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Natural Hazards - The 1982 eruption of El Chichón volcano constitutes the worst volcanic disaster in Mexico producing more than 2000 fatalities, thousands of displaced people and severe...  相似文献   


The state of Chiapas (SE México) conforms a territory of complex tectonics and high seismic activity. The interaction among the Cocos, North American and Caribbean tectonic plates, as well as the active crustal deformation inside Chiapas, determines a variety of seismogenic sources of distinct characteristics and particular strong ground motion attenuation. This situation makes the assessment of seismic hazard in the region a challenging task. In this work, we follow the methodology of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, starting from the compilation of an earthquake catalogue, and the definition of seismogenic source-zones based on the particular seismotectonics of the region: plate-subduction-related sources (interface and intraslab zones), active crustal deformation zones and the shear zone between the North American and Caribbean plates formed by the Motagua, Polochic and Ixcán faults. The latter source is modelled in two different configurations: one single source-zone and three distinct ones. We select three ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) recommended for South and Central America, plus two Mexican ones. We combine the GMPEs with the source-zone models in a logic tree scheme and produce hazard maps in terms of peak ground acceleration and spectral acceleration for the 500-, 1000- and 2500-year return periods, as well as uniform hazard spectra for the towns of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Tapachula and San Cristóbal. We obtain higher values in comparison with previous seismic hazard studies and particularly much higher than the output of the Prodisis v.2.3 software for seismic design in México. Our results are consistent with those of neighbouring Guatemala obtained in a recent study for Central America.


Doklady Earth Sciences - The volcanic, sesimological, and geodynamic conditions in the region of the Jan Mayen Island are analyzed. It is shown that a part of Berenberg active volcano, located in...  相似文献   

The pyroclastic deposits of Etna have been correlated over the whole volcanic edifice for the first time, allowing the construction of a continuous record of tephra-producing events, which extends from approximately 100 ka to the Present. In this interval, five main periods of explosive activity have been identified: (a) ~100-ka strombolian to subplinian activity; (b) 80- to 100-ka plinian benmoreitic activity; (c) 16- to 80-ka strombolian to subplinian from basaltic to mugearitic activity; (d) 15.5- to 15-ka plinian benmoreitic activity accompanying the caldera-forming eruptions of the Ellittico Volcano; and (e) the most recent 13-ka basaltic explosive activity of strombolian and subplinian type of the present edifice that also includes the 122-B.C. plinian eruption. This study results in a semi-quantitative and in some cases quantitative definition of the intensity and chronology of the explosive activity at Etna. Moreover, this work gives a new significance to the volcanic hazards of Etna, a volcano generally considered to be the site of gentle effusive eruptions.  相似文献   

Ostia, the ancient port of Rome at the mouth of the river Tiber (Italy), flourished until the 2nd Century ad , although massive siltation had already caused the abandonment of its lagoonal harbour in the 1st Century bc . In search of an alternative harbour site, geomorphological and geoarchaeological research was carried out in the ‘Fiume Morto’, an abandoned Tiber meander to the immediate north of the town. To reconstruct its complex development and evaluate the suitability of the river channel as a fluvial harbour, a transect perpendicular to the former river channel's flow axis was systematically explored by a new methodological approach combining electrical resistivity tomography, direct push-electrical conductivity sensing and vibracores. Together with microfossil, mineralogical and geochemical analyses of sediment samples and 50 radiocarbon dates, in-depth stratigraphic data support a detailed reconstruction of different Tiber channel generations. Results reveal a meander development closely related to distinct ‘cut and fill’ dynamics. Inactive river channels were repeatedly filled with lagoonal sediments, abruptly followed by phases of intense incision. Yet, the overall Fiume Morto channel structure remained stable and almost in situ over centuries, showing nearly no lateral changes since the southward shift of the Tiber River mouth in the first millennium bc . In the 1st Century bc , channel conditions favoured navigation and transportation of goods with large ships. Open-water conditions, suitable for anchoring and landing activities, dominate from the 1st Century ad until 1557 ad , when the Fiume Morto meander was finally cut off and silted up within a short time. Within the fluvial deposits, sediments most likely related to tsunami inundations are preserved. These events occurred sometime before the 2nd Century bc , in the early 1st Century ad and in the 17th Century ad or later. Results are consistent with traces of tsunami influence found in Ostia's western lagoonal harbour.  相似文献   

