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The angular momentum transport in rotating turbulent convection is simulated with the NIRVANA code for Taylor numbers up to 106. The box consists of an unstable layer embedded in two stable overshoot layers. We find the expected anisotropies in the rotating anisotropic turbulence field: 〈u′2r〉 exceeds 〈u′2ϕ〉, and 〈u′2ϕ〉 exceeds 〈u′2θ〉. The resulting radial angular momentum transport is directed inwards and peaks in the middle of the convective layer. The resulting latitudinal angular momentum transport is equatorwards, peaks at the surface and is highly concentrated to the equatorial region. Apart from a factor of 2–3 the total amplitudes of the cross‐correlations are of the same order of magnitude. In the lower overshoot region (‘tachocline’) the cross‐correlations are negative. It is argued that the concentration of the latitudinal angular momentum transport towards the surface and towards the equator does not too strongly reduce its potential to produce rotation laws with accelerated equators. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Results based on 36 cases of f-box computations for different latitudes and rotation rates are summarized. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have solved numerically the general relativistic induction equations in the interior background space–time of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star. The analytic form of these equations was discussed recently (Paper I), where corrections due to both the space–time curvature and the dragging of reference frames were shown to be present. Through a number of calculations we have investigated the evolution of the magnetic field with different rates of stellar rotation, different inclination angles between the magnetic moment and the rotation axis, as well as different values of the electrical conductivity. All of these calculations have been performed for a constant-temperature relativistic polytropic star and make use of a consistent solution of the initial-value problem which avoids the use of artificial analytic functions. Our results show that there exist general relativistic effects introduced by the rotation of the space–time which tend to decrease the decay rate of the magnetic field. The rotation-induced corrections are however generally hidden by the high electrical conductivity of the neutron star matter, and when realistic values for the electrical conductivity are considered, these corrections become negligible even for the fastest known pulsar.  相似文献   

We present analytic solutions of Maxwell equations in the internal and external background space–time of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star. The star is considered isolated and in vacuum, with a dipolar magnetic field not aligned with the axis of rotation. With respect to a flat space–time solution, general relativity introduces corrections related both to the monopolar and the dipolar parts of the gravitational field. In particular, we show that in the case of infinite electrical conductivity general relativistic corrections resulting from the dragging of reference frames are present, but only in the expression for the electric field. In the case of finite electrical conductivity, however, corrections resulting from both the space–time curvature and the dragging of reference frames are shown to be present in the induction equation. These corrections could be relevant for the evolution of the magnetic fields of pulsars and magnetars. The solutions found, while obtained through some simplifying assumption, reflect a rather general physical configuration and could therefore be used in a variety of astrophysical situations.  相似文献   

About 30 photometrically variable red giant stars have periods less than 10 d, as determined by the compilers of the Hipparcos Catalogue from Hipparcos photometric measurements. These periods, when combined with estimates of the radii and masses of these stars, and with pulsation theory, imply that these stars are pulsating in very high overtones. We present several pieces of evidence which suggest that the periods may be spurious, as a result of the particular aliasing properties of the Hipparcos photometry. We conclude that the evidence for high-overtone pulsation in red giant stars is equivocal.  相似文献   

Turbulent convection models (TCMs) based on hydrodynamic moment equations are compared with the classical mixing-length theory (MLT) in solar models. The aim is to test the effects of some physical processes on the structure of the solar convection zone, such as the dissipation, diffusion and anisotropy of turbulence that have been ignored in the MLT. Free parameters introduced by the TCMs are also tested in order to find appropriate values for astrophysical applications. It is found that the TCMs usually give larger convective heat fluxes than the MLT does, and the heat transport efficiency is sensitively related to the dissipation parameters used in the TCMs. As a result of calibrating to the present solar values, our solar models usually have rather smaller values of the mixing length to local pressure scaleheight ratio than the standard solar model. The turbulent diffusion is found to have important effects on the structure of the solar convection zone. It leads to significantly lowered and expanded profiles for the Reynolds correlations, and a larger temperature gradient in the central part of the superadiabatic convection region but a smaller one near the boundaries of the convection zone. It is interesting to note that, due to a careful treatment of turbulence developing towards isotropic state, our non-local TCM results in radially dominated motion in the central part and horizontally dominated motion near the boundaries of the convection zone, just as what has been observed in many 3D numerical simulations. Our solar models with the TCMs give small but meaningful differences in the temperature and sound speed profiles compared with the standard solar model using the MLT.  相似文献   

