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Using Altera's Quartus Ⅱ,Nios Ⅱ IDE and Sopc Builder development tools,the proton precession magne-tometer principle host hardware platform is designed in a cyclone Ⅱ series FPGA chip(EP2C35).The proton precession magnetometer principle host core circuit's single-chip system-logic design is achieved by building and configuring the Nios Ⅱ soft-core processor,developing the IO interface and sensor control circuits,programming some hardware units' VHDL code,for example the equal precision cymometer and the DPL...  相似文献   

Experience gained in many years proved that oil explorations were very difficult to complete with seismic methods only in seismic-unfeasible areas. The expected results in these places could only be obtained with the integrated geophysical surveys, the combination of gravity, electric, magnetic,geochemistry and seismic methods. The high-precision gravity,magnetic and electric techniques used in seismic-unfeasible areas in Qaidam Basin had achieved many astonishing results,which demonstrated a feasible way for oil exploration in Qaidam Basin and offered a basis for data interpretation in complex areas where seismic data was not able to acquire.  相似文献   

ApplicationofPPclustermethodintheearthquakeswarmanalysisShi-YongZHOU;(周仕勇)Ling-RenZHU;(朱令人)andChuan-LingDENG(邓传玲)(Seismologic...  相似文献   

Applicationofthevalueofnonlinearparame┐tersHandΔHinstrongearthquakepredic┐tionPEI-YANCHEN(陈佩燕)InstituteofGeophysics,StateSei...  相似文献   

Application of apparent stress in earthquake prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On the basis of the assumption that ω2 model accords with source displacement spectra of moderate-small shocks, we calculate the apparent stress values of 1 020 moderate-small shocks recorded by the Digital Seismic Network of Yunnan Province by using the low-frequency flat level and corner frequencies. The results show that the apparent stress is of good significance in earthquake prediction. The moderate-small shock with apparent stress larger than 0.9 MPa can be used as a referential index to predict moderate-strong earthquakes in Yunnan area. And its relevant predictability evaluation (R value) has a high confidence level.  相似文献   

Introduction The earthquake is, in essence, the rupture process of crustal medium under the tectonic stress. Statistically, the macrofracture of homogeneous material is caused by the rapid increment of microfracture numbers and their collusion between one another. The macrofracture (development No.2 JIANG Hai-kun, et al: RTL ALGORITHM IN EARTHQUAKE PRECURSOR 165of main fault) is resulted from the avalanche-like growth of microf…  相似文献   

Applicationofmechanicalandstatisticalmodelstothestudyofseismicityofsyn-theticearthquakesandthepredictionofnaturalonesYAO-LINS...  相似文献   

Onthephysicalmodelofearthquakeprecursorfieldsandthemechanismofprecursors'timespacedistribution──originandevidencesof thestron...  相似文献   

Onthephysicalmodelofearthquakeprecursorfieldsandthemechanismofprecursors'timespacedistribution(Ⅲ)──anomaliesofseismicityandcr...  相似文献   

ComparisonandanalysisofthestressfieldinthesourceregionofTangshanandLancangearthquakesequencesGui-LingDIAO;(刁桂苓)Li-MinYU;(于利民)...  相似文献   

AnalysisandstudyofthelargeearthquakeriskinYanqingHuailaibasinCHANGQUANLIU(刘昌铨)SHIXUJIA(嘉世旭)MINGJUNLIU(刘明军)CHANGFALI(李长发...  相似文献   

Introduction Stress release model (SRM) was proposed by Vere-Jones (1978) for statistical study of seismicity. Physically it is a stochastic version of the elastic rebound theory of earthquake genesis. The classical elastic rebound model suggests that the stress has been slowly accumulating until the burst of an earthquake occurrence for stress release. This can be simulated by the jump Markov process in stochastic field, and SRM was developed on the basis of Knopoff (s Markov model (Knop…  相似文献   

