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太湖湖滨带类型划分及生态修复模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太湖湖滨带岸线总长405 km,73%以上被防洪大堤所包围,其余部分临近山体,属于典型的大堤型湖滨带.按照湖滨带地形地貌分为大堤型、山坡型、河口型三类,根据水文条件和露滩情况,又将大堤型分为长期露滩、间歇露滩、无滩地型,山坡型分为有滩地型、无滩地型,形成6种类型的湖滨带.根据以上太湖湖滨带划分类型,结合湖滨带生境、气候、水文条件以及植被分布现状等因素,分别采取生态保育、生态修复、生态重建的对策,设计了不同类型的太湖湖滨带生态修复模式,并分别提供了形象的修复模式示意图,以期为太湖及其类似湖滨带的生态修复提供一定的借鉴.  相似文献   

The maintenance of species diversity in a given environment is strongly linked to resource partitioning. Littoral macrophyte zones are heterogeneous environments with high microcrustacean diversity, where zooplankton have dietary access to seston as well as organisms growing on macrophytic surfaces (epiphyton). We conducted a field study in a macrophyte-rich backwater of the river Allier to examine how seston and epiphyton were used as potential food sources by four dominant cladoceran species. Fatty acids were analyzed in these two food sources to assess how their differential uptake affects the trophic trajectory of essential compounds from these resources to cladocerans. Our results showed resource partitioning among the four cladocerans studied; while Eurycercus fed mostly on epiphyton, Daphnia mostly consumed phytoplankton, and Ceriodaphnia and Simocephalus were able to forage on sestonic and epiphytic resources. Based on their polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content, it was evident that epiphyton was of higher food quality than seston in this macrophyte-rich backwater system. Variability of PUFA compositions of seston and epiphyton, and diversity of foraging strategies of cladoceran species, which represent the major link between microorganisms and consumers at higher trophic levels, affect dietary energy pathways and point to a variable PUFA transfer efficiency in backwater food webs.  相似文献   

珠江口海域滨海断裂带的地震学特征   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用2010年珠江口外海陆地震联测数据,探测到滨海断裂带在担杆岛外12 km处发育,断裂带主体倾向东南、宽约20 km,沉积层在断裂带内迅速增厚引起陆上固定地震台站的Pg震相在对应断裂带位置的走时明显滞后.通过震相分析和走时正演拟合,获得了滨海断裂带两侧由浅至深的纵波速度结构模型,断裂带内部沉积层速度为1.8~3.5 km/s,上地壳速度5.2~6.1 km/s,下地壳速度为6.3~6.6 km/s,莫霍面的埋深由滨海断裂带陆侧的29 km抬升至其海侧的27 km.滨海断裂带两侧的地壳结构特征明显不同,证实了该断裂带是华南陆区正常型陆壳与南海减薄型陆壳分界断裂的性质.在华南沿海和海陆过渡带的下地壳顶部探测到厚约3 km、层速度为5.5~5.9 km/s的低速层,往海域逐渐减薄尖灭.壳内低速层是地壳中的力学软弱带,与近似正交的NEE向滨海断裂带和NW向断裂带共同组构成了该区地震活动的孕震构造.  相似文献   

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is an effective tool for imaging the spatial distribution of water content. An artificial groundwater recharge test was conducted in Nagaoka City in Japan, and time-lapse crosshole GPR data were collected to monitor the infiltration process in the vadose zone. Since electromagnetic wave velocities in the vadose zone are largely controlled by variations in water content, an increase in traveltime is interpreted as an increase in saturation. In the test zone, the infiltrated water penetrated downward with an average velocity of about 2.7 m/h. A finite-difference time-domain method using two-dimensional cylindrical coordinates is applied to simulate radargrams associated with the advancing wetting front and to quantify the effects of critical refraction. Standard zero-offset profiling for which all first-arrivals are assumed to be direct waves results in an underestimation of water content in the transition zone above the wetting front. As a result, correct velocity analysis requires identification of first-arriving critically refracted waves from the traveltime profile to accurately determine a water content profile.  相似文献   

