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这次防雹管理工作座谈会是根据年初领导小组会议决定,分两片召开的。6月14日至16日在洛川县召开了陕北片的会议,这次在陇县我们又召开了关中片的会议。这次会议经过三天的时间,传达了全国人工影响天气工作会议精神,学习了各省的人工影响天气管理办法,交流了管理经验,参观了陇县的石岭和曹家湾先进典型炮点,表彰了先进,研究了如何加强防雹工作。使代表们统一了思想,开阔了思路,提高了认识,增强了信心,大家决心会后进一步加强管理使防雹工作走上新台阶,争取获得更大的效益。会议开的很好,达到了预期的目的。会上,大家回顾了两年来防雹工作的进展,主要表现在以下几个方面: 1.对防雹工作的认识不断提高,各级  相似文献   

章琪 《气象》1983,9(1):43-43
全国测报工作会议于去年10月13—19日在杭州召开,到会代表共131人,收到经验交流材料61份。 会议认真回顾了自1977年8月在太原召开的全国气象测报工作座谈会以来所进行的大量工作,这包括:1.深入揭批“四人帮”,不断肃清其在测报工作中的流毒;2.建立健全了规章制度,促进了工作的正常化;3.加强了在职测报人员的培训,提高了业务技术水平;4.开展了岗位练兵,苦练过硬本领;5.组织了测报大普查,恢复了检查工作制度;6.完成了地面观测规范的修改及组织执行;7.撤换了超检仪器,加强了检定工作;8.下发了保护观测环境的联合通知,改善了观测环境;9.整顿了台站档案,加强了记录报表的审核。由于五年来各级气象业务部门狠抓了以上各项工作,目前已经基本上扭转了十年内乱所造成的人员思想混乱,技术力量削弱,仪  相似文献   

介绍了雷电的形成.分析了产生雷电的天气形势。并在此基础上。概括了雷电预报的几种型式。设计了雷电预报的评分办法,提出了雷电预报服务的措施。  相似文献   

近年来伊犁地区气象现代化建设迈出了可喜的一大步。1.开通了伊宁一乌鲁木齐气象有线通讯线路,改变了由邮电局转发气象电报的传统方式,提高了气象信息传输的速度、质量和时效,减轻了劳动强度,节省了人力物力。2.建立了局域网,即把州气象局的地面测报和预报等信息用微机联成网。开通了伊宁同乌鲁木齐、新源、昭苏间的微机远程终端,增加了预报产品及图表、资料的数量,提高了预报分析时效,尤其对灾害性、关键性天气预报的客观化、定量化提供了重要分析预报依据。3.建立了伊宁、新源、昭苏三县和伊宁市及农四师的农村气象科技服务网…  相似文献   

一、概况 4月28日凌晨及傍晚,我区出现了二次强对流天气全区普遍出现了8—10级大风,局部地区短时阵风达11级,87个公社出现了冰雹灾害,其中傍晚一次灾情最为严重,湖州市郊升山公社在17时35分左右下了拳头大小的冰雹,给工农业生产带来了重大损失。我们对这两次灾害性天气都作出了短时预报,特别在傍晚这次大范围的灾害性天气服务中,提前七小时发布了冰雹、大风、强降温的预报,又提前三个小时发了紧急警报,临时增加了一次广播,各级领导机关、工厂企业及广大农村都采取了抢险救灾的防范措施。因此,大大减少了人民生命财产的损失,收到了明显的经济效益。  相似文献   

Web GIS及其应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
分析了WebGIS的主要特点,探讨了WebGIS的关键技术,比较了几种流行的WebGIS软件,并简单举例说明了WebGIS的应用。  相似文献   

综合气象观测系统的发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
宋连春  李伟 《气象》2008,34(3):3-9
回顾了气象探测发展史,分析了气象探测与气象预报、气象科学发展之间的紧密关系,指出了气象探测的发展推动了气象科学、气象预报和气象服务的发展;进一步描述了气象探测发展的现状,对于新技术的应用前景与气象仪器的未来发展趋势进行了分析与阐述,同时介绍了国际GCOS、GEOSS、WIGOS综合观测计划.  相似文献   

陈忠勇  程昌玉  李力 《气象科技》2014,42(6):969-972
详细讨论了放电触发控制器3A11组件的电路工作情况,对其电子线路组成部分和检测保护功能做了分析探讨,提供了相应的电路工作框图和功能子框图,叙述了关键点波形的测试方法,以表格形式介绍了各工作点相关的调整方法,理清了触发控制信号、保护信号与采样反馈信号的相互关系,结合相关报警信息和功能分析,探讨了基本维修思路并有相关案例分析,总结了快速有效的检修方法。  相似文献   

