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The island is formed entirely by subaerial, high-alumina, olivine basalts in dykes, flows and fragmental beds mapped in six formations around a well-defined volcanic centre, and an acid differentiate which forms an intercalated pumice tuff; nine new analyses are listed. Accidental blocks include mineralogically distinct basalts and gabbro from a buried tholeiitic suite. A late Pleistocene age is suggested for the island.  相似文献   

Shape analysis of Pacific seamounts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Shape statistics have been compiled from 85 profiles of well-surveyed Pacific seamounts in the height range 140–3800 m. A flat-topped cone was fit to each seamount's cross-sectional profile maintaining the slopes of the sides as closely as possible. On each profile a basal widthdb, a summit widthdt, and a maximum heighth, were measured. The height-to-basal-radius ratio isξh is estimated by the ratio2hdb and flatnessf by the ratiodtdb. Slope angleφ = arctan(ε) is estimated fromε =2h(db − dt). Summit height and basal radius are found to be highly correlated (r = 0.93). The 85-point sample mean of the height-to-basal-radius ratio isξh = 0.21 ± 0.08 implying that a seamount's summit height is typically one fifth its basal radius. Despite the high correlation, individual points show some scatter, and there may be groupings into different morphological types. For example, all but one of the seamounts with summit heights above 1000 m have values ofξh that are larger than the sample mean. The 85-point sample mean of flatness isf = 0.31 ± 0.18. Data points show a large scatter with values off varying between 0 (a pointy cone) and 0.69 (a flat-topped cone). A histogram representation of flatness, however, indicates that certain values off may be more common than others: the histogram shows a bimodal distribution with maxima occurring at values off in the ranges 0.10–0.20 and 0.35–0.50. Moreover, there is some evidence that the mean flatness decreases with summit height so that the preferred shape of a large-sized seamount may be a pointy cone. Slope angle has an 85-point sample mean ofφ = 18 ± 6°; individual values ofφ vary between 5° and 36°. In addition to having a lower than average mean flatness seamounts with heights above 2600 m also have a lower than average mean slope angle (15°). To determine which variables account for most of the observed variation in the seamount shapes, a multivariate principal component analysis was performed on the data using five shape variables (summit height, basal radius, summit radius, flatness, and slope). The analysis indicates that most of the variation is described by two variables: flatness and summit height.  相似文献   

Cauldron collapse and voluminous pumice eruptions, some 2000 years ago, indicate a mature stage in the summit cone of a volcano rising 8000 feet above the ocean floor. Volcanic rocks ranging from early submarine tholeiitic basalts to young subaerial dacite obsidians have been mapped in chronologic sequence through five formations; plutonic rocks, found as accidental blocks and as disrupted cumulates, are gabbros or diorites. Twenty-three new analyses are listed.  相似文献   

