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郭为  唐新功  盛冠群 《地震学报》2022,44(2):302-315
静态效应一直是影响大地电磁测深法精确性的主要原因之一.在相位校正法的基础上提出了一种更适用于电性变化较为平缓的地质情况的静态校正方法—最高频相位法,其核心是用需要校正测点两侧受静态效应影响较小测点的最高频视电阻率的算术平均值代替相位法递推公式中每个频点前一个频点的视电阻率值,以消除相位法中的误差积累.以二维模型的正反演...  相似文献   

Atmospheric aerosol particle size distribution data derived from almucantar scans performed by the CIMEL sunphotometer at Belsk, Poland, in 2005 are used for the estimation of aerosol optical thickness (AOT) in the UV range by applying the Mie theory. The results obtained are compared with the direct Sun measurement data from the CIMEL sunphotometer and collocated Brewer spectrophotometer No. 064, as well as with AOT obtained by Angström extrapolation from the direct Sun measurements performed by the CIMEL sunphotometer in the visible range of wavelengths. Mean differences between calculated and measured values of AOT are up to about 8% in the UV-B range, which is close to the measurement uncertainty of the Brewer spectrophotometer and much less than that obtained by means of Angstrom extrapolation (over 24% in the UV-B range).  相似文献   

Q. He  D. E. Walling 《水文研究》1998,12(7):1079-1094
River floodplains have been widely recognized as important sinks for storing suspended sediment and associated contaminants transported by river systems. The grain size composition of floodplain deposits exerts an important influence on contaminant concentrations, and commonly exhibits significant spatial variability in response to the dynamic nature of overbank flow and sediment transport. Information on the spatial variability of the grain size composition of overbank deposits is therefore essential for developing an improved understanding of the processes controlling sediment transport on floodplains, and for investigating the fate of sediment-associated contaminants. Such information is also important for validating existing floodplain sedimentation models. This paper reports the results of a study aimed at investigating the spatial variability of the grain size composition of floodplain sediments at different spatial scales, through analysis of surface sediment samples representative of contemporary floodplain deposits collected from frequently inundated floodplain sites on five British lowland rivers. Significant lateral and downstream variations in the grain size composition of the sediment deposits have been identified in the study reaches. An attempt has been made to relate the observed spatial distribution of the grain size composition of the overbank deposits to the local floodplain geometry and topography. The importance of the particle size characteristics of the suspended sediment transported by the rivers in influencing the spatial variability of the grain size composition of the overbank sediments deposited on these floodplains is also considered. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Aerosol retrieval algorithms for the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) have been developed to estimate aerosol and microphysical properties of the atmosphere, which help to address aerosol climatic issues at global scale. However, higher spatial resolution aerosol products for urban areas have not been well researched mainly due to the difficulty of differentiating aerosols from bright surfaces in urban areas. Here, a new aerosol retrieval algorithm using the MODIS 500 m resolution image...  相似文献   

自适应GA-BP优化方法进行高分辨率反演   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文提出了一种高精度的神经网络学习方法.由于BP神经网络受初值的影响较大,而遗传算法可以很快达到全局最优解附近.本文结合遗传神经网络和BP神经网络各自的优点,将两种算法混合.使得神经网络的收敛速度得到加快,精度得到提高,并对传统的混合方法作了一点改进.通过对波阻抗进行反演的实践,表明这种方法可以达到提高分辨率的效果。  相似文献   

The accuracy of gravimetric fractionation as a means of obtaining size fractions from marine sediments has been explored. Analysis of the particle size distribution and sediment properties of fractions obtained using this method was undertaken. This has highlighted the extent to which experimental artefacts rather than variations in sediment characteristics may adversely affect the efficiency of the fractionation process. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

