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王静  储小青  苏楠  汪娟 《海洋科学》2015,39(3):66-70
海洋表面盐度(Sea Surface Salinity,SSS)是海洋的重要物理和化学参量,SSS的时空分布与全球大洋环流和水汽循环密切相关。本文基于美国国家航空航天局(NASA)发射的Aquarius卫星3 a的SSS遥感数据,给出了孟加拉湾及其附近海域海表盐度的空间分布特征,并重点分析了影响孟加拉湾海表盐度变化的可能因素。研究结果从一个侧面说明了利用Aquarius卫星遥感观测海洋大尺度盐度变化的可行性。  相似文献   

海面盐度是描述海洋的重要参量之一,基于星载微波辐射计的海面盐度探测也是海洋遥感研究的重要内容.在影响盐度遥感的误差中,大气是重要的影响因素.在辐射传输理论的基础上,仿真计算了大气透射率和上、下行辐射随地面大气温度、压强和辐射计入射角的变化关系,进而得到大气对接收辐射亮温的影响.仿真结果表明,大气对盐度遥感的影响很大,但当地面大气温度和压强精度分别达到2℃和1000 Pa时,可以消除大气的影响.  相似文献   

本文利用2011年8月至2014年3月Aquarius卫星盐度产品结合Argo等实测盐度资料,探讨了孟加拉湾海表盐度的季节及年际变化特征。结果显示,Aquarius与Argo盐度呈显著线性正相关,总体较Argo盐度值低,偏差为-0.13,其中在孟加拉湾北部海域负偏差值比南部海域更大,分别为-0.28和-0.10。Aquarius卫星与Argo浮标在表层盐度观测深度上的差别是造成此系统偏差的主因。Aquarius盐度资料清晰显示了孟加拉湾海表盐度具有明显的季节变化特征,包括阿拉伯海高盐水的入侵引起湾南部海域盐度的变化以及湾北部淡水羽分布范围的季节性迁移等主要特征。此外,分析还揭示了2011(2012)年春季整个湾内出现异常高盐(低盐)现象。研究表明,2010(2011)年湾北部夏季降雨减少(增加)导致该海域海水盐度偏高(偏低),并通过表层环流向南输运引起次年春季湾内表层盐度出现异常高盐(低盐)现象,春季风应力旋度正(负)距平通过影响盐度垂直混合过程对同期表层盐度异常高盐(低盐)变化也有影响。  相似文献   

夏季降雨过程对南海上层盐度的可能影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对1998年南海中部、北部航次的海水盐度观测资料以及GPCP-1DD(Global Precipitation Climatology Project,1 Degree Daily Precipitation Estimate)降雨资料,研究了夏季风期间降雨过程对南海上层盐度的可能影响。个例和合成分析表明,当有降雨过程发生时,降雨对南海上层盐度的影响深度为85—110m,上层盐度恢复所需要的时间为14—42d左右。此外还利用NCEP/NCAR(National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research)再分析资料的逐月风场资料以及基于法国AVISO(Archiving,Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic Data)提供的融合海平面高度异常资料计算的地转流场分析平流效应对其可能产生的影响。  相似文献   

微波辐射计遥感海水盐度的水池实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过水池实验研究了L波段微波辐射和盐度的关系,并进行了盐度的反演计算。实验中,先向水池内加入天然海水,然后通过向水池中添加自来水的方式调节降低池内水体的盐度,使盐度从31.67逐步降低到27.48。在此期间,利用微波辐射计观测池内水体的L波段H极化和V极化辐射值以及S波段V极化辐射值,利用CTD观测池内水体的温度和盐度。L波段微波辐射值和根据辐射理论计算出的亮温值具有很好的线性关系。利用最大和最小的2个盐度下的微波辐射值和由辐射理论计算的亮温得到定标公式,将观测的辐射值换算为亮温。最后利用半解析的反演算法反演盐度。本次实验的反演最大误差为2.1,均方差为0.3。  相似文献   

针对SMOS和Aquarius海表盐度误差分析没有区分不同空间频谱信噪特征的问题,基于6种主要的遥感盐度分析产品,根据定性图像、纬向波数谱、均方根误差等指标,分析产品的有效分辨率并探讨其原因机制。研究表明:CATDS-0.25°分析产品所描述的盐度场中小尺度结构失真,其较高谱能量密度在热带海域以噪音为主,而在西边界流等海域以信号为主;BEC-L3-0.25°有着较小的均方根误差、清晰的盐度图像、显著的中尺度能量,最适于描绘中尺度(25~100 km)盐度特征;BEC-L4-0.25°被奇异谱分析方法过度平滑了盐度场;Aquarius-V2-1.00°通过局部平滑处理,在描述大尺度(>100 km)盐度现象方面表现较好;Aquarius-CAP-1.00°通过主动-被动联合算法(CAP)减小了均方根误差,但图像中卫星轨道形态明显;CATDS-1.00°的图像形态、能量分布和误差特征与Aquarius-V2-1.00°相当。这些结论可为用户正确使用产品进行地球物理学研究提供参考。  相似文献   