湖滨带在维持物种多样性、拦截陆源污染物、净化水质等方面发挥着重要作用。近年来,洪泽湖水体污染日益加重,湖滨带面临着围垦、养殖和泥沙淤积等严重威胁。为更好地理解洪泽湖湖滨带浮游动物群落结构的空间格局,运用主成分分析、冗余分析和方差分解,探究了洪泽湖湖滨带浮游动物的密度、生物量和种类结构组成,以及群落多样性和优势种的特征,分析上述参数随环境因子的变化趋势。结果表明,洪泽湖湖滨带浮游动物平均丰度为821.65 ind./L,平均生物量为1247.45μg/L,成子湖西浮游动物丰度较高,物种较为丰富;淮河口和东部湖岸丰度较低,多样性较低。主成分分析和冗余分析结果表明,溶解性总磷、悬浮物、叶绿素a、COD、溶解性有机碳、水草盖度、pH、溶解氧和风浪扰动是湖滨带主要环境影响因子,与轮虫物种的空间分布具有显著相关性。方差分解结果表明,轮虫主要受到水化学环境因子及其与食物饵料的交互作用,枝角类受水深、浊度和悬浮物等物理生境因子的影响,磷酸盐、pH、风浪扰动和悬浮物与水化学的交互作用对桡足类有明显影响,多样性指数主要受水化学环境因子、物理生境因子、食物饵料的交互作用影响。可见,加强洪泽湖湖滨带生态环境保...  相似文献   

The increasing importance of understanding the structure of Air Pollution Index (API) makes it necessary to come out with a compositional of API based on its pollutants. This will be more comprehensible for the public and easier to cooperate with authorities in reducing the causes of air pollution. Since five pollutants contribute in determining the API values, API can be shown as a compositional data. This study is conducted based on the data of API and its pollutants collected from Klang city in Malaysia for the period of January 2005 to December 2014. The proportion of each pollutant in API is considered as a component with five components in a compositional API. The existence of zero components in some pollutants, that have no effect on API, is a serious problem that prevents the application of log-ratio transformation. Thus, the approach of amalgamation has been used to combine the components with zero in order to reduce the number of zeros. Also, a multiplicative replacement has been utilized to eliminate the zero components and replace them with a small value that maintains the ratios of nonzero components. Transforming the compositional data to log-ratio coordinates has been done using the additive log ratio transformation, and the transformed series is then modeled by using a VAR model. Four criteria are used to determine the number of lags p of VAR(p) and these are: the Akaike Information, the Schwartz, the Hannan–Quinn and the Final Prediction Error criteria. Based on the results, A VAR (1) model with no constants or trend is considered as the best fitted model and it is used to forecast 12 months ahead. In addition, API values are mainly determined by PM10 that has a proportion close to one most of the time during study period. Therefore, authorities and researchers need to study the sources of PM10 and provide the public with useful information and alternatives in term of reducing the air pollution.  相似文献   

张淑霞  吴慧琳  周俊  高颖  蒋鋆  肖文 《湖泊科学》2017,29(4):804-810
水鸟在物种或群落水平上可以对湿地营养状态有所响应,预警生态系统有害的改变.以大型淡水湖泊洱海为例,基于2015年2月沿岸17个观察点的冬季水鸟调查与水质同步监测,研究小(Podiceps ruficollis)、白骨顶(Fulica atra)和黑水鸡(Gallinula chloropus)密度对沿岸水体中总磷和总氮浓度的响应关系.结果发现白骨顶和小密度均与总氮浓度呈显著正相关,也均与总磷浓度呈显著正相关;黑水鸡密度与总氮和总磷浓度无显著相关性.结果表明,水鸟可以在物种水平上对洱海湖滨带水中营养物质变化有所响应,也强调了根据具体指示物种的生态学习性选择水鸟指示物种尤为重要.白骨顶和小在更大空间和时间尺度上的水质指示作用有待于更多湖泊或水库水体的长期相关研究.  相似文献   