为了探讨人为热源和城市绿化对城市边界层的影响,本文在RAMS模式中引入周期性日变化的人为热源和人工改变下垫面状况,初步模拟分析了人为热源和城市绿化对城市边界层结构的影响.结果表明:人为热源具有明显的增温效应,增强了城市的湍流交换,白天增加了大气不稳定度,促进了混合层的发展,夜间降低了大气稳定度,减弱了城市夜间逆温.城市绿化减小了地表反照率,增加了到达地面的净辐射,模拟期间土壤冻结,增加的净辐射其中一部分以感热的形式来加热大气;绿化后地气之间的湍流交换增强,增加了大气不稳定度,减弱了白天高空逆温;本文还讨论了不同绿化布局对白天高空逆温的影响以及人为热源和城市绿化之间的非线性相互作用.  相似文献   

图像艺术风格化作为一个正在蓬勃发展的领域被越来越多的人熟知,也引起了众多学者的研究兴趣.本文总结了图片风格化的发展现状,分析了不同风格化方法的特点,指出了目前风格化方法的缺点,总结了图片风格化的发展趋势,为进一步研究图片风格化提供了方向.  相似文献   

沙坡头人工植被区和流动沙丘上热量平衡观测研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用流动沙丘上人工植被和裸露流动沙丘下垫面近地层微气象实测资料,应用波文比法,计算了近地层感热和潜热通量^2),并与作者在防风林干旱裸田和湿润小麦植被农田的结果进行比较分析。结果表明:在雨季的沙坡头地区流动沙丘人工植被上净辐射通量较强,可达600W。m^-2以上,而净辐射的70%左右的能量用于地表的蒸散,而感热散失和土壤贮存能量各占15%左右;裸露流动沙丘上由于地表反射率大而净辐射通量小于植被区,  相似文献   

西北干旱研究的若干问题   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
罗哲贤 《干旱气象》2003,21(4):55-58
文中简要叙述了西北干旱研究背景的变化,西北干旱几类强讯号的研究框架,以及十五期间干旱研究的部分新进展。  相似文献   

Public opinion in the United States about human-caused climate change has varied over the past 20 years, despite an increasing consensus about the issue in the expert community. Attitudes about climate change have been attributed to a number of factors including personal values, political ideology, the media environment and personal experience. Recent studies have found evidence that the temperature can influence one’s opinion about climate change and willingness to change behaviour and/or support climate policy. Although there is some evidence that individual cool or warm years have influenced large-scale opinion about climate change, the extent to which temperature can explain the past variability in public opinion and public discourse about climate change at the national level is not known. Here we isolate the relationship between opinion about climate change and temperature at the national scale, using data from opinion polls, a discourse analysis of opinion articles from five major daily newspapers, and a national air temperature database. The fraction of respondents to national polls who express “belief in” or “worry about” climate change is found to be significantly correlated to U.S. mean temperature anomalies over the previous 3–12 months. In addition, the fraction of editorial and opinion articles which “agree” with the expert consensus on climate change is also found to be significantly correlated to U.S. mean temperature anomalies at seasonal and annual scales. These results suggest that a fraction of the past variance in American views about climate change could potentially be explained by climate variability.  相似文献   

Despite a great deal of research on public perceptions of climate change science, very little empirical work has attempted to investigate how members of the lay public might evaluate the justice dilemmas inherent within climate policy decision-making. This exploratory study contrasts arguments about justice from a mitigation perspective, with those from an adaptation perspective and draws insights about the contours of politically acceptable climate policy. Using think-aloud protocols and a structured elicitation approach with members of the lay public to generate quantitative and qualitative data, this study suggests that the two types of climate policy trigger different sets of arguments about justice. When asked about mitigation burden-sharing participants overwhelmingly invoke arguments about causality. In contrast, in discussions of adaptation participants emphasized the needs of the afflicted parties and their ability to cope. Furthermore, social and spatial distances were not a factor in allocation of mitigation burdens, but were used to discount the distribution of compensation towards adaptation. These initial data about public perceptions of justice in this area suggest that the public would view adaptation and mitigation as complements not substitutes. These findings also highlight the importance of exploring public reactions to the sub-components of climate policy individually.  相似文献   