自欧洲土壤湿度和盐度卫星SMOS和美国宝瓶座盐度卫星Aquarius相继发射之后,多个数据中心发布了两颗卫星的海表盐度网格化产品,其中包括法国海洋研究院SMOS卫星数据小组发布SMOS Locean L3盐度产品、西班牙巴塞罗那专家中心发布SMOS BEC L4盐度产品和美国宇航局喷气动力实验室发布AquariusV3.0 CAP L3盐度产品。本文利用精确盐度现场观测资料从产品精度和模拟海洋现象能力两个方面对以上3种产品质量进行了评估。研究表明:(1) 在精度方面,与盐度现场资料相比,Aquarius CAP 产品质量最高,产品盐度偏差和均方根误差全年稳定且偏差较小,部分海域达到了设计精度;SMOS两种卫星产品在全球海域偏差较不稳定,个别月份出现异常偏差值;SMOS产品在低纬和开阔海域的数据质量相对较高,但在高纬海域仍存在较大误差,需要进一步提升;(2) 在刻画海洋现象方面,Aquarius产品在热带太平洋较好刻画了淡池东缘盐度锋,SMOS BEC产品的刻画能力次之,SMOS Locean产品在热带太平洋充满了小尺度噪音,描述物理现象方面表现偏差。  相似文献   

王进  张杰  王晶 《海洋学报》2015,37(3):46-53
Aquarius是专门用于海洋盐度监测的L波段辐射计,于2011年6月发射入轨,目前已进入业务化运行阶段。本文以太平洋为研究区域,利用Argo盐度现场数据对星载微波辐射计Aquarius的2012年2级数据产品质量进行了分析与讨论,结果表明:与Argo数据比较,Aquarius数据盐度存在0.1的负偏差,标准差约为0.7,升轨和降轨数据差异不明显;受亮温陆地污染和无线电射频干扰的影响,近岸海域反演误差较大;海面温度较高的低纬海域反演结果优于中纬度海域;受亮温敏感性及粗糙海面发射率模型的影响,Aquarius在低温水域以及高风速条件下盐度反演误差较大,标准差可达1以上。  相似文献   

针对传统海表盐度遥感反演精度不高、影响因素较少等问题,本文基于SMAP(Soil Moisture Active Passive)卫星L2C(Level 2 C)数据、Argo(Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography)数据和其他辅助数据,以太平洋部分海域(160°E~120°W,0°~30°N)为研究区域,综合考虑海面粗糙度以及白冠覆盖率等参量,利用径向基神经网络建立RBF亮温增量模型,并对平静海面亮温进行修正,然后基于Meissner-Wentz介电常数模型得到反演后的盐度值。验证结果表明:模型预测盐度和SMAP卫星盐度相对于Argo实测盐度的均方根误差分别为0.4和0.5,平均绝对误差分别为0.3和0.4。实验证明,利用RBF神经网络建立的亮温增量模型可以提高海表盐度反演的精度,对海表盐度反演具有实用意义。  相似文献   

The in situ sea surface salinity(SSS) measurements from a scientific cruise to the western zone of the southeast Indian Ocean covering 30°–60°S, 80°–120°E are used to assess the SSS retrieved from Aquarius(Aquarius SSS).Wind speed and sea surface temperature(SST) affect the SSS estimates based on passive microwave radiation within the mid- to low-latitude southeast Indian Ocean. The relationships among the in situ, Aquarius SSS and wind-SST corrections are used to adjust the Aquarius SSS. The adjusted Aquarius SSS are compared with the SSS data from My Ocean model. Results show that:(1) Before adjustment: compared with My Ocean SSS, the Aquarius SSS in most of the sea areas is higher; but lower in the low-temperature sea areas located at the south of 55°S and west of 98°E. The Aquarius SSS is generally higher by 0.42 on average for the southeast Indian Ocean.(2) After adjustment: the adjustment greatly counteracts the impact of high wind speeds and improves the overall accuracy of the retrieved salinity(the mean absolute error of the Zonal mean is improved by 0.06, and the mean error is-0.05 compared with My Ocean SSS). Near the latitude 42°S, the adjusted SSS is well consistent with the My Ocean and the difference is approximately 0.004.  相似文献   

Roughness-induced emission from ocean surfaces is one of the main issues that affects the retrieval accuracy of sea surface salinity remote sensing. In previous studies, the correction of roughness effect mainly depended on wind speeds retrieved from scatterometers or those provided by other means, which necessitates a high requirement for accuracy and synchronicity of wind-speed measurements. The aim of this study is to develop a novel roughness correction model of ocean emissivity for the salinity retrieval application. The combined active/passive observations of normalized radar cross-sections (NRCSs) and emissivities from ocean surfaces given by the L-band Aquarius/SAC-D mission, and the auxiliary wind directions collocated from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) dataset are used for model development. The model is validated against the observations and the Aquarius standard algorithms of roughness-induced emissivity correction. Comparisons between model computations and measurements indicate that the model has better accuracy in computing wind-induced brightness temperature in the upwind/downwind directions or for the surfaces with smaller NRCSs, which can be better than 0.3 K. However, for crosswind directions and larger NRCSs, the model accuracy is relatively low. A model using HH-polarized NRCSs yields better accuracy than that using VV-polarized ones. For a fair comparison to the Aquarius standard algorithms using wind speeds retrieved from multi-source data, the maximum likelihood estimation is employed to produce results combining our model calculations and those using other sources. Numerical simulations show that combined results basically have higher accuracy than the standard algorithms.  相似文献   

