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江苏海安青墩地区新石器时代环境考古   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张强  朱诚  姜彤  张之恒 《地理研究》2004,23(4):513-520
通过对海安青墩遗址剖面进行磁化率、粒度、孢粉、14 C测年等指标分析 ,结果表明 ,剖面第 8层至第 7层是一个海退过程 ,同时微体古生物分析表明这两层均无有孔虫 ,可知当时此区域离海较远。第 8层到第 7层气候向暖湿方向转化 ,良好的气候环境条件为后来该区域人类活动的发展创造了条件。测年资料表明第 6层为距今 3790± 10 5 14 CaB .P .,是大暖期后面的一个气候波动和缓的亚稳定暖湿期 ,当时中国绝大部分地区气候要比现今暖湿。剖面的第 3、 4、 5层 ,即 4 0 0 0 14 CaB .P .以来的一个时期 ,该区出现了一洪水泛滥期 ,正是这一洪水期导致该区域人类文明的衰落。  相似文献   

长江三角洲7000年来的环境变迁   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张强  朱诚  刘春玲  姜彤 《地理学报》2004,59(4):534-542
上海马桥遗址14C测年、环境地球化学、孢粉与环境磁学分析,结合搜集的研究区部分考古地层与自然地层分析,结果表明,7 200 aBP~5 300 aBP研究区经历一次海退过程,大面积土地裸露,为良渚时期人类活动提供了广阔空间。该期适宜的气候使当时人类活动频繁,文化发达,出现前所未有的玉器文化。良渚文化后期气候向干冷转化,导致一次大范围的洪泛期,使良渚文化衰落。考古地层、自然洪积层以及与建湖庆丰剖面气候曲线分析表明,研究区洪泛期与气候转型期相一致。考古地层与自然地层对比研究认为,洪水事件是研究区存在多期文化断层的重要原因。  相似文献   

飞梁遗址地层剖面的孢粉分析表明,飞梁遗址剖面的植被由稀树草原变为森林草原,气候由温和半干燥变为温凉半湿润。古人类在该地生存时的气候条件与今相近,年均气温可能比现在高0.5℃。  相似文献   

顾维玮  朱诚 《地理科学》2005,25(2):239-243
苏北地区7000-6500aB.P.青莲岗文化时期重要新石器遗址有18处,主要分布在苏北废黄河泗阳至涟水段南北两岸。6000-5200aB.P.刘林文化时期重要遗址有9处,主要分布在涟水、邳县和高邮等地。6300-4400aB.P.大汶口文化时期主要遗址有8处,4100-3800aB.P.龙山文化时期主要遗址有23处,这两个时期遗址主要分布于连云港-沭阳-泗洪一线以西。以上遗址分布与气候和海面变化密切相关:7000aB.P.前的全新世最大海侵使江苏沿海普遍遭到海侵,故本区未发现7000aB.P.前的新石器遗址;青莲岗文化遗址多分布在基本未受海侵影响的陆相环境区;刘林文化遗址的锐减预示着5500aB.P.前后苏北全新世高海面的到来;龙山文化时期苏北大部分成陆,使得遗址数量增加更为显著。  相似文献   

距今5000年左右世界各地普遍存在一次幅度较大的短期降温气候事件,通过对金川剖面泥炭地层14C测年,孢粉分析,认为东北地区此次降温事件结束的14C年龄在4700aB.P.左右,降温事件出现之前气候温暖湿润,降温事件过后温度持续下降,金川剖面的记录与东北地区其它类型沉积物所记录的降温事件出现的时间基本吻合,降温事件对燕辽地区古文化演变产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

赤峰地区孢粉分析与先人生活环境初探   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
从考古孢粉学角度,根据赤峰七锅山剖面孢粉分析,结合赤峰地区古文化遗址的考古资料,探讨了赤峰地区8000aB.P.以来的先人生活环境,以及人类活动和自然环境演变的过程之间的相互关系,结果表明:8400-6200aB.P. 为温暖湿润的草原气候,先人既狩猎捕鱼,也种植作物和放牧;6200-4000aB.P,,随着森林的破坏,环境逐渐恶劣,农业水平下降;4000-2500aB.P.植被以草原为主,气候温干,先人以旱作农业为主,2500aB.P.至现在,植被为典型的蒿草草原,气候温和偏干,农业和畜牧业相对发展,人类活动加剧。  相似文献   