The film The Age of Stupid depicts the world in 2055 devastated by climate change, combining this with documentary footage which illustrates many facets of the problems of climate change and fossil-fuel dependency. This study investigates the effects of the film on UK viewers’ attitudes and behaviour through a three-stage survey. Analysis of changes in attitudes focussed particularly on respondents’ concern about climate change, motivation to act, fear about the potential for catastrophe, beliefs about responsibility for action, and sense of agency. The film increased concern about climate change, motivation to act, and viewers’ sense of agency, although these effects had not persisted 10-14 weeks after seeing it. It was also successful in promoting some mitigation actions and behavioural change, although respondents reported barriers to further action, such as limited options for improving home energy efficiency among those in rented accommodation. However, filmgoers were atypical of the general public in that they exhibited very high levels of concern about climate change, knowledge about how to reduce their carbon emissions, and contact with organisations campaigning about climate change, before they saw the film. The paper considers how these factors may have enabled viewers to respond to the film as they did, as well as policy implications for those seeking to develop effective climate change communications.  相似文献   

针对广东省珠海凤凰山森林生态系统2015年的湍流原始数据,分析了各修正过程对通量的影响。结果表明:野点较多,需要考虑去除;频率响应修正对通量结果影响不大;倾斜修正的影响在3%左右;超声虚温修正对感热通量的影响变化幅度达30%;WPL修正对碳通量结果影响可达25%左右。经过对观测数据的质量评价,感热通量约有85%,潜热通量和碳通量约有80%的数据可用于通量分析。感热通量在1年中的变化幅度不大;潜热通量变化显著,尤其在季风后迅速增大;碳通量变化与森林下垫面密切相关,夏季变化幅度大,冬季变化较小。   相似文献   

Indigenous peoples offer alternative knowledge about climate variability and change based on their own locally developed knowledges and practices of resource use. In this article we discuss the role of traditional ecological knowledge in monitoring and adapting to changing environmental conditions. Our case study documents a project to record the seasonal knowledge of the Miriwoong people in northern Australia. The study demonstrates how indigenous groups’ accumulate detailed baseline information about their environment to guide their resource use and management, and develop worldviews and cultural values associated with this knowledge. We highlight how traditional ecological knowledge plays a critical role in mediating indigenous individuals and communities’ understandings of environmental changes in the East Kimberley region of north-west Australia, and how these beliefs may influence future decision-making about how to go about adapting to climate change at a local level.  相似文献   

本文以上海市为例,采用社会调查和参与式评估等方法,了解地方决策管理者对于气候变化风险的认识,以及对开展适应气候变化规划的必要性及其内容、功能和优先工作等方面的看法和建议,从中梳理出一些可供其他城市决策者参考的政策建议。本研究旨在提高国内学术界对于城市适应规划研究的关注,并为各级决策管理者制定适应气候变化政策和行动提供参考。  相似文献   

The emergence of concern about and evidence of climate change has been argued to create a cultural milieu unique to the Millennial generation (born between 1981 and 1996) and iGeneration (aka iGens or Generation Z born after 1997). The present research tested a) claims of unique angst about climate change among younger versus older generations, b) growing generational discrepancies over time in emotions about climate change, c) generational differences for several emotions about climate change, and d) the implications of these emotions for motivating people to discuss climate change with others, potentially aiding coping with climate change and facilitating action to address climate change. Survey data gathered from 2010 to 2019 of a representative sample of United States residents (N = 22,468) document greater increases in worry about climate change and, to a lesser degree, anger and guilt about climate change, within the two youngest generations relative to changes among Generation X, Baby Boomers, and the Silent and Greatest Generations. Although generational differences were small and suggest overstatements of unique effects for younger generations, increases in younger generations’ emotions transform into the two youngest generations reporting the strongest emotions in 2019. Over ten years, these differential shifts in emotions explain more substantial increases in the frequency of discussing climate in the youngest generations.  相似文献   

分析了乌鲁木齐地区冬季降雪和云水的pH值与化学成分。降雪pH值平均为5.7。云水pH值为4.0左右,与采集云水同时段观测的地面降雪pH值为6.0。气团内部生成的低云云水的离子浓度比系统性降水云高约两个量级。初步分析结果表明,雪增长的微物理过程和雪粒下降过程中所捕集的大气气溶胶粒子特性可能对降雪雪水酸度有重要影响。  相似文献   

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