Due to the Sarichev volcano peak eruption June 12–15, 2009, the landscape of Matua Island was modified greatly. On the basis of field data, the spatial structure of the island landscape before and after eruption was analyzed. Scale maps 1: 200 000 reflecting the landscape structure of the island before June 12 and on June 30 are presented. It was established that the landscape on the slope of the volcano cone was essentially restructured by the influence of pyroclastic flows and volcanic ash fall-out. Complication of the island structure was noted after the volcanic eruption.  相似文献   

Vázquez  R.  Macías  J. L.  Alcalá-Reygosa  J.  Arce  J. L.  Jiménez-Haro  A.  Fernández  S.  Carlón  T.  Saucedo  R.  Sánchez-Núñez  J. M. 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(2):1305-1337
Natural Hazards - Both climate and land-use changes can influence drought in different ways. Thus, to predict future drought conditions, hydrological simulations, as an ideal means, can be used to...  相似文献   

The San Ramón Fault is an active west-vergent thrust fault system located along the eastern border of the city of Santiago, at the foot of the main Andes Cordillera. This is a kilometric crustal-scale structure recently recognized that represents a potential source for geological hazards. In this work, we provide new seismological evidences and strong ground-motion modeling from hypothetic kinematic rupture scenarios, to improve seismic hazard assessment in the Metropolitan area of Central Chile. Firstly, we focused on the study of crustal seismicity that we relate to brittle deformation associated with different seismogenic fringes in the main Andes in front of Santiago. We used a classical hypocentral location technique with an improved 1D crustal velocity model, to relocate crustal seismicity recorded between 2000 and 2011 by the National Seismological Service, University of Chile. This analysis includes waveform modeling of seismic events from local broadband stations deployed in the main Andean range, such as San José de Maipo, El Yeso, Las Melosas and Farellones. We selected events located near the stations, whose hypocenters were localized under the recording sites, with angles of incidence at the receiver <5° and S–P travel times <2 s. Our results evidence that seismic activity clustered around 10 km depth under San José de Maipo and Farellones stations. Because of their identical waveforms, such events are interpreted like repeating earthquakes or multiplets and therefore providing first evidence for seismic tectonic activity consistent with the crustal-scale structural model proposed for the San Ramón Fault system in the area (Armijo et al. in Tectonics 29(2):TC2007, 2010). We also analyzed the ground-motion variability generated by an M w 6.9 earthquake rupture scenario by using a kinematic fractal k ?2 composite source model. The main goal was to model broadband strong ground motion in the near-fault region and to analyze the variability of ground-motion parameters computed at various receivers. Several kinematic rupture scenarios were computed by changing physical source parameters. The study focused on statistical analysis of horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGAH) and ground velocity (PGVH). We compared the numerically predicted ground-motion parameters with empirical ground-motion predictive relationships from Kanno et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 96:879–897, 2006). In general, the synthetic PGAH and PGVH are in good agreement with the ones empirically predicted at various source distances. However, the mean PGAH at intermediate and large distances attenuates faster than the empirical mean curve. The largest mean values for both, PGAH and PGVH, were observed near the SW corner within the area of the fault plane projected to the surface, which coincides rather well with published hanging-wall effects suggesting that ground motions are amplified there.  相似文献   

There is a complex geography to Aboriginal-dingo-settler-dog relationships in Australia. This paper examines aspects of that geography in a world heritage area, heavily contested by multiple stakeholders for whom the dingo has come to represent resource and identity, as well as a powerful symbol of nature. The Butchulla people were recently recognised in Australian law as holding native title to world-heritage listed K’gari-Fraser Island, a decision that confers recognition and consultation rights; however, genuine ownership and control of the island is denied through a lack of joint management of the island. This paper reviews evidence from some Butchulla people who declare their ongoing dispossession through various discourses and actions that attempt to circumvent extinguishment of their title to territory. They implied that dingoes have equally endured dispossession and extinguishment of territory through common colonial discourses that subjugate the ‘other’, albeit Butchulla people and dingoes have different forms of resistance and agency. Butchulla people in our study parallel their treatment under colonial structures of governance with those of the dingo in that both have endured limited freedom of movement and expressions of sovereignty. We argue some Butchulla people liken notions of dingo agency and resistance with their own attempts to assert sovereignty and responses to displacement. Aligning with the dingo (and broader discourses and politics that surround the dingo) may afford Butchulla people a greater entitlement to be a major voice in dingo 'management' specifically, and management of the island more broadly, than their native title resolution confers.  相似文献   

