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利用SODA资料对索马里流系区域海表温度(SST)的年际变化及其影响原因进行了研究。结果表明,春、秋季和冬季的索马里流系区SST呈现全区一致型的变化,但是夏季除了有全区一致型的变化外,还存在南北反位相的变化。夏季海温的这2种变化类型与ENSO、印度洋偶极子及印度季风存在密切关系。通过合成分析发现,在夏季全区一致型时,6月份热带西南印度洋、索马里沿岸的风应力旋度和大小与阿拉伯海均呈现相反的变化特点,夏季索马里流系区域海温变化主要受上升流和蒸发共同影响;在南北反位相型时,5月份的风应力变化信号最明显,且显著区域的位置和大小与全区一致型时的6月份不完全对应;夏季索马里流系南区SST异常可以利用上升流和蒸发异常进行解释,但北区的SST异常并非如此,其它因素应该起主导作用。  相似文献   

基于ARGO资料的MTSAT海温产品误差分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用全球海洋观测网计划ARGO浮标的表层海温测量值分析了MTSAT卫星的海温反演误差。结果显示,平均绝对误差为0.73℃,均方根误差为0.885℃,满足应用需要;海温反演异常点多分布在30°N以北的高纬区域。为了确保海温产品数据的可靠性,需要通过数据误差控制技术来检测和控制海表温度反演的异常值,影像边缘和高纬地区的区域数据应谨慎使用。  相似文献   

海温场的递归滤波分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
递归滤波(RF)是一种属于经验线性插值类的客观分析方法。因其处理边界域和背景场的独特能力以及在计算机处理上的快速便捷优于其他的传统分析方法,适合于分析诸多资料量大(如卫星资料)、不同来源的不均匀资料。本文主要发展这一客观分析方法在海温场分析上的应用。综合利用各种时空分布和精确度均不相同的海温资料,对几个基本参数的取法进行调试并选取适当的值,分析得出细网格的海温场。结果表明,递归滤波方法不仅灵活简便,而且分析出的海温场质量好,基本上可以反映海温的实际情形。对海温场的分析还可为其他从卫星等提取的非常规资料分析提供借鉴。  相似文献   

使用中尺度大气模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting Model),采用TRMM/TMI海温观测资料,进行不同时间分辨率海温对台风"梅花"过程的影响试验;同时,通过HadISST1资料分析得到东中国海近50年海温变化分布情况;根据温度变化率计算了SST分布整体变化后的"梅花"过程响应情况;定量计算了水文要素受影响情况。数值试验显示,与使用NCEP/NCAR的SST试验相比,使用日平均SST试验结果的台风路径偏差减少6.7%,台风强度偏差减少55.1%,后报精度明显提高。SST整体增加后,海面向大气辐射通量显著增加,海面气压与风速在台风衰减不同阶段对下垫面SST变化的敏感性不同,台风波浪能和风暴潮由于SST增加造成的台风影响,也有不同程度的增加。  相似文献   

利用新建的中大温盐资料集、HadISST和ICOADS的逐月海温资料,对东海黑潮关键区30 a(1981-2010年)气候态海表温度气候特征进行分析,并利用SODA海表资料尝试找出海表温度变化的特征及原因.结果表明:在东海黑潮关键区范围内,1981-2010年海表温度整体呈现增温趋势,春冬两季增暖幅度最大,1997年是...  相似文献   

根据华南沿海10个海洋站1960-2009年实测海表温度(SST)资料统计分析了近50年华南沿海SST热事件时空变化特点,得出如下结论:华南沿海SST热事件主要出现在6-8月份,SST热事件出现的频率以北部湾东北部海域最高,粤东沿海最低;导致SST热事件海区差异的原因是上升流及热带气旋存在海区差异;受全球气候变暖的影响,华南沿海年均SST有上升趋势,近50年来气候变化可划分为冷、暖两个时期,其相对暖期SST热事件的年频数、累计天数、每次SST热事件持续天数较相对冷期均有增加趋势.  相似文献   

张琪  龙景超 《海洋预报》2021,38(1):80-86
通过HadSST3原始观测数据和HadISST1重组数据,分析了东中国海海温在增暖停滞期(1998-2014年)的变化特征.研究表明:两组数据的海温变化特征和程度相似.在增暖停滞期,渤海、黄海和东海海温线性趋势主要表现为负,降温最多的集中在长江口附近,约-1℃.渤海、黄海及东海部分区域的净热通量对海温降低起正作用,而在...  相似文献   