The submarine Healy volcano (southern Kermadec arc), with a 2-2.5 km wide caldera, is pervasively mantled with highly vesicular silicic pumice within a water depth of 1,150-1,800 m. Pumices comprise type 1 white-light grey pumice with ⢾ mm vesicles and weak-moderate foliation, type 2 grey pumice with millimetre-scale laminae, flow banded foliation, including stretched vesicles ⣗ mm in length, and a minor finely vesicular type 3 pumice. All types are sparsely porphyritic, with undevitrified glassy groundmass (68-70% SiO2), which is microlite and lithic free. Coexisting pyroxenes yield magma temperatures of ~950 °C. Pumice density is А.5 g cm-3 and vesicularity is 78-83%. Vesicle size distributions for types 1 and 2 pumice, range from ~20 µm to >20 mm, with a strong power-law relation (with d=-2.5ǂ.4) for vesicles <1-2 mm. Larger vesicles have variable size modes. The vesicle size distribution and packing indicates rapid magma decompression and ascent. Consideration of the pressure dependent, solubility of H2O at a magma temperature of 𙧶 °C and water content of Ж wt%, with pumice petrography and vesicle granulometry, strongly suggests a pyroclastic eruption. Reconstructions of the submarine edifice between water depths of 1,000 and 550 m constrain the ambient hydrostatic pressure to ~6-9 MPa. Pressures >~9 MPa will limit vesicularity to less than the observed 78-83%, whereas pressure <~6 MPa require a more shallower reconstruction of the edifice and larger-volume syn-eruptive collapse. Uniformly high vesicularity is interpreted as evidence of insulation within an eruption column comprising steam and hot pyroclasts. Most pyroclasts cool, condensing and ingesting water into steam-inflated vesicles, and then sink. Progression into pyroclastic mode would expand the eruption column, displace ambient water, reduce the hydrostatic load, and further promote vesiculation and fragmentation. Pyroclasts within the column would quench at these reduced pressures. We argue that Healy eruptions deeper than ~1,000 m cannot be pyroclastic. Volumes for the lower and upper bounds of edifice size are 2.36 and 3.58 km3, respectively, but do not account for intra-caldera pumice fill. These volumes are considered to be predominantly primary eruption output, as shown by a dearth of accessory lithics in all pumice, yielding (at an average 81% vesicularity) eruptive pumice volumes of between 10 and 15 km3. Some pyroclasts may have risen to the sea surface and be a correlative of the sea-rafted Loisels pumice; the latter occurs in some New Zealand Holocene beach sequences and has a estimated age of 590ᇤ calendar years.  相似文献   

The disposition and petrology of a fractionated alkali olivine basalt—peralkaline rhyolite suite from subantarctic Campbell Island are discussed. These rocks (Campbell Island Volcanics: new name) are flows and high-level intrusions derived from two centres of igneous activity. Their age is Upper Miocene and they evolved over a period of 5 Ma. A gabbro intrusion pre-dates volcanism by 5 Ma. The ages of the flows and high-level intrusions cannot be separated, although the intrusions are chemically distinct as they contain all the intermediate members of the suite (mugearite and benmoreite). Similar La/Ce and Zr/Nb ratios for flows and high-level intrusions suggest a co-magmatic origin. Chemical variations indicate that the suite resulted from low-pressure mafic then felsic-dominated fractional crystallisation, which is substantiated for intermediate members of the suite by least-squares and Rayleigh fractionation modelling. One flow of alkali olivine basalt clearly pre-dates other volcanic rocks, and is thus regarded as being genetically unrelated.Although chemically similar to alkali olivine basalt and hawaiite, variations in the mineral chemistry and modal mineralogy of gabbro indicates a prolonged period of in-situ fractionation and re-equilibration.  相似文献   

Petrological and geochemical data on dredged samples from five submarine volcanos northwest of Samoa indicate that three of these volcanos belong to the Samoan volcanic province (Field, Lalla Rookh, and Combe banks), and two belong to separate magmatic zones (Wallis Islands and Alexa Bank). The Samoan volcanic province increases in age westward and both shield-building tholeiitic and alkalic lavas (Combe Bank) and strongly undersaturated (post-erosional?) melilitites or nephelinites and ankaramites (Field and Lalla Rookh banks) are present. The age progression and petrochemical character of these rocks is consistent with a fixed hotspot beneath eastern Samoa. Slightly askew from this trend is Alexa Bank where dredged lavas are ocean-island tholeiites; however, its radiometric age and compositional characteristics apparently preclude its association with Samoa by a fixed-hotspot model. Dredged volcanic rocks from near the Wallis Islands are geochemically, petrologically, and temporally different from Samoan volcanism, but are similar in these respects to Quaternary volcanism in Rotuma and Fiji and may be related to plate reorganization accompanying opening of the North Fiji Basin.  相似文献   

Eruptive suites from Tonga (tholeiitic), Raoul Island (tholeiitic) and Macauley Island (high-alumina) are characterised by low alkalis, an absence of andesites in the range 56–65% silica, and restricted acidity for minor glassy differentiates (SiO2=65–68 %). These volcanics form a chain of islands overlying a seismic zone which extends from Tonga to the central volcanic region of North Island, New Zealand where a calc-alkaline series contains basaltic, andesitic and rhyolitic members in that order of increasing abundance. Within this continental suite, tholeiitic and high-alumina phases are recognised as closely similar to the intra-oceanic Tonga-Kermadec magma types and show petrochemical gradation into the medium-silica andesites, apparently by sialic assimilation.  相似文献   