风浪扰动下湖滨带悬浮物和营养盐响应特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究风浪扰动下沉积物起悬过程中悬浮物浓度的分布特征和水体营养盐时空分布状况,以太湖西北湖滨带为例,选择代表4种不同生境的6个点位进行了连续12 d的野外观测.利用高精度分层同步采样装置,采用重量法计算悬浮量,并对悬浮过程中总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)、铵态氮(NH_4~+-N)和硝态氮(NO_3~--N)浓度进行分析.结果表明:风速是引起太湖西北湖滨带水体悬浮物增加的主要因素,沉积物悬浮的临界风速为3.6 m/s.各点位悬浮物浓度的均值差异明显,表现为:无植被区植被区河口区湖心区.太湖西北湖滨带水体氮、磷浓度日变化幅度较大,TN浓度为1.82~4.96 mg/L,TP浓度为0.10~1.47 mg/L.NH_4~+-N和NO_3~--N浓度分别在0.09~2.83和1.05~3.69 mg/L之间波动.近岸无植被区水柱的总悬浮量与风速的相关性最好,相关系数达到0.722;而远岸湖心区与风速的相关系数仅为0.039.悬浮物浓度除了受风情(风向和风速)的影响外,同样受水深、地形特征和水生植被的影响.  相似文献   

A migration algorithm appropriate for moderately varying lateral velocity changes is developed as an extension of phase-shift migration by using a variable-length spatial transform. This process significantly reduces the number of lateral wave-numbers necessary to downward continue the data, and it replaces the spatial FFT with a simple recursion relationship. For a given frequency and position x, ten lateral wavenumbers are typically sufficient, and the migration algorithm produces accurate images when the velocity structure V (X, z) changes over a few depth intervals of thickness Δz, with lateral velocity gradients up to 1.4 to 1.0.  相似文献   

湖滨带是湖泊与陆地生态系统间非常重要的生态过渡带,能够保障周围生态系统结构的完整以及功能的正常发挥.随着湖滨带被持续开发与利用,人为干扰对湖滨带的影响逐渐增强.大型底栖动物是淡水生态系统的重要生物类群之一,也是物质循环和能量流动的主要环节,起着承上启下的关键作用.为了解湖滨带开发利用对大型底栖动物群落结构的影响,2020年8月对洪泽湖湖滨带49个样点的大型底栖动物进行调查.共采集到大型底栖动物49种,隶属3门7纲17目26科44属,各样点大型底栖动物的密度差别较大,介于6.67~1386.67 ind./m2之间,整体上呈现西北高,东南低的趋势.相似性分析结果表明,河口型湖滨带和大堤型湖滨带与其他类型湖滨带差异显著,而围网型、圈圩型和光滩型3种湖滨带类型之间的大型底栖动物群落差异均不显著.相似性百分比分析结果表明,腹足纲的环棱螺属是造成不同湖滨带类型差异的主要物种.典范对应分析结果表明,悬浮物(SS)、溶解态总氮、pH、透明度(SD)、浊度、水生植物盖度和扰动指数对大型底栖动物群落有显著影响.考虑不同湖滨带宽度的开发利用情况,发现湖滨带开发利用200 m范围内,物种-环境解释率最高,说明200 m湖滨带范围内的开发利用情况对大型底栖动物的影响最大,对湖滨带200 m范围内的开发利用应该加强管控.结构方程模型表明湖滨带开发利用主要通过影响水生植物盖度、总氮、硝态氮、叶绿素a、SS、SD等进而影响大型底栖动物,且围网也会直接影响大型底栖动物群落结构.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of terrestrial photogrammetry as a technique for measuring bank erosion in a rapidly changing fluvial environment. It has been recognized that there are a number of advantages when applying photogrammetric techniques to geomorphological situations. In this study the enhancement of spatial sampling combined with the ability to capture additional information, such as soil moisture, on film, is of particular importance in enabling the identification of specific processes involved in bank erosion as well as detailed volumetric analysis of losses. Metric terrestrial photography was taken of the river bank on several dates, and data were abstracted by the use of analytical photogrammetry. This enabled the generation of digital terrain models from which morphological and volumetric changes could be assessed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Use of remote sensing for evapotranspiration monitoring over land surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Monitoring evapotranspiration (ET) at large scales is important for assessing climate and anthropogenic effects on natural and agricultural ecosystems. This paper describes techniques used in evaluating ET with remote sensing, which is the only technology that can efficiently and economically provide regional and global coverage. Some of the empirical/statistical techniques have been used operationally with satellite data for computing daily ET at regional scales. The more complex numerical simulation models require detailed input parameters that may limit their application to regions containing a large database of soils and vegetation properties. Current efforts are being directed towards simplifying the parameter requirements of these models. Essentially all energy balance models rely on an estimate of the available energy (net radiation less soil heat flux). Net radiation is not easily determined from space, although progress is being made. Simplified approaches for estimating soil heat flux appear promising for operational applications. In addition, most ET models utilize remote sensing data in the shortwave and thermal wavelengths to measure key boundary conditions. Differences between the radiometric surface temperature and aerodynamic temperature can be significant and progress in incorporating this effect is evident. Atmospheric effects on optical data are significant, and optical sensors cannot see through clouds. This has led some to use microwave observations as a surrogate for optical data to provide estimates of surface moisture and surface temperature; preliminary results are encouraging. The approaches that appear most promising use surface temperature and vegetation indices or a time rate of change in surface temperature coupled to an atmospheric boundary layer model. For many of these models, differences with ET observations can be as low as 20% from hourly to daily time scales, approaching the level of uncertainty in the measurement of ET and contradicting some recent pessimistic conclusions concerning the utility of remotely sensed radiometric surface temperature for determining the surface energy balance.  相似文献   