模型估算法与静态箱法是水-气界面气体通量监测的主要方法,因原理不同监测结果通常存在一定差异.目前对引起上述差异的主要环境因素仍不清晰.本研究使用自行设计的静态箱对三峡支流澎溪河水-气界面CO2通量进行监测,并与同步开展的CO2通量薄边界层模型估算法结果相比较,探讨该水域引起这两种监测方法结果产生差异的主要环境因素.结果表明,瞬时风速、水汽温差及水深均会对静态箱法及模型估算法的监测结果产生影响.风速越强、水汽温差越大、水深越大,这两种方法监测结果的差异就越小;而水域面积对两种方法的差异没有影响.比较发现,两种方法所获通量数据呈显著正相关,但静态箱法所获通量数据离散性显著高于薄边界层模型估算法.从方法的稳定性角度,在峡谷河道型水库水体温室气体监测中薄边界层模型估算法可能更为适宜.  相似文献   

An operational modal analysis method in frequency and spatial domain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A frequency and spatial domain decomposition method (FSDD) for operational modal analysis (OMA) is presented in this paper, which is an extension of the complex mode indicator function (CMIF) method for experimental modal analysis (EMA). The theoretical background of the FSDD method is clarified, Singular value decomposition is adopted to separate the signal space from the noise space. Finally, an enhanced power spectrum density (PSD) is proposed to obtain more accurate modal parameters by curve fitting in the frequency domain. Moreover, a simulation case and an application case are used to validate this method.  相似文献   

2010年3月20日至3月28日,利用大气细粒子谱分析仪对合肥地区大气细粒子谱进行连续在线观测.观测过程涵盖整个沙尘暴降尘期、间歇性降雨期及晴好天气粒子浓度增长期.颗粒物数浓度分析表明,沙尘暴降尘期内核模态(Nucleation mode, 5~20 nm)、爱根核模态(Aitken mode, 20~100 nm)和积聚模态(Accumulation mode, 100~1000 nm)粒子浓度分别为898 cm-3、3424 cm-3、1587 cm-3,并未明显高于间歇性降雨期(粒子浓度分别为255 cm-3、1509 cm-3、1213 cm-3)和晴好天气粒子浓度增长期(粒子浓度分别为706 cm-3、4891 cm-3、2468 cm-3);沙尘暴降尘期粗粒子模态(Coarse mode, 1~10 μm) 粒子值达到 48 cm-3,浓度远高于其他观测期.粒谱分析表明:合肥地区大气细粒子谱呈典型双峰结构,第一峰值出现在10~20 nm之间,第二峰值出现在100 nm左右,而且不同天气条件下细粒子谱峰值位置略有不同;沙尘暴降尘期,粒径10 nm以下和400 nm以上粒子浓度值高于间歇性降雨期和晴好天气粒子浓度增长期,而并非只有粗粒子模态粒子浓度高于其他时段.  相似文献   

Summary The value of three different methods for deducing aerosol size distribution from diffusional decay measurements — the exhaustion method proposed byPollak andMetnieks, the method byFuchs et al. and the method byNolan andScott — is investigated with numerical examples of known distributions and also by applying them to laboratory experiments. It was found that the exhaustion method and the method proposed byFuchs et al. are satisfactory for deducing the mean particle size and that none of the three methods is quite satisfactory for deducing dispersion of the distributions with higher accuracy.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the marked influence of the air-flow on the value of the diffusion coefficient as determined by the dynamic method can be fully explained when heterogeneity of the condensation nuclei in the aerosol is assumed. A theory of the dynamic method for heterogeneous aerosols is given on the assumption that the diffusion loss of a mixture of condensation nuclei of different diffusion coefficients is the sum of the diffusion losse of its components. Procedures for resolving heterogeneous aerosols into their components using the dynamic method are developed. The accuracy attainable by one of the methods which requires no assumptions on the number of components in the aerosol under investigation is illustrated by a numerical example.
Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, dass der bemerkenswerte Einfluss der Luftstromgeschwindigkeit auf die Grösse des mit der dynamischen Methode bestimmten Diffusionskoeffizienten völlig erklärt werden kann, wenn Heterogenität der Kondensationskerne im Aerosol angenommen wird. Eine Theorie der dynamischen Methode für heterogene Aerosole wird unter der Annahme, dass der Diffusionsverlust eines Gemisches von Kondensationskernen mit verschiedenen Diffusionskoeffizienten gleich der Summe der Diffusionsverluste ihrer Komponenten ist, gegeben. Verfahren der Zerlegung heterogener Aerosole in ihre Komponenten mittels der dynamischen Methode werden entwickelt. Die mit einem der Verfahren, welches keine Annahme über die Zahl der in dem zu untersuchenden Aerosol vorhandenen Komponenten benötigt, erreichbare Genauigkeit wird an einem numerischen Beispiel illustriert.