东天山北麓2000多年以来的森林线与环境变化   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
依据吉木萨尔县泉子街乡桦树窝子和小西沟两个剖面进行高时间分辨率的孢粉分析,结合剖面岩性特征分析、历史文献记录和碳屑鉴定,揭示了天山北麓最近2000多年以来的环境变化。2000aB.P.以前,该地植被为荒漠草原;2000-1300aB.P.(50a B.C.-650A.D.),植被为草原植被,其中1750—1400aB.P.(200—550A.D.),植被为有少量森林的草原植被,当时气候状况较今凉湿,适宜云杉生长,使得云杉林带下移,幅度可达250m左右。当时的年均气温较今低1℃而降水量较高,是新疆历史上一个相对冷湿的环境;约1300—450a B.P.(650—1500A.D.),植被为荒漠草原;4.50aB.P.年以来,植被为荒漠草原—草原。  相似文献   

重庆巫山张家湾遗址2000年来的环境考古   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
通过对重庆巫山张家湾西汉遗址T911剖面进行粒度、磁化率等环境替代指标的分析研究,结果表明,汉代该区发达的农业、手工业生产使人们盲目砍伐树木,使该区植被严重退化,使生态环境恶化,降水集中、坡地表面松散沉积丰富、缺乏植被保护等使流水侵蚀、坡地径流发育,导致水土流失严重,该区的人类文明因此而衰落,同时研究发现,该区在竺可桢划分的中国4次温暖期与4次寒期扣的第2次寒冷期(公元初至公元600年)仍为温暖期,这是由于该区西北面与东南面均有高大山脉包围,一定程度上阻挡了来自北方的冷空气进入本区的缘故,该区气候演变在一定程度上可能受西南季风的影响,至少该区在汉代气候演变与西南季风的强弱有某种相关关系,作为一个相对独立的气候变化单元,研究其气候变化与人类文明发展的耦合关系具有重要的理论意义与实际意义。  相似文献   

太湖东岸平原中全新世气候转型事件与新石器文化中断   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
于世永  朱诚  曲维正 《地理科学》1999,19(6):549-554
来自苏州草鞋山遗址年代学,生物地层学和沉积学的分析结果表明,本区新石器文化演进与全新世气候突变的事件有关。高分辨率,连续的孢粉,粒度和磁化率记录证实,崧泽文化是在暖湿气候条件下出现和繁荣的,发生在5365aB.P左右的一次干旱事件使之走向衰落,而出现在全新世大西洋期与亚北方期过渡阶段的一次气候转型事件中断本区文明达200年之入。5160aB.P.以后,气候转为暖干,经历了一次干旱事件后,良渚文化发  相似文献   

豫西渑池盆地湖泊沉积特征与古环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟秋敏  郭志永  沈娟 《地理科学》2011,31(8):922-928
对渑池盆地池底村古湖泊沉积剖面进行连续采样,在粒度组成和有机碳含量分析的基础上,结合14C年代测定(校正为日历年龄),重建了盆地区末次冰盛期以来的气候环境演化进程:19543~9240cal.aB.P.,气候比较干燥,古湖泊尚未形成;9240~8039cal.aB.P.,气候由干冷向暖湿化方向转变,古湖泊开始形成;8039~3473cal.aB.P.期间,气候温暖湿润,湖泊水位最高;3439~2931cal.aB.P.期间,气候波动剧烈,总体上气候较前一段干旱,湖泊水位下降;2931~2423cal.aB.P.期间,气候干旱,古湖泊干涸。盆地区的人类文化演进对气候环境变化的响应十分明显,二者之间存在一定的耦合关系。  相似文献   

