法,提高盐湖沉积测年的准确度,为深入开展盐湖古气候变化及成盐成矿规律研究提供坚实基础。  相似文献   

艾比湖地区处于准噶尔盆地西部,发源于准噶尔西部山口的大风流决定了该区风蚀作用的发展.由于人类活动而引起的艾比湖的干枯变成了新松散物质来源,最终导致了该区沙尘一盐尘暴的加剧.从1950年以来,随着准噶尔西部山麓平原的开垦和河道三角洲灌溉农业的发展,新疆第一大盐水湖--艾比湖水域面积也逐渐缩小,干涸湖底和湖滨地区荒漠化程度加剧,已成为中国西北方区域沙尘一盐尘暴主要来源地.研究该区风力运输机制和风蚀作用对盐尘释放、输送过程的影响,分析降尘物中盐分的化学成分、总量及沙尘摹的年内发生率和强度机制等.研究结果表明,干涸盐土湖底和盐漠沙丘的风蚀对盐尘的释放、输送过程起到积极地作用,它的形成与盐尘的扩散与沉降有密切的关系.随着离干涸湖底距离越远,沙尘暴的发生率、强度及降尘量也下降;降尘量为600 g·m-2·a-1(湖近)到70 g·m-2·a-1(离湖水面距离为100~200 km),其中盐分总量为14~27g·m-2·a-1;最大盐分含量可达为77 g·m-2·a-1.离湖越远,盐分的钙和硫酸盐成分越高,钠和氯化物成分越低.最后提出了对艾比湖湖区采取筑坝与隔离技术,分离出常年积水区和干涸湖底区,稳定艾比湖的水域面积,综合利用生物、化学、物理的防治技术,种植梭梭、柽柳、胡杨等耐盐灌、乔木树种,治理干涸湖底盐土风蚀的建议.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地大面积裸露于地表的古湖相沉积物长期受到物理风化的剥蚀作用,成为风尘堆积的主要物源。而沉积物中的生物标志物在一定条件下会被保存下来,记录了古环境变化。利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪对采自柴达木盆地察尔汗盐湖古湖相沉积物样品进行了分析,结果检测出一系列具有生物源指示意义的生物标志物,主要包括系列正构烷烃、系列正烷基-2-酮、正构脂肪酸/醇/酯、系列支链烷烃、系列烷基酰胺以及若干五环三萜类(非藿烷系列)及甾类化合物。研究发现柴达木盆地察尔汗古湖湖泊沉积物中生物标志物未受强烈的成岩作用及微生物活动的改造,基本保持了原有的分布特征。正构烷烃高碳数系列明显的奇碳优势以及样品中高含量的非藿类五环三萜类生物标志物的检出说明在高原封闭性盐湖中曾经存在着大量高等植物碎屑的输入,指示了沉积时期气候湿润、植被相对繁盛,与柴达木盆地的现代自然地理环境截然不同。  相似文献   

The effects of multiple stressors on the benthic macroinvertebrate community were monitored in Tecuitlapa Norte, a shallow, perennially-astatic, warm, mesosaline, sodaalkaline lake in Mexico. Physico-chemical and biological variables were determined monthly for one year. Tecuitlapa Norte displayed a clear seasonal environmental pattern (dry and rainy seasons). The benthic macroinvertebrate community consisted of five species:Culicoides occidentalis sonorensis Jorgensen,Ephydra hians Say,Stratiomys sp.,Eristalis sp., andLimnophora sp. of which the first two were dominant and the rest scarce.C. occidentalis was the most important species numerically (76 percent of the total), whileE. hians dominated the biomass (73 percent of the total). Primarily salinity and secondarily pH appear to be the most important environmental factors controlling dominance of benthic organisms in Tecuitlapa Norte. Seasonal abundance dynamics of the dominant organisms was associated with phases in their reproductive cycles: environmentally-triggered (i.e., temperature rise, water-level descent) pupation and emergence periods. We concluded that whereas physical and chemical factors (i.e., salinity, pH) exerted the primary control on benthic macroinvertebrate community composition in Tecuitlapa Norte, another assembly of variables (e.g., water-level, temperature) influenced species distribution and abundance.  相似文献   

