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The determination of the bottom of a subfossil meandering palaeochannel is important for investigations of the palaeohydrology of valley bottoms, and crucial for the quantitative estimation of past river discharges. The authors present a procedure on the basis of which the bottom of a palaeochannel can be precisely determined. It is based on an analysis of the stratigraphic variability of such features of deposits as: mean diameter, standard deviation of the grain-size composition, the percentage of sand, and ignition loss.  相似文献   

本文试图给出原始数字图象的数学定义,为进一步进行图象重建与处理提供了方便,在此基础上分析了条纹干扰产生的原因并给出了提取的方法,作为应用,解决了利用CIBL数据提取岩石裂缝的问题。  相似文献   

—?In verifying compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), there is a motivation to be effective, efficient and economical and to prevent abuse of the right to conduct an On-site Inspection (OSI) in the territory of a challenged State Party. In particular, it is in the interest of a State Party to avoid irrelevant search in specific areas. In this study we propose several techniques to determine `exclusion zones', which are defined as areas where an event could not have possibly occurred. All techniques are based on simple ideas of arrival time differences between seismic stations and thus are less prone to modeling errors compared to standard event location methods. The techniques proposed are: angular sector exclusion based on a tripartite micro array, half-space exclusion based on a station pair, and closed area exclusion based on circumferential networks.  相似文献   

Ozone profiles measured by sondes often display thin layers of substantially enhanced or depressed ozone concentration, which are called laminae. Laminae are important because they reveal much stronger long-term trends than the ozone concentration itself and seem to be more sensitive to various factors. The paper presents our definition and method of determination of laminae in comparison with other methods of lamina definition. This is important for clarifying some differences between the lamina-related results of different authors and for examination of long-term trends in lamina characteristics. The sensitivity of long-term trends to changes of methods of lamina determination is tested and found small, without a noticeable influence of changes of methods on trends.  相似文献   

热中子照相技术在检测含氢材料、重金属等样品方面是X射线等其他无损检测技术的有益补充,热中子层析照相技术研究在国内尚是空白。利用SPRR-300基于CCD的热中子数字照相装置、带孔铝圆柱为实验样品,采集了样品某截面36×552组投影实验数据,在对数据进行预处理前后,采用滤波反投影方法重建了断面图像。重建图像揭示了样品的基本结构,验证了利用SPRR-300热中子数字照相装置进行热中子层析照相技术研究和装置研发是可行的,为下一步工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In planetary sciences, the geodetic (geometric) heights defined with respect to the reference surface (the sphere or the ellipsoid) or with respect to the center of the planet/moon are typically used for mapping topographic surface, compilation of global topographic models, detailed mapping of potential landing sites, and other space science and engineering purposes. Nevertheless, certain applications, such as studies of gravity-driven mass movements, require the physical heights to be defined with respect to the equipotential surface. Taking the analogy with terrestrial height systems, the realization of height systems for telluric planets and moons could be done by means of defining the orthometric and geoidal heights. In this case, however, the definition of the orthometric heights in principle differs. Whereas the terrestrial geoid is described as an equipotential surface that best approximates the mean sea level, such a definition for planets/moons is irrelevant in the absence of (liquid) global oceans. A more natural choice for planets and moons is to adopt the geoidal equipotential surface that closely approximates the geometric reference surface (the sphere or the ellipsoid). In this study, we address these aspects by proposing a more accurate approach for defining the orthometric heights for telluric planets and moons from available topographic and gravity models, while adopting the average crustal density in the absence of reliable crustal density models. In particular, we discuss a proper treatment of topographic masses in the context of gravimetric geoid determination. In numerical studies, we investigate differences between the geodetic and orthometric heights, represented by the geoidal heights, on Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Moon. Our results reveal that these differences are significant. The geoidal heights on Mercury vary from ? 132 to 166 m. On Venus, the geoidal heights are between ? 51 and 137 m with maxima on this planet at Atla Regio and Beta Regio. The largest geoid undulations between ? 747 and 1685 m were found on Mars, with the extreme positive geoidal heights under Olympus Mons in Tharsis region. Large variations in the geoidal geometry are also confirmed on the Moon, with the geoidal heights ranging from ? 298 to 461 m. For comparison, the terrestrial geoid undulations are mostly within ± 100 m. We also demonstrate that a commonly used method for computing the geoidal heights that disregards the differences between the gravity field outside and inside topographic masses yields relatively large errors. According to our estimates, these errors are ? 0.3/+ 3.4 m for Mercury, 0.0/+ 13.3 m for Venus, ? 1.4/+ 125.6 m for Mars, and ? 5.6/+ 45.2 m for the Moon.  相似文献   

