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运用变分原理,我们得到了最小地震波辐射能量约束准则并用于研究震源的物理过程.通过研究1995年ML4.1河北沙城地震序列主震和余震的动力学过程,可知主震和余震震源的动态破裂过程明显不同;ML4.1主震的破裂速度与瑞利波速相近,约为剪切波速度的0.89倍;而28个余震的破裂速度远远小于剪切波速度,大约是剪切波速度的0.05到0.55倍.根据裂纹扩展模型,计算得到其余震的地震波辐射效率多在10%以下,这也说明了余震的地震效率较低.我们认为余震震源的动态破裂过程应与断层内部新生裂纹的扩展有关,而非简单的岩体间的相对滑动.余震震源的动态破裂传播与破裂能占主导地位的小地震有关.这些小震所带来的破裂能也导致了断层的进一步扩展.在对该地震序列的研究中,我们发现主震与余震的震源破裂过程在能量分配上有着本质的区别.因此当地震断层尺度相当小时,破裂能的贡献不能忽略,它的大小将显著地影响地震波辐射能的大小.  相似文献   

根据地震破裂动力学, 研究了1995年7月20日河北沙城ML4.1地震序列破裂过程中, 视应力和静态应力降与动态应力降之差的变化. 结果表明, 主震的视应力约为5 MPa, 而余震的视应力平均约为0.047 MPa. 在破裂过程中, 主震的动态应力降大约为静态应力降的1.6倍,其差值约为2.7 MPa; 余震的动态应力降一致小于静态应力降,其差值平均约为-0.75 MPa. 因此,主震发生时,最终应力大于动摩擦应力,与断层突然锁住的模式相符; 余震发生时,最终应力小于动摩擦应力,与地震断层错动过头的模式相符. 因此, 主震和余震的发生过程是有差别的.   相似文献   

1995年河北沙城ML4.1地震发震断层参数测定   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
陈学忠  王琼  刘冬英 《地震》2005,25(2):69-74
在一维单侧有限移动震源模式下, 根据拐角频率的方位变化, 利用最小二乘法研究了1995年7月20日河北沙城ML4.1地震的发震断层面参数. 结果表明, 这次地震的断层面破裂方向为224°, 与余震分布和震源机制的NE向节面一致. 地震马赫数v/c约为1.85, 即平均破裂速度大于S波速度, 为一次超速破裂. 若取横波速度为3.5 km/s, 则破裂长度约为1 km. 因此, 这次地震破裂以超S波速的速度从北东向西南方向传播了约1 km.  相似文献   

按照震源地震波能量辐射原理,在断层面上任意一点由破裂或滑动而产生的地震波能量ES、地震矩M0及相应的视应力sigma;a都应大于零.在近期研究中发现Poldo等在震源参数反演求取断层面上临界滑动弱化距离Dc所采用的视应力约束方程出现了ldquo;视应力取值小于零rdquo;的情形,其负值被解释为对地震波辐射能无贡献的耗散能,可合并至破裂能部分。数学上的表述并未影响到反演结果,但从能量守恒观点上讲,这样的表述是不准确的.进一步讲,由此表述所求得的辐射能量ES大于由能量分配原理所得结果. 根据能量分配准则,指出出现负值视应力是不合适的,并给出了表述视应力随断层滑移过程变化的替代方法,同时提供了求解临界滑动弱化距离Dc的正确途径.   相似文献   

对1978和2005年发生在同一板块边界而震级不同的日本宫城近海地震建立了自发动力破裂模型,再现了由运动学震源模型所预测的滑动和破裂速度。对这两次地震的动力学震源参数进行比较,可使我们看到同一断层上不同震源过程的破裂动力学特征。特别是,我们比较了应力降和破裂能,在这两次地震中,二者可以进行稳定的评估。在整个断层面上和两次地震破裂的凹凸体上,两个模型中应力降的最大值和平均值几乎相同。另外,1978年地震的震级比2005年的大,它的破裂能值不仅是在整个断层面上,而且在多次破裂的凹凸体上也比2005年的大。这些结果与先前用地震矩所做的破裂能标度的研究结果一致。我们还将破裂能值与以前研究中所估算的其他内陆地震的能值进行了对比,我们得到的宫城近海地震的值较小。造成这种不一致的原因可能是内陆浅源地震和俯冲带深源地震在构造背景上的差异。  相似文献   

Introduction An earthquake could be caused by the failure of focal material or fast slip on the pre-existed faults under the tectonic stress based on the understanding of the occurrence process of earth-quakes in which the stress change could play a key role. Therefore to examine the stress change is beneficial to understanding the physic process actually occurring in the source region deeply. The apparent stress is defined as the product of seismic efficiency and the average stress on the foc…  相似文献   