a u uma naau ¶rt; m¶rt; ¶rt; aaua ¶rt;auu uu. naau ¶rt; naam , ¶rt;mu mau a, m aa naau ¶rt;am n a au aauu uu auumu m amu m aaa um ¶rt;uam. m¶rt; m ¶rt;mam mu ¶rt;a nu auu u m mu, ma m nuu ma a a .  相似文献   

Recently proposed peak-frequency method is used to estimate the P- and S-wave quality factors from microseismic events. We use a downhole monitoring dataset of 10 high signal-to-noise ratio microseismic events to calculate P- and S-wave effective attenuation of a carbonate reservoir. We benchmark these results with the spectral ratio method and obtain mutually consistent results. Additionally we develop and test two techniques of peak frequency determination. We show that the peak frequency method can be successfully used in the estimation of the quality factor and it provides precise measurements of attenuation.  相似文献   

The dependency on relative humidity of the settling velocity of aerosol particles in stagnant air and of the diffusion coefficient due to Brownian motion of aerosol particles was computed for six aerosol types and different particles sizes in dry state. The computations are based (1) on mean bulk densities of dry aerosol particles obtained from measurements or from the knowledge of the chemical composition of the particles, (2) on micro-balance measurements of the water uptake per unit mass of dry aerosol substance versus water activity at thermodynamic equilibrium, and (3) on measurements of the equilibrium water activity of aqueous sea salt solutions. The results show a significant dependence of the settling velocity and Brownian diffusion of aerosol particles on relative humidity and on the particle's chemical composition.Nomenclature A surface parameter of a particle - B surface parameter of a particle - c L velocity of sound in moist air - C 1+Kn[A+Qexp(–B/Kn]=slip correction - D diffusion coefficient of a particle - D 1 D(=1)=diffusion coefficient of a spherical particle - f P w /P we (T,P)=relative humidity (f=0 dry air,f=1 saturated air) - g acceleration due to gravity - g |g| - k 1.3804×10–16 erg/°K=Boltzmann constant - Kn L /r=Knudsen number of a particle - Kn 0 0L /r 0=Knudsen number of a dry particle - m 4r 3/3=mass of a particle - m L 4r 3 L /3=mass of the moist air displaced by a particle - M mobility of a particle - M 0 molar mass of dry air - M w molar mass of water - Ma |u–u L |/c L =Mach number of the particles motion relative to the ambient air - n particle number per unit volume of air - P P 0+P w =pressure of the moist air - P 0 partial pressure of the dry air - P w partial pressure of the water vapour - P we P we (T,P)=equilibrium partial water vapour pressure over a plane surface of water saturated with air - Q surface parameter of a particle - r equivalent radius of a particle (radius of a sphere with the particles volume) - r 0 equivalent radius of a particle in dry state - R 1+0.13Re 0.85=inertia correction - R 0 specific gas constant of dry air - R w specific gas constant of water - Re 2r L uu L / L =Reynolds number of the particles motion relative to the ambient air - t time - T absolute temperature - u velocity of a particle - u (amount of the) settling velocity of a particle in stagnant air - u 1 u(=1)=(amount of the) settling velocity of a spherical particle in stagnant air - u L velocity of the ambient moist air (far enough from the particle where the flow pattern remains undistorted) - W drag coefficient of a particles equivalent sphere - empirical parameter in equation (3.1) - dynamic viscosity of a particles liquid cover - L dynamic viscosity of moist air - 0L dynamic viscosity of dry air (at the same pressure and temperature like the moist air) - celsius temperature - dynamic shape factor of a particle (=1 for a sphere) - 0 dynamic shape factor of a dry particle - L mean free path of the molecules in moist air - 0L mean free path of the molecules in dry air (at the same pressure and temperature like the moist air) - Po mean free path of the molecules in dry air at the pressureP 0 of the dry air and the temperature given - factor of solid to liquid change-over (=1 for a solid particle) - mean bulk density of a particle - L density of the moist air - 0L density of the dry air at the same pressure and temperature like the moist air - 0 mean bulk density of a dry particle - 0 mean diameter of the molecules of dry air - w diameter of water molecules - relaxation time of a particle - gradient operation - 3.141593  相似文献   