新疆奇台绿洲农田灌溉前后土壤水盐时空变异性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李宝富  熊黑钢  龙桃  张建兵  张芳 《中国沙漠》2012,32(5):1369-1378
对比研究了新疆奇台县绿洲农田灌溉前后土壤水盐的时空变异特征。结果表明,灌溉前,剖面各层土壤含水量较低(18.43%~20.30%之间),且呈中等(偏弱)变异性。大水漫灌后1周,除40~60 cm和100~120 cm土层外,其他层土壤含水量均变为弱变异性;剖面平均土壤含水量升高6.90%,脱盐率达11.37%,其中,表层(0~20 cm)土壤水分增加率(50.93%)及脱盐率(27.14%)最大,底层(100~120 cm)土壤水分增加率(26.59%)及脱盐率(-4.76%)最小。灌后3周,剖面平均含水量减少3.64%,其中,表层(0~20 cm)失水率(28.84%)最大;剖面平均脱盐率降为9.63%,0~60 cm土层平均脱盐率(7.58%)减小,而60~120 cm土层脱盐率(11.01%)增大。除20~40 cm土层外,其他层含水量变异性均与灌前一致,说明含水量已接近灌前水平。至灌后第3周,各层含盐量、剖面平均盐分(中等变异性)及平均水分(弱变异性)含量的变异性未变,但其变异系数均在减小;剖面平均含水量的空间自相关性由中等转为强烈,变程一直增大,而平均含盐量均具有强烈的空间自相关性,变程先增大后减小。  相似文献   

Western Jilin Province is a typical seasonal frost region, and is also one of the severest salinization areas of China. In this study, we aim to examine the saline soil in Da'an and Wukesong areas, western Jilin Province, and mainly analyze the granulometric composition and distribution of salt in soil profiles. Four sampling sites, two in Da'an and two in Wukesong respectively, are chosen for study. The granulometric composition, especially silt and clay content change in different sites and soil depths are analyzed. Analysis of total and components of soluble salt shows that the surface soil is weak carbonate saline, in which the main cation is Na+ and the main anion is HCO3-. The total amount of soluble salt presents a decreasing tendency with increasing depth. The comprehensive analysis of granulometric composition and soluble salt shows that the clay content and soluble salt content present similar variation tendency with an increase of depth.  相似文献   

Although the Laguna de Mar Chiquita is among the largest saline lakes of the world (2,000–6,000 km2 area), knowledge about it is scarce. Like other large salt lakes, Mar Chiquita undergoes strong inter-annual changes in water level that are primarily linked to the variable expression of three different types of climate throughout its extensive catchment area. Water-level fluctuations and their overall environmental influence, especially on salinity (25–360 g L–1) and biota, have significant results. Comparison of Mar Chiquita with other fluctuating large salt lakes shows an independent long-term pattern of water-level (and salinity) changes. Primary determinants of its limnology are (1) its extensive catchment, (2) the occurrence of three different types of climate on the catchment, (3) the shallowness of the basin and (4) the effects of strong wind, water circulation within the lake, and sediment inputs from rivers. The effects of fluctuation on the lake biota are more evident at the level of dominant organisms at every fluctuation stage and their functions than in overall biodiversity and food-web complexity.  相似文献   

Definition and measurement of salinity in salt lakes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Salinity is the most important chemical attribute of athalassic salt lakes. Even so, some confusion persists of what salinity means and how to measure it. For sal lakes, salinity is best defined as the sum total of all ion concentrations, or total ion concentration. Ideally, it is recommended that salinities be expressed on a mass per mass basis and as ppt (parts per thousand). Direct measurements of salinity can only be derived from full ionic analyses. Indirect measurements can be derived by determinations of density, conductivity, freezing point depression and total dissolved solids or matter.  相似文献   

In order to assess and improve the engineering stability of saline soil with high chloride content along a 40-km section of the Chaerhan-Golmud Highway in northwestern China, more than 200 monitoring p...  相似文献   

Based on extensive data from a long-term investigation, a new genetic classification of lake basins is proposed for Estonia. Eight lake groups are distinguished, tectonic-denudation, glacial, chemical, fluvial, coastal (neotectonic), telmatogenic, cosmogenic and artificial, containing 13 subgroups and 19 basin types. Also proposed is a new lithological classification of Estonia's organic and calcareous lake sediments, based on analyses of more than 2000 sediment samples from 90 contemporary and 50 late-glacial (extinct) lakes. Of the ca. 1150 Estonian lake basins that formed on mineral substrate, the two largest basins are of preglacial, tectonic-denudation origin, later modified by glaciers. Eight hundred lakes are of glacial origin, and 300 of other origins in the Holocene. In addition, ca 20 000 bog pools formed on peat in the Holocene. Only minerogenous sedimentation occurred in the lakes in the late-glacial period. After that, organic (gyttjas) and/or calcareous sediments have formed. Azonal factors have been largely responsible for the wide variation in Estonia's lacustrine deposits.This article belongs to a series of papers to be published by this journal that was presented in the paleolimnology sessions organized by R. B. Davis and H. Löffler for the XIIth Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), which took place in Ottawa, Canada in August 1987. Dr. Davis is serving as guest editor of this series.  相似文献   