Gas shales with a high gas content were drilled in the Lower Cambrian Lujiaping Formation in the northeastern Sichuan Basin,close to the Chengkou Fault in the Dabashan arc-like thrust fold belt.The equivalent vitrinite reflectance values of organic matters are over 4.0%Ro.The pore structures of the shales were investigated based on microscopy,field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM)observations,and low temperature N2 adsorption analysis.The study suggests that cleavages,comprising clay minerals mixed up with organic matter and other insoluble residues,were developed in the rock layers.The clay minerals are directionally arranged,displaying a mylonitized texture.Abundant nanometer-size organic matter and clay mineral particles are well mixed in the cleavage domains,which developed the mylonitized pore system that consists of nanometer-size intergranular pore spaces,aggregate pore spaces in clay mineral flakes and pore network.This mylonitized pore system has high specific surface area,high methane adsorption capacity,and high capillary pressure,which collectively contributes to the preservation of shale gas in such a complex tectonic area.The discovery of the mylonitized pore structure in organic-rich shales may reveal a new mechanism of shale gas enrichment in complex tectonic areas with over-mature organic matter in the northeastern part of Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   

The thermal expansion of stishovite has been determined by an X-ray camera technique in a temperature range of 18 – 600°C at an atmospheric pressure. The thermal-expansion coefficients along the crystallographic a- and c-axes at 300 K are αa = (6.0 ± 0.6) · 10?6K?1 and αc = (1.4 ± 0.5) · 10?6K?1, respectively. The volume coefficient at 300 K is αν = (13.5 ± 0.6) · 10?6K?1.  相似文献   

The island Surtsey was created by a submarine volcanic eruption which started on the 14th of November 1963, 21 km southwest of the Westman Islands. Volcanic activity continued in this area for nearly 4 years. During the summer of 1979 a 181 m deep continuously cored borehole was drilled on the Surtsey island. Several temperature profiles have been measured in the hole since 1979. The results of these temperature measurements are used as the basis for a discussion of the thermal condition of Surtsey. The hypothesis that intrusions rather than pillow lavas are responsible for the excess heat content of Surtsey is favored. It is found that the 13 m thick discontinuous dike complex, observed in the drill core, is sufficient to explain the excess heat content in the vicinity of the borehole and the shape of the temperature profiles recorded. It is demonstrated that the heat transfer in Surtsey has been dominated by hydrothermal convection and that the system is vapor dominated above sea level. It is estimated that the permeability of a 40 m thick section of altered tuff below sea level is 4.1 × 10−13 m2, while the permeability of the unaltered tuff above sea level is estimated as 1.2 × 10−10 m2.  相似文献   

The theory of three-dimensional and finite-amplitude convection in a viscous spherical shell with temperature and pressure dependent physical parameters is developed on the basis of a modified Boussinesq fluid assumption. The lateral dependences of the variables are resolved through their spherical harmonic representations, whereas their radial and time dependences are determined by numerical procedures. The theory is then applied to produce thermal evolution models for Venus. The emphasis is on illustrating the effects of certain physical parameters on the thermal evolution rather than proposing a specific thermal history for the planet. The main conclusions achieved in this paper are (1) a significant portion of the present temperature in the mantle and heat flux at the surface of Venus is probably owing to the decay of a high temperature established in the planet at the completion of its core formation, (2) the effective Rayleigh number of the mantle is so high that even the lower order modes of convection cool the planet sufficiently and maintain an almost adiabatic temperature gradient in the convecting region and high temperature gradients in the thermal boundary layers, (3) the convection is oscillatory with avalanche type properties which induces oscillatory features to the surface heat flux and the thickness of the crustal layer, and (4) a planetary model with a recycling crust cools much faster than those with a permanently buoyant crust.The models presented in this paper suggest that Venus has been highly convective during its history until ~ 0.5 Ga ago. The vigorous convection was bringing hot and fresh material from the deep interior to the surface and dragging down the crustal slags, floating on the surface, in to the mantle. The rate of cooling of the planet was so high that its core has solidified. In the last 0.5 Ga the vigour of convection diminished considerably and the crustal slags developed into a global and permanently buoyant crustal layer. The tectonic style on Venus has, consequently, changed from the recycling of crustal plates to hot spot volcanics. At the present time the planet is completely solid, except in the upper part of its mantle where partial melting may occur.  相似文献   

The thermal diffusivity of synthetic polycrystalline stishovite was determined by the Ångstrom method in the temperature range 300–550 K at 1 atm. The calculated thermal conductivity of stishovite at 300 K is 0.086 W cm?1 K?1 which is comparable to that for TiO2-rutile but much lower than for GeO2 and SnO2. The observed thermal conductivities of rutile-structure oxides increase systematically with increasing density, in contrast with the expected behavior for isostructural compounds.  相似文献   

The thermal diffusivity of a naturally occurring polycrystalline olivine (Fo91Fa09) was measured by the Flash technique in the temperature range of 450–1500 K. At 450 K the thermal diffusivity was 10.7 × 10?7 m2/s and decreased as a function of reciprocal temperature to 7.0 × 10?7 m2/s at 800 K. From that temperature, the values gradually increased to a maximum of 7.8 × 10?7 m2/s at 1000 K, and then steadily decreased to 5.6 × 10?7 m2/s at 1500 K. The unusual decrease above 1000 K was caused by a reduction of the previously oxidized samples. The olivine's oxidation state plays a significant role in the value of thermal diffusivity at high temperatures.  相似文献   