江汉平原钟桥遗址地层揭示的史前洪水事件   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过野外考古调查研究,利用对钟桥遗址疑似古洪水层和研究区现代洪水沉积物的锆石微形态、粒度、磁化率、Rb/Sr等地球化学指标的比较、AMS14C技术和考古器物断代,发现钟桥遗址在4800~4597 cal. a BP、4479~4367 cal. a BP和4168~3850 cal. a BP分别经历了三次古洪水事件并相应堆积了古洪水沉积层;结合江汉平原及其周边地区众多遗址的古洪水沉积层时代对比证据,揭示了屈家岭文化中晚期(4900~4600 cal. a BP)和石家河文化末期至夏代(4100~3800 cal. a BP)两次大洪水事件在江汉平原地区非常普遍。对史前洪水发生环境背景的进一步分析,反映江汉平原在5000~4500 a BP及4000 a BP前后的时段气候表现得不稳定,古洪水事件与气候环境变化驱动的江汉平原湖群扩张存在一定的联系,并影响区域新石器文化兴衰过程。同时,其它证据也表明该区社会发展过程和环境变化过程特别是古水文过程的矛盾在石家河文化末期已特别突出,发现具有全球意义的4000 a BP前后气候异常引起的大洪水事件是江汉平原地区石家河文化消亡的重要环境因素;而石家河文化末期该区内部或同中原以及其它地区间的冲突,都加速了石家河文化的崩溃。这些研究成果,提供了可靠的大禹时代史前洪水证据来说明其对新石器文化兴衰的社会影响,对于揭示4000 a BP气候事件中区域气候水文变化的响应规律,亦具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

Paleo-environmental changes in the Yangtze Delta during past 8000 years   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Yangtze Delta is one of the economically most developed areas in China. It is located in the eastern China monsoon region. Archaeological excavations and environment-archaeology studies over many years in this region provide exceptional information about climate changes, development of human civilization and also human-environment interactions. Archaeological excavations made in the study region reveal that the development of Neolithic cultures is not continuous, which may be a result of extreme climatic events. The analysis of ^14C-dated buried paleotrees, peat and shell ridges show the rise and fall of human civilization in the study area. The research results presented in this paper confirm that human civilization collapsed six times in the Yangtze Delta, matching six high sea level epoches, peat accumulation and buried paleotrees formation periods respectively. This indicates that human activities in the Yangtze Delta are controlled by local climate changes and changing hydrological conditions. The collapse of the Liangzhu culture (5000 aBP-3800 aBP) in about 4000 aBP, after a tremendous flooding event, followed by a relatively backward Maqiao culture (3800 aBP-3200 aBP) confused researchers and aroused their great interest. The research results in this paper show that the collapse of the Liangzhu culture is a result of several factors, for example war and food shortage, but the flooding event occurred in the late Liangzhu culture epoch is the main factor therein.  相似文献   

Postglacial sediments from Lake Jues, located at the SW margin of the Harz Mountains, were investigated for pollen, diatoms and sediment characteristics. The paper focuses on the time period between 7600 and 1200 y cal. BP (calibrated years before present), during which human impact began to influence the environnment of the lake. Climate variability was mainly inferred from sediment characteristics and changes in algal assemblages. The observed climatic changes coincide well with those recorded from other sites. Neolithic settlement started during the warm and dry Atlantic period. Intensive land use occurred under favourable climatic conditions during the Bronze and the Iron Ages, while human activities declined during cool and wet periods around 4000 and 2700 y cal. BP and after 2300 y cal. BP. The study shows that climate strongly influenced human settlement at remote locations like Lake Jues.  相似文献   

为了揭示闽江下游闽侯盆地第四纪沉积环境演变与人类活动历史,对闽江下游闽侯盆地庄边山遗址附近的FZ5钻孔进行了孢粉、硅藻分析。结果表明:闽侯盆地全新世海侵初始发生时间约为9 000 cal. a B.P.,至7 500 cal. a B.P.达到最大海侵范围,晚全新世海退的发生时间在闽侯盆地大约为1 900 cal. a B.P.。孢粉分析证实了当地早中全新世温暖的亚热带气候以及浓密的常绿阔叶林植被。在7 500―1 900 cal. a B.P.之间无论植被覆盖还是气候环境均比较稳定,高海平面时期的适宜气候以及海湾环境也有利于当地以渔猎经济方式为主的新石器文化(昙石山文化)的兴起和发展。自1 900 cal. a B.P.以后,孢粉组合突变为以先锋植物芒萁属(Dicranopteris)、禾本科(Poaceae)、松属(Pinus)等类型为主,揭示了当地植被受到人类农业刀耕火种的影响而发生显著变化。高含量的禾本科花粉(含一定数量的水稻)仅在剖面上部明显增加这一事实,证实了闽侯和福州一带水稻种植的大面积发展始于距今1 900 a前后。  相似文献   