Ala?at? tuff has been used extensively as a source of building stone for outdoor and indoor decorations since the historical times in and around the tourist town of Ala?at? (western Turkey). The use of the Alacati tuff in buildings has been made compulsory by the Ala?at? municipality, for preserving the historical appearance of the buildings, after 2005 in Ala?at?. It has been noticed that, evident deteriorations developed in tuff surfaces of the stone buildings and garden walls within 5?C6?years of their emplacement. Durability properties of the Ala?at? tuff are evaluated by determining the mineralogical, chemical, and physico-mechanical properties of the fresh tuff samples obtained from the only operative quarry in the area. Ageing tests such as Na2SO4 and MgSO4 salt crystallization, freezing?Cthawing, and wetting?Cdrying were conducted on the fresh tuff samples to assess their durability. Additionally, the durability of the tuff is also evaluated by determining its average pore diameter, saturation coefficient, wet-to-dry strength ratio, static rock and slake-durability indices. Fresh Ala?at? tuff has high porosity and low unit weight and strengths and are classified to be very poor to moderately durable stone based on the test results of different durability assessment methods. Mineralogical and geochemical analyses have also been carried out on the deteriorated tuff samples collected from the surfaces of the stone buildings to determine the effect of weathering on tuff and the test results have been compared with those of the fresh tuff samples. There is no major difference observed between the mineralogy and chemistry of the fresh and weathered tuff samples thus, it has been concluded that physical weathering has been dominant in the area in deterioration of tuff.  相似文献   

The thorough study of the Upper Triassic reference section located at the Tikhaya River in the central part of Kotel??nyi Island and characterized by uniform clayey lithology and containing diverse cephalopod, molluscan, and radiolarian assemblages made it possible to specify its structure and paleontological characteristic and establish for the first time the upper Anisian Sirenites yakutensis Zone. It is shown that different Late Triassic faunal groups are represented by mixed dominant Boreal and subordinate Tethyan elements. Such proportions are observable through the entire section beginning from the lower Carnian to upper Norian layers. The peculiar taxonomic composition of Late Triassic radiolarian and cephalopod assemblages provides grounds for attributing the region to an autonomous paleobiochore (New Siberian subprovince). The occurrence of both Siberian and Canadian elements in the Late Triassic faunas emphasizes the specific position of this paleobiochore determined by wide connections between basins at that time.  相似文献   

Bhardwaj  Pankaj  Singh  Omvir  Yadav  R. B. S. 《Natural Hazards》2020,101(1):275-295
Natural Hazards - Tropical cyclones (TCs) of the Bay of Bengal (BoB) cause catastrophic loss over the coasts at the time of landfall in India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. To strengthen...  相似文献   

On October 25, 2010, a Mw = 7.7 magnitude earthquake was recorded in the Kepulauan Mentawai archipelago, in Indonesia. Following the earthquake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami bulletin to the countries of the Indian Ocean informing them that a local tsunami watch was in effect for Indonesia. La Réunion Island, a French territory located 5,000 km southwest of the seismic source, did not trigger its tsunami early warning protocol, but did suffer the impact of this tsunami 7h20 post-earthquake. This paper presents the post-tsunami survey conducted in La Réunion Island a few days after the event, providing run-up measurements that reach 1.72 m locally as well as information about the material losses and the crisis management. It provides a time sequence of the observations along the coast and the reactions of the population and authorities in dealing with this crisis. This paper also shows the local authorities’ lack of action in managing this event—thus increasing human and material vulnerabilities—the consequences for victims and the impact on the credibility of the local early warning system. These results provide geophysicists with information to better describe the source of this tsunami through far-field inversion and provide local decision makers with a comprehensive assessment of the weaknesses of the local early warning system and protocols.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate the seismic hazard at the Esfarayen-Bojnurd railway using the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) method. This method was carried out based on a recent data set to take into account the historic seismicity and updated instrumental seismicity. A homogenous earthquake catalogue was compiled and a proposed seismic sources model was presented. Attenuation equations that recently recommended by experts and developed based upon earthquake data obtained from tectonic environments similar to those in and around the studied area were weighted and used for assessment of seismic hazard in the frame of logic tree approach. Considering a grid of 1.2 × 1.2 km covering the study area, ground acceleration for every node was calculated. Hazard maps at bedrock conditions were produced for peak ground acceleration, in addition to return periods of 74, 475 and 2475 years.  相似文献   