This study focused on clogging processes and on the benthic microalgal and meiofaunal assemblage in the sandy littoral zone of Lake Tegel, which are significantly involved in bank filtration, in a long-term. Our approach combined field studies and “in situ” experiments to highlight the structure of the biological active filter zone as well as the mechanisms and effects of clogging in the interstices that influence the infiltration process.Campaigns to measure “in situ” infiltration rates and hydraulic potential were conducted monthly from March 2004 to April 2005. Meiofaunal abundances and fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) were determined every 6 weeks in freeze cores down to depths of 50 cm. In parallel, concentrations of carbon, nitrogen and chlorophyll a were measured in samples of unfrozen sediment cores, that were divided in 1-cm steps down to depths of ≥10 cm. Similar sediment profiles were generated for analysis of colloidal carbohydrates, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and proteins between December 2005 and June 2006. Electron microscopy was used to visualize biofilm structure. Long-term experiments with natural FPOM and melamine resin particles as fluorescent tracers were performed to study “in situ” particle retention and transport, respectively. Additionally seston input was quantified during a 1-week period in April 2005.Infiltration rates showed a high temporal and spatial variability, but were not correlated with hydraulic conductivities as hydraulic gradients changed a lot. Likewise a correlation between infiltration rates and hydraulic potentials was not observed, indicating clogging processes. These are triggered to a high extend by biological compounds. In addition, seston input and intermittent gas intrusion are considered to reduce the hydraulic conductivity considerably. No significant “in situ” transport of inert natural fluorescent tracers was observed. However, a complete and permanent clogging of the sandy sediment does not occur, and daily infiltration rates of 0.7-27 L m−2 h−1 (mean 9 L m−2 h−1) guarantee a sufficient water supply by bank filtration for decades.  相似文献   