Summary It was intended to carry out a detailed comparison between the values of the diffusion coefficient of condensation nuclei obtained by the static method and the corresponding values deduced from measurements by the dynamic method.In order to increase the accuracy of the diffusion coefficient as determined by the static method, using as decay vessel the fog tube of a photo-electric counter, it was necessary to develop a new version with an air column diameter smaller than that previously employed. Calibration curves for counters with fog tubes of 1.1, 1.9 and 2.5 cm diameter together with that for the standard of 3.85 cm are given.Fürth's theory of the static method was experimentally verified and shown to be consistent in itself.With regard to the dynamic method, the effect of varying the air-flow on the results obtained with the diffusion box was investigated and a marked influence on the value of the diffusion coefficient usingGormley's formula found. A regular and systematic increase of the diffusion coefficient with increase of air-flow, apparently overlooked up to now, was discovered. Within the range of 1 to 4 litres/min air-flow a change by 1 litre/min alters the diffusion coefficient by about 12%. Since for technical reasons during one experiment, adjustment of the air-flow by two litres/min were not uncommon hitherto, the diffusion coefficient determined in this way may be wrong by 25 % of its value for this reason alone. The influence of humidity on the diffusion coefficient determined with the diffusion box was also studied. It was found that the reduction of the diffusion coefficient due to increase in relative humidity from 53 % to 84 % amounts in the average and over a very wide range of diffusion coefficients to about 10 %.The comparison of the diffusion coefficients determined by the static and dynamic methods gave the following results: The diffusion coefficient of large hot nichrome wire nuclei (D 10 · 10–6 cm2/sec) determined by the static method is approximately one third of that obtained when the dynamic method with an air-flow of 1 litre/min is used. With decreasing size of nuclei the diffusion coefficients measured by the two methods approach each other.It is suggested that the observed discrepancies are due to a thin boundary layer which at the start of the diffusion process is almost free of nuclei. The theory of the static method is accordingly modified and a new formula for the calculation ofD is derived which leads to agreement between the static and the dynamic determinations ofD when it is assumed that the boundary layer has a thickness of about 1.5 mm.
Zusammenfassung Es war beabsichtigt, eine detailierte Vergleichung der mittels der statischen und dynamischen Methode gemessenen Diffusionskoeffizienten von Kondensationskernen durchzuführen.Um die Genauigkeit der mit der statischen Methode ermittelten Diffusionskoeffizienten, wenn das Nebelrohr des photoelektrischen Kernzählers als Kernspeicher benützt wird, zu erhöhen, war es notwendig ein neues Modell mit einer zylindrischen Nebelkammer von kleinerem Durchmesser, als bisher verwendet, zu entwickeln. Es werden Eichkurven für Zähler mit Nebelrohren von 1.1, 1.9 und 2.5 cm Durchmesser zusammen mit der Eichkurve für den Standard-Kernzähler von 3.85 cm Durchmesser gegeben.Fürth's Theorie der statischen Methode wurde experimentell verifiziert und als in sich selbst verträglich bewiesen.Es wurde ferner der Effekt der änderung des Luftstromes durch den Diffusions-apparat auf die mit der dynamischen Methode bestimmten Diffusionskoeffizienten untersucht, und ein bemerkenswerter Einfluss der Luftstromgeschwindigkeit auf die Grösse des Diffusionskoeffizienten entdeckt, wennGormley's Formel der Auswertung zu Grunde gelegt wird. Ein regelmässiges und systematisches Anwachsen des Diffusionskoeffizienten mit Zunahme der Luftströmung — offenbar bis jetzt übersehen — wurde festgestellt. Für Luftströmungen zwischen 1 und 4 Liter/Min bewirkt eine änderung der Luftströmung um 1 Liter/Min eine änderung des Diffusionskoeffizienten um etwa 12%. Da bisher aus technischen Gründen eine Regulierung des Luftstromes um 2 Liter/Min während eines und desselben Experiments nichts Ungewöhnliches war, so kann deshalb allein der so bestimmte Diffusionskoeffizient um 25 % seines Wertes unrichtig sein. — Auch der Einfluss der Feuchtigkeit auf den mit dem Diffusionsapparat ermittelten Diffusionskoeffizienten wurde geprüft. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Reduktion des Diffusionskoeffizienten als Folge einer Erhöhung der relativen Feuchtigkeit von 53 auf 84 % im Durchschnitt und für Diffusionskoeffizienten bis zu 500. 10–6 cm2/sec etwa 10 % beträgt.Die Vergleichung der mittels der statischen und dynamischen Methode gemessenen Diffusionskoeffizienten ergab das folgende Resultat: Der Diffusionskoeffizient grosser,. durch elektrisches Glühen eines Drahtes erzeugten Kondensationskerne (D 10. 10–6 cm2/sec), wenn mit der statischen Methode bestimmt, ist ungefähr ein Drittel jenes mittels der dynamischen Methode gemessenen Wertes bei einem Luftstrom von 1 Liter/Min durch den Diffusionsapparat. Mit abnehmender Grösse der Kondensationskerne nähern sich die Werte der nach den beiden Methoden bestimmten Diffusionskoeffizienten.Es wird versucht, die beobachteten Unstimmigkeiten durch die Annahme einer dünnen Wandschicht zu erklären, die zu Beginn des Diffusionsprozesses beinahe frei. von Kernen ist. Die Theorie der statischen Methode wurde dementsprechend abgeändert und eine neue Formel für die Berechnung vonD abgeleitet, die zu einer Uebereinstimmung zwischen den statischen und dynamischen Bestimmungen vonD führt, wenn angenommen wird, dass die Wandschicht eine Dicke von ungefähr 1.5 mm hat.

