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“九七概念”深入人心.1997年,将成为各行各业竞相发展的大好时机.香港回归、党的“十五大”召开、举世瞩目的长江三峡工程实现大江截流以及去年10月《湖北省气象管理办法》的颁布,这一切为实现’97全省气象工作大跨越提供了千载难逢的机遇.  相似文献   

采用S70器件实现一种甚高频波段倍频器。通过理论分析和实验证明,这种倍频器倍频效率高、调整方便以及容易实现。  相似文献   

根据邓小平、江泽民同志有关指示精神以及党和国家跨世纪战略部署对高教事业的要求,结合高校实际,从高校加快改革的必要性、紧迫性以及稳定工作的重要性,阐述高校改革、发展、稳定三者之间的内在联系及其相互作用,并就如何提高师生正确呼处理“三者”关系提出了主要对策。  相似文献   

我省1992年辐射观测实现遥测自动化后,新增加了净全辐射观测,观测次数由原来的人工每小时观测1次,改为每分种自动采样、累积时(日)总量,减轻了劳动强度,大大提高了观测记录的准确度。但是,象任何自动化仪器一样,遥测辐射仪在长期使用过程中也将出现故障或在采样过程中混入干扰信号,使记录失真。因此,如何判断错误记录,确保观测记录准确可靠,是观测与审核人员的重要职责。根据本人多年审核经验,要做好辐射观测资料的质量控制,必须掌握各地辐射量的一般和特殊变化规律;各辐射量相互之间的关系,以及与气象要素、太阳高度角等…  相似文献   

解放思想,实事求是,是邓小平同志的一贯思想。1978年针对当时党内主要负责人提出的“两个凡是”的口号,小平同志提出“解放思想,实事求是,团结一致向前看”的主张,支持和引导了“真理标准问题”的大讨论,实现了中国共产党人思想的一次大解放,恢复了党的实事求是的思想路线,带来了中华大地深化改革、经济建设的飞速发展,从而也形成了以解放思想,实事求是为精髓的建设有中国特色的社会主义理论。解放思想,实事求是,为何有如此之大的法力和效应,在学习“邓选”三卷过程中,有必要加以研究一番。  相似文献   

海南省现代气候业务系统是一个综合性业务平台,整合了历史数据、自动站实时数据以及预测数据,主要包含要素统计分析、气候监测、气候预测和气候资料分析以及产品制作等子系统。较以往业务系统相比,实现了数据自动入库、监测业务半自动化,并增添了许多新功能,便捷进行数据分析、绘图和产品制作,实现了气候资料信息化处理。  相似文献   

论遥感,地理信息系统和全球定位系统的集成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了遥感技术发展的特点、地理信息系统的现状与发展、全球定位系统的发展,并从信息流的三个特征不可分性出发探讨了集成的必要性,以及集成的概念、方案和拟解决的关键问题等。  相似文献   

本文针对新时期履行好气象公共服务职能的问题,通过分析作为政府的公共服务、公共服务职能内涵、包括的内容以及实现公共服务均等化问题,研究提出了气象公共服务职能的内涵、包括的内容以及实现气象公共服务均等化的措施。这对气象部门履行好气象公共服务职能具有一定参考作用。  相似文献   

吕静  陈春晓 《浙江气象》2006,27(4):37-42
介绍了基于B/S结构的网上考试系统应用于气象部门的理论研究,并分析了系统总体结构,提供了一种应用SQL数据库以及ASP编程实现的网络考试系统,详细阐述了科目管理、随机生成试卷等模块的设计与实现,以及相关数据库表的结构。  相似文献   

介绍了XDR-X型等数字化雷达的组网方法,以及组网后基于Win95/98、MICAPS环境下的雷达软件拼图。  相似文献   

Recent advances in the study of the characteristics, processes, and causes of spatio-temporal variabilities of the East Asian monsoon (EAM) system are reviewed in this paper. The understanding of the EAM system has improved in many aspects:the basic characteristics of horizontal and vertical structures, the annual cycle of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) system and the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) system, the characteristics of the spatio-temporal variabilities of the EASM system and the EAWM system, and especially the multiple modes of the EAM system and their spatio-temporal variabilities. Some new results have also been achieved in understanding the atmosphere-ocean interaction and atmosphere-land interaction processes that affect the variability of the EAM system. Based on recent studies, the EAM system can be seen as more than a circulation system, it can be viewed as an atmosphere-ocean-land coupled system, namely, the EAM climate system. In addition, further progress has been made in diagnosing the internal physical mechanisms of EAM climate system variability, especially regarding the characteristics and properties of the East Asia-Pacific (EAP) teleconnection over East Asia and the North Pacific, the "Silk Road" teleconnection along the westerly jet stream in the upper troposphere over the Asian continent, and the dynamical effects of quasi-stationary planetary wave activity on EAM system variability. At the end of the paper, some scientific problems regarding understanding the EAM system variability are proposed for further study.  相似文献   