Summary Kahoolawe Island is a 1.4 to 1 Ma shield volcano composed of shield, caldera-fill, and postshield tholeiitic lavas, and postshield alkalic basalt and hawaiite lavas. One postshield vent erupted alkalic lavas (K2O 1.1–1.6 wt.%) with resorbed olivines of wide compositional range (cores, Fo86–71), resorbed Na-plagioclase (An57–30; largely andesine) and clinopyroxene (evolved; Mg#s 76–71), and groundmass orthopyroxene (Mg# 62). They also contain tholeiitic gabbro xenoliths, which, as a suite, have a continuum of mineral compositions — clinopyroxene Mg#s 83–74, orthopyroxene Mg#s 83–76, and plagioclase An69–35 (e.g., includes andesine gabbro). Lava compositions do not fall on expected Hawaiian fractionation trends due to MgO enrichment (e.g., CaO 7 wt.% @ MgO 6 wt.%). This assortment of mineral and rock components within alkalic lavas with apparent Mg enrichment is owed to a complex history that began with protracted mixing among primitive and differentiated tholeiitic magmas, probably near the end of shield building. These hybrid magmas crystallized a compositional variety of olivines that were resorbed during reservoir replenishments, and also crystallizedin situ to form orthopyroxene-bearing gabbro on reservoir walls. When magma production rates declined during the shield to postshield transition of tholeiitic to alkalic magmatism, the tholeiitic hybrids in reservoirs fractionated to yield highly evolved phases such as andesine and clinopyroxene with Mg# < 75. When postshield hawaiite magmas subsequently entered reservoirs, alkalic-tholeiitic hybridization occurred; the resulting `complex' mixture of hawaiite+tholeiitic hybrids resorbed andesine and clinopyroxene crystals and, upon eruption, entrained xenoliths of gabbro. Mass balancing suggests that the alkalic-tholeiitic hybridization involved 44% hawaiite mixed with a nearly equal amount of tholeiitic hybrid (MgO 9.5 wt.%) plus olivine and andesine. This type of complex hybridization is a logical process for magmatism associated with tholeiitic to alkalic transitions and waning magma production, and this Kahoolawe example is the first to document such mixing in Hawaiian reservoirs.
Die Modifikation alkalischer Magmen durch die Inkorporation tholeiitischer Komponenten: Komplexe Hybridisierung auf der Insel Kahoolawe, Hawaii
Zusammenfassung Die Insel Kahoolawe ist ein 1.4 bis 1 Ma alter Schildvulkan, der sich aus tholeiitischen Schild-, Kaldera- und Post-Schildlaven, sowie aus alkalibasaltischen und hawaiitischen Post-Schildlaven zusammensetzt. Ein Post-Schildschlot förderte alkalische Laven (K2O 1.1–1.6 Gew.%) mit resorbierten Olivinen, die eine breit gestreute Zusammensetzung zeigen (Kerne, Fo86–71), resorbiertem Na-Plagioklas (An57–30; großteils Andesin) und entwickeltem Klinopyroxen (Mg# 76–71), sowie Orthopyroxen in der Grundmasse (Mg# 62). Sie führen auch tholeiitische Gabbro-Xenolithe, die als Suite kontinuierliche Mineralzusammensetzungen zeigen — Klinopyroxen Mg# 83–74, Orthopyroxen Mg# 83–76 und Plagioklas An69–35 (z.B. inklusive Andesin-Gabbro). Die Lavenzusammensetzungen folgen wegen einer Mg-Anreicherung (z.B. CaO7 Gew.% @ MgO6 Gew.%) nicht dem für Hawaii erwarteten Fraktionierungstrend. Diese Ansammlung von Mineral- und Gesteinskomponenten in alkalischen Laven mit scheinbarer Mg-Anreicherung geht auf eine komplexe Entwicklungsgeschichte zurück, die mit einer länger andauern Mischung von primitiven und differentierten tholeiitischen Magmen, wahrscheinlich im Endstadium der Schildbildung, begann. Diese hybriden Magmen kristallisierten Olivin variabler Zusammensetzung, der im Zuge der Reservoir-Auffüllung resorbiert wurde und kristallisierte an den Reservoir-Wändenin situ als Orthopyroxen-führende Gabbros. Als die Magmenproduktionsraten im Übergang vom tholeiitischen Schild- zum alkalischen Post-Schild-Magmatismus geringer wurden, fraktionierten die tholeiitischen Hybride in den Reservoiren und führten zur Bildung von kochentwickelten Phasen, wie Andesin und Klinopyroxen mit Mg# < 75. Die Zufuhr von Post-Schildmagmen in die Reservoire verursachte eine alkalisch-tholeiitische Hybridisierung. Die resultierende Mischung von Hawaiit-Tholeiit-Hybriden resorbierte Andesin- und Klinopyroxen-Kristalle und verfrachtete die Gabbro-Xenolithe bei der Eruption. Massenbilanzen weisen darauf hin, daß die alkalisch-tholeiitische Hybridisierung 44% Hawait, gemischt mit etwa dem gleichen Anteil an tholeiitischem Hybrid (MgO29.5 Gew.%) plus Olivin und Andesin, beinhaltete. Diese Art komplexer Hybridisierung ist ein logischer Prozeß von Magmatismus mit tholeiitisch-alkalischem Übergangschemismus und ausklingender Magmenproduktion und dieses Beispiel von Kahoolawe ist das erste, das derartige Mischungsprozesse für Reservoire auf Hawaii dokumentiert.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