本文比较详细地分析考察了台站报资料的基本特点和质量水平,给出了一种用于西北太平洋旬平均海表温度(SST)场的台站报分析方法,通过与未包括台站报的西北太平洋旬平均SST分析场的比较发现,引入台站报资料对提高西北太平洋,特别是我国近海的旬平均SST场具有相当好的补充作用。  相似文献   

印度洋鲣鱼围网资源渔场时空变化及其与ENSO的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲣鱼是印度洋重要的金枪鱼种类之一,其资源丰度与海洋环境关系密切。本研究根据1980-2010年印度洋鲣鱼围网生产统计数据以及海洋环境与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)指数等,对印度洋鲣鱼围网资源渔场时空分布,以及厄尔尼诺年和拉尼娜年等不同尺度气候条件下鲣鱼资源渔场时空变动及其与海洋环境因子的关系进行分析。研究结果表明,1980-2010年印度洋鲣鱼围网渔获量基本保持不断增加的趋势,但CUPE值变化幅度较大,最低仅为0.68 t/d(1997年),最高达到1.58 t/d(2002年)。同时鲣鱼资源丰度(CPUE)与Ni?o3.4区指数存在显著的负相关关系,即厄尔尼诺年,鲣鱼CPUE 随之下降,拉尼娜年,CPUE 随之上升。ENSO现象对鲣鱼渔场时空分布也有显著影响,厄尔尼诺发生时,鲣鱼围网作业渔场重心会向东、向北移动,而拉尼娜年则向西、向南移动。  相似文献   

卫星遥感南海海表面日增温的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用搭载在Aqua和Terra卫星上的MODIS(moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer)、AMSR-E(advanced microwave scanning radiometer for the earth observing system)传感器测量反演的昼夜海表温度(SST),计算海表面日增温(sea surface diurnal warming),分析南海海表面日增温的短期和年变动特征。受观测平台过境时间、传感器测量SST方式、反演算法等影响,MODIS/Aqua计算的日增温幅度略大于AMSR-E/Aqua和MODIS/Terra,但在表征南海海表面日增温的时空分布特征以及变化趋势上三者并未见显著性差异。南海海表面日增温在时间分布上以冬季为最小,春季为最大;在空间分布上则是南部海域大于中部和北部海域,东部海域大于西部海域。春夏之交的吕宋海峡西北部尤其容易发生日增温事件。海表面日增温与太阳辐射、风速、云量等影响有关,其中风速与海表面日增温显著负相关。  相似文献   

海洋水温是海洋研究的重要参数之一.本文介绍了"表皮温度"和"表层温度"的不同概念,分析了表皮和表层温度不同的产生机理,初步建立了两个温度之间的关系式,分析了回归方程产生的误差.  相似文献   

郑崇伟  周林  宋帅  潘静 《海洋与湖沼》2013,44(5):1123-1129
利用来自英国气象局哈德莱中心(Met Office Hadley Centre)的海表面温度(Sea Surface Temperature, SST)资料, 对全球海域近140余年来SST的长期变化进行分析。研究发现:(1)1870—2011年期间, 全球大部分海域的SST表现出显著的逐年线性递增趋势, 在两极大部分海域、格陵兰南部海域呈显著的递减趋势, 仅在部分小范围海域及一些零星海域的SST无显著变化。近海的递增趋势强于大洋, 大洋西岸的递增趋势强于大洋东岸。(2)近140余年来, 整体上全球的SST以0.0038℃/a的速度显著增加, 其中1870—1910年表现出较为显著的递减趋势, 1910年至今表现出较强的递增趋势。(3)1870—1910年期间, 全球大范围海域的SST无显著变化; 呈显著递减的海域主要分布于东海、阿拉斯加半岛南部海域、北大西洋30°N附近海域、冰岛南部海域、南印度洋西风带海域、新西兰附近海域; 呈显著递增的区域较为分散。1910—2011年期间, 全球大范围海域的SST逐年显著递增, 在两极大部分海域呈显著的递减趋势。(4)1870—1960年期间, 两极的SST走势较为平缓; 1960—2011年期间, 南极尤其是威德尔海的SST表现出显著的递减趋势, 其中逐8月的递减趋势尤为强劲; 北极逐2月、逐5月的SST呈显著性递减, 逐8月呈显著性递增且趋势较为强劲, 达到0.0402℃/a, 逐11月的SST无显著变化。  相似文献   