GIS-Amur system offlood monitoring, forecasting, and early warning was developed at the Hydrometcenter of Russia and Planeta Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology for the effective surveill ance of hydrological conditions in the Amur River basin. The system is based on the use of hydrometeorological information, that is, observational data from weather and gaging stations, data from hydrological forecasts, and satellite data. The GIS- and web-based GIS-Amur system provides high reliability, safety, and operational speed. During the operational practice in the spring and summer 2015, the system demonstrated the forecast accuracy and reliability, the timely delivery of output products to end users, and the great variety of the output product types and formats. The system provides near-real time access to all available hydrometeorological data in the Amur River basin that favors correct and timely decision-making for flood risk reduction.  相似文献   

Hurricanes Ivan, Jeanne, Karl (2004) and mid-latitude trough interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Singular vectors (SVs) constructed from the adjoint model of the U.S. Naval Operational Global Atmosphere Prediction System (NOGAPS) for three Atlantic hurricanes in 2004, Ivan, Jeanne and Karl, are examined to understand interactions between them and a mid-latitude trough system. By optimizing the perturbation energy localized in a small region centered at the 48-hour projected position of a tropical cyclone, the initial time singular vector represents the sensitive region to the final state within the specified region for a specified optimization period. For hurricane Ivan, the SV analysis reveals the merging of a shortwave mid-latitude trough and Ivan to form a new trough system. This new trough system impacted the evolution of hurricane Jeanne in subsequent time through the upstream flow of the trough that moved toward Jeanne. This is consistent with previous studies on the sensitivity of tropical cyclone prediction using SV diagnostics. The SV associated with Jeanne at later stage shows that Jeanne influenced the third hurricane Karl through the trough system as Karl went through extratropical transition and became part of the trough. This effect is magnified when the SV is computed using the moist adjoint system containing large scale precipitation. Detailed diagnostics of the SVs for individual components at different levels show that the sensitivity associated with the trough is very similar for those optimized for Jeanne and Karl, respectively, thus providing evidence that the mid-latitude trough impacted Jeanne and Karl at the same time. This study demonstrates the capability of singular vector in diagnosing complicated interactions among a mid-latitude trough and three co-existing tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

Based on The Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment (THORPEX) Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE) dataset,using various verification methods,the performances of four typical ense...  相似文献   

This article describes a three way inter-comparison of forecast skill on an extended medium-range time scale using the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) operational ensemble numerical weather prediction (NWP) systems (i.e., atmosphere-only global ensemble prediction system (EPSG) and ocean-atmosphere coupledEPSG) and KMA operational seasonal prediction system, the Global Seasonal forecast system version 5 (GloSea5). The main motivation is to investigate whether the ensemble NWP system can provide advantage over the existing seasonal prediction system for the extended medium-range forecast (30 days) even with putting extra resources in extended integration or coupling with ocean with NWP system. Two types of evaluation statistics are examined: the basic verification statistics - the anomaly correlation and RMSE of 500-hPa geopotential height and 1.5-meter surface temperature for the global and East Asia area, and the other is the Real-time Multivariate Madden and Julian Oscillation (MJO) indices (RMM1 and RMM2) - which is used to examine the MJO prediction skill. The MJO is regarded as a main source of forecast skill in the tropics linked to the mid-latitude weather on monthly time scale. Under limited number of experiment cases, the coupled NWP extends the forecast skill of the NWP by a few more days, and thereafter such forecast skill is overtaken by that of the seasonal prediction system. At present stage, it seems there is little gain from the coupled NWP even though more resources are put into it. Considering this, the best combination of numerical product guidance for operational forecasters for an extended medium-range is extension of the forecast lead time of the current ensemble NWP (EPSG) up to 20 days and use of the seasonal prediction system (GloSea5) forecast thereafter, though there exists a matter of consistency between the two systems.  相似文献   