During joint Russian-Chinese investigations of contiguous territories in the Nadan’khada mountain range (China), explosive micaceous picrites earlier unknown here but widespread in adjacent regions of Primor’e, where small diamonds were found in them, were discovered. The described picrites are attributed to the Yurassic alkaline-ultrabasic volcano-plutonic formation consisting of alkaline basalts, meimechites, and concentric zoned sienite-peridotite intrusions. The discovered body (m-6m) is a diatreme, which was proved by ultrabasic inclusions and original (symplektitic) forms of chrome spinel disaggregations in them. As well as in Primor’e, the body is localized in Jurassic picrite-basalts in framing of large gabbro-peridotite in Zhaokheiskii massif. The rock is composed of large (up to 2 cm) megacrystals of kaersutite and titanphlogopite, sunk into a fine mass of microlites of the same minerals and ilmenite cemented by calcite. Grains of kaersutite have zoning with enrichment of the rims with Mg and Ti and depletion with K. Calcite is of two generations: (a) the initial magmatic in the main mass, enriched with Sr, and (b) the secondary, intersecting all the above-mentioned minerals and containing only insignificant additions of Mn. Phlogopite loses Ti (from 6 to 2% TiO2) at the contact with this calcite. However, K-kaersutite transfers into glaucophane (up to 7% Na2O) at the contact with magmatic calcite. Spinel can be found only in ultrabasic inclusions replaced by talc. In the core of the grains it is moderately chromous (39.45% Cr2O3), on the rims it is replaced by titanous-manganous-flinty (up to 2% SiO2) ferrochromite. Ilmenite is highly manganous and does not contain Mg and Cr. Enrichment by both siderophile and lithophile microelements is characteristic of the entire rock. The examined picrites are fluidized explosive apophysis of large alkaline-ultrabasic intrusions in fact and deserve more detailed investigation because of small diamond findings in them.  相似文献   