According to the rupture dynamics of earthquakes, variations of the apparent stress and the difference between the static stress drop and the dynamic stress drop during the rupture of earthquakes are analyzed for the July 20, 1995 M L=4.1 Shacheng, Hebei, China, earthquake sequence. Results obtained show that the apparent stress for main-shock is about 5 MPa, and the average apparent stress for aftershocks 0.047 MPa. During the rupture of the main-shock, the dynamic stress drop is approximately 1.6 times greater than the static stress drop with the difference of nearly 2.7 MPa. The dynamic stress drop is less than the static stress drop for all aftershocks with the average difference of −0.75 MPa. Therefore, when the mainshock occurs the final stress on the focal fault is higher than the dynamic frictional stress, corresponding to that the fault is abruptly locked. When the aftershocks occur the final stress on the focal fault is lower than the dynamic frictional stress, corresponding to that the fault overshoots. It can be seen from the above results that there could be some differences in the physic processes between the mainshock and the aftershocks. Contribution No. 05FE3013, Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   

IntroductionSince the late 1970s, the quickly developed global digital seismograph network has been providing high quality recordings of large earthquakes in global scale, based on which digital seismology has made great progress. Compared with large earthquakes, moderate and small sized shocks have more frequent occurrence, and comprise clues to geological tectonics and tectonic stress field in a region. Preceding and following a large earthquake, usually occur numbers of small events that im…  相似文献   

史保平  杨勇 《地震学报》2008,30(3):217-229
利用2001年昆仑山口西MS8.1地震现场观测所提供的地表破裂同震位移数据,使用简单滑移弱化破裂模型,估算了发震主断层上的破裂传播速度. 该模型中考虑了断层破裂时动摩擦过程中应力上调和下调机制对地震波辐射能量分配的影响. 对比Bouchon和Valleacute;e有关昆仑山口西地震主断层破裂传播速度超过剪切波速度,甚至达到P波速度的结果, 采用动摩擦应力下调时的滑移弱化模型 (分数应力降模型),结果表明,伴随较高的地震波辐射效率,主断层的平均破裂传播速度等于或小于瑞利波速度,这与许力生和陈运泰的体波反演结果,以及陈学忠震源应力场估算的结果是一致的. 最后,联系到由地表破裂现象所反映出的断层力学特征,如与视应力相关的分数应力降 (动摩擦应力下调), 基于滑移弱化模型, 讨论了可能的震源破裂机制.   相似文献   

With co-seismic surface rupture slip displacements provided by the field observation for the 2001 MS8.1 West Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake, this paper estimates the rupture speed on the main faulting segment with a long straight fault trace on the surface based on a simple slip-weakening rupture model, in which the frictional overshoot or undershoot are involved in consideration of energy partition during the earthquake faulting. In contrast to the study of Bouchon and Vallée, in which the rupture propaga...  相似文献   

With co-seismic surface rupture slip displacements provided by the field observation for the 2001 MS8.1 West Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake, this paper estimates the rupture speed on the main faulting segment with a long straight fault trace on the surface based on a simple slip-weakening rupture model, in which the frictional overshoot or undershoot are involved in consideration of energy partition during the earthquake faulting. In contrast to the study of Bouchon and Vallée, in which the rupture propagation along the main fault could exceed the local shear-wave speed, perhaps reach the P-wave speed on a certain section of fault, our results show that, under a slip-weakening assumption combined with a frictional undershoot (partial stress drop model), average rupture speed should be equal to or less than the Rayleigh wave speed with a high seismic radiation efficiency, which is consistent with the result derived by waveform inversion and the result estimated from source stress field. Associated with the surface rupture mechanism, such as partial stress drop (frictional undershoot) associated with the apparent stress, an alternative rupture mechanism based on the slip-weakening model has also been discussed.  相似文献   

According to the rupture dynamics of earthquakes, variations of the apparent stress and the difference between the static stress drop and the dynamic stress drop during the rupture of earthquakes are analyzed for the July 20, 1995 M L=4.1 Shacheng, Hebei, China, earthquake sequence. Results obtained show that the apparent stress for main-shock is about 5 MPa, and the average apparent stress for aftershocks 0.047 MPa. During the rupture of the main-shock, the dynamic stress drop is approximately 1.6 times greater than the static stress drop with the difference of nearly 2.7 MPa. The dynamic stress drop is less than the static stress drop for all aftershocks with the average difference of ?0.75 MPa. Therefore, when the mainshock occurs the final stress on the focal fault is higher than the dynamic frictional stress, corresponding to that the fault is abruptly locked. When the aftershocks occur the final stress on the focal fault is lower than the dynamic frictional stress, corresponding to that the fault overshoots. It can be seen from the above results that there could be some differences in the physic processes between the mainshock and the aftershocks.  相似文献   

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