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Outcrop sections from the Swiss Jura, consisting of carbonate-siliciclastic deposits spanning the Middle-Late Oxfordian boundary, provide a palaeogeographical cross-section ranging from coastal to shallow platform and intra-platform basin environments. Using a sedimentological and a 3rd order sequence stratigraphic framework based on those sections, the distribution of sedimentary organic matter (palynofacies) has been spatially studied in relation to sequence stratigraphy. The main factors influencing the spatial variations of sedimentary organic matter are the proximity of land, organic productivity, level of biodegradation and hydrodynamic conditions of the palaeoenvironment. These factors determine the distribution of the land-derived, relatively allochthonous organic constituents (phytoclasts, pollen and spores), and marine, relatively autochthonous constituents (phytoplankton and foraminifera linings). Five main palynofacies parameters appear as good indicators of proximal-distal trends: the relative proportion of total phytoclasts; the proportion of fresh, translucent fragments among these phytoclasts; the ratio of marine to continental palynomorphs; and the relative amount and species diversity of dinoflagellate cysts. In lowstand deposits, high-energy hydrodynamic conditions may affect these trends on the shallow platform, where storms tend to increase the proportion of the marine organic fraction landwards. These five palynofacies parameters are largely related to water depth. Therefore, when compared with the established 3rd order sequence stratigraphic framework, their stratigraphic variations indicate relative sea-level changes or, alternatively, proximality changes. Parameters indicative of more distal conditions increase in the transgressive and early highstand, and decrease in the late highstand. The opposite occurs for parameters indicative of more proximal conditions. Foraminifera linings seem to be particularly concentrated near the shelf edge and on the slope. Finally, bisaccate pollen may display cyclicity associated with alternating humid and dry periods. This palaeoclimatic signature may be related to orbital cyclicity.  相似文献   

陆相断陷湖盆边缘构造带是湖盆的重要组成部分,它们通常紧邻生油中心,是陆相断陷湖盆的油气主要富集带之一。渤海海域古近系湖盆边缘构造样式可划分为伸展型湖盆边缘和走滑型湖盆边缘两大类,伸展型湖盆边缘又可划分为陡坡断裂型湖盆边缘、缓坡断裂型湖盆边缘、简单缓坡带型湖盆边缘和轴向斜坡型湖盆边缘。伸展型湖盆边缘在全区各大凹陷均可见,走滑型湖盆边缘仅发育在盆地的东部地区,主要受郯庐断裂带的控制。不同类型湖盆边缘的构造活动方式和构造演化过程各不相同,因而其所形成的地貌形态有较大的差别,可容空间和沉积基准面的变化各具特色,从而导致不同构造样式的湖盆边缘具有不同的沉积层序构成模式。湖盆边缘构造样式对层序构成的控制作用的分析对储集层预测和岩性圈闭预测具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The Cenozoic record of the north-western domain of the Duero basin is articulated at the surface through a set of continental depositional sequences called, from base to top, the Vegaquemada sequence, the Candanedo sequence, and the Barrillos sequence. These depositional sequences were deposited in continental sedimentary environments. The deposition of the first sequence occurred through a fluvial system with floodplains cut by low-sinuosity channels. The Vegaquemada sequence was developed between the Middle Eocene and the Early Agenian. The second sequence was formed by a set of highly efficient transport alluvial fans that evolved laterally towards fluvial systems with low-sinuosity fluvial channels and an extensive floodplain, where several types of palaeosols were formed. This sequence developed between the Early Agenian and the Late Vallesian. The third unit–the Barrillos sequence (between the Late Vallesian and the Turolian/Ruscinian transition), was generated by a set of highly efficient transport alluvial fans dominated by low-sinuosity fluvial channels.In subsurface geology, seismic and well data are used to rebuild the stratigraphic architecture. The two basal depositional sequences can be identified with two seismic units: the Palaeogene Seismic Unit (PgSU) and the Neogene Seismic Unit (NgSU), respectively. In the present work, we obtained the isovelocity, isochron, and isobath maps for the top and base of the two Cenozoic units. The Palaeozoic (PzSU) and Mesozoic (MzSU) seismic units are found under these two units. Through study of the logs of the various boreholes, it was only possible to analyse the upper 700 m of the Candanedo Sequence (NgSU), without encompassing the total thickness of the unit. Several middle-order sequences were differentiated, in general showing a sequential fining-upwards evolutionary character. Additionally, for the boreholes analysed two main types of electrofacies were identified, both representing fluvial channels and floodplain deposits.The north-western domain of the Duero basin is interpreted to have been formed in response to the tectonic uplifting of the Cantabrian Mountains since Middle-Eocene times. Integration of the data concerning the surface and subsurface geology in this domain reveals that this basin edge behaved as a foreland basin during Cenozoic stages. The foredeep, with a depth of 2800 m, is oriented east–west and has a sediment thickness of up to 3500 m. The forebulge is located in the southwestern zone and represents an area of basement uplifting in which a minimum thickness of materials from the Cenozoic depositional sequences has accumulated.  相似文献   