We study low-amplitude crustal oscillations of slowly rotating relativistic stars consisting of a central fluid core and an outer thin solid crust. We estimate the effect of rotation on the torsional toroidal modes and on the interfacial and shear spheroidal modes. The results compared against the Newtonian ones for wide range of neutron star models and equations of state.  相似文献   

Using our non-local time-dependent theory of convection, the linear non-adiabatic oscillations of 10 evolutionary model series with masses of  1–3 M  are calculated. The results show that there is a red giant instability strip in the lower temperature side of the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram which goes along the sequences of the red giant branch and the asymptotic giant branch. For red giants of lower luminosities, pulsation instability is found at high order overtones; the lower order modes from the fundamental to the second overtone are stable. Towards higher luminosity and lower effective temperature, instability moves to lower order modes, and the amplitude growth rate of oscillations also grows. At the high luminosity end of the strip, the fundamental and the first overtone become unstable, while all the modes above the fourth order become stable. The excitation mechanisms have been studied in detail. It is found that turbulent pressure plays a key role for excitation of red variables. The frozen convection approximation is unavailable for the low temperature stars with extended convective envelopes. In any case, this approximation can explain neither the red edge of the Cepheid instability strip, nor the blue edge of the pulsating red giant instability strip. An analytic expression of a pulsation constant as a function of stellar mass, luminosity and effective temperature is presented from this work.  相似文献   

It is shown that the radius of curvature of magnetic field lines in the polar region of a rotating magnetized neutron star can be significantly less than the usual radius of curvature of the dipole magnetic field. The magnetic field in the polar cap is distorted by toroidal electric currents flowing in the neutron star crust. These currents close up the magnetospheric currents driven by the electron–positron plasma generation process in the pulsar magnetosphere. Owing to the decrease in the radius of curvature, electron–positron plasma generation becomes possible even for slowly rotating neutron stars, with   PB −2/312 < 10 s  , where P is the period of star rotation and   B 12= B /1012 G  is the magnitude of the magnetic field on the star surface.  相似文献   

We present the results of two simulations of the convection zone, obtained by solving the full hydrodynamic equations in a section of a spherical shell. The first simulation has cylindrical rotation contours (parallel to the rotation axis) and a strong meridional circulation, which traverses the entire depth. The second simulation has isorotation contours about mid-way between cylinders and cones, and a weak meridional circulation, concentrated in the uppermost part of the shell.
We show that the solar differential rotation is directly related to a latitudinal entropy gradient, which pervades into the deep layers of the convection zone. We also offer an explanation of the angular velocity shear found at low latitudes near the top. A non-zero correlation between radial and zonal velocity fluctuations produces a significant Reynolds stress in that region. This constitutes a net transport of angular momentum inwards, which causes a slight modification of the overall structure of the differential rotation near the top. In essence, the thermodynamics controls the dynamics through the Taylor–Proudman momentum balance . The Reynolds stresses only become significant in the surface layers, where they generate a weak meridional circulation and an angular velocity 'bump'.  相似文献   

Stellar radiation zones are the seat of meridional currents. This circulation has a strong impact on the transport of angular momentum and the mixing of chemicals that modify the evolution of stars. First, we recall in details the dynamical processes that are taking place in differentially rotating stellar radiation zones and the assumptions which are adopted for their modelling in stellar evolution. Then, we present our new results of numerical simulations which allow us to follow in 2D the secular hydrodynamics of rotating stars, assuming that anisotropic turbulence enforces a shellular rotation law and taking into account the transport of angular momentum by internal gravity waves. The different behaviors of the meridional circulation in function of the type of stars which is studied are discussed with their physical origin and their consequences on the transport of angular momentum and of chemicals. Finally, we show how this work is leading to a dynamical vision of the evolution of rotating stars from their birth to their death. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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