一个精细粒度实时计算资源管理系统   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
王彬  宗翔  魏敏 《应用气象学报》2008,19(4):507-512
由于相应业务系统软件的缺乏,国家级气象高性能计算机的资源管理措施落后于能力建设的发展。对此,该文提出了一个精细粒度实时计算资源管理系统。系统设计紧密围绕着目前竞争最为激烈的计算资源,采用资源虚拟单元GCU作为资源使用的计量单位,屏蔽了不同高性能计算机系统的体系结构差异,实现了计算资源细粒度的统一量化统计。系统可分为用户接口层、资源管理层、HPC系统层等3个层次,根据与网格平台软件不同结合方式以两种方式运行。在国家气象信息中心完成了系统的研发、部署和试验运行,根据试验运行的部分数据进行了用户单位和用户个人的计算资源使用的统计分析。目前,计算资源管理系统成果已成功应用到国家级气象高性能计算机计算资源的业务管理工作中。  相似文献   

该文总结了我国农业气象业务的发展。我国农业气象业务体系包括基础业务和业务系统两部分。40年来,农业气象业务体系的发展可分为两个阶段。第一阶段是50年代中期至60年代初业务发展的初级阶段,基础业务全面起步;第二阶段是80年代以来业务的发展阶段,基础业务和业务系统都得到发展,形成完善的业务体系。国家级农业气象业务在整个农业气象业务体系中起着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

This study aims at assessing the relative impacts of four major components of the tropical Pacific Ocean observing system on assimilation of temperature and salinity fields. Observations were collected over a period between January 2001 through June 2003 including temperature data from the expendable bathythermographs (XBT), thermistor data from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean (TOGA-TAO) mooring array, sea level anomalies from the Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 altimetry (T/P-J),and temperature and salinity profiles from the Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography (ARGO) floats.An efficient three-dimensional variational analysis-based method was introduced to assimilate the above data into the tropical-Pacific circulation model. To evaluate the impact of the individual component of the observing system, four observation system experiments were carried out. The experiment that assimilated all four components of the observing system was taken as the reference. The other three experiments were implemented by withholding one of the four components. Results show that the spatial distribution of the data influences its relative contribution. XBT observations produce the most distinguished effects on temperature analyses in the off-equatorial region due to the large amount of measurements and high quality.Similarly, the impact of TAO is dominant in the equatorial region due to the focus of the spatial distribution.The Topex/Poseidon-Jason-1 can be highly complementary where the XBT and TAO observations are sparse.The contribution of XBT or TAO on the assimilated salinity is made by the model dynamics because no salinity observations from them are assimilated. Therefore, T/P-J, as a main source for providing salinity data, has been shown to have greater impacts than either XBT or TAO on the salinity analysis. Although ARGO includes the subsurface observations, the relatively smaller number of observation makes it have the smallest contribution to the assimilation system.  相似文献   

This study aims at assessing the relative impacts of four major components of the tropical Pacific Ocean observing system on assimilation of temperature and salinity fields. Observations were collected over a period between January 2001 through June 2003 including temperature data from the expendable bathythermographs (XBT), thermistor data from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean (TOGA-TAO) mooring array, sea level anomalies from the Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 altimetry (T/P-J), and temperature and salinity profiles from the Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography (ARGO) floats. An efficient three-dimensional variational analysis-based method was introduced to assimilate the above data into the tropical-Pacific circulation model. To evaluate the impact of the individual component of the observing system, four observation system experiments were carried out. The experiment that assimilated all four components of the observing system was taken as the reference. The other three experiments were implemented by withholding one of the four components. Results show that the spatial distribution of the data influences its relative contribution. XBT observations produce the most distinguished effects on temperature analyses in the off-equatorial region due to the large amount of measurements and high quality. Similarly, the impact of TAO is dominant in the equatorial region due to the focus of the spatial distribution. The Topex/Poseidon-Jason-1 can be highly complementary where the XBT and TAO observations are sparse. The contribution of XBT or TAO on the assimilated salinity is made by the model dynamics because no salinity observations from them are assimilated. Therefore, T/P-J, as a main source for providing salinity data, has been shown to have greater impacts than either XBT or TAO on the salinity analysis. Although ARGO includes the subsurface observations, the relatively smaller number of observation makes it have the smallest contribution to the assimilation syst  相似文献   

The method is proposed to determine the main fluxes characterizing the surface stratified layer of plants’ habitat using the Monin-Obukhov length scale. The gradient measurements of the profiles of wind flow speed, relative humidity, and air temperature are carried out. The experimental data are obtained using the mobile automated system. The wavelet analysis of time series is carried out. The nonlinear equation system is numerically solved to determine the heat, moisture, and momentum fluxes which can be used for the optimum control of the plant moisture supply in the agricultural field.  相似文献   

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