Abstract   The lithology of shallow-water carbonates collected from 19 sites on 16 seamounts in six areas of the northwestern Pacific Ocean using the Deep-sea Boring Machine System are described. The areas include the Amami Plateau, Daito Ridge, Oki-Daito Ridge, Urdaneta Plateau, Kyushu-Palau Ridge and Ogasawara Plateau. Chronological constraint is provided by calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, larger foraminiferal biostratigraphy and strontium (Sr) isotope stratigraphy. Large amounts of shallow-water carbonates accumulated on the seamounts during the Oligocene, a relatively cool period, whereas limited carbonate deposits formed during the Early Miocene, a relatively warm period. This might indicate that deposition of shallow-water carbonates on seamounts in the northwestern Pacific Ocean was not necessarily controlled by climatic conditions, but was related to volcanism and tectonics that served as foundations for reef/carbonate-platform formation. Remarkable differences in biotic composition exist between Cretaceous and Cenozoic shallow-water carbonates. Late Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates are distinguished by the occurrence of rudists, solenoporacean algae and microencrusters. Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene shallow-water carbonates are dominated by Halimeda or nummulitid and discocyclinid larger foraminifers. Scleractinian corals became common from the Oligocene onward. Nongeniculate coralline algae and larger foraminifers were common to abundant throughout the Eocene to the Pleistocene. The replacement of major carbonate producers in the shallow-water carbonate factory during post-Cretaceous time is in accordance with previous studies and is considered to reflect a shift in seawater chemistry.  相似文献   

The West Pacific Seamount Province (WPSP) represents a series of short-lived Cretaceous hotspot tracks. However, no intraplate volcanoes in advance of petit-spot volcanism erupted near a trench have been identified after the formation of the WPSP on the western Pacific Plate. This study reports new ages for Paleogene volcanic edifices within the northern WPSP, specifically the Ogasawara Plateau and related ridges, and Minamitorishima Island. These Paleogene ages are the first reported for basaltic rocks on western Pacific seamounts, in an area that has previously only yielded Cretaceous ages. The newly found Paleogene volcanisms overprint the Early–middle Cretaceous volcanic edifices, because the seamount or paleo-island material-covered reefal limestone caps on these edifices are uniformly older than the Paleogene volcanism identified in this study. This study outlines several possible causative factors for the Paleogene volcanism overprinting onto existing Cretaceous seamounts, including volcanism related to lithospheric stress, or a younger hotspot track within the northern part of the WPSP that records magmatism from ~60 Ma.  相似文献   