In this study, sea surface salinity(SSS) Level 3(L3) daily product derived from soil moisture active passive(SMAP)during the year 2016, was validated and compared with SSS daily products derived from soil Moisture and ocean salinity(SMOS) and in-situ measurements. Generally, the root mean square error(RMSE) of the daily SSS products is larger along the coastal areas and at high latitudes and is smaller in the tropical regions and open oceans. Comparisons between the two types of daily satellite SSS product revealed that the RMSE was higher in the daily SMOS product than in the SMAP, whereas the bias of the daily SMOS was observed to be less than that of the SMAP when compared with Argo floats data. In addition, the latitude-dependent bias and RMSE of the SMAP SSS were found to be primarily influenced by the precipitation and the sea surface temperature(SST). Then, a regression analysis method which has adopted the precipitation and SST data was used to correct the larger bias of the daily SMAP product. It was confirmed that the corrected daily SMAP product could be used for assimilation in high-resolution forecast models, due to the fact that it was demonstrated to be unbiased and much closer to the in-situ measurements than the original uncorrected SMAP product.  相似文献   

Several remotely sensed sea surface salinity(SSS) retrievals with various resolutions from the soil moisture and ocean salinity(SMOS) and Aquarius/SAC-D missions are applied as inputs for retrieving salinity profiles(S) using multilinear regressions. The performance is evaluated using a total root mean square(RMS) error, different error sources, and the feature resolutions of the retrieved S fields. In the mixed layer of the salinity, the SSS-S regression coefficients are uniformly large. The SSS inputs yield smaller RMS errors in the retrieved S with respect to Argo profiles as their spatial or temporal resolution decreases. The projected SSS errors are dominant, and the retrieved S values are more accurate than those of climatology in the tropics except for the tropical Atlantic, where the regression errors are abnormally large. Below that level, because of the influence of a sea level anomaly, the areas of high-accuracy S values shift to higher latitudes except in the high-latitude southern oceans, where the projected SSS errors are abnormally large. A spectral analysis suggests that the CATDS-0.25° results are much noisier and that the BEC-L4-0.25° results are much smoother than those of the other retrievals. Aquarius-CAP-1° generates the smallest RMS errors, and Aquarius-V2-1° performs well in depicting large-scale phenomena. BEC-L3-0.25°,which has small RMS errors and remarkable mesoscale energy, is the best fit for portraying mesoscale features in the SSS and retrieved S fields. The current priority for retrieving S is to improve the reliability of satellite SSS especially at middle and high latitudes, by developing advanced algorithms, combining both sensors, or weighing between accuracy and resolutions.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method to retrieve salinity profiles from the sea surface salinity(SSS) observed by the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity(SMOS) satellite. The main vertical patterns of the salinity profiles are firstly extracted from the salinity profiles measured by Argo using the empirical orthogonal function. To determine the time coefficients for each vertical pattern, two statistical models are developed. In the linear model, a transfer function is proposed to relate the SSS observed by SMOS(SMOS_SSS) with that measured by Argo, and then a linear relationship between the SMOS_SSS and the time coefficient is established. In the nonlinear model, the neural network is utilized to estimate the time coefficients from SMOS_SSS, months and positions of the salinity profiles. The two models are validated by comparing the salinity profiles retrieved from SMOS with those measured by Argo and the climatological salinities. The root-mean-square error(RMSE) of the linear and nonlinear model are 0.08–0.16 and 0.08–0.14 for the upper 400 m, which are 0.01–0.07 and 0.01–0.09 smaller than the RMSE of climatology. The error sources of the method are also discussed.  相似文献   

盐度是描述海洋的关键变量,对海表面盐度进行观测可以推进对全球水循环的理解。本文的主要目的是在中国近海海域对SMOS卫星盐度数据进行准确度评估。主要方法是将SMOS卫星L2海洋盐度数据产品(V317)与实测ARGO数据和走航数据进行匹配,并采用统计学的方法对SMOS卫星数据准确度进行评估。结果表明:匹配数据的线性关系不显著,SMOS卫星盐度数据(V317)在南海和东海的均方根误差分别约为1.2和0.7,应用海表面粗糙度修正模型得到的3组海表盐度数据准确度都相对较低,尤其在近岸强风场区域,海表盐度卫星数据相对于实测数据偏高,这可能是由于海表粗糙度和陆地射频干扰(RFI)作用影响的结果;SMOS卫星数据在东海的均方根误差比南海高0.5左右,这可能是由于东海海域为相对开阔海域,受陆地RFI影响相对南海较小;在中国近岸海域,应用SSS1和SSS3模型得到的盐度数据准确度相对较高,可以对模型进行地球物理参数修正,进行局地化改进,预计可以提高近岸海域盐度反演的准确度。  相似文献   

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