概要:本文通过对盐湖地区岩土类型复杂性及特性的叙述,分析了盐湖矿产开发中不良地质现象产生的原因和岩土条件对开发规模、工程布局、工程安全、经济效益等方面产生的影响。论述岩土工程勘察在盐湖矿产开发中的特殊地位和重要价值,总结出岩土勘察与盐湖卤水矿产开发的关系并提出盐湖岩土勘察方案的简单建议。  相似文献   

盐湖资源的开发利用   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
宋彭生 《盐湖研究》1993,1(3):68-80
本文首先叙述了国内外盐湖的基本情况,包括盐湖的分类和分布以及盐湖资源的概况和特点,然后对国内外盐湖资源开发利用的现状做了较为详细的介绍,还探讨了我国盐湖资源的开发利用与国外的差距,就我国盐湖资源开发利用,从技术思路和管理等不同方面提出了一些好的建议。  相似文献   

新疆罗布泊罗北洼地CK—2孔盐类沉积特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
新疆罗布泊罗北洼地主要有粉砂、粘土沉积 ,硫酸盐沉积和氯化物沉积。其中硫酸盐 (主要为钙芒硝 )沉积占主导地位 ,钻孔岩芯中微细层理发育。研究分析表明 ,罗北洼地为一长期动荡的浅水沉积环境 ;钾资源以液体矿为主 :2 5 ka B.P.- 10 Ka B.P.为该洼地湖泊的演化末期 ,属于盐湖阶段  相似文献   

颜辉 《盐湖研究》2018,26(4):85-90
通过对盐湖地区岩土类型复杂性及特性的叙述,分析了盐湖矿产开发中不良地质现象产生的原因和岩土条件对开发规模、工程布局、工程安全、经济效益等方面产生的影响。论述岩土工程勘察在盐湖矿产开发中的特殊地位和重要价值,总结出岩土勘察与盐湖卤水矿产开发的关系,提出盐湖岩土勘察方案的相关建议。  相似文献   

汪傲  赵元艺 《盐湖研究》2016,24(3):24-29
青藏高原是我国重要的盐湖资源分布区,区域内盐湖资源主要分布在柴达木盐地和羌塘高原,具集中带状分布、资源储量巨大和共生特色资源三大特点。柴达木盆地盐湖总体上以富含钾、镁、硼、锂、钠为特点,称为钾镁盐湖;羌塘高原盐湖以贫钾,富含硼、锂、铯等为特点,称为特种盐湖。  相似文献   

Groundwater discharge into lakes is one of the least studied components of their water and salt balance. Yet groundwater inflow determines in many cases the hydrochemical, thermal and hydrobiological regimes of lakes and affects the process of sediment accumulation. Modern methods for quantitatively assessing groundwater discharge into lakes are considered. The results of studies of the groundwater contribution to the water and salt balance of Lakes Baikal, Balkhash, Issyk-Kul, the Caspian Sea and some other lakes are given. International experience in studying ground and lake water interaction is briefly characterized.  相似文献   

第四纪察尔汗地区石盐沉积中的氯同位素组成   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用基于Cs2Cl+离子的正热电离质谱高精度测定氯同位素方法(在95%的置信水平时,测定精度为0.02%),测定了柴达木盆地察尔汗盐湖ZK─8904钻孔原生石盐和次生石盐中氯同位素组成.研究表明五万年以来察尔汗地区氯同位素组成δ37Cl的变化范围为-1.157~-0.379‰(SMOC).根据氯同位素,组成的变化规律并结合ZK─8904钻孔中氢氧同位素组成,推断出在此期间察尔汗盐湖至少经历了三次较大规模的淡化,冰后期和增温干旱期的两次湖水淡化对现代盐湖的形成起到了重要的作用,同时也复证了该地区的古气候演化模式。  相似文献   

伊郎乌尔米耶盐湖是中东地区最大的盐湖之一。本文针对该湖卤水的和当地自然地理条件,对其卤水中钾,钠,溴,镁等资源综合利用的可能性,合理的开发规模,可行的化学加工路线,未来建厂的选址,环境问题及技术经济可行性等问题进行了研究。结果表明,该湖的溴和钠资源具有重要的开发价值。  相似文献   

新世纪南美盐湖资源的开发利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宋彭生  李武  孙柏 《盐湖研究》2011,19(2):43-58
作为特殊类型资源的盐湖,有重要的科学意义、经济价值和环境效应,是重要矿产的宝库,其中蕴藏的锂、钾都是对国家经济社会发展具有战略意义的宝贵资源。进入21世纪以来,盐湖资源开发的特点就是发达国家和新兴经济体国家都对这些重要资源的极其注重,众多国家参与到开发者的行列中来,特别是参与到南美盐湖资源的开发热潮中来。从资源勘探、评价、开发试验,到产品投放到市场和下游产品开发,以及资金注入、产销体系的建设都非常迅速。可以预料盐湖资源开发的新局面,甚至是新的垄断局面在不久的将来即将形成。  相似文献   

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