Kenshiro  Otsuki  Takayuki  Uduki  Nobuaki  Monzawa  Hidemi  Tanaka 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):12-21
Abstract   The fractality of fault zones of thickness T for the 248-m-long core from a borehole penetrating the northern segment of the seismic Chelungpu Fault, Taiwan, was analyzed. The frequency curve of T shows that the fractal dimension is normal when T is smaller than a characteristic thickness T c, and it becomes abnormally large when T exceeds T c. The fractal dimensions of size and spatial distributions of T increase as the mean distribution density of T increases, which is inconsistent with the evolution laws for ordinary brittle faults. This discrepancy implies that the thickening rate of T when T is more than T c is not constant, but a decreasing function of fault displacement. The slow thickening rate is related to the elastohydrodynamic lubrication which was effective on the fault when T exceeds T c. This slip instability mechanism can explain the large, fast and smooth slip on the northern segment of the Chelungpu Fault during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake.  相似文献   

In flood frequency analysis, a suitable probability distribution function is required in order to establish the flood magnitude-return period relationship. Goodness of fit (GOF) techniques are often employed to select a suitable distribution function in this context. But they have been often criticized for their inability to discriminate between statistical distributions for the same application. This paper investigates the potential utility of subsampling, a resampling technique with the aid of a GOF test to select the best distribution for frequency analysis. The performance of the methodology is assessed by applying the methodology to observed and simulated annual maximum (AM) discharge data series. Several AM series of different record lengths are used as case studies to determine the performance. Numerical analyses are carried out to assess the performance in terms of sample size, subsample size and statistical properties inherent in the AM data series. The proposed methodology is also compared with the standard Anderson–Darling (AD) test. It is found that the methodology is suitable for a longer data series. A better performance is obtained when the subsample size is taken around half of the underlying data sample. The methodology has also outperformed the standard AD test in terms of effectively discriminating between distributions. Overall, all results point that the subsampling technique can be a promising tool in discriminating between distributions.  相似文献   




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