Submersible investigations along the East Rift segments, the Pito Deep and the Terevaka transform fault of the Easter microplate eastern boundary, and on a thrust-fault area of the Nazca Plate collected a variety of basalts and dolerites. The volcanics consist essentially of depleted (N-MORB), transitional (T-MORB) and enriched (E-MORB) basalts with low (0.01−0.1, < 0.7), intermediate (0.12–0.25, 0.7–1.2) and high (> 0.25, > 1.2–2) K/Ti and(La/Sm)N ratios, respectively. The Fe-Ti-rich ferrobasalt encountered among the N-MORBs are found on the Pito Deep Central volcano, on the Terevaka intra-transform ridge, on the ancient (< 2.5 Ma) Easter microplate (called EMP, comprising the East Rift Inner pseudofaults and Pito Deep west walls) and on thrust-fault crusts. The most enriched (T- and E-MORB) volcanics occur along the East Rift at 25 °50′–27 °S (called 26 °S East Rift) and on the Pito seamount located near the tip of the East Rift at 23 °00′–23 °40′S (called 23 °S East Rift). The diversity in incompatible element ratios of the basalts in relation to their structural setting suggests that the volcanics are derived from a similar heterogenous mantle which underwent variable degrees of partial melting and magma mixing. In addition the Pito seamount volcanics have undergone less crystal fractionation (< 20%) than the lavas from the other Easter microplate structures (up to 35–45%). The tectonic segmentation of the East Rift observed between 23 and 27 °S corresponds to petrological discontinuities related to Mg# variations and mantle melting conditions. The highest Mg# (> 61) are found on topographic highs (2000–2300 m) and lower values (Mg# < 56) at the extremities of the East Rift segments (2500–5600 m depths). The deepest area (5600 m) along the East Rift is located at 23 °S and coincides with a Central volcano constructed on the floor of the Pito Deep. Three major compositional variabilities of the volcanics are observed along the East Rift segments studied: (1) the 26 °S East Rift segment where the volcanics have intermediate Na8 (2.5–2.8%) and Fe8 (8.5–11%) contents; (2) the 23 °S East Rift segment (comprising Pito seamount and Pito Deep Central volcano) which shows the highest (2.9–3.4%) values of Na8 and a low (8–9%) Fe8 content; and (3) the 25 °S (at 24 °50′–26 °10′S) and the 24 °S (at 24 °10′–25 °S) East Rift segments where most of the volcanics have low to intermediate Na8 (2.6–2.0%) and a high range of Fe8 (9–13%) contents. When modeling mantle melting conditions, we observed a relative increase in the extent of partial melting and decreasing melting pressure. These localized trends are in agreement with a 3-D type diapiric upwelling in the sense postulated by Niu and Batiza (1993). Diapiric mantle upwelling and melting localized underneath the 26, 25 and 23 °S (Pito seamount and Central volcano) East Rift segments are responsable for the differences observed in the volcanics. The extent of partial melting varies from 14 to 19% in the lithosphere between 18 and 40 km deep as inferred from the calculated initial (Po=16kbar) and final melting (Pf=7kbar) pressures along the various East Rift segments. The lowest range of partial melting (14–16%) is confined to the volcanics from 23 °S East Rift segment including the Pito seamount and the Central volcano. The Thrust-fault area, and the Terevaka intra-transform show comparable mantle melting regimes to the 25 and 26 °S East Rift segments. The older lithosphere of the EMP interior is believed to have been the site of high partial melting (17–20%) confined to the deeper melting area (29–50 km). This increase in melting with increasing pressure is similar to the conditions encountered underneath the South East Pacific Rise (13–20 °S).  相似文献   

Earthquakes beneath the southwest Pacific occur from the surface down to 700 km depth. Teleseismic waveforms created by some of these earthquakes are almost identical. We investigate Tonga–Kermadec and Vanuatu subduction zone earthquake P-coda waveforms using a cross-correlation technique and hierarchical clustering algorithm in order to determine the origin of waveform similarity and the distribution of earthquakes producing similar waveforms.We show that scatterers forming the majority of power in the P-wave coda are localised around the receiver. As a result, waveform similarity provides a much weaker constraint on source separation than in local studies. Waveform similarity can provide stronger constraints on focal mechanism.Most earthquake multiplets within the Tonga–Fiji–Kermadec Wadati–Benioff zone are found at depths between 0–60 km and 520–620 km. A significant proportion of all deep-focus events in south Pacific subduction zones have waveforms similar to those of at least one other event. Relative relocation of events within the largest identified multiplet reveals a planar zone of seismicity sub-parallel to the nodal plane of a related centroid moment tensor solution.Groups of earthquakes with similar waveforms remain active on at least the 14-year recording timescale. We equate this to repeated rupture on single or closely related shear systems within the subducting slabs.  相似文献   

New multi-beam bathymetric data from the Philippine Sea and northwest Pacific Basin reveal linear chains of small (less than 40 km3) domed-shaped volcanoes (Philippine) and coned-shaped volcanoes (Pacific) rising 100–1000 m above the 6 km deep ocean floor. Some appear to have well-developed collapsed calderas and spines. Their morphology suggest recent formation in supposedly stable mid-plate regions and their occurrence in linear chains approximately parallel to plate motion may suggest an origin by extrusion from “mini-hot spot” plumes.  相似文献   