文章基于2001—2014年间中等分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)气溶胶光学厚度数据和NOAA提供的海表温度数据,首先利用经验正交函数分析中国气溶胶光学厚度的时空变化特征,然后用奇异值分解法分析中国气溶胶光学厚度和太平洋海表温度之间的时空联系。结果表明:1中国陆地气溶胶光学厚度存在两个主要模态,第一模态气溶胶光学厚度分布变化一致,其中华北平原存在大值中心,对应的时间系数呈显著减小趋势,且存在4~5年的周期;第二模态则对应南北区域的反位相变化。2SVD第一模态显示中国陆地气溶胶光学厚度与中东太平洋海表温度呈负相关,与中东太平洋两侧的区域呈正相关;第二模态则显示出西北区域与西太平洋中纬度地区的高正相关性。  相似文献   

利用遥感SST反演上层海洋三维温度场   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张春玲 《海洋与湖沼》2014,45(1):114-125
通过统计相关分析验证了一个简单的温度参数模型在太平洋海域的较好适用性。基于Argo观测资料及WOA09气候态温度数据,采用最大角度法求得此模型的相关参数,并利用高分辨率卫星遥感海表温度反演了太平洋上层海域空间分辨率为1°×1°的气候态月平均三维温度场。与实测资料的比较分析表明反演结果是较为真实可靠的,并可作为海洋数值模式积分的初猜场,为实现现场观测(如:Argo)与卫星观测的优势互补,构建太平洋海域完整的三维温度分析场提供一种新途径。  相似文献   

为了探究海表温度和海面高度之间的瞬时相关性,介绍了一种卫星测高数据的拉格朗日分析指数--有限尺度李雅普诺夫指数(Finite Size Lyapunov Exponent,FSLE),以黑潮延伸体区域的涡旋和南大西洋的亚南极锋为例,通过对观测、模式结果和融合产品结果的分析,探讨了该指数与海表温度梯度(Sea Surface Temperature Gradient,SSTG)之间的相关性。比较FSLE图像和SSTG图像发现,FSLE与SSTG均呈丝状结构,对海洋表层水体结构描述具有一致性,尤其在温度梯度大和地转流强的区域更为一致。二者的一致性要远好于其他常用方式,比如全流速、OW参数涡旋识别方法和Winding-Angle涡旋识别方法。不同区域FSLE与SSTG之间的相关性表现不同,黑潮延伸体区域相关系数存在显著的季节变化,而南大西洋亚南极锋区域季节内变化突出。  相似文献   

在对海面微波辐射特性现场测量和数据处理的基础上,结合对海面微波辐射理论的初步分析,研究了各种环境参数以及辐射计参数与海洋微波波谱特性的相关关系,为海洋微波遥感资料的分析和解译提供了基础数据.测量结果表明了辐射计参数和环境要素对海面微波辐射特性的影响,而这些影响因素在分析、解译遥感资料时是必需考虑的因素.  相似文献   

Composites of warm and cold temperature anomalies were constructed, and the distribution of the recurrence frequency of days with temperature anomalies in the four seasons of the year was evaluated based on satellite measurements data on sea surface temperature. Regions of the formation of cold anomalies in the northwestern part of the sea and warm anomalies in the northern and northeastern parts of sea were distinguished, related to advection by the Black Sea Rim Current. The distribution functions of temperature anomalies and the lifetime of the cold and warm anomalies were estimated. A plausible physical mechanism of the generation of cold anomaly in the southeastern marginal part of the sea related to Ekman pumping of cold water from the thermocline was considered.  相似文献   