To study the seismogeny process or the precursory behavior of the 1976Ms=7.0 Lijiang earthquake,we analyze the repeat gravity data with high precision from the Westem Yunnan Earthquake Prediction Experiment Area(WYEPEA)and the relted results of geology and geophysics survey in this paper.Considering the gross errors caused by observation data and model difference,we have firstly inverted the slip distribution of the main active faults with time based on the robust Bayesian least squares estimation and multi-fault dislocation model.The re-sults show that the slip changes of the faults with time from 1990to 1997obviously reflect the preparation process of the Lijiang earthquake.The images of main precursor mode have the characteristic of main shock-after shock type,which is agreement to the model of coupling movement tetween crust density and crust deformation(DD mode of coupling movement).  相似文献   

IntroductionModernseismologysuggeststhatearthquakesarecausedbyfaultslippingtriggeredbytec-tonicstressesaccumulatedtoacertainextent;andthefaultslip,inturn,releasesstresses.Infact,whenanintensivequakeoccurs,thefracturingoftheseismogenicfaultdoesnotleadtothereleaseofallthestressesbut,accordingtothegeometricrelationsamongthefaults,releasesstressesonsomeofthefaultstomakethemmorestable,whileaccumulatesstressesonotherfaultstomakethemtendtoslip.Asanapproximation,thestrengthofthefaulttobeysByerleylawby…  相似文献   

The variation of Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) against time for earthquakes in Kerman Province, Iran, on February 22, 2005, M6.4 and in Lorestan Province, Iran, on March 31, 2006, M6.1, has been calculated and analysed in this paper. The tempo-spatial scanning of LURR in the region of Iran during January 1, 2003 to March 31, 2006 has been conducted, with 1 year as a time-window, 1 month as a time-step, and the comparison of the LURR anomalous regions in 2004 with the actual earthquakes with M≥5.0 in the next year (2005) is also given, which shows that 11 earthquakes with M≥5.0 occurred in LURR anomalous regions while 12 earthquakes with M≥5.0 in LURR regions in 2005. Furthermore, the seismicity in this region is studied by investigating the evolvement of the anomalous LURR regions.  相似文献   

Introduction The degree of earth-resistivity anisotropy was described (MAO, et al, 1995, 1998) as follows: 31EWSN1011-==niinSrr n=6 (1) where rNS and rEW are monthly mean values of earth resistivity in the direction of NS and EW, respectively, S is the half-year value. Equation (1) shows that if rNS=rEW, then S =0 and the electrical property of medium is isotropic; if rNSrEW, then S0 and the electrical property of medium is anisotropic. When S increases, the anisotropy of electri…  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2003,35(1-2):83-96
The last strong earthquake swarm in the region Vogtland/NW-Bohemia occurred between August and November 2000 with about 10000 micro-earthquakes at magnitudes up to 3.7. On the territory of Germany the seismic activity was monitored both by means of permanent and mobile stations. Mobile stations were installed by the Seismological Central Observatory at Erlangen (SZGRF) in co-operation with the “Geo-Forschungs-Zentrum”-(GFZ)-Potsdam and the University of Potsdam. The objects of this paper are: (1) the presentation of seismic stations on the German side of the earthquake region during the swarm 2000, (2) the comparison of the frequency–time and magnitude–time distribution of the recent swarm 2000 with previous swarms in the 20th century.  相似文献   

Rahman  Zahid  Rehman  Khaista  Ali  Wajid  Ali  Amir  Burton  Paul  Barkat  Adnan  Ali  Asghar  Qadri  S. M. Talha 《Journal of Seismology》2021,25(6):1461-1481
Journal of Seismology - The Pamir-Hindu Kush region is seismically the most dynamic and active zone that went through many devastating earthquakes. While much research is ongoing to produce seismic...  相似文献   

Introduction The MS=8.1 earthquake occurred in west of the Kunlun Pass on November 14, 2001. It is the greatest earthquake occurred in China since the last half of the century and is an important event in recent seismic history of China. Some specialists consider that the earthquake occurred in the area where the earthquake monitoring capability is lowest in Chinese mainland; no striking precursory seismicity was found. The study on the precursory seismicity before the earthquake has not b…  相似文献   

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