New multibeam mapping and whole-rock geochemistry establish the first order definition of the modern submarine Kermadec arc between 30° and 35° S. Twenty-two volcanoes with basal diameters > 5 km are newly discovered or fully-mapped for the first time; Giggenbach, Macauley, Havre, Haungaroa, Kuiwai, Ngatoroirangi, Sonne, Kibblewhite and Yokosuka. For each large volcano, edifice morphology and structure, surficial deposits, lava fields, distribution of sector collapses, and lava compositions are determined. Macauley and Havre are large silicic intra-oceanic caldera complexes. For both, concentric ridges on the outer flanks are interpreted as recording mega-bedforms associated with pyroclastic density flows and edifice foundering. Other stratovolcanoes reveal complex histories, with repeated cycles of tectonically controlled construction and sector collapse, extensive basaltic flow fields, and the development of summit craters and/or small nested calderas.Combined with existing data for the southernmost arc segment, we provide an overview of the spatial distribution and magmatic heterogeneity along ∼780 km of the Kermadec arc at 30°–36°30′ S. Coincident changes in arc elevation and lava composition define three volcano–tectonic segments. A central deeper segment at 32°20′–34°10′ S has basement elevations of > 3200 m water-depth, and relatively simple stratovolcanoes dominated by low-K series, basalt–basaltic andesite. In contrast, the adjoining arc segments have higher basement elevations (typically < 2500 m water-depth), multi-vent volcanic centres including caldera complexes, and erupt sub-equal proportions of dacite and basalt–basaltic andesite. The association of silicic magmas with higher basement elevations (and hence thicker crust), coupled with significant inter- and intra-volcano heterogeneity of the silicic lavas, but not the mafic lavas, is interpreted as evidence for dehydration melting of the sub-arc crust. Conversely, the crust beneath the deeper arc segments is thinner, initially cooler, and has not yet reached the thermal requirements for anatexis. Silicic calderas with diameters > 3 km coincide with the shallower arc segments. The dominant mode of large caldera formation is interpreted as mass-discharge pyroclastic eruption with syn-eruptive collapse. Hence, the shallower arc segments are characterized by both the generation of volatile-enriched magmas from crustal melting and a reduced hydrostatic load, allowing magma vesiculation and fragmentation to initiate and sustain pyroclastic eruptions. Proposed initiation parameters for submarine pyroclastic eruptions are water-depths < 1000 m, magmas with 5–6 wt.% water and > 70 wt.% SiO2, and a high discharge rate.  相似文献   

We present an equilibrium model of methane venting through the hydrate stability zone at southern Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon. Free gas supplied from below forms hydrate, depletes water, and elevates salinity until pore water is too saline for further hydrate formation. This system self-generates local three-phase equilibrium and allows free gas migration to the seafloor. Log and core data from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1249 show that from the seafloor to 50 m below seafloor (mbsf), pore water salinity is elevated to the point where liquid water, hydrate and free gas coexist. The elevated pore water salinity provides a mechanism for vertical migration of free gas through the regional hydrate stability zone (RHSZ). This process may drive gas venting through hydrate stability zones around the world. Significant amount of gaseous methane can bypass the RHSZ by shifting local thermodynamic conditions.  相似文献   