– Five aquatic ecosystems, Yamuna river, Krishna river Eastern Kalinadi, Kadrabad drain and Peacock lake have been studied with reference to diversity and physico-chemical characteristics and biological indices. – A list of species have been selected with reference to polluted, mildly polluted or unpolluted water conditions. Though it is difficult to call any species strictly indicator species, certain species of Bacillariophyceae, bottom biota and Entomostraca can be regarded as indicative species. – The quantitative distributions of the species of different groups have been analysed statistically. Margalef's Community Diversity Index (d), Shannon Weaver Function, coefficient of rank correlation and partial and multiple correlation coefficient were calculated as to find out the order of precedence in different taxonomical groups. – The linear regression against BOD and the whole biocenosis were calculated, which indicate the relation as diversity d=6.7854 –0.0080 BOD±0.9695 where r2= B=0.7365. Similarly, multiple linear regressions were also calculated using diversity against BOD, pH and temperature for each aquatic ecosystem. – All these observations indicate that diversity of organisms can be used to measure the water pollution intensity.  相似文献   

Dredged sediments are being chemically treated with phosphoric acid on an industrial scale.The effectiveness of the treatment was evaluated by performing the chemical reaction in a tubular reactor, followed by convective drying and maturation of the treated sediment at ambient temperature and finally thermal destruction of the organic matter by calcinations(500℃-900℃).The influence of acid concentration and calcination temperature on the specific surface area of the sediment was investigated. The stabilization of the heavy metals was evaluated by leaching tests and sequential extraction procedures.The phosphoric acid treatment is effective in reducing heavy metal mobility,a prerequisite for recycling the sediments in various construction materials.  相似文献   

长江中游湖泊沿岸带的底栖藻类群落结构特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
裴国凤  刘国祥 《湖泊科学》2011,23(2):239-245
测定和分析湖北省21个浅水湖泊沿岸带底柄藻类的现存量,底柄硅藻的种类组成、细胞密度、多样性指数及其群落结构特征,并结合理化指标对水质状况进行评价.结果表明:调查期间,不同湖泊底柄藻类的现存量和底柄硅藻细胞密度分别介于1.01-40.82μg/cm2和0.09×106-14.20×106cells/cm2之间,它们在所研...  相似文献   

Riparian invasion by non-native trees may lead to changes in the quality of leaf litter inputs into freshwater ecosystems. Different plant species may affect the community of decomposers and the rate of litter decay in different ways. We studied the microbial colonization and decomposition of leaf litter of the invasive to Lithuania Acer negundo and native Alnus glutinosa during 64-day litterbag experiments in the littoral zones of mesotrophic and eutrophic lakes. The decomposition of A. negundo leaf litter proceeded faster than that of A. glutinosa irrespective of differences in the trophic conditions of the lakes. The amount of terrestrial and cellulose-degrading fungi (during the initial period) and bacterial numbers (during the experiment) were higher on A. negundo leaves than on A. glutinosa in both lakes. Differences in the assemblages of aquatic fungi colonizing the leaves of both types might be one of the reasons causing variation in their decay. The trophic conditions of the lakes did not significantly determine the extent of differences in decomposition rates between the two leaf species, but affected the microbial decomposers. The sporulation rate and diversity of aquatic fungi, especially on A. glutinosa leaves, was higher in the mesotrophic lake than in the eutrophic lake, while heterotrophic bacteria were more numerous on the leaves in the eutrophic lake. Generally, differences in the colonization dynamics of heterotrophs and the faster decay of A. negundo litter than of A. glutinosa suggest that the replacement of native riparian species such as the dominating A. glutinosa by invasive A. negundo may cause changes of organic matter processing in the littoral zones of lakes.  相似文献   

An optimal linear estimator is constructed to determine the concentrations of the dissolved oxygen (DO) and the biological oxygen demand (BOD). The mathematical model used is a set of modified Streeter-Phelps equations specified by partial differential equations. The noise corrupted measurements of the DO concentration are continuous in time but discrele in space. The optimal estimation is obtained by the application of the innovations approach. The resulting estimator equations (partial differential equations) are presented and their solution discussed.  相似文献   

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