于世永  朱诚  王富葆  李弘 《地理科学》2000,20(4):331-336
太湖流域埋藏古树、泥炭、贝壳堤和新石器文化遗址,^14C年代频率变化揭示了全新世气候-海面波动与文明兴衰的时间耦合关系。本区降水量的明显增加始于8kaB.P.、7.5 ̄4kaB.P.总的看为高海面和新石器文化发展时期,但其间有相对的海面波动,即:7 ̄6.5kaB.P.为高海面期、6.3 ̄5.6kaB.P.为低海面期、4.5 ̄4kaB.P.为低海面期、3.8 ̄3.5kaB.P.为高海面期。从文化断层  相似文献   

The Yangtze Delta is one of the economically most developed areas in China. It is located in the eastern China monsoon region. Archaeological excavations and environment-archaeology studies over many years in this region provide exceptional information about climate changes, development of human civilization and also human-environment interactions. Archaeological excavations made in the study region reveal that the development of Neolithic cultures is not continuous, which may be a result of extreme climatic events. The analysis of 14C-dated buried paleotrees, peat and shell ridges show the rise and fall of human civilization in the study area. The research results presented in this paper confirm that human civilization collapsed six times in the Yangtze Delta, matching six high sea level epoches, peat accumulation and buried paleotrees formation periods respectively. This indicates that human activities in the Yangtze Delta are controlled by local climate changes and changing hydrological conditions. The collapse of the Liangzhu culture (5000 aBP-3800 aBP) in about 4000 aBP, after a tremendous flooding event, followed by a relatively backward Maqiao culture (3800 aBP-3200 aBP) confused researchers and aroused their great interest. The research results in this paper show that the collapse of the Liangzhu culture is a result of several factors, for example war and food shortage, but the flooding event occurred in the late Liangzhu culture epoch is the main factor therein.  相似文献   

The Yangtze Delta is one of the economically most developed areas in China. It is located in the eastern China monsoon region. Archaeological excavations and environment-archaeology studies over many years in this region provide exceptional information about climate changes, development of human civilization and also human-environment interactions. Archaeological excavations made in the study region reveal that the development of Neolithic cultures is not continuous, which may be a result of extreme climatic events. The analysis of 14C-dated buried paleotrees, peat and shell ridges show the rise and fall of human civilization in the study area. The research results presented in this paper confirm that human civilization collapsed six times in the Yangtze Delta, matching six high sea level epoches, peat accumulation and buried paleotrees formation periods respectively. This indicates that human activities in the Yangtze Delta are controlled by local climate changes and changing hydrological conditions. The collapse of the Liangzhu culture (5000 aBP-3800 aBP) in about 4000 aBP, after a tremendous flooding event, followed by a relatively backward Maqiao culture (3800 aBP-3200 aBP) confused researchers and aroused their great interest. The research results in this paper show that the collapse of the Liangzhu culture is a result of several factors, for example war and food shortage, but the flooding event occurred in the late Liangzhu culture epoch is the main factor therein.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Global warming and the global-warming-related global environmental problems are receiving increasing attention from scientists, the public and governments of countries. In the coming century anthropological activities may result in further …  相似文献   

Neolithic site sections, natural sections and other proxy indicators like paleotrees and peat are collected for further understanding the environmental changes during the past 10,000 years in the Yangtze Delta region. The results indicate that cultural interruption in the Yangtze Delta was the result of water expansion induced by climatic changes like more precipitation. For fragile human mitigation to the natural hazards in the Neolithic cultural period, environmental changes usually exerted tremendous influences on human activities, havocking the human civilization, which is meaningful for human mitigation to natural hazards under the present global warming. At the same time, some uncertainties in reconstruction of paleo-environmental changes were discussed in the text.  相似文献   

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