Hydrate Ridge is located at the second accretion-ary ridge along the Cascadia margin of Oregon in the eastern North Pacific (fig. 1). The Bottom Simulating Reflector (BSR) underlies the entire Hydrate Ridge[1]. The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) in 1992 at Site 892 and the TECFLUX99 and 2000 showed that the gas hydrate occurs just beneath the thin sediment- covered surface and at the horizon of around 64 meter below seafloor (mbsf) on Hydrate Ridge[25]. The col-lision of the Juan de …  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27(7) 2004, 931. Lord Howe Island, in the northern Tasman Sea, is a remnant of a much larger Late Miocene basaltic shield volcano. Much of the island's coastline is exposed to waves that have unlimited fetch, but a marked contrast is provided by a fringing coral reef and lagoon that very effectively attenuate wave energy along a portion of the western coastline. The geology of the island is varied, with hard and resistant basalt lavas, breccias and tuffs of intermediate resistance, and highly erodible eolianites. This variability provides an excellent opportunity to examine the in?uence of rock resistance on the development of the spectacular rock coast landforms that occur around the island. The hardness of rocks and the extent of weathering around the coastline were assessed using a Schmidt hammer, and statistical analysis was undertaken to remove outlying values. On all but one occasion, higher mean rebound values were returned from fresh surfaces than weathered surfaces, but only half of these differences were statistically signi?cant. Shore platforms with two distinct levels are juxtaposed along two stretches of coastline and Schmidt hammer results lend support to hypotheses that the raised surfaces may be inherited features. Relative rock resistance was assessed through a combination of Schmidt hammer data and measurements of joint density, and constrained on the basis of morphological data. This approach formed a basis for examining threshold conditions for sea‐cliff erosion at Lord Howe Island in the context of the distribution of resistant plunging cliffs and erosional shore platforms. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two records of the crust laminae from the Marcus-Wake Seamounts and the Magellan Seamount were biostratigraphically studied. Based on biological imprints of the calcareous nannofossils, the geological ages of the two records were determined, with CM1D03 from the Marcus-Wake Seamounts being of late Paleocene to Pleistocene and CM3D06 from the Magellan Seamount of Late Cretaceous(more than 70.0 Ma). There are the obvious temporal-spatial differences in the initial formation period and enrichment characteristics of the cobalt-rich crusts of the two seamount chains and differences in the combination and distribution of microfossils in the inner crust layers between the seamounts. These differences are due to the adaptabilities of oceanic species in different environments. Ecological research was carried out in terms of population size of the calcareous nannofossils preserved in the crustal layers to discern the relation of the geological events at the Eocene-Oligocene(E/O) transition. The results show the transitions and recombination of species in the biotic community during the E/O transition obviously corresponded to 25 mm depth in the CM1D03 crust and 58 mm depth in the CM3D06 crust. The changes in biological species and the formation of particular ecological structures indicate the adaptive response of the paleo-biological community in the western Pacific Ocean to the global cold-climate events and the close correlation between the formation of the crust and the global climate change.  相似文献   

Basalts from young seamounts situated within 6.8 m.y. of the East Pacific Rise, between 9° and 14°N latitude, display significant variations in 143Nd/144Nd (0.51295–0.51321), 87Sr/86Sr (0.7025–0.7031), and(La/Sm)N (0.415–3.270). Nd and Sr isotope ratios are anti-correlated and form a trend roughly parallel to the “mantle array” on a143Nd/144Nd vs.87Sr/86Sr variation diagram. Nd and Sr isotope ratios display negative and positive correlations, respectively, with(La/Sm)N. The geochemical variations observed at the seamounts are nearly as great or greater than those observed over several hundred kilometers of the Reykjanes Ridge, or at the islands of Iceland or Hawaii.

Samples from one particular seamount, Seamount 6, display nearly the entire observed range of chemical variations, offering an ideal opportunity to constrain the nature of heterogeneities in the source mantle. Systematics indicative of magma mixing are recognized when major elements, trace elements, trace element ratios, and isotope ratios are compared with each other in all possible permutations. The source materials required to produce the end-member magmas are: (1) a typical MORB-source-depleted peridotite; and (2) a relatively enriched material which may represent ancient mantle segregations of basaltic melt, incompletely mixed remnants of subducted ocean crust, or metasomatized peridotite such as that found at St. Paul's Rocks or Zabargad Island. Due to the proximity of the seamounts to the East Pacific Rise (EPR), the source materials are thought to comprise an intimate mixture in the mantle immediately underlying the seamounts and the adjacent EPR. Lavas erupted at the ridge axis display a small range of isotopic and incompatible trace element compositions because the large degrees of melting and presence of magma chambers tend to average the chemical characteristics of large volumes of mantle.

If the postulated mantle materials, with large magnitude, small-scale heterogeneities, are ubiquitous in the upper mantle, chemical variations in basalts ranging from MOR tholeiites to island alkali basalts may reflect sampling differences rather than changes in bulk mantle chemistry.  相似文献   

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