Maldives, a South Asian small island nation in the northern part of the Indian Ocean is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of Sea Level Rise (SLR) due to its low altitude from the mean sea level. This artricle attempts to estimate the recent rates of SLR in Maldives during different seasons of the year with the help of existing tidal data recorded in the Maldives coast. Corresponding Sea Surface Temperature (SST) trends, utilizing reliable satellite climatology, have also been obtained. The relationships between the SST and mean sea level have been comprehensively investigated. Results show that recent sea level trends in the Maldives coast are very high. At Male, the capital of the Republic of Maldives, the rising rates of Mean Tidal Level (MTL) are: 8.5, 7.6, and 5.8 mm/year during the postmonsoon (October-December), Premonsoon (March-May) and southwest monsoon (June-September) seasons respectively. At Gan, a station very close to the equator, the increasing rate of MTL is maximum during the period from June to September (which is 6.2 mm/year). These rising trends in MTL along the Maldives coast are certainly alarming for this small developing island nation, which is hardly one meter above the mean sea level. Thus there is a need for careful monitoring of future sea level changes in the Maldives coast. The trends presented are based on the available time-series of MTL for the Maldives coast, which are rather short. These trends need not necessarily reflect the long-term scenario. SST in the Maldives coast has also registered significant increasing trend during the period from June to September. There are large seasonal variations in the SST trends at Gan but SST and MTL trends at Male are consistently increasing during all the seasons and the rising rates are very high. The interannual mode of variation is prominent both in SST as well as MTL. Annual profile of MTL along the Maldives coast is bimodal, having two maxima during April and July. The April Mode is by far the dominant one. The SST appears to be the main factor governing the sea level variations along the Maldives coast. The influence of SST and sea level is more near the equatorial region (i.e., at Gan). There is lag of about two months for the maximum influence of SST on the sea level. The correlation coefficient between the smoothed SST and mean tidal level at Gan with lag of two months is as high as ~ +0.8, which is highly significant. The corresponding correlation coefficients at Male with the lags of one and two months are +0.5 and +0.3, respectively. Thus, the important finding of the present work for the Maldives coast is the dominance of SST factor in sea level variation, especially near the region close to the equator.  相似文献   

Maldives, a South Asian small island nation in the northern part of the Indian Ocean is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of Sea Level Rise (SLR) due to its low altitude from the mean sea level. This artricle attempts to estimate the recent rates of SLR in Maldives during different seasons of the year with the help of existing tidal data recorded in the Maldives coast. Corresponding Sea Surface Temperature (SST) trends, utilizing reliable satellite climatology, have also been obtained. The relationships between the SST and mean sea level have been comprehensively investigated. Results show that recent sea level trends in the Maldives coast are very high. At Male, the capital of the Republic of Maldives, the rising rates of Mean Tidal Level (MTL) are: 8.5, 7.6, and 5.8 mm/year during the postmonsoon (October-December), Premonsoon (March-May) and southwest monsoon (June-September) seasons respectively. At Gan, a station very close to the equator, the increasing rate of MTL is maximum during the period from June to September (which is 6.2 mm/year). These rising trends in MTL along the Maldives coast are certainly alarming for this small developing island nation, which is hardly one meter above the mean sea level. Thus there is a need for careful monitoring of future sea level changes in the Maldives coast. The trends presented are based on the available time-series of MTL for the Maldives coast, which are rather short. These trends need not necessarily reflect the long-term scenario. SST in the Maldives coast has also registered significant increasing trend during the period from June to September. There are large seasonal variations in the SST trends at Gan but SST and MTL trends at Male are consistently increasing during all the seasons and the rising rates are very high. The interannual mode of variation is prominent both in SST as well as MTL. Annual profile of MTL along the Maldives coast is bimodal, having two maxima during April and July. The April Mode is by far the dominant one. The SST appears to be the main factor governing the sea level variations along the Maldives coast. The influence of SST and sea level is more near the equatorial region (i.e., at Gan). There is lag of about two months for the maximum influence of SST on the sea level. The correlation coefficient between the smoothed SST and mean tidal level at Gan with lag of two months is as high as ~ +0.8, which is highly significant. The corresponding correlation coefficients at Male with the lags of one and two months are +0.5 and +0.3, respectively. Thus, the important finding of the present work for the Maldives coast is the dominance of SST factor in sea level variation, especially near the region close to the equator.  相似文献   

The Visible and Infrared Scanner (VIRS) aboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) is a five-channel radiometer with wavelength from 0.6 to 12 μm. Daily 0.125° sea surface temperature (SST) data from VIRS were first produced at the National Space Development Agency (NASDA) for comparison with SST from TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI). In order to obtain accurate high spatial resolution SST for the merging of SST from infrared and microwave measurements, new SST retrieval coefficients of the Multichannel SST (MCSST) algorithm were generated using the global matchups from VIRS brightness temperature (BT) and Global Telecommunications System (GTS) SST. Cloud detection was improved and striping noise was eliminated. One-year global VIRS level-1B data were reprocessed using the MCSST algorithm and the advanced cloud/noise treatments. The bias and standard deviation between VIRS split-window SST and in situ SST are 0.10°C and 0.63°C, and for triple-window SST, are 0.06°C and 0.48°C. The results indicate that the reprocessing algorithm is capable of retrieving high quality SST from VIRS data. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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