In this paper palaeomagnetic poles known to be older than 2000 m.y. in age are assessed in the context of a continental reconstruction derived from younger Precambrian palaeomagnetic results. It is found that the combined data from North America and Africa define a single apparent polar wander path during the intervals 2700-2500 m.y. and 2160-2000 m.y. using the same continental reconstruction as that derived from younger poles. A rapid polar shift is identified at ca. 2150 m.y. and a closed loop is present in the curve between 2160 and 2000 m.y. Palaeomagnetic results from the Rhodesia/Kaapvaal, Kasai, West Africa and North America (Slave and Superior) cratons define segments of this loop which are statistically identical within errors of the pole positions and their assigned ages.These results in common with younger Proterozoic data (2000-800 m.y.) confirm that the crust behaved as an integral unit during these times, although undergoing internal deformation along mobile zones which has not yet proved detectable by the palaeomagnetic method. The 2700-2000 m.y. interval includes the Archaean-Proterozoic transition during which major structural anisotropy began to be imprinted on the sialic crust. Tectonic straight belts and deformed anorthosites lie within a single great-circle belt on the continental reconstruction incorporating Gondwanaland and North America. This same belt later developed into an arc of major tectonic and magmatic activity (<2250 m.y.) including massive anorthosites, rapakivi granites, acidic volcanism and mobile belts.  相似文献   

规则桥梁抗震性能水准的定义及其量化描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于性能的结构抗震设计是各国结构抗震设计规范未来的主要发展方向,虽然其理论框架已基本形成,然而其中至关重要的结构抗震性能水准的定义及其量化描述问题,目前仍处于研究探讨阶段.本文从公路梁式桥震害现象出发,采用极限状态设计概念,对规则桥梁在地震作用下的性能水准予以明确的定义;并以墩顶漂移率作为设计参数,通过对大量试验数据的...  相似文献   


The effect of the Prandtl number on convection in a planar three-dimensional geometry is investigated in this study. We have employed a numerical scheme to integrate the governing equations. Differently from previous studies we have chosen stress-free boundaries. Experiments have been performed at a Rayleigh number of Ra = 10 6 for Prandtl numbers (Pr) ranging from 0.025 to 100. We have further conducted one experiment in the limiting case of infinite Prandtl number. Despite the differences in the geometry and the boundary conditions, as compared to other studies, we find a similar transition in the dynamics of the flow when the Prandtl number is increased. While the velocity and the temperature structure show diffusive character at low Pr, sharp thermal boundary layers form at high Pr. The heat transport efficiency increases with Pr until a transition value is reached, from there on Nu behaves almost asymptotically. The transition can not be caused by a change in hierarchies between velocity and thermal boundary layers, as suggested in other studies. Due to the stress-free boundaries, a velocity boundary layer does not exist. We observe that the toroidal part of the flow is strong at low Pr and looses its strength with increasing Pr, thus it is likely to be responsible for the transition. In a further chapter we demonstrate that due to the neglect of the toroidal part in two-dimensional calculations at low Pr results are obtained which are misleading, even in a qualitative sense. Infinite Pr results from 2D calculations closely resemble the dynamics of fully 3D flows.  相似文献   

为落实安全生产工作要求,太原基准地震台急需建设一套高清视频监控系统。文章着重介绍了高清监控系统的建设思路、设计方案、系统功能,该系统可为进一步增强台站安全技防能力、解决当前地震台站安全防范问题提供技术支持,也为同类台站提供安防建设思路。  相似文献   

大定源装置下瞬变电磁法视电阻率定义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对于应用较广的大回线源瞬变电磁装置,虽然得到了非中心点电磁响应式,但由于响应的复杂性,一直没有推导出不同场点视电阻率定义式,通常借用中心回线方式的视电阻率公式进行解释,必然会在观测区的边缘处出现异常.为提高瞬变电磁法的解释精度,将非中心点垂直分量转化为人们熟悉的电阻率参数,本文提出并建立了大定源装置情况下视电阻率定义....  相似文献   

Summary One alternative of solving the problem of eliminating the effect of external masses, generating the constant part of the tidal field, from the perturbing potential is presented. The solution is founded on a new definition of the normal gravity field which contains this part of the tidal field. It is proved that two material circles in the plane of the Earth's equator, whose radii are approximately equal to the mean distances of the Moon and Sun from the Earth, can be considered as the source of this field. The new normal gravity field is first derived in the spherical approximation, which enables one to prove simply that the value of the normal gravity potential on the reference surface does not change, and that the change in the definition of the heights is insignificant. The normal gravity field for the equipotential ellipsoid is derived in the same way according to [1].
¶rt;mam ¶rt;a amamua u ¶rt;umua n uu uu u a, au nm am nuu n, u a nmuaa. u a a n¶rt;uu a n u mmu, m m am nuu n aam. aam, m am umua m n umam a ¶rt; m nmu ama, a¶rt;u m nuuum a ¶rt;u amu u a m u. ¶rt; ¶rt; a n u mmu u nuuuu, m nm nm ¶rt;aam, m au a nmuaa u mmu a nmu m u m uu n¶rt;u m aum. ¶rt;ua n (. [1]) ¶rt; a n u mmu ¶rt; unu¶rt;a.

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