Remote sensing is proving very useful for identifying damage and planning support activities after an earthquake has stricken. Radar sensors increasingly show their value as a tool for damage detection, due to their shape-sensitiveness, their extreme versatility and operability, all weather conditions. The previous work of our research group, conducted on 1-m resolution spotlight images produced by COSMO-SkyMed, has led to the discovery of a link between some selected texture measures, computed on radar maps over single blocks of an urban area, and the damage found in these neighbourhoods. Texture-to-damage correlation was used to develop a SAR-based damage assessment method, but significant residual within-class variability makes estimations sometimes unreliable. Among the possible remedies, the injection of physical vulnerability data into the model was suggested. The idea here is to do so while keeping all the sources of data in the EO domain, by estimating physical vulnerability from the observation of high-resolution optical data on the area of interest. Although preliminary results seem to suggest that no significant improvement can be directly obtained on classification accuracy, there appears to be some link between estimated damage and estimated accuracy on which to build a more refined version of the damage estimator.  相似文献   

Mt. Amiata (Southern Tuscany, Central Italy) is an extinct Quaternary volcano located in an area still marked by high heat-flow that is caused by deep seated (6-10 km) hot masses related to Pliocene magmatic activity. The anomalous geothermal gradient giv…  相似文献   

Quaternary tectonics and paleoseismologicalinvestigations have defined a reliable framework ofactive faults in the southern Umbria and AbruzziApennines. Two sets of NW–SE to NNW–SSE trending, 16to 33 km-long, normal and normal-oblique faults orfault systems have caused the displacement of LatePleistocene–Holocene deposits and landforms within theinvestigated sector. Available data on verticaloffsets indicate that both Late Pleistocene–Holoceneand Quaternary (since the later part of the EarlyPleistocene; 0.9–1 Ma) slip rates range between 0.4and 1.2 mm/yr (range 0.6–0.8 mm/yr preferred).Paleoseismological investigations show that recurrenceintervals for surface faulting events are alwaysgreater than 1,000 years and are usually greater than2,000 years. Both paleoseismological data andlong-term seismicity show that activation of theinvestigated faults may result in earthquakes ofM = 6.5–7.0. The extension rate across the two sets ofprimary faults ranges between 0.7 and 1.6 mm/yr.Horizontal seismic strain has been calculated to be0.5–0.6 mm/yr, based on the summation of the seismicmoment of M > 5.3 earthquakes which have affected theinvestigated area since 1200 AD. This value may belower than that inferred through geological data,probably because the seismological record reliable forthe addition of the seismic moments covers a too shorttime window (about 800 years) to be consideredrepresentative of the tectonic activity in theinvestigated area. This conclusion iscorroborated by the large recurrence intervalper fault (>1,000–2,000 years) inferred frompaleoseismological analysis. A comparison of theactive-fault framework and historical-seismicitydistribution indicates that the entire eastern set ofactive faults has likely not been activated since 1000AD, thus indicating that the elapsed time since thelast activation for several faults of the investigatedarea may be greater than 1,000 years. In terms ofhazard, the highest probability of activation isrelated to the eastern set faults, due to theobservation that the elapsed time for some of thesefaults may be similar to the recurrence interval. Asan example, paleoseismological andarchaeoseismological data indicate that the elapsedtime for the Mt. Vettore and Mt. Morrone Faults may begreater than 1,650 and 1,850 years, respectively.These data may have significant implications for riskrelated to a number of towns in central Italy and tothe city of Rome. As for the latter, in fact,monumental heritage has suffered significant damagedue to earthquakes of M > 6.5 which originated in theinvestigated Apennine sector.  相似文献   

The study of lavas and pyroclastics from Anyui Volcano made it possible to reconstruct succession of its eruption events. The age of the eruption is estimated by isotopic methods to be 0.248 ± 0.030 Ma. It is established that the last episode of volcanic activity in northeastern Russia occurred 0.2?0.5 Ma ago (in its continental part, 0.2?0.3 Ma ago). This episode is chronologically close to the last peak in activation of volcanism in the Arctic and Subarctic regions. The absence of features indicating glacial influence on lavas from Anyui Volcano provides grounds for an assumption that no significant glaciations took place in the continental areas of western Chukotka during the last 250 ka.  相似文献   

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