北祁连加里东期造山带是在新元古代Rodinia联合大陆(Pangea-850)基础上裂解,经由寒武纪裂谷盆地、奥陶纪初期成熟洋盆、奥陶纪中晚期北祁连活动大陆边缘、志留纪—早、中泥盆世碰撞造山而形成的。奥陶纪中、晚期,北祁连、走廊地区中、上奥陶统发育洋壳-岛弧-弧后火山岩,形成典型的沟-弧-盆体系的沉积。志留纪—早、中泥盆世是北祁连-走廊沉积盆地的转换时期。除天祝、古浪、景泰及肃南等局部地区发育下志留统钙碱性系列火山岩以外,全区志留系均以碎屑岩沉积为主。志留系底部多见一套砾岩层。下—中志留统为典型复理石相的浊流沉积。上志留统变为滨浅海相磨拉石沉积。早、中泥盆世雪山群为典型的陆相粗碎屑磨拉石沉积。从空间分布上看,志留系—泥盆系在走廊—北祁连地区也有自北向南厚度加大、粒度变粗的特征,古流以由南向北、来自造山带的古流为特征。北祁连-河西走廊奥陶纪弧后盆地火山岩—志留系复理石-海相磨拉石—中、下泥盆统陆相磨拉石的充填序列以及空间分布特点,反映为典型的弧后盆地向前陆盆地转化的沉积序列。  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of carbonate/shale couplets, cycles and cycle-stacking patterns in a Cambrian shallow water platform (Iberian Chains, NE Spain) are related to sea-level changes driven by orbital forcing and by tectonic pulses. The interplay of both effects can be discriminated in the Iberian fault-controlled platform, in which the tectonic activity can be analysed by accurate and detailed biostratigraphic correlations based on trilobite zonation. The stratigraphic hierarchy of rhythmically interbedded limestones and shales, in two coeval but structurally separated geodynamic settings, yields cycle ratios of 1.44 :1. This ratio is supported by time thickness and spectral analysis, which is based on a graphic method of analysis: the Map of Grey Lines. The cycle ratio seems to be evidence for orbital forcing by obliquity and precession cycles predicted for early Paleozoic time. Carbonate/shale couplets, the smallest rhythmic units recognisable in the field, represent short-term, periodic fluctuations in supply of terrigenous sediments and carbonate productivity of uncertain origin, which could be associated with one of several harmonics of the former orbital cycles. The pulsating tectonic activity was approximated by using a quantitative analysis of tectonically induced subsidence (Shaw method). Recurrence frequencies of tectonic pulses were estimated and dated by biostratigraphy. As a result, tectonic disturbances in the Cambrian Iberian platform show an episodic periodicity comparable to that of orbital eccentricity cycles, which could mask their recognition. Received: 15 November 1999 / Accepted: 9 February 2000  相似文献   

北祁连加里东期造山带是在新元古代Rodinia联合大陆(Pangea-850)基础上裂解,经由寒武纪裂谷盆地、奥陶纪初期成熟洋盆、奥陶纪中晚期北祁连活动大陆边缘、志留纪-早、中泥盆世碰撞造山而形成的.奥陶纪中、晚期,北祁连、走廊地区中、上奥陶统发育洋壳-岛弧-弧后火山岩,形成典型的沟-弧-盆体系的沉积.志留纪-早、中泥盆世是北祁连-走廊沉积盆地的转换时期.除天祝、古浪、景泰及肃南等局部地区发育下志留统钙碱性系列火山岩以外,全区志留系均以碎屑岩沉积为主.志留系底部多见一套砾岩层.下-中志留统为典型复理石相的浊流沉积.上志留统变为滨浅海相磨拉石沉积.早、中泥盆世雪山群为典型的陆相粗碎屑磨拉石沉积.从空间分布上看,志留系-泥盆系在走廊-北祁连地区也有自北向南厚度加大、粒度变粗的特征,古流以由南向北、来自造山带的古流为特征.北祁连-河西走廊奥陶纪弧后盆地火山岩-志留系复理石-海相磨拉石-中、下泥盆统陆相磨拉石的充填序列以及空间分布特点,反映为典型的弧后盆地向前陆盆地转化的沉积序列.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Maastrichtian) of the south-central Pyrenees shows five carbonate platform sequences where the major parameters are tectonism, relative sea-level fluctuations and inherited depositional profile. Depositional geometries and basin analysis permit an understanding of the depositional history.Five depositional sequences have been recognized: (1) The Santa Fe sequence (Middle-Upper Cenomanian), a ramp to a skeletal rimmed shelf with an escarpment bypass margin. The lower boundary is an angular unconformity and the upper one records a sea-level drop. The platform location of the margin was determined by a listric normal fault. (2) An abrupt sea-level rise drowned the former platform. The Congost sequence (Turonian-Lower Coniacian), a distally steepened ramp with erosional distal deep slope. The depositional model was largely controlled by pre-existing basin morphology. Cessation of platform development was due to a relative sea-level drop. (3) The Sant Corneli sequence (Upper Coniacian-Lower Santonian), a mixed terrigenous-skeletal homoclinal ramp with upright margin, deep slope and dysaerobic basin. The slope results from the backstepping by 24 km of the previous margin and gentle basin tilting. The platform margin remained more or less at the same position, and relief between platform and slope increased indicating continuous relative sea-level rise. The upper boundary is an angular unconformity at the platform margin produced by an abrupt sea-level rise and platform drowning, and by listric normal faulting. (4) The Vallcarga sequence (Upper Santonian-Campanian), a distal-steepened skeletal homoclinal ramp, erosional escarpment and turbidite basin, which corresponds to the Mesozoic maximum marine expansion. A listric normal fault created two depositional areas: a more or less flat footwall block with a north-northwest prograding carbonate ramp.  相似文献   

In this study, progradation and the subsequent retrogradation of a late Paleocene isolated carbonate platform (Galala Mountains, Eastern Desert, Egypt) is demonstrated by variations of distinct facies associations from the platform margin in the north to the hemipelagic basin in the south. A combination of a sea-level drop and tectonic uplift at around 59 Ma (calcareous nannofossil biozone NP5) favored the initiation of the carbonate platform. From this time onwards, the facies distribution along the platform–basin transect can be subdivided into five facies belts comprising nine different facies associations. Their internal relationships and specific depositional settings are strongly coupled with the Maastrichtian–Paleocene seafloor topography, which resulted from local tectonic movements. Patch reefs and reef debris were deposited at the platform margin and the horizontally bedded limestones on the upper slope. Slumps and debris flows were stored on the lower slope. In the subhorizontal toe-of-slope facies belt, mass-flow deposits pass into calciturbidites. Further southwards in the basin, only hemipelagic marls were deposited. Between 59 and 56.2 Ma (NP5–NP8), the overall carbonate platform system prograded in several pulses. Distinct changes in facies associations from 56.2 to 55.5 Ma (NP9) resulted from rotational block movements. They led to increased subsidence at the platform margin and a coeval uplift in the toe-of-slope areas. This resulted in the retrogradation of the carbonate platform. Furthermore the patch-reef and reef-debris facies associations were substituted by the larger foraminifera shoal association. The retrogradation is also documented by a significant decrease in slump and debris-flow deposits on the slope and calciturbidites at the toe of slope.  相似文献   

位于扬子地台北部被动边缘的南秦岭南郑—阳平关一带古生代沉积盆地,发育一套早古生代—中生代碳酸盐岩夹细碎屑岩沉积,沉积构造及岩相清晰。通过对区内沉积盆地地层特征及侧向变化分析,初步划分出了6个层序,识别出若干个沉积体系域和层序界面。盆地沉积演化与构造体制、区域性构造运动密切相关,构造活动控制了海平面变化。近几年来,在南郑马元一带震旦系灯影组白云岩中,发现了近百千米的马元型铅锌矿带,因此,通过区域地层格架分析和层序地层学研究,进一步研究区域构造活动历史,恢复海平面变化细节,建立岩石地层格架,从微观上准确了解区域海平面敏感变化,从而更好地预测沉积矿产。  相似文献   

In the Lower Gondwana succession of the Jharia basin of eastern India, the Barren Measures Formation is characterized by the cyclic disposition of fine-grained lacustrine deposits and relatively coarse-grained fluvial deposits. The cyclic variation in the rate of coarse clastic input is attributed to the sedimentary response to basin tectonics. The sandstone-shale alternations of the Barren Measures succession can be correlated with the tectonic cyclothems developed on the hangingwall dip-slope and adjoining trough in a continental half-graben setting. Enhancement of the gradient of the hangingwall dip-slope during reactivation of the basin margin faults led to progradation of the existing fluvial system towards the half-graben trough and deposition of the coarser clastics on the fine-grained lacustrine deposits of the trough. Peneplanation of the hangingwall slope and slow increase in the lake level caused lacustrine transgression and retrogration of the fluvial system on the hangingwall block. The fluvial sediments were onlapped by the fine-grained lacustrine deposits. Episodic rejuvenation of the basin margin faults thus caused development of tectonic cyclothem on the hangingwall block. The paleocurrent pattern indicates that a persistent northward paleoslope was maintained during Barren Measures sedimentation. The inferred depositional settings were much more extensive than the present limit of the outcrop. The faults, presently defining the northern limit of the Barren Measures Formation, were possibly emplaced after Barren Measures sedimentation. The final movement along these fault planes caused preservation of the downthrown hangingwall block and the Barren Measures sediments on the footwall block were eroded during subsequent denudation. The Southern Boundary Fault came into existence after the deposition of the Barren Measures sediments.  相似文献   

廖瑞君 《地质通报》2000,19(2):181-186
根据在江西省吉泰陆相红色盆地中 1∶5万区调填图的实践 ,提出了沉积体的概念 ,将吉泰盆地中各类沉积体划分为 7种沉积体类型 ,描述了各类沉积体的含意及特征 ,说明了沉积体的调查方法及研究意义  相似文献   

Tectonics of sedimentary basins: from crustal structure to basin fill   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

南秦岭古生代热水沉积盆地与热水沉积成矿   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
扬子地块北部被动边缘的南秦岭古生代沉积盆地中,发育一套自早古生代—中生代以来的碳酸盐岩夹细碎屑岩沉积建造,形成规模巨大独具特色的以铅锌金为主的多金属成矿带。伸展构造体制下形成的裂陷或断陷型盆地中,正常水成沉积与热水沉积同盆共存。正常水成沉积中叠加的热水沉积是一个"突发事件或灾变事件",具有特殊的物质组成和产态。通过对区内沉积成矿盆地的识别、分级,二级沉积盆地中边缘部位常发育多个三级构造热水沉积成矿盆地,它受控于沉积盆地中的同生断裂,具有沉积岩相、热水沉积岩组合、显著成矿作用及物化探异常广布的特点。三级构造热水沉积成矿盆地是矿床定位的构造空间,四级热水沉积洼地为矿体(矿层)的容纳空间。区内热水沉积岩主要为重晶石(毒重石)岩、硅质岩、钠长石岩和铁碳酸盐岩类,铅锌重晶石等矿产多产于热水沉积岩中或上盘。热水沉积形成一般由早期的热水喷发交代→主期热水喷流→晚期热水喷气演变。早期的热水喷发交代往往沿矿液喷发通道,形成网脉状、角砾状矿化;主期热水喷流主要形成多金属及热水喷流相,形成块状、条带状、层纹状矿石或热水沉积岩;晚期热水喷气主要形成浸染状矿石和热水喷气岩石。  相似文献   

塔中隆起带断裂系统及其对碳酸盐岩台地的控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
碳酸盐岩台地的建造与改造受多种因素的控制,本文主要探讨以断裂活动为代表的构造运动对碳酸盐岩台地发育和破坏的控制作用。塔中地区主要发育NW向基底卷入式断裂系统和NE向盖层滑脱式逆冲断裂系统两大类,前者主要形成于早奥陶世末的中加里东I幕构造运动,该断裂控制了塔中隆起开始形成时的构造格局,从而使塔中隆起带碳酸盐岩台地由早期的缓坡-镶边缓坡型的台地结构演化为礁滩型孤立台地,而后者主要形成于晚奥陶世末中加里东II幕构造运动,该断裂的强烈活动,使得塔中地区发生东西翘倾运动,东部隆起接受改造,早期的碳酸盐岩台地遭受严重破坏。  相似文献   

A major portion of the southern part of the Indian subcontinent is classified as a stable continental region. However, a few segments in this region are punctuated by rifts and shear zones that are seismically active. The Godavari rift that sutures the eastern Dharwar and the Bastar cratons is one such region, prone to seismic hazard. Estimation of the sedimentary thickness in these seismically active regions assumes importance since locales of thick and soft sediments are vulnerable to destruction due to surface waves generated by earthquakes. In the present study, data from five broadband seismological stations are utilized to estimate the average sedimentary thickness of the Godavari region using the difference in travel times of the direct S and converted Sp phases from local earthquakes. The thickness of sediments varies between 0.32 and 4.32 km. Also, the site-specific response in terms of the fundamental resonance frequency and the corresponding amplifications are estimated using the well-established Nakamura technique. The predominant frequencies are in the range of 1.3–4.61 Hz, and the amplifications are higher (>1.5) for the stations inside the Godavari basin. Both the thickness and amplification values clearly indicate that the sediments tend to get thicker toward the center of the basin, in good agreement with the geological distribution of the sedimentary units.  相似文献   

研究区沉积物自下而上可划分为白垩系鹿母湾组、抱万组、白石岭组,据红盆沉积物的性质、结构及原生沉积构造,将盆内沉积物划分为冲积扇相、瓣状河流相、洪冲积平原相及湖相4种不同的沉积相,河道、片汜、泥石流、泥流、筛积沉积等10种不同的成因类型。盆内沉积作用形成了冲积扇相、瓣状河流相和滨湖相3种不同的沉积体。  相似文献   

川东北前陆盆地上三叠统沉积相及沉积演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在对川东北前陆盆地上三叠统须家河组露头剖面野外实测和钻井等资料综合研究的基础上,对该区上三叠统须家河组层序及沉积相类型、沉积特征进行了详细的研究。结果表明:研究区内主要发育冲积扇、辫状河、曲流河、扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、曲流河三角洲、湖泊、海相三角洲等八种主要的沉积相类型。古地理演化经历了由海相环境-海陆过渡相环境-陆相环境的转变。反映了川东北前陆盆地晚三叠世须家河期盆-山耦合过程及其沉积响应。须一段(即小塘子期)发育时期,受印支期构造运动的影响,本区大部分隆升成陆,仅在研究区北西部广元、剑阁等地发育海相三角洲相沉积。须二段发育时期,米仓山-大巴山构造山系的逆冲推覆构造作用较为强烈,川东北前陆盆地坳陷幅度加大,沉积物供给充分,沿米仓山-大巴山前缘地带主要发育辫状河三角洲沉积,而盆地西南部主要发育浅湖沉积。在须三段发育时期,米仓山-大巴山构造山系构造活动逐渐减弱,处于低幅稳定隆升状态,碎屑物供给量减少,沿米仓山-大巴山前缘地带主要发育辫状河三角洲沉积;从盆地前缘地带向中心地带则主要发育浅湖沉积。须四-须六段发育时期,米仓山-大巴山开始进入强烈逆冲推覆和构造隆升阶段,川东北前陆盆地坳陷幅度急剧加大,碎屑物供给量骤然增多,从盆地前缘地带向中心地带主要发育冲积扇-扇三角洲-辫状河三角洲、曲流河、曲流河三角洲相到浅湖